Cough massage for children 2 years old. Correct performance of drainage massage in adults and children when coughing

When a child coughs, parents try in every possible way to alleviate his condition. The main difficulty is that it is difficult for small bronchi to cough up thick mucus.

He suffers, and his mother suffers along with him.

But in fact, a wet cough is the first symptom of recovery. Its appearance means that sputum has been successfully released, and now it is necessary to facilitate its discharge.

Vibration massage is suitable as a means of thinning mucus in the bronchi and for easy expectoration.

Also, massage is an effective remedy for treating an already protracted wet cough, and for complete recovery from cough.

How to properly do vibration massage of the chest when coughing in small children? It promotes rapid recovery and will not cause harm if parents follow some recommendations:

  • Before the session, give your child an expectorant medication. After half an hour, you can begin the procedure.
  • The procedure cannot be performed on an infected child. Skin rashes are another reason to refuse a session.
It is forbidden to massage a child whose body temperature is elevated.
  • The first procedure is performed on average on the fourth or fifth day of illness.
  • It is important to monitor the microclimate of the room. Optimal indicators: room temperature – no less than 18 and no more than 23 degrees, humidity – about 60%.
  • The procedure is carried out in the morning and late in the evening.

Benefit and effectiveness

One of the most effective types of cough massage– vibration. It is based on dynamic tapping on the child's back. It is approved for children of any age, including newborns. Its benefits are invaluable:

  • helps the baby cough up mucus;
  • eliminates inflammation and spasms of the bronchi;
  • strengthens the body's immune forces;
  • prevents complications;
  • improves blood supply to the respiratory system;
  • reduces bronchial walls;
  • reduces intoxication of the body.

Vibration massage is especially useful for children under 12 years old.

The fact is that their respiratory system is still developing, and they are not able to cope with an illness such as bronchitis on their own.

Poor sputum discharge leads to its stagnation in the bronchi. If the sputum has acquired a greenish or dark green tint, we recommend paying attention to the technique. Gradually, children's respiratory function becomes difficult, and bacteria actively multiply in the accumulated secretions.

Obviously, with the correct technique and preparation, the benefits of vibration massage for bronchitis in young children are very significant.

Performance technique

Vibration massage for coughs is very easy and quick. To do this, lay the baby on his tummy and tap his back with the outer edge of your palm.

For babies done in a more gentle way. Place your hand on your back with your palm down, without touching the trunk of the spine.

Make a fist with your other hand and begin gently tapping from your fingers to your wrist. The procedure is softened due to the fact that the effect on the child’s skin is not direct, but indirect.

The duration of the procedure will vary depending on the age of the children. For infants, a couple of minutes of tapping on the back with your fingertips is enough.

For children from one to five years old, do it for five minutes. For older children and teenagers, you can increase the session duration to 10 minutes.


In addition to massage, use other methods of thinning mucus. Give your child herbal infusions from the leaves of St. John's wort, plantain, licorice, wild rosemary.

Only comprehensive treatment and following the pediatrician’s instructions will have a positive effect and quickly relieve your child of the disease.

Cough is the first symptom that appears in a wide variety of diseases. It brings severe discomfort to the child, especially at night. An effective method of getting rid of this symptom is massage. Young children are not able to cough up fully accumulated mucus due to poorly developed chest muscles. Therefore, in infants, even with mild inflammation, mucus stagnation occurs in the bronchi. In this regard, during therapy for bronchitis or pneumonia, soft tapping and stroking will significantly help the main treatment.

Massage is external manipulation of body structures (eg skin, muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones) with positive intentions of relaxation or other psychological or physical benefit for the person being massaged.

Benefits of massage for coughs

  • strengthening the muscles of the back and chest involved in breathing;
  • increasing the mobility of the ribs, in order to enhance their opening during inspiration;
  • stabilizing breathing and indirectly enhancing the effect of medications;
  • softening sputum and simplifying its outflow, this will normalize breathing and reduce the number of pathogens and foreign particles in the lungs.

Massage can be done only for wet coughs that occur with pneumonia, bronchitis, or colds. The session should be carried out at the end of the acute phase of the disease, that is, on the 4th or 5th day.


To ensure that the procedure is not painful, it is recommended to massage in game mode. Talk to the baby gently during the procedure, telling fairy tales and nursery rhymes. An older child might be told that this is a miracle way for super heroes to become stronger.

