Which braces systems are the most effective? The best and the underdogs: choosing the best braces system

An incorrect bite not only creates a lot of inconvenience in everyday life, but can also lead to quite serious health problems. Today, correction of various malocclusions can be carried out in both children and adults using braces. Which braces are best for a child, let’s try to figure it out.

Why does malocclusion develop?

The following factors can influence the formation of malocclusion:

  1. Lack of calcium and fluoride in the body, which results in delayed appearance of teeth.
  2. Curvature of the spine, poor posture.
  3. Bad childhood habits (thumb sucking, for example).
  4. If your baby sucks on a pacifier for a long time or drinks from a bottle with a nipple.
  5. Heredity.
  6. Breathing through the mouth, as a result of which the baby’s jaw bones do not form correctly.
  7. Various diseases and injuries.
  8. Eating too soft food. The child's jaws should receive a load in the form of chewing crackers, carrots and apples.

Indications for using braces

The main indications for bite correction using a brace system are:

  1. Clear gaps between teeth.
  2. Pronounced curvature of teeth.
  3. Chewing dysfunction.
  4. Various malocclusions.

How is bite correction performed in children?

The first visit to the orthodontist should be made when the child is 3-4 years old. This is necessary in order to:

  1. Find out if there are problems with milk bite.
  2. Find out how these problems can be solved.
  3. Consult a specialist.

The optimal age for correcting malocclusion is the period from 7 to 9 years. Some experts argue that correction can begin as early as five years of age.

Main criteria for starting treatment:

  1. If the child already has upper incisors.
  2. The length of permanent teeth allows the system to be attached to them.

Orthodontic correction at this age will solve a lot of issues:

  • creates optimal conditions for the formation of correct bite in a child,
  • facilitates bite correction in older – teenage years,
  • has a beneficial effect on the development of bones and muscles of the face.

At such an early age, bite correction should be carried out only for serious medical reasons, since orthodontic systems can damage the enamel.

Read also about how you can straighten your teeth without installing braces using, or.

Also, a favorable period for correcting the bite is the age from 11 to 13 years. At this time, the jaw is actively growing, which is why the correction is as successful as possible. Treatment is carried out using non-removable systems, so you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Take your child to your doctor regularly for routine checkups.
  2. Maintain oral hygiene.
  3. Strengthen enamel.
  4. Monitor the condition of your teeth.

What braces are most effective for children?

Which braces systems are effective for children?

It is impossible to say for sure which type of braces will give the best result when correcting a child’s bite, but there are several important points to consider:

  1. The material from which braces will be made to correct a child’s bite is not of fundamental importance. For children who cannot thoroughly brush their teeth and take care of their oral cavity, the method of fixing the arch in the grooves of braces plays an important role.

In such cases, the optimal solution would be:

  • braces with metal ligatures,
  • self-ligating systems (see).
  1. To achieve good treatment results, it is very important to correctly lay out the trajectory of tooth movement in each element of the structure. With the right combination of these characteristics, optimal results can be achieved. And here it makes no difference what material will be used: ceramics, metal, plastic. A specialist will help you with your choice, based on the characteristics of the case and many other factors.

Main types of braces

Familiarize yourself with the main types of orthodontic systems to evaluate the pros and cons of each:

  1. are a classic option for correcting malocclusion and are most often used in adolescents. Advantages metal systems:
  • reliable fixation on the teeth,
  • high efficiency,
  • they are easy to care for,
  • You can use colored ligatures.


Installing braces in adults has some differences
  • The appearance of the system is not very attractive.
  1. Ceramic structures have the following dignity:
  • are well attached to the teeth and adhere to the enamel,
  • high aesthetic qualities,
  • durable and reliable.


  • expensive pleasure
  • require careful care.
  1. Transparent systems can be made of composite materials, fiberglass. They are almost invisible on the teeth, but have a lot of disadvantages:
  • the system is very fragile,
  • However, braces can be worn for no more than 12 months,
  • only minor defects can be corrected,
  • have limited possibilities for use on the lower jaw.
  1. Lingual systems They are attached to the inner surface of the dentition, which makes them completely invisible to outsiders. But lingual braces have some disadvantages:
  • there are many contraindications to their use,
  • the design requires a fairly long period of adaptation,
  • treatment time increases,
  • violation of diction during the adaptation period.

Braces for adults: which system to choose?

