Didactic games for kids for February 23. Explanations for the presentation “Didactic games and exercises for preschoolers on the topic: “February 23”

1.Game "Form a new word"
- This soldier serves in the infantry, so he (who?)…
- This soldier is driving a huge tank, so he (who?)…
- This soldier goes on reconnaissance, so he (who?)…
- This soldier serves in the airborne troops, which means he (who?)...
- This soldier is guarding the border, so he (who?)…
border guard
- This soldier serves on a submarine, so he (who?)…
- This soldier protects the air borders of our country, which means he (who?)…
- How can you call all these people in one word?
(military personnel)
- What holiday dedicated to these people is celebrated in our country?
3. Game "Military professions"
Children are invited to guess riddles and divide the clue words into syllables (pilot, sailor, etc.)
Who's at the border guys?
Is he guarding our land?
To work and study
Could all the people calmly?

(border guard)
Who is sailing on the ship?
He doesn't yearn for land.
The sea is his home
Who is he, guys?

The plane soars like a bird
There is an air border there.
On duty day and night
Our soldier is a military man...

4. Game "How much? Much or little" Tank -... Airplane - … Cannon - ... Ship - ...etc
Next, the children are asked to name all these items with one word: “This is all (what?) – military equipment.”
5. Game "Count - 1,2,5" Tank, shell, plane, cartridge. 6. Game "4th wheel" - tank, fighter, helicopter, plane;
- artilleryman, sniper, cook, paratrooper;
- drum, machine gun, machine gun, cannon;
-vest, overcoat, jeans, jacket.
7. Game "Choose the words"
Defender of the Fatherland
(Which?) -…
(Which?) - …
(which?) - …
(which?) - … 8. Game "Action"
(what does it do?) ...
(what does it do?...
(what does it do?)…etc 9. Game "Guess the description" Images of soldiers from various branches of the military are displayed in front of the children. The leader (child) makes a riddle for one of them, the rest ask him questions, trying to guess. The presenter can only answer: “yes/no”. 10. Game "What are the soldiers doing?"
- Guys, does our country need an army in peacetime, when there are no wars?
-I suggest you look at the pictures and say what the soldiers are doing in each of them, and why do they need it?
(shoot at a target - train accuracy, lift a barbell - develop strength, etc.) 13. Game "Name the parts" Children are asked to name the parts of a warship: bow, stern, side, anchor, gangway, wheelhouse. 14. Game “Match words with words” MILITARY " March, service, time. 15. Game "Name and Explain"
- Guys, for a long time people were proud of their defenders and came up with proverbs and sayings about them, let’s remember them.
1) That hero, who is a mountain for his homeland.
2) Alone in the field is not a warrior.
3) Not the hero who is waiting for a reward, but the hero who is coming for the people. etc.
- Guys, how do you understand their meaning?
(children's answers) 16. Game "Who is this or what is this?" (with ball)
Submariner, shell, ship, officer, parachute, infantryman, fighter, saber, etc. 17. Game "Say otherwise" (selection of synonyms)
-The soldier is brave, but how can I say it differently? –
brave, fearless, etc.
-Our country is big, but how can we say it differently? –
huge, immense...
-Our army is strong, but how can we say it differently? –
mighty, powerful... Finger gymnastics

Today is the holiday of all fathers,
(clench and unclench fingers)
All sons, all who are ready
(clap hands)
Protect your home and mother,
(make a “house” out of your palms, press them to your heart)
Keep us all away from troubles!
(clench and unclench fingers)


One, two, in step, Three, four, step harder. Soldiers go to the parade And they take a step together.

MBDOU kindergarten "Vasilyok", Crimea, Simferopol district, village. Andrusovo

Akimova E.A. Explanations for the presentation “Didactic games and exercises for preschoolers on the topic: “February 23” // Sovushka. 2016. No. 1..2016.n1-a/ZP15120182.html (date of access: 09/29/2019).


1.Game "Form a new word"
- This soldier serves in the infantry, so he (who?)… infantryman.
- This soldier is driving a huge tank, so he (who?)… tanker.
- This soldier goes on reconnaissance, so he (who?)… scout.
- This soldier serves in the airborne troops, which means he (who?)... paratrooper.
- This soldier is guarding the border, so he (who?)… border guard
- This soldier serves on a submarine, so he (who?)… submariner.
- This soldier protects the air borders of our country, which means he (who?)… pilot.
- How can you call all these people in one word? (military personnel)
- What holiday dedicated to these people is celebrated in our country?
2. Game "Give me a word"
Goals: develop auditory attention, sense of rhyme, speech.
The speech therapist reads a poem, the children add the missing word.

I will grow up and follow my brother
I will also be a soldier
I will help him
Protect your... .(country).

The brother said: “Take your time!
You better study at school!
You will be an excellent student -
You will become... (border guard)".

You can become a sailor
To guard the border
And serve not on earth,
And in the military... (ship). etc.

3. Game "Military professions"
Children are invited to guess riddles and divide the clue words into syllables (pilot, sailor, etc.)
Who's at the border guys?
Is he guarding our land?
To work and study
Could all the people calmly?
(border guard)
Who is sailing on the ship?
He doesn't yearn for land.
The sea is his home
Who is he, guys?
The plane soars like a bird
There is an air border there.
On duty day and night
Our soldier is a military man...

4. Game "One - many"
Tank -...
Airplane - …
Cannon - ...
Ship - ...etc
Next, the children are asked to name all these items with one word: “This is all (what?) - military equipment.”
5. Game "Count - 1,2,5"
Tank, shell, plane, cartridge.
6. Game "4th wheel"
- tank, fighter, helicopter, plane;
- artilleryman, sniper, cook, paratrooper;
- drum, machine gun, machine gun, cannon;
-vest, overcoat, jeans, jacket.
7. Game "Choose words - signs"
Defender of the Fatherland (Which?) -…
Tank (Which?) - …
Army (which?) - …
Motherland (which?) - …
8. Game "Name the words - actions"
Artilleryman (what does it do?) ...
Scout (what does it do?...
Paratrooper (what does it do?)…etc
9. Game "Guess the description"
Images of soldiers from various branches of the military are displayed in front of the children. The leader (child) makes a riddle for one of them, the rest ask him questions, trying to guess. The presenter can only answer: “yes/no”.
10. Game "What are the soldiers doing?"
- Guys, does our country need an army in peacetime, when there are no wars?
-I suggest you look at the pictures and say what the soldiers are doing in each of them, and why do they need it? (shoot at a target - train accuracy, lift a barbell - develop strength, etc.)
11. Game "Engineers - Designers"
Children are asked to lay out military equipment (ship, tank) from counting sticks and determine which branch of the military it belongs to.
12. Game “Find out a military profession by its headdress”(presentation)
13. Game "Name the parts"
Children are asked to name the parts of a warship: bow, stern, side, anchor, gangway, wheelhouse.
14. Game “Match words with words” MILITARY"
March, service, time.
15. Game "Name and Explain"
- Guys, for a long time people were proud of their defenders and came up with proverbs and sayings about them, let’s remember them.
1) That hero, who is a mountain for his homeland.
2) Alone in the field is not a warrior.
3) Not the hero who is waiting for a reward, but the hero who is coming for the people. etc.
- Guys, how do you understand their meaning? (children's answers)
16. Game "Who is this or what is this?"(with ball)
Submariner, shell, ship, officer, parachute, infantryman, fighter, saber, etc.
17. Game "Say otherwise"(selection of synonyms)
-The soldier is brave, but how can I say it differently? - brave, fearless, etc.
-Our country is big, but how can we say it differently? - huge, immense...
-Our army is strong, but how can we say it differently? - mighty, powerful...
18. Game “How are they similar and how are they different?”
- airplane and helicopter;
- cap and helmet;
- boat and submarine.
19. Game "Who are there many in the army?"
-This is one border guard, but there are many others in the army? - border guards.
- This is one infantryman, but there are many others in the army? -...
-This is one paratrooper, but there are many others in the army? -...
-This is one anti-aircraft gunner, but there are many others in the army? -...
-This is one ship, but there are many things in the army? -...
-This is one machine gun, but there are many other things in the army? - ... and so on

  • Finger gymnastics

Today is the holiday of all fathers,
(clench and unclench fingers)
All sons, all who are ready
(clap hands)
Protect your home and mother,
(make a “house” out of your palms, press them to your heart)
Keep us all away from troubles!
(clench and unclench fingers)

  • Fizminutka

One, two, in step,
Three, four, step harder.
Soldiers go to the parade
And they take a step together.