Types of massage

There are 5 main types of massage that are performed for coughs.

  1. Drainage massage for children it is the best method for phlegm. The main feature of this type of impact is the position of the torso - the legs should lie above the head.
  2. Spot. Involves pressure on certain points of the body. Only a specialist in this field should conduct the session, as he has special knowledge of the places of pressure to achieve the required result.
  3. Cupping massage involves the use of cans. Such a massage must be carried out extremely carefully, since incorrect actions will harm the delicate baby skin, and may also have a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels.
  4. Vibration (percussion) massage consists of light tapping on the chest and back with the pads of the fingers and the side of the palm. When coughing, it is necessary to do it with caution - excessive pressure can lead to displacement of the vertebra or the appearance of a bruise in the baby.
  5. Honey type of massage will promote the removal of sputum and strengthen the body as a whole. This massage is rarely used, since honey is a strong allergen.

Drainage massage technique

If you follow the rules, this massage can be performed at home.

  • Place the child on his stomach, place a cushion under the hips (it can be rolled out of a blanket or towel). Stretch the baby's arms along the body;
  • warm up the muscles by stroking your palms along the spine. Stroke with open palms from bottom to top along the length of the spine - first on the right, then on the left side, then with both hands;
  • to speed up blood flow, use your fingertips from the shoulders to the lower back to make movements in a circle, and then act in the same direction with gentle pressure with your knuckles;
  • tapping. When the back becomes warmer after stroking and blood flows to it, proceed to knocking. Cup your palms and gently, edge first, tap one side of your back, then the other.

Do not knock in the kidney area (on both sides above the lower back) and on the spine.

  • kneading. Slowly, gently, with pressure, stroke the back with open palms from the shoulders to the lower back;
  • cough. Sit the baby down and gently press your palms on his ribs on both sides under the chest. Do not press very hard or for a long time - one deep, gentle pressure will be enough. As a result, the child should cough, or you can encourage him to cough intentionally.

If an adult is able to hold the child in weight, you can perform a massage on a fitball. This will turn the procedure into a game and allow the body to take the required position.

Massage should be carried out with clean hands, or dry, or use cream for children. It is unnecessary to use specialized oils for massage.

Vibration massage technique

This type does not require the use of a roller.

  1. Place the baby on his stomach, extend his arms along the length of his body.
  2. Warming up is carried out by stroking movements of the fingertips on both sides of the spine, and then movements are performed in a circle from the shoulders to the lower back.
  3. Tapping is performed first with the pads of the fingers, and then with the side of the palm, using measured movements from the lower back to the shoulder blades.
  4. Stroking is done with open palms in the same direction, similar to “squeezing out” accumulated mucus. Then turn the baby onto his back and continue.
  5. Stroking your arms from your shoulders to your hands to relax them.
  6. Use your palms to gently rub your breasts without touching your nipples.
  7. Rub your breasts with your fingertips from bottom to top and gently tap on them.
  8. Bend and straighten your arms, then raise and lower them.
  9. Soothingly stroke your chest, dispersing the blood and rubbing the muscles.

When the session is completed, lift the child and gently, lightly press the chest at the bottom until a cough begins.

Requirements for massage sessions

It is necessary to follow simple rules so that the procedure gives a positive result and does not worsen the situation.

  1. Before sessions, consultation with the pediatrician observing the child is required. It is preferable to take a course in massage techniques from a specialist.
  2. Acupressure should only be performed by a professional, otherwise there is a high risk of pressing on the wrong points, which will lead to undesirable consequences. It is better to avoid honey massage if you are not sure that your child is not allergic to honey. This type of massage is performed according to the same scheme as drainage. It is also better to entrust cupping massage to a specialist, as you can easily damage the baby’s delicate blood vessels.
  3. The room where the session will be held must be cool - no more than 25 ° C - and sufficiently humidified, at least 65%. This can be achieved by simple ventilation, and in warm weather you can hang wet towels on the radiators.
  4. The child should be calm and cheerful before the procedure, and the last meal should end at least half an hour before the start of the session. After the massage, wrap your baby in a blanket or blanket. You cannot start running, go for a walk, or go near an open window. Eating immediately after the procedure is also not recommended.
  5. You can perform up to 6 procedures per day, lasting 2 - 3 minutes, but only the doctor ultimately determines the duration of the session.
  6. After the massage, ask your child to cough. If the baby is less than a year old, press on the root of the tongue with a clean finger or a spoon. Do not do this very forcefully so as not to induce vomiting.

