Monitoring the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Monitoring "healthy lifestyle"

Test questionnaire “Studying students’ orientation towards a healthy lifestyle.”

    Please select either “yes”, “no” or “not required” to answer.

Have understanding in the family.

Study well, get a good education.

Live without conflicts.

Have a good, reliable friend (girlfriend).

Have material wealth.


Have the opportunity to travel.

Have the opportunity to eat delicious food.


Be outwardly beautiful (handsome), dress well.

2. Do you always manage to act honestly and not worry about your actions?

b) not always

3. Do you have a spiritual ideal, a person you strive to be like?

b) I find it difficult to answer

4. Do you have an ideal of a physically perfect person that you would like to be like?

b) I find it difficult to answer

5. In the event of a conflict or some kind of trouble, are you able to pull yourself together and calm down on your own?

b) I think not

6. Do you strive to alternate study and rest?

b) when how

7. Do you do physical exercise?

b) yes, but not regularly

8. Are you paying enough attention? water procedures(bath, shower, swimming)?

b) yes, but not regularly

9. Do you adhere to any system of regular hardening?

b) from case to case

10. Have you received any injuries in the last 2-3 years?

b) yes, but not significant

11. How often do you get the flu, acute respiratory infections?

a) I don’t remember when I was sick last time

b) rarely (once a year)

c) often (2-3 times a year)

12. How often do you have stomach pain?

a) very rarely

b) rarely (once a year)

13. How often do you miss classes due to illness?

a) I don’t miss it at all

b) rarely (once every six months)

When answering questions No. 2-13, point a) is scored 3 points, b) 2 points, c) 1 point.

Levels of personality orientation towards a healthy lifestyle

Very low

Below average

Above average

Very tall

Test “Are you eating right?”

1. How often do you eat in one day?

a) three times or more

b) twice

c) once

2. Do you often have breakfast?

a) always

b) only on weekends

3. What does your breakfast consist of?

a) from porridge and some drink

b) from fried food

c) from one drink

4. Do you often snack during the day between breakfast, lunch and dinner?

a) never

b) 1-2 times

c) 3 times or more

5. How often do you eat fresh fruits and vegetables, salads?

a) 3 times a day

b)3-4 times a week

c) almost every day

6. How often do you eat cakes with cream and chocolate?

a) once a week

b) from one to four times a week

c) almost every day

7. What do you spread on bread?

a) margarine

b) butter with margarine

c) only oil

8. How many times a week do you eat fish?

a) more than once

b) 1-2 times

c) once or less

9. How often do you eat bread and bakery products?

a) once a day

b0 three to six times a week

c) less three times per week

For each answer a) 2 points, b) 1 point, c) 0 points.

Count up the points

20-23 points: you eat a balanced diet

15-20 points: nutrition is normal

12-15 points: nutrition needs to be improved

0-12 points: nutrition needs significant improvement. There is a health hazard.

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  • Municipal autonomous educational institution

    "Manchazhskaya Secondary School"

    structural unit "Kindergarten of the village of Manchazh"

    Monitoring educational process


    Kaznacheeva N.I.

    S. Manchazh

    Monitoring tasks for middle group according to the program "From birth to school" educational module"Physical development" "Formation initial ideas O healthy way life"

    1. Level of development of initial ideas about healthy lifestyle:

    A ) Didactic game“What do people need body parts for?”


    The teacher asks the child to explain why they need:

    Hands (help to do many different things...)

    Legs (help with movement)

    Mouth (to speak, to eat)

    Teeth (chewing)

    Tongue (helps with chewing, tasting, speaking)

    Skin (feels)

    Nose (breathes, smells)

    Ears (hear)

    The eyes (see).

    B) Didactic exercise"Continue the sentence"


    - “I brush my teeth, which means they will be... (strong and healthy).”

    - “If I get my feet wet, then... (I’ll get sick).”

    - “In order not to get sick, you need...(harden yourself, do exercises, eat vegetables and fruits, take vitamins, etc.).”

