School event "Miss and Mister School". Scenario for the competition “Mr. School”

Sevina:The dew sparkles, the clouds melt,

A new day usually comes

And the universe glows while

The light of a woman is splashed throughout the universe.

Oh, women, oh guys, and beauty, and celebration,

And the heroines of youthful dreams!

From birth in the daughters of beautiful spring

MaximHope, Faith and Love!Music goes quiet

Attention, attention! Get everyone in a festive mood.

We are starting our competition "Miss and Mister School"

02 Fanfare exit of the presenters

Oh, how many participants and participants

Gathered today!

Has a western taste

And the manner of the East,

Beautiful ladies Shakespeare and Blok

Madonnas, ballerinas, portraits of strangers...

Where is the ideal? Yes, there is no standard!

SevinaAnd today our distinguished jury will choose the ideal. The jury of the Miss and Mister School competition includes:

03 background jury

- Maxim:Master of Science_________________________________________________________

- Sevina:Master of Sports_________________________________________________

MaximMaster of Grace_______________________________________________

Sevina:Master of Beauty___________________________________________


Maxim:It is believed that the very first woman on Earth was Eve, the most beautiful was Cleopatra, and the smartest was Georges Sand. And these days, the most beautiful, the smartest is the one who is nearby!

Sevina:Let's welcome the most beautiful, smartest and most unique of our girls and guys! Girls who compete for the title of "Miss School" and guys for the title of "Mr. School".

04 steam out!presenters announce the participants of the Miss and Mister School contest

Maxim:1 pair ________________________________________________

Sevina: 2 pair _________________________________________________

Maxim:3 pair _________________________________________________

Sevina:4 pair_______________________________________________________________

Sevina:First, let's draw lots to establish the order of the pair's performance.

(we draw lots) interruption

Maxim:Thank you. Now the one who first gets acquainted with us remains on stage, and the rest, please come in and sit down in the hall, and wait for your exit.

(Couples leave to the music 05)

Competition 1. “Hello, it’s me!”

Sevina:: A greeting starts the day or conversation. Greeting is a custom that has become widespread in our everyday life.

Maxim:“Hello, it’s me” - this is the name of our first competition, in which a couple is given the right to talk about themselves.

Sevina:: Our first couple is ready and I invite participants number 1 to the stage_________________________________________________________

Sevina:: While the jury is evaluating the participants, the musical number for all spectators is __________________ _______________________________________________?

Maxim: Abraham Lincoln liked to repeat more than once that external beauty is inseparable from internal beauty, which is why our next competition is called “Intellectual”.

Sevina:: Girls are given the right to answer the question twice, which is hidden under one or another number. If a participant answers a question incorrectly, other pairs can answer, receiving additional points for this. (1 point for correct answer)

A competition is being held

Maxim:I invite all couples to come on stage!

Competition No. 3. “Creative”.

Sevina:: We have all witnessed the extraordinary erudition of our girls and boys.

Maxim:But any girl is not only smart, but also the ability to be an actress.

Sevina:And now we will be convinced of this, because our next competition is called “Creative”

Maxim:participants are invited to perform any number.

Sevina:: while our couples are preparing for the next competition for you ___________________________________________________________

Maxim:No matter who a woman is, she always remains a lover of fashion.

Maxim:Now, by the way, we wanted to announce a competition in which couples will prove themselves as actors or artists

Sevina:our couples were given the opportunity to fantasize and come up with their own creative competition.

Maxim:, So, meet our couple number 1... this is ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Competition "Praise to the School". Participants in the Miss School competition remain on stage.

Maxim:Yes! Our couples know and can do everything. Every minute it seems to me more and more that the jury will not be able to name the winner.

Sevina:don't worry, they're professionals.

Maxim:Then we move on to the next competition. By the way, the participants didn’t know about this competition, so it’s surprising for them! What kind of competition is this? Probably every couple is thinking now? Yes?

Sevina:Our school is the best, and its teachers are even better. Therefore, we could not ignore this topic in our competition.

Maxim:Therefore, “The next competition is called “Praise to the School.” Couples will need to compose a quatrain, a poem, an essay, wishes to our school and congratulations to the teachers and girls of our school on March 8! In the meantime, our participants are preparing, we will watch the performance ________________________________________________

Sevina:so the first pair is ready? If so, please come to me and read your congratulation work.

Next pair:______________________________________________________________

Maxim:Let's welcome our irresistible, mysterious and charming participants!

The participants are called by name again.

We will give our jury time to deliberate and choose a pair of schools, but for now...________________________

The jury's word.Awarding of participants and selection of "Miss and Mister School".

Maxim:Now the moment of farewell has come.

Sevina:We say to you: see you again in next year!

End of the Miss School contest

Oksana Chepel

Holiday scenario

« Mr and Mrs« School of the Arts»

Target: contribute to the manifestation of the individuality of each child, the development of his creative abilities

Tasks: to form a sustainable interest in activities in art school, promote team unity.