Features of massage sessions for children of different ages

Age periodPeculiaritiesNumber and duration of procedures per dayNotes
Infancy (up to one year)To achieve maximum delicacy, it is recommended to use baby soap during massage.

Basically, they make stroking, soft, rubbing movements with the pads of their fingers on the baby’s back. Do not touch the spine.

All movements are performed with the back of the hand located on the baby’s back. It is recommended to entrust baby massage to a specialist in this field.

1 procedure 3 – 5 minutes.Children under 3 months of age are not given therapeutic massage. Also, acupressure, cupping and honey types of massage are not recommended for children up to one year old.
Early age (up to 3 years)At this age, you can conduct sessions at home on your own. During a vibration massage, tapping movements can be made not on your hand, but directly on the child’s back. You can gently massage your chest without pressure or effort.2 procedures for 5 – 8 minutes.If the child does not have allergies, you can perform a honey massage.
Preschool age (up to 7 years)It is possible to alternate and combine drainage massage with vibration massage. Cupping massage is allowed.2 – 3 procedures for 10 – 20 minutes.Before cupping massage, your back should be lubricated with warm massage oil.
School age (from 7 years old)All types of therapeutic massage for coughs are allowed.2 – 3 procedures for 20 – 30 minutes.The intensity of movements should be average, but softer than for adults.

It is necessary to determine the type of cough before starting procedures. For a dry cough that causes difficulty breathing, tapping will not help, but these movements can improve the condition for a wet cough.


To significantly improve your child’s well-being, conduct sessions for 10 days. Every parent can master a simple technique. Also, procedures can be carried out for preventive purposes, to prevent coughing from occurring again.

In childhood, one of the most common symptoms of the disease in children is cough. Naturally, parents try their best to help their baby. One effective way is drainage massage.

Cough in young children can occur for a variety of reasons. One of them can be considered underdevelopment of the bronchi, because of which the baby cannot independently cough up the accumulated mucus, which the adult body can cope with without much difficulty.

Cough symptoms

In the presence of viral or infectious diseases, a wet or dry cough is present. In children, coughing attacks are often accompanied by insomnia, vomiting and loss of voice.

Parents should pay special attention and even think seriously in the following cases:

  • the child’s cough does not go away for more than twenty days, while it developed against the background of a common cold;
  • there are blood impurities in the sputum;
  • mucus coming from the bronchi has a greenish tint;
  • cough appears at night and is paroxysmal in nature;
  • the cough started for no apparent reason, and the child cannot stop;
  • When coughing, loud and heavy wheezing is clearly audible.

Indications for drainage massage

Massage for a child with a cough is often prescribed when there is an accumulation of phlegm in the respiratory tract. Especially, the procedure is necessary if there are difficulties with sputum discharge. Such situations arise in the following diseases:

  • pneumonia
  • bronchitis
  • cold
  • bronchial asthma
  • pneumosclerosis
  • emphysema

Drainage massage for children when coughing plays a significant role. It is this that helps to get rid of cough quite quickly, which will allow you to avoid the use of various medications. The advantage of the method is the fact that drainage massage can be used for a child of any age, while medications have a large number of contraindications and age restrictions. An important advantage of the method is the fact that parents are able to learn how to do massage on their own in a short time, without involving specialists.

Operating principle of drainage massage

The effect of drainage massage is that it helps remove accumulated mucus from the respiratory tract. During the procedure, the bronchi are heated, which leads to the liquefaction of mucus and easier removal from the lungs. After mucus is removed, breathing stabilizes. In addition to the main function, drainage massage for children also performs a number of accompanying functions, which include strengthening the respiratory muscles, stimulating blood flow, and improving lung mobility.

Contraindications for drainage massage

Like any procedure, massage has its contraindications.. It is prohibited in the following cases:

  • deterioration of the child's condition
  • elevated temperature
  • underweight
  • skin rashes.

Drainage massage is not recommended for dry cough in a child, especially if it is caused by whooping cough. The procedure should not be carried out in the very first days illnesses of the child, in the near future after eating, as well as in situations where the child is uncomfortable being on his stomach for some time.

