What is a dress code in clothing? Types of dress code: what are they? Women's clothing stores

Every woman strives to look perfect. But for every appearance, not only in public, but also for work, you need your own ensemble. A sports casual jacket is unlikely to be suitable for a formal event. And you shouldn’t go to important negotiations in evening dress.

The principle of “covered up and okay” or “one dress for all occasions” is a thing of the past. Therefore, wardrobe items are selected not only by price and quality, but also by where and with what it is appropriate to wear them.

Dress code - what is it? Foreign fun or support when choosing an image?

For most festive events and everyday activities there is a so-called dress code.

For comfort and convenience, vowel and unspoken postulates are formed. You can learn the nuances of sophistication and subtle taste by following the style code. And not only public and political figures or popular artists and wealthy businessmen will benefit from a dress code.

Compliance with dress code standards is a sign of respect for others.

Compliance with dress code standards is a sign of respect for others. And the standards of compliance with such rules are not measured by the amount of money and the presence of famous brands. The main thing here is culture, decent manners, elegance.

Dress code in the office - corporate style

Increasingly, the components of the appearance of specialists are prescribed in corporate contracts.

Moreover, the style of the employees of the institution may be regulated by vague definitions - a business suit. And maybe with an indication of color and length. Even the presence of tights at any time, the size and height of the heel are strictly discussed by well-known companies with their subordinates.

Banking executives have the strictest dress code for the office. Although the clergy, and supermarket workers, and the military, and construction workers - everyone has their own uniform. It helps you perform functional tasks clearly and not get distracted by trifles.

White Tie. On invitation cards to this or that event, for example, the term White Tie appears. “White tie” is the most strict form of dress for social events, the rules of which have not changed for several centuries.

This level of dress code is intended for meetings of world leaders, receptions with ambassadors, and Nobel Prize presentations. Here, only floor-length dresses and jewelry, hairstyle and discreet makeup, gloved hands, a small handbag, and high-heeled shoes are acceptable.

Black Tie. A simpler approach is used when selecting an ensemble in a formal dress code - Black Tie. The so-called black tie is used at the Oscars. It is appropriate for weddings and theater premieres.

Here, knee-length cocktail dresses and expensive jewelry are already allowed for women. But nothing trendy or provocative.

Cocktail. Many events require a Cocktail dress code. Undoubtedly, these are cocktail dresses. A length above the knee is also possible, but with a strict top. This is a less formal approach.

Smart Casual or Business Casual. But for corporate parties they most often present Smart Casual or Business Casual. It's classic elegance with a few striking details. Fitted trouser or skirt suits with closed shoes with low heels. Colors are limited to beige, blue and gray.

Even before a party at a club, it is now worth asking about the conditions and its theme. Often, to get there, you will need to know what the dress code in clubs is and comply with it in order to undergo mandatory face control.

Costume parties in honor of Halloween, Christmas or Valentine's Day require the presence of at least one detail of a fairy-tale image:

  • devil horns,
  • short red dress,
  • wand,
  • lots of hearts.

The right look will help you not only get inside, but also become part of the great fun. Although by selecting traditional elements, the likelihood of becoming a copy of many increases several times. This is a red wig at circus fun, and vampire teeth on a night of fear, and the Snow Maiden’s crown at New Year’s parties.

Simplicity of Truth

There are universal principles for observing the dress code of any style:

  • if there are not enough people invited to a business event, you should go alone;
  • for all types of social events - light colors of clothing in spring and summer, darker colors in winter and autumn;
  • for daytime events - suede and leather handbags, and for evening events - silk and brocade, embroidered with beads;
  • any outfit is made from natural fabrics.

You should always be guided by the universal laws of impeccable taste: elegant dresses and suits, complemented by branded accessories.

Following the dress code will allow you to become the queen of the party.

Compliance with the dress code will allow you to be the queen of a party or high-level event. Not a multi-colored Christmas tree (if it’s not a costume), but a mysterious and beautiful stranger, striking with the exquisite details of her costume.

But, despite the mandatory rules, you need to choose a comfortable and convenient ensemble:

  • in summer - light fabrics,
  • in winter - warmer,
  • The height of the heel depends on how much time you have to spend on your feet.

