The most interesting competitions in the world for the anniversary. Interesting and fun competitions for anniversaries

If one of your friends or relatives takes on the role of host and organizer. To help enthusiasts who are ready to arrange a holiday for their dear birthday boy and loved ones on their own, we offer cenario entertainment program birthday "Fun Family Holiday", which is written just for those who want to entertain guests at a friendly feast. All competitions and games can be held in any order, during a feast or during dance breaks, and the props for games are the simplest, which can always be found in the house. Instrumental melodies may be played in the background, selected at the discretion of the organizers.

Scenario "Fun Family Holiday"

When meeting guests, the hero of the occasion invites them to choose multi-colored elastic bands for money from a small box and put them on their wrists like a bracelet. It is best to divide the feast participants into four teams, between which competitions will take place. For example, blue, red, yellow and green.


Table game "Close People"

Leading. I welcome all of you to our family holiday, where family members, relatives and closest friends have gathered.

Therefore I ask you:

Shake hands with those sitting opposite you at the table;

Hug those to your right and left.

Pat those within arm's reach of you on the shoulder.

Kiss the one with whom you came to this holiday.

Send blowing kisses hero of the occasion.

Clink glasses with those sitting next to you at the table.

My toast is to the event!

Table game to warm up guests

Before continuing our festive feast, I ask those with names starting with the letters: A, O, S, I, N to rise in their seats, and I ask the rest to applaud them. (The guests applaud.)

Those whose names begin with the letters: P, E, T, V - drink for brotherhood. (The guests comply with the presenter’s request.)

Men kiss the hands of ladies sitting next to them at the table (Men comply with the leader’s request.)

All the women share a toast in honor of the hero of the occasion. (The women make a joint toast.

Banquet break

A little fun "Take the prize"

Leading. I have prepared a souvenir for one of you. For the one who solves the riddle.

Everyone has it: adults and children, schoolchildren and teachers, soldiers and generals, tailors and scientists, artists and spectators. What is this?

(Answer - button. The one who guesses correctly receives a prize. If no one guessed correctly, the presenter continues.)

The prize goes to the one with the most buttons on his outfit. (The winner is awarded a prize.)

The next competition is for men. Prizes will go to those who have a comb and a handkerchief with them. (The winners will receive prizes.)

TO competition - joke "Beauty Queen"

Leading. Dear ladies, mademoiselle, senoritas, missus, miss, frau, medchen, woman, girls, madam, girls, citizens, mothers-in-law, mother-in-law, sisters-in-law, girlfriends, wives, mothers, daughters-in-law, cousins, grandmothers, sisters, matchmakers, seamstresses, cooks, accountants , engineers, doctors, pensioners... In a word, women, the next competition is for you! It's called "Beauty Queen".

Anyone who has a lipstick and a mirror. Congratulations! You are advancing to the second round of the competition! Who has perfume and powder. Bravo! You are semi-finalists!

Let's continue. Who has a hair comb and a wallet. Hooray!

You are finalists of the “Beauty Queen” competition.

The one of you who has a 14 by 17 wrench with you wins.

No? Sorry! For “no” there is no winner!

Banquet break

Fun game "Removing Negativity"

Leading. I would like to remind you that upon entering our holiday, you received a colored elastic band, which I asked you to save. It's time to pay attention to the color of your elastic band. I’ll name the color, and you’ll wave your hand to see who has the rubber band that color. Green... blue... red... yellow... (Guests complete the task.)

I ask each team to nominate one participant for our family holiday. I invite them to the center of the room.

(Four guests come to the host. Each is given one cheerleading broom or fluffy washcloths.)

These are washcloths - cleaning agents. I ask you to choose one man from those present and carry out preventive measures: remove the evil eye, negativity, and negative energy from them. Fragments of songs will be played in which certain parts of the body are mentioned, and you will carry out preventive measures with washcloths and cleansers.

(Fragments of songs are heard, where various parts of the body are mentioned)

I think these women deserve a big round of applause and a moment of glory. This song is for them.

(A fragment of a song plays“Beauties can do anything.” Women take the lead.)

Leading. And now men with pure karma and soul invite women to slow dance.

It sounds like a lyrical hit. Pairs of players dance, those who wish to join.

There is a dance block in progress.


The host, using a bell, invites everyone to continue the feast.

The guests say toasts, read out prepared congratulations, and present gifts to the hero of the occasion.

Leading. I would like to remind you that at this table are the most beloved, closest relatives and friends of the birthday boy.

I am convinced that each of you could easily participate in one or another television show. And this is not said for flattery, this can be confirmed right now. I suggest turning to cinema. Let's all remember the continuation of the legendary movie phrases together.

Game - chant "Complete the phrase"

The presenter begins, and the participants finish the phrase.

They drink champagne in the morning ... only aristocrats and degenerates.
Who's going to put him in prison, he's ... monument!
And now the hunchback! I said ... hunchback!
Who doesn't work is ...eats! Remember, student!
Third Street Builders ... d 25, apt 12.
Freedom for Yuri ...Detochkina!
So that you live on one ... salary!
And then Ostap ... got it!
I never ... I'm not drunk!
How much is opium ... for the people?
There will be coffee and tea for you with cocoa.
Abroad for us ... will help!
I didn't come to kill ...Then they will kill you!
You have a world ... Mother!
Flowers for grandma and children ... ice cream!
Right now ...I'll sing!