Massage technique

The main feature of the massage is the position of the child during the procedure. The body must be positioned so that it is slightly higher than the head. To achieve this, you can place a small cushion under your stomach or back.

First, a back massage is performed, which makes it possible to warm up the bronchi. Rubbing and stroking are directed from the shoulders to the lower back. Then the movements are performed in the opposite direction. Massage movements are performed until the skin begins to redden. During the procedure, it is highly undesirable to touch the area of ​​the kidneys and spine, since movements in this direction can lead to undesirable adverse consequences. After stroking, they smoothly move on to pinching, then to tapping and tapping with the ribs of the palms and fingers. While performing such actions, the child begins to cough, which leads to sputum production and spitting.

To perform drainage massage should be started on the fourth to sixth day of illness. The procedure is performed twice a day. Before the procedure, you should pay attention to the air temperature. The massage is performed in the room after ventilation, but the temperature should not be lower than 22 degrees. The general course of the procedure is ten sessions, which take place over five days. Treatment should not be completed earlier, even if improvements occur and the child shows the first signs of recovery.

The nuances of massage for infants

It’s worth mentioning right away that this procedure should not be performed on children under three months of age. Even for slightly older children, massage should be done with greater caution. this is directly related to the baby’s delicate skin, which is especially susceptible to any touch. The purpose of the procedure is to bring benefit, not harm.

Immediately before performing the procedure It is recommended to wash and warm your hands. They should not have rings, bracelets or any other unnecessary elements, otherwise all this can lead to injury to the child’s skin. In addition, he may be frightened by cold hands, which means that the massage will be perceived by him solely as an irritant and a stressful situation, which will lead to crying. To ensure that your hands can slide smoothly over your baby’s body, you need to lubricate them with some special oil or cream in advance.

Before performing a drainage massage, you should consult a pediatrician. Only he will be able to assess the complexity of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment. After obtaining permission from a specialist and his further consultations, you should begin the massage. The session can last up to ten minutes.

During the procedure, the child must be completely undressed and laid on a hard surface, for example, on a table. Be sure to put a blanket, diaper and oilcloth on the surface. You need to place a small special cushion under the baby’s tummy.. You should start moving with light pressure until redness appears. An adult performs stroking on the back, which smoothly develops into rubbing the sides and tapping the back of the hand on the baby's back.

After tapping, you need to pay attention to the area between the ribs and chest. First, you should stroke and rub the ribs, and then gradually move on to tapping. To remove mucus faster, you can take a small spoon and press it on the root of the tongue.

After the procedure, the baby will be quite hot. That is why it is worth wrapping him in a blanket and putting him in his crib for a while, about an hour and a half. Every fifteen minutes it will be necessary to turn the child from one side to the other to prevent mucus from stagnating.

Massage should be stopped in two cases:

  • if the child starts crying;
  • if the baby's condition worsens.

Drainage massage for coughs in children- one of the most effective methods, however, it also requires specialist supervision and has some contraindications.

Convulsive spasms of the respiratory tract caused by various diseases can create significant discomfort for a person, preventing peace of mind during the day and preventing rest at night. Traditional and alternative medicine offers many methods of getting rid of cough or relieving it, one of them is massage. Experts recommend performing therapeutic manipulations after convulsive reflex exhalations become moist and the body begins to remove the pathogenic environment.

Cough massage can be of different types, but the purpose is the same:

  • Help thin mucus.
  • Facilitate its exit from the body.
  • Accelerate its cleansing from germs and bacteria.
  • Eliminate the symptom.

For the greatest therapeutic effect, it is recommended to carry out manipulations 4 times a day. Before starting, you should familiarize yourself with the general contraindications and consult a doctor.

Drainage massage for cough treatment

Drainage massage is a great way to relieve cough. It stimulates mucus production and is recommended for adults and children, even from a very young age.

It is best to perform it half an hour after taking the expectorant. Before the procedure, the patient's back must be lubricated with cream. The course of treatment for cough lasts 10 days.

The patient should lie so that the head is lower than the body. It is recommended to place a pillow under your neck and you can begin:

Drainage massage for coughing is performed for adults - 30 minutes, for children - 15. At the end of it, to enhance the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to apply a warm compress and wrap the patient for half an hour. Even if relief occurs after the first sessions, it is recommended to complete the entire course.