Equipment: poster with title holiday, details for competitions, tape recorder, score sheets for the jury, prizes for the winners.

Literature: "Cool Cool Things" methodological developments educational activities. Collection of sports relay races, outdoor games and competitions.

Progress of the holiday.

Hello, dear guests of our holiday? We have gathered today to hold a friendly tournament and, based on its results, announce « Mr. School of the Arts» And « Mrs. School of the Arts» .

As you yourself may have guessed, to earn this title you need to put in a lot of effort. We have prepared various tests for our participants. The best of the best must win. And it will help us determine the winner jury:

And now I want to introduce you to the contenders for the title « mr art school» . Meet me.

The presenter talks about participant:

1. F I., how old.


3. Which teachers does he study with?

4. What achievements.

6. What he considers unacceptable in relationships with others.

So, before you are the knights of our time. Judging by all of the above, the jury will have a hard time today.

And now meet the lovely ladies - contenders for the title « Mrs. School of the Arts»

The presenter talks about participants:

1. F I., how old

2. in which association he is involved, for how many years (months)

3. Which teachers teach?

4. What achievements.

5. What does he like to do most?

6. 6. What he considers unacceptable in relationships with others

All participants are ready for the test. Fans, be ready to help your participant. But do not suggest or interfere in the course of the competition. A competitor will suffer for your tip. The strict jury is ready to fulfill its duties.

So, 1 competition. "Blitz - questions"

Many nice words was said about each participant in the competition. Now we can find out who is the most erudite, quick-witted, and intelligent.

Each participant will be asked questions in turn. For the correct answer - 2 points. If there is no answer - 0 points. The next participant is asked the next question.


1. Who was the mouse eaten by Puss in Boots? (cannibal)

2. What is always in fashion among fish and mermaids? (tail)

3. Not a good person for a gentleman of fortune? (radish)

4. The name of the first person on Earth who was lucky enough not to go to school? (Adam).

5. "Kusalka" bees and wasps? (sting)

6. Gene's one-room apartment? (lamp)

7. How many people pulled turnips? (three)

8. What is the name of the fairytale hostel? (terem-teremok)

9. Mowgli's smartest friend? (Kaa)

10. Lovebirds: Grays, Loris, Cockatoos, who are they? (parrots)

11. Emelya’s favorite transport? (stove)

12. Which vegetable helps against seven ailments? (onion)

13. Who performed 12 feats (Hercules)

14. Vehicle old Hottabych? (flying carpet)

15.3 and what did the blacksmith Vakula fly to St. Petersburg? (for slippers for Oksana)

16. The first miracle of a goldfish? (trough)

If there are a lot of unanswered questions, you can ask them to the fans. The correct answer can be given to any player by a fan. Correct answer - 1 point.

The answers to these questions are easy to give if you read books.

Let's give the floor to the jury

The jury announces the results of the first competition.

2nd competition. "I am a fashion designer"»

In this competition you can show your imagination, invention, and creativity.

The task is to create a clothing model from what is on your table (toilet paper, tape, Whatman paper, scissors, colored napkins). Each participant chooses a model from among the fans and dresses their model in a haute couture outfit. In addition, you must come up with a name for this model, present your model to the audience, and tell a few words about it.

Is the task clear? You can start.

While our participants are preparing, we bring to your attention (number of amateur performances)

Presentation of participants, evaluation by the jury. The competition is assessed on a 6-point system.

At the end of the competition, the jury is given the floor. Results are announced last competition, then total quantity points for each participant.

3 competition. "I am an Expert"

In life, sometimes you need to do the impossible. Let's try to do this now. You are an expert - one who knows very well how to determine the truth. But the truth cannot be disclosed. The object that you will recognize must be described without sound, using only facial expressions and gestures, to three people chosen by you "colleagues". They must write down the name of this item on a piece of paper. Then, the presenter takes an object out of the bag, and the child colleagues read what is written on their pieces of paper. If at least one inscription matches the object, the participant receives 3 points (for two inscriptions -6 points, for 3 ~ 9 points). Answer sheets are given to the jury.

(In the bag - nut, eraser, carrots, beets, etc.)

The jury gives the floor.

4th competition. "I am an artist"

Yes, working out in such school, you will find this task easy. Let's see.

They lie in front of you album sheets and pens. In order to test your talents in fine art, we will blindfold you with a scarf.

Now find a pen, determine the contours of your piece of paper and let's start drawing. And we will only draw what the presenter calls.

The presenter names the objects to be drawn in disarray (roof, grass, window, sun, etc.) Sign the masterpiece and take it all to the jury for evaluation. Maximum score - 5 points

And now, musical break.

After the musical number, the jury is given the floor.

