1st International Oscar Reading Competition. Reading violin competition will be held in Slovenia


Topic: “Writing and language politics: feminine, feminist, feminine”
February 7 – March 14

The reading group will focus on feminist literary criticism and philosophy of language, and will study works devoted to the phenomenon of women's writing and women's speech. Participants will be asked to reflect on what “women's literary language” and “women's writing” are, whether they are able to overcome the patriarchal tradition of meaning production and discover women's existence through the phenomenon of language and words. Why is it necessary to recode and reappropriate a language monopolized by the patriarchal matrix? Is a “female revolution” possible in a communication system subordinated to the economy of male desire? Or does this dichotomy require rereading within the framework of new language policies?


Lolita Agamalova is a feminist, prose writer, student of the Faculty of Philosophy at the State Academic University for the Humanities.

Oksana Kita is a feminist, junior researcher at the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin, author of articles and poetic texts.


Contemporary architecture, responding to unprecedented social and economic changes, is experiencing an unprecedented period of self-criticism and reflection. Trying to break with the past and find new ways of development, architects strive to combine seemingly opposite hypostases - an active practitioner and an ideologist-philosopher.

Participants in the reading group will be able to look at the history of architecture of the 20th century through the prism of the texts of leading theorists and practitioners of the last century, to trace the main directions of development of architecture from the end of the 19th century to the present day - both in traditional world centers (Western Europe, Russia, the USA), and in new centers of construction culture (Japan, Brazil, Finland).

Moderator: Kirill Stepanov - architect, Master of History and Theory of Architecture from the University of Edinburgh, lecturer in the Department of Architecture at the National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (NRU MGSU), graduate student at the Research Institute of Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Planning (NIITIAG), member of the editorial board of the journal "Issues of the General History of Architecture" "


Topic: “Design and art: between a utilitarian object and a cultural sign”
February 13 – March 27

Design today often “replaces” art and strives to surpass it in attempts to embody the visual appearance of an era. Design objects are increasingly ceasing to be utilitarian things and claiming the status of works of art. The interaction of art and design takes on the most hyperbolic forms, giving rise to a whole direction of design creativity associated with the creation of objects endowed with functions that previously belonged entirely to works of art.

Participants in the reading group will be asked to study texts that will help them understand the principles of interaction between art and design and answer the question of whether these two disciplines can be identified.

Moderator: Margarita Morozova - Candidate of Art History, member of the Union of Designers of Russia, senior lecturer at the Department of Theory and History of Design and Media Communications at St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design (2008-2014).


Jacques Lacan is the author of the concept of the “mirror stage,” the starting point of the subject’s self-identification. This concept is described in the philosopher’s article of the same name, and in subsequent works Lacan outlined a significant turn associated with understanding the nature of human desire and the issue of gender. Jacques Lacan's texts caused heated controversy that continues to this day.

Participants in the reading group are asked to understand one of the basic concepts of psychoanalysis, which refers to the problem of desire and the “desiring subject” - the most controversial categories of psychoanalysis.

Moderator: Alexander Bronnikov is a practicing psychoanalyst, student of Jean-Michel Vappereau. Co-host of a seminar on Lacanian topology at the Russian State University for the Humanities. Trained in clinical institutions in Paris, participated in the joint educational program of the University of Rennes-2 (France) and the Moscow State Psychological and Pedagogical University.


The theory of 20th century photography is often associated with the works of famous authors such as Walter Benjamin, Roland Barthes, Susan Sontag, Rosalind Krauss, John Berger and Michael Fried. At the same time, works created after 1980—especially in the 2000s—remain virtually unnoticed. Meanwhile, the development of technology and cultural shifts in recent decades have led to dramatic changes in the theory and practice of photography, which need to be understood at a fundamentally new level.

The rejection of the concept of the “decisive moment” described by Cartier-Bresson and the hegemony of the “Western” view, the transition from material to digital media, the widespread dissemination of photography on the Internet - these and many other issues will be considered using the example of works on the theory of photography created in 2000 -e. The group members will not only read and understand the texts, but will also get acquainted with the photo series and projects that illustrate them and, if desired, talk about their own experience of shooting.