Leading. Now let's turn to music, to be more precise, to songs. I invite our colorful teams to remember old songs about the main thing. The team that recognizes the melody and sings the song faster than others gets a point. Those who scored more points - receive a team prize.

(Excerpts of popular retro songs are played. A competition is held. The winners are awarded a box of chocolates.)

Competition "Touching Ladies"

(The presenter brings out a tray with small fabric bags, inside of which are: salt, sugar, buckwheat, rice, millet, pearl barley, horns, starch.)

Leading. I again invite one woman from each team. (Participants of the game come out.)

On this tray you see bags with something inside. Take turns identifying the contents of the bag by touch.

(The game is going on.)

Leading. Please applaud our “sensual and touching” ladies (The guests applaud.)

I ask the participants in the game to hand one of the men on their team a newspaper sheet and take their place at the table (The presenter hands out sheets of newspapers.)

Competition "Newspaper Heroes"

Leading. Men, I’m waiting for you at the epicenter of our holiday. The meeting location cannot be changed. (The men come out.)

The competition is simple: who can fold a newspaper sheet in half 10 times faster?

(A competition is taking place. Instrumental music plays in the background.)

Leading. The team player won... (names team color)

I suggest how to pass the baton of your newspaper sheet to another member of your team. (Other players are selected.)

I ask you to unfold the sheets and make “balls” out of them. Take the ball to right hand and stand with your back to the open door four steps away from it. Turn your head as far as possible to the right and across left shoulder throw the “ball” so that it goes out the door.

(A competition is taking place. The distance is small, the goal is large, but rarely will anyone be able to throw a paper “ball” out the door at once. If someone succeeds, he is declared the winner.)

Dance game "Chained by One Chain"

Leading. The “yellow” and “green” teams are invited to the dance floor.

(Teams leave the table. The presenter hands each headdress. These can be hats, caps, earflaps, bath caps, etc.)

I ask you to try on these hats and each team to stand in a column one after the other.

(In each team, for all participants, using clothespins, the leader attaches their hats to a rope at a distance of one meter. Each team has its own rope.)

Our dance game It's called "Bound by One Chain." Various melodies will be played, during which teams are encouraged to dance, but so that their hats do not fly off.

(Popular dance tunes are played. For example, “Chivala”, “Lambada”, “Nafanana”, Letka-enka”, “Lezginka”, “7-40”, etc.)

When preparing to celebrate his birthday, inviting guests to the celebration, the birthday person needs to select funny table competitions in advance so that the holiday is as bright and interesting as possible, and, most importantly, to avoid awkward prolonged pauses or unwanted conversations.

Competitions should be chosen exclusively for table competitions- as a rule, adults have absolutely no desire to get up from the table to participate in outdoor games - therefore an invitation to jump and run is unlikely to be greeted with enthusiasm by guests.

At the same time, the number of competitions should not exceed 5-6, otherwise even the funniest entertainment program will be unreasonably prolonged and will soon become boring.

Necessary props and organizational preparations

Most of the competitions below don't require a host, but some will require a host to be chosen by public vote - which can be a fun contest in itself.
Or agree in advance that one of your loved ones will take on this role.


For the competition program you must prepare in advance:

  • tokens or medals;
  • red box;
  • forfeits with tasks;
  • blindfold and mittens (according to the number of guests);
  • cards with drawings in a blue or pink (depending on whose birthday) box:
    – scales for weighing trucks,
    - desert,
    - telescope,
    - moonshine still,
    - tank,
    - police car,
    - lemon tree,
    - propeller.
  • two bags (boxes);
  • cards with questions;
  • answer cards;
  • long nose made of cardboard and elastic;
  • glass of water;
  • ring.

Red box

A “Red Box” with forfeits is being prepared separately for those who lost in competitions or dropped out of the game.
You can make the “Red Box” yourself, from colored paper and tape, or buy a ready-made one.

Forfeit tasks should be as funny as possible, for example:

  • sing with serious look a funny song in a false voice, not hitting a single note;
  • dance while sitting (with your arms, shoulders, eyes, head, etc. funny dance);
  • show a trick (and in such a way that it doesn’t work - it’s clear that there are no magicians among the guests);
  • recite a funny poem, ask an unusual riddle, tell a funny story, and so on.

Attention: The “Red Box” will remain in the middle of the table throughout the entire entertainment program. As mentioned above, it is for the losing participants. Therefore, do not forget to “reward” the eliminated contestant with a phantom - and it doesn’t matter if the tasks are repeated - after all, everyone will perform them in their own way!

Competition No. 1 “Find the birthday boy”

Guests are blindfolded.
The leader moves everyone as he wants.

As a result, no one knows who is sitting where now, and who is nearby.

Each guest is given warm mittens. You need to find out by touch who is sitting next to you, touching with your hands in mittens only the head and face of your neighbor.
Firstly, it tickles and inevitably makes you laugh!
And secondly, it’s very interesting to try to guess a person through touch!

Each participant guesses who is on the left.
You can only try to guess once, final goal- find the birthday boy.

The headbands are removed only when the last participant has guessed or not guessed his neighbor, but if the birthday person is discovered, the game ends earlier.

Whoever fails to guess his neighbor draws a forfeit from the “Red Box” and completes a funny task.