Riddles about the army on a military theme
I will go on a ship,
When I go to serve in the Navy.
And that ship, like a miracle,
Throws up an oncoming wave.
His team lives on it -
All people of different ages.
I'll be the youngest, it's true
Who is ready to call me?
The homeland gave the order
And he goes straight to the Caucasus!
Jumped at night with a parachute -
The road, sometimes a minute!
The plane is taking off,
I'm ready to fly.
I'm waiting for that cherished order,
To protect you from the sky!
I am the modern "God of War"
Defender of the country's borders.
After all, before you go to battle,
They let me in for "robbery."
"Where we are, there is victory!" —
Our motto is glorious, fighting.
We have been from sea to shore since centuries,
They ran like a “stone” wall!
At night, at noon, at dawn
He carries out his service in secret,
Who walks in the parade
Ribbons curl behind your back,
Ribbons curl, and in the squad
There are no girls.

Can you become a soldier
Swim, ride and fly,
And I want to walk in formation -
Waiting for you, soldier...
Any military profession
You definitely need to study
To be a support for the country,
So that there is no...
He decides everything in an instant,
He accomplishes a great feat
He stands tall for his honor.
Who is he? Right.

Dear colleagues!
The games brought to your attention contribute to the development of speech, replenish and activate vocabulary, develop coherent speech, the ability to accurately express thoughts, and improve the grammatical structure of speech.













Another one follows.


Everyone plays, regardless of age. All players are a combat crew of at least eight fighters (players). Every game can be a competition, every competition should be a game. In a competition, someone is a winner, which means there are also losers. But our army does not know defeat. And everyone should feel like first... among equals. And if it is decided to reward the winner with a chocolate medal on a silk ribbon, then the loser can be cheered up with a chocolate bar, which in weight equivalent is greater than the medal. The entire game program is given the code name “Young Fighter Course”. It is expected to play both in “headquarters” and “field” conditions.

These games can always be remade for other holidays.


At the beginning of combat, i.e. gaming, actions, everyone receives a common notebook and pen. And after each game, when everyone is taking a break, everyone writes in a notebook what they consider necessary to say about this game, its results, with their comments. There is no need to write a lot. Only the name of the game, its brief description, the result. And when the entire game program is exhausted, everyone will have a well-filled logbook, and it will be possible to hold another competition in the categories “Shortest entries,” “Clearest entries,” “Most interesting,” and the owner of this logbook will be awarded the title of military correspondent. Everyone keeps this notebook as a memory from the game, and it will be a good incentive for organizing similar games next year.


War trophies in our game are funny and clever aphorisms, phrases, anecdotes that must be selected long before the start of the game from various sources, such as magazines, simply carefully cut out or rewritten. And during the game these leaves will play the role of ordinary forfeits. All players of the winning team, the player who answered the question correctly, etc. receive such slips. And by the end of the game actions, each player will have a certain number of them. Everyone will stick them in their “Logbook”. These are his “spoils of war.” Whoever has more of these “trophies” is the most dexterous and brave. You can reward him with a good portion of chocolate.


All players are divided into teams. And each team receives a combat task - to paint their vest. To do this, two completely identical vests are drawn in advance on two sheets of whatman paper; the number of stripes must be the same so that everyone is on equal terms. Vests should be as large as possible, and there should be as little free space on whatman paper as possible. Of course, do not paint over the stripes in advance, as this is what the players will do during this combat mission. The number of players in a team should not exceed six people, otherwise it will be crowded. Each team receives a jar of gouache and a brush.
If during coloring there are blots on the vests from too close cooperation, then this is just nothing, it means that the vest has been “tested” in combat. It is important that the lines are straight and the coloring speed is high.
The team whose players do this faster wins and receives forfeits - war trophies.
Both vests (both fully painted and not yet fully painted) are solemnly hung somewhere higher for everyone to see.


So let's throw our hats into the distance.
All players are divided into two teams. Each team must have a hat or any headgear. Each team draws a line, measures a few steps forward from this line, and draws another line. There you need to put an object on which it will be convenient to throw a hat. A plastic bottle filled with sand for stability is suitable for this purpose. So, each team puts its bottle on the line, and at the other line everyone lines up in a chain. The first player of the team has a hat in his hands. He throws it, if he hits it, he goes to the end of the chain. If he misses, he has the right to two more throws. But after them he still goes to the end of the chain. And the next one throws his hat.
This task can be varied. When all players complete the task, a new milestone can be set.
To do this, you should draw a new line and move, for example, one step further. Of course, the distance for both teams should be the same. The number of hits must be counted! The team with the most direct hits wins. She also receives the spoils of war in full force.
One more question: who returns the cap to the team every time after a throw? At the beginning of the game, you need to determine the player who will do this. You can resort to a rhyme, for example, like this: “An apple rolled through the garden and fell straight into the water - gurgle.”


This game should be played on the court, weather permitting, of course.
Of course, in conditions of extreme secrecy, a combat mission is written on a piece of paper and the envelope is sealed. This package is received by a fighter - any player. All other players scatter across a fairly large area. The number of players must be at least eight. From this number they choose one catcher. And he begins to catch up with the one who has the envelope. Seeing that they are about to catch up with him, the runner can pass the envelope to a friend player. Finally, the catcher manages to catch someone. He opens the envelope and reads the secret letter. Anything can be written there. For example, crawl on your belly, perform a song or receive a prize.
Next, a new task is written, a new catcher is selected, and the game continues.


The boatswain differs from all others in that he is allowed to whistle! And the boatswain also distributes task orders. The game starts like this: according to the counting, they choose the Bosun, give him a whistle, and they all run off in different directions. The boatswain pretends that he doesn't care. But suddenly, at the most inopportune moment for the players, the Bosun blows his whistle. And all players must freeze in those places and in those positions in which this whistle caught them. And they must stand or sit without moving. The boatswain is keeping a watchful eye on them. Whoever can’t stand it and moves or somehow reveals himself, the Bosun will offer him an outfit, for example, to peel potatoes or whatever he comes up with.
The player must show with gestures how he does this, but in such a way that it is similar and recognizable. If the player succeeds, the game continues. If he fails, then the boatswain can come up with another outfit for him. And after that the game continues.
You can play until more players receive their tasks, and then, according to the counting, you need to choose a new Boatswain.


You can play “partisan” in a room, even a very small one. All players choose who will be the captured “partisan”. He must stand in the center of the circle that the rest of the players form. They can ask him different questions, try to make him laugh, but he must remain silent, like a real “partisan.” If the players, resorting to cunning, still force him to utter at least a word, the prisoner is eliminated from the game. A new “partisan” is chosen to replace him according to a counting rhyme, or the player who asked the previous “partisan” a tricky question becomes a “partisan”. This is how the players agree in advance. But it may happen that the “partisan” turns out to be such a tough nut to crack that he won’t talk, and the other players will get tired of asking him questions. Then the “partisan” is rewarded with a “war trophy” and instructed to choose a new “captive partisan” from among the players.
This game can be played in teams. From each team, a player goes to the other team, and the players of the opposing team ask him questions. And this continues until all the players are captured in turn. The team whose “partisans” turned out to be taciturn wins and receives “spoils of war.”


This is both a well-known saying and a modification of the game “Captive Partisan”. The only difference is that the “partisan” can answer questions asked to him, but inappropriately. Say whatever you want, but only so as not to repeat a single word from the question asked. This is a game of attentiveness.
For example, they will ask him how many pies he ate for breakfast. If the player answers that he had buns for breakfast, he loses because his answer contained the word “breakfast”, which was in the question. So in this game both the “partisan” and the players who want to confuse him must be very careful.
If the “partisan” makes a mistake, he changes places with the player who asked him this question. If the “partisan” turns out to be smarter, then he is rewarded with a “trophy of war”, and a new “partisan” is chosen to replace him according to the counting.