You should not fall victim to the image. Then the most exquisite outfit will not bring joy and happiness.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

Mandatory clothing still causes a lot of negativity in us: those who disagree with the rules feel free to come to ballet in jeans, in wedding dresses for prom, and in top-siders to events where Black Tie is prescribed. People who prescribe the dress code and relaxed rules also create confusion. The Village decided to figure out what to wear if the invitation says White Tie, Black Tie or, for example, Smart Casual.

White Tie

If the invitation says White Tie, it means there will be at least a reception with the ambassador, a ball or an award ceremony, and no lower than the Nobel Prize, because even at the Oscars ceremony they observe the less solemn Black Tie. It is difficult to remember a dress code that matches White Tie in terms of severity and formality, probably because there is simply no such thing.

Dressing a man seems to be a little simpler task compared to choosing a woman's toilet. The point is that there are strict regulations: almost every item of the outfit is prescribed, so you can only make a mistake on purpose. A man going to an event where White Tie is prescribed must wear a bow tie and a tailcoat. The tailcoat, in turn, must be black - other colors are not allowed. Under the tailcoat they wear a vest with three buttons, about which you need to remember two things: it must only be white and always fully buttoned. Mandatory accessories include a white bow tie and a white scarf, which gives the dress code its name; desirable accessories include a pocket watch, white gloves and, no matter how much of a joke it may seem, a thin cane.

For women, everything is a little more complicated, if only because the floor-length dress, without which it is better not to appear at a White Tie event, has more styles than the classic men's tailcoat. If the choice of this style is still left to the woman, then in other details amateur performance is excluded: the hair must certainly be styled, the eyes and lips must be made up, and the hands must be covered with gloves of maximum length, which, however, corresponds to the length of the sleeve of the dress. There may be, but is not required, a fur cape on the shoulders. It’s also better not to come without jewelry - you can rent them, as long as the stones are real. You can and should take a tiny handbag with you.

Black Tie

Black Tie is still formal and formal, but a more common and simpler dress code. This is the style of weddings, festive receptions or theater premieres.

Women at such events are expected to wear the same long evening dresses or, depending on the degree of solemnity of the event, cocktail dresses no higher than the knee. Jewelry is still welcome here, but now you can get by with expensive jewelry. You can also leave a fur cape at home, as well as trendy dresses from the latest collections of Japanese designers. Everything should look as noble and elegant as possible, so the only shoe option is high-heeled shoes.


An event with a Cocktail dress code does not imply such strictness as White Tie and Black Tie, but it is also full of nuances that should not be neglected.

Instead of a tuxedo, men can wear a classic dark suit, and replace the monochrome bow tie with a brighter one or abandon it altogether, perhaps in favor of a tie. It is also no longer necessary to tie yourself with a silk belt, the main thing is not to forget to keep the bottom button of the jacket undone, expose the starched snow-white cuffs from the sleeves no more than two centimeters and put on socks that, if you crossed your legs over your legs or onto a table, would not show even a millimeter naked body It seems that there is no need to mention that socks should be a couple of shades darker than trousers, and that the tie should touch the button on the trousers: these rules apply to any dress code at any event.

Smart and Business Casual

Quite often, in invitations to corporate events or business meetings, you can see the note “Dress code: Smart Casual or Business Casual.” In this case, the rules of how to look are somewhat blurred and depend on the time of day.

The only thing more difficult than the dress code for business meetings is the choice between Oxfords and Derbys for a tuxedo. However, the liberalization of recent decades has also affected the fashion for business suits. Today there is nothing wrong with a man appearing at a meeting in a jacket with soft or even natural shoulders and loose, rolled-up trousers. Classic shoes remain mandatory (deviations are allowed only in color and degree of varnish). A twinset - a turtleneck and a cardigan - is also quite appropriate when paired with the same trousers that seem to be too big, but slightly tapered at the bottom.

The most dangerous option is a tuxedo or a very high-quality jacket with jeans or even shorts: you can allow it if there is no doubt about your own taste and the adequacy of your partners. The most boring, but also the most win-win is a classic, moderately strict business suit of a dark color, plain or with almost imperceptible stripes. If you really want to, you can emphasize the formality with a tie, and not necessarily a narrow one, but it’s better to save the bow tie for entertainment events. If the meeting is scheduled for the morning or afternoon, a light two-piece suit will be successful. Again, the ability to experiment with color depends on the nature of the event and the sense of humor of your colleagues.

During negotiations with foreign partners or important business meetings, a Btr (Business Traditional) dress code may be established. This means that you are left with virtually no choice: men must wear a classic monochromatic or combined suit, women - a fitted trouser suit or a sheath dress with a jacket. However, with its severity, Btr still leaves room for imagination, unlike Bb (Business Best). Everything here is extremely simple: a man puts on a dark blue suit, a snow-white shirt, a tie of any shade of red, classic non-lacquered shoes and does not forget about cufflinks; women are better off abandoning separate skirts and jackets and wearing a gray, beige or dark blue suit with stockings and shoes with 3-5 cm heels.

Costume parties

Costume parties in Moscow are not that uncommon. Most often they coincide with club anniversaries, the arrival of unknown but still very cool bands and the release of nostalgic films about bygone days. Moreover, the invitation may only give a vague hint of how you should look, and you will have to come up with an outfit yourself. Sometimes the organizers help you get into the right frame of mind with the help of moodboards, as Solyanka did last year, which celebrated its fourth birthday with a three-day circus party. If you are deathly afraid of clowns or are not ready to return home at night with a kilogram of makeup on your face, you can comply with the dress code with the help of several characteristic details (one may turn out to be unconvincing, especially if there is face control at the entrance). The biggest risk at such events is to use the most common interpretation of the proposed image and end up being one of hundreds of people wearing identical orange wigs.

Universal rules

Andrey Fomin

Organizer of the Bal des Fleurs and other social events

I organize a huge number of events, but the most striking and significant is the Bal des Fleurs. In the invitations we write “Riviera style” - this is the dress code of the Cote d'Azur: light trousers, bright jackets. And what are called balls in Moscow are not real balls. I consider the notorious Black Tie to be the most blasphemous dress code for a Russian person, because no matter how hard my colleagues try to impose this dress code in Moscow, it is not organic there. I personally saw a real Black Tie only in Great Britain at Mikhail Gorbachev’s ball. The dress code can be anything, but, as Kirill Semyonovich Serebrennikov said about our people in tailcoats, they look like a runaway orchestra. A Russian person is not accustomed to a tie or bow tie, he is uncomfortable in it, it suffocates him.

Whatever the dress code, a person does not have to look perfect: there must be something wrong. Let’s say, I saw Hugh Grant walking around in a perfect tailcoat, incredibly combed, but the bow tie hanging around his neck was untied. Rich people have a very simple option - go to Tretyakovsky Proezd and buy themselves a tailcoat, but they will most likely look more like a waiter or head waiter. The most universal dress code for most Moscow events for men is expensive jeans, Converse sneakers (Nike sneakers have become popular now, but they are more difficult) and always a jacket. I recently went to the Strelka ball and the people there looked absolutely gorgeous. I really liked the girls’ approach to choosing an outfit and was amazed at how organically many of them look vintage.

Gabriel Egiazarov

Event director

The events that I direct most often solve corporate, marketing or PR problems. Naturally, most of them have a dress code. The vowel and the unspoken. Especially when these are events with the participation of the government or just an official event with high leadership. At corporate meetings, a dress code is also often set, but only if there is some kind of conceptual idea.

If we are talking about official events at a high level, then the invitations do not often write a requirement: everything is clear. But when they want to emphasize that you can dress casually, they write “cocktail wear” or “smart casual.” For corporate events, the dress code is also indicated depending on the concept of the holiday: “Today is our evening of fairy tales, choose a fairy-tale look for yourself” or “A bright element of cyclamen color is welcome.” At corporate events, these items of clothing can simply be handed out to guests or rented and everyone can be dressed in advance.

At the events I work with, the audience is most often predictable, so there are no surprises in terms of appearance. Of course, there are those who might be wearing jeans or military fatigues at an official event with top officials. But more often than not, media representatives differ. Journalists are extremely dismissive of the dress code.

If the invitation does not say anything about the dress code, but we are talking about a reception, presentation or gala dinner, wear a suit, preferably not black - you can’t go wrong. I think girls don’t need any special advice: there will always be an evening dress.

