What medicine does Andipal contain? Andipal: instructions for use for high blood pressure

This is a drug that helps reduce spasms and also dilates blood vessels. This drug is an analgesic. When taking the drug, the total resistance of peripheral vessels decreases, and therefore normalizes blood pressure and improving collateral circulation. Thanks to its components, Andipal helps reduce headaches and also stops migraine attacks.

Composition and release form

The medication is available in the following forms:

  • Pills. Packaging without cells 10.
  • Pills. The packaging is contour, cell-free. Cardboard pack 1.
  • Pills. Packaging with 10 cells. Cardboard pack 1.
  • Pills. Packaging without cells 10, cardboard pack 2.

Composition of Andipal tablets

The drug contains the following substances:

  • Metamizole sodium in the amount of 0.25 g.
  • Bendazole or dibazole – 0.2 g.
  • Papaverine hydrochloride – 0.2 g.
  • Phenobarbital – 0.2 g.

Pharmacological action

Metamizole sodium helps reduce pain and also effectively relieves inflammation. This component has the property of being quickly absorbed into the blood and begins to act within 5-10 minutes from the moment of administration. Its elimination after consuming the drug is possible within 3 days.

Dibazole in the drug dilates blood vessels, has an antispasmodic effect and lowers blood pressure. It stimulates work spinal cord, and also helps strengthen the immune system. Is sedative which is very calming nervous system.

Papaverine hydrochloride contained in the product has a vasodilator and antispasmodic effect. In case of taking a dosage that exceeds the required dose, it can lead to decreased excitability of the heart muscles and patency within the heart.

Phenobarbital in the composition of the drug is sleeping pills and effective in repayment epileptic seizures. IN complex therapy used for treatment smooth muscle internal organs. It is the most dangerous drug for children, as it can have a strong effect on some parts of the brain, causing developmental abnormalities.

Indications for use of Andipal

The medication is used for the following diseases:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Gastritis.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • Colitis.
  • Headaches and migraines.
  • The complex includes treatment of hypertensive crisis.
  • Relieving pain shock associated with spasms in the peripheral part of the brain.


When choosing a drug as a medicinal product, you should pay attention to the following contraindications:

  • diseases associated with disorders in the renal-hepatic department.
  • anemia associated with increased coagulability blood vessels.
  • muscle weakness.
  • a disorder in the pigment process, inherited.
  • pregnancy and lactation period.
  • individual intolerance to some components of the drug.
  • closed glaucoma.
  • childhood. It includes reaching 8 years of age.

Side effects

The instructions for use warn of the following side effects when taking the medication for a long time:

  • In the gastrointestinal tract. Nausea and diarrhea or constipation may be present.
  • IN circulatory system after taking the drug there is a slight decrease protective properties blood.
  • In the central nervous system. Depression and retardation in movements appear.
  • The occurrence of anaphylactic shock. A person experiences a lack of reaction, retardation of movements and a sharp reddening of the skin.
  • Cannot be taken with alcohol. Strengthening possible ethyl alcohol, which can lead to poisoning or death.
  • Agranulocytosis.

Metamizole sodium has its own side effects.

Thus, various allergic reactions . They appear in the form of a rash or exanthema. They form at the very beginning of the intake, but can immediately disappear. If this does not happen within an hour, you should consult your doctor. Allergies after using the drug can occur along with severe forms: urticaria, Quincke's edema, bronchospasm or asthma, Lyell's syndrome or shock.

IN circulatory system There may also be side effects from metamizole sodium. They are expressed in the form of leukopenia. When taking Andipal for more than 7 days, agranulocytosis may occur. It is expressed in the form of increased body temperature, chills, itching in the anus or ENT diseases.

IN cardiac system An increase or decrease in pressure may occur without good reason.

IN kidneys deterioration, anuria, nephritis and the presence of red color in the urine are formed.

Instructions for use

Method and dosage

Andipal is applied orally based on 4-6 tablets per day for a week. If the use of the drug does not help, it should be taken with other drugs or replaced with another drug that is corresponding to it, but more effective.