Acupressure for cough treatment

Chinese medicine offers its own version of massage that helps relieve convulsive spasms of the respiratory tract. In addition to easing the unpleasant phenomenon, acupressure when coughing helps reduce the negative consequences or completely get rid of the following ailments:

Therapeutic manipulations for cough are carried out sequentially, for 1-2 minutes, targeting areas, stroking, pressing them:

  • Divine Pillar. They are located 1.5 cm below the base of the skull on both sides of the spine.
  • Ding Chuan. Located at the level of the joint, which protrudes when the neck is tilted.
  • Vital diaphragm. They lie in pairs between the area of ​​the scapula and the spine, at the level of the heart.
  • Elegant mansion. Two points on both sides are located between the collarbone and sternum.
  • Throw from heaven. Single point. Feels in the clavicular cavity.

Cupping massage for cough treatment

Manipulation with the help of auxiliary means perfectly contributes to the eradication of the disease. You can massage your cough with cups. In addition to combating unpleasant symptoms, the procedure provides a number of additional effects:

  • Improves blood and lymph circulation.
  • Muscle swelling is relieved.
  • Excess fluid is removed.

For manipulations, medical jars made of glass or rubber are required. The back is generously lubricated with cream, olive or cosmetic oil so that you can easily “ride” over the skin without removing the device. Cotton wool soaked in alcohol is set on fire. The fire is kept under a jar, which is immediately placed on the patient’s skin. The following steps are performed 10 times:

After finishing the procedure, you need to wrap yourself up and sleep.

Honey massage for cough treatment

If the patient does not have allergies, then when carrying out procedures aimed at getting rid of spasms of the respiratory tract caused by colds, it is recommended to use honey. Such manipulations, in addition to eradicating the symptom, give the following results:

  • They have a warming effect.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Penetrating through the skin, honey destroys various bacteria and releases beneficial elements to the body.

The method of using cough massage is very simple, you need to:

  • Take a little honey in your palms and rub it.
  • Place your hands on the patient's back, then pull them away. Do these movements for 10 minutes.
  • You can press less or harder, observing the patient's reaction.

After the session, be sure to wrap the patient in a warm blanket. It is useful to give hot tea or milk to drink.

When using any type of massage to combat cough, you must remember that the approach to eradicating the disease should not be one-sided, but comprehensive. Therefore, obtaining a doctor’s consultation is a prerequisite for successful treatment of the symptom and the disease that caused it.

Swelling of the airways causes a lot of discomfort for babies. When it goes away, mucus begins to be released through coughing. However, in children, expectoration does not occur as easily as in adults; this is due to incomplete differentiation of the pulmonary system. Massage for a child’s cough is very effective, it has a minimum of contraindications and has a beneficial effect on the body. By following all the rules, you can achieve improvement after the first procedure.

TEST: Why do you have a cough?

How long have you been coughing?

Is your cough combined with a runny nose and is most noticeable in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already in bed)?

The cough can be described as:

You characterize the cough as:

Can you tell that the cough is deep (to understand this, take more air into your lungs and cough)?

During a coughing attack, do you feel pain in the abdomen and/or chest (pain in the intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the nature of the mucus that is released during a cough (it doesn’t matter how much it is: a little or a lot). She:

Do you feel a dull pain in the chest that does not depend on movements and is of an “internal” nature (as if the source of pain is in the lung itself)?

Are you worried about shortness of breath (during physical activity, you quickly become out of breath and get tired, your breathing becomes faster, followed by a lack of air)?

Benefits of massage

In the period from 3 to 7 years, the child’s respiratory system is completely differentiated, but the elastic fibers and muscles remain underdeveloped. Incompletely formed muscles lead to a weak cough reflex. With the slightest inflammatory process, mucus stagnates in the bronchi, and the baby cannot cough it up on its own. Massaging your child will help you easily get rid of accumulated mucus, which contains pathogenic microorganisms that cause intoxication of the body.

You can use different techniques for coughing in children. There are techniques that parents can do. They will help get rid of spasms faster and significantly improve the baby’s condition. Massage has the following effects:

  • increases blood supply to the bronchi and lymph flow;
  • promotes the removal of sputum;
  • improves coughing and expectoration;
  • enhances the effect of pharmaceuticals;
  • stimulates muscle contraction of the walls of the bronchi;
  • stimulates the movement of the bronchial ciliated epithelium.