If you are going to a corporate event with a certain theme, then do not be lazy and come up with some original element in clothing (but not the one that immediately comes to mind in connection with the proposed concept). If you come unprepared to a place where “everyone is in the know,” you yourself will regret that you didn’t take care in advance.

Today it is difficult to find a reputable company that does not have its own trademark and corporate identity. The corporate image of a large company is also expressed in such a concept as a dress code. This is one of the most important elements that maintain the company's reputation and create an impression of it in the market. What is a dress code and what rules does it follow?

What is included in the concept of “dress code”

What is the dress code? This is a form of clothing and the principles of wearing it when visiting various events, establishments, and events. The phrase comes from the English dress-code, which translated means “code of clothing” (dress - clothing, code - rule, code). The English term quickly gained popularity and began to be used in countries around the world. Dress code rules usually indicate the norms for wearing clothes in the office. In fact, this concept is broader, and people of different nationalities, occupations, religions, social class, sexual orientation and marital status can have their own position on the dress code.

The clothing required by the dress code at work is not a uniform. It can be individual, but selected according to the laws provided for in a particular company. Types of dress codes depend on the company's field of activity.

For example, people in creative professions - painting sellers, theater workers, modeling agency workers, and so on - can wear rather extravagant attire at work. And those who are involved in representative activities and act as the face of the company in negotiations with customers and partners must wear clothes in a strict classic style.

The dress code of any reputable company suggests that you cannot appear at work in the same clothes two days in a row. Each of its employees should have at least three to four options for suits that are in harmony with each other in style and color. The reputation of a company depends, among other things, on the appearance of its employees, which sometimes plays a decisive role in establishing the trust of consumers and business partners in the company itself.

Often, getting to know a company begins with communicating with a specific employee, whose clothing and appearance primarily indicate respect for potential clients. Therefore, the company’s dress code, which shows the state of affairs of the company as a whole, is extremely important and is a natural extension of the corporate culture and an integral part of the brand.

In the West, in large corporations, the business code of clothing can put forward quite stringent requirements. The contract contains several pages with a detailed description of the employee’s clothing, including the composition of the material from which it is made. For example, at the UN headquarters, it is quite legal for an employee who has ignored the dress code for women established in the company to be forced to change her tights to, say, a better color.

However, to justify the excessive rigidity of the dress code, an employee’s office can be equipped with air conditioning, so that even in the hot season you can feel good in a long-sleeve pantsuit, and even tights under trousers in such an office will not cause discomfort. High pay also makes employees more tolerant of strict dress codes.

So far, in the countries of the former USSR, what a business dress code is is interpreted rather narrowly, and its rules are mainly applied to clothing for events, the success of which may also depend on the appearance of employees. These could be open corporate parties, business negotiations, during which important decisions can be made.

Most often, office dress codes and a list of items unacceptable for office employees to wear are regulated. In general, the business code of clothing is divided into men's and women's.

Women's dress code

Women's dress codes at work typically prohibit low-cut pants, midriff-baring tops, miniskirts, shorts, sheer clothing, low necklines, sportswear, and flip-flops. A demanding corporate dress code can currently only be found in restaurants and banks. True, judging by the fact that the leaders of the organization, after traveling to foreign partners, are increasingly striving to introduce a similar culture of wearing clothes in their company, dress codes are gradually becoming fashionable. Today they are already prescribed in company charters and employment contracts.

Women's business style for a large corporation usually consists of a suit with a not very narrow skirt, the length of which should not exceed the knees. A girl working in such a corporation is required to have several similar costumes. They can be supplemented with accessories and decorations, but within reason. Thanks to these additions, a suit for the office, if necessary, can easily be turned into a kind of informal attire for a reception or corporate evening.

The dress code for women includes both dark-colored skirt and trouser suits, complemented by thin jumpers or blouses. The employee's shoes should be very clean, neat, with low heels and closed toes. It is unacceptable for women to appear at the workplace without wearing tights, even on hot days.

In some companies, this business style must be observed from Monday to Thursday. On Fridays and at various corporate events, informal clothing is acceptable. It allows you to wear dresses and blouses with trousers or skirts without jackets and decorate yourself with more accessories than usual. However, shoes must still be closed toe. In general, even in an informal setting, company employees should adhere to an elegant style without being too pretentious.

Women's corporate clothing style - basics (some types of codes):

Semi-formal, Smoking - cocktail dresses are allowed during the day, evening dresses are allowed in the evening.

Informal - business suit.

Smart casual – jeans, slacks or a skirt with a turtleneck or blouse are acceptable; Jacket, sweater, blazer, belt are possible; shoes or boots are put on stockings, socks or tights. Earrings are possible if they match the rest of your clothes.

Business casual, Country Club - fabric trousers, long shorts or capris with polo.

Business dress code in summer

How to choose clothes that will make you feel comfortable in a stuffy office, without violating the strict corporate dress code? And what should those employees do who are required by strict corporate charter to wear only closed shoes, are not allowed to ignore tights, and allow themselves a sleeve length of no less than three quarters? In this case, you will have to show extraordinary ingenuity so that both the dress code is “full” and the body remains intact.

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the fabric from which the clothes are made. It, of course, cannot be transparent, but it is very desirable that it be thin enough and allow the body to breathe easily. Linen is best suited for this purpose. Moreover, linen suits can easily be combined with clothes made from other opaque but thin fabrics. Example: a linen jacket and a plain chiffon skirt go well together and are quite consistent with business style. And if you wear tights under a linen skirt, then you will not be in danger of overheating.
  • Length of the skirt and sleeves: if your company’s dress code clearly states how long the skirt and sleeves of a jacket or blouse should be, then again, light fabric, as well as the style of clothing, will save you. Try to choose models that do not fit tightly to the body.
  • Shoes: Some companies' dress codes prohibit the wearing of open shoes. In summer, this condition is especially difficult to fulfill, because in closed shoes, and even when wearing tights, your feet will be very hot. There is also a solution here: you can wear sandals. These shoes have a closed heel and toe, and only the middle or side of the foot is open. If you still need a more strict option, then choose shoes made of fabric, or leather shoes with holes (outwardly it looks like weaving or mesh) - and you will be able to comply with the requirements and be able to provide yourself with sufficient comfort.
  • Tights: here you can also use a trick. You can afford to replace solid nylon tights with mesh tights. Just buy yourself flesh-colored tights with fine mesh. They will be invisible on the legs and allow the skin to breathe.

You can give more than one example of how, with the help of simple tricks, you can circumvent the too strict rules of a business dress code, without generally violating its requirements. It all depends on the specific situation and your imagination. We think that with our tips you will do everything necessary to look completely professional in the office.

Many people think that the concept of a dress code refers only to the form of clothing that is customary to wear in the office or at work. However, this is not entirely true. The dress code may also apply to going out, a party or a special event. We decided to understand all this variety of requirements, rules and restrictions. About this - in a new material website.

About the concept of dress code

Many people think that the concept of a dress code is a recent one. However, in reality the situation is completely different: the dress code, even if it was not called that, has existed for more than a century. Thus, back at the end of the 18th century, Empress Catherine II issued a decree “On the designation of what kind of dress to wear on which holidays for persons of both sexes visiting the court.” You can look even further: remember at least those requirements for appearance that Peter I introduced in Russia. His famous decrees, which introduced the fashion for European suits and forbade men from wearing beards, are directly related to the dress code. Even if it was called differently back then, and for non-compliance they could not only be kicked out of work, but also have their heads cut off. So those who today grumble at their employers for what they consider to be overly strict clothing requirements simply do not know that there were times that were much harder. By the way, an interesting detail: such norms and rules are not always good - for example, the same Peter I ordered all women to learn to smoke, which, of course, will not benefit anyone. And those young ladies who refused tobacco were considered outdated and too modest - which did not add points to them at all kinds of balls.

In general, a dress code means the form of clothing that is required when visiting certain events, organizations or establishments. And from this point of view, it is very useful and is an integral part of a cultural society. Because a person dressed in accordance with the rules and requirements of the place where he came, thereby shows his respect towards the people around him. If a person demonstratively does not follow the rules, he, of course, somewhat neglects the society into which he finds himself. In principle, some individuals can afford such behavior: say, pink jackets and bright wigs of the famous French poet Charles Baudelaire at one time they terrified Paris, but everyone realized that Baudelaire could do it. Or let’s take as an example the no less famous Oscar Wilde, who became famous not only as a writer, but also as a dandy and a great fashionista. His flashy suits made the whole of London go crazy - in both senses of the word. However, who could tell him anything? The great writer was so witty that a person who would have decided to criticize him would have had a very hard time himself. But if you are not Baudelaire or Wilde, then it is probably better to still try to adhere to certain standards of behavior and comply with the clothing requirements set by the company or the organizers of this or that event.

Main types of dress code

So, let's move on directly to the analysis of dress codes existing in the world. I will dwell only on the most basic and frequently encountered varieties of it in life. Because it is unlikely that many of us will attend an evening where the Queen of England or the Spanish King will be present - when men are required to wear a tailcoat, and women are required to wear only floor-length dresses, furs and the most expensive jewelry.

Therefore, let's start with the so-called Black Tie Optional(“black tie optional”). Situations in which such a dress code works are a dinner party in some luxurious and expensive restaurant, a large family celebration, etc. In this case, men are allowed to wear not a tuxedo, but a nice dark suit with a tie, and women - the most The best cocktail dress (but not too flashy). Jewelry is also appropriate, but don't go overboard. “All the best at once” is not the most suitable option for such a dress code.

If the invitation does not say Black Tie Optional, and, for example, After Five(“after five”), then it is understood that men should come to the meeting in suits (in fact, here men generally have little choice, only the colors can be different), and a woman can afford either a cocktail dress or a “separate suit” - that is, an image made up of several items: say, an embroidered top and a skirt. As for decorations, here, as in the previous case, you need to know when to stop. At the same time, the jewelry should be really good - don't wear costume jewelry.

You also cannot ignore the dress code called casual. Actually, this is the most pleasant thing that can be written in an invitation sent to you. Because the casual style is not as strict as all the others, and gives you the opportunity to choose your look at your own discretion. A possible place where you may be invited, with a warning that you need to dress in this style, is, for example, a friendly or corporate party.

However, you shouldn’t think that casual means “I dress the way I want.” No - always try to look elegant. Let's say a “little black dress” with a thin string of pearls would be a great option. By the way, the famous model from Coco Chanel In general, a wonderful solution for any woman. In a “little black dress,” you have virtually no risk of coming under fire from fashion criticism, and besides, you will look great. It is always better to be a little more modest than to try to dress the best - in cases where there are dress codes. Because there is always a chance that you will be considered a little vulgar.

Dress code at work

But by far the most important type of dress code is the dress code at work. Otherwise, it can be designated as a business style. This is a fairly serious and large topic, and therefore it deserves special attention.

The fact is that the dress code at work, unlike other places, is not only desirable, but mandatory. Otherwise, you may not only ruin your relationship with your boss, but also lose your job altogether. Similar “rigor” in this sense appeared in Russia in the late 90s and early 2000s. However, even before this time, say, in the same Soviet Union, there were also some unspoken requirements for the appearance of employees. It’s just that back then they weren’t designated by the word “dress code.” And to dress somehow differently, given the limited clothing market, was quite difficult - even with a strong desire.

Such increased attention from employers to the clothing of their employees is explained primarily by the desire to create the right business atmosphere in the office and, of course, make the right impression on clients. There are even entire psychological studies that show that a work environment is more likely to appear where both the room and the people do not look pretentious and where clear, straight lines prevail. This applies to both the interior and the appearance of employees. This is why suits are preferred in offices - for both men and women.

By the way, if we are talking about suits, then let’s first talk about the dress code at work just for men. In principle, everything is clear here, there are no special variations. However, men should remember that preference for jackets should be given to single-breasted styles rather than double-breasted ones. The latter make the figure visually more squat and wider. In addition, even in the case of a single-breasted model, you need to remember that the button on the jacket cannot be unbuttoned - only if you need to sit down. Otherwise, everything is simple. You should not wear overly fashionable suit styles to the office: for example, very tapered trousers will be clearly out of place. The same applies to bright ties - fuchsia color will not decorate your office suit. And, of course, don’t forget about your socks: they should be high and tight-fitting, so that even if you have to sit on a low chair, areas of your naked body will not be visible.