Every pre-conscript knows that a sentry at a post cannot be distracted by anything extraneous, and every sentry knows that he should not be distracted at a post by anything extraneous. So let him try. The “sentinel” is chosen by all players from their ranks according to a counting rhyme. They put him near the wall and, sitting in front of him, try to make him laugh.
The combat task of the “sentinel” is to stand like a sentry at his post, without moving, without talking, without laughing, but the players, on the contrary, contribute to this. They can turn to him with questions, they can, without paying any attention to him, ask questions to each other, they can tell each other something funny, make gestures in order to make him laugh or stir him up. If the "sentinel" reacts with a word or gesture, he loses. He goes to the laughing players, who choose a new “sentry” according to a counting rhyme. If it was not possible to make him laugh or stir him up, then he is given a military trophy and a new “sentry” is chosen according to a counting rhyme.
The game can be diversified, for example, by giving a plate with a ball into the hands of the “sentinel,” and if his laughter or movement causes the ball to fly off, it will be a loss.


All players choose two people according to the counting, these will be the “scouts”. They must step aside for a while, but before that, everyone takes for themselves some distinctive object, for example a ball, a button, a piece of paper. The remaining players are divided into two teams, and the players of each team take some items that distinguish them from the other team. Items must be prepared in advance. For example, these could be small pieces of paper of two different colors. When the players have sorted out their pieces of paper, they themselves position themselves on the court and call the “scouts”. They come and must find their own among the players and form their team. For example, if a scout has a yellow piece of paper, then he must find those players who also have yellow pieces of paper. The team that gets together faster wins. And receives “spoils of war.”


The ship's role is a document where those coming to the crew are entered. If someone leaves the team, they are written off from the role. In the game, a piece of paper can play the role of a ship. A player is selected from the total number. This is "platoon". He takes a piece of paper and a pen, the rest of the players line up. The last one comes out in front of the line.
The “platoon leader” walks along the line and asks everyone whether to “sign in or write off.” And if the player answers “write in,” then the “platoon leader” puts a plus, if the player answers “write off,” then the “platoon leader” puts a minus. After the survey, they calculate which turned out to be more - pros or cons. And if there are more pluses, then the player who comes forward goes in one direction. If there are more minuses, then go to another one. (These sides need to be marked somehow, for example, by drawing a circle.) Then the next player leaves, and the rest of the players determine whether he should be included or written off. And when the “platoon leader” rewrites everyone, they count who was more - decommissioned or included. Those who won, they receive their “spoils of war.”


This is an old game. Many peoples knew it and played it at different times. But, of course, every time in a new modification. And, of course, our holiday “young fighter course” cannot do without such a game. The essence of the game is that half the players try to capture the banner, the other half of the players try to prevent this.
All players are divided into two teams. They draw two identical squares - these are their territories. But small, proportional to the number of participants.

Each team chooses one player from among its number, he will represent the banner. In this game, the “banner” is not passive, it can “influence” its capture. The “banner” of each team is located on its own territory. In the center of it you also need to draw a small circle in which the “banner” cannot be touched. But in his free time from being captured, the “banner” can also walk around its territory, like other players.
Players of the opposing team try to run over to the territory of the other team and capture the “banner,” that is, touch the player depicting the banner with their hand and insult him. But their players defend him and, in turn, try to upset the attackers. If the attacking player is hit, he is eliminated from the game.
The number of players on his team is reduced, and, accordingly, the chances of capturing the “banner” are reduced.
Teams play in turns: one attacks, the other defends. If it was not possible to capture the “banner,” they change roles, and the previously defending players themselves attack their opponents, running across to their territory.
The game, agile and fast, proceeds in such dashes. The team whose players manage to capture the “banner” wins.

A variant of this game could be this: they choose one player - this is the “banner”, they choose three more - these are his defenders. The rest are forwards. The “Banner” is located in a circle.
Defenders are around. When the attackers approach, the defenders try to insult him, but not allow the “banner” to be captured. If you succeed, the attacker becomes a defender, and thus the number of defenders increases.

It may even be that gradually all the attackers will become defenders, but the “banner” will never be reached. If the attackers manage to insult the “banner,” then they choose a new “banner” and three of its defenders from among their number, and the game continues.
You can diversify the game like this: instead of getting dirty, try to hit the “banner” with the ball. And the defenders will try to hit the attackers with the ball. This way the game will be even more dynamic and fun.


This game is similar to the old famous game “Hot and Cold”, in which the driver tells the searching players with these words where the object they are looking for is hidden. You can play this game in a small room.
In this game, on the contrary, one player searches, the rest hide. All players, according to the counting, choose the seeker, and he goes aside, because he should not see where the “banner” is hidden. The “Banner” is hidden like this: each player takes a small container, for example an empty box, and places it in front of him. The object that represents the banner is hidden in one of the boxes. Players are arranged in a chain or in a circle. The seeker must guess which box contains the “banner”. But you can help him.
For example, clap your hands harder if he approaches the player who hid the “banner”, and weaker if he moves away from him.
If the seeker does not guess correctly the first time, he can try two more times. A total of three attempts are given. If he guesses correctly the first time, he receives three “war trophies”, if on the second, then two trophies, and on the third, then one. But if he doesn’t guess right at all, he gets nothing and joins the other players. They choose a new seeker.


Pathfinders are all players. They are looking for one whom they have chosen from their own ranks. It is better to play outside or in a very large room.
Several paper arrows are prepared in advance to indicate the direction. The hiding player takes these arrows and marks his path. But since he is alone, and there are many seekers, he has the right to arrange the arrows as he pleases, even trying to show the wrong direction in order to confuse the seekers.
First, the tracker players leave so as not to see how the arrows will be laid out and where the player will hide. When he has everything ready, he gives a signal, and the rangers go looking. But not the whole group, one at a time. One will pass, finding the arrows, but not finding the one they are looking for behind the cover where the arrow pointed, and the tracker returns.
Another one follows.
If all the trackers pass, but still do not find the hidden player, he is given the nickname “Fox” and three “war trophies” are presented at once. If one of the trackers finds a fox player, then the entire team of trackers receives “spoils of war.”


All the little toys choose one, who will crawl first. The remaining players form pairs and sit on the floor opposite each other, with their hands resting on the floor behind them, their legs raised forward and their feet resting against each other, forming a kind of “tunnel”. The player who is assigned to crawl passes this “corridor” on his face. But the “corridor” is both narrow and low. If the player crawls successfully, he receives a war trophy and takes a place in the last pair instead of any player of his choice. The player he chose goes to the end of the “corridor” and crawls through it too. If a player touches the “corridor,” that is, one of the players representing him, then he takes his place, and the touched player prepares to crawl on his belly.
This continues until it gets boring or until all the players crawl through.
One warning: it is difficult to sit in this position all the time, so players in pairs raise their legs when the player approaches them, giving him the opportunity to crawl, and lower them when he moves away. This will require dexterity and endurance from them.
They should help, not hinder, the crawling player.


This is also a very famous game. Two people play it. Each person draws cells on a piece of paper and places random crosses in them to represent ships. Each player must have the same number of crosses. In turn, each player names the coordinates of any cell, and if his opponent has a cross in this cell, he crosses it out and says out loud “Hit.”
You cannot look at your opponent's sheet.
But we have teams playing, it’s more interesting. Therefore, it is better to take a chessboard instead of a sheet of paper. Each team should have its own board. Use checkers instead of crosses. Each team must have the same number of checkers.
But you can place them on the board arbitrarily, by agreeing that two checkers standing next to each other indicate a small ship, and three or four in a row indicate a large ship. Each team takes turns calling out the coordinates, and when it hits, the checker is removed from the board.
To avoid confusion, teams need to choose a captain who will call out the coordinates. But the team must work together to decide which square to choose.
The start of the game will be determined by lot. The team that is the first to knock out all the opponents' checkers wins and receives the "spoils of war."


Emergency - everyone is scooping water out of the hold! The hold in the game is replaced by a large container, the scoop by a small container. Each player must have one large container and one small one. If a basin has a large capacity, then, perhaps, there will not be enough basins for everyone who wants to play. You can take some plastic jars from dairy products. Only in this case you will have to scoop it out with a teaspoon. Each player takes a cup and a spoon and, at a signal, begins to scoop: whoever finishes the fastest is the winner, the “war trophy” is his! In addition, you will need a third container into which everyone will drain the bailed water.
Another version of this game is a team one. Two teams play, each with the same number of participants. Each player receives a bailer and as a team they scoop water from one large container. This is where the largest basin will do.
The game starts at the signal.
The number of team members should not be more than four so that they do not interfere with each other. If there are many applicants, then the number of teams will be three or four.


