Determination of the pain threshold and its numerical value. What is the pain threshold? What does the pain threshold depend on?

The pain threshold is the degree of sensitivity of the human body to the effects of any traumatic forces on it. People with a low pain threshold literally panic at the sight of a dental chair. Those who have a high pain threshold may not even need anesthesia.

Few people like to experience even the slightest pain. For many, even this very word evokes negative emotions, and this particular feeling is real suffering. But each person is individual and feels pain in their own way. People who have a low pain threshold are those who panic at the mere sight of a dentist. Those who have this very high threshold often do not even need anesthesia. Why is this happening?

What are high and low pain thresholds?

  • How to determine the degree of sensitivity
  • Verification method
  • Heightened perception

How to determine the degree of sensitivity?

The pain threshold is usually understood as the degree of sensitivity of the human body to the effects of any traumatic forces on it. This sensitivity is directly related to the level of irritation of many nerve endings. Depending on how much pain a person experiences, a pain threshold is distinguished between low and high.

Everything is very simple: with a high level, people practically do not feel pain from injections, and with a low level, they can even scream.

A person with a high threshold can withstand quite strong impacts on his body: sudden changes in temperature, deep cuts or blows. A person with a low level cannot even endure the pain of an ordinary abrasion.

The ability to tolerate pain, according to scientists, is inherent in every person’s genes. However, resistance to physical suffering may also depend on the emotional state. One way or another, knowing your pain type is as important as information about your blood type, weight category, height and other characteristics of our body.

Verification method.

How to test your pain threshold and find out how susceptible you are to pain? To measure this indicator, scientists invented a special device - an algesimeter. Using this device, the human body is exposed to a light electrical discharge or high temperature.

Such a check is carried out in the most sensitive place - on the skin near the armpit or between the toes. During the study, the device notes the magnitude of the impact and the limit within which a person does not feel pain at all or calmly endures pain.

Heightened perception

Surely many will agree that it is much better to have a high than a low pain threshold. This heightened perception of even the slightest discomfort can turn the simplest blood sampling procedure into a real test for a person.

Experts believe that all people who are too sensitive to physical pain can be further divided into two groups:

  • “touchy”, or low tolerance interval. Such a person is simply not able to endure pain; for him, even a small scratch is a reason for tears and even panic. With such fear of pain, any medical procedures are recommended to be carried out only with complete or at least local anesthesia. Otherwise, there is a risk of not only a nervous breakdown, but also a real painful shock;
  • “little mermaid”, or high tolerance interval. These people have very high sensitivity, but if necessary they are ready to endure pain for quite a long time. The best behavioral tactics for a person of this type is the correct psychological attitude and moral preparation some time before he has to experience an unpleasant sensation.

Often people with a high threshold simply cannot believe that a low pain threshold really exists. So, for example, some doctors believe that a patient who panics at the sight of a syringe or a dental chair is faking it. However, just as there are no two identical people, there are no absolutely identical perceptions of pain. published.

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

The pain threshold is a specific level of irritation of the human nervous system, or rather of many nerve endings. As a reaction to such irritation, a person experiences very severe pain (or not severe, depending on the level of the pain threshold). Just as no two people are alike, there are no two who feel pain identically. For example, if one is given an injection, he will not feel it, but the other may scream in pain. This only means that the pain threshold is individual for everyone.

If a person experiences severe pain with minimal exposure to a source of pain (for example, with a minor blow), then he has a low pain threshold. If a person can endure pain for a long time without deteriorating well-being, then a high pain threshold is determined. Doctors warn that the pain threshold can sharply decrease if a person experiences severe physical or fatigue, decreased immunity, and a deficiency of B vitamins in the body.

Interesting fact!

If you constantly experience your body with painful sensations, then after a certain time this can lead to an increase in the pain threshold. Let’s give an example: if you insert needles into a person’s body every day, the skin in that place will begin to roughen, and the nerve endings will no longer react so strongly to the source of pain. That is, in simple words we can say that you can really get used to pain.

What does the pain threshold depend on?