Orthodontics is a young science for our country, it is only about 30 years old. In the USA, for example, it has been successfully developing for about a hundred years. It is for this reason that most patients of orthodontists are adults who did not have the opportunity to correct their bite and other smile defects in childhood.

There are no age restrictions for bite correction. There may only be contraindications due to health reasons. There are also features in the treatment of patients who are already over 30. At this age, metabolic processes in the body slow down, so the correction time increases.

Orthodontic treatment options for adult patients are limited: serious irregularities and defects can only be corrected with braces. Here you need to take into account some nuances:

  1. If we are talking about serious correction and a long period of wearing the system, then the ideal option is metal or ceramic products.
  2. If it is necessary to correct a small defect, here the patient can choose from an abundance of types of braces, relying on his financial capabilities and taste.
  3. It is not recommended to use for long-term wear. They are impractical and break very often.

Braces for adults are available in a wide range, as a result of which the patient cannot always choose the system that is suitable for himself. To decide which braces are best for an adult, you should consult a doctor. He will help you choose the best braces that will meet all the patient’s requirements regarding cost, duration of treatment, and aesthetic parameters.

Systems are classified into many types. The main criteria are the method of fixation (vestibular, lingual, ligature and non-ligature), as well as the material of manufacture (metal, plastic, ceramics, sapphire, etc.).

Types of braces for teeth, their advantages and disadvantages

Crooked teeth are a problem that affects not only children, but also adults. For children, curvature can be corrected using braces or trainers. If the baby is not given them in a timely manner, rapid tooth decay, chronic ENT diseases, and caries may subsequently occur.

Mature people often ignore this problem, despite the fact that adults can also get braces. Their range is diverse, which makes choosing a system on your own very difficult. To do this, you need to consult your dentist.

By mounting method

Systems are classified into ligature and self-ligating (ligature-free), as well as vestibular and lingual. The doctor decides which braces are best to install on an individual basis, since each design has its own pros and cons.

Type of bracesMounting methodProsCons
LigatureThe arch is fixed using elastics or wires (we recommend reading: how are elastics used for braces?)
  • budget option;
  • variability of colors.
  • careful care;
  • monthly correction;
  • unsatisfactory aesthetic appearance;
  • bulkiness and immobility of the structure.
UnligatedThe arch is fastened using a sliding clamp in the form of a bolt or clip.
  • 1 correction every 2 months;
  • good system mobility;
  • pleasant aesthetic appearance;
  • ease of care;
  • high efficiency.
  • high cost.
VestibularFixation is performed on the outer surface of the dentition
  • versatility (suitable for all age categories);
  • relatively short treatment period;
  • favorable price.
  • imperfect aesthetic appearance.
LingualFastening is carried out on the inner surface of the teeth
  • ideal aesthetic appearance;
  • invisibility of lingual constructions;
  • the ability to regularly monitor the results.
  • long-term treatment;
  • long adaptation period;
  • high price.

According to the material of manufacture

An important selection criterion is what braces are made of. For a patient who cannot decide which braces are right for him, it is better to pay attention to the material of manufacture:

To decide which braces are best, the patient should study their pros and cons. For example, a person with an average level of income can opt for metal braces, while sapphire braces are ideal for a public figure.

Material of manufactureProsConsThe best manufacturers
  • low price;
  • versatility (suitable for different age categories);
  • reliability;
  • minimum adaptation period.
  • imperfection of aesthetic appearance;
  • sometimes cause an allergic reaction.
Damon, Alexander
  • strength;
  • invisibility;
  • ease of care;
  • good aesthetics;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • comfortable to wear.
  • long wearing period;
  • demineralization of enamel.
Reflections, Aspire, Clarity
  • convenience;
  • impeccable appearance;
  • short period of adaptation;
  • high degree of comfort while wearing.
  • insufficient functionality;
  • high cost;
  • duration of treatment.
Ormco, American Orthodontics, Ortho Technology
  • low price;
  • aesthetic appeal.
  • fragility;
  • coloring with food pigments.
Spirit Alexander, Spirit MB

Features of choosing effective braces for adult patients

Criteria for choosing braces for adult patients:

What are the best brands of braces for adults?

Adult patients are usually very selective when choosing braces. Today, the most popular metal structures are braces from the American manufacturer Ormco, including:

Ceramic systems that allow you to achieve the greatest aesthetics:

Sapphire structures are an innovation in modern orthodontics. The most popular manufacturers of these braces include the American companies ORMKO and Ortho Technology.