Competition No. 2 “Wishes and funny gifts for the birthday boy”

This is a very funny competition for resourceful guests with a sense of humor.

First, the Presenter says the main congratulations.
It sounds like this: “Dear (th) our birthday boy (tsa)! We all sincerely love you and wish you good health, happiness and prosperity! May all your dreams come true! Now the rest of the guests will complement my wishes!”

Next, each participant must say the following phrase: , and then pull a picture out of the blue (or pink) box, show it to the birthday boy (or birthday girl), and explain why he gives this particular item to the hero of the occasion? If there is no explanation, the contestant reads out the text on the back of the picture.

The next participant, before taking the picture out of the box, again repeats the beginning of the congratulatory phrase “And I know that this is exactly what you really need, that’s why I’m giving it!” and takes out his funny “gift” with an explanation of why the hero of the occasion really needs it!

So, for example, having pulled out a picture of a desert, the participant first says the main phrase with which everyone who draws pictures begins: “And I know that this is exactly what you really need, that’s why I’m giving it!”, and if your wish was not found, read the phrase written in the picture with reverse side: “Let them go there, into the distance, forever, holding hands, and let all your enemies and enemies never be able to return, having captured all your troubles!”

What should be shown and written in the pictures is indicated in the section “ Preliminary preparation", but let's repeat it again:

  1. The box contains pictures of unusual objects.
  2. On the reverse side, as a hint, wishes are written. First, the guest, looking at the picture pulled out of the box, tries to invent original wish to the birthday girl (birthday boy), then looks at the hint written on the back of the picture and adds to her congratulations.
  3. You can add other pictures, in any quantity - the more pictures and wishes, the more interesting the competition.

Minimum required images for the competition:

  • a picture of special scales for weighing loaded KamAZ trucks, on the reverse side it is written: “I wish you so much wealth that it is impossible to count, but only to weigh with such scales!”;
  • image of a telescope, on the back it says: “I wish that all dreams and their fulfillment were much closer than those stars in the sky that are visible through a telescope!”;
  • moonshine still, on the back there is a wish: “Let a considerable percentage of unbridled fun always play in your veins!”;
  • picture of a tank, wish: “So that you always have something to go to the store with!”
  • image of a police car with flashing lights: “So that when you drive, the people make way!”
  • tree with lemons growing, inscription: “So that you have “lemons” and not only fruits growing all year round!”
  • a picture of a desert, on the back it says: “Let all your enemies go there, into the distance, forever, holding hands, and never be able to return, taking all your troubles with you!”
  • image of a propeller from the film “Kid and Carlson”, inscription: “May your life always be Karslson, who lives on the roof and brings many valuable gifts!”

There are two winners in the competition:
First: the one who came up with the most funny congratulations birthday boy (birthday girl);
Second: the one who read the inscription on the picture funniest of all.

Competition No. 3 “Tell about yourself: let’s play cards”

Two bags (or two boxes): one contains chaotically mixed cards with questions, the other contains answers.
1. The presenter pulls a card from the bag with questions and reads it out loud.
2. The first participant in the feast draws a card from the bag with answers and an expression.

It's the random combinations of questions and answers that will be funny..

For example, Leader: “Have you ever been stopped by a traffic police officer?”
The answer might be: "It's so nice".

You can only draw one card per question.
The game ends when all the cards are announced and all guests have read the answers to the questions.

Question cards:

1) Do you like to drink?
2) Do you like women?
3) Do you like men?
4) Do you eat at night?
5) Do you change your socks every day?
6) Do you watch TV?
7) Do you want to cut your hair bald?
8) Admit that you like to count other people's money?
9) Do you like to gossip?
10) Do you often play pranks on others?
11) Do you know how to use a cell phone?
12) Now for festive table did you look at who ate what and how much?
13) Have you ever driven drunk?
14) Have you ever come to a birthday party without a gift?
15) Have you ever howled at the moon?
16) Have you calculated how much the set table costs today?
17) Have you ever given something that was given to you that you didn’t need?
18) Do you hide food under your pillow?
19) Do you show obscene signs to other drivers?
20) Can you not open the door for guests?
21) Do you often miss work?

Answer cards:

1) Only at night, in the dark.
2) Perhaps, someday, while drunk.
3) I can’t live without this!
4) When no one sees.
5) No, it's not mine.
6) I only dream about this!
7) This is my secret dream.
8) I tried it once.
9) Of course yes!
10) Definitely not!
11) In childhood - yes.
12) Rarely, I want more often!
13) I was taught this since childhood.
14) This is very nice.
15) Definitely and without fail!
16) This doesn’t interest me at all.
17) Almost always!
18) Yes. The doctor prescribed this for me.
19) This is all I do.
20) Once a day.
21) No, I'm afraid.

Competition No. 4 “Intuition”

Each player is given a hoop with a specific shape on his head. It could be a fruit, a vegetable, a character, a famous person.

The players’ task is to guess who he is using clarifying questions that can only be answered “yes” or “no.”

Instead of hoops, you can make cardboard masks, then the game will turn out not only interesting, but also very funny.

Competition No. 5 “Long Nose”

Everyone puts on pre-prepared noses.

At the Leader’s command, you need to pass a small ring from nose to nose, and at the same time a glass of water from hand to hand, trying not to spill a drop.

The game is considered over when both the ring and the glass of water return to the “first” participant.
Anyone who drops a ring or spills water receives a forfeit.

