OGE Yandex physics training. The Russian-British school Algorithm is an opportunity to undergo training and successfully prepare for admission to the best foreign and Russian universities

GIA in physics for grade 9 with solutions and answers.

GIA assignments in physics, grade 9.

1. Using a graph of the speed of a body's movement versus time, determine the speed of the body at the end of the 5th second, assuming that the nature of the body's movement does not change.

1) 9 m/s 2) 10 m/s 3) 12 m/s 4) 14 m/s

2. A weightless, inextensible thread is thrown across a fixed block, to the ends of which weights are suspended equal mass m. What is the tension in the thread?

1) 0.25 mg 2) 0.5 mg 3) mg 4) 2 mg

3. A body thrown vertically upward from the surface of the earth reaches highest point and falls to the ground. If air resistance is not taken into account, then the total mechanical energy of the body

1) maximum at the moment of reaching the highest point
2) maximum at the moment of movement start
3) is the same at any moment of body movement
4) maximum at the moment of falling to the ground

4. The figure shows a graph of the dependence of air pressure on the coordinate at some point in time during propagation sound wave. The sound wavelength is

1) 0.4 m 2) 0.8 m 3) 1.2 m 4) 1.6 m

5. Bar in shape rectangular parallelepiped placed on the table first with a narrow edge (1), and then with a wide one (2). Compare the pressure forces (F1 and F2) and pressure (p1 and p2) produced by the block on the table in these cases.

1) F 1 = F 2; p 1 > p 2 2) F 1 = F 2 ; p 1< p 2
3) F 1< F 2 ; p 1 < p 2 4) F 1 = F 2 ; p 1 = p 2

6. The upper limit of the frequency of vibrations perceived by the human ear decreases with age. For children it is 22 kHz, and for older people - 10 kHz. The speed of sound in air is 340 m/s. Sound with a wavelength of 17 mm

1) only the child will hear 2) only the child will hear old man
3) both the child and the elderly person will hear 4) neither the child nor the elderly person will hear

7. What state of aggregation is a substance in if it has its own shape and volume?

1) only in solid 2) only in liquid
3) only in gaseous 4) in solid or liquid

8. The diagram for two substances shows the amount of heat required to heat 1 kg of the substance by 10 ° C and to melt 100 g of the substance heated to the melting point. Compare specific heat melting (?1 and?2) of two substances.

1) ? 2 = ? 1
2) ? 2 = 1,5 ? 1
3) ? 2 = 2 ? 1
4) ? 2 =3 ? 1

9. The figure shows identical electroscopes connected by a rod. What material can this rod be made of? A. Copper. B. Steel.

1) only A 2) only B
3) both A and B 4) neither A nor B

10. What is the total resistance of the circuit section shown in the figure if R 1 = 1 Ohm, R 2 = 10 Ohm, R 3 = 10 Ohm, R 4 = 5 Ohm?

1) 9 Ohm
2) 11 Ohm
3) 16 Ohm
4) 26 Ohm

11. Two identical coils are connected to galvanometers. A strip magnet is inserted into coil A, and the same strip magnet is removed from coil B. In which coils will the galvanometer detect the induced current?

1) in neither coil 2) in both coils
3) only in coil A 4) only in coil B

12. The figure shows the scale of electromagnetic waves. Determine what type of radiation they belong to electromagnetic waves with a wavelength of 0.1 mm?

1) only radio emission
2) only x-ray radiation
3) ultraviolet and x-ray radiation
4) radio emission and infrared radiation

13. After passing optical device, closed in the figure by a screen, the path of rays 1 and 2 changed to 1" and 2". Behind the screen is

1) flat mirror
2) plane-parallel glass plate
3) diverging lens
4) collecting lens

14. As a result of lithium isotope bombardment 3 7 Li beryllium isotope is formed by deuterium nuclei: 3 7 Li + 1 2 H > 4 8 Be +? What particle is emitted in this case?

1) ?-particle 2 4 He 2) electron -1 e
3) proton 1 1 p 4) neutron 1n

15. It is necessary to establish experimentally whether the buoyant force depends on the volume of a body immersed in a liquid. What set of metal cylinders made of aluminum and/or copper can be used for this purpose?

1) A or B 2) A or B
3) only A 4) only B

Under certain conditions, water vapor in the air partially condenses, resulting in water droplets of fog. Water droplets have a diameter from 0.5 microns to 100 microns.

Take a vessel, fill it halfway with water and close the lid. The fastest water molecules, overcoming the attraction from other molecules, jump out of the water and form steam above the surface of the water. This process is called water evaporation. On the other hand, water vapor molecules, colliding with each other and with other air molecules, can randomly end up at the surface of the water and turn back into liquid. This is steam condensation. Ultimately, at a given temperature, the processes of evaporation and condensation are mutually compensated, that is, a state of thermodynamic equilibrium is established. The water vapor located in this case above the surface of the liquid is called saturated.

If the temperature is increased, the rate of evaporation increases and equilibrium is established at a higher density of water vapor. Thus, the density of saturated steam increases with increasing temperature (see figure).

Dependence of saturated water vapor density on temperature.

For fog to occur, the steam must become not just saturated, but supersaturated. Water vapor becomes saturated (and supersaturated) with sufficient cooling (AB process) or during additional evaporation of water (AC process). Accordingly, the falling fog is called cooling fog and evaporation fog.

The second condition necessary for the formation of fog is the presence of condensation nuclei (centers). The role of nuclei can be played by ions, tiny droplets of water, dust particles, soot particles and other small contaminants. The more air pollution, the denser the fog.

16. The graph in the figure shows that at a temperature of 20 °C the density of saturated water vapor is 17.3 g/m 3 . This means that at 20 °C

1) at 1 m 3 air contains 17.3 g of water vapor
2) at 17.3 m 3 air contains 1 g of water vapor
3) relative air humidity is 17.3%
4) air density is 17.3 g/m 3

17. For which processes indicated in the figure can evaporation fog be observed?

1) AB only 2) AC only 3) AB and AC 4) neither AB nor AC

18. Which statements about fogs are true? A. Urban fogs, compared to fogs in mountainous areas, are characterized by a higher density. B. Fogs are observed when the air temperature rises sharply.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both statements are true 4) both statements are false

19. Match between technical devices(devices) and physical laws underlying the principle of their operation.

20. Establish a correspondence between physical quantities and the formulas by which these quantities are determined.

21. The figure shows a graph of the dependence of temperature on the amount of heat received during the heating of a metal cylinder weighing 100 g. Determine specific heat capacity metal

22. A cart weighing 20 kg, moving at a speed of 0.5 m/s, is coupled with another cart weighing 30 kg, moving towards it at a speed of 0.2 m/s. What is the speed of the carts after coupling, when the carts move together?

23. To complete this task use laboratory equipment: current source (4.5 V), voltmeter, ammeter, key, rheostat, connecting wires, resistor designated R1. Set up an experimental setup to determine the electrical resistance of a resistor. Using a rheostat, set the current in the circuit to 0.5 A.
In the answer form:

1) draw an electrical diagram of the experiment;
2) write down the formula for calculating electrical resistance;
3) indicate the results of measuring voltage at a current of 0.5 A;
4) write down numerical value electrical resistance.

24. Two spirals of an electric stove, each with a resistance of 10 Ohms, are connected in series and connected to a network with a voltage of 220 V. How long will it take for water weighing 1 kg to boil on this stove if its initial temperature was 20 °C and the efficiency of the process was 80%? (Useful energy is the energy required to heat water.)

25. A body weighing 5 kg is lifted vertically upward with uniform acceleration using a rope. What is the force acting on the body from the rope if it is known that in 3 s the load was raised to a height of 12 m?

26. What kind of spot (dark or light) does a puddle on an unlit road appear to a driver at night in the headlights of his car? Explain your answer.

This manual is intended for practicing practical skills of students in preparation for the 9th grade physics exam in the form of the OGE. It contains options for diagnostic work in physics, the content of which corresponds to the testing and measuring materials developed by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements for conducting state final certification. The book also includes answers to tasks and criteria for checking and assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer.
The materials in the book are recommended for teachers and methodologists to identify the level and quality of students’ preparation in the subject, and determine the degree of their readiness for the state final certification.

The collection contains 30 training versions of exam papers in physics and is intended to prepare for the main state exam. The 31st option is the control one.
Each option includes test tasks different types and level of difficulty corresponding to parts 1 and 2 of the examination paper. At the end of the book, self-test answers to all tasks are given.
The proposed training options will help the teacher organize preparation for the final certification, and students will independently test their knowledge and readiness to take the final exam.

Download and read OGE 2019, Physics, 30 training options, Purysheva N.S., 2018

This manual is intended to prepare for the state final certification of 9th grade students - the main state exam (OGE) in physics. Edition includes typical tasks along all content lines of the examination work and approximate options OGE 2019.
The manual will help students test their knowledge and skills in the subject, and teachers will help assess the degree to which individual students have achieved the requirements of educational standards and provide targeted preparation for the exam.

Download and read OGE, Physics, Preparing for the final certification, Purysheva N.S., 2019

Series “OGE. Educational examination bank" was prepared by the developers of control measuring materials (CMM) for the main state exam.
The collection contains:
thematic works on all sections of the OGE codifier in physics;
answers to all tasks;
solutions and criteria for assessing assignments.
Thematic works provide the opportunity to repeat the school course and systematically prepare students for the state final certification in the 9th grade in the form of the OGE.
Teachers can use thematic works to organize monitoring of the results of schoolchildren mastering educational programs of the basic general education and intensive preparation of students for the OGE.

Download and read OGE, Physics, Educational examination bank, Thematic works, Kamzeeva E.E., 2018

The author of the tasks is a leading specialist directly involved in the development teaching materials to prepare for the implementation of control measuring materials of the OGE.
The manual includes 14 training options, which in structure, content and level of complexity are similar to the control measuring materials of the OGE in physics.
The reference data that is necessary to solve all the options is given at the beginning of the collection.
After completing the options, the student can check the correctness of his answers using the answer table at the end of the book. The manual provides an analysis of solutions to one of the options. For tasks in Part 2 that require a detailed answer, detailed solutions are provided.

Download and read OGE 2019, Physics, 14 options, grade 9, Kamzeeva E.E., 2018

OGE 2019, Physics, Simulator, 9th grade, Nikiforov G.G., 2019

OGE 2019, Physics, Simulator, 9th grade, Nikiforov G.G., 2019.

The simulator in the form of a workbook is designed to prepare for performing experimental tasks included in the OGE in physics. Tasks are grouped thematically. Within thematic sections (mechanical, electrical and optical phenomena) the works are arranged in accordance with the activity principle of constructing experimental tasks of the OGE: direct measurements, indirect measurements, checking rules, studying dependencies.
The manual includes real typical experimental tasks of the OGE, descriptions of them are given correct execution and filling out OGE forms.
The student gets the opportunity to work effectively educational material on large quantities assignments and independently prepare for the exam.
Teachers will find the book useful for organizing various forms preparation for the OGE.
Order No. 699 of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation teaching aids publishing house "Exam" are approved for use in educational institutions.

State final certification 2019 in physics for 9th grade graduates educational institutions is carried out to assess the level of general education training of graduates in this discipline. The tasks test knowledge of the following sections of physics:

  1. Physical concepts. Physical quantities, their units and measuring instruments.
  2. Mechanical movement. Uniform and uniformly accelerated movement. Free fall. Circular movement. Mechanical vibrations and waves.
  3. Newton's laws. Forces in nature.
  4. Law of conservation of momentum. Law of conservation of energy. Mechanical work and power. Simple mechanisms.
  5. Pressure. Pascal's law. Archimedes' law. Density of matter.
  6. Physical phenomena and laws in mechanics. Process analysis.
  7. Mechanical phenomena.
  8. Thermal phenomena.
  9. Physical phenomena and laws. Process analysis.
  10. Electrification of bodies.
  11. D.C.
  12. Magnetic field. Electromagnetic induction.
  13. Electromagnetic vibrations and waves. Optics elements.
  14. Physical phenomena and laws in electrodynamics. Process analysis.
  15. Electromagnetic phenomena.
  16. Radioactivity. Rutherford's experiments. Compound atomic nucleus. Nuclear reactions.
  17. Possession of basic knowledge about methods of scientific knowledge.
Dates for passing the OGE in physics 2019:
June 11 (Tuesday), June 14 (Friday).
There are no changes in the structure and content of the 2019 examination paper compared to 2018.
In this section you will find online tests that will help you prepare to take the OGE (GIA) in physics. We wish you success!

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2019 format in physics consists of two parts. The first part contains 21 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 4 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, in this test Only the first part is presented (i.e. 21 tasks). According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, answer options are offered only in 16. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. But for tasks in which answer options are not provided by the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs), the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face in the end academic year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2019 format in physics consists of two parts. The first part contains 21 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 4 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e. 21 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, answer options are offered only in 16. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. But for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2018 format in physics consists of two parts. The first part contains 21 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 4 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e. 21 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, answer options are offered only in 16. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. But for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2018 format in physics consists of two parts. The first part contains 21 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 4 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e. 21 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, answer options are offered only in 16. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. But for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2017 format in physics consists of two parts. The first part contains 21 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 4 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e. 21 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, answer options are offered only in 16. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. But for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

The standard OGE test (GIA-9) of the 2017 format in physics consists of two parts. The first part contains 21 tasks with a short answer, the second part contains 4 tasks with a detailed answer. In this regard, only the first part (i.e. 21 tasks) is presented in this test. According to the current exam structure, among these tasks, answer options are offered only in 16. However, for the convenience of passing tests, the site administration decided to offer answer options in all tasks. But for tasks in which the compilers of real test and measurement materials (CMMs) do not provide answer options, the number of answer options has been significantly increased in order to bring our test as close as possible to what you will have to face at the end of the school year.

one correct answer

Below is reference information that you may need when performing work:
There are 18 questions in the test, you only need to choose one correct answer

The development collects and generalizes experience in solving problems proposed at the OGE in physics in grade 9, within the framework of the “kinematics” section. rectilinear movement". The author tried to develop a small course in which, using the example of analyzing basic simple tasks understanding is formed general principle solutions to tasks on this topic. Development contains 19 unique tasks from detailed analysis each, and several methods of solving some problems are indicated, which, in the author’s opinion, should contribute to a deep and complete assimilation of methods for solving such tasks. Almost all tasks are authored, but each of them reflects the features of the tasks of the OGE form. The vast majority of tasks are focused on graphical representation, which contributes to the formation of meta-subject skills. In addition, the development contains the minimum necessary theoretical material, which represents a “concentration” general theory under this section. It can be used by a teacher in preparation for a regular lesson, during additional classes, and is also designed for a student who is independently preparing to take the OGE in physics.

Methodical manual(presentation) “Electromagnetic oscillations and waves. Preparation for the State Examination" was compiled in accordance with the requirements for the State Final Certification (SFA) in Physics 2013 and is intended to prepare secondary school graduates for the exam.
In development brief information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) ​​and the Plan demo version examination paper (Electromagnetic oscillations and waves), accompanied by animation and video clips.

Target Audience: for 9th grade

Methodological manual (presentation) “Air humidity. Preparation for the State Examination" was compiled in accordance with the requirements for the State Final Certification (SFA) in Physics 2010 and is intended to prepare secondary school graduates for the exam.
The development provides brief information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) ​​and a Plan for the demonstration version of the examination paper (Air Humidity), accompanied by animation and video clips.

Methodological manual (presentation) “Evaporation and condensation. Boiling liquid. Preparation for the State Examination" was compiled in accordance with the requirements for the State Final Certification (SFA) in Physics 2010 and is intended to prepare secondary school graduates for the exam.
The development provides brief information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) ​​and a Plan for the demonstration version of the examination paper (Evaporation and condensation. Liquid boiling), accompanied by animation and video clips.
The brevity and clarity of the presentation allows you to quickly and efficiently repeat the material covered when repeating a physics course in the 9th grade, as well as using examples of demo versions of the State Academic Examination in Physics from 2008-2010 to show the application of basic laws and formulas in versions of exam tasks at levels A and B.
The manual can also be used for grades 10-11 when repeating relevant topics, which will help guide students for an elective exam in their final years.

The development provides brief information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) ​​and a Plan for the demonstration version of the examination paper (Mechanical vibrations and waves. Sound), accompanied by animation and video clips.
The brevity and clarity of the presentation allows you to quickly and efficiently repeat the material covered when repeating a physics course in the 9th grade, as well as using examples of demo versions of the State Academic Examination in Physics from 2008-2010 to show the application of basic laws and formulas in versions of exam tasks at levels A and B.

The methodological manual has been compiled to help teachers and students taking the State Examination in Physics based on FIPI materials to prepare for the exam in new form; contains examples of the design of experimental tasks from part 3. The manual can also be used in physics lessons in grades 7–9 at laboratory work ah, because descriptions of some laboratory work are not given in the textbook.

Methodological manual (presentation) “Archimedes' Law. Preparation for the State Examination" was compiled in accordance with the requirements for the State Final Certification (SFA) in Physics 2010 and is intended to prepare secondary school graduates for the exam.
The development provides brief information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) ​​and a Plan for the demonstration version of the examination paper (Archimedes' Law), accompanied by animation and video clips.
The brevity and clarity of the presentation allows you to quickly and efficiently repeat the material covered when repeating a physics course in the 9th grade, as well as using examples of demo versions of the State Academic Examination in Physics from 2008-2010 to show the application of basic laws and formulas in versions of exam tasks at levels A and B.

The manual can also be used for grades 10-11 when repeating relevant topics, which will help guide students for an elective exam in their final years.

Methodological manual (presentation) “Pascal’s Law. Preparation for the State Examination" was compiled in accordance with the requirements for the State Final Certification (SFA) in Physics 2010 and is intended to prepare secondary school graduates for the exam.
The development provides brief information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) ​​and a Plan for the demonstration version of the examination paper (Pascal's Law), accompanied by animation and video clips.

The brevity and clarity of the presentation allows you to quickly and efficiently repeat the material covered when repeating a physics course in the 9th grade, as well as using examples of demo versions of the State Academic Examination in Physics from 2008-2010 to show the application of basic laws and formulas in versions of exam tasks at levels A and B.

Methodological manual (presentation) “Pressure. Atmospheric pressure. Preparation for the State Examination" was compiled in accordance with the requirements for the State Final Certification (SFA) in Physics 2010 and is intended to prepare secondary school graduates for the exam.
The development provides brief information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) ​​and a Plan for the demonstration version of the examination paper (Pressure. Atmospheric pressure), accompanied by animation and video clips.
The brevity and clarity of the presentation allows you to quickly and efficiently repeat the material covered when repeating a physics course in the 9th grade, as well as using examples of demo versions of the State Academic Examination in Physics from 2008-2010 to show the application of basic laws and formulas in versions of exam tasks at levels A and B.
The manual can also be used for grades 10-11 when repeating relevant topics, which will help guide students for an elective exam in their final years.

Methodological manual (presentation) “Simple mechanisms. Efficiency simple mechanisms. Preparation for the State Examination" was compiled in accordance with the requirements for the State Final Certification (SFA) in Physics 2010 and is intended to prepare secondary school graduates for the exam.
The development contains brief information on the topic (in accordance with the GIA codifier) ​​and a Plan for the demonstration version of the examination paper (Simple mechanisms. Efficiency of simple mechanisms), accompanied by animation and video clips.

The brevity and clarity of the presentation allows you to quickly and efficiently repeat the material covered when repeating a physics course in the 9th grade, as well as using examples of demo versions of the State Academic Examination in Physics from 2008-2010 to show the application of basic laws and formulas in versions of exam tasks at levels A and B.
The manual can also be used for grades 10-11 when repeating relevant topics, which will help guide students for an elective exam in their final years.


