Competitions for children at graduation. Last call competitions

My student years have successfully ended, and I want to remember them as best as possible. The graduation scenario at the university will help organize a ceremonial graduation party, "wash your diploma", and just have fun with your university friends. After 5 years of studying together, it can be difficult to part with classmates. Therefore, our festive scenario for graduation at the university will brighten up these moments and give you the opportunity to have a blast.

Competitions, games, and entertainment are provided for university graduates. The words are written for two presenters, although, with some adjustments, they can be voiced by one toastmaster.

University graduation script

Hello, dear graduates!

Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! We are glad to welcome you today.

Allow me to begin today's celebration, a gala graduation party dedicated to students' farewell to the university! Now your paths may diverge, but these 5 years that you spent together will forever remain in your memory.

Someone will later remember them with joy, someone with longing, someone, perhaps, with pain. But anyway, funny moments student life- you will never be able to forget.

Here's your year of study behind you.
And there were ups and downs.
And this evening we all want
So that you remember every moment.

So the moral is: today we need
Celebrate our graduation evening
Fun, playful, friendly!
Do you agree?!

All :

At a noisy, cheerful feast, at a rich, beautiful table,
Let's fill our glasses with sparkling and delicious wine!
Here's to your graduation, dear graduates!
The floor is given to the head of the course.

The headman makes a toast and congratulates everyone.

Dear graduates, please start your meal, but while you have a drink and a snack, we would like to announce the forecast for today's celebration.

The soundtrack “Weather Forecast” plays.

Today the starry sky is expected to be slightly cloudy and a festive hurricane with champagne will be celebrated. The temperature above the table is 40 degrees, the air is filled with fun and increased joy. There will be fog in the head at night, a slight storm is possible in the morning next day clarification awaited.

Now let's greet each other:
Everyone raised their hands together,
They waved their right hand.
Well left hand goes down for now
On your knee. Not your own, but your neighbor's.

Right hand is hot
We are the neighbor's shoulder
We hug indecently.
Did you like it? Great!

We swung left and right.
You're rocking great! Bravo!
Now let's stroke our belly.
Let's smile from ear to ear.

Let's push the neighbor on the right.
Let's wink at the neighbor on the left.
They leaned slightly towards the table,
Reached for a glass
We take a glass in our hand
Together we get up from our places.

We continue the fun -
Let's clink glasses with the neighbor on the right!
So that the glass does not fog up -
Let's clink glasses with the neighbor on the left!

And with the opposite neighbor,
Support the team!
Let's shout loudly: "Congratulations!"
And we drink everything to the bottom!

There is a popular belief that a burning candle cleanses a person, and while it burns, he has hope. So let hope and happiness walk next to you, dear graduates! Let the fire of these small candles be a symbol of the great fire of your soul!

The lights in the hall go out and only small lamps remain on.

Let the unquenchable candle of your love for your chosen profession always illuminate and warm your path, help you move upward, and let everything negative in your life burn out in its flame! Good luck to you!

Performing for you... (name of guest artist or singer, name of group).

A song is playing.

Dear friends, in order to feel the height of the holiday, each of you in this room must take an oath.

Do you vow to use all your strength, skills and ingenuity, to use all your reserves of fun, to make this evening extraordinary?

All :
We swear!

We swear that we won’t go astray? Shall we get together for a round dance today?

All :
We swear!

We swear that we'll be home by morning?

All :
We swear!

So we'll definitely get drunk? And let us get drunk, but not fight?

All :
We swear!

Are we going to have a blast today?

All :
Yes! We swear!

Dear graduates! Fill your glasses with wine
Let joy reign at our table!

Dress up competition

Well, now I propose to hold a dress-up competition. First, let's choose the most brilliant outfit! Whoever claims this title, please take the stage!

Based on the applause of the audience, the presenter determines the most brilliant outfit, and the winner is given a souvenir.

Now let's choose the most long dress! Girls, please go on stage!