During pregnancy and lactation

Andipal is an effective drug that helps restore normal blood pressure. During pregnancy, it can be taken, however, observing the following rules: Andipal should not be taken in the first trimester of pregnancy, as this can lead to fetal death. In more late dates During pregnancy, the dosage of use should be carefully calculated.

The drug Andipal contains almost all safe substances, except phenobarbital. It has a detrimental effect on the development of the fetus and, in in some cases, can lead to disturbances in the development of muscles and joints - children develop cerebral palsy. Thus, whether to take Andipal or not depends on the woman herself. At the same time, it should be taken into account that all other similar drugs can lead to fetal death or irreversible consequences.

Andipal for children

Recommended to take this drug children when they reach 8-14 years of age. This is due to phenobarbital, which can lead to mental retardation children. Therefore, the doctor should pay attention special attention on the child’s medical indicators. Andipal should be prescribed only when absolutely necessary.

Special instructions

When using the Andipal brand drug, caution must be exercised in patients with traumatic brain injury, disorders in the hepatic-renal system, insufficient development of the adrenal glands and underdevelopment of the prostate gland. You should not mix alcoholic beverages with Andipal, or engage in activities that require concentration and quick reaction.

If the dose of the drug is increased, the following deviations may be observed:

  • Deterioration of vision.
  • Weakness throughout the body.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Dyspnea.
  • The occurrence of tinnitus.
  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • There are dizzinesses.

To get rid of these symptoms, it is necessary to carry out the following series of measures: gastric lavage, monitoring the normalization of blood pressure, taking a laxative. Patients with cardiovascular diseases using Andipal must constantly monitor hemodynamics and the number of heart contractions, as well as the force of its beats. You should also be careful with the following diseases:

  • Blood pressure is below 100 mmHg.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Multiple injuries.
  • Dehydration.
  • Circulatory failure.

Interaction with other drugs

The interaction of the drug when used with other drugs leads to the following consequences:

  • Andipal with ethanol enhances the effect on the central nervous system.
  • Andipal with nitrates, diuretics, myotropic antispasmodics increases the decrease in blood pressure, which can lead to anaphylactic shock.
  • Andipal with analgesics leads to an increased risk of side effects, including renal failure. After taking the drug, vision problems and absent-mindedness are also possible.
  • The drug with adsorbents reduces the effect of dissolution of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract. Irritation of the mucous membrane may occur, as well as problems in the digestive organs.

Domestic and foreign analogues

Analogues of Andipal include the following drugs:

  • Analgin. Helps reduce headaches and neuralgia. Serves as a pain reliever during the menstrual cycle.
  • Analdim. Prescribed for febrile manifestations of the body, pain syndrome with varying severity. Used for myalgia, injuries and burns.
  • Benalgin. Use in the treatment of migraines, headaches, and in the postoperative period.
  • Benamil. Identical to benalgin.
  • Kofalgin. Used for arthritis, rheumatism and febrile symptoms.
  • Revalgin. Prescribed when renal colic, spasms genitourinary system, as well as for the treatment of joint diseases. In addition, revalgin is used in complex therapy in the postoperative period.
  • Spazgo. It is used for any manifestations of pain and renal colic. Helps ease menstruation.
  • Paracetamol. Helps thin the blood and also serves as an analgesic for injuries and toothaches.
  • Cardiomagnyl. Application for problems cardiovascular system and also for headaches.
  • Amizon.
  • Nimesil. In suspension.
  • Nurofen. Suppositories and tablets
  • Nalgesin. In tablets.
  • Mataren. Cream.
  • Dollar. Oral tablets.
  • Celebrex. In capsules.
  • Naklofen. In capsules.
  • An analogue of the drug Andipal - Aertal. Cream and suspension. Rubbed into diseased areas a small amount and rubbed thoroughly.

Price in pharmacies

The price of Andipal in different pharmacies may vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components and pricing policy pharmacy network.

Read the official information about the drug Andipal, the instructions for use of which include general information and treatment plan. The text is provided for informational purposes only and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

When prescribing the drug Andipal, the instructions for use are necessary for mandatory study in order to identify the presence or absence of contraindications for its use and possible side effects.