Competition No. 6 “Find something in common”

Players are divided into teams.
The presenter shows three pictures that have something in common.
To motivate and cheer up the teams, the condition may be as follows: the team that did not guess the answer drinks penalty glasses.

For example, one picture shows a jacuzzi, the second shows the Eiffel Tower, and the third shows the periodic table. What unites them is the surname, because each image is an object named after its creator.

Competition No. 7 “Hat for the birthday boy”

In a deep hat you need to put a lot of folded pieces of paper with laudatory descriptions of the birthday boy (birthday girl), For example:
- smart (smart),
- beautiful (handsome),
- slender (slender),
- talented (talented)
- economic (economic), and so on.

Guests are divided into pairs. One partner takes out a piece of paper, reads the word to himself and explains to his partner using gestures what it means.
If the answer is not found, you can suggest one in words, but not by naming the word itself, but by describing its essence.
The team that gets the most correct answers wins.

You don't have to split into pairs. One person takes out a piece of paper and gestures at the word, while the others guess.
For each correct answer the player receives one point.
The player with the most points wins.

Competition No. 8 “Getting to the bottom of the truth”

An object, for example a carrot, needs to be wrapped in several layers of foil.
Each layer is accompanied by a riddle or task.

If the guest guesses the correct answer or completes the task, he expands the first layer. If not, he passes the baton to his neighbor and receives a forfeit.

The one who removes the last layer wins a prize.

Competition No. 9 “Gossip Girl”

This funny competition is more suitable for non- big company, because headphones will be needed for all participants. Or several volunteers may participate and others will observe the process.
Players put on headphones and listen to music loudly so that no extraneous sounds can be heard.
Only the one who says the first phrase remains without headphones. This must be some kind of secret about the birthday girl (birthday boy).
He says it loudly, but in such a way that it is impossible to hear all the words clearly.

The second player passes on the phrase he supposedly heard to the third, the third to the fourth, and so on.
Guests who have already shared “gossip about the birthday girl” can take off their headphones and observe what other participants end up sharing.
The last player voices the phrase he heard, and the first player says the original.

Competition No. 10 “Second Half”

Guests will have to use all their acting skills.
Each player chooses a piece of paper on which is written the role that he will play.
The roles are paired: the goal is to find your partner as quickly as possible.

For example, Romeo and Juliet: Juliet can sing the text: “I’m standing on the balcony and waiting for my love” and so on.

Competition No. 11 “Common Efforts”

The presenter suggests writing a fairy tale about the birthday girl (birthday boy).

Everyone comes up with their own plot, but each player will write only one sentence on a common sheet.

The fairy tale begins with the sentence “One fine day (name) was born.”
The sheet is passed around in a circle.

The first person writes a continuation based on the first sentence.
The second person reads the first person's sentence, adds his own, and folds the piece of paper so that the third guest can only see the sentence that the person in front of him wrote.

In this way, the fairy tale is written until the piece of paper returns to the guest who first started writing it.

Together, we will get a very funny story about the hero of the occasion, which is then read out loud.

Competition No. 12 “Honest answer”

You need to prepare cards with questions and answers.
One guest takes a card from the deck with questions, and the one to whom the question is addressed - from the deck of answers.
The game continues in a circle.
The number of questions and answers should at least correspond to the number of players, and it is better to be two to three times more.

Approximate options


1. Do you often walk around your apartment naked?
2. Do you envy rich people?
3. Do you have colorful dreams?
4. Do you sing in the shower?
5. Do you often lose your temper?
6. Have you ever declared your love to a monument?
7. Do you sometimes feel like you were created for some great mission?
8. Do you like to peek?
9. Do you often try on lace lingerie?
10. Do you often read other people's letters?


1. No, only when I drink.
2. As an exception.
3. Oh yes. This sounds so much like me.
4. You might think this is a crime.
5. Only on holidays.
6. No, such nonsense is not for me.
7. Such thoughts visit me constantly.
8. This is my meaning in life.
9. Only when no one is looking.
10. Only when they pay.

Competition No. 13 “By ear”

All participants are blindfolded.
The presenter taps a pencil or fork on some object.
The one who guesses the item first will receive one point (you can use stickers and stick it on clothes).
Whoever has the most at the end of the game wins.

Competition No. 14 “Inarticulate Hamster”

All guests fill their mouths with marshmallows.
The first participant reads the phrase that is written on the sheet, but does not show it to the others.
He says it to his neighbor, but due to his full mouth, the words will be very illegible.

A phrase is a task that the one who ends up last will have to complete, for example, “You must dance the lezginka.”
The participant will have to perform the action that he heard.

Competition No. 15 “Top Secret”

Competition No. 16 “Sobriety test”

A game for a large company.
The first team is on one side of the table, the second team is on the other.
From the first player to the last you will need to transfer various items holding them with matches.
The winner is the team that quickly transfers all the objects from one end of the table to the other in this way.

Competition No. 17 “Musical crocodile”

The first contestant takes out a piece of paper on which the name of the song and, possibly, the lyrics are written.
The task is to explain to others what song it is.
You can't explain it with words from the song itself.
For example, “When the apple trees bloom...” you cannot say “The apple trees bloomed in the garden.” You can say “In one place there is a tree, fruits appear on it” and something like that.

Competition No. 18 “Find your match”

To play the game you need to prepare cards with the names of various animals. There are two cards for each animal.
Participants pull out cards and then show each other their animal (meowing, crowing, etc.).
The game will be over only after all the pairs have been found.

Our competitions are designed for the most modest costs, both financial and organizational. If you take into account the age of the guests and their preferences, competitions can be very funny and mischievous.
This birthday celebration is sure to be remembered for a long time!
We wish you a noisy, cheerful feast!

Watch a video with a very funny competition (watching time 4.5 minutes):

If you work in friendly team who loves a good party, then competitions for fun company you will definitely need them. And if you just throw parties for your friends or children from time to time, then you know how they are held in high esteem interesting competitions, especially when people in the company don’t know each other very well, but you still want to overcome the embarrassment.

Why is all this necessary?

Many people (let's not point fingers, but most often these are not our most positive comrades) sometimes ask the question - why all these competitions? Usually I get off with jokes or answer seriously that otherwise it will be boring. In fact, the reason, of course, is not boredom. Any holiday for adults most often involves alcohol, and so that guests are not too zealous with breastfeeding, they need to be a little distracted, amused, and simply encouraged to dance.

Another important aspect- embarrassment, I often encounter this when throwing a party for my children or nephews. They have already passed the age when you can just come up and start playing together, and when children who are strangers to each other find themselves in the same company, you need to help them overcome a slight chill in communication.

The only place where you can do without additional entertainment is youth party in a good club, where even without fun competitions it’s not boring for adults, and it’s better to help any group of adults spend time with pleasure and fun.


Don't think that you can prepare the entire party, including table games for adults, at the last second. I usually set aside a few days for this because you will need:
  • write a script;
  • select competitions for adults;
  • find or buy props;
  • stock up on small prizes for the winners;
  • minimal rehearsal (for example, if it is expected that several large women from the accounting department will compete in bag jumping, then you need to check in advance whether the room can withstand such a scale and whether there is room to turn around).
Ideally, you need an assistant for all this.

Game "Toast to the birthday boy" on his birthday

How to prepare fun competitions for your birthday? It is best if they are at least slightly related to the hero of the occasion. An example of the simplest word game for a birthday - compiled right there at the table.

What will you need for this entertainment? A pen and a postcard in which you need to write a congratulatory text in advance, making blanks instead of adjectives - you will fill them in together with the guests.

Text of the blank for congratulating the birthday boy:

Those who do not know what should happen in the end will zealously praise the hero of the occasion, listing him best qualities(young, smart, handsome, experienced), and those who are a little more familiar with this type of table creativity will definitely screw up something unexpected and caustic.

While the guests are praising the birthday boy, you carefully fill in the words instead of the missing adjectives, and then loudly and with expression you read out the result to the friendly laughter of the whole company.

Pick one or two outdoor games for your birthday - for example, a small quest that can be arranged anywhere. Don't make it too long; three to five steps will be enough.

By the way, if you have enough courage, then try making the key the main subject of the quest, which is why the banquet hall is closed.

Good funny birthday contests also come from ordinary restrictions - a game with forks makes guests groan with laughter. To conduct this competition, you need to take several ordinary items (if you are organizing a birthday game, these can be especially durable gifts that cannot be scratched or broken) and two table forks, as well as a thick scarf. The hero of the occasion is blindfolded, given forks with which he can touch this or that object, and asked to guess what is in front of him.

Children's or teenagers' party? Funny competitions for teenagers will help defuse the situation just as much as competitions for adults. A fun activity can be done with four bananas and a stool (a coffee table will do). The idea is simple - you need to get on all fours, and using only your teeth, peel and eat a banana for a while.

Good competitions for young people should be fun and very funny. Competitions for teenagers can also be theatrical. Prepare several sets of props (ordinary household items in unexpected combinations - for example, a comb, a burnt-out light bulb and a chair cover in one set, and a mop in another, soft toy and a bright plastic glass), and also prepare several names of popular films, focus on your audience - it’s better to take something that is familiar to everyone.

The essence of the task is to act out a scene from the film using props. The winners are determined by applause.

"Sedentary entertainment" at the table

What to do if moving competitions are not suitable for a feast? In this situation, it is better to choose something neutral - ordinary word games at the table like “crocodile” go very, very well.

Game "In my pants"

Take ready-made ones or come up with your own competitions for adults - for example, you can use the idea “In my pants.”

There is no need to announce the name. The guests sit at the table, each tells his neighbor on the right the name of the film that came to his mind. And he remembers what his neighbor tells him.

And then the presenter announces: Now each of you, in turn, will say the following out loud: "In my pants...", and then - the name of the movie that your neighbor told you.

All guests take turns saying. It will be funny if someone has “Office Romance” or “300 Spartans” in their pants.


Fun table competitions can be based on anything. For example, there are several types of “I” games. One is predominantly for teenagers - in it two players compete to see how many candies can fit in their mouth, after each candy they need to more or less clearly pronounce any stupid phrase, for example, “I am a fat-cheeked lip-slapper.”

Adult variety The game is slightly different - guests must introduce themselves (say the word with a serious and calm look "I") in a circle until one of them gets confused or distracted (by the way, laughter is also considered a defeat), and the host invites the other guests to give him a funny nickname.