Two teams play, each with the same number of players. They draw a line and place empty plastic bottles on it in a row, no more than ten pieces. A few steps from this line, another is drawn. Both teams approach it in a chain one after another. A bat-stick 50-70 cm long is thrown from this line. Players of one team throw first. These are the attackers. The player's task is to knock down as many bottles as possible with one throw. After each throw, you need to collect and put the bottles back in place. This is done by the other team - the defenders. After the players of one team have made all the throws, the teams change roles. Which team starts first is decided by lot. They play by count: how many bottles are knocked out, the team gets so many points. Then the points are summed up. They play in turns, for example, each team three times in attack, three times in defense. The team with the most points wins and receives “spoils of war.”


Two teams play. Each has the same number of participants, but no more than three. Each team draws a square a short distance from each other. These are fortresses. Each team has its own fortress. The size of the fortress is approximately such that team players can move freely in it.
Empty plastic bottles are placed on the sides of the squares. These are “fortress walls”. Players occupy their “fortresses” and begin the battle.
They throw a small ball at each other, as in a regular knock-out game. But in a normal game, when an opposing player is hit by the ball, he is eliminated from the game and the number of players on the team is reduced. This game has a different condition: when a player is hit by the ball, he remains in the fortress, but one bottle is removed “from the wall.” This is how teams play by throwing the ball from fortress to fortress, trying to hit the opposing players. After each hit, the “walls” of the fortress become smaller. The team that knocks out the opponents' fortress first wins. And she receives the “spoils of war.”


Of course, there must definitely be a game with such a name. You can play in different conditions, for example in the field. In this version, a group of participants gathers and decides how many kilometers they will walk. This, of course. should depend on physical capabilities.
They should be approximately equal. Then the route and direction are determined. All participants in the “hike” gather at an appointed place and go to their destination. For example, you can go to visit one of your friends, where, of course, everyone will have a camp lunch.
But if the weather conditions are not conducive to the “field” option, then you can play in the room.
The distance that will need to be covered can be equal to the length of the corridor. Since this is not very much, the task can be complicated. For example, walk holding a ball in your hands with a small ball on it, but so as not to drop it during a marching step, or carry a cup of water so as not to spill it.
All participants stand in a chain one after another and walk in turns. The one who successfully passes receives a “war trophy”. Anyone who fails and drops the ball has the right to try two more times.


Everyone knows this fairy tale. In the game, the bridge will be represented by stripes drawn on the floor. The distance between them should be such that you can stand with both feet. Two players stand on this lane and throw the ball at each other, trying to hit and knock out the opponent. Of course, they will dodge the ball flying at them, and someone will “step off the bridge.” You can't do this in the game.
If you quit three times, you're out of the game. The opponent is considered the winner and receives his “military trophy”.

If there are many people who want to play, then all the players are divided into two teams and one player is nominated. Whichever team has more winning players wins. If desired, and if the area allows, several pairs can play at once.


Every fighter must be able to assemble his weapon.
In the game, weapons are replaced, for example, by a box, which each player must fill with the same items, but in a meaningful way. Don’t just throw things in handfuls in a pile, but so that each item has a specific place. To do this, it is better to take a flat box, stick a sheet of paper on its bottom, divided into cells, and a number should be written in each cell. It is best to fill the box with cubes; each cube should also have a number on it. And the cube must be placed strictly in its place, each cube corresponds to a cell with a number on the bottom of the box. For this game, everything can be prepared in advance, specially made boxes and cubes with numbers. But, of course, there is no need to make a large number of them. Two identical boxes and two sets of dice are enough for two players to play. Everyone takes a box and a set of cubes.
They begin to fill the boxes when given a signal. Whoever is faster wins, but there should be no mistakes; if someone added faster, but made a mistake, then his winnings are not counted and victory is awarded to his opponent. If they play in teams, then a player comes out from each team. The player who puts all the cubes into the box faster and more accurately gets a point for his team. The team whose players score the most points wins, and the entire team receives the “spoils of war.”


This is an ancient soldier's competition. The prize was placed on top of a high pole, and it was necessary to get it. We'll change the game conditions a little: you won't have to climb the pole, but you'll still have to get the prize. First you need to build a stool pyramid - place three or four stools on top of each other. On the topmost stool you need to put, for example, a small ball. You will need to hit him with another ball. A knocked down ball is the right to receive a prize. A prize, for example, chocolate and, of course, a “war trophy”. All players throw the ball in turn, each player is given the right to throw three times.


At this signal, players must get dressed as quickly as possible. You can play this game from the very morning of the holiday, when all the fighters-players are still in bed and get dressed according to this signal: whoever overtakes everyone wins. But you need to not only get dressed, but also make sure that all the buttons are fastened correctly. Otherwise, the victory does not count.
This game can also be played during festive gaming events. And make the whole process of dressing symbolic: for example, putting on and lacing up sneakers. All players sit on the floor in a circle, and each player has his sneakers in front of him and a pair of laces in his hands. At the signal, everyone begins fighting at the same time. Everyone has their own tactics. Someone will first insert the laces, then put on the sneakers and tie the laces, someone, deciding that it will be faster, will first put on the sneakers and then try to get the lace into the hole. This is already everyone's right. The one who puts on his shoes faster and more correctly wins.


In this game, the helmet will be represented by a hat made from an ordinary newspaper. All players stand in a circle, as if playing a round dance, and choose one leader. He stands in the center of the circle. This is the commander.
He holds a helmet in his hands. The game begins, the commander gives a “helmet” to any of the players, he puts it on, and the circle begins to move. Everyone follows each other. The “helmet” also begins to move, it is passed along the chain to each other. The commander stands in the center of the circle and suddenly asks: “Who’s wearing the helmet?” - and claps his hands. At the moment of the clap, the circle stops, but one player did not have time to take off the newspaper hat and pass it to the other. The commander says: “That’s who’s wearing the helmet!” And this player gives the hat to his neighbor and goes to the center of the circle, stands near the commander. Gradually, the number of players walking in a circle decreases, the number of players standing near the driver in the center of the circle increases. The last player remaining in the chain is considered the winner and must be awarded a *military trophy.” If you want to continue the game, then this player can become a commander in the new round.


This game is for attention. All players choose one driver - the commander. He sits opposite them. Everyone sits next to him, in different poses. The commander looks at everyone carefully, he must remember very well who is sitting where and how. The players themselves must also remember very well both their places and their movements. When the commander believes that enough time has passed for memorization, he gives a signal, for example, clapping his hands and turning away or leaving completely. All players begin to move, walk, run, jump. After a while, when the commander decides that everyone has run enough, he gives a signal - he claps his hands again and, after a little hesitation, turns around or, if he was leaving, approaches the players and looks at them carefully. It is very possible that someone mixed up the seats or sat a little differently. But the commander, if he is attentive, will notice this change and say: “Aha, that’s who went AWOL!” This player goes out in front of everyone and must complete a penalty task that the commander will come up with for him. But tasks should be fun and harmless.
If the commander did not notice the change that had taken place, then he joins the players, and the driver becomes the one who indicated what the change in position was.


Sewing collar collars is the responsibility of all soldiers of all nations and times. And this, of course, in our “Young Fighter Course” (albeit a game one) cannot be ignored.
But what if the participants in the game are wearing sweaters or T-shirts? What to sew and to what? To do this, you need to prepare both collars and collar pads in advance. Or rather, they are simply identical figures in size and shape. You need to cut them out of thick cardboard and make identical holes along the edges, for example with a hole punch. By the beginning of the game, each participant receives two of these pseudo-collars and a box of paper clips. At the signal, you need to connect both figures with paper clips, but not haphazardly, but into holes specially made at the edges, without missing a single one.
The one who does this faster than others wins and earns another “military trophy”.
You can also play in teams. A player from each team comes out, and the one who completes it faster receives, in addition to the “war trophy,” a point for his team. The team with more points wins.