5th competition. “I can do everything in the world”

This competition will help us find out which of you really knows how to do everything, and exactly: help mom around the house, play with younger brother or sister, do your homework.

1. There are potatoes on the table in front of you, which need to be peeled so that you get one peeling tape. It is important not to cut off half the potatoes when doing this.

2. There are matches next to the piece of paper. On the other side of the paper you will see a figure made of matches that needs to be folded. But the secret is that you need to fold the figure from the reverse side of the drawing, i.e., first you need to carefully look and remember the location of the sticks, and then assemble the same figure on back side. If you can’t remember everything right away, you’ll have to watch it again, but at the same time break what’s already ready. Each time you have to literally start from scratch.

3. On the last sheet there is a rebus. The task is written at the top. You need to solve the puzzle and give the answer.

The task is quite difficult. It must be completed quickly and efficiently. Maximum

number of points - 6. The entire competition is evaluated.

In the meantime, our contestants are busy, we present to your attention a musical

At the end of the musical number, the jury is given the floor.

6th competition. "I!"

Homework. Children prepare for this competition in advance

Before the start of the competition, a lottery is held to determine the performance queue

Then the participants take turns coming out and introducing themselves.

The jury evaluates each individual participant using a 5-point system.

At the end of the competition, the jury is given the floor to announce the results

last test.

Musical number.

The jury speaks to sum up the results of the competition and award the winners.

Friendly applause.

Competition program

Mr. and Miss Autumn – 2016

Cheerful music is playing.

Presenter 1: Hello, dear friends! I am glad to welcome you to this beautiful and cozy hall for the Miss and Mister Autumn competition.

Today, students in grades 5-9 will take part in an unforgettable battle for the title of best couple of fall 2016.

It has already become a good tradition to celebrate the autumn holiday, but usually it takes place among girls, and boys act as fans. Today we decided to break this rule and include boys in this competition.

Today we are starting the competition “Mr. and Miss Fall 2016”.

Couples will compete in ingenuity, song and poetry skills, athleticism, and the ability to draw and dance. And we will choose the most best couple!

So, greet the participants of our holiday with loud applause!

The participants come out to fanfare.

Presenter 1: pair No. _____________________________________

Presenter 1: pair No. 2 __________________________________________


Presenter 1: pair No. 3 ________________________________________

Presenter 1: pair No. 4_________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

Presenter 1: pair No. 5_________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Presenter 1: I think everyone has already understood how difficult it will be to choose from these wonderful participants the most talented or the most talented, the most witty or witty, the most artistic or the most artistic, in general the most...

This difficult task our esteemed jury will decide.

    A permanent member of the jury, the most important gentleman, the director of our school is Andrey Yurievich Dyakov.

    Teacher-organizer - Smirnova Elena Petrovna


Presenter 1: Dear participants, it’s time to choose the number of your performance in competitions .

(draw takes place with background music)

Presenter 1. The order is determined:

the first pair to perform is _____________________________________________________,

second ____________________________________________________________,

third pair _________________________________________________

fourth ___________________________________________________

and the pair __________________________________________________________ will conclude the performance.

Presenter 1: The jury begins its work, a score sheet has been prepared for each jury member, please note that each competition is assessed on a point system, where 5 points is the maximum score, and 3 points is the lowest possible.

Presenter 1. In the meantime, the participants are worried and the jury is getting ready to work, I’m announcing the first competition "BUSINESS CARD"

Presenter 1: Any acquaintance begins with introducing yourself, communicating about yourself in the most important information, in the end - a simple desire to please a new acquaintance. And in order for us to get to know our contestants better, and for them to get to know each other, they will now exchange business cards, i.e. tell us about themselves and their interests.

(1st competition underway)

Presenter 1: The first competition has come to an end. All participants showed themselves with the best side, let's find out the opinion of our esteemed jury.

(The jury announces the results of the competition)

Presenter 1: Those who have fewer points should not despair. We still have many competitions ahead, and the situation may change radically.

And now the time has come for our couples to prove themselves as fashionable and talented couturiers.


This competition consists of three stages, the jury evaluates each stage.

Stage 1. Couples must walk down the runway and show off their outfit while listening to music.

We meet couple No. 1. (so one by one)

couples show off fall outfits

Presenter 1: 2.stage. Exercise "Autumn Outfit" for girls only, I ask girls to come to the line. You must walk beautifully to the accessories, put on your autumn outfit (shawl, scarf, hat, gloves, raincoat), open your umbrella and say the following words “It looks like it’s starting to rain!”

Whoever does it faster wins.

Girls do the task

Presenter 1: We move on to the task for the young men. Stage 3 is called "Jumper"

We know a lot different types sports, they all differ from each other in their rules, players, but they all have one thing in common - the speed and speed with which the athletes go to their victory.

I invite our boys to the stage, and the girls will look at them from the sidelines. Your task is to put on a scarf and jump on the jump rope, whoever takes the longest, and read any poem about autumn or sing a song. If you have difficulties, then the fans or your pen can help you.