Moderator: Victoria Musvik is a candidate of philological sciences, a visual researcher, and an art critic. Researcher at the Laboratory for Research in Visual Culture and Contemporary Art at the European Humanities University (Vilnius).

  1. International Competition for Young Performers and Composers named after. Oscar Reading is addressed to young musicians who are engaged in composing and performing their compositions.
  1. Instrumentalists (and singers) - composers under the age of 20 can apply for participation in the competition. Young musicians and teachers over the age of 21 can also take part in the competition.
  2. At an international competition there are no special restrictions regarding the choice of a participant’s instrument. This can be any instrument from a symphony, chamber or baroque orchestra, or a folk instrument. The use of electronics and multimedia is not permitted.
  3. The competition is divided into four age categories:

* A special category is addressed to young musicians - teachers who write compositions for their students. It is no coincidence that the category bears the name of the famous composer Oscar Reading: the author dedicated most of his works to his students, young violinists. The category has an initial age limit: candidates over the age of 21 can take part in the competition. There are no other age restrictions in the category.

  1. Competition piece. To participate in the competition, you must provide one original musical work (or cycle) in any classical musical style or genre. The mandatory rule of the competition is as follows: the author of the work must also be the performer of the competition work (this can be either performed solo or as part of a chamber group).
  2. If a young musician (1st category) is assisted by his teacher in creating a competitive piece, this must be indicated in the application.

In the fourth, special category named after. Oscar Reading, in addition to the teacher competition, welcomes the participation of his student/s.

  1. Applicants for participation in the competition must fill out an electronic application form on the competition website, which must be accompanied by:

— Youtube link to the candidate’s competition video with the performance of the author’s work. The entry must not be older than 6 months on the date of registration. The video must be public (YT channel settings are “public”) and must be an actual recording of the registered candidate. The video can also be sent in another form (DVD). If you would like to submit an application in this form, please notify us by email:

— notes of the competition essay in PDF format. Finalists must provide sheet music in Sibelius or Finale format.

  1. The length of the essay should not exceed:
  1. A copy of the competitor’s identity document.
  2. Information (name, surname, position) about the participant’s teacher (category 1, 2, 3).

All applicants for participation, with the exception of those invited to participate by the organizers of the competition, must pay an entry fee. Applicants for participation in the competition (first, second and third categories) must pay an entry fee of 65 Euros to the organizer’s account.

  1. Applicants for participation in the fourth, special category “Oscar Reading” must pay an entry fee of 70 Euros to the organizer’s account.
  2. In the purpose of the transfer, you must indicate “Application fee” / “Entry fee” / as the purpose of payment, as well as the surname and name of the participant.
  3. You will receive an invoice for payment of the entrance fee with your contact information to your email within one day after you fill out the online application. The payment period is 5 working days after receiving the invoice.
  4. The organizer may exempt several participants from paying the entry fee upon prior application indicating (valid) reasons.
  5. Applications for participation in the competition are accepted until June 10, 2018.
  6. The Organizing Committee only considers correctly completed applications.
  7. The finalists of the competition will be informed about their participation in the finals before June 15, 2018 by email specified in the application.
  8. The finalists cover their own travel, accommodation and food expenses during the competition finals. The organizer will provide the finalists with all the necessary information about accommodation options.
  9. The decision of the competition jury is final.
  10. The jury may award any prize to more than one competitor (ex aequo).
  11. The jury has the right to award additional prizes.
  12. When submitting an application, the applicant and his parents (guardians) agree to the above rules.
  13. The Directorate has exclusive rights, extending to all countries, for broadcasting, audio/video recording, publication, production and distribution of materials for all rounds of the competition, as well as all events of the competition, including the closing ceremony of the competition, holding master classes, performances at final and other concerts related to the competition. The Directorate has the exclusive right to use recorded audio/video/photo material free of charge and without obtaining permission from competition participants, accompanists, as well as jury members who took part in master classes and concerts during the competition.
  14. The right of final resolution of all issues arising in the process of organizing and conducting the competition remains with the Organizing Committee of the competition. In case of violations of the rules of the competition, the Organizing Committee and the jury have the right to remove the participant from the competition.