    1. Level of Compliance elementary rules hygiene (during observations):

    Wash hands with soap as needed

    Uses a comb and a handkerchief

    Covers mouth when coughing

    Uses cutlery (spoon, fork), napkin correctly

    Rinse your mouth after eating

    Evaluation criteria:

    3 points –

    2 points –

    1 point –

    according to the educational module “Physical development” “Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle”


    Last name, first name of the child


    Bottom line

    Evaluation criteria:

    3 points - does everything on his own

    2 points - 1 point -

    Monitoring tasks for senior group according to the program “From birth to school” according to the educational module “Physical development” “Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle”

    a) Why do you need to eat right? Which foods are good for the body and which are harmful?

    b) How to move correctly? Why does a person need to sleep? What contributes to the destruction of human health?

    c) What is the importance of daily morning exercises, hardening the body, maintaining a daily routine, and personal hygiene for human health?

    d) What should be done if a person gets sick?

    Evaluation criteria:

    3 points –

    2 points –

    1 point – the child cannot cope with tasks even with the help of an adult.

    Evaluation criteria:

    3 points – The child completes all tasks independently, without adult reminders.

    2 points – The child completes all tasks independently after verbal prompting from an adult.

    Monitoring the educational process

    according to the educational module “Physical development” “Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle”

    Group ______________________________

    Date of monitoring _______________________________


    Last name, first name of the child

    Level of mastery of necessary skills and abilities

    Level of development of initial ideas about healthy lifestyle

    Education of cultural and hygienic skills


    Bottom line

    Evaluation criteria:

    3 points - does everything on his own

    2 points - does it independently, if there is difficulty, seeks help from adults, 1 point - to a large extent fails to cope with the proposed tasks.

    Monitoring tasks for preparatory group according to the program “From birth to school” according to the educational module “Physical development” “Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle”

    1. Level of development of initial ideas about healthy lifestyle:

    Conversation with children (individually):

    a) What are the most important organs in a person?

    b) How to eat properly? How much should a person eat? Where should you start and end lunch? Is it possible to eat the same favorite dish every day? Why? Why does a person need water?

    c) Do I need to do exercises or play sports? Why? Show me your favorite exercise.

    d) How do you relax in kindergarten, Houses? (active recreation)

    d) Why do you need to harden? How can you harden yourself?

    Evaluation criteria:

    3 points – The child answers all questions independently and correctly, understanding the content of the questions asked.

    2 points – The child answers all questions correctly after a short verbal prompt from an adult.

    1 point – the child cannot cope with tasks even with the help of an adult.

    2. Level of compliance with cultural and hygienic skills (during observations):

    a) The ability to quickly and correctly wash and dry yourself using an individual towel.

    b) Formation of the daily habit of brushing your teeth, rinsing your mouth after eating, washing your feet before going to bed.

    c) The ability to properly use a handkerchief and comb, and take care of your appearance.

    d) The ability to quickly undress and dress, hang clothes in a certain order, monitor the cleanliness of clothes and shoes.

    e) Uses cutlery correctly (spoon, fork, knife), napkin, knows how to eat food carefully, quietly, keeping correct posture at the table.

    f) The ability to make requests and thank.

    Evaluation criteria:

    3 points – The child completes all tasks independently, without adult reminders.

    2 points – The child completes all tasks independently after verbal prompting from an adult.

    1 point – the child cannot cope with tasks even with the help of an adult.

    Monitoring the educational process

    according to the educational module “Physical development” “Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle”

    Group _____________________________

    Date of monitoring _______________________________


    Last name, first name of the child

    Level of mastery of necessary skills and abilities

    Level of development of initial ideas about healthy lifestyle

    Education of cultural and hygienic skills


    Educational work with students should take into account the psychological and pedagogical features of the formation of a child’s personal attitude towards his health. It is important not only to equip him with knowledge about maintaining health, but also to create the need to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. How well educational work with students about a healthy lifestyle is organized in elementary school will be determined by special monitoring.