Ormco is also the creator of the best plastic braces - Spirit MB, Spirit Alexander. Such systems have a reliable metal groove, thanks to which better sliding of the arc can be achieved. The quality of mechanical fixation of plastic braces from Ormco is comparable to that of metal models, and their aesthetic properties are in no way inferior to ceramic structures.

Braces for adults are available in a wide range, as a result of which the patient cannot always choose the system that is suitable for himself. To decide which braces are best for an adult, you should consult a doctor. He will help you choose the best braces that will meet all the patient’s requirements regarding cost, duration of treatment, and aesthetic parameters.

Systems are classified into many types. The main criteria are the method of fixation (vestibular, lingual, ligature and non-ligature), as well as the material of manufacture (metal, plastic, ceramics, sapphire, etc.).

Types of braces for teeth, their advantages and disadvantages

Crooked teeth are a problem that affects not only children, but also adults. For children, curvature can be corrected using braces or trainers. If the baby is not given them in a timely manner, rapid tooth decay, chronic ENT diseases, and caries may subsequently occur.

Mature people often ignore this problem, despite the fact that adults can also get braces. Their range is diverse, which makes choosing a system on your own very difficult. To do this, you need to consult your dentist.

By mounting method

Systems are classified into ligature and self-ligating (ligature-free), as well as vestibular and lingual. The doctor decides which braces are best to install on an individual basis, since each design has its own pros and cons.

Type of bracesMounting methodProsCons
LigatureThe arch is fixed using elastics or wires (we recommend reading: how are elastics used for braces?)
  • budget option;
  • variability of colors.
  • careful care;
  • monthly correction;
  • unsatisfactory aesthetic appearance;
  • bulkiness and immobility of the structure.
UnligatedThe arch is fastened using a sliding clamp in the form of a bolt or clip.
  • 1 correction every 2 months;
  • good system mobility;
  • pleasant aesthetic appearance;
  • ease of care;
  • high efficiency.
  • high cost.
VestibularFixation is performed on the outer surface of the dentition
  • versatility (suitable for all age categories);
  • relatively short treatment period;
  • favorable price.
  • imperfect aesthetic appearance.
LingualFastening is carried out on the inner surface of the teeth
  • ideal aesthetic appearance;
  • invisibility of lingual constructions;
  • the ability to regularly monitor the results.
  • long-term treatment;
  • long adaptation period;
  • high price.

According to the material of manufacture

An important selection criterion is what braces are made of. For a patient who cannot decide which braces are right for him, it is better to pay attention to the material of manufacture:

To decide which braces are best, the patient should study their pros and cons. For example, a person with an average level of income can opt for metal braces, while sapphire braces are ideal for a public figure.

Material of manufactureProsConsThe best manufacturers
  • low price;
  • versatility (suitable for different age categories);
  • reliability;
  • minimum adaptation period.
  • imperfection of aesthetic appearance;
  • sometimes cause an allergic reaction.
Damon, Alexander
  • strength;
  • invisibility;
  • ease of care;
  • good aesthetics;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • comfortable to wear.
  • long wearing period;
  • demineralization of enamel.
Reflections, Aspire, Clarity
  • convenience;
  • impeccable appearance;
  • short period of adaptation;
  • high degree of comfort while wearing.
  • insufficient functionality;
  • high cost;
  • duration of treatment.
Ormco, American Orthodontics, Ortho Technology
  • low price;
  • aesthetic appeal.
  • fragility;
  • coloring with food pigments.
Spirit Alexander, Spirit MB

Features of choosing effective braces for adult patients

Criteria for choosing braces for adult patients:

What are the best brands of braces for adults?

Adult patients are usually very selective when choosing braces. Today, the most popular metal structures are braces from the American manufacturer Ormco, including:

Ceramic systems that allow you to achieve the greatest aesthetics:

Sapphire structures are an innovation in modern orthodontics. The most popular manufacturers of these braces include the American companies ORMKO and Ortho Technology.

Ormco is also the creator of the best plastic braces - Spirit MB, Spirit Alexander. Such systems have a reliable metal groove, thanks to which better sliding of the arc can be achieved. The quality of mechanical fixation of plastic braces from Ormco is comparable to that of metal models, and their aesthetic properties are in no way inferior to ceramic structures.

What braces are best for an adult and why? Correcting malocclusion in people over 25 years of age requires a lot of force, so the system must be durable. And at the same time, aesthetics are important: patients often want to hide the treatment. These two main factors, coupled with the overall clinical picture, become a difficult dilemma.