When can you have a massage?

Cough massage is recommended even for the youngest babies from birth. It helps improve the child's condition, makes breathing easier and strengthens overall immunity. You should start performing the procedures after the sputum has begun to disappear. With a dry cough, you will not achieve the desired effect. Approximately on the 4th-6th day of illness, you can perform techniques that are most suitable for the child. They will be effective for the following diseases:

  • cold;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumosclerosis;
  • pneumonia;
  • emphysema;
  • bronchial asthma.

Treatment techniques

Before giving a massage, you need to choose the most suitable technique for your baby. Each technique has its own characteristics. Depending on the condition of the baby, its age, type of disease and the presence of complications, a suitable course is selected. The procedures can be carried out in a massage room or at home.

If you decide to do it yourself, follow the instructions completely. Let's look at the most effective treatment methods.

  1. Drainage massage for children with cough. This is the most common technique to promote coughing. It is done like this:
  1. Vibrating. This type is indicated for infants and children who are too susceptible to intense movements. It promotes the removal of mucus and stimulates blood circulation in the respiratory organs. Technique:
  • put the baby on his tummy;
  • lightly tap your fingertips through your palm on the back, bypassing the spine area;
  • We change the baby’s position to vertical and let him clear his throat.
  1. Percussion. This technique is indicated for the removal of phlegm, improving the flow of lymph and blood, and facilitating breathing. We do it as follows:
  • We place the child on his stomach, place a pillow in the area under the pelvis so that his head is at an angle, and stretch the baby’s arms forward;
  • We tap on the back and sides with our fingertips, do not touch the spine and make sure that when the fingers touch the skin, they are tilted towards the head;
  • after 1 minute, we sit the child down or put him on his feet, let him clear his throat;
  • We carry out the procedure 4-5 times.

It is important to know! We do not do chest massage. The back and side areas are the places where it is most appropriate to perform the procedure.

  • We apply massage oil or cream to the skin, heat the jar, attach it to the back and slowly move it from bottom to top and back, working well on the area of ​​the shoulder blades.
  • Place several heated jars on the prepared skin. Hold for 3-5 minutes, then remove.
  1. Honey. Performed on the back and chest, it helps with chronic and advanced diseases. Honey has a warming effect, vitamins and increases the body's protective functions. The procedure can only be performed on children who are not allergic to bee products.

General rules for performing procedures

To give a child a useful massage when he/she coughs, you need to take the procedure responsibly. Do not perform any action if the baby does not like it or if it causes discomfort. To achieve high results, follow these rules:

Scheme and duration of treatment

Before giving a massage to your child, you need to contact your pediatrician. The doctor will help you determine the appropriate technique and prescribe medications for treatment, and show you how to perform all the movements correctly.

Procedures should be carried out regularly, 2 times a day. If you are treating a baby, then with an interval of 40 minutes between feedings. The duration of one course of treatment is a week. If no improvement is observed during this period, another therapy is prescribed.

The child's body is very susceptible to irritating factors, massage only on the bare body, even the thinnest fabric can cause irritation. When performing movements, the baby can be placed on your lap, changing table or bed.

To prevent your child from being capricious, turn treatment into fun for him. Talk to him during the massage, approach the process creatively, explain your movements. A fun and useful entertainment that your child will certainly enjoy. Do a massage not only to combat cough, but also for prevention, the course also lasts 7 days.


To treat a cough without harm to the child, you need to take into account all contraindications for massage. Under no circumstances should the procedure be performed if the body temperature is elevated; this can only aggravate the situation, as blood circulation is stimulated. If the child feels discomfort when lying on his stomach and is capricious, this method of treatment should also not be used.

Direct contraindications to therapy:

  • time immediately after eating;
  • fever;
  • complications of the underlying disease;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the treated areas;
  • the presence of malignant and benign tumors.

Massage should under no circumstances replace drug therapy. It is used only as an aid for sputum discharge. The procedures help get rid of mucus in the respiratory tract, but they do not treat the disease that caused the disorder.

In conclusion

Massage perfectly stimulates the respiratory tract and improves coughing up mucus. This is a particularly useful procedure for children. However, it is worth considering that therapy must be agreed with a doctor and can only be an addition to drug treatment. Take care of your kids and take them to checkups on time!