Pharmacological properties

The drug Andipal is a complex vasoconstrictor, antispasmodic and analgesic agent. Andipal belongs to the drugs groups narcotic analgesics and does not inherently cure hypertension, but has an antihypertensive effect.

The active substances papaverine hydrochloride and bendazole, which are part of Andipal, help expand the lumen of blood vessels and make smooth muscles more pliable. Metamizole sodium, or analgin, lowers fever and weakens and eliminates pain.

As an antispasmodic, Andipal is used to eliminate spasms of vascular smooth muscles. Phenobarbital, also included in the composition, depresses the nervous system and increases the effectiveness of each component of the drug.

Andipal has good absorption in the gastrointestinal tract (several minutes after use). The maximum concentration of the drug is achieved 20 minutes after administration. It is broken down by the liver and has a long-term excretion by the kidneys. It is not recommended to violate the prescribed dosage of the drug. The medication also has the following effect: relieves headache, relieves pain from spasms of the intestines, stomach and other organs.

Composition and release form

The composition of the drug Andipal includes the following active substances, which make it so multifunctional.

1 tablet contains:

  • metamizole sodium 0.25 g.
  • phenobarbital 0.02 g.
  • bendazole 0.02 g.
  • papaverine hydrochloride 0.02 g.

Additional substances:

  • steatite 0.007 g.
  • octadecanoic acid 0.003 g.
  • starch 0.046 g.
  • calcium salt 0.004 g.

The combination of active substances included in the composition has an effective multiple effect.

The drug Andipal is produced in the form of tablets in blister packs of 10, 30 and 100 pieces. in cardboard packages.

What doctors say about hypertension

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Emelyanov G.V.:

I have been treating hypertension for many years. According to statistics, in 89% of cases, hypertension results in a heart attack or stroke and death. Currently, approximately two thirds of patients die within the first 5 years of disease development.

The next fact is that it is possible and necessary to reduce blood pressure, but this does not cure the disease itself. The only medicine that is officially recommended by the Ministry of Health for the treatment of hypertension and is also used by cardiologists in their work is. The drug acts on the cause of the disease, making it possible to completely get rid of hypertension. In addition, within the framework of the federal program, every resident of the Russian Federation can receive it FOR FREE.

Indications for use

The drug Andipal is used as an analgesic to relieve pain due to vascular spasms. Andipal is recommended to be taken in the following cases:

  • eye pain.
  • urinary disorders.
  • primary arterial hypertension.
  • hypertensive diseases.
  • encephalopathy.
  • headaches, incl. after suffering injuries.
  • chest pain, etc.
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Before starting a course of treatment, you should consult a doctor. The dosage of the drug Andipal and the duration of the course of therapy depend on the patient’s health condition and are determined individually for each patient by a specialist.

Andipal is taken orally in the following dosages:

  • In case of high blood pressure, to relieve symptoms, Andipal is prescribed according to 1 tablet per day.
  • In cases where there is no need to lower blood pressure, but headaches bother you, prescribe 2 tablets per day with an interval of 1 hour. The maximum possible daily dose is no more than 5 Andipal tablets.
  • In case of manifestation of vegetative-vascular disorders, it is prescribed according to 1 tablet 2 times a day for three days. It is advisable to use motherwort in combination with Andipal or to provide a more effective effect.


  • liver and kidney failure.
  • hepatic porphyria.
  • lack of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.
  • disorders of the circulatory system.
  • children under 18 years of age.
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.
  • individual intolerance to individual components of the drug.
  • intestinal obstruction.
  • narrow angle glaucoma.

Andipal during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of Andipal is strictly contraindicated for children, pregnant and lactating women. Phenobarbital has negative impact on intrauterine development fetus and even a small dose of the drug can provoke pathological development fetal brain. There is an increase in the chance of having a child with cerebral palsy. During breastfeeding Andipal is also not recommended for use, because negatively affects the development of the child and spoils breast milk. In cases of extreme need to use Andipal, the child should be transferred to artificial feeding to avoid negative consequences.

Alcohol compatibility

Like other medications, Andipal is incompatible with alcoholic drinks, because it has the peculiarity of increasing the effect of ethyl alcohol on the body, which can cause side effects or death.