Each player is given a combat mission to set up a tent as quickly as possible, which will be a newspaper! It is clear to everyone that the newspaper will not just stand there, no matter what you call it.
Therefore, each player must come up with and fold some kind of three-dimensional figure from a newspaper, or even a box, as long as it stands stable. The form doesn't matter, even the funniest one. The winner is the one who folds the newspaper the fastest and who has it standing steadily.


All players form a circle and join hands - these are border guards. But first, from among their number, they choose two from their number - these are violators. At the start of the game, the “offenders” are outside the circle.
Their task is to penetrate the circle. The task of the “border guards” is to prevent this. The game begins - the circle moves in a round dance. Two players try to get inside the circle, either by bending down, or running under the players’ closed hands, or jumping over them, or simply breaking the chain of players with a running start. But the “border guards” are vigilantly watching and do not allow this. But in the end, one of the “violators” manages to do this. Now he must help his friend do this. He tries to somehow distract the attention of the “border guards,” and when he succeeds, his comrade also penetrates the circle.
But now the task of these two is to get out of the circle in the same way. The “border guards” are doing their best to prevent this. But in the end, both “violators” manage to escape from the circle. Then they have the right to choose any two players from the circle to replace them for the new round of the game.


This game must be played on a platform where you can run and hide. All players are divided into two teams: one team is the attackers, the other is the “ambush”. The game begins with the players pretending to be an ambush and going to hide. The attackers should not peek; it is better for them to move away and turn away. When the “ambush” is well hidden, they give a signal, and the attackers begin to dash across the site. It must be agreed in advance that, for example, they need to run from one end of the site to the other. And when they find themselves close enough to the shelter where the players pretending to be an ambush are hiding, they run out and begin to catch the attackers. To catch means to show off, to touch with your hand. Whoever is caught is taken to the “outpost”. This place needs to be marked somehow: draw a circle or square.
By prior agreement, the game continues until all the attackers are caught; if the total number of participants in the game is not large, or if there are more players, then it must be agreed in advance that a certain number of people must be caught. After this, the detainees are given some funny tasks, this is a punishment order. And when they complete them, they are released.
In the next round, the groups of participants switch roles. Former ambush players become attackers, former attackers go to hide.


Watchmen are sailors who have been relieved from their watch.
At the first signal they come to the aid of the watchmen. All participants in the game choose one driver - this is the “boatswain”. The rest stand in a circle in pairs. Pairs are formed randomly, but you need to stand one after the other, both facing in a circle. The player who stands in front is the “watchman”, the one who stands in pairs behind him is the “watchman”.
The “watchman” must remember very well who he is behind. The "boatswain" stands in the center of the circle.
He gives a signal - whistles. And according to this signal, the players who stood behind in pairs - “watchmen” - can run from place to place and generally move. The watchmen remain in their places.
After some time, the “boatswain” gives the signal again, and all the running players must stand behind their own “watchmen”, without getting confused, a few seconds are given for this, and the “boatswain” whistles again.
This whistle means that everyone should already be in place. Those who did not have time to take their place or got confused, forgot who they were standing behind, approach the “boatswain”, and he assigns them penal tasks.
These are fun but easy activities. When the players complete them, they go to take their places and in the new round of the game they change roles: “watchmen” become “watchmen”, former “watchmen” become “watchmen”.
After several rounds of play, those players who have never been penalized or made a mistake can be rewarded with “spoils of war.” It is advisable that 20 people play this game, otherwise it’s not interesting.


Every pre-conscript knows that a real soldier must always answer clearly and clearly: “That’s right!” They start playing like this. They choose one according to the counting rhyme. He will answer questions. Everyone stands in a circle. The respondent stands in the center of the circle.
They begin to ask him questions in a circle, first one, then another; the questions can be very different, but the one answering them must always answer only “That’s right!” regardless of the question.
This game is for attention. If he never misses, he is the winner and receives a “war trophy” and has the right to choose any player from the circle to replace him for the next round of the game. But if he was mistaken and instead of answering “That’s right!” - said something else, he is asked to complete a penalty task, and he changes places with the one who asked him this question. And the game continues.
You can play like this until all the players in the circle have answered or until you get tired of it.


This game is similar to a telephone game. All players stand or sit in a chain. But first, they choose one according to the counting rhyme. He thinks of a password word, approaches the chain of players and quietly, so that others do not hear, says this word to the first player. He must just as quietly communicate it to his neighbor, and he must communicate it to his neighbor, and further down the chain.
The last person to hear the word must pronounce it so loudly that everyone, including the player who came up with it, can hear it. If the word is reproduced accurately, it means that it was transmitted along the chain without errors.
But the word may arrive in a distorted form. In this case, the driver must name the word that he has in mind and offer to find the one who incorrectly conveyed this word. Everyone says the word they heard and passed on until they reach the one who made the mistake. The violator is given a penalty. And in the next round of the game he goes to the very end of the chain.


All players are divided into two teams. This game is played in a room. Two identical squares are drawn on the floor with chalk (or something else). The same number of small objects are randomly placed in them. A player comes out from each team. These are signalmen.
And everyone must make a “connection” on the site, that is, draw a line with chalk from one object to another. But so that the lines do not intersect anywhere and that not a single object is left aside. The one who does it faster and more accurately wins. The winner receives a “war trophy” and a point for his team.
The chalk lines are erased, and each team again has a player who must do the same thing. But, of course, it is not necessary to repeat the previous line exactly, and no one remembered it. You just need to follow the terms of the game.
They play until all the players of both teams are in the signalmen. For a correctly laid connection, teams receive a point. The team with the most of them wins.
Who is considered the winner if the one who went the distance quickly made a mistake? In this case, the victory and a point for the team are awarded to the one who was second, if he had no mistakes. But if both made a mistake, then such a pass does not count, and two new players come out from each team.


All players are divided into two teams. They sit in a chain, one chain opposite the other. The first players in the chain take a sheet of paper and a pen and write secret information on the sheet (by prior agreement, these can be the names of cities, countries, rivers, etc.). The first player writes one such name on a sheet of paper and passes it to the other along the chain, etc. However, this cannot be discussed out loud. They start writing both chains at the same time, but the one that writes faster wins. But you need to check that there are no identical words. If this happens, the result is not counted and the victory is given to the opposing team. Each time after a winning result, the team receives a point. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins. Then all its players receive “spoils of war.” The number of players in this game in each team should not exceed eight people. If there are more players, then it would be better to have more teams.


One driver is selected or appointed. He has to formulate a task for everyone, so he has a great responsibility. The point of the game is that you need to remember the location of several objects, their quantity and characteristics and write about it accurately. Items can be very different: boxes, balls, toys, dishes, vegetables, shoes, tools. All players sit in a chain or in two rows, as is more convenient for them. At a short distance from them, the driver places objects, but not in a line, but forming a still life from them.
You can place items on a tray or stand. There should be no more than fifteen such items in total. The driver places the objects and invites all players to look carefully and remember everything. When everyone has looked, the driver covers the still life with a cloth and invites all players to describe as accurately as possible everything they saw and remember (how many objects they saw, what color, what kind of objects they were), name them, describe how they were located. The players must write all this on a piece of paper, so everyone must have a piece of paper and a pen in their hands.
This game is for attention. Everyone is given the same time, and after the signal everyone starts recording.
Speed ​​does not matter here, the main thing is accuracy and detail. Those who wrote hand over their pieces of paper to the driver. After this, the driver opens the items and reads the notes. The one who gave the most accurate description is considered the winner and receives a “war trophy.” And in the new round of the game he will form objects.
If desired, this task can be complicated or varied. Let there be very few objects, but you need to remember and describe some of their not very noticeable features. You can also play in teams. First, one team forms the objects, the players of the other team observe and describe, then the teams change roles. But the number of players in a team should not be more than seven people.


They play on a court that must be divided equally. Draw two identical squares on the floor with chalk and place the same number of objects in each; empty plastic bottles are best suited. The size of the squares should be large - this is the playing field.
All players are divided into two teams, and each team lines up in pairs near its part of the field. Two players approach the edge of the field, holding hands - this is how they represent tanks. According to the sign, each pair must simultaneously run through their part of the field, holding hands, and at the same time scatter as many plastic bottles as possible. The pair of players who run faster and scatter more objects gets a point for their team. After everyone has run, the points are counted. The team with the most points wins and all its players receive "spoils of war."
If desired, the game can be varied. You can, for example, not scatter objects, but, on the contrary, try to run without touching them. Or, instead of bottles, use inflated balloons, which you simply place on the runway.
The movement of the players will make them take off and jump, adding to the general fun. In this case, you can give an additional task: when running in pairs, collect as many balls as possible. If you consider that you have to hold hands, the task will be very fun.