The simplest, most reliable and at the same time budget option for correcting malocclusion in adults is metal vestibular braces. They are attached to the outside of the teeth and can withstand heavy loads.

Their main advantage is versatility. It is better to install such braces on an adult: they perfectly eliminate both minor defects (incorrectly positioned single teeth) and complex pathologies. They are the only option for complex anomalies: cross or open bite in the lateral zone.

Metal external braces are also chosen due to:

  • low cost;
  • high strength;
  • accessibility - every orthodontist can work with such structures; they are installed even in the provinces;
  • relatively simple maintenance - the systems do not tend to accumulate plaque and are easily cleaned of food debris.

Metal braces are a reliable and affordable option.

The only drawback of vestibular devices is low aesthetics. And if in children it can be compensated by placing shaped brackets or colored ligatures, then for patients over 30 this option is not suitable.

Additional information! The visibility of external systems is a relative minus. Thus, in America and Europe, this factor turns into an advantage: due to the fact that orthodontic treatment is expensive, braces are considered an attribute of wealthy people.

When you need speed: self-ligating constructs

Bite correction in adults is possible using two types of braces: ligature and non-ligature or self-ligating. In the first, the arc is secured with ligatures - special rubber bands or wires. Secondly, it is fixed in special slots-locks on the systems. Each variety has its own characteristics.

Pros of ligature braces:

  • the type of fastening of the power arc can be easily changed from active to passive - this is necessary for more effective treatment at various stages of correction;
  • high strength;
  • low cost.

Disadvantages of ligature constructions:

  • complicated hygiene;
  • longer treatment;
  • strong pressure on the teeth and high friction.

Advantages of self-ligating bracket systems:

Disadvantages of non-ligature devices:

  • fragility;
  • high cost;
  • The system initially contains only one type of fastening - active or passive; it cannot be changed during the correction.

Important! The inability to replace the archwire in self-ligating bracket systems creates significant problems. Because of this, the final result may be distorted and the effectiveness of treatment may decrease.

For those who care about aesthetics: invisible braces

If the patient does not want strangers to know about orthodontic treatment, aesthetic invisible braces can be installed. This method is necessary when:

  • work involves communicating with people;
  • the patient is a public person, often speaks;
  • status is important;
  • preference is due to personal wishes.

Ceramic systems are made from polycrystalline aluminum oxide.

There are several options for discreetly correcting an overbite in adults.

Ceramic braces

Made from polycrystalline aluminum oxide and painted to match the color of your teeth. The shade is selected individually for each patient. System advantages:

  • fast adaptation;
  • low allergenicity;
  • invisibility - do not glare even in photos;
  • do not injure the mucous membrane due to the rounded edges.

However, ceramic braces cost 3–5 times more than metal braces.

Sapphire systems

Sapphire braces look beautiful, but they are very fragile.

Another option to make treatment with braces invisible in adulthood is to install sapphire structures. Their material is similar to ceramic systems - they are made from monocrystalline aluminum oxide. The main difference is absolute transparency.

Sapphire has the same properties as ceramics. However, it is worth considering that designs can:

  • scratch the mucous membrane;
  • shine in photos with flash;
  • break and crumble when removing brackets.

Important! Ceramic and sapphire permanent structures are almost identical in their properties. But choosing one of them is easy: the first are suitable for people with darker teeth, the second - for patients with almost snow-white and very transparent enamel.

Lingual appliances

Lingual or internal braces are installed on the lingual surface of the teeth. They are absolutely invisible: only the doctor will know about the therapy, and others will notice how the patient’s teeth have changed before and after treatment.

Lingual products are fixed on the inside of the dentition.

They are always made only from metal - ceramic brackets are too large and will not fit on the lingual surface of the teeth. They are also preferred when leveling deep bites - they cope most effectively with this defect.

However, internal devices have significant disadvantages:

  • complicated hygiene;
  • long correction period;
  • rub the tip of the tongue hard;
  • fragility;
  • high cost;
  • non-prevalence - not every clinic has the technical capabilities and qualified specialists to install them.

Additional information! Lingual braces greatly change diction - it takes at least a month to fully restore speech function. But for people who play wind instruments, this is the best option. Internal systems are the only ones that, when worn, will not require you to give up your music lessons.

Cheap and beautiful: combined braces

A good aesthetic and budget option is combined braces made from various materials.

The structures are made of metal and ceramic brackets: the former can be placed on molars, and the latter on incisors, canines and premolars. Thus, the devices are not noticeable when smiling and talking, and the price is reduced several times.