The pain threshold is determined by the greatest strength of pain that is applied to the human body under certain conditions. The pain threshold of sensitivity is determined not only by a person’s physiological characteristics, but also by his social life, working conditions, and level of health. For example, athletes are more resistant to pain, while office workers are weaker. And the point here is in the training of the body, in how much a person tests himself and to what extent.

Four pain types

Doctors divided people into 4 main pain types, so-called nociceptive. In a medical setting, you can find out exactly what your pain threshold is. For this purpose, an algesimeter device is used. For some people, during stressful situations, the pain threshold may rise sharply, which is an absolutely normal physiological reaction. What's interesting? We can set ourselves up (psychologically) to experience pain. You probably don’t always easily and freely go to see a dentist, imagining that it will be painful, unpleasant, etc. This is precisely the essence of the pain threshold.

How important is the pain threshold?

The pain threshold indicator is as important as a person’s weight, height and other signs of health.

How to measure pain threshold?

Many people associate pain with agony and screams. But that's not true. It hurts us not when we scream, but when our nerve endings react to the source of pain. Let's look at 4 main types of people in relation to pain (nociceptins).

Low pain threshold and low pain tolerance interval – people of this type have a very difficult time tolerating any pain, including physical activity. That is, they cannot bear even the slightest pain in the form of an injection or vaccination. Such people do not like to be in society; loneliness is closer to them. Before carrying out any medication or medical manipulation on them, they must be persuaded. Absolutely all procedures must be performed only under (pain relief) to avoid painful shock.

Low pain threshold and large pain tolerance range – in this case, it is really very difficult for a person to endure any pain, but the difference is that during medical procedures it is easy for him to pull himself together. The most important thing is to adjust yourself psychologically, and then people with a low pain threshold can endure any unpleasant painful sensations.

High pain threshold and insignificant (small) tolerance interval – initially, when a person has to undergo painful manipulations, it seems that the patient is completely insensitive. That is, his nerve endings do not react in any way to injections, blows, cuts and other damage to the skin. But, the only thing is that in this case the patient needs to be supported psychologically or with sedatives.

High pain threshold and wide range of pain tolerance – doctors call such patients stalwart tin soldiers. The whole point is that they are not afraid of any pain - no matter how intense it is. This means that people have little or no perception of pain. Low sensitivity of nerve endings is characteristic of leaders and very confident, successful people.

Is it possible to increase the pain threshold?

Special zones of nerve endings called nociceptors react to painful sensations. They are located throughout our body - on the skin, on the mucous membranes, as well as throughout the entire area of ​​the internal organs. The extent to which these points function determines each person’s pain threshold. If nociceptors are constantly influenced with the same or increasing force, this will significantly increase a person’s susceptibility to pain. You've probably seen some desperate people walking barefoot on glass or lying on a carpet with needles. And here we are not talking about a high or low pain threshold, but only about the training of nociceptors. Such people were able to increase their pain sensitivity threshold over a certain period of time through exercise.

Doctors note that those who lead an active and healthy lifestyle have a high pain threshold, have a positive attitude towards life’s difficulties and do not react to external stimuli.

Even the word “pain” itself evokes negative emotions, and the feeling of pain generally darkens life. However, everyone experiences pain differently. Some endure it stoically, spilling hot tea on their hand, while others groan (and this is not necessarily a girl) from a simple splinter. What is the reason? Of course, a lot depends on character and fortitude. But the perception and tolerance of pain are purely individual characteristics. Everyone's tolerance for pain is programmed into their genes. How to increase it and what does it depend on? Let's figure it out.

The ancient Greeks called pain “the watchdog of the body”; it barks and warns that not everything is in order, sometimes it shows where it hurts, but it cannot tell why and why. And we still trust him. Instead of regular examinations, we wait for a pain signal from the body in order to go for a consultation with a doctor. Doctors, in turn, call pain “a gift from nature that helps us survive.” Although modern medicine has learned to notice the problems of our body much earlier than the “watchman” announces them. But it’s better if he has as few reasons as possible to wake up. In the meantime, no matter what anyone says about pain, this does not stop scientists from continuing to study it and try to find a universal painkiller.