University of London, UK
Moscow Technological University

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Teaching experience: 17 years

“If a student gives the wrong answer, I don’t tell him about it right away. Instead, I ask why he thinks this way and how he came to this conclusion. Only by communicating and interacting with the material can a student learn. You cannot operate with only one correct answer. I am close to Socrates’ ideas about teaching.”

  • Ilya


    Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova
    University of Bern, Switzerland

    PhD in Chemistry and Molecular Science

    Teaching experience: 9 years

    “A good education has little to do with learning the tricks to passing tests.A good education develops personality and gives a deep understanding of the world around us.”

  • Sergey


    MPGU, Faculty of Physics
    Harvard University, USA

    Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

    Teaching experience: 14 years old

    “Physics is easy. Math is easy."

  • Catherine


    Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova

    Candidate of Biological Sciences

    Teaching experience: 10 years

    “I think that teaching is not just about imparting knowledge of a subject. The teacher’s task is to make the subject interesting, to show it internal structure and logic, teach the student to think within this structure, to establish connections between individual topics, as well as with other areas of science. Biology is very fascinating and closely related to other sciences. We use math to make calculations, draw on concepts from physics, draw on chemistry, and even discuss ethical and economic issues. Biology concerns us all - we are part of living nature, we constantly interact with it and often use it for our own purposes. I want to show students that knowledge about our body and the world that surrounds us is very important for everyone, and the relevance of biological and medical research will only grow."

  • Vasily


    Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosova
    Russian Economic School

    Teaching experience: 9 years

    "IN modern world mathematics occupies one of the most important places both in science and everyday life. My goal is to explain to students that mathematics is very interesting and not at all difficult.”

  • Anastasia


    The University of Leeds, UK
    Cambridge CELTA Certificate

    Teaching experience: 5 years

    “I like working with people. It's important to me to see that my work makes a difference in people's lives. I would describe myself as an energetic, enthusiastic and innovative teacher. My attitude towards work is to always strive to develop and learn.”

  • Elena


    RSUH, Institute of Philology and History
    Bucknell University, USA
    Cambridge CELTA Certificate

    Teaching experience: 7 years

    “What I love most about my job is seeing the progress of my students. That is why I came to this profession at one time. The most important quality good teacher, in my opinion, this is a genuine interest in one’s own subject, which is certainly passed on to students. However, more practical teaching skills are also important, such as planning lessons, selecting materials and developing interesting, interactive activities. This is the only way to make the learning process both effective and fun. I try by any means to increase students’ interest in the humanities and instill in them such skills as are necessary today, such as critical thinking, text analysis, and the ability to express one’s thoughts in writing in a clear and structured manner.”

  • Natalia


    Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

    Teaching experience: 7 years

    “A student is not a vessel to be filled, but a torch to be lit.”

  • Alexey


    Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages

    Teaching experience: 6 years

    “Over the years of teaching, I have formed the opinion that working with children and adolescents is separate species art. While still a student, I became fascinated by the process of teaching languages ​​from the inside, and since then I have continued to discover new facets for myself. Speaking in foreign languages, people have endless opportunities to experience other cultures and societies. In our craft, it is important not only to teach competently, but also to motivate the student, because the world around us provides so many opportunities to learn new things!”

  • Catherine


    American University, Lebanon
    Hokkaido University, Japan

    PhD in Biological sciences

    Teaching experience: 10 years

    “I think I was born to be a teacher. I enjoy getting students interested in whatever topic I teach. Biology is my favorite, it is the most exciting subject to study and research. As a teacher, I set myself three important tasks: get students interested in your subject, make sure they understand every detail and show good result on the exam."

  • Stephen


    University of Oxford, Keble College

    Teaching experience: 11 years

    “Confidence and love for the subject being studied. Without these two qualities, I am sure that real study will not happen. A person can learn something, and give out knowledge when necessary, but true understanding of a subject occurs only when a person sincerely believes that this subject is part of him. And the student achieves this through questioning, arguing, thinking and taking risks.”