As for the women's wardrobe, everything here is also quite simple and clear: under no circumstances wear skirts that do not reach the knees. You should also avoid all kinds of ruffles, frills and other decorative elements - both on skirts and shirts. Jewelry is possible, but it should be as simple as possible: no “ringing” earrings! But a good expensive watch will not be superfluous. Remember about makeup: it should also be present, but it is desirable that it seems natural. And on the nails, of course, no “acid” shades of varnish - the best thing is just a good French manicure.

Also, women should not forget about simple secrets: a shirt buttoned all the way visually shortens the neck, so one button can be undone. Pants are best worn with heeled shoes - this will visually elongate the silhouette. Women with fairly wide hips should not buy a tight pencil skirt; it is better to buy trousers or a flared skirt. And remember, in clothing, give preference to models that are discreet in terms of color: beige, gray, dark blue, sand - an excellent palette for the office.

By following these simple rules, you will eliminate unnecessary conflicts with your superiors and look good. And for this it is worth trying.

Reading time: 3 minutes

Received an invitation to a party? You are happy and everything seems to be clear: where, when, what time. But only one word haunts you, a completely incomprehensible one - Dress Code. What does this mean, maybe it's a password? There is nothing secret here. The party organizers simply warn you what clothes to wear.

Dress code - what is it? This is the culture of today. And since etiquette is very pragmatic, requirements for each event have been developed that allow the person who fulfills these requirements to always look dignified and relevant in a given place, time and circumstances.

Nowadays, clothes are like a visa. You may simply not be allowed to attend a certain event if you are wearing jeans instead of an evening dress.

Basic dress codes: Semiformal, Casual, Cocktail, Black tie

  • Semiformal – semi-formal, discreet style for daytime business lunches. Clothes until 18:00. For men - light suits and jumpers. For women - light dresses and trouser suits.

  • Casual - random, everyday. This is a free format, although very high heels will not be appropriate for women.

This dress code has its own subtypes:

  • Smart Casual - men can be without ties, in a sweater or turtleneck. Women are better off opting for comfortable moccasins or a low platform. The main emphasis is on accessories. It is best to use natural materials: wood, amber, mother-of-pearl.

  • Dressy Casual is a prosaic outfit, appropriate for art exhibitions, premieres, and semi-formal events. Denim clothing is prohibited. For women, this is a relaxed evening style, you can wear an inexpensive evening dress and comfortable evening shoes, you don’t have to wear a chic evening dress.

  • Nautic Casual is a regular sports style, taking into account the format of events on the water. Commonly used at yacht club meetings and water sports competitions. The main colors – white and blue – are classic nautical, and there should be more white in clothes.

  • Formal Attire – for men, dark suits and ties; club jackets are appropriate. Under no circumstances can a woman come in open sandals; conspicuous jewelry is unacceptable.

  • Cocktail Attire - this dress code is announced at evening social events where there is no formal part. Men wear a dark suit with a tie; a handkerchief in the jacket pocket would be appropriate. Women choose dresses no higher than the knee and evening shoes or sandals. Decorations should be no more than 2 items. For example: earrings, necklace. If you are wearing a necklace, you do not need to add earrings.

  • Black Tie is a generally accepted dress code for formal evening social events. The main rule for women is a long evening dress. It is recommended to choose jewelry with precious stones, but the use of costume jewelry is also permitted. Fur would also be suitable for such an event. The main element of a man's outfit is a tuxedo. The shirt should have a stand-up collar with turned corners. The butterfly is black. A black sash is worn with a black tuxedo, and a white one with a white one.

  • White Tie is the most serious dress code that requires adherence to clear rules. This is the highest aerobatics in clothing, everything is very expensive and very elegant. For women, a full-length evening dress, long gloves, and a miniature clutch bag are required. High heels only. Bad manners include jewelry and loose hair. The rules are no less strict for men.

Required: tailcoat, white shirt with a stand-up collar with turned corners, white pique vest, white bow tie, black patent leather shoes.

Men are prohibited: a bow tie, a black vest, and a wristwatch. It is customary to wear a pocket watch on a chain with a tailcoat.

These are the main types of dress code. And you now know how to look chic, appropriate and comfortable. Although dress code and convenience are not always synonymous words, adhering to what is established is still better to remain yourself. After all, they only greet you based on their clothes, but they see you off based on their intelligence.