After this, the fun begins, which unites all table competitions as chain reaction- it can be very difficult not to laugh, and after a couple of minutes everyone has a nickname with which they introduce themselves (for example: “I am a furry pseudopod”, “I am a cheerful armpit”, “I am a rosy-cheeked lip-slapper”, etc.)

In the next round, the person who laughed is given a second nickname, and he must pronounce it in its entirety (“I am a furry pseudopod—green Chingachgook”).

Usually this game ends on the fourth circle because everyone is laughing! This competition is best held when the guests are already a little “fun”.

Not only are birthday contests memorable for guests, but also the end of the evening. At any party it would be appropriate to pay a little attention to the guests; preparation will require several balloons(according to the number of those present, plus a few in reserve), and notes with good rhyming wishes - when the invitees begin to disperse or you need to change the mood to a more positive one, invite the guests to choose their own ball of fate and burst it.

Collective readings good wishes usually accompanied by good-natured laughter and lifting everyone's spirits.

Examples of wishes can be downloaded below, and then printed and cut out:

Over time, you will collect your own collection of cool birthday contests and, based on the mood of the guests, you will understand which holiday contests will go with a bang, and which ones are better organized with a light drink.

Save yourself universal competitions for the company - this way you can be sure that you will find something to do in any situation. If you are a novice presenter and do not have much experience, then it is better to have a separate notebook for table games and competitions, and also prepare props - for example, some games require sets of cards with the names of songs or films written down.

As a rule, competitions for drunk company They are often quite obscene, and this is understandable - adults become liberated when drunk.

Game "Why did I come here"

Prepare entertainment that involves dancing or hugging so guests can express their warmth in an appropriate way.

Game “I’ll tell you a secret”

An interesting entertainment for which you need to prepare a little - “I’ll tell you a secret.” What is the essence of the game? Everything is very simple - each of the guests draws cards from a hat with a funny text in verse prepared in advance (you will have to try hard here). All cards begin with the words “I’ll tell you a secret,” and then there are possible options, for example:
  • I’ll tell you a secret that I don’t wear underwear, if you doubt it, I’ll show you now;
  • I’ll tell you a secret, I’m on a diet, I only eat grass, I don’t look at cutlets.

If you choose active competitions, such as the best dance or running around chairs, make sure that there is enough space around so that people of all sizes feel comfortable.

Do you prefer competitions for a small company? It happens that you need competitions for parties, but there definitely won’t be too much company, try playing something intimate and not requiring large quantity to the people. These could be text games and competitions for small company, or verbal, for example:

  • Burim;
  • writing a fairy tale line by line;
  • forfeits.

Changeling Games

Invite guests to guess lines from songs. Examples can be downloaded here:

or TV program names:

Game Who We Really Are

Want to find cool competitions for an anniversary? Then karaoke competitions for an adult group and a table game have been invented especially for you. Who we really are. This card game, guests take turns drawing out cards and reading the quatrains printed on them - usually each one is greeted with smiles and laughter.

But karaoke competitions are a wonderful form of entertainment for a large group of adults, and the older they are, the more soulful the game. It is necessary to select several participants, as well as establish a jury (usually its role is played by all the guests who gathered at the birthday table).

And then there is the usual karaoke duel, but each participant must not only perform a song, but also present it artistically - you can play imaginary instruments, use simple props and invite “spectators”. Good mood guaranteed for everyone!

In general, if you need to celebrate a birthday at home, karaoke is a great way to entertain a motley group at the table. It often happens that elderly relatives and young people, or simply people who are not very familiar with each other, meet at a birthday party - song games will help unite everyone, and while having tea and cake you can play board games- fortunately, now there are enough of them.

If you decide to prepare interesting entertainment and games for a drunk company, then it is better to refrain from anything that could be perceived as offensive - unfortunately, people do not always separate the game genre from reality, especially if they are not sober, which often happens in the company of friends and friends on holidays. Choose the most neutral of your fun competitions at the table, and have a funny playful toast ready, which will help you change the topic of conversation in case of the slightest negativity.

You shouldn’t stock up on too many competitions; a person playing all evening gets tired, whether he’s drunk or sober, but sometimes everyone will be happy to play once or twice between toasts and table conversations. The greatest interest will be generated by those competitions in which there was good preparation and organization - people love to be taken care of.

In my personal collection there are about fifty different fun games, and I can’t say whether this is a lot or a little - birthday contests for children are not used as games for a group of adults.

Now you have ready-made competitions for adults, and enough ideas to come up with your own competition for a birthday or any other holiday that you want to make special!

Each of the guests in turn should reveal the brightest and most expressive quality of the birthday boy, showing him, for example, dexterous, modest, dreamy, ambitious, thoughtful, and so on. One shows, and the rest guess. The birthday boy will be able to find out who thinks about him and what, and the guests will have a lot of fun and will receive prizes for the best show.


A box of matches is poured out in front of each woodcutter, and at the command “start”, each participant begins to collect firewood into a stack: even and neat. Whoever completes the task faster is the best woodcutter.

Minting step

The competition is usually held on the street. Participants in the competition receive a piece of chalk. At the leader’s signal, each of them begins to walk towards the finish line. However, each time the participant fixes his foot on the ground, he must trace his foot with chalk. The one who reaches the finish line first wins.


Participants in the competition choose cards with a letter written on the back. Then they are given plasticine. The task is to mold something from plasticine in one or several minutes, the name of which begins with the chosen letter. The most inventive and creative sculptor wins.