Combined braces are an ideal option in terms of price-quality ratio.

The combined systems do not affect the results of treatment in any way. You just have to take into account that with a wide smile, the metal fasteners will be visible.

Additional information! Aesthetic methods for correcting malocclusion in adults also include silicone mouth guards. These are removable structures that are completely invisible. However, they are expensive - they cost from 150 to 400 thousand rubles. And they are used only for minor or moderate degree of anomaly.

Price factor

When deciding which braces to choose, their cost is also taken into account. The cheapest are metal vestibular structures. Sapphire and lingual devices are the most expensive.

It is impossible to say for sure which brace system is best for an adult. Personal preferences and financial capabilities are taken into account. But the dentist has the last word: he selects the most suitable design based on the type and complexity of the pathology.

From the article you will learn:

Pathological bite today is considered one of the most common dental problems. This defect affects approximately 10% of the population. The danger is that such a violation not only causes a cosmetic defect on the face, but also leads to early tooth loss and the possibility of various diseases of the digestive tract. In this case, poorly ground food penetrates into the stomach cavity, which leads to the fact that the digestive organs receive a double load, associated with the need for additional processing of the incoming food substance. Over time, an inflammatory reaction begins in organ tissues.

The most suitable method is considered to be the installation of a special corrective structure (braces) on the teeth. It is fixed on the dentition, which is subject to alignment. With the help of braces, you can correct your bite at almost any age. It is most rational to do this in childhood, when the final ossification of the jaws has not yet occurred and it is much easier to move dental units in the required direction.

Modern orthodontics makes it possible to correct teeth that did not undergo treatment at a young age. In addition, there are situations when dental disorder occurs precisely in adulthood:

  • during the period of appearance of “wisdom” teeth, displacing the dental row;
  • after resection of unhealthy dental units, when neighboring teeth move into the free space.

Orthodontic therapy in such cases is the optimal way to eliminate the anomaly that has arisen.

The questions “How do braces work?”, “Which ones are better to choose?” every person who has encountered and wants to correct a defect is interested. In short, the corrective effect is achieved through prolonged, precisely thought-out pressure on the teeth with orthodontic arches. Thanks to the targeted effect of traction, crooked teeth are gradually “stretched” in the right direction and take the correct position.

Plastic braces

These systems are considered a worthy alternative to metal structures, but, unlike the latter, they are characterized by an aesthetic appearance. Plastic braces are more similar to ceramic or sapphire structures than to metal systems.

It is quite simple to choose the color of plastic to match the enamel of the patient’s teeth. Plastic structures compare favorably with others due to their affordable cost, as well as wide possibilities in terms of color choice. The disadvantages include fragility, dietary restrictions (very strict requirements are imposed on the consumption of solid food) and a long correction period.

In addition, these braces often have to be replaced, which does not have the best effect on the cost of treatment.

The best brands of plastic braces

  1. Spirit Alexander. Made of transparent plastic and have a metal groove for the arc. These are the only aesthetic braces that have wings to correct rotations. The rotary wings are made of stainless steel, but when installing the braces system, they are hidden behind the wire arch, which allows you to maintain the aesthetics of the overall appearance of the braces.
    Spirit Alexander braces have rightfully gained well-deserved popularity among practicing orthodontists around the world. Comparable in aesthetic qualities to ceramic braces, plastic braces have a number of undeniable advantages: ease of installation, safety of removal from the enamel surface, adequate friction force.
  2. Spirit MB. Spirit MB plastic braces developed by ORMCO combine the excellent aesthetic characteristics and biomechanics of metal braces. Adhesion (sticking) to the enamel surface is achieved through mushroom-shaped undercuts on the base of the bracket, which create mechanical fixation comparable in reliability to metal braces. Spirit MB braces (Spirit) can be installed on any orthodontic adhesive.
    The use of a metal groove makes it possible to improve the sliding of the arc and more accurately implement the angular and torque characteristics inherent in the braces.
    It is not recommended for use on the lower jaw in cases of deep bite (braces can be worn out due to occlusal interference).
  3. Elegance. Stunning bonding characteristics of Elegance SL (Super Lock) - provide excellent adhesion to tooth enamel. Features include: Fiberglass reinforced composite, High break resistance, Computer generated design, Minimum size with maximum strength, Optimal sliding mechanism, Special metal slot design, One piece single groove and hook design, Maximum strength without cracking, Clear color marking system .