There is a legend that soldiers used to not know where right was and where left was. And during drill training they were confused when it was necessary to turn right or left. But they knew well what hay was and what straw was. And so they tied hay to their hands on one side and straw on the other. And when the commander shouted “Hay!”, this meant that he had to turn to the right when “Straw!” sounded. - that means to the left. That's all.

But nowadays everyone knows well where the right is and where the left is, but, perhaps, they have never seen real straw. But our commander will not shout “to the right” or “to the left,” and especially not “hay” or “straw.” He will pronounce various phrases, but with the condition that if the phrase is correct, then all fighters turn to the right, if it is wrong, then to the left. For example, the driver-commander will say: “Sugar is sweet.” This is true, and everyone must turn to the right as one. The commander will say: “The chickens are swimming.” This means everyone should turn left. Whoever makes a mistake must complete a comic penalty task.
You can also play in teams, which are divided into two ranks. Simultaneously, both ranks perform turns. The team that has fewer mistakes at the end of the game wins.

Tug of war

This is also a favorite soldier's competition. But our game will feature humorous tug-of-war.
All players are divided into two teams. The players of each team stand one by one and put their hands on each other's shoulders. The first players of both teams stand opposite each other, with their hands they must grab a ring tied from a rope so that a large balloon fits freely but firmly in this ring. At the signal, both first players begin to pull the rope ring towards themselves, the remaining players pull the shoulders of those in front, and from this general zeal the ball will jump out of the ring, depending on which team it bounces towards, which wins. Instead of a rope ring, you can pull a shallow container by the edges, into which you can put several small balls instead of one ball. How many balls jump out during the jerk, the team gets so many points.


As you know, sailors are very funny people. This game is based on humor. All players are divided into two teams. And from each team a player comes out, one player listens to what the other says. He can say anything, any incredible thing.
His task is to surprise, to infuriate his opponent. He should listen calmly and just assent, making it clear that he agrees with everything; nothing will surprise him. And suddenly the speaker will suddenly say: “Do you know that someone poured water into your sneakers?” The listener will immediately take it at face value: who, where? He will forget that this is a game. So he got caught. He is assigned a penal task, and the speaker is awarded a “trophy of war.” And a point for the team. The team that collects more points wins.


In this game, all participants choose two people - these are drivers: one is a cook, the other is a cook (a cook is a cook in the navy, a cook is a cook in the infantry). Only all other players should not know which one is which. It's a big galley secret. The two drivers move away from everyone and agree on which of them will be who. The rest line up in a column in pairs. The game begins.
The first couple goes and approaches the place where the cook and cook are located. They find out who wants soldier's porridge and who wants naval pasta. One player wants porridge, another wants pasta, and they report this. All these conversations should not be heard by other players. Then the second pair comes up, then the third, and so on until everyone has decided. But what if in a pair both players want, for example, porridge. This is why the game is designed so that by the end of the game the number of pasta and porridge lovers will be different. When all the players have decided on their taste preferences, it is necessary to count the number of porridge lovers for the cook, and pasta for the cook. Those who have more win.


As we determined from the previous game, the infantry loves porridge, the sailors love naval pasta, but everyone loves potatoes! If you love to eat potatoes, love to peel them. This game is a competition to see who can peel the potatoes the fastest. Each player should be given the same number of potatoes of approximately the same size, so that everyone has equal starting conditions. All players sit in a circle and, at a signal, begin to clean.
The one who does it faster and better wins.
You can add another nomination: for the longest potato peel. Both winners are awarded "spoils of war".


Everyone knows the law of the sea: the last one washes the dishes. But we don’t have the latter in our play area, so everyone washes the dishes.
Task: who can wash the label off a plastic bottle faster and more cleanly? Competition props: a plastic bottle, a cup of water and some kind of scraper. Each fighter player receives this competitive set, everyone sits in a circle and starts at the signal. The one who does it well and the fastest should be well rewarded. In addition to the “war trophy”, he should be given a plastic bottle with his favorite juice.

OUR PORridge

This is a real task for real fighters.
I need to eat porridge! The real one! And even faster than others!
All players sit in a circle, depicting fighters at a halt. In the center of the circle there is a large saucepan, representing a field kitchen. Each player receives a spoon and a bowl of this wonderful porridge. And at the signal, everyone starts eating. The winner is the one who eats the fastest. He is rewarded with a large bar of chocolate.
For the competition, you need to take small bowls and warn the players not to rush too much.
Haste and speed are two very different things.
The person who finishes his “competition task” last should be offered another portion, a supplement, so to speak, so that he can gain strength. And at the bottom of the bowl you should also put some kind of consolation prize for him, for example a small chocolate bar, so that everyone will be in a festive mood on the holiday.


Game “Commander, we are with you!”

Eyeliner: guys, you all know that soldiers cannot do without a commander. He is the most respected person. The lives of his wards depend on his command, whether he can make the right decision, whether he can clearly and competently explain the task to his colleagues, whether he can captivate his soldiers, and whether the commander can teach soldiers to be friends with each other, there is unity in his team! This is only a small part of the main qualities that a commander should have.

Attributes: 10-12 skittles, scarves (shawls) 2 less than the participants, for blindfolding.

Progress of the game : To participate in the game, 2 teams of 5-7 people are required, which line up like a train behind the commander and hold on to each other. All players, except the commander (first participant), are blindfolded. With this “train” they must run around the pins like a “snake”, without dropping or stepping on a single pin. The first team to complete the task without dropping a single pin wins.

Competition for scouts “Photography”

Three girls take different objects

A) sitting alone, reading a book;
B) the second one looks through binoculars;
C) the third holds the steering wheel

You need to look and remember the location of the girls and the objects in their hands. Then the team or selected players from the team turn away, and the girls quickly change places and objects. The team turns around and recreates the original picture.

Competition for dads "The Strongest"

3 fathers playing. Competition options:

· who can inflate the balloon faster?

· peel the potatoes and cut them with chopsticks,

· dresses his child, and the clothes are turned inside out;

· etc.

Dance “If you have fun, do it like this!”

The beginning of the verses is traditional “If you have fun, do this!”, but instead of the usual claps and clicks, children make expressive imitation movements (lift a weight, hug themselves, turn the steering wheel, shoot from a machine gun, etc.).

Horse racing "Whose horse is faster?"

Dads get on all fours, and children ride on dads. Get to a certain place.

Game "Ball, fly!"

Attributes: balloons and tennis rackets according to the number of participating players.

3-4 boys participate. Everyone gets a tennis racket and a balloon. At the signal, they begin to throw the balls with a racket and move towards the line, which is located at a distance of 4-5 meters from the start. The child whose ball crosses the line first wins.

Game "Who will collect the most ammunition"

Attributes: baskets according to the number of participants in the game, ping-pong balls, balls, fir cones, etc.

3-4 children and 2 dads participate. Everyone is blindfolded and given baskets in their hands. At a signal, within the allotted amount of time, participants collect ping-pong balls (these are cartridges) by touch. Who can collect the most?

Competition "Sort out the ammunition"

Eyeliner: military people must be able to navigate in any difficult situation. Let our military show if they can sort ammunition at night.

Two participants (one from each team) are blindfolded and brought to basins with cubes and balls. You need to sort the items by putting the cubes in one box and the balls in another. The participant who completes the task faster wins.

Relay "Ammunition Depot"

Each team must move the pins from the hoop to the boxes at the finish line. There are as many pins in a hoop as there are players in the teams.

Warm-up “Salute to Our Army!”

Our warriors go one-two, one-two, ( walking in place)

They beat the drums loudly: tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta ( imitate playing the drum)

Our ships are at sea: here today, there tomorrow! (arms to the sides, sway from foot to foot)

They swam for a long time in the distance across the seas, on the waves!( circular movements with hands)

Border guard at the post: who's coming? who's coming? (“hold the machine gun”, turning left and right)

Tanks are driving across the bridge: forward, forward, forward! (“motor”)

An airplane above the ground: ooh, ooh! ( arms to the sides)

Missiles are allowed to take off: ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh! (squat, palms folded in front of chest, stand up and raise arms up)

Our guns hit exactly: bang, bang! ("boxing", throw forward either the right or the left hand)

Salute to our army!( raise their arms to the sides - up)

Hooray! Hooray!