The use of Andipal, like any other medicine, can have side effects on the human body, namely:

  • Attacks of nausea, vomiting.
  • Interruptions in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Pathologies of coagulation of protein components of blood in case of bleeding.
  • Depression, drowsiness, lethargy.
  • Allergies, various skin rashes.
  • Diarrhea, constipation.
  • Decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood.

If any of the above symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor for treatment. necessary assistance, revising the dosage of the medication or replacing it with another.


In cases where the maximum possible dose of medication per day has been exceeded, patients experience the following symptoms:

  • dizziness.
  • drowsiness.
  • lethargy.
  • muscle weakness.

If symptoms of a drug overdose are detected, you should immediately rinse your stomach and take absorbent drugs. You should consult a doctor to determine the degree of overdose and further treatment her symptoms to minimize them.

Special instructions

Before starting a course of treatment, it is necessary to discuss with your doctor the options for the development of situations that may result from certain effects of the medication. There are cases when Andipal effectively treated migraines when blood pressure readings were in the range of 155 to 55 (that is, low blood pressure) and returned these readings to normal. Also read about normal blood pressure readings. . In such cases upper pressure decreases, and the lower one, on the contrary, increases.

Andipal includes phenobarbital, Therefore, the drug is classified as a soft drug and tends to be addictive. Therefore, the course of therapy is not long. Under normal conditions, Andipal shows its effectiveness within the first three days. If this does not happen, you should consult a doctor to cancel Andipal and select another medicine.

IN exceptional cases children and adolescents can be prescribed Andipal, but its use is carried out exclusively under the supervision of the attending physician.

Interaction of Andipal with drugs

The combined use of Andipal with other drugs can enhance its antihypertensive effect on the human body. Such drugs are:

  • Adrenergic blockers.
  • Diuretics.
  • Slow calcium channel blockers.
  • Nitrates.
  • Myotropic antispasmodics.

The opposite effect, that is, a decrease in the antihypertensive effect, occurs when taken in parallel with drugs from the following groups:

  • Analeptic drugs.
  • Tonics.
  • Anticholinesterase drugs.
  • Adrenergic receptor agonists.

In accordance with the instructions for use, taking Andipal and drugs from the narcotic analgesics group leads to side effects. In connection with activated carbon, Andipal is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, because the absorbent effect of coal does not allow the active substances of Andipal to enter the stomach and intestines. Analdim



Before replacing Andipal with an analogue, you should consult a doctor for possible adjustment of the prescribed dose and to avoid side effects of the drug.

Price of the drug Andipal

The price of the drug Andipal varies depending on the manufacturer, place of purchase of the drug, dosage and release form.

Manufacturing companyNumber of tablets per pack.Average price in Russia
Dalkhimfarm, Russia10 pcs.8 rub.
Pharmstandard, Russia10 pcs.10 rub.
20 pcs.29 rub.
Irbitsky HFZ10 pcs.19 rub.
20 pcs.37 rub.
Anzhero-Sudzhensky Chemical Plant20 pcs.65 rub.

The table shows average prices for Andipal. The price of the drug must be clarified directly at the place of purchase.

The universally known Andipal is often called a remedy for pressure. In fact, the possibilities of this drug are much wider and are not limited to lowering blood pressure. Andipal is a complex remedy, so it is used to relieve pain of a very different nature. It helps with migraines, gastrointestinal spasms, increased anxiety and so on. Such qualities of tablets are due to the fact that they contain quite a lot of active substances, each of which has some effect specific action on the body.

You can understand the capabilities of the drug only if you find out what composition it has. Considering the Andipal tablets, why and their use can only be said if you understand how the active substances contained in it act. The composition of the product includes such substances.

  1. Metamizole sodium (analgin). It is very well accepted by the body and quickly begins to “work”. Its main qualities are to relieve pain and eliminate inflammation. It is this component that is considered one of the main ones in tablets, although other substances are also of great importance.
  2. Bendazole (dibazole). Has a vasodilating effect. Due to the presence of this substance in Andipal, it is possible to lower blood pressure. Although it must be taken into account that long-term treatment hypertension cannot be achieved with it. The effect in this case is temporary and, frankly speaking, short-lived. In addition, bendazole increases the body's defenses. To some extent it also has a calming effect.
  3. Papaverine hydrochloride. It is added to Andipal due to its ability to eliminate spasms of the gastrointestinal tract. Also indirect impact this substance is to normalize the heartbeat. To a certain extent, Andipal helps, if necessary, to reduce blood pressure, but not very high.
  4. Phenobarbital. Contained in Andipal in small doses, but still manifests itself when using tablets. Andipal contains enough phenobarbital to provide a calming effect. This component also has antispasmodic properties, but they are not as pronounced as other active substances.

The composition of Andipal tablets does not end there. There are other substances in the drug, but they do not play a big role, they are only auxiliary. Potato starch, a small amount of calcium and stearic acid are used to make the product. But, as was said, they do not affect the state of the body. Therefore, they cannot be considered fundamentally important.

How do Andipal tablets work?

In combination, all of these active substances act on the body very effectively. Analgin quickly eliminates pain, since one of its qualities is blocking nerve receptors. Dibazole and papaverine have a vasodilating effect, due to which more oxygen enters the brain, and the condition quickly normalizes. In turn, phenobarbital sharply reduces the amount of adrenaline released into the blood. Namely, the latter substance often leads to vasoconstriction. Phenobarbital eliminates this effect and no longer allows blood pressure to rise.

It follows from this that the composition of the tablets has been chosen quite successfully, since the components complement each other and give an intense complex effect. But now you should find out what Andipal helps with. After all, with such a diverse effect, it can be used in a variety of cases.

In what cases do Andipal tablets help?

First of all, Andipal is used to eliminate negative symptoms for migraines. But it is often prescribed in other situations. IN general view Andipal's effect on the body can be described as follows.

  1. Relieves headaches. But here it should be noted that Andipal helps under the condition that the pain is caused by vascular spasms, for example, with increased blood pressure. Accordingly, from pain caused by impact or other mechanical damage, Andipal will not save.
  2. Relieves pain arising from spasms of the gastrointestinal tract. Again, Andipal eliminates himself pain syndrome, but does not fight the reasons for its appearance, which may be different.
  3. Lowers blood pressure. In this situation, Andipal will be effective only in mild forms of hypertension or in the case of a situational increase in blood pressure. It is useless to use such tablets for the treatment of hypertension. They also appear to be effective for hypertension.

It turns out that Andipal is primarily a pain reliever, and not a cure for hypertension. However, people who are often unaware of this issue try to treat hypertension with these pills. It is worth clarifying this issue.

At what pressure is Andipal taken?

Indeed, it is possible to reduce blood pressure with the Andipal tablet. This is exactly what the instructions for use presented on Andipal speak about. high blood pressure. At the same time, the drug does not help at all in the treatment of hypertension. Even with him long-term use there will be no positive changes. That is why Andipal is considered primarily as an emergency drug. But here too there are certain important specifics.

Doctors recommend taking Andipal once in order to short time reduce blood pressure and relieve the accompanying pain syndrome. But at the same time, the instructions for use offered on Andipal also indicate at what pressure to take it. The tablets will help provided that the systolic (“upper”) pressure is a maximum of 160 points. And this indicator is considered borderline. If the pressure has risen higher, Andipal cannot be used, since the effect may be the opposite. This situation is due to the fact that dibazole present in Andipal primarily acts on blood vessels in a tonic manner. That is, the condition may worsen at first. And only after about 30 minutes the pressure gradually decreases.

Sometimes you can come across the opinion that Andipal can also help with low blood pressure. Indeed, such cases do occur. But this mechanism was described above: dibazole first slightly increases blood pressure, and then there is a decrease in blood pressure. Thus, taking several Andipal tablets helps raise blood pressure, but only for a short time. Therefore, it is not worth the risk. It is better to take the drug only if your blood pressure is slightly elevated.

Andipal: instructions for use

Proper use of Andipal tablets helps to quickly eliminate spasms and pain. But for Andipal tablets, the instructions for use indicate that it is necessary to wisely choose the moment to take the drug. If certain important aspects, there is a danger of only harming your well-being. Therefore, it is necessary to consider in detail how this drug should be taken. Such requirements deserve the greatest attention.

  1. The recommended method is a single use of one or two Andipal tablets, provided that severe pain is observed or slight increase pressure. That is, it is not recommended to use the drug for prevention and without obvious symptoms. Moreover, you shouldn’t long time take this remedy because there is a risk of side effects.
  2. Only on the recommendation of a doctor is it possible to take pills for several days in a row. But still, the course is limited to a period of 7-10 days. After this there should be a break of at least a month.
  3. It is best to take the tablets with food. At the very least, it is not advisable to use Andipal on an empty stomach. The effect of the drug will be most safe if it is taken with light or liquid food. Approximately 10 minutes after eating, the tablets themselves are taken.
  4. With long-term use (within the recommended norm), the dosage can reach 4 tablets per day, but no more. There are two approaches to choosing the frequency of administration. The first option is 1 tablet three times a day. The second method is 2 tablets twice a day. This dosage is intended for adults only. This drug is not recommended for children at all.
  5. Separately, it should be said about taking Andipal together with other medications. These tablets can only be used if other analgesics, painkillers and antispasmodics are not used. It is not advisable to combine Andipal with medications that have anti-inflammatory properties. Tonic drugs and barbiturates can reduce the effectiveness of Andipal.

As you can see, there are many restrictions when taking Andipal. But all of them must be taken into account, since otherwise side consequences simply cannot be avoided. It is also worthwhile to find out separately what instructions for use are given on Andipal for high blood pressure. Still, as is now clear, elevated blood pressure is not always an indicator for the use of such a drug.

Andipal for high blood pressure

The method of using the tablets in this case is determined by what causes the increase in pressure. There are two main options here. To choose a specific one, you need to consider the following.

  1. If the increase in pressure is caused by some external factors and is situational in nature, you only need to take one tablet of the drug. After this, you cannot take Andipal. But, as mentioned above, these tablets only help with slightly elevated blood pressure. When systolic pressure jumps above 160 points, it is necessary to use other drugs.
  2. For chronic hypertension, the use of Andipal is not recommended. Only if prescribed by a doctor, you can take 2-3 tablets per day for a maximum of five days. After this, Andipal should be replaced with another drug.

Once again we should warn you about side effects that appear with prolonged use of Andipal. It is because of them that the product is not recommended for use in the first place. long-term use. Also, we must not forget about the contraindications, which are quite numerous for this drug.

Andipal - main contraindications

It is not surprising that such a complex composition has both a large number contraindications. This means that before taking the drug, especially for a long time, it is advisable to consult a doctor. As for those contraindications that you can independently detect in yourself, these include the following.

  1. Kidney and liver diseases. If there is persistent dysfunction of these organs, it is possible toxic damage body when taking Andipal.
  2. Muscle weakness. In terms of its action, Andipal is a sedative. Therefore, with weakened muscle tone, the effect of its use may not be the most positive.
  3. Systemic blood diseases and increased coagulability.
  4. Hypotension. Low blood pressure is one of the most important contraindications. Why Andipal cannot be used for this disease was described earlier.
  5. Individual intolerance and allergy to the components that make up Andipal.
  6. Pregnancy and lactation. It is not known exactly how the active substances present in Andipal will affect the child’s body.
  7. Pathologies of pigment metabolism. They are also called porphyrias. They are hereditary in nature and in most cases are easily identified.

In general, the contraindications for Andipal are quite different. Therefore, you should not be negligent in using this drug. It is also necessary to follow all the recommendations presented above. Andipal is a fairly effective drug, but at the same time specific. In the same case, it can both help and worsen the condition. This means that without constant monitoring There is no avoidance on the part of the doctor when using it.

Andipal belongs to the group of combined medicines. It has antispasmodic, vasodilating and analgesic effects.


Andipal consists of metamizole sodium (250 mg), bendazole (20 mg), papaverine hydrochloride (20 mg) and phenobarbital (20 mg). Each of the components of Andipal has a specific effect on the body.

Metamizole sodium - has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is well and easily absorbed, and the effect of its use occurs quite quickly.

Bendazole or dibazole - is able to dilate blood vessels, relieve spasms and lower blood pressure. In addition, the drug has a stimulating effect on the function of the spinal cord. Dibazol is an immunostimulating drug. The main application is spasms in the gastrointestinal tract and blood vessels, treatment of certain diseases of the nervous system.

Papaverine hydrochloride – relieves spasm of internal organs, as well as blood vessels. Large doses of the drug can lead to a decrease in the excitability of the heart muscle and a slowdown in intracardiac conduction.

Phenobarbital - has a hypnotic effect. Also applies to antiepileptic drugs. In small doses it has a calming effect; in combination with antispasmodics and analgesics, it is used to treat spasms of the smooth muscles of internal organs.

Andipal - indications for use

The use of Andipal is indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in chronic form, the main manifestations of which are smooth muscle spasms. Such diseases include gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and colitis.

According to the instructions, Andipal is indicated for headaches, since the drug has the ability to relieve spasm of blood vessels that supply blood to the brain. In combination with other drugs, Andipal is indicated in the treatment of hypertensive crisis.

Method of administration of Andipal and dosage

Andipal should be taken one or two tablets up to three times a day. The course of treatment with Andipal is from 5 to 7 days.

Contraindications to the use of Andipal

The drug should not be used for:

Diseases of the liver and kidneys, which are accompanied by disruption of their normal function;

Anemia, which is accompanied by increased blood clotting;

Myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness);

Porphyria (disorder of pigment metabolism of a hereditary nature);

Pregnancy and lactation;

Allergies to Andipal components.

Side effects

According to the instructions, Andipal may have the following side effects:

Stomach and intestines: nausea and constipation are possible;

Hematopoietic system: possible decrease in the protective or coagulating properties of blood;

CNS: possible development depressive state, decreased physical activity;

Allergy to the components of the drug, in some cases anaphylactic shock is possible.

More information

According to the instructions, Andipal should not be taken with alcohol, since the drug can enhance the effect of ethyl alcohol. The use of Andipal in combination with drugs that depress the nervous system can enhance their effect.


From large number groups medicines Analgesics are in stable demand. They are released.

Antispasmodics relieve vascular and muscle tone. Painkillers relieve pain.

But there are combination drugs that have both antispasmodic and vasodilating properties. Belongs to them. What is included in the product, after what time Andipal begins to act, and how long the therapeutic effect lasts - the article will tell you about all this.

To understand what Andipal is, how quickly it reduces blood pressure and relieves pain, you need to understand how this medication works. This complex remedy, which simultaneously affects several organs and systems human body. Therapeutic effect tablets due to their composition.

Andipal contains the following active substances:
  • Dibazol;
  • Analgin;
  • Phenobarbital;
  • Papaverine hydrochloride.

Each of the listed components has its own specific action.

Hydrochloride belongs to the group of myotropic antispasmodics. They effectively reduce the tone of internal organs, vascular smooth muscles, and have an analgesic and vasodilating effect. The substances improve collateral circulation and normalize blood pressure. Papaverine can reduce heart rate.

Analgin is the basis of tablets. Recognized as a good anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drug, which reduces or completely eliminates pain. It is not addictive. It also has an antipyretic effect.

Phenobarbital has a calming effect on the body, relieves strong pain caused by high blood pressure, and has a mild hypnotic effect.

It also has mild antispasmodic properties. In combination, all substances enhance each other's effects.

Therefore, it can be argued that Andipal has a powerful analgesic, antispasmodic and antipyretic effect. Conducted laboratory, practical and scientific research showed that the drug has a positive effect on many organs.

The action of Andipal is beneficial for nerve endings and blood vessels. Thanks to this, the medicine has become very popular.

It should be noted that the tablets have a strong effect on the body. Therefore, it is important to follow some recommendations:

  • Before starting treatment, you should read the instructions that come with the pharmacy tablets. Andipal is not suitable for all patients. The medication can cause a number of side effects;
  • When undergoing a treatment course, it is better to adhere to certain rules. This will help enhance the effect of therapy and protect the body from the occurrence of various additional pathologies. It is necessary to give up alcohol, smoking, sweet and fatty foods.

It is not recommended to take Andipal without confirming the diagnosis. After all, sometimes high blood pressure is provoked by severe pathology. Other drugs and methods are used to treat this disease. If the cause is not identified and eliminated feeling unwell, tablets will only relieve pain, contributing to the development of the disease and complications.


Doctors prescribe Andipal for:

  • . The tablets, according to pharmacists, are good for lowering blood pressure;
  • dysuria;
  • migraines;
  • gastritis;
  • algodismenorrhea;
  • mild angina;
  • bronchospasm;
  • damage to the trigeminal nerve;
  • pain syndrome, which is caused by spasms of smooth muscles and internal organs digestive tract. For example, if the patient has hepatic, renal or biliary colic, intestinal spasms, colitis;
  • atypical facial pain;
  • pain caused by spasms of cerebral vessels;
  • headaches after injury;
  • spasms in bladder, ureter;
  • increased anxiety.

IN medical practice for non-spasmodic pain and high temperature Andipal is rarely used due to its low effectiveness. If the pain is caused by inflammation, the tablets can reduce it slightly due to their anti-inflammatory effect.

Although hypertension is indicated in the instructions as an indication for use, Andipal is used extremely rarely.

This is due to the fact that the hypotensive effect of the drug is weak and manifests itself rather slowly. In this case, the drug must be taken for longer than 10 days to achieve the desired effect.

In addition, the product can cause a short-term increase in tonometer readings. This is explained by the presence of dibazole in the composition, which slightly increases vascular tone. Which is fraught with a stroke. But after a few minutes, the blood vessels relax, and the pressure begins to decrease.

Therefore, this medication is used primarily to relieve headaches. To lower blood pressure, it should be combined with other antihypertensive medications. It is better to use Andipal when a person does not suffer from hypertension, with a one-time sharp increase pressure.

There have been cases when this drug helped hypotensive patients stabilize their tonometer readings.

It should be noted that Andipal is often prescribed to pregnant women for high blood pressure. Indeed, compared to a number of other antihypertensive drugs, these tablets are less harmful.

In addition to the indications, there are also contraindications to the use of the drug and side effects of the drug. And they need to be taken into account before you start taking it.

How long does it take for it to start working?

The question of how long it takes for Andipal to act and how long the effect lasts worries many patients to whom the doctor prescribes this remedy. As a rule, the medicine begins to affect the body after a quarter of an hour.

Andipal tablets

Some people note an improvement in their condition a few minutes after taking the pill. The maximum effect develops after an hour. In this case, the drug Andipal has a duration of action of 4-6 hours.

Although sedative effect can last much longer. Soon therapeutic effect due to the fact that the components of the drug are absorbed very quickly.

How quickly Andipal works depends on a number of factors. For example, from:

  • when the pills were taken. It is recommended to drink the medicine 10 minutes after breakfast. It is prohibited to take tablets on an empty stomach;
  • food density. It is advisable that the food be light and liquid;
  • health conditions and individual characteristics body;
  • sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • the volume of water with which the tablets were washed down;
  • what medications were taken at the same time. For example, Andipal in combination with drugs that depress the nervous system enhances the effect of the latter;
  • dosage. Maximum dose is no more than four tablets per day;
  • duration of the course. It is not recommended to take Andipal for a long time. Otherwise, addiction may occur, and the pills will begin to help worse. Moreover, when accumulating active ingredients drugs in the body may develop side effects. Therefore, therapy should last no longer than a week.

Many patients note that the pressure begins to decrease and the pain disappears half an hour after taking the medicine. At the same time, the effect lasts for a long time.

The rapid action is due to the fact that all components of the product are absorbed quickly, through gastrointestinal tract. Judging by the reviews, the tablets have a mild effect on the body, are rarely addictive and do not interfere with the functioning of other organs and systems.

Of course, there are drugs with faster and more pronounced effects. But it is better to use Andipal. Because it is less harmful to the human body.

Video on the topic

How to take Andipal correctly? How quickly does this drug reduce blood pressure? Answers in the video:

Thus, different medications are sold in pharmacies to relieve pain, spasms and lower blood pressure. Many doctors prescribe drugs combined action. Effective and safe means considered Andipal. It works after a quarter of an hour and removes unpleasant symptoms for about six hours.