For more information, please contact us by email:

The organizing committee of the competition reserves the right to make changes to these rules.

In 2018 In the 2019 academic year, the timing of Pearson competitions is changing. Contest I Love Active Reading! For 6 classes (individual participation) will be held in December, contest I Love Active Reading!(team participation) for 7-9 grades will be held in March.

1–2 grades

Contest Pearson Songs Festival. February – April 2019

See separate competition announcement for

3–4 grades

The competition is held on a dictionary Longman Children's Picture Dictionary.

For regulations on the competition, see LINK

4–5–6 grades

Only for those who did not participate in this competition in 2017-18.

Registration - until April 1, 2019. To register, you must write an application in free form and send it to the address [email protected].

The competition is held according to the benefit Big Science–2, Student’s Book.

For regulations on the competition, see

5-6 grades

The competition is held on a dictionary Longman Photo Dictionary 3rd edition.

For regulations on the competition, see

6th grade

For regulations on the competition, see LINK

Conducted through a series of reading books Pearson English Kids Readers CLIL, each participant reads 3 books:

  • Up in the Air, Level 3 ISBN 9781408288320
  • Island Hopping, Level 5 ISBN 9781408288436
  • Animal Camouflage, Level 6 ISBN 9781408288481

7–9 grades

Registration before February 15, 2019. To register, you must write an application in free form and send it to [email protected].

See the regulations on the competition.

Conducted in series Pearson Active Readers And Pearson English Readers, a team of 4 people reads 4 books of the same level:

  • Scarlet Pimpernel ISBN 9781408261347
  • Amazon Rain Forest ISBN 9781408284896
  • American Life ISBN 9781408284902
  • Black Beaty ISBN 9781408278000
  • Becoming Jane ISBN 9781447925361
  • David Copperfield ISBN 9781447925453
  • Pirates of the Caribbean at World's End ISBN 9781447925743
  • Sherlock Holmes and Mystery of the Boscombe Pool ISBN 9781447925828

Purpose of the work: the use of ICT in organizing lessons of the academic subject “Specialty. (Violin)”, as a way to improve the professional skills of the teacher and develop the motivation and activity of students.

Relevance of use: improving the quality of education, improving teaching and educational methods through the productive use of new educational technologies.


- optimization of the activities of teachers and students;

Development of creative and cognitive abilities of students;

Scope of application: in the process of implementing an additional pre-professional general education program in the field of musical art “String Instruments”, subject area “Musical Performance”, academic subject “Specialty. (Violin)"



Text for the presentation “Oscar Reading. Creative path"

Target: the use of ICT in organizing lessons of the academic subject “Specialty. (Violin)”, as a way to improve the professional skills of the teacher and develop the motivation and activity of students.

Relevance of use:improving the quality of education, improving teaching and educational methods through the productive use of new educational technologies.


- optimization of the activities of teachers and students;

Development of creative and cognitive abilities of students;

Scope of application:in the process of implementing an additional pre-professional general education program in the field of musical art “String Instruments”, subject area “Musical Performance”, academic subject “Specialty. (Violin)"

Oscar Rieding (German: Oskar Rieding , 1840 - 1918) - German violinist, teacher and composer.

Oscar Reading made a great contribution to the development of Hungarian music, in particular to the musical life of Budapest. Oscar was born in 1840 in northern Germany, he first attended the Academy of Musical Arts in Berlin, then studied at the Leipzig Conservatory. Towards the end of the 1860s he moved to Vienna, where in 1871, the famous conductor, Hans Richter, then music director of the National Opera in Budapest, hired Reading as accompanist of the orchestra.

Reading lived in Budapest for 32 years and created a number of violin concertos and many variations for violin and piano. The most famous of them are violin works for beginning musicians. After his retirement in 1904, he lived in Zilli until his death in 1918 at the age of 78. In the first decade after his retirement, Reading wrote most of his most famous works, which are still performed today. Most of this work consists of concertos and concertinos for violin and one concerto for viola, as well as variations. Concerto in B minor, Op. 35 is the most frequently performed by students, most recently recording this concert in 1998 by Itzhak Perlman for EMI.