A special device called an algesimeter helps determine the pain threshold. The study is carried out on the most delicate area of ​​the skin - between the toes or hands. The device gradually increases the current or heats it up until the subject feels pain. Still very mild pain. On the verge of feelings. This will be the “pain threshold”. Based on the readings of the device, scientists divided people into four main types.

Type one "Princess and the Pea". This is the lowest threshold and lowest pain tolerance interval. Representatives of this type acutely perceive pain - both physical and mental. They are unable to tolerate it by nature. These are vulnerable and impressionable natures, prone to melancholy and loneliness. For them, the treatment room is equivalent to a torture chamber. And calls to pull yourself together are meaningless - it’s hard to argue with physiology!

BY THE WAY. People of this type should protect themselves from injury and be very careful about painful medical procedures. If necessary, the doctor must take enhanced measures against pain. For example, it is allowed to place a filling only under local anesthesia, and to remove a tooth - under anesthesia. Ingrown toenail, appendicitis, childbirth - any procedure requires careful pain relief. Otherwise, there is a chance of a serious complication - painful shock.

Type two "The Little Mermaid". This type corresponds to a low threshold of sensitivity, but at the same time a high range of pain tolerance (the ability to endure pain for a long time), allowing one to courageously endure suffering. Remember: the underwater witch, who turned a mermaid’s tail into a pair of legs, predicted that every step of the girl would be like a blow from a dagger? However, the Little Mermaid did not show that she was in pain. However, if you belong to this type, you should not blame fate: as a reward for your torment, she endowed you with the ability to experience deep feelings, the gift of devotion and the talent of empathy, in a word, she did everything to make you feel the fullness of life every minute.

BY THE WAY. If you are the Little Mermaid, you can psychologically prepare yourself to endure any unpleasant sensations. So, for example, when going to donate blood, imagine the pain as, say, a large balloon with air coming out of it. And when only the deflated shell remains, you can mentally burn it or simply throw it away.

Type three "Sleeping Beauty". A high pain tolerance threshold allows such people not to notice mild pain. From the outside, a person may look insensitive; his nerve endings almost do not react to injections, blows, cuts and other influences. But he also has no reserve of patience. As soon as the pain becomes a little stronger, an immediate violent reaction will follow. The external calm of such a person hides great tension in his inner life, manifested by outbursts of strong emotions.

BY THE WAY. During painful medical procedures, you need the help of sedatives and psychological support from loved ones - this is a sure guarantee that you will endure the procedure.

Type four "The Steadfast Tin Soldier". This is a real iron man. A high threshold and interval of pain tolerance allows such people to ignore pain and easily endure physical suffering. Removing a tooth or undergoing surgery is no problem for them. The injections are weaker than a mosquito bite, and he either does not notice more serious injuries or is able to endure them for a long time. Such low sensitivity of nerve endings is characteristic of leaders and very self-confident, successful people. But they don’t always make good doctors. To respond to someone else’s suffering, you need to experience a similar feeling yourself, but they don’t have such an opportunity.

BY THE WAY. Such people go to medical procedures without fear, even with some kind of challenge! They do not like to complain; sympathy, on the contrary, can irritate them, therefore the support of loved ones is important to them more as a confirmation that they are loved, and not as an urgent need.


Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will test themselves for strength with an algesimeter to determine which type they belong to. Therefore, everyone will have to judge whether they belong to one type or another only by their own experience. Experience of visiting a dental clinic, experience of cuts, bumps and abrasions, experience of fights, etc. With a high degree of probability, you will accurately determine your type. And this will help the doctor select a suitable analgesic and a sufficient dose for pain. The pain threshold level is as important as blood type, weight, height and other indicators. Interestingly, this level is not the same throughout life. It can fluctuate depending on social conditions, physical and psychological well-being, and much more. For example, during a period of strong nervous tension, the pain threshold decreases, and we may burst into tears over a trifling fall on the street, although in a normal situation we would not even pay much attention to it. And vice versa - you can consciously increase your pain threshold through systematic physical training, willpower, and cultivating endurance. Many military personnel and athletes specifically learn to overcome pain, and it gradually becomes less noticeable. An example of such conscious education of an extremely high pain threshold is demonstrated by yogis who walk barefoot on burning coals or broken glass without visible damage.