    When teaching schoolchildren the basics of a healthy lifestyle, teachers use such active forms, like conferences, role-playing and business games, discussions, etc. Most common drawback- information overload of students with knowledge without taking into account how it will be used in practice.

    IN educational institution It is useful to conduct monitoring to determine the level of organization of educational work. At the end of each half-year, it is advisable to arrange express diagnostics ideas about the value of health among 4th grade students (Appendix No. 1).

    You can invite schoolchildren in grades 3-4 to fill out a questionnaire to determine their attitude to the value of health and a healthy lifestyle Final stage monitoring - determining the level of organization of educational work with students at school - is carried out at the end of the school year. (The content of these questionnaires was published in the journal “Management primary school" for No. 5, 2009, publishing house MCFR Educational Resources, p. 23.)

    Appendix No. 1

    Express diagnostics of ideas about the value of health among 4th grade students

    Instructions for teachers

    From the following ten health statements, you need to select (circle the number) four that the student considers most appropriate. It is important to explain to children that all statements are correct, so it is not knowledge of the correct answer that is being tested, but the attitude towards health as a phenomenon of human life.

    List of statements

    1.We are healthy because we lead a healthy lifestyle (move, eat right).

    2. We are healthy if we are lucky: our body is naturally strong and can protect itself.

    3.Health is life without bad habits(tobacco, alcohol, drugs, overeating, etc.).

    4.We are healthy because we know how to rest and relax after educational and physical activity.

    5.Health depends on doctors and the level of development of medicine.

    6.Health depends mainly on personal hygiene (compliance with the daily routine, the habit of brushing your teeth, etc.).

    7. When a person is healthy, he studies and works well, does not worry and does not get sick. Study and health depend on each other.

    8. To be healthy, you must be born this way. Health depends on luck and on the health of our parents, and we inherit it.

    9.If there is nice apartment, high salary, convenient work schedule, clean environment, that is, health.

    10. A person is healthy if he improves himself spiritually and physically and constantly strives for better.

    Study Analysis

    Statement number

    Total score

    13 points: in a child high level value attitude towards health (personally oriented type);

    11-12 points: the child is conscious of his health (resource-pragmatic type);

    9-10 points: the child is not sufficiently conscious of his health (adaptation-support type);

    4-8 points: the child does not have a conscious attitude towards his health as a value.

    Note. To identify the prevailing attitude towards health as a value in the children's group, the most common option from the number of possible individual answers is considered as a value attitude towards the health of a group of students.

    “Assessment of the development of healthy lifestyle skills at school” (diagnosis, monitoring) for the period and school year. G.

    A deep sense of respect, pride and love for man prompted us to raise this issue. After all, life and Man are priceless, unique phenomenon in the Universe. Humanity has brought to life the greatest creative forces, and it has also created gigantic means of destruction, both the world and man himself.

    I remember a sad joke: “If people were tried for a crime against own health, many people would receive the highest measure" The general culture is low, the traditions of a healthy lifestyle are weak, there is no need, no habit, no skills - these foundations are not laid in childhood.

    Educational reforms occur almost every year, times change, the tasks of school reform change, but the problem of children's health remains unchanged. The first place will always be the protection and promotion of the health of schoolchildren, the creation normal conditions for their growth and development.

    School is one of the first social institutions that faces little man in the process of its formation. The child grows and develops. The administration, teachers, psychologists, doctors, parents and everyone on whom it depends must make every effort to ensure that the school is not a factor harmful to his health, preventing his full development, but, on the contrary, is an example of an environment that promotes the most full disclosure of a person’s inclinations and at the same time really prepares him for a future difficult life.

    Research shows that about 20% of first-graders come to school with disabilities mental health borderline in nature, but by the end of 1st grade their number increases to 60-70% negative influences that worsen children's health are associated with the characteristics and difficulties of adolescence adolescence, uncertainty of social status in society, instability of the country's development, the emergence extreme situations, from which the child cannot independently find a way out. As one of the most important characteristics health we would like to stop and consider the level physical development student, social and living conditions, character, regularity and quality of nutrition, level and character motor activity, the degree of drug contamination (including personal acquaintance with smoking, alcohol and other psychoactive substances).