In 1999, Perlman joined forces with the Juilliard School, his musical alma mater, and the founders of Lincoln Center to record an album with the School of Young Musicians Symphony Orchestra entitled "Concert of My Childhood", a CD containing five concertos played by each violinist in the early years of his studies, one of these concerts was the Reading Violin Concerto in B minor (1-3).

On January 4, 2000, he performed the Reading Concerto with pianist Rohan de Silva and the Symphony Orchestra at the Lincoln Center. Lincoln Center Plaza is one of the busiest buildings in Manhattan and has hosted many great performers.

The Slovenian Cilli city, which is now called Celje, during the life and activity of Reading was part of Hungary, now it is Slovenia.

Reading's notable works include:

Concerto in B minor for violin and piano op. 35 (1909)

Concerto in D major for violin and piano op. 25

Concertino in G major for violin and piano op. 24

Gypsy March Op. 23 No. 2 for violin and piano

Concertino in A minor for violin and piano in the Hungarian style Op. 21

International Competition for Young Violinists named after. The Oscars of Reading is an independent international competition intended for participants under the age of 13.

The main objective of the competition is to support young talents in their creative development and introduce them to the music of the famous violinist and teacher Oscar Reading.

It is no coincidence that the final of the competition will take place in Slovenia, in the city of Celje. It was here that the author wrote most of the works, which to this day are an important part of the violin pedagogical repertoire.

In this cozy town, which the composer chose for his residence after finishing his orchestral career at the Budapest Opera House, he also wrote one of the most frequently performed works by young violinists: the Concerto in B minor, op. 35.

This is undoubtedly one of those concertos that almost every violinist encounters at the beginning of his musical journey.

According to the latest research by the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Slovenia and the Institute of Musicology of Slovenia (research led by Ms. Maruša Zupančić, honorary member of the competition jury), it was found that all works, starting with op. 35 the composer wrote in the city of Celje in Slovenia.

The competition is held with the support of the city mayor's office. The competition will take place in two rounds.

The first round takes place online on the competition website from June 20 to October 1, 2017. During this time, participants can submit their applications with a video recording. Entries are posted on the competition website. After receiving video applications, an international jury evaluates the video materials.

Participants in the first qualifying round, depending on the points scored, are awarded a gold, silver or bronze diploma of participation in the competition.

All competition participants receive a certificate of participation in the 1st International Competition for Young Violinists. Oscar Reading. At the end of the first round, diplomas and certificates are sent to participants by email or regular mail. A certificate of student participation in the competition is also received by the teacher and accompanist of each participant in the competition.

Participants who score from 90 to 100 points in the first qualifying round (gold diploma) are invited to participate in the finals of the competition.

The final will take place on October 15, 2017 in the Great Hall of the People's Assembly in Celje (Slovenia). After the final performances of the contestants, an award ceremony will be held.

In accordance with the decision of the competition jury, the finalist of the competition is awarded:

1st prize: Oscar Reading prize, diploma and laureate title, memorable gift, cash prize of 300 Euros;

2nd prize: diploma and title of laureate, memorable gift, cash prize in the amount of 200 Euro;

3rd prize: diploma and title of laureate, memorable gift, cash prize in the amount of 100 Euros;

4th prize: diploma and laureate title, memorable gift;

5th prize: diploma and laureate title, memorable gift;

The jury's decisions are final.

The awards will be presented at a ceremony announcing the winners of the competition on October 15, 2017 in the Great Hall of the People's Assembly in Celje (Slovenia).

All finalists will be given the opportunity to participate in concert programs of the 2017/2018 season in the best halls of Slovenia with the support of the Institute of Musicology in Ljubljana, the Center for Culture and Tourism in Rogaska Slatina, the Center for Culture and Tourism in Laško and the Museum of the Baroque Era in Šmarje.

Reading Competition Press Service