By the way, the age most sensitive to pain, as scientists have discovered, is from 10 to 30 years. Older people and children feel pain much less, but it is more difficult for them to endure it. At the same time, it is a myth that children have a higher pain threshold at the physiological level. In fact, they simply have less life experience, hence fewer psychological attitudes that make them worry, and therefore increase the sensitivity of the body.


Special zones of nerve endings - nociceptors - react to painful sensations. They are located throughout the body: on the skin, mucous membranes and throughout the entire area of ​​the internal organs. How well these cells function determines an individual's pain threshold. If nociceptors are constantly impacted with the same or increasing force, this will significantly reduce susceptibility to pain. We will try too, but we will postpone the experience of yogis for next time. To make it easier for the body to cope with pain, you can go the other way and increase the hormones of happiness - endorphin and serotonin.

Red pepper, wasabi, garlic. These burning foods contain capsaicin, an irritant. The body perceives a burned tongue as pain and defends itself by producing endorphin.

Anger- a means of mobilizing the body’s forces, which nature came up with for us. It is this effect that helps animals survive in a fight, and fighters survive in the ring. You yourself may have noticed that during, say, a headache, you want to quarrel with someone - this is how your nature tries to relieve unpleasant sensations. However, this method is good for one-time mobilization, and constant outbursts of anger will lead to a weakening of the body and, accordingly, a decrease in the pain threshold.

Sex. Researchers in Germany report that more than half of people who have sex regularly, even when they have a headache, experience less migraine symptoms. For one in five, the headache eventually goes away, and some even use sex as a pain reliever. According to experts, the analgesic effect of sex may be associated with the release of endorphins - endogenous opiates, they provide a feeling of pleasure, but also have an anesthetic effect. They can be called natural painkillers, the level of which increases during sex and which dulls physical pain.


Unfortunately, there are no universal recipes suitable for everyone to increase the threshold of pain sensitivity. And they are not required. Pain is a means of protecting the body, and increasing the pain threshold is not always good. It is known, for example, that people with severe mental disorders (schizophrenia or manic-depressive syndrome) have a very high pain threshold. In addition, a person who is practically not vulnerable to pain may overlook dangerous conditions, for example, acute appendicitis, cholecystitis, heart attack or stroke, the main symptom of which is pain. Therefore, pain is not an enemy at all, but rather an ally, warning of the need to urgently consult a doctor.

This is interesting
At Stanford University Medical Center, they conducted an experiment on the dependence of the pain threshold on feelings. The subjects were induced to experience pain using a thermostimulator that was gradually heated. At the same time, they were asked to remember various pleasant moments from their lives, and were also shown photographs of their loved ones and their brain activity was recorded. It turned out that when a person is in love, the pleasure center in the brain is activated, which blocks pain sensations at the level of the spinal cord. The pain is felt much less, and sometimes disappears completely. Falling in love is an excellent weapon in the fight against any kind of suffering.

The pain threshold allows us to tolerate unpleasant sensations up to a certain point. Interestingly, it is unlikely to find two people with the same pain threshold; too many factors influence this indicator. It is interesting to understand where our ability to endure pain comes from.


The sensitivity threshold is the subjective reaction of the human body to the influence of traumatic factors that cause pain. Individual perception is as unique as the person himself.

This indicator is formed at the genetic level, but there are ways to change it if you correctly understand what it depends on. For example, some are unable to work even with a minor headache, while others, on the contrary, are distracted from the pain by immersing themselves in work.

Why it happens this way and not otherwise, how the sensitivity threshold affects this, we need to understand.

Low pain threshold

A low threshold of sensitivity becomes real torment for a person. Even the simplest procedures, such as blood sampling or ear piercing, bring unbearable trials and unbearable pain.

Doctors specifically point out that such individual characteristics must be warned in advance if any traumatic surgery is being prepared. In this case, all necessary actions will be taken to avoid psychological trauma.

A low threshold is accompanied by an inability to tolerate unpleasant sensations, which greatly complicates the daily life of an ordinary person.

A high sensitivity threshold does not mean that a person is capable of subjecting himself to some kind of traumatic experiments. This statement only indicates that he more easily perceives and tolerates stressful situations for the body.

It has been proven that the pain sensitivity threshold depends on the person’s psychotype. The absence of a certain level of fear of physical impacts on the body often makes a person more active and prone to extreme situations.

Pain threshold in men

Research has shown that pain sensitivity differs between men and women. Evolutionary development has left its mark on the determination of the pain threshold. A man has long been a hunter and breadwinner; once upon a time this definition was the most accurate.

In connection with this fact, it has been proven that testosterone has an analgesic effect on the male body. A man can more easily endure injuries in a fight, minor cuts, and other injuries. It is believed that in critical situations, testosterone levels increase sharply, which makes a man practically forget about danger and pain.

If the hormonal background of the male body is disturbed, then this can affect his mental state and make him irritable and, so to speak, more feminine.

Pain threshold in women

In the female body, the perception of pain is more complex, which also largely depends on hormonal levels.

Historically, a woman is considered the keeper of the hearth, which means she should not be in constant danger. Because of this, in a calm state, her sensitivity threshold is an indicator that is below the male level.

Scientists have proven several interesting facts about women's perception of pain.

  1. The lowest threshold of sensitivity in women occurs during menstruation.
  2. By the date of ovulation, the threshold reaches its maximum.
  3. In the morning, a woman is more vulnerable to adverse traumatic influences from the outside.
  4. A woman’s nervous system is more sensitive and succumbs more quickly to fears and panic, which helps lower the threshold of sensitivity at the psychological level.

It is important to understand that in critical or life-saving situations, what happens is what acts as pain relief. For example, during childbirth, the level of estrogen exceeds all permissible norms, which significantly increases the pain sensitivity threshold. This mechanism is provided by nature and helps a woman survive.

What does the sensitivity threshold depend on?

Based on the above, we can conclude that the pain threshold depends on gender and the genetic component. However, these are far from the only factors that influence our perception of pain.

You can prepare your own body for stressful situations if you know about them in advance. Scientists have also proven that the sensitivity threshold is not a constant, it can be changed over the course of life.

Factors on which the pain threshold depends:

  1. Diseases of the nervous system.
  2. The course of acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the body.
  3. The degree of fatigue, overwork and stress.
  4. Individual physiological characteristics, genotype.
  5. The level of saturation of the body with vitamins and minerals.
  6. Individual psychological attitude for the perception of a stressful situation.

Most of these factors can be adjusted. Symptoms of diseases can be eliminated completely or minimized. The psychological state can be changed during therapy. Vitamin support for the body will be useful in any case, not only for changing the threshold of pain sensitivity.

How to determine your own pain threshold

Knowing your own pain threshold is useful; it will help you determine the need for any procedures, as well as understand whether anesthesia is needed. The sensitivity threshold can be determined in a medical setting, using a special device - an algesimeter.

The sensors of a special device are attached to the area between a person’s toes and hands. The sensitivity of analyzers and the sensitivity threshold are directly related. In this area, human skin is delicate and reacts more sharply to external influences.

The operating principle of the device is as follows:

  • Heat and light electric current are applied to areas of the skin.
  • The lower threshold is determined by pain, which begins to cause discomfort.
  • The upper threshold is fixed at the maximum to which a person is able to tolerate pain and discomfort.

A high pain threshold seems to many to be a kind of superpower. However, it is accompanied by decreased sensitivity, which also reduces the level of sensations during sexual intercourse. Massages, essential oils, and seafood help increase the level of perception of sensations.

A low pain threshold can also be modified. It has been proven that regular physical activity and a stable sex life increase stamina and contribute to the stable production of hormones necessary for the body. In addition, you can resort to simple actions and increase the threshold:

  1. Yoga and meditation classes.
  2. A diet that includes foods rich in vitamin B.
  3. Eating hot pepper, ginger, mustard.

It is important to adjust yourself to the right psychological mood, then the body will perceive what is happening completely differently, and the pain threshold will increase.