Glass composer

This is a musical competition in which participants are asked to guess a melody played by tapping a spoon or other cutlery on a glass. You can use a set of glasses, empty and filled with different liquids. The most skillful musician wins, that is, the one whose melodies are guessed more often.

Pavlov's dog

Participants in the competition are divided into pairs, each of which receives a box of matches and an orange. The task of the participant pretending to be a dog is to peel and eat an orange. However, the “dog” can only clean and eat it at the moment when it is light, that is, the match held by “Pavlov” is burning. The team that completes the task faster than the rest wins.

Strigi coupons

Each participant in the competition receives an old newspaper and scissors. At the presenter’s signal, they begin to cut out pieces of paper from the newspaper on which some numbers are indicated. The size of the piece of paper is not important, as long as there is no more than one number on it. Then the presenter says “Stop” and the participants sum up all the digits of the numbers that they could find and cut out from the newspaper. The one who “clips” the most coupons wins.

Nursing dad

Each team of two receives a spoon and a small bowl of porridge. It doesn’t hurt to take care of the “bib.” One of the team members pretends to be a child, and the other must feed him porridge. But the “feeding dad” can only hold a spoon with his teeth. The team that finishes feeding the fastest wins.

Ideal figure

Participants are divided into teams. Each of them receives a set of balloons, tape, thread and scissors. At the leader’s command, the players inflate these balloons and use tape to glue them together to form a woman’s figure. The team that completed the task better and faster wins. Or the one whose “woman” is more realistic.

Regardless of the occasion for which a cheerful adult company has gathered - an anniversary or just a birthday, it does not hurt the birthday person to prepare in advance. Undoubtedly, good menu, suitable drinks, appropriate music – important part spending time together. But fun competitions for an adult company at a table or in nature will achieve a special effect.

The company may include both long-time friends and unfamiliar people. It is possible that informal communication organized for people who are seeing each other for the first time. It could be people of different ages- men and women, boys and girls. No matter how the communication is supposed to be, having at least a conditional plan of action, including competitions for young people, quizzes for adults, funny jokes and theatrical performances, means ensuring the success of any event!
So, competitions for young people: students, schoolchildren, adults, young at heart!

Fun competition at the “Thoughts” table

Prepared in advance music selection, where the songs express desires or funny sayings. For example, “I am a chocolate bunny, I am an affectionate bastard...”, “And I am unmarried, someone really needs it..”, “It’s great that we are all gathered here today..”, etc. The host simply approaches each guest and puts a magic hat on his head, which can read thoughts.

Carbon Contest “Milk the Cow”

On a stick, chair... (whatever is more convenient for you) attach 1 medical ordinary glove for each participant in the competition, make tiny holes at the end of each finger and pour water into the glove. The participants' task is to milk the glove.
The delight is indescribable for both participants and spectators. (Especially if no one has seen how to milk a cow and the company drank a little). The mood will be through the roof!!!

Competition “Guess the Animal”

You need to prepare several photos in advance famous stars. Only one person participates in the competition - the presenter. The presenter selects a player from the audience, the player turns away, the presenter says - I show the audience a photo of the animal, and you ask leading questions, and we will all say yes or no. Everyone except the player sees the photo (for example, Dima Bilan in the photo), everyone starts laughing, and the player thinks that this is a funny animal and starts asking crazy questions:
– does he have a lot of fat or not?
-does he have horns?

Mobile competition for the company

Two large but equal teams are participating. Each participant ties an inflated balloon your team colors. The thread can be any length, although the longer the better. The balls must be on the floor. On command, everyone begins to destroy their opponents’ balls by stepping on them at the same time, preventing them from doing the same with their own. The owner of the burst ball steps aside and stops the battle. The winner is the team whose ball remains the last on the battlefield. Fun and not traumatic. Verified. By the way, each team can develop some kind of strategy and tactics for combat. And the balls may not be the same color in a team, but to successfully fight you need to know your partners well.

Competition for those who are thirsty (can be held outdoors) -)

We need to take about 10 plastic glasses, fill them in front of the competition participants with various drinks (both tasty and intentionally “spoiled” with the addition of salt, pepper or something like that, but most importantly compatible with life). Glasses are placed in a pile. Participants take turns throwing a ping pong ball into glasses and whichever glass the ball lands in, the contents of that glass are drunk.

Competition “Make a Wish”

Participants collect one item of each, which is put into a bag. After which, one of the participants is blindfolded. The presenter pulls out things one by one, and the blindfolded player comes up with a task for the owner of the pulled out thing. Tasks can be very different: dance, sing a song, crawl under the table and moo, and so on.

Competition “Fairy tales with a modern twist”

Among the people invited to the birthday party, of course, there are representatives of various professions. Each of them is a professional in his field, and, of course, has a full set of terms and specific vocabulary inherent in people of his profession. Why not make sure that instead of boring and uninteresting professional conversations, guests make each other laugh? This is done simply.
Participants are given sheets of paper and given tasks: to present the contents to everyone famous fairy tales in professional language.
Imagine the fairy tale “Flint”, written in the style of a police report or psychiatric history diseases. A " Scarlet flower» as a description tourist route?
The author of the funniest fairy tale wins.

