What are the complications after a sore throat? Complications after purulent sore throat in adults and children

Good afternoon, my dear readers!

Purulent sore throat, the consequences after it are very serious, and many of you have encountered this disease in your life, isn’t it? Perhaps you remember how difficult it was to endure a sore throat, high fever and other symptoms?

Today we will look at how you can quickly cure a purulent sore throat in order to avoid all these terrible consequences for the body.

Symptoms of the disease

Many readers are interested in the question of whether sore throat is contagious. Undoubtedly, since the disease is caused by streptococci and is transmitted by airborne droplets.

Normal incubation period purulent sore throat- two days. Its symptoms are easy to recognize, especially in adults:

  • high body temperature;
  • severe sore throat;
  • intoxication;
  • weakness;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • swollen tonsils;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth.

There are many and the symptoms are often similar. However, when you, dear readers, look at the patient’s throat, you will see swollen red tonsils and pinpoint spots of pus on the tonsils, you will understand that this is a purulent sore throat.

Complications after a sore throat

If a sore throat is not treated, serious complications can occur:

  • chronic tonsillitis is a disease that is a chronic sore throat. It is characterized constant increase tonsils, sore throat, frequent exacerbations. Treatment in this case involves surgical removal of the tonsils;
  • rheumatism - inflammation of the heart muscle;
  • arthritis - inflammation of articular cartilage;
  • abscess - suppuration of the tonsils;
  • glomerulonephritis - kidney damage, which causes damage and destruction of the tissues of this organ;
  • suppuration of the lungs, liver, kidneys, brain.

I think there are enough compelling arguments in favor of thinking about what treatment to carry out for purulent sore throat.

General rules for the treatment of purulent sore throat

If you suspect you have a purulent sore throat, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Maintain bed rest. If you carry the disease on your feet, the infection will be transferred faster through the bloodstream, and the body will have to spend more time fighting the disease.
  • Ventilate the room and isolate items used by the patient from other family members. The patient must have his own cup, plate, spoon and fork.
  • Take more fluids in any form (teas, compotes, fruit drinks, decoctions).
  • Call a doctor at home if the patient's condition is very serious.
  • Gargle as often as possible.
  • Necessarily cleanse tongue and tonsils from purulent plaque before gargling and lubricating the throat. I know very much good remedy for cleansing: mix hydrogen peroxide and water in equal quantities and wipe the tongue and tonsils with this.
  • Follow nutritional rules. Since the throat is severely affected, the patient's food should be warm and smooth, without lumps.

Yes, all these rules are simple, but believe me, without them the course of the disease can only get worse.

Sore throat is a dangerous disease, and antibiotic therapy is necessary to completely get rid of it.

Antibiotics for sore throat

As I wrote earlier, I am against those who use it when necessary and not. But antibiotics are the best way to combat sore throat, since most cases are caused by streptococcal infection. This, as they say, is an exception to the rule. The most sensitive pathogens to the group penicillin drugs. These include:

  • Ampicillin;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Panclave;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Flemoclav.

If there is an allergy to penicillin or lack of positive dynamics, drugs from the macrolide group (Sumamed, Azithromycin) are prescribed. In especially severe cases, drugs from the cephalosporin group are used.

Do not prescribe antibiotics yourself! Consult your doctor.

If the patient often suffers from a sore throat, the doctor will prescribe sulfonamide drugs and antimicrobial drugs together with antibiotics.

The most famous of them is Biseptol; it is used most often for purulent sore throat. When using it, you should use alkaline water, such as Borjomi, for example. The drug is heavy, but quite effective.

Other treatments

An important question in case of illness, which often arises among readers, is how to remove pus from severe purulent sore throat. If the disease really develops very quickly, and the pus covers a large area in the throat, it is removed with a spatula in the hospital.

Only a doctor should do this, since the patient may experience a gag reflex. In addition, the instrument must be well disinfected.

At home, you can remove pus by frequent rinsing. I hope you haven't forgotten your grandmother's old methods? Many products can be used for rinsing:

  • medical solutions (Iodinol, Chlorophyllipt, Hexoral, Miramistin, etc.);
  • decoctions medicinal herbs(chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, eucalyptus);
  • solution boric acid or hydrogen peroxide;
  • a solution of soda, salt and iodine.

Pay special attention to rinsing, because it removes this terrible pus, and at the same time the toxins that affect our body!

The following can be used as antiseptics (they are better absorbed):

  • lemon slices;
  • pieces of propolis or;
  • onion, garlic.

From medical supplies Sprays help a lot:

  • Inhalipt;
  • Propasol;
  • Stopangin;
  • Hexoral.

You can also dissolve Septefril, Streptocid, Faringosept, Septolete tablets.

But with warming compresses, my dears, you need to be careful. If the disease occurs in acute form, any compresses are contraindicated, as they will further spread the infection.

When the disease begins to recede, you can apply compresses to the throat to shrink the lymph nodes. To do this, alcohol, water and novocaine are diluted in a ratio of 10:10:1. This compress is applied to the throat area for a couple of hours and is done for 5 days.

In particularly severe cases, surgery may be prescribed. The following conditions may be an argument for removing tonsils:

  • constant enlargement of the tonsils, as a result of which the patient cannot eat;
  • conventional treatment does not lead to positive results;
  • there is a risk of an abscess;
  • tonsillitis recurs more often than 3-4 times a year;
  • Along with frequent sore throats, the patient has rheumatism or kidney disease.

Don't give yourself a sore throat! Otherwise you will have to contact a surgeon.

Today we learned what the consequences of purulent sore throat can be. I know about them better than others, because in childhood I had an unsuccessful sore throat and was diagnosed with rheumatism of the heart. It’s good that the young body is growing and everything has passed.

If the article was useful to you, tell your friends about it. The information is provided for informational purposes only and not as a guide to action.

Health to you and your family.

I will be glad to see you in new discussions on the blog. See you soon!

Sore throat (acute tonsillitis) - infectious disease, characterized by inflammation of the main parts of the lymphatic pharyngeal ring (palatine and nasopharyngeal tonsils). Pathology occurs due to the development of bacterial flora in the ENT organs, represented predominantly by gram-positive microbes. The provocateur of inflammation can be staphylococcus or hemolytic streptococcus, less commonly a yeast-like fungus or virus.

Why is a sore throat dangerous? Untimely relief of pathological processes in the respiratory tract contributes to the spread of infection and damage to other organs and systems. The most dangerous complication of tonsillitis is tonsillogenic sepsis, characterized by the formation of metastatic abscesses in the internal organs.


For what reason do complications occur after a sore throat? The penetration of pathogens into the respiratory tract is an impulse for the production of specific antibodies by the immune system. In turn, glycoprotein neoplasms identify foreign microorganisms in the blood and destroy them, neutralizing metabolites and poisons in tissues.

Streptococcus is a facultative anaerobic bacteria that contains a whole complex of antigens similar in structure to antigens of joints, muscle and kidney tissue. For this reason, the immune system can attack not only pathogenic bacteria, but also the tissues of its own organs. If the infection is not eliminated in time, the following types of complications may occur:

  1. systemic - pathological processes in the body that arise as a result of the development of immunological disorders. Systemic consequences tonsillitis is characterized by damage to the joints, heart muscle, kidneys and membranes of the brain;
  2. local - relatively mild complications of angina, localized only in certain areas respiratory tract. As a rule, they do not pose a particular threat to life, but untimely elimination of local complications can lead to more severe consequences.

Often the cause of severe complications after acute tonsillitis is untimely completion of antibacterial therapy or early completion of the course. An imaginary recovery forces many patients to stop drug treatment, as a result of which foci of inflammation begin extend to neighboring organs and fabrics. In addition, complications may occur for the following reasons:

  • antibiotic abuse;
  • incorrect diagnosis and treatment;
  • treatment exclusively with folk remedies;
  • reduced body resistance;
  • premature abandonment drug treatment.

If the doctor prescribes a course of treatment lasting 10-14 days, you should not stop taking medications earlier due date. An apparent improvement in well-being does not guarantee the absence of microbial agents in the affected tissues. Recurrence of tonsillitis leads to severe consequences, some of which can threaten a person’s life.

When to go to the doctor?

The symptoms of tonsillitis are very similar to the manifestations of most ENT diseases, accompanied by the formation of foci of inflammation in the respiratory tract. If characteristic clinical manifestations of the disease occur, you should consult a specialist. Self-treatment of acute tonsillitis can lead to severe consequences, in particular the development of myocarditis or renal failure.

What are the main symptoms of a bacterial infection? The most common signs of sore throat include:

  • febrile fever;
  • discomfort in the throat;
  • muscle weakness;
  • headaches;
  • lack of appetite;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • hyperemia of the palatine tonsils.

A characteristic sign of the development of tonsillitis is white coating on the mucous membrane of the throat, resulting from the formation of purulent foci in the ciliated epithelium.

Having discovered the first symptoms of an ENT disease, it is advisable to undergo examination by a specialist. As a rule, self-treatment does not contribute to recovery, which is due to the ineffectiveness of the drugs used. Confusing a sore throat with a cold, many patients try to relieve the symptoms of the disease with antiviral drugs. However, the bacterial flora is not sensitive to the effects of antiviral medications, which contributes to the unhindered spread of infection in the body.

Rheumatism of the heart

In most cases, complications after a sore throat make themselves felt 2-3 weeks after the inflammation in the ENT organs is eliminated. Ineffective therapy can cause the development of rheumatism of the heart, characterized by the formation of scars on the heart muscle. Why is this happening?

If antibiotics are not prescribed in time to destroy the bacterial flora, one’s own antibodies will continue to attack both pathogens and one’s own organs, the antigens in which have a similar structure. As a result, destruction of proteins occurs in the connective tissue, which is accompanied by rheumatic processes in the heart. Damage to the heart valves can lead to the development of heart defects, which can lead to fatal.

Important! Failure to comply with bed rest during the treatment of acute tonsillitis often leads to the development of heart complications.

Myocarditis occurs much less frequently after a bacterial infection, i.e. inflammatory process in the heart muscle. As the pathology develops, symptoms such as sharp pains in the heart area, shortness of breath, tachycardia, dizziness, etc.

Kidney diseases

Irregularities at work genitourinary system - frequent complications after a sore throat. Long-term exposure of kidney tissue to antibodies promotes the development serious illnesses, such as:

If therapy for a sore throat has been unsuccessful, kidney complications may appear within 3-4 weeks after infection of the body. In this case, such characteristic symptoms, such as chills, febrile temperature, pain in the kidney area, swelling of the limbs, etc.

Otitis media is one of the most common complications after a sore throat. As a result of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, the risk of bacterial flora entering the middle ear cavity through the Eustachian tube increases. For the first few days, the infected ear practically does not hurt, which complicates the diagnosis and treatment.

An inflamed ear begins to have difficulty hearing, which in most cases is associated with tissue swelling and impaired conduction of sound signals. If foci of inflammation form in the mucous membrane tympanic cavity, bacterial (purulent) otitis media is diagnosed. As pathologies develop, they most often manifest themselves following symptoms:

  • congestion;
  • decreased hearing acuity;
  • shooting pains;
  • dizziness;
  • otorrhagia;
  • purulent discharge;
  • hyperemia of the eardrum.

The ear is a sensitive organ, infection of which can lead to the development of hearing loss. As a result of untimely elimination of a bacterial infection, pathogens can enter inner ear. The development of labyrinthitis can contribute to the development of sensorineural hearing loss, which is practically untreatable.

Important! If the ear is left untreated for a long time, it can lead to the development of meningitis or sepsis.

To prevent the development of otitis media, hearing loss, mastoiditis and other complications, in sore ear you need to instill antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. At the stage of regression of catarrhal processes, physiotherapeutic treatment can be prescribed. To cure ear purulent otitis, it is more advisable to resort to electrocoagulation, phototherapy and magnetic therapy.

Local complications after tonsillitis are most often characterized by chronic inflammation of the palatine and pharyngeal tonsils. If an infectious disease is not treated within long period, in the mucous membrane of the pharynx there is a 90% probability of low-grade inflammation. The provocateurs of the development of chronic tonsillitis are most often the coccal flora, represented by streptococci, staphylococci and pneumococci.

At the heart of development focal infection there is long-term inflammation in the mucous membranes of the ENT organs. If it is not possible to stop the manifestations of acute tonsillitis within 2-3 weeks, then palatine tonsils purulent foci form. Their appearance contributes to the loosening of the ciliated epithelium and changes in tissue morphology. With the development of chronic tonsillitis, the body is gradually poisoned by bacterial metabolites, which can lead to regional lymphadenitis.

If the inflammation in the tonsils cannot be eliminated with the help of drug treatment, the patient is offered to undergo a tonsillectomy, i.e. procedure to remove tonsils.

Purulent tonsillitis - (acute tonsillitis) an acute infectious disease characterized by lesions lymphoid tissue, most often in the area of ​​the palatine tonsils.

Sore throat is a common pathology among any age category and is second only to respiratory diseases in frequency of occurrence. viral infections. Most often, this disease is acute and often progresses to chronic form, or is characterized by the development of early and late complications due to untimely or improper treatment, or when the defenses of the human body decrease.

This article will discuss the etiology and pathogenesis of this pathology, its varieties, clinical symptoms, consequences after purulent tonsillitis in adults, methods of its diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Etiology of the disease

The most common pathogen (in 90% of cases) is group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus, to a lesser extent Staphylococcus aureus, pneumococcus or opportunistic mixed microflora.


The disease has a pronounced seasonality. Young people of both sexes and children are most susceptible. The sources of the disease are sick people and bacteria carriers that secrete external environment a huge number of pathogens.

The route of transmission of infection is airborne droplets, less often household contact or alimentary.

Much less often the cause of purulent sore throats are foci of endogenous chronic infection(carious teeth, inflamed gums).

Pathogenesis in adults

Before moving directly to the pathogenesis of the disease, it is necessary to mention predisposing factors. These include:

  • decrease in the body's defenses (primary and secondary immunodeficiencies);
  • the presence of foci of chronic infection in the body;
  • hypothermia;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • inhalation of air contaminated with harmful and toxic substances, unfavorable working conditions in production (gas contamination of the premises);
  • vitamin deficiencies;

The entrance gate is the lymphoid ring of the oropharynx (the primary focus is formed here). Beta-hemolytic streptococcus is fixed on the epithelium of lymphoid tissue thanks to the M-protein on the surface of its membrane (this protein has an affinity specifically for this type fabrics). M-protein reduces the phagocytic (the body's first line of defense) cell activity, which creates the preconditions for the development of a local inflammatory process. Besides local inflammation, the breakdown products of the pathogen (exotoxins) enter the blood through the damaged barrier, causing systemic inflammation (SIRS). Hyperthermia occurs toxic damage central nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as immunopathological processes leading to paratonsillar diseases (acute rheumatic fever, glomerulonephritis). The most unfavorable event in this situation is the development of sepsis, which in many cases leads to death.

Types of purulent sore throats and complications

By character pathological process The following types of purulent sore throats are distinguished:

- characterized by damage to the tonsils in the area of ​​lacunae, that is, upon examination, the tonsils are swollen, hyperemic, yellowish fibrous-purulent contents in the form of whitish dots are localized in the area of ​​the lacunae, which together form a loose film that does not extend beyond the tonsils; the film is easily separated with a spatula.

Follicular – characterized by damage to the follicular apparatus of the tonsils (they are hypertrophied, swollen, whitish-yellow accumulations of pus are visible through the epithelium, forming the so-called “starry sky” picture).

Necrotic - characterized by gross damage to the epithelium of the tonsils, a dirty yellow or greenish-yellow coating is deposited on the surface of the tonsils in the form of a rough, pitted film that penetrates deep into the tissue, difficult to separate with a spatula (when attempting to separate, the exposed surface bleeds); most often the film extends beyond the tonsils (to the palate, uvula); subsequently, scar deformities remain on the surface of the tonsils.

Clinical symptoms

The latent period of the disease lasts from several hours to 3 days. Purulent tonsillitis is characterized by an acute onset, namely:

  • increased body temperature (usually from 39 to 40 0 ​​C);
  • chills;
  • weakness, lethargy, headache, muscle pain, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (associated with intoxication when exotoxins of pathogens enter the blood), in severe cases (with necrotic sore throat, loss of consciousness and repeated vomiting may occur);
  • enlargement and soreness of regional lymph nodes (next to the source of inflammation);
  • local manifestations (pain in the throat when swallowing, difficulty swallowing and eating);
  • in children, clinical symptoms, in addition to all of the above, may be accompanied by dyspeptic symptoms (nausea, vomiting, upset stool, loss of consciousness);

Complications after purulent sore throat

Purulent tonsillitis carries with it adverse consequences and complications. Based on the time of occurrence, they can be divided into early and late.

Early ones (associated with the spread of inflammation to neighboring structures) include:

  • Otitis

This complication is associated with the spread of the inflammatory process to eustachian tubes and cavity inner ear, which is accompanied by throbbing pain in the temporal region on the affected side. Delayed treatment this complication may subsequently lead to hearing loss.

  • Sinusitis

The development of this complication is associated with the spread of inflammation to paranasal sinuses nose (frontal, maxillary, ethmoid), which is accompanied intense pain in the relevant sections, copious discharge from the nasal passages, symptoms of intoxication.

  • Laryngitis

Associated with damage to the laryngeal mucosa, which is accompanied by a dry cough, a feeling foreign body in the throat, partial loss of voice or aphonia (if both recurrent laryngeal nerves are affected).

  • Bronchitis, bacterial pneumonia

Occurs when the inflammatory process spreads in lower sections bronchopulmonary system and are accompanied by hyperthermia, dry or productive cough with the discharge of viscous sputum, pain in the area chest.

  • Septicemia (reproduction of the pathogen in the blood), septicopyemia (formation of purulent foci in distant organs)

The most serious complication that leads to death of the patient, as it is accompanied by active reproduction of the pathogen in the bloodstream and total damage to all systems and organs with the development of septic shock.

  • Soft tissue abscesses, peritonsillar abscesses, phlegmons.

An abscess is a limited accumulation of pus or the formation of a cavity filled with pus due to the melting of tissue. They can occur either directly at the site of the entrance gate of infection (peritonsillar abscesses), or in adjacent cellular spaces and tissues.

Cellulitis - spilled purulent inflammation soft tissues. Unlike an abscess, it does not have clear boundaries and quickly spreads to adjacent cellular spaces.

It is characterized by an inflammatory process in the wall of lymphoid vessels and lymph nodes located next to the source of inflammation.

Late complications are associated with a cross allergic reaction of the body to an antigen (beta-hemolytic streptococcus). The fact is that some tissues in the human body have a similar antigenic structure to the pathogen and immune cells a sensitized (sensitive to a given agent) organism reacts to its own tissues as if they were foreign, initiating inflammatory reactions in them.

TO late complications purulent tonsillitis include:

  • Kidney damage (glomerulonephritis);

With this complication, the renal glomeruli are affected, with subsequent disruption of the filtration and concentration functions of the kidneys and the development of chronic renal failure. The patient in this case needs constant hormone therapy, and in more severe situations it is transferred to hemodialysis.

  • Systemic inflammatory diseases (acute rheumatic fever)

There are several types of acute rheumatic fever:

  • Polyarthritis (characterized by damage to large joints)
  • Chorea (defeat nerve fibers and development of neurological symptoms)
  • Rheumatic carditis (damage to the heart muscle, accompanied by pain in the heart area, the development of arrhythmias, and subsequently the formation of heart defects)
  • Inflammatory processes of the skin (redness)

Diagnostic search

When setting correct diagnosis the doctor leans on clinical symptoms and pharyngoscopy picture. Also of great importance laboratory tests, namely:

  • complete blood count (number of leukocytes, leukocyte formula, ESR);
  • general urinalysis;
  • blood biochemistry ( liver enzymes, alkaline phosphatase, C-reactive protein);
  • a swab from the oropharynx (to determine the pathogen in it);
  • determination of the titer of antibodies to the pathogen in the patient’s blood serum ( serological method research);

Therapeutic measures.

With mild and medium degree severity of conditions is carried out on an outpatient basis, in case of severe course diseases with the development of a picture of infectious-toxic shock, hospitalization in the infectious diseases department or in the department is recommended intensive care.

  • Maintain bed rest for the first day.
  • Drinking regimen (up to 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day).
  • A gentle diet, vitamin load (foods rich in vitamins C and B).
  • Etiotropic (antibacterial) therapy - protected penicillins (amoxiclav, augmentin), cephalosporins of 2-4 generations (cefotaxime, cefepime).
  • Local anti-inflammatory therapy (irrigation and rinsing of the oropharynx with antiseptic solutions - miