How to postpone your period by a few days using folk methods. How to delay your period by a week

Every woman at least once in her life has had the thought in her head: “If only I could delay my period for a couple of days.” According to the law of meanness, they begin precisely when a trip to the sea or a meeting with a loved one after a long separation is planned.

There are medications that can delay the onset of menstruation.

It is known that the timing of menstruation is dictated by hormonal changes. The main hormones that control the menstrual cycle are estrogen and progesterone. During the cycle, the ratio of these hormones constantly changes.

At the beginning of the cycle, estrogen plays a leading role, and after ovulation it is replaced by progesterone, secreted by the corpus luteum formed at the site of the burst follicle.

Such hormonal fluctuations occur cyclically every month.

A delay in menstruation can occur spontaneously, against the background of severe stress, nervous exhaustion, physical starvation, and hormonal disorders. It is unlikely that there will be anyone willing to deliberately create such conditions, so it is worth paying attention to other ways to delay the day “X”.

Ways to control hormones

Almost all women are familiar with such a group of drugs as oral contraceptives (birth control), but not everyone knows that they can delay menstruation.

The fact is that oral contraceptives (birth control) are hormonal drugs, they were created based on studies of hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle in healthy women.

Doctors use these drugs to correct hormonal imbalances and establish the correct time for menstruation, and healthy women around the world use these drugs as protection against unwanted pregnancy.

The mechanism of action of these tablets is to impose their own rhythm on the onset of menstruation.

Oral contraceptives are divided into monophasic, biphasic and triphasic.

It is important to know that three-phase drugs most accurately replicate the physiological changes in hormone levels. 28 tablets of a three-phase drug contain estrogens and progestins in three different concentrations. Monophasic oral contraceptives least accurately imitate the hormonal fluctuations of the cycle. All blister tablets of a monophasic drug contain the same dose of progestins and estrogens.

Method of using contraceptives to delay menstruation

So, to deceive nature and delay menstruation, you can use oral contraceptives.

If you are using a monophasic or biphasic drug, after the tablets in the blister run out, you do not need to take a break for 7 days, you must start drinking a new pack of the drug. If you use this regimen of oral contraceptives, your period will not begin.

Important to know! If you are taking oral contraceptives for the first time, the first tablet from the package should be taken no later than 3 days before the start of menstruation. Only if this period is observed can you delay your period.

If you are protecting yourself from unwanted pregnancy with a three-phase drug, there is also no break after finishing the next pack of pills. They start drinking a new pack not from the first tablet of the blister, but from the first tablet of the third phase. After finishing the pills of this phase, you can expect the arrival of your period.

Attention! This regimen of taking three-phase drugs requires the couple to use additional methods of contraception, as the level of protection against unwanted pregnancy is reduced.

Other deferment methods

  1. Gestagens. You can use a drug such as Orgametril. Contains only progestogens. Doctors use it only for medicinal purposes, as it has the following effects on a woman’s reproductive system:
  • Suppresses ovulation.
  • Suppresses menstruation.
  • Causes an atrophic effect on the uterine myometrium.

The drug should be taken with caution after consulting a gynecologist.

The following have similar effects:

  • Exluton (Orgametril).
  • Pregnin.
  • Primolut-Nor.

Gestagens begin to be taken 2 weeks before the arrival of critical days. This is the optimal time to start taking medications. If the reason why it is necessary to delay menstruation occurs later than this period, then taking gestagens should be started no later than 5 days before the first day of menstruation. Starting to use pills from this group of drugs later does not make sense and will not help delay menstruation.

Attention! When taking gestagens, a woman should not forget that she needs to stop taking it on the last day of expected bleeding.

After completing the intake of gestagen tablets, the appearance of menstruation will not take long. In a couple of days the usual periods will begin.

  1. may also help delay the onset of menstruation. The drug Dicynon) can become such a lifesaver. Due to its powerful hemostatic effect, its frequent and prolonged use threatens the formation of blood clots. Therefore, you should be careful when using this drug, using it no more than once a year. Women who have a tendency to form blood clots should refrain from using this method of delaying menstruation.
  2. Psychology can also come to the rescue. Autotraining, methods of visualizing the desired result, taking placebos, and self-hypnosis have their place and often work successfully. Such methods of delaying the onset of menstruation may well help out if a woman does not want to interfere with the normal functioning of the reproductive system by using drugs from the pharmacy.

Traditional methods

The effectiveness of folk remedies for delaying menstruation is a big question, so you shouldn’t place high hopes on them. But when there are no pharmaceutical drugs at hand, it’s not a sin to use folk remedies.

  1. Nettle decoction. It is easy and simple to prepare. It is necessary to pour 6-5 tablespoons of nettle leaves with boiling water in a volume of 500 ml. The preparation of the decoction does not end there. Next, heat the resulting mixture in a water bath to a boil and boil for about 5 minutes. Then remove the broth from the heat and leave for another 20-15 minutes. After this, the decoction is ready for use. It can be used not only to delay menstruation, but also to shorten the duration of critical days.
  2. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It has properties that strengthen the walls of blood vessels. It is necessary to take a loading dose of vitamin C for 10 days before the onset of your critical days. When using this method to delay your periods, do not forget about allergies. Vitamin C is one of the most powerful allergens. Therefore, for women who have a high allergenic state of the body, this method of delaying menstruation cannot be recommended.
  3. Vitamin K It has, like nettle, a hemostatic effect. You should pay attention to water pepper as a source of this vitamin. The more natural and closer to nature the source of the vitamin, the more fully it is absorbed by the body. Water pepper is just such a source.

Before use, the decoction must be properly prepared. You need to take 2 tablespoons of pepper and put them in a bowl. Next, pour 250 ml of boiling water over the pepper. Cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes. The daily dose of the resulting solution is 1/3 cup. Start taking it 10 days before day “X” to get the desired delay in menstruation.

Everything is good in moderation

It is so intended by nature that monthly, under the influence of hormones, changes occur in the structure of the uterus, aimed at accepting and bearing a child. If pregnancy does not occur, the “old” changed inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) is rejected and brought out. A woman gets her period.

Regular use of oral contraceptives in order to delay the onset of menstruation can cause irreparable harm to the reproductive system. Intervention in the normal course of the menstrual cycle is fraught with the development of hormonal imbalances, which entails a disruption in the cyclicity of the arrival of menstruation.

Moreover, if a woman, without understanding the intricacies of methods for delaying menstruation, begins using contraceptives at the moment spotting appears. This can disrupt the natural shedding and elimination of the endometrium, which can trigger an inflammatory process in the uterus.

There is a list of contraindications that make it undesirable for a woman to take oral contraceptives. Here he is.

  1. Women whose age has passed 35 years.
  2. Presence of a tendency to form blood clots (increased blood clotting), especially if this condition manifests itself in the form of blockage of blood vessels (thrombosis).
  3. Tobacco smoking also vetoes the use of oral contraceptives.

Before choosing one or another method to delay your periods, you need to seriously think: “Is the reason really that important?” Maybe it’s better to drink something proven and use a tampon?

A regular menstrual cycle is an indicator of health and well-being in the reproductive system. All women know about this. However, there are life situations in which you would really like to delay the onset of menstruation. Any interference with natural physiological processes has unpredictable consequences. But you can try to delay the onset of your period. There are safe, proven folk methods, as well as methods recommended by doctors.

Firstly, only a healthy woman with a regular cycle can think about how to delay her period. And secondly, any interference in physiological processes often leads to unpleasant and dangerous consequences.

The following methods are known to delay the arrival of menstruation:

  • influencing the ratio of estrogen and progesterone using hormonal drugs;
  • use of traditional methods.

Traditional methods and techniques are considered the most harmless, but in any case it is necessary to approach the choice, taking into account age and general health.

Warning: Any interventions are contraindicated if a woman has inflammatory processes or tumors of various organs, diseases of the blood, blood vessels, heart, liver, as well as allergies to drugs and plants.

Video: Is it safe to delay your period?

Medication methods

It is possible to delay the onset of menstruation with the help of medications only once, since the likelihood of hormonal disorders occurring is quite high. You can only try to postpone the upcoming menstruation. If it has already begun, then it cannot be stopped under any circumstances, as bleeding may occur, menstruation will become chaotic or stop coming altogether.

The principle of action of hormonal drugs

The menstrual cycle is divided into follicular and luteal phases. Ovulation occurs between them. The luteal phase in a healthy woman lasts 14 days (constant). And the duration of the follicular phase is individual for each (for example, with a 21-day cycle, its duration is 7 days, and with a 35-day cycle, the length of the first phase is 21 days). The total duration of the cycle and the time of onset of menstruation depends on the length of the first phase.

The effect of hormonal drugs is based on increasing its duration and delaying ovulation. There are 2 types of such drugs: oral contraceptives and progestins.

Oral contraceptives

The safest are the so-called three-phase drugs (COCs - combined oral contraceptives). Compared to drugs that were used before (monophasic), they have an important advantage. The package contains 3 types of tablets, designed to be taken in specific phases of the cycle and containing estrogens and progesterone in different ratios (in accordance with natural physiological changes in the background). As a result, fewer of these substances accumulate in the body; the consequences after using COCs are minimal if you strictly follow the instructions.

The mechanism of action of hormonal pills is that they suppress ovulation, thereby helping to delay menstruation.

As contraceptives, they are taken for 21 days, then take a week's break. During these 7 days, bleeding is observed, and when you start taking the next package, menstruation stops.

If your period needs to be delayed, then as soon as the 21-day package ends, you need to start taking pills from a new blister without interruption:

  1. When using monophasic drugs (Zhanine, Yarina), after the first package, immediately drink tablets from the second without interruption. As soon as the pills are stopped, menstruation begins.
  2. If multiphase drugs are used (triquilar, milvane, triziston), then you must continue taking the tablets in the same way, but immediately from phase 3. As soon as the pills are stopped, menstruation occurs.

If a woman has not used birth control pills before, then they must be taken no later than 3 days before the usual onset of menstruation (respectively, from the first tablet of a single-phase drug or from the third of a multiphase drug).


These drugs are taken in the second phase of the cycle, about 2 weeks before the usual start of menstruation (at least 5 days before, otherwise they will not work). Stop taking the drug on the day you usually stop taking it.

Such products contain synthetic or natural progesterone, an increase in the concentration of which helps to suppress ovulation and also strengthens the endometrium, delaying its detachment. Menstruation comes after stopping the drug (Duphaston, Exluton, Primolut-nor).

Recommendation: Women with irregular cycles are advised to keep a diary, recording the dates of the onset and end of menstruation. In this way, you can obtain average information about the onset of menstruation. However, in this case, using hormonal drugs to delay their onset is even more dangerous. Before you start taking medications, you should consult your doctor about how to delay your period in the safest way.

Possible consequences

The consequences of even a single intervention in hormonal processes in order to delay the arrival of menstruation can be:

  • cessation of menstruation for several months;
  • increased intensity of menstrual bleeding;
  • pathological changes in the condition of the endometrium, which leads to early miscarriages, ectopic pregnancy, and the occurrence of hormone-dependent diseases of the uterus, ovaries, and mammary glands;
  • metabolic disorder (obesity).


The use of hormonal drugs that can delay menstruation is contraindicated if a woman has vascular diseases (thrombophlebitis, for example), angina pectoris and other conditions in which thrombosis and obesity may develop.

Such drugs cannot be used for diabetes, liver and kidney diseases. Contraindications are also the presence of endometriosis, uterine fibroids and other tumors of the genital organs, as well as inflammatory or infectious processes in them.

Video: Ways to help shift the cycle and how safe it is

Hemostatic drugs

One such drug is etamsylate (dicinone). Its action is based on the fact that it increases blood viscosity and strengthens the walls of blood vessels (including those in the uterus). Due to this, your period comes 1-2 days later than usual. The dose and duration of administration are determined only by the doctor based on the data of a general blood test. The drug is unsafe, since increased blood clotting leads to the formation of blood clots. As a way to delay menstruation, it can be taken no more than once a year.

Such drugs have a lot of side effects. In addition to the risk of blood clots, their frequent use causes symptoms of circulatory disorders: headaches, numbness of the fingers and toes, decreased blood pressure, disorders of the digestive and nervous systems. An allergic skin rash may appear.

Vitamin C is a remedy that helps strengthen blood vessels. It is also used to reduce bleeding and slow down the onset of menstruation. For this purpose, some women begin to take it in increased doses 1-2 weeks before the end of the cycle.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine has long used the ability of vitamin C to reduce vascular bleeding and thus delay the onset of menstruation. It is recommended to start drinking lemons a few days before your period (1 piece per day), and also take cold foot baths before bed. However, citric acid destroys the gastric mucosa, and hypothermia of the legs leads to inflammation of the ovaries.

A safer way to delay bleeding for a day is to drink nettle decoction (a strong hemostatic agent) twice a day, ½ cup for 3 days before menstruation.

Drinking a decoction of tansy (1 glass, starting 2 days before the due date), parsley (drink 1 glass for 3 days), water pepper (drink 1 glass for 5 days) also helps to delay menstruation. The decoctions are prepared in approximately the same way. Take 40-50 g of plant per 1 glass of water. After boiling for 5 minutes, the broth is cooled and filtered.

When a woman’s health is in perfect order, her periods come strictly on schedule. However, sometimes it becomes necessary to postpone this date by several days. For this purpose, a number of medications can be used, but they can cause serious harm to women's health by affecting hormonal levels. It is much safer to use folk remedies for this purpose. They have a gentler effect on the body, and the risk of developing severe complications of delayed periods is significantly reduced. Nevertheless, every woman should remember that she should not experiment with her health unless absolutely necessary. Any occurrence of delayed menstruation can have a negative impact on health and general well-being.

What consequences may occur after using drugs to delay menstruation?

Most often, women believe that if the start date of menstruation is slightly shifted, then nothing terrible will happen, since even without intervention the cycle can be longer or shorter by several days. However, this approach is not correct. The fact is that the body is not ready for artificial influence on the duration of the cycle and can react to it very sharply. As a result of such violence against one’s body, the following may occur:

  • long delays in the onset of menstruation (up to several months);
  • scanty menstruation;
  • excessive menstrual bleeding;
  • increased duration of menstruation;
  • deterioration in general health;
  • severe menstrual pain.

In addition, when deciding to move the start of menstruation, you should pay attention to your health status. The thing is that for the use of certain drugs there are contraindications that must be taken into account. If you have chronic diseases, you should first consult with your doctor.

Folk remedies for delaying menstruation

  • According to many supporters of traditional medicine, regular medicine helps delay the onset of menstruation. lemon. However, it should be noted right away that this remedy is strictly prohibited for those with stomach and intestinal problems. In order for menstruation to begin 3-5 days later than the due date, you need to start consuming lemons without sugar 5 days before the expected (natural) period of your period, eating 5 lemons per day. You can enhance the effectiveness of this remedy if you immerse your feet in cold water for 10 minutes before going to bed while drinking lemons. Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages to this lemon treatment supplement, the main ones being ovarian inflammation and cystitis.
  • A very good remedy for delaying menstruation by 3-7 days is nettle decoction. To prepare it, take 5 large spoons of dried nettle and add 500 ml of non-hot water. Then the composition must be placed on the fire, wait for it to boil and boil for about 5 minutes. After removing from the heat, the preparation must be kept under the lid for another 30 minutes. The strained medicine is drunk one day before the start of menstruation: in full and at one time. If there is bleeding in the body, this decoction should not be used.
  • water pepper– another assistant for women in delaying menstruation. To prepare the composition, take 5 large spoons of plant material and pour in 500 ml of freshly boiled water. Next, the drug is boiled over low heat for 5 minutes. After this, the medicine is infused for 3 hours and filtered through gauze. Take it 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. Start taking 4 days before the expected date of menstruation. This remedy delays the onset of menstruation by 3-4 days.
  • Used to delay menstruation and parsley root decoction. To prepare it, you need to take a tablespoon of finely chopped root and pour it with a glass of just boiled water. You need to infuse the drug for about 3 hours, then strain it thoroughly. You should start drinking the decoction 5 days before the start of your period. Drink it 3 times a day, a tablespoon. It should be remembered that in the presence of cholelithiasis and hypotension, this drug is contraindicated.
  • Able to delay critical days and herbal tea. After using it, menstruation begins about seven days late. To prepare the mixture, take 1 part each of mint herb, shepherd's purse herb and raspberry leaves. After mixing all the ingredients well, pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water. The composition is infused under the lid for about 30 minutes. Take the medicine 3 times a day, 120 ml, 4 days before the expected date of menstruation. The delay is 3-4 days.
  • Can be used for the same purpose and other fee. It requires mixing equal quantities of crushed valerian root, burnet roots, yarrow herb, cinquefoil herb and May nettle herb. After this, three tablespoons of the mixture should be poured into a 500 ml teapot and brewed with just boiled water. Then, after infusing the composition for 10 minutes, it is taken 3 times a day in a glass. You should start using the infusion 5 days before menstruation.
  • Parsley herb decoction is a powerful remedy for delaying menstruation. To prepare it, you need to take 50 g of herb, grind it through a meat grinder and brew 250 ml of boiling water. After infusing the drug for 3 hours, filter it and drink half a glass 2 times a day. Use the product for four days preceding the expected date of the onset of menstruation, which can be delayed in this way by about 7 days.
  • They will help not only delay menstruation, but also stop the one that has already begun. wild strawberry leaves. This remedy is very strong, so it should be used with caution, as there is a risk of severe disruption in the cycle with its normalization only after 6 months. To prepare the drug, you need to take a large spoon of dried and crushed leaves and pour them with a liter of just boiled water. Then cover the composition with a lid and leave for 30 minutes. Use one quarter glass of the product in the morning and evening, starting 2 days before menstruation. To stop menstruation, drink the drug one third of a glass 3 times a day.
  • Viburnum berries- another natural remedy for influencing the female body. You need to take two teaspoons of berries and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Next, the drug is infused under the lid for 30 minutes. After filtering, it is topped up to the initial volume. Start using the product 2 days before menstruation, a tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • You can try to cook another herbal collection. For it, equal quantities are taken: knotweed grass, shepherd's purse grass and crushed sprigs of white mistletoe. Two tablespoons of the mixture are poured into 400 ml of water heated to 95 degrees. Infuse this mixture for 60 minutes. The infusion should be consumed in a glass in the morning and evening for three days before the onset of menstruation, which as a result will be delayed by 2-4 days.
  • Burnet roots contribute to a noticeable shift in the onset of menstruation. To prepare the composition, you need to take a large spoon of crushed plant roots and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Next, the composition is boiled for 30 minutes. Then it is filtered and brought with boiled water to its original volume. The product is drunk 2 days before the expected start of menstruation, taking a large spoon 4 times a day before meals. The delay may be one week.

What are the dangers of artificially delaying menstruation?

If it is absolutely necessary to delay your periods, you should take into account the possible complications of this experiment on your health. In addition to the fact that in the future, when the menstrual cycle is restored, there will be significant discomfort, there is a risk of serious illnesses that will require medical treatment. If menstruation was artificially shifted in the coming months, in subsequent months it may last much longer, and the bleeding will be more intense. As a result, many women develop anemia, which, if not treated promptly, can become very severe.

The second complication is a neurotic process in the uterus, which begins to develop if the onset of menstruation is stopped for more than 24 hours. The fact is that during menstruation, epithelial cells, which were intended to implant a fertilized egg, are washed out of the uterus by blood, and when they remain in the body, this threatens necrosis and sepsis. Without treatment, this process can be fatal.

Menstruation itself is not a very pleasant event in the life of every female representative of childbearing age. And it can only be called joyful when pregnancy is not yet part of the plans. But what should you do if an important event occurs during this period (wedding, seaside vacation, long-awaited date)? There are several options for delaying your period by a few days, and we will describe them to you.

Let's start with the fact that today there are only two ways to postpone the onset of menstruation: with the help of official medicine and folk remedies. Representatives of official medicine that can influence the menstrual cycle are hormonal drugs (contraceptives and progestins). From the side of traditional treatment, such qualities are attributed to parsley, nettle and vitamin C. Let us dwell in more detail on each of them. The most reliable and safe way to shift your cycle a little is to take oral contraceptives. Of course, it does not apply to urgent methods and is suitable for those who are already taking such contraceptives or those who have at least one more menstrual cycle before the expected event to start taking them.

If your birth control pills are monophasic, in order to delay your periods, you just need to not take the week-long break prescribed by the instructions and immediately start taking pills from the next package (as much as you need to delay the onset of menstruation). Contraceptive functions in this case are completely preserved. If you have not taken such drugs and you need to shift the next cycle by 6-7 days, then you can limit yourself to one package of birth control pills, but start taking them not from the first day of menstruation (of this cycle), as recommended, but 3 days before it. However, there will be no contraceptive effect.

Three-phase oral contraceptives act a little differently, so to shift your periods they need to be taken as follows: when starting a new package, take the pills not of the first phase, but of the third. In this case, you should take into account that the contraceptive effect of the pills will not be as high as when taking the drugs according to the instructions. Therefore, you should take care of additional methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Another guaranteed way to delay the onset of menstruation is to take progestins. However, it requires mandatory consultation with a doctor (gynecologist, endocrinologist). The usual regimen for taking progestins is as follows: start in the middle of the cycle (in the classic case, with a 28-day cycle, 2 weeks before the expected menstruation) and end at the end of the expected menstruation. Small deviations at the beginning of taking the drug towards the start of the expected menstruation are allowed, but no later than 5 days before their start.

Regarding traditional methods of delaying menstruation, these include drinking a warm decoction of parsley roots. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and can delay menstruation by a couple of days, but is not 100% guaranteed. Taking a nettle decoction (half a glass 3 times a day) will not delay the onset of menstruation, but, thanks to its hemostatic properties, it can stop the discharge for 5-7 hours.

The ability to influence the menstrual cycle in folk medicine is given to vitamin C, or rather to its large doses. So, in order to delay your period by a day, it is recommended to eat 2 lemons a day two days before the expected menstruation or drink 15 ascorbic acid tablets 2 times a day.

Of all the listed methods for delaying menstruation, herbal decoctions are considered the safest, but they are also the least effective. When choosing the traditional “lemon” method, you must take into account the condition of your stomach and possible allergic reactions. Oral contraceptives are the most effective, but they can also have negative effects on health, which is why they require medical supervision. You can learn more about them in the video below.

Tell me, how can an athlete show good results with pads and tampons? What about a ballerina or dancer during an important performance? What if you still have heavy periods? Catastrophe!

How to delay or at least delay the onset of menstruation? If for our mothers and grandmothers this was an insoluble problem, now the medical arsenal has a lot of solutions in tablet form. To make it clear, let's first understand what happens in the female body during menstruation.

Menstrual cycle

The entire cycle is divided into three periods. In the first, the maturation of the main follicle begins, which is why the phase is called follicular.

In the second, under the influence of hormones, the egg is released. This usually happens about two weeks after the start of the cycle. At this time, the female cell is completely ready to meet the sperm. It should be noted that this entire process is “guided” by hormones. Regardless of whether the egg is fertilized or not, the uterus is preparing for its implantation. The level of hormones increases: progesterone, estradiol and androgens. If this meeting does not happen, the reverse process begins: the amount of hormones drops sharply, the uterus contracts and rejects the outer layers of the endometrium. Menstruation arrives.

The conclusion suggests itself: if the arrival of menstruation is associated with a decrease in the amount of sex hormones, it needs to be increased. The safest drugs for raising hormonal levels are contraception.

Video: "Phases of the menstrual cycle"

How can I use birth control pills to delay my period?

The entire monthly cycle usually lasts about 28 days. Birth control pills are developed in two versions: mono- and triphasic. Both types contain hormones in safe quantities.

With three-phase administration, pills with a certain content are taken at different periods of the cycle. While the level of hormones in the body is high, menstruation does not occur. Regardless of the type of OC, after 21 days their use is stopped. Accordingly, the body experiences a hormonal decline. As a result, after a few days the logical outcome occurs - menstruation.

How to delay your period by at least a week by taking contraceptives?

The idea is this: if your period comes due to a hormonal decline, then you need to continue taking the pills. And all this time, the deceived body is intensively preparing to bear a child. Just when you decide that it’s time to stop experimenting on yourself, your period arrives a few days later.

The most commonly prescribed drugs are combined and non-combined. The latter are safer because they do not contain estrogens. But with this method it is necessary to use some other means of contraception (barrier and others).

Combined OCs contain synthetic progestogen and estrogen. The pharmacy will offer you a lot of such drugs. In composition they differ little.

If a woman uses androgen-containing drugs (Yarina, Diane-35) as contraception, then in this case the use should be extended for several days. All this time and 3 days later there will be no menstruation. By the way, some women like these drugs because of their positive effects on the skin, hair and nails.

Some people are interested in whether the drug Duphaston can delay menstruation? Duphaston and other gestagen-containing drugs - Utrozhestan, Norkolut - are taken in the third part of the menstrual cycle (the last three days). First, one tablet, and on the last day - two. After stopping taking it (no more than a week), your period comes.

These methods of delaying menstruation can be used no more than twice a year. It is advisable not to extend the cycle by more than a week, since you can provoke dyshormonal disorders in your body.

Often women resort to such a fairly serious means of contraception as Postinor. Yes, after taking it, your period may indeed be delayed. But the consequences of such intervention are unpredictable.

The fact is that Postinor is a drug for emergency abortion, for example, after rape or an error in contraception. It contains a colossal dose of the hormone, which causes a malfunction in the body. Therefore, in this case, the end, as they say, does not justify the means.

Another way to delay menstruation is the use of hemostatic drugs. Dicynone and Vikasol are usually used. Taking the medication at the very beginning of bleeding stops it literally within the first day. But! These drugs have nothing to do with changes in hormonal levels. Their action is limited only to blood vessels. Therefore, doctors do not recommend using medications to delay menstruation. Only as a last resort with heavy menstruation and no more than once a year!

How can you delay or delay your periods using folk remedies?

Some women resort to a variety of traditional medicine to delay menstruation. On forums in reviews you will read different opinions about this or that plant: it helped some, but not others.

Let us immediately make a reservation that from a medical point of view, these tips are unproven. But since folk remedies are much safer than synthetic drugs, you can try. So, the top natural remedies:

  • Nettle. A hemostatic plant known since ancient times. You can brew it and take a glass three times a day. This plant should not be taken by people who are at risk of blood clots, as nettle thickens the blood;
  • water pepper. The active ingredient is vitamin K. You should start taking the decoction a few days before your expected period. Drink half a glass half an hour before meals;
  • Plants containing ascorbic acid: lemon and parsley. Large amounts of lemon can cause stomach ulcers.

As we can see, there are ways to delay your periods, but you can resort to them only in extreme cases. Frequent use of medications can cause disruption in a woman’s endocrine system and lead to illness.

Not everyone can use them, even in rare cases. Women with irregular cycles, over 40 years of age, and smokers are prohibited from using these methods without first talking with a gynecologist. Is it necessary to risk your health for the sake of dubious convenience?