All people perceive pain completely differently: for some, a banal vaccination becomes a difficult ordeal, while others can easily withstand any medical manipulation without resorting to pain relief. This is due to the fact that every living organism has a characteristic pain sensitivity threshold.

What is pain threshold

The pain threshold is an indicator of the degree of irritation of the central nervous system, which is accompanied by pain.

The highest level of pain that a living organism can endure in a particular situation is considered its pain tolerance level. At the same time, it is impossible to determine the pain threshold or tolerance level based on the characteristics of the impact that causes pain.

It is generally accepted that the pain threshold of the human body is laid down at the level of genes, so the reaction to identical stimuli will be unique for everyone. One will suffer from unbearable pain, while the other will feel only mild discomfort.

Those who feel pain only with a very strong impact have a high pain threshold. Those with a low threshold are less tolerant of pain and experience discomfort even with minimal impact.

Doctors say that with a weakened immune system, which is caused by a deficiency of B vitamins or overwork of the body, there is a risk of a decrease in the pain threshold.

Studies have shown that women have a much higher pain threshold than men, and its maximum level is observed during labor.

This means that the level of pain tolerance directly depends on the overall hormonal picture, namely on the body’s endocrine system, which secretes estrogen. However, representatives of the fairer sex are more vulnerable psychologically, which is manifested by fear and tears, even with the slightest pain.

Types of pain perception

Doctors distinguish 4 types of pain sensitivity.

The Princess and the Pea

People with this type have a very low pain threshold and a similar range of pain tolerance. They can hardly tolerate even the slightest pain and light physical activity.

As a rule, these are melancholic, vulnerable natures who prefer loneliness. Before any medical procedure, they need to be persuaded for a long time, because they cannot withstand even minor pain. To prevent painful shock, all procedures, and especially surgical interventions, are performed under general anesthesia.

Little Mermaid

They are characterized by a low pain threshold and a large pain tolerance range. They have a hard time withstanding painful effects, but are able to calm down and courageously endure medical manipulations. These are loyal, impressionable people, prone to empathy and compassion.

sleeping Beauty

These are the owners of a high pain threshold and a short tolerance interval. Such characteristics make it possible for the body not to respond to minor pain. But a violent reaction will result from the slightest increase in irritation, because representatives of this type completely lack patience.

They are able to hide strong tension under the guise of absolute calm, which is manifested by emotional outbursts.

Steadfast Tin Soldier

This is the name given to people with a high pain threshold and a large range of pain tolerance. They are able to ignore the manifestations of painful sensations of any strength and endure physical activity without problems. As a rule, such abilities are characterized by successful and self-confident individuals with leadership qualities.

How to determine

An algesimeter is used to determine the level of the pain threshold. The essence of the device is the impact of certain irritants (high pressure, high temperature and electric current) on delicate areas of the skin, usually the areas between the toes and hands. The force of impact gradually increases, which makes it possible to determine the lowest and highest sensitivity rates; the difference between them is the pain tolerance interval.

How to increase

The level of the pain threshold is determined by the functioning of nociceptors - the “bare” endings of nerve cells distributed throughout the body. Constant exposure to these places forms the body’s protective properties to external irritants.

It has been proven that pain tolerance indicators depend on emotions, the physical state of the body, and sometimes on the time of day. This means that the pain threshold can be controlled.

Several methods will help increase its degree, the main task of which is to produce happiness hormones - endorphin and serotonin.

  • Eating spicy and bitter foods (mustard, red pepper, horseradish and others) that burn the tongue, causing the body to defend itself and produce endorphins.
  • Eating foods that promote the production of serotonin - nuts, bananas, eggs, milk, turkey meat.
  • Anger is a psycho-emotional arousal of the body that mobilizes all forces. This is an excellent one-time option for increasing the pain threshold, but regular outbursts of negative emotions, on the contrary, will lead to exhaustion of the body and a decrease in the level of resistance to pain.
  • Sex. Endorphins, which dull pain, are produced in large quantities during sexual intimacy.

Pain is a protective reaction of the body, so it is important not to overdo it with increasing the pain threshold, but to maintain its natural level.

It has been proven that cheerful, cheerful people who lead a healthy lifestyle most often have a high pain sensitivity threshold.