Competition for dads “Crooked Path”

Attributes: 2 binoculars, several skittles or rope.

A curved (“zigzag”) path is laid out on the floor from rope or pins are placed. Looking at your feet all the time through inverted binoculars (there is long-range visibility, not close-up visibility), you need to walk the path from one end to the other without tripping or going around the pins.

Game "Aircraft Designer"

Participate in pairs: father and child. Any number of couples are allowed to participate. Dad makes an airplane out of a piece of paper, and the child launches it. Who will do it faster and launch it further?

Attraction for dads “Rope running”

2 dads are participating. Jump ropes for a certain distance. You can make it more difficult: jump on one leg, jump over obstacles.

Pass the ball

2 teams of 5-7 people each participate. The teams stand in one column. The team begins to pass the ball over the head from the first to the last player and back. The team that completes the task first wins.

Option: Pass the ball over your head in one direction and roll it back under the players’ feet.

Game "Deliver the Report"

The report is an envelope containing riddles, wishes-poems, questions for ingenuity, etc. Two teams of 5 people must, with a bag on their shoulder containing envelopes with riddles, overcome the following obstacles:

Overcome the tunnel;

Crawl along the bench;

Climb under the arc;

Cross the swamp: lay out with planks or cardboards;

The first participant completes the distance, returns and passes the bag to the next relay participant, and so on until everyone has completed the distance. The last participant, after overcoming the obstacles, hands the bag to the presenter. The presenter takes out the envelopes and reads out the contents of the envelopes.

Game "Combat Alert"

Attributes: helmets (peakless caps, berets, etc.) according to the number of people.

Two teams of 3-5 people line up in a column, one person at a time runs to the table on which the hats are lying, puts on one of the hats, runs back and stands last in the column, etc.

Game for team captains “What has changed?”

A true commander must be very attentive. Various items are laid out on trays in front of you. Look at them for one minute, try to remember them, and then turn away. I'll remove one item. And you have to guess what disappeared from the tray.

Relay "Swimming on boats"

Each team member takes turns sitting in the basin and, pushing off with his arms and legs, “swims” to the “buoy” (a cube or other substitute object), and then runs back. The player following him first runs to the buoy and then “swims” back.

Relay “Raise the Anchor!”

One person from each team takes part in the competition. Each participant is given a stick to which a cardboard anchor is attached to a string. You need to wind the rope around the stick as quickly as possible until the anchor collides with the stick.

"Raise Anchors"

Attributes: 2 cords 1.5-2 meters long (these are chains), 2 cardboard anchors tied to the end of the cords, 2 buckets, 2 empty spools of thread.
Progress of the game: take chains (cords) from the depths of the sea (buckets) and wind them onto spools of thread at maximum speed.

Relay "Runway"

2 teams of 5 children and 2 dads are participating, one in each team.

The first team member places a landscape sheet of paper on his outstretched arm with his palm outstretched. In this position, he must reach the designated place and leave his sheet there. You will have to move carefully, because the sheet is light and always tries to fly off your hand. The next player will place his sheet next to the first sheet. And so on. A “runway” is laid out from the sheets.

Then dads, with their eyes closed, with their arms outstretched, must “fly” along this runway.

Relay race “Refilling fuel tanks”

A large bottle with a funnel, a bucket of water and a mug are installed in a designated place - their own for each team. Each team member runs to the “filling station”, takes a cup of water from a bucket and pours it into a bottle using a funnel. The team whose bottle fills up the fastest wins.

Relay "Border"

Attributes: different small items (corks, caps, small cubes, etc.)

Each team must lay out a line of small objects. This is the "border". Objects must fit tightly to each other so that a saboteur does not sneak across the border. Whichever team lays out the longest line within a certain period of time wins.

Game "Catch the saboteurs"

The game is played in two stages. Each involves children from one team and parents from another team. Children portray scouts - border violators, parents - border guards. The order of stages for each team is determined by lot.

Children and adults sit on hop-balls. Only the adult “border guards” still have hoops in their hands. Children jump on balls, dodging adults. Adults should throw a hoop over the child being chased. Then the “saboteur” is considered caught.

Relay “Through the Swamp”

With the help of foam rubber bars or other “bumps”, each team player must get over the “swamp”. The hummocks are stored in a basket or box. The first player takes out one or two bumps, places them in front of him, steps on them and runs back to the start. The person following him takes two more bumps, moves forward along the already laid out bumps, lengthens the path and returns to the start again. This continues until the last player contributes to building a path through the swamp.

Game “Fire in the trench”

Players from each team take turns (or two people each) throw bags at a target (a hoop lying at a distance of two to three meters) from a prone position. The winning team is the one with the most successful hits.

Game "Sailors"

Sailors are cheerful people, they live well,

And in their free moments they dance and sing.

All participants dance to the music of “Sailor”. The driver imitates washing the deck. When the music ends, the players get into pairs, and the one left without a pair becomes the driver.

Game “Unlucky Border Guard”

The driver is selected. He will be called the “unlucky border guard.”
There are 3 lines on the floor. Behind the first line there will be children who must cross the border, on the middle line there will be a “lucky border guard”,
who, instead of celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day, catches children at the border. And the third line is the line beyond which children must pass without being caught. Whoever the border guard catches will take his place.

"Border Guards and Violators"

The border guard boys will hold hands and form a circle. And the rest are local residents. Border guards do their duty, they are on patrol. If the border guards raise their hands, it means the border is open, and local residents can run in and out of these gates. But as soon as the word “Patrol” is heard, the fighters give up, and those who find themselves inside the circle will be temporarily detained. Let's see how reliably our border guards guard the border.

Competition "Sappers"

Eyeliner: Since the Great Patriotic War, our land has kept terrible treasures: mines and shells. To neutralize them, you need to take them away from residential areas and blow them up. How attentive and careful sappers must be so that the shell does not explode in their hands. Guys, can you be just as careful? Let's see!

Progress of the game: 2 teams of children of 4-5 people are selected. Teams stand in 2 lines, participants stand at arm's length. Discs called “mines” are laid out on the floor around the hall. There are baskets next to the last team members. At the leader’s signal, the children (first in the ranks) run, find a “mine” on the floor, take it and pass it along the chain to the team members. The last player places the mine in the basket. The first player, after placing the “mine” in the basket, stands at the end of the line. The second player in the line goes to look for the “mine”. The team that collects the most mine disks without dropping any wins.

Competition “Bring up the ammunition”

Here is a riddle about a fighter, a daring fellow,

The traffic light is flashing for me, He knows that I...( chauffeur)

A military driver always has something to do: he needs to supply ammunition, deliver a message to headquarters, and bring soldiers to combat exercises.

Progress of the game: Two teams of children with the same number of participants participate. They are drivers. In each team, the first member holds the steering wheel. There are pins in front of them, at a distance of 1 m from each other. Players must “snake” around the pins, come back and pass the steering wheel to the next participant. The team whose participants complete the obstacle course the fastest wins.

(Option: children stand like a train behind the driver, hold on to him and run around the pins like a snake, without dropping a single pin).


They climb the gymnastic stairs, ring the bell and return to their place, passing the baton to the next person on the team.

"Gather your team"

The first child runs around the flag, picking up the next one, runs around the flag again and takes another player, etc., until he picks up everyone on his team. The winner is the one who is the first to assemble his team, running around the flag each time and returning for others.

Competition "Finish the phrase"

Proverbs and sayings on an army theme.
1 Let's love our homeland...(we'll serve in the army)
2 Live -… (Serve the Motherland)
3 Difficult to learn….(easy in battle)
4 Alone in the field….(not a warrior)
5 One for all…..(all for one)
6 Cabbage soup and porridge... (our food)

Competition "Folk Wisdom" (we need to continue the proverb)

Whoever is faithful to the Motherland (he is exemplary in battle)
Fear of wolves - (don’t go into the forest)
The brave man blames himself, (the coward blames his comrade)
Courage (takes the city)
Whoever comes to us with a sword (he will die by the sword)
If you are unarmed - (you are not needed in battle)
The soldier is sleeping (and the service is going on)

Relay race “Deliver the package on a lifebuoy”

(The child sits on the “ice boats” and holds a package in his hands, dad carries him by the string, going around a given distance and returns to his place, the baton is passed on, the last participants hand over the packages to the Leader).

Competition "Musical"

Let's check what talents our dads have. (choose musical instruments, musical genre and perform the piece.).


1. I'll grow up and follow my brother I will also be a soldier I will help him Protect your... ( country) 2. The brother said: “Take your time! You better study at school! You will be an excellent student - You will become... (border guard) 3. You can become a sailor to guard the border And serve not on the ground, but in the military... ( ship) 4. The plane soars like a bird, there is an air border. Our soldier is on duty both day and night... ( pilot) 5. The car rushes into battle again, the tracks cut the ground, That car in the field is driven cleanly... ( tanker) 6. Can you become a soldier, swim, ride and fly, And the hunt to walk in the ranks is waiting for you, soldier... ( infantry) 7. Any military profession must be studied without fail, To be a support for the country, so that there is no...( wars)

8. Here is a steel bird reaching for the sky,

And it is driven by a pilot. What kind of bird?( airplane)

9. You can’t see it with your eyes, you can’t take it with your hands.

And without him you won’t go on the attack... ( hooray)

10. Without accelerating, it takes off skyward, reminding one of a dragonfly,

Our Russian one is taking flight... ( helicopter)

11. There are no clouds on the horizon, but an umbrella has opened in the sky.

A few minutes later he descended... ( parachute)

12. There is an iron whale underwater, day and night it does not sleep.

Walks under water, protects our land. (submarine)

13. Both on land and on the sea, he always stands on guard.
And he will not let the country down - the violator will not pass! (border guard)

14. Striped shirt, ribbons curl behind the cap.
He is ready to argue with the wave, because his element is the sea. (sailor)

15. He will replace the robot-machine and defuse the bomb or mine himself.
You must not make mistakes at all in order to survive later. (sapper)

16. Respect worthy and courageous warrior:
It's hard to get behind enemy lines and remain unnoticed.
Remember everything, find out in the morning at headquarters and tell them. (scout)

17. Wide wings burn in the sun,

You see an air squad in the sky.
Circles, turns and circles again,

Miraculously, the birds are flying one after another. (pilots)

18. Its fearless crew defends peaceful labor,
And the fighters from the round tower will repel all enemies. (tankers)

Problem: children’s lack of knowledge about the holiday of Defender of the Fatherland Day, lack of interest in the Russian army.

Justification of the problem: insufficient level of knowledge about the Russian army; formation of gender identity; lack of desire to become a defender of the Fatherland in the future.

Relevance of the project: Children are inherently very inquisitive. They will be interested to learn about the defenders of the Motherland. The implementation of this project will allow children to develop knowledge about the holiday of February 23, expand their knowledge about the history of their native country, and allow them to develop a desire to join the army, defend their country and their loved ones.

Project goal:

1. Introduce children to the history and traditions of the holiday on February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

2. Contribute to the development of moral education, cultivate a respectful attitude towards the defenders of our Motherland.

3. Consolidate knowledge about the Russian army and types of armed forces.

4. Introduce heroes of different generations, teach them to recognize them from photographs.

5. Promote the development of coherent speech, communication skills with adults and peers.

Project objectives:

Formation of social and moral education, respectful attitude towards adults, defenders of the Fatherland, war veterans. Introduce children to the history and traditions of the holiday on February 23.

Project type: research, cognitive-speech.

Project type: short-term, group.

Project implementation timeframe: two to three weeks.

Project participants: children of the preparatory group, teachers, parents.

Expected outcome of the project:

· Expand children's understanding of the Russian army and its defenders (introduce them to the types of armed forces).

· Introduce heroes of different generations, teach them to recognize them from photographs and paintings by famous artists.

· Self-development of the child.

· Activation of vocabulary, development of communication skills and skills of interaction with other people (adults and children).

· Joint creativity of parents and children. Participation in this project will help children learn to obtain information from various sources, systematize the acquired knowledge and apply it in various types of children's activities.


Istage - preparatory

1. Study of methodological and special literature on the topic of the project.

2. Selection of visual and demonstration material, poems, riddles, sayings, proverbs on the topic of the project.

3. Selection of technical teaching aids:

· Cartoon "Three Heroes", an excerpt from the film "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

5. Equipping the development environment:

v Book Corner: E. Aleksandrova “To the Future Defenders of the Fatherland”, N. Migunova “Defenders of the Fatherland”, V. Kosovitsky “The Future Man”, E. Trushina “Dedicated to the Heroes”.

v Musical corner: illustrations of musical instruments used in the army (trumpet, drum), their originals.

v Corner of speech development: mnemonic tables, series of demonstration paintings, reproductions of artists: Roerich, Battle of Kulikovo, V. Surikov, Suvorov’s Crossing of the Alps.

v Corner of creativity and drawing: stencils, outlines (armed forces), coloring books, plaster molds on the theme of the project.

v Theater corner: equipping the theater based on the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen "Flint".

v Mathematical corner: counting material “Russian Armed Forces”, “Weapons”, cards - assignments for “Denish Blocks”.

v Design of the parent corner: information about the project, recommendations on the project topic, creation of the album “Our Defenders”

v Sports corner: morning exercise complexes with exercises on the topic of the project; card index of outdoor games, physical education minutes.

IIstage - main

1. Direct educational activities.

Cognition. Formation of a holistic picture of the world, social and personal development, education of morality and patriotism. Development of artistic - aesthetic activity and cognitive - speech activity. Physical development.

Health. Physical culture: holding physical education relay races in the hall and during walks.

Communication. Speech development.Reading fiction: epic “Ilya Muromets and Nightingale - the Robber” by G.Kh. Andersen “Flint”, E. Aleksandrov “To the Future Defenders of the Fatherland”, N. Migunov “Defenders of the Fatherland”, E. Trushina “Dedicated to the Heroes”, V. Kosovitsky “Future Man”. Conversation on Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes”, examination of portraits of military leaders from different times (discussion of the similarities and differences in their appearance, determination of character), conversations on the topic “My loved ones”, “I am a defender”, “Russian Armed Forces”, “Military professions” ", learning poems for Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Cognition.Formation of a holistic picture of the world, social facilities, education of morality and patriotism in children, constructive activity: introduce heroes of different generations, types of armed forces, build ships and airplanes.

Artistic and aesthetic creativity: listening to music (military march), drawing “Soldier - Defender of the Motherland”, modeling “Defenders of the Country”, collective application “Guarding the Motherland”, learning the song “Our Motherland is Strong”, “We Are All Sailors”.

2. Joint activities of adults and children during routine moments.

· Morning exercises

· “I dress like a soldier, the fastest” (relay race when getting ready for a walk)

· Outdoor games in the “Service Dogs” hall (we climb over the “caterpillar”, “We are scouts” (we crawl under the rope without touching it).

· Situational conversations, conversations - reasoning.

· Review of albums, illustrations, postcards and encyclopedias on the topic of the project.

· Reading stories, poems, encyclopedic information.

· Gaming activities: didactic games, board and printed games, educational games on the topic of the project, introducing military and medical uniforms into the role-playing games “Sister of Mercy”.

3. Independent activity of children in developmental areas.

4. Working with parents:

· Introducing parents to the topic of the project

· Involving parents in the creation of the album “Our Defenders”, recommendations on the topic of the project.

· Involving parents in organizing a weekend route to the Museum of Military History (in St. Petersburg).

IIIstage - final

· Exhibition of children's drawings “Soldier - Defender of the Motherland”, modeling “Defenders of the Country”, collective application “Guarding the Motherland”.

· Summing up the project implementation.

· Summarizing the experience of working on the project and presenting it at the teachers' council.

Conclusions: Participation in the project allowed children to satisfy cognitive activity. The children became interested in the theme of the “February 23” holiday and, together with their parents and teachers, participated in project activities. The children were able to increase their own self-esteem, they contributed to the common cause, rejoiced at their successes and the successes of their comrades, and felt their importance in the group.