    According to a survey of schoolchildren, only 27% regularly and independently perform morning exercises classes – 32% classes – 25% classes – 3% classes – 1%

    At schoolOutside school Total% students in grades 1-4% students in grades 5-7% students in grades 8-9% students in grades% Total:% Engage in sports clubs

    Traditional is the month of “Health and Safety” from 15.10, holding the United Day for the Prevention of Child Road Traffic Injuries, a competition of propaganda teams and theatrical performances on fire-fighting topics

    The problem of health status was discussed at parent meetings, promotion of a healthy lifestyle and prevention of bad habits is carried out in individual conversations, a system cool hours and educational subjects, discussed at the ShMO class teachers and teachers' councils.

    At home he is constantly agitated, cannot organize his activities, emotional instability, whims - refuses to do his homework, sets a lot of conditions, is distracted, which is why he homework takes several hours, does not remember what was assigned for homework, what lessons are tomorrow, cannot work independently - takes a long time to get ready for school, does not remember the lesson schedule, requires parental control - after school he is lethargic, drowsy or overly aggressive, irritable.

    Results of the survey on the “Psychological Tension” questionnaire - I am constantly worried about the upcoming test or exam - It seems to me that my knowledge is insignificant - I do not have time to learn the educational material, and this causes a feeling of self-doubt - An unexpected question from the teacher leaves me confused - Despite the confidence in my knowledge, I am afraid of the exam - I feel like I won’t learn everything educational material-Failures in my studies worry me -My condition depends on the successful completion of school assignments -After an argument or quarrel, I cannot calm down for a long time -The ridicule of my classmates spoils my mood

    Based on surveys of teenagers and visual graphs, we can conclude that childhood alcoholism prevails in dysfunctional families, where the culture of communication is undeveloped, where alcohol for teenagers serves as a means of self-affirmation, pastime, and also a means of compensation. mental disorders from the norm.

    Drug addiction as a form of manifestation of deviant behavior. Any drug addiction is preceded by abuse various substances: alcohol and smoking, and also, as mentioned above, the inherent adolescence variability of mental state.

    The consequences of our indifference and silence to the problems of smoking, alcoholism and addiction to psychoactive substances will be: a progressive decline in the activity of the child’s personality potential, moral and aesthetic degradation of the personality, leading to the destruction of both physical and mental health, dissatisfaction with life, vagrancy, parasitism and criminal consequences.

    We took as a basis the project “Our new school", in which one of the priority tasks is set as follows: "Strengthening the educational potential of the school, ensuring individualized psychological-pedagogical accompaniment of each student. Prevention of neglect, crime, and other asocial phenomena should be considered as a necessary and natural component of school activities. Therefore, the main emphasis of our work is aimed at preventing the causes and consequences of tobacco smoking, alcoholism, and the use of psychoactive substances, and organizing the free time of adolescents, since meaningless leisure is a risk factor in the development of an unhealthy lifestyle.

    Nutrition is one of the key factors that determine not only the quality of life, but also the conditions for the growth and development of a child. In many ways, students’ health problems, and hence their successful studies, are associated with disruption of their normal nutrition. Catering in the second half of the school year. d. Total number of students in the school is 388 people. Coverage of hot meals is 127 people - 32.7% of total number Number of students served with hot meals (daily + spontaneously) – = 145 – 37.4% Organization of meals in the second half of the school year. d. Total students in the school 380 people Hot meals covered 243 people - 61.6% of the total Number of students covered with hot meals (daily + spontaneously) - = .8%

    And in conclusion, I would like to say: a new type of institution is being created everywhere in Russia: the Center social health families and children, social rehabilitation difficult teenagers, there are social hotels and helplines, and many other services providing social, psychological and pedagogical assistance. Our school stands at the origins of a new period. It is just beginning, but it is not starting from scratch. Adopted by Russia The Convention on the Rights of the Child becomes a symbol of change aimed at creating effective system assistance, protection and support of childhood.