Competition “Guess the picture”

The presenter shows the players a picture, which is covered with a large sheet with a hole two to three centimeters in diameter in the middle. The presenter moves the sheet across the picture. Participants must guess what is shown in the picture. The one who guesses the fastest wins.

Writing competition (fun)

The players sit in circles and everyone is given blank sheets of paper and pens. The presenter asks the question: “Who?” Players write the names of their heroes at the top of the sheet. After this, fold the sheet so that what is written is not visible. After this, they pass the piece of paper to the neighbor on the right. The presenter asks: “Where did you go?” Everyone writes, folds the paper and passes it to the neighbor on the right. Presenter: “Why did he go there?”…. And so on. After this, the fun reading begins together.

An incendiary game “Let's dance!?”

Preparation is simple: a neckerchief is selected and the leader responsible for musical accompaniment. The main task of the presenter is to provide the competition with fast, fiery melodies that can excite the participants so that they want to perform the most fiery steps and pirouettes.

Everyone taking part in the entertainment becomes big circle. The first dancer is chosen. This may be the hero of the occasion; if there is none, you can decide by drawing lots or counting. The player stands in an improvised circle, a scarf is tied to him, the music is turned on, and everyone dances. After making a few or many movements, the dancer must transfer his attribute to another person standing in a circle. The scarf must be tied in a knot around the neck, and the “heir” must also be kissed. The new dancer takes the place of the previous one and performs his steps. The dance lasts as long as the musical accompaniment lasts. When the leader turns it off, the remaining dancer in the circle is taken by surprise and is forced to shout something like “ku-ka-re-ku.” The more unexpectedly the music stops, the more fun those present will have.

Competition “Dress each other”

This team game. Participants are divided into pairs.
Each couple chooses a pre-prepared package containing a set of clothes (the number and complexity of items must be the same). All participants in the game are blindfolded. On command, one of the pair must put clothes on the other from the package he received by touch in one minute. The winner is the couple that “gets dressed” faster and more correctly than the others. It's fun when there are two men in a couple and they get a bag of purely women's clothing!

Competition “Boar Hunting”

To play you will need several teams of “hunters”, consisting of 3 people and one “boar”. The “hunters” are given cartridges (this can be any piece of paper) after which they try to hit the “boar”. The target can be a circle of cardboard on which a target is drawn. This circle with a target is attached to the “boar” on the belt in the lumbar region. The task of the “boar” is to run away and evade, and the task of the “hunters” is to hit this very target.
Detected certain time during which the game is playing. It is advisable to limit the space for the game so that the game does not turn into a real hunt. The game must be played in a sober state. It is prohibited to hold a “boar” by teams of “hunters”.


There are many balls scattered on the floor.
Those interested are invited. And on command, to the accompaniment of fast music, each participant must take and hold as many balls as possible.

Competition “Try and Guess”

The participant stuffs a huge piece of bun into his mouth in such a way that it is impossible to speak. After that, he receives a text that needs to be read. The participant tries to read it with expression (preferably it is an unfamiliar verse). The other participant needs to write down everything that he understood, and then read aloud what happened. As a result, its text is compared with the original. Instead of a bun, you can use another product that makes it difficult to pronounce words.

Competition “Overcome the Obstacle”

Two couples are invited to the stage. Chairs are placed and a rope is pulled between them. The guys' task is to pick up the girl and step over the rope. After the first pair does this, the second pair does it too. Next you need to pick up the rope and repeat the task again. The rope will rise until one of the pairs completes the task. As has already become clear, the pair that falls before the other pair loses.

Competition “Potato”

To participate in the competition you need 2 players and two empty packs cigarettes. Ropes are tied to the players' belts, with a potato tied at the end. The essence of the competition is to quickly push an empty pack to the finish line with these same potatoes, which are dangling at the end of the rope. Whoever reaches the finish line first wins.

Competition “Clothespins”

Couples take center stage. All participants are given 10-15 clothespins on their clothes. Then everyone is blindfolded and fast music is played. Everyone needs to take pictures greatest number clothespins from their rivals.

Competition “Who is the fastest?”

Two teams of five people each are recruited. A pot of water is placed in front of each team; the water in both pans is at the same level. Whichever team drinks the water from the pots using spoons the fastest, that team wins.

Competition “Diver”

Those wishing to take part in this competition are invited to wear fins and look from the back through binoculars to overcome a given distance.

Competition “Associations”

The participants of the game stand in a row or (everyone sits in a line, the main thing is to make it clear where the beginning is and where the end is). The first one utters two completely unrelated words. For example: wood and computer. The next player must connect the unconnected and describe the situation that could happen with these two objects. For example, “The wife got tired of her husband constantly sitting at the computer, and he settled in a tree with him.” Then the same player says the following word, for example, “Bed.” The third participant must add this word to this situation, for example, “Sleeping on a branch has become not as comfortable as on a bed.” And so on until the imagination is enough. You can complicate the game and add the following. The presenter interrupts any of the participants and asks them to repeat all the words spoken; the one who fails to do this is eliminated from the game.

Competition “How to use?”

The competition requires 5 – 15 people. Any object is placed on the table in front of the players. Participants must take turns saying how the item is used. The use of the item must be theoretically correct. Anyone who cannot come up with a use for the item is eliminated from the game. The one who remains last in the game is the winner.

You can complicate competitions and make them more creative and creative. Be happy not only on holidays. Give laughter and smiles to your friends, family and loved ones.