The boys are doing the task.

Presenter 1: Dear jury, announce the results for the “Fashionable Verdict” competition

(The jury announces the results of the competition)

Presenter 1: Our next competition will be in pairs and it’s called


Listen to the task carefully! You should act out autumn miniatures on a given theme in pantomime.

Stories are glued to autumn leaves. Participants approach the presenter, pull out one of the plots, after 5 minutes each team plays out their plot, more The couple that guesses the plot of their opponents' miniatures faster than others gets points. Please note that you cannot pronounce the name of your miniature.


1. The bear arranges its den and goes into hibernation.

2.Chickens are counted in the fall.

3.A hamster collecting supplies for the winter.

4. A hedgehog pricking mushrooms and blocks with needles.

5. Farewell dance of cranes.)

(Couples perform with their miniatures)

Presenter 1:continue our fun theater. Now we invite our young men to the stage.

So, you need to depict a walking person and those of his actions, which I will now call, and you must perform all the actions at the same time! Ready!

1. You are a man of middle age and average height (guys pretend)

2. Your pants often fall down (guys do 1 and 2 things at once)

3. Itchy head (guys do this at the same time, doing the first two actions)

4. Right shoulder significantly extends forward (do this together with other movements)

5. There is a wallet in the left shoe under the heel (do all actions at the same time)

The presenter looks at the guys and makes sure that they do all the listed movements, all at the same time, recalling those movements that they forget to do (For example: And where is the wallet under the heel, yes - good, and my head itches often.....)

Presenter 1: Thank you! Thank you! Well, just wonderful! Then give us another sketch!

(The competition starts for the guys)

1.You have an athletic figure (do)

2.But nervous tic right eye (make 2 movements simultaneously)

3. Itchy back......

4. Chronic runny nose (do everything at the same time)

5.And you constantly drift to the right.

Presenter 1: Thank you, thank you! Now the young people will have a little rest, and we will ask the girls to go on stage. Are you ready?

1. You are a middle-aged woman, short in stature (do)

2. You have a stupid smile on your face (do 2 actions at the same time)

3. Big eyes(depict 3 actions)

4. but they don’t see anything and you need to go through the crowd (do all the movements at the same time)

The presenter prompts if the girl forgets to do some movements (For example: “I remind you, the woman is short! And where is the stupid smile!...)

Presenter 1: Well, now depict a more familiar image for you!

(the competition starts for girls)

1.You are a young girl wearing high heels (girls rise on tiptoe). Still, even higher!

2. You have a bag and a string bag in your hands (the girls seem to bend under the weight of the bags) Heavy bags, no, no, even heavier!!!

3. Bags from which apples roll out (apples are collected)

4. The apples are rolling out, and suddenly itching right ear..... and the heel breaks

(We remind you of those movements that girls forget to do (And where is the heavy bag, and somehow you quickly pick up apples - your heel is broken!!!)

Presenter 1: So! Thank you everyone for doing a great job on this task! I ask our girls to take their seats.

At the end competitive program the jury will tell us who won the title of “Miss and Mr. Artistry,” and now we will give the jury the opportunity to evaluate the other talents of our participants.

Presenter 1: Contest "HELLO, WE'RE LOOKING FOR TALENTS!"

The couples were given homework- prepare one amateur performance number, i.e. reveal your talents to the public.

Couples perform their numbers.

Presenter 1: And now, dear jury, please announce the amount of points for past competitions.

The jury announces the results

Presenter 1: And we come to the next competition


I ask all the contestants to come on stage to participate in the competition.

You all watched the show “Dancing with the Stars”, and today our couples will act as stars. We present to you

    pair No. 1– Dima Bilan and Anastasia Volochkova;

    pair no. 2– Evgeni Plushenko and Kristina Orbakaite,

    pair no. 3– Nikolai Baskov and Natasha Koroleva,

    pair No. -4- Timati and Bianca

    pair no. 5- Alla Pugacheva and Nikolai Naumov (Real boys)

Your task is to get yourself together as much as possible, since now different dances will be performed one after another. Your task is to learn the dance and dance in the desired style, i.e. perform those movements that correspond to the sound of the dance. Please note that each character has its own character, so do not forget to take into account his character when dancing.

So please get ready.

the participants scatter across the stage.

Presenter 1: We begin, and the audience helps the contestants with their applause!

Fragments sound:

1. waltz 2. Tango 3. dance of the little ducklings 4. Gypsy 5. Russian folk dance, 6. lambada 7. Nosa 8. opa ermine

Presenter 1: Wow! She almost started dancing herself! Great! And now the most important thing is that I ask the jury to sum up the results of all the competitions and announce who won the title of “Mr. and Miss Autumn 2016”.

In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results of this competition and the general results of our entire competition, I will ask you some joke questions:

    Which river is the scariest? (Tiger)

    Which bird is named after the dance? (Tap dance)

    What is warmer than a fur coat (two fur coats)

    What will happen to the red scarf if you put it in the Black Sea for 5 minutes? (it will be wet)

    Can a rooster call itself a bird? (no, he can't speak)

    The electric train was traveling from north to south, the wind was blowing from south to north, in which direction was the smoke coming from the train? (an electric train cannot have smoke)

    Which is heavier, 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of nails (the same)

    What can you cook but can't eat? (lessons)

    Who speaks all languages? (echo)

    How to sit in galoshes? (you need to take the shape of a felt boot)


The jury is ready. Let's say hello again our couples!!! (pair no. 1, pair no. 2, pair no. 3, etc.)

The floor is given to our distinguished jury.

Awards .

Presenter1: Congratulations to all couples, I wish you a great mood and not succumb to autumn melancholy. Until next time.

The hall is festively decorated with balloons and artificial flowers. On one side of the hall there are 9 tables with chairs for participants. Each table has a sign with the participant number.
9 couples participate in this competition. The girls are dressed in evening dresses, and the boys accordingly wear suits.
Proposed competitions.
1. Presentation.
2. Dishes.
3. Self-activity.
4. Recognizing the couple.
5. Hair salon.
In the center are the presenters (a boy and a girl sing a song).
Song "Bending of the ringing guitar."
The bend of the guitar is ringing
I hug you tenderly.
String with a fragment of echo
It will pierce the gray heights.
The sky will swing
Big and bright – starry.

Today we gathered.
Evening comes again.
We are waiting for a meeting with you.
And for the questions of life
We started again.
Let's talk together
And we sing songs together.
It's great that we're all here
Today we gathered.
To all your questions
We will find the answers here.
So don’t be sad, my peer,
Rather, smile.
Smile all around.
And we will say to each other:
“It’s great that we’re all here.
We gathered today."
Presenter: Good afternoon, dear guests!
Host: We are glad to see your smiling faces in this room.
Presenter: Now it’s spring. We associate it with such words as love, charm, life, beauty.
Host: And it’s not surprising that it was at this time that we decided to hold our school’s “Miss and Mister” competition.
Presenter: The participants in our competition are like spring flowers: just as beautiful, tender, sensual.
Host: Their beauty fascinates us. And who doesn't love beauty? Beauty will save the world!
Presenter: And so, meet our contestants.
(Contestants enter the hall).
Presenter: The holiday has begun, the participants are on stage. All that remains is to meet our esteemed jury.
(The presenters take turns introducing the jury).
Host: What next?
Presenter: And then we announce the first competition.
Presenter: Our first competition is called “Performance”. Each participant and participant must briefly describe their comrade so that we all recognize him.
Presenter: So, the first participant (says name).
First participant:
In fact, he is a good Santa Claus.
He would have been an oligarch in life.
He would bring gifts to all the children.
And, in general, he was born to be a monarch.

A reliable friend and a strong back.
He will not leave his friend at a crossroads.
What kind of person should I become in life?
To be a worthy friend to him.
Host: Life is arranged in such a way that everyone seeks and finds their soul mate. This is how our contestants must find their soul mates.
Presenter: And even if today it’s just a game for all of us, but who knows...
So, look for your soul mate.
(At this time, the contestants stand in a line, and the contestants take turns looking for their soul mate. All participants have half a heart in their hands, which are cut differently. The contestants approach the contestants and connect the hearts; if the heart is connected, it means she has found her soul mate . Then they sit down at the table. Each couple has a separate table).
First participant:
How the sun burns nearby,
Like the wind, the sails flutter,
Like the ocean, it hugs you with its gaze,
That is life, love, eclipsed beauty.
Host: The next contestant is on her way out.
He is the brother of the monarch - oligarch
So kind and beautiful
So tender and rich
And practically obstinate.
(Finds his partner).
She is slender, gentle, like a doe.
Smart and kind, like mom.
There is both affection and sadness in the eyes,
AND world life drama.
(After these words they sit down at their table).

Ronaldo, Sheva and Pele,
Zidane, Kaka and Ronaldinho.
I'm ready to give my whole life to the game
And walk through life with him.
(Finds his partner).
Friend of my harsh days,
My tender beauty.
Must be able to do laundry, cook,
To become a friendly family.
(Sit down at the table).
Host: Next contestant.
He is not the beautiful Opolon,
But he's a wonderful man
He sings a duet with me
And he will be faithful forever.
(Finds his partner).

She is beautiful, impressive,
Which is impossible not to notice.
Talented and elegant
God did not offend for nothing with this gift.
Presenter: The next contestant is on her way out.
Trump guy, kind soul.
A cool mind and a certain eyebrow.
You can't see a thing in his eyes.
Although in life he is your joy.
(Finds his partner).
You are like spring, and there is a smile on your lips
You captivate with your beauty and affection
And I think I shouldn’t make a mistake.
And I always look at you with caution.
Host: The next contestant is a lovely stranger. She is also looking for her soul mate.
(a guy comes out dressed in women's clothing).
Brunette, beautiful, you match me,
I want to play with you.
Not cat and mouse and not football
I want, boy, to be friends with you.
(Contestant exits)
I'm always ready to be friends with you,
And with this friendship years will pass,
But I'm worried about your outfit,
Not everyone understands your appearance.
Contestant: Sorry, but in the year of the pig I decided to make fun of you and screw you over. You know why! Now we're even. Let's look for our other halves.
(Takes off women's clothes and says)
Nastya said, “How handsome”
And I'm hooked
Say a word to me Nastya
And spin the top of fate.
(Looking for his soul mate)
Contestant: (Nastya)
I like you, I like you, I like you
I won’t spin the top of fate with you.
When you get rid of your “ideal” friends,
Then you will become mine, and I will be your destiny.
Nastyusha, my earthly compass
And luck is the reward for courage,
There is only one you in my life
So that I only sing about happiness.
Contestant: (Nastya)
Beautiful, affectionate and honest
He is a friend to everyone and a master anywhere
And let the years pass immediately,
He will remain just as sweet to everyone.
Presenter: Next contestant to leave.
Because of you, my neighbor,
I'm arguing with a friend
What a school climate!
Influential on love.

I'm already in the second quarter
I'm waiting for your confession.
After all, I go to classes,
To extend the date.
Presenter: While the jury is giving scores, our participants will prepare for the next competition (musical break). We continue our holiday. I think that after this competition no one will doubt that the best misses are our friends.
Presenter: ... The best, the most beautiful... but you always want to eat. After all, everyone knows that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
Presenter: I understood your hint, sir! The next competition is “Cooking”. Our girls will show what they are capable of.
Host: In the meantime, let's listen to our jury.
Presenter: And now the girls will put their dishes on the table of the jury, who will taste them.
(Dishes are prepared in advance; when presenting the dish, the girls tell why they decided to make this dish).
(Jury scoring)
Presenter: Our next competition is the “Amateur” competition. Here our boys and girls will show what they can do.
(Participants show their numbers).
Presenter: Jury, your word.
Host: This competition will be very lottery. Blindfolded boys must recognize their partners...
(Holding a competition).
Presenter: Jury, please.
Host: And now the coolest, most deadly competition “Hairdressing”.
Presenter: Moreover, our misters will act as masters. And our girls are our clients.
Presenter: Dear jury, we ask you to perceive this art as humor and appreciate it at its true worth.
Presenter: Our holiday has come to an end. We ask all contestants to come on stage.
Host: So, deeply respected jury, we ask you to speak out and decide the fate of the contestants.

Teacher additional education MBOU Secondary School No. 58 Murashova Natalia Yurievna
Description: Our high school students are very reluctant to come to new year holidays: in our school there is no stage or backstage, there is no assembly hall where a good disco could be organized. And for several years now, we have been successfully organizing the “Miss and Mister School” competitions for them, which takes place in two stages and is a huge success. The New Year's atmosphere has a great effect on high school students: they happily dress up in themed costumes, paint their faces, and so on.

The competition has long become a school-wide event. Indeed, at the first stage of the competition, girls write a resume, an essay on a given topic and participate in a school-wide vote, where every child from grades 1 to 11 (as well as all teachers, the director and even technical and medical staff), having studied the wall newspaper, makes his choice in favor of one or another participant.
At the second stage of the competition, they demonstrate not only their outfits, but also their acting abilities and organizational talent. But the competition is not limited to the participation of one boy and one girl. A minimum of 5 people from each class participate: two candidates for the title of “Miss and Mister School”; in addition, competitions are held for hairstyles, costumes made from waste material, body painting (on the face and hands), and when preparing homework, as many classmates as possible are welcomed .
The development will be useful for teachers of additional education, class teachers(after all, such a holiday can be held in the classroom) and the organizers at a school or country camp.
TARGET: Creating motivation for studying the rituals and traditions of Russia dedicated to the seasons as part of the Miss and Mister School competition.
1. Teach applicants for the title of “Miss School” and “Mr. School” to write a resume and once again provide the opportunity to write about feelings and thoughts in an essay on this topic.
2. Create an atmosphere for collective creativity in each class, which will be very useful in the subsequent process of preparing the last bell.
3. Develop a respectful attitude towards teachers, the stage, and the audience.
4. Create conditions for creativity in high school students with different abilities and abilities different directions theatrical activities and arts and crafts.
5. Unite the entire school community in the process of preparing and holding the competition. Background music plays and a voice-over reads poetry
(author Olesya Aleksandrovna Pavelyeva - literature teacher and presenter)

Every season
Its own turn, its own nature.
Your sunsets and sunrises
Both joys and hardships.
Its own special color and smell,
And snow on green paws,
And the first thawed patches of the snake,
AND white night on the bench
And the whisper of fallen leaves,
And again... like the first time in my life.

The presenters come out
Pasha: Hello, dear guests!
Olesya: Good evening everyone!
Pasha: Today we are present at final stage competition "Miss and Mister School 2012"
Olesya: On December 9, the first round of the competition took place. According to the results of the preliminary schoolwide vote, the most larger number Nesterenko Olesya got the votes! 108 people voted for her.
Pasha: According to our annual tradition, each girl wrote an essay, this time on the topic “There is a time for nature special color..." The essay by Ekaterina Antonovich received the highest rating.

Olesya: Today, each participant will appear before you in the image of the season: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. All participants are ready and waiting for their appearance.
Pasha: But first we present our esteemed jury:
Olesya: Independent expert. A graduate of our school, a silver medalist, and also the winner of the title “Miss School 2008” is Marina Zibrova.
Pasha: Independent expert, Vice Miss of the beauty contest “Queen of Autumn 2004 and 2005”, head of the beauty school of the Palace of Children and Youth Creativity - Anna Badger.
Olesya: Teacher of physical and mathematical sciences and life safety - Naumenko Galina Leonidovna.
Pasha: Independent expert: head of the sports ballroom dance studio "ALTAIR" - Alexey Viktorovich Alekseev.
Olesya: Geography teacher, chief consultant on natural and weather conditions, as well as the Chairman of the jury - Tatyana Gennadievna Kulikova.

Pasha: You, dear jury, have difficult work and difficult choices ahead of you. Therefore we wish you good mood, unforgettable impressions and a storm positive emotions. So here we go.
* We took the text for the defile from the provided resume of each participant, which was evaluated by the jury separately, like the essay.
Olesya: The most long-awaited time of the year, the time of rapid melting of snow and wild flowering, is presented by a student of grade 9 “B” - Lipova Ekaterina - Spring! (music) A cheerful, impressionable and independent girl. He loves ideal order, values ​​security and stability, and believes that life without a family has no meaning.
Hobbies: dancing, knitting, KVN.

Pasha: Summer is our hottest and everyone’s favorite time of the year. Meet participant number 2. Kristina Fadeeva studies in the 10th grade of our school. (Music) For several years she was fond of sports - ballroom dancing and singing. Fidgety and a bit of an adventurer. A very kind, responsible and cheerful girl. Winner of many awards and achievements: a II degree diploma in the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren “Fundamentals Orthodox culture", the title of "Senior Naval Officer" from the Naval Lyceum and a certificate from the Moscow State University named after Admiral Nevelskoy in the city of Vladivostok.
Olesya: The turn has come for Autumn. A riot of colors and a little sadness, everything is changeable - starting with the weather... We greet with applause the student of 9 "A" class Antonovich Ekaterina! (music) Very cheerful and cheerful; according to friends, she is an open and sincere person with an excellent sense of humor. Practiced rifle shooting, 5 years rhythmic gymnastics and 6 years of modern dance. Active participant in school and district events.

Pasha: Who would have thought that Snow Queen is in eleventh grade. Yes - that's true. Here is Olesya Nesterenko! (music) An energetic, positive, sincere and open girl. She loves freedom, values ​​trust and honesty in people, and can easily warm up a stray kitten, even if there are already five of them at home... By the way, she is the winner of the preliminary school-wide vote.

Girls line up in a semicircle
Olesya: Thanks to our girls and we see them off with thunderous applause!

Lipova Ekaterina.
Fadeeva Kristina.
Antonovich Ekaterina.
Nesterenko Olesya.
The main participants go backstage to prepare for the “Homework” competition
Olesya: For now, the main participants are preparing for the “Homework” competition. We continue our competition. And I have a question for the audience: What traditions or rituals corresponding to the seasons do you know? For example, spring... (viewers respond). Summer holidays?... (answer). What is autumn famous for?... (answer). And finally, winter... (answer).
Olesya: Let's see what our participants have prepared.
* we took the description of the holidays from the participants’ essays
My favorite holiday was Maslenitsa, which lasted a whole week. It was believed that the celebration of Maslenitsa remained with the Russians from pre-Christian times. And after a long fast they celebrated Easter. And we are the first to invite 9 “B” grade to our stage.
Performance of 9 "B" class
Olesya: Summer fun There were gatherings of young people on the street. They danced outside the outskirts, on the river bank or near the forest. They stayed late, sang and danced. The main figure was a good local DJ - an accordion player. But 10th grade will tell us about an important and necessary holiday. The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is celebrated on June 25.
10th grade performance

Olesya: Autumn was famous for gatherings; in the evenings young people gathered at the lonely elderly woman, told stories and fairy tales, sang songs. Girls and young women brought some kind of work with them, spinning, embroidering or knitting. The guys who came to the party were looking for brides. But main tradition In autumn there was a Harvest Festival - Fair. Homework for grade 9 "A".
Performance 9 "A" class

Olesya: Who doesn’t know New Year’s traditions? The main winter holidays occurred in January. Two yuletide weeks united three major holidays: Christmas, New Year and Baptism. Magical games were started, people went from house to house to carol, girls told fortunes to find out their fate. Homework from 11th grade.
11th grade performance

Pasha: The jury evaluates the homework, and we move on to the hairstyle competition!
Olesya: We greet 9 “B” grade with applause: Georgy Baskaev in the image of a March cat! 10th grade and the month of June are represented by Nina Makhmudova, participant No. 3 Elena Zhukova - in the colors of September, and our show ends with the first month of winter - December! Mekhtieva Yana - 11th grade!

Pasha: I invite the participants to sit down on the chairs so that the jury members can take a good look at your hairstyles and make a decision.
The presenter approaches the participants and conducts an interview
Olesya: And now you need to say a few words in defense of your image (Guiding questions: How long did it take to create your hair? Who did your hair? Whose idea?).

Olesya: Let's ask the participants to demonstrate their hairstyle to the audience once again: Georgy Baskaev, Nina Makhmudova, Elena Zhukova, Yana Mikhteeva
Hairstyle contestants leave the stage
Pasha: The four seasons are like the four directions of the world. The dance group "LIYA" is performing for you.
ROOM "Wings"

Olesya: Paper, braid, plastic bags, disposable tableware and plus a person’s imagination can create real masterpieces. So, here is “AVANTGARDE”!

Pasha: Elena Kolesnikova 9 “B” grade - this is a gentle April,
Iventyeva Ekaterina 10th grade - hot July,
9 “A” and cool October are represented by Zina Mustafaeva,
Vasilkovskaya Yesenia – 11th grade - our New Year tree!
The presenter approaches the participants

Olesya: (addressing participant No. 1) (participant #2): How long did it take to create your dress? (participant #3): What was the inspiration for this image? (participant no. 4): Tell us what your outfit was made of.
Olesya: Thanks to the participants. We see them off with applause.
Participants leave the stage
Pasha: Our guest, the winner of the Miss School 2008 contest, Marina Zibrova, is singing for you.
NUMBER. Song "My Heart Stopped"
Olesya: We have the most extreme tattoo competition ahead - face painting.
Pasha: The participants are ready and we greet them with applause!

Pasha: Participant No. 1 Yulia Fisunenko is a cherry blossom.
Olesya: Participant No. 2 Tarasenko Anastasia - exotic flowers tropical islands.
Pasha: 9 “A” represents Simon Alina and Zubova Kristina represent November,
Olesya: Participant number 4 Bushueva Natalya - in the form of a snowman - February!
The presenters approach the participants

Olesya: (addressing participant No. 1): Tell us about the month you represent. (participant #2): How long did it take to create your image?
(participant #3): What was the inspiration for this tattoo?
(participant no. 4): Very interesting work. Tell us about it.
Pasha: Thank you. Amazing! This applause is for you!
Participants leave the stage
Olesya: You roll, roll the ring
On the spring porch
In the summer canopy, autumn teremok...
Yes on the winter carpet
To the New Year's bonfire!
Pasha: I think the audience will be happy if all the participants show us their work once again. Welcome twelve months!
Olesya: JANUARY – Vasilkovskaya Yesenia!
FEBRUARY – Bushueva Natalya
MARCH – Baskaev Georgy
APRIL – Fisuneko Yulia
MAY – Kolesnikova Elena
JUNE – Makhmudova Nina
JULY – Ekterina Iventieva
AUGUST – Tarasenko Anastasia
SEPTEMBER – Zina Mustafaeva
OCTOBER – Zhukova Elena
NOVEMBER – Simon Alina and Zubova Kristina.
DECEMBER – Vasilkovskaya Yesenia

Pasha: We ask all twelve months to stand in a semicircle. And let's give them a standing ovation once again!

Olesya: How sweet and charming our participants are, how excited they are there, behind the scenes... After all, we are approaching the most spectacular competition: the fashion show in evening dresses. Let's support our young people and girls with applause and ask them to come on stage!
Olesya: Lipova Ekaterina and Orel Alexander.
Fadeeva Kristina and Abazyan Edgar.
Antonovich Ekaterina and Luindin Ivan.
Nesterenko Olesya and Ragimov Mikhail.

Pasha: Our respected jury is leaving for a meeting. They have a hard job ahead of them. Let's support them with applause.
Olesya: Please do not disturb the jury for about thirty minutes. We invite you to take pictures and dance! Happy New Year!
Everyone takes pictures while waiting for the results of the competition