Based on the applause of the audience, the presenter determines the longest dress and gives the girl a souvenir.

Based on the audience's applause, the presenter determines the best-dressed man and gives the winner a souvenir.

We all gathered here for a reason,
And I won’t tell you any secrets,
How long has everyone been waiting for this holiday?
And they wrote spurs and passed state assessment tests,
The long-awaited moment has finally arrived,
AND important given document for you.

Shakespeare said, “the whole world is a stage,” but I can say that our whole life is one big study. Today you are a university graduate, but essentially you are just moving on to the next class of life. So let us sincerely wish that you graduate from these “universities” with straight A’s and achieve success in your field of activity. Here's to your success!

Dance game

And now a little dance warm-up.

Everyone stands in a circle behind each other. At the leader’s command, everyone takes the person in front by the waist, and everyone moves their hips left, right, back and forth together. The game is played to music.
Further the task becomes more complicated. The leader asks to grab the waist of the person in front through one person. Then the movements of the hips are repeated left-right-back-forward.
After this, the task becomes more complicated again, now it is proposed to grab the waist of the person standing two people in front! Naturally, movements of the hips... The game is played until “there are enough hands”. In the end, everyone falls happily onto the floor.

When students are having fun
They're supposed to drink
There is a snack
Of course, of course.

It won't hurt us
Will not spoil the appearance
And will significantly increase your appetite.
I propose a toast to my friends!

Your studies at the university have ended, all tests have been passed, sessions have been completed and diplomas have been defended! There is very little left, all that remains is to wish you all a successful voyage offshore home harbor your university! And don’t let the luggage you received there be ballast.

Competition "Funny abbreviations"

Each of you, dear graduates, must write on a piece of paper a funny abbreviation for the neighbor on the left. For example, if your friend was remembered by you for being constantly late for classes, you can call him the “Constantly Late Guy” (POP). Don't forget to sign the first and last name of the person for whom you came up with the abbreviation.
Whoever comes up with the longest, most interesting and most original acronym will win a prize.

The competition lasts 10 minutes, then each graduate reads what he wrote and the best abbreviation is chosen. The winner is awarded a prize.

You studied for so many years
And we tried, we weren’t lazy,
We can summarize:
Everyone did their best.

Congratulations to you today
And we wish everyone success.
The time has come for us,
Shout a loud “Hurray!”

All :

We cordially congratulate everyone,
We wish everyone good luck,
And let it be all year round
You are lucky in everything you do!

Competition "Bank Account"

And now, dear graduates, let’s determine which of you has learned to count money best of all. The competition requires two volunteers.

IN glass jar there are paper and metal money. Without opening the jars, you need to count the amount. Each participant has his own bank. Whoever does it faster and more correctly wins. The winner is given a souvenir.

Well, here it is, the treasured diploma in your pocket...
My student years have passed.
And you part, but know at the same time
About the cycle of nature.

Here's to new meetings, to being at the table again
The student fraternity gathered...
And so that this long-awaited diploma
Brought you success and wealth!..

Like on a bright holiday, -
Honor upon honor, -
No wonder the house is full of guests:
We gathered together today
Wash your brand new diploma.
Let's take a closer look again,
What we strived for day after day -
There are only crusts in it,
The ones we drink to!

Dear friends, as they say, our whole life is a game. But I want to add: what matters is not whether it is long, but whether it is well acted.

Yes, student years are not that long. But I want to wish all of you that these years will be remembered for the rest of our lives. So that they become the most vivid and memorable act in your plays called life.

Between the hosts' remarks, graduates can make toasts and dance. Ready script graduation ceremony at the university can be slightly changed if necessary. For example, add other competitions or performances by guest artists and musicians.

To carry out this game program some props are required, elements of costumes that the participants of the game will wear - pranksters and naughty girls: bows, caps, aprons, panama hats, shorts, etc.

The program is hosted by the famous naughty and prankster Carlson.

The game program is held in the middle of the festive evening to diversify the dance and entertainment program. The director or head teacher makes a congratulatory speech. At the end of his speech, a voice and a soundtrack of a running engine suddenly sound.


Let's board! Landing, I say, come on! You see - the engine is acting up! Let's land!

To the soundtrack of “A Funny Man Lives on the Roof,” Carlson runs and flies into the hall. He misbehaves and plays pranks in every possible way: he pulls girls’ pigtails, puts candies and sweets in his pocket, teases boys. Places fake tacks on chairs and distributes them to future participants balloons. One of the balloons bursts loudly over the ear of the director, who is trying to continue his unfinished speech.

Carlson (joyfully):

So! Let's continue the conversation!

Director (surprised):

Excuse me, but what are you doing here, who are you anyway?

(Looks at the papers.)


Like who? I am Carlson, the best Carlson in the world, a man in full bloom.


Yes, but you are not on the list of alumni invited!


How?! What are you talking about? How is it possible that I don’t appear?! Is it me who is moderately well-fed, moderately educated, and doesn’t show up? After all, I’m charming, charming - I’m just beautiful!


Yes, but we already have enough of this goodness in our school. Carlson (thinking for a minute):

Yes, but I’m also the world’s best inventor, dreamer, prankster and naughty girl, and also (scaring the director) tamer of housekeepers and directors. And there is something to tame you for - look, look how scared your kids are - they don’t run, don’t jump, and let alone blow up a steam engine or steal cheesecakes with a vacuum cleaner - there’s not even a conversation about that! Oh, and boring!


Well, you know, this is already beyond my strength! (Leaves.)


That's better! Well, let's have some fun now, let's get silly! Do you agree? Well, who wants to be little again for a little while?

The guys who received the balloons come out. Of these, Carlson forms two teams. Notes of two colors are pre-enclosed in the ball. The players’ tasks are to burst their balloon, and, having determined which letter is written there, make up the names of two future teams from the letters: “Pranksters” and “Scamps”. Between them, Carlson holds competitions, alternating them with dance compositions.

Team members first “return to childhood” - they put on costume details, turning into Mashenek, Petechek, Sashechek and Vovochek (in bows and shorts). Competitions are accompanied by soundtracks of funny children's songs (“Antoshka”, “Blue Car”, “Cheburashka”, “Let them run clumsily”, “Smile”). You can use songs on a school theme.

The competitions proposed below are options for pranks and fun, but you can simply conduct a series of outdoor games: “Forged Chains”, “Stander”, “Damaged Telephone”, “Nonsense”, “Gardener”, “Fanta” or fun relay races that do not require participants to physical stress.

Carlson takes an active part in all games, fun and competitions, either disturbing the players or helping those retreating. There are sweet prizes for participating in competitions, but every time Carlson “takes part”, persuading the winner to give him most of the prize.

Carlson(to the winner of the next competition):

Look, I have two chocolates here: a large one and a small one. Choose any one for yourself, but remember that the one who takes first must take the smaller part.


Then I’ll give you a treat - choose any one yourself.

Carlson grabs the chocolate bar and stuffs it into his mouth.


Oh, well, you took the big one!


Certainly! After all, if you chose the first one, you would take a small part. Graduate:


So why are you upset - you got it!


1. “Silent relay race” - pass the rattle so that it cannot be heard.

2. Inflate the largest balloon.

3. Drink juice from a bottle with a pacifier as quickly as possible, eat as much sweets and jam as possible.

4. Push the newspaper into a bottle with a narrow neck, and then remove it without breaking the bottle.

5. Relay race “Crossing”. Using a hoop, transport all team members from one side of the hall to the other, and at the end all team members should fit into the hoop.

6. “The Elusive Ball.” Players on a team disperse within a certain limited space.

At a signal, they freeze and remain in the places where the team found them. The task is to pass the ball to each other without moving, so that it reaches all participants in the game. The ball can be thrown.

7. "Extra." During a fast composition, players dance in a circle. As soon as there is a pause in the music, the players must grab one of the candies lying on the floor (there is one less of them than the players). The player who does not receive the candy is eliminated from the game. (He or Carlson is given one candy.)

8. “Call sign.” Each team comes up with a funny call sign: “Uh-huh,” “Ha-ha-ha,” or “Be-be-be.” One of the players is blindfolded, and then during the composition the players will loudly shout their call sign, dancing in a general circle. And team captains must gather their team members in one place.

9. "Pyramid". Teams must, in a few minutes of preparation, build the largest pyramid of candies and cookies, name it and advertise it.

10. “Kangaroo” - a task for boys. Players, holding the toes of their feet, try to jump as far as possible.

11. "Merry Telegraph". All players receive one letter of the alphabet. The driver calls first simple words, and then the phrases become more and more complex, and the players standing in a general circle, during a quick composition, take a step forward according to the letters of the word and clap their hands. Each time the speed of the telegraph increases. The tasks can be made more difficult if players who make a mistake are eliminated by giving their letters to their neighbors (after all, some players may end up with several letters, and they will need to be extremely careful).

12. "Lavata" - fun game for all participants. In a general circle (to the soundtrack) everyone sings:

We dance together


Our joyful dance -

This lavata.

The driver says: “My hands (legs, ears, nose, etc.) are good.”

Everyone: “The neighbor’s is better.”

The players take on the named body parts of their neighbor, and the game is repeated.

13. “Sweet relay” - pass an apple or orange to each other without touching it with your hands, holding the object between your chest and chin or between your knees.

14. “Cat and Mouse” is a game for all participants. It is carried out during a dance composition.

Everyone stands in a circle, holding hands. Driven by two people. One - the cat - catches the second - the mouse. The mouse has the right to run into the circle, hiding from the cat.

15. “Song in a circle.” Team members sing verses of children's songs in turn (option: in the same song, the words are replaced by various sounds made by animals). You can also give the task to guess the melody, which the teams perform without words, by mooing, meowing or quacking, etc.

16. Make the longest sausage out of plasticine (the whole team).

17. Stick as many buttons as possible into the pencil.

18. Who will eat a piece of bread faster and then whistle.

19. Sit on a stool with your feet up for as long as possible (alone, in twos, in threes, etc.).

20. Come up with and commit your own “prank.”

After these (and other) competitions:

Carlson(to the director):

Well, are you convinced? Who is the best dreamer and inventor in the world? Of course, Carlson is Carlson who lives on the roof. However, each of you, until you become important aunties and uncles, until adult worries overwhelm you, until in life what is more important to you is money, a career, a car, an apartment, the eyes and lips of your loved ones, cheerful laughter, snow on the Christmas trees, daisies in the field - you are all the best naughty people and pranksters in the world.

But, alas, this only happens in childhood. But behind smart books, behind problems, please, please, don’t forget that you were little, remember your childhood.

Dance competitions for graduation party will allow you to set positive attitude. Outdoor games and competitions between classes will make the evening exciting and unique. Relay races and marathons, youth collective tasks and drawings will create a festive atmosphere and help to imprint this day in the memory of graduates for a long time.

    Game "Farewell kisses"

    All graduates and teachers play. To play the game, you need to prepare cards in advance with the names of all participants and put them in a briefcase.

    The players stand in a circle. The music turns on. One of the participants picks up the briefcase and begins to pass it around. The player who has the briefcase in his hands after musical accompaniment stops sounding and draws a card at random. His task is to give a friendly kiss or hug to the person whose name is written on the blank. The game continues until all the cards are drawn from the briefcase.

    Competition-raffle. Of all the graduates, one of the bravest and most desperate people is selected. The presenter blindfolds the player and invites him to walk along the carpet, under which lie mobile phones teachers, trying not to step on them. He is assigned an assistant who has the right to suggest the right moves.

    After the participant no longer sees anything, the presenter puts away the phones. The competitor, not knowing this, at his own peril and risk, begins to walk along the path, trying not to step on the phones. The assistant has no right to tell the participant that there is nothing under the track. His task is to stimulate the player as much as possible and force him to make as many movements as possible on the track.

    At the end of the competition, the participant takes off the blindfold and realizes that he was simply played.

    Quiz game

    Parents of graduates play. They are divided equally into 2 teams. One of the graduates takes turns asking each group of participants questions. After they give the correct answer, he moves on to the next question.

    The team that gives the most correct answers in 2 minutes wins.

    Sample questions

    • What is the name of the place where all the children serve their 11 year sentence? (School)
    • The name of the signal that indicates the beginning and end of school torment. (Call)
    • Name of the dating club between parents and class teacher. (Parents meeting)
    • What do riders wear and schoolchildren hide? (Spurs)
    • What color are the class teacher's eyes?
    • A place where students don't like to go. (Board)
    • Three months of happiness. (Holidays)
    • Head of the school. (Director)
    • From 2 to 5. (Rating)
    • Document for recording grades and recording attendance. (Cool magazine)
    • A stick used to point at something. (Pointer)
    • Square bag with clasp. (Briefcase)
  • Game "Chamomile"

    7 graduates are playing. To play the game you need to make a colored daisy with 7 petals in advance. On each petal you need to write a task.

    Before the game starts, the participants stand in a circle. One player picks up a tambourine. The music turns on. Participants begin to pass the tambourine around in a circle. The player in whose hands the musical instrument ends up after the music is turned off must tear off the daisy petal and do what is written on it. After he completes the task, he leaves the circle. The game continues until the tambourine is in the hands of all participants.

    Examples of tasks

    • Sing a couple of lines from the song “Where Childhood Goes”
    • Tell a farewell poem on a school theme (or any other poem)
    • Express your gratitude to your favorite teacher
    • Tell the Russian alphabet
    • Come up with a text explanatory note to the teacher on behalf of the parents about the child’s absence from school
    • Write a celebratory message to graduates
    • Say the phrase " School years- the best” in different intonations - sad, happy, indifferent
  • Everyone can participate in the competition. 2 assistants take the tape in their hands, pull it and hold it at a certain height. The music turns on.

    Participants begin to dance and take turns walking under the ribbon. You cannot lean forward while doing this. The one who touched the tape is eliminated. After all participants walk under the ribbon once in the dance movement, the assistants lower it lower.

    The competition continues until one, the most flexible graduate (or graduate) remains.

    All graduates participate in the competition. Its essence lies in anonymous voting for the best dress of the prom queen and for the most beautiful suit prom king. Each participant receives a piece of paper and a pen and writes the name of the guy and girl whom he considers the most fashionable and beautiful.

After the ceremony, graduates will enjoy a banquet and entertainment. What games and entertainment can be offered to graduates? For example, like this.

Game "Guess the melody".

First team.

1. A song explaining the rotation of the Earth around its axis. ("Somewhere in White World")

2. A song about a city as quiet as a dream. ("City of Childhood")

3. A song about a great desire to eat potatoes and an unwillingness to work. ("Antoshka")

4. A song about a harmless pet that the whole house hated. ("Black Cat")

Second team.

1. A song about using a smile as electricity. (“From a smile”)

2. A song about a country where you can meet the firebird and the golden horse. ("Small Country")

3. A song about cheerful long-distance passengers. (“We’re going, we’re going, we’re going...”)

4. A song about a strange eared creature that every mongrel knows. ("Cheburashka")

Competition "Dancing under the Ribbon".

(Two people hold a ribbon at both ends, which they lower lower and lower as the dance progresses. The winner is determined.)

Game "Chamomile".

(Tasks are written on sheets of daisies cut out of thick paper. To the accompaniment of music, the guys pass tambourines to each other. The music is stopped. Those who have tambourines in their hands tear off a petal of the daisy, read the task and complete it.)


1. With the help of facial expressions and gestures, you need to declare your love.

2. Recite the poem “I loved you” with a foreign accent.

3. Dance with your partner shoulder to shoulder, ear to ear, nose to nose.

4. Smile like the sun itself.

5. Walk like a rooster or a stork.

6. Imagine yourself on the ballet stage and try to portray a dying swan.

7. Jump like a hare.

8. Right hand hold your nose, hold your left ear, clap your hands and change hands.

10. Tell a tongue twister.

A fun quiz for students and teachers

Questions for teachers.

1. Where do careless students come from?

2. Are there vitamins in the fruits of enlightenment?

3. What are boys and girls made of? How does this show up in the classroom?

4. Name the slang words that you borrowed from your students’ vocabulary.

5. What do you remember about 11th grade?

6. Who was the best in the class?

8. Which student would you say is your biggest headache?

9. How much tests did you spend in this class?

10. How many steps are there in the staircase before entering the school?

11. If you decided to order music for the students in this class, what would you choose?

12. What season do you love most and why?

Questions for graduates.

1. Have any of you ever wanted to burn a school magazine?

2. Where does childhood go?

3. Which teacher has the most memorable voice?

4. Do you often run away from class?

5. Who did you like to copy from?

6. Who is the youngest in your class?

7. A in what subject was the most joyful for you?

8. What subject have you studied for 11 years and its name has not changed in 11 years?

9. What is your favorite moment in class?

10. What is your favorite place in school?

11. What is your future profession?

Game with parents.

1. A place where students do not like to go. (Board.)

2. Surprise on the teacher's chair. (Button.)

3. Flat globe. (Map.)

4. Dating club for parents and teachers. (Parents meeting.)

5. Album for parents' autographs. (Diary.)

6. From two to five. (Grade.)

7. The place where children serve 11 years. (School.)

8. Signal for the beginning and end of torment. (Ring.)

9. School-wide president. (Director.)

10. Frontal place in the classroom. (Board.)

11. Boys don't wear this. In any case, Russian (Skirt.)

12. It is worn by horsemen and hidden by schoolchildren. (Spur.)

13. Three months of happiness. (Holidays.)

14. Ten minutes of freedom. (Change.)

Those who answer the questions correctly are given tokens. Those who collect the most tokens are awarded prizes.

Game with alumni “Where have you been?”

On large sheets paper written the words “disco”, “school”, “bath”, “ parents' house", "market".

The graduate, without seeing the name of the card, answers the presenter’s questions:

1. How often do you visit this institution?

3. What are you taking with you?

4. What are you doing there?

5. What sensations do you experience?

6. Where do you think you have been?

Many people say that a birthday is both a happy and sad holiday. This is really so, because on this day a person understands that a year of life has flown by. But this only applies to adults, because children do not delve into such moments, so on their birthday they have fun with all their hearts. However, they have another holiday, which is both sad and happy. It's about about the last bell of school, which means that children will not be able to see their favorite classmates for the whole summer. But with the help of games and competitions for the Last Bell, you can make this holiday so fun that schoolchildren will have no time to be sad.

Draw the school year

This competition is great for students of all grade levels. The teacher asks all students to draw on a large canvas of paper the moment that they remember most in the past academic year. To do this, it is not necessary to have remarkable drawing abilities. This competition does not evaluate artistic talents, but is held only so that schoolchildren remember the cheerful, bright and interesting points that happened at school during the year.

Try to guess

To participate in this competition, the teacher calls willing students and blindfolds them with scarves. Any object is placed on the table in front of each student, and the participants must guess what exactly is standing or lying in front of them. But don’t think that this is easy to do, because participants are only allowed to touch the object with a pen or pencil in their hand. The winner is the one who can know the subject first.

Sweet predictions

This competition is only suitable for graduating classes. For this you need to order a large cake. It must be cut into many small pieces so that their number corresponds to the number of students in the class. To each piece you need to attach a piece of paper with a prediction about what the graduate will become after school, for example, an athlete, musician, actor, businessman or astronaut. You can attach a prediction to the cake in different ways, for example, using a toothpick.

Instead of a cake for graduates, you can order Chinese cookies with predictions. With this confectionery product the competition will take place more fun. Especially if you approach the predictions themselves with humor.

Tower of Babel

This Last Bell competition is suitable not only for graduates, but also for students of all classes. The presenter announces that with the help of this competition he wants to check how the students have learned to interact with each other over the year. He invites them to divide into teams of 5 people, whose task is to build the highest possible tower from a construction set in one minute. The winner is the team that managed to build the tallest and most durable tower from the construction set.

School crocodile

The teacher divides the students into two teams. After that, each team chooses one representative. The selected participant must draw a word with chalk on the board that the opposing team wishes for him. The participant’s task is to depict the hidden word so that the team can guess it. No more than three minutes are given to guess the word. The team that manages to guess the answer wins nai more drawings.

Fact or Fiction

Each student tells a story that happened to him at school during the school year. The story can be either fictional or real. The other participants' task is to determine whether the student was lying or telling the truth. The winner is the one who managed to identify the most invented stories.

Message to descendants

The teacher asks students to record a video with a message in which they need to wish something to people from the future. If the last call takes place in junior classes, then the wish can be written down to an adult self. Well, graduates can record a message as first graders. The competition will look both touching and fun.


Schoolchildren are divided into pairs. The presenter calls the first team and gives one of the participants pre-prepared cards in which they write various words. The participant reads what is written on the card, but does not pronounce this word, but only describes it in his own words. For example, if the word "Ice Cream" is written on the card, the participant might say, "Cold and sweet." If he comes across a card with the word “Sea,” then he can describe this word as “Deep and salty.” The team that can guess the most words wins.

To conduct this competition you need to prepare in advance large number cards so that there are enough for everyone who wants to participate. With the help of this competition, you can find out how students have learned to express their thoughts over the school year.

Our school

The host of the Last Bell divides everyone present into two teams and announces a quiz about knowledge of the school. He asks the teams questions that are somehow related to the school. For example, he may ask, “How many teachers are there in the school?”, “When was the school founded?” or “How many classes are there in the school?” These questions may be too difficult for those present, so you can prepare answers for them. The team that knows the school better and was able to give more correct answers wins.


Students will definitely enjoy this Last Bell competition. To carry it out, you need to prepare several pairs of sushi chopsticks and several plates of food, for example, sliced ​​apples or chocolates. The challenge is to empty your plate as quickly as possible using chopsticks.


In the lower grades, all students know the alphabet because they are forced to learn it. But older schoolchildren forget the alphabet, because it is completely unnecessary for them to know it. To conduct this competition, you need to draw two identical squares on the board, which must be divided into 33 fragments. After this, you need to select two teams of six people. The participants' task is to fill in each of the 33 squares with one letter of the alphabet. Whoever copes with this faster wins.

In order to complicate the competition, you need to ask participants to write down the letters not in alphabetical order, but randomly. This will force the participants to really work as a team, because they will have to work together to keep track of which letters are written.

Guess the teacher

Each teacher at school has his own behavioral characteristics. Based on this, one can truly fun competition for the Last Bell, which will please not only students, but also teachers.

The presenter calls one person at a time and asks him to take out a piece of paper from the box on which the name of a particular teacher is written. The participant needs to show this teacher without words, focusing on the peculiarities of his behavior. There are teachers who are quite easy to show off, but there are also those who do not have pronounced characteristics. So this competition will not be equally simple for everyone. One student must point to the teacher, and the other participants must guess who exactly is being shown to them. The winner of the competition is determined by popular vote. Students and teachers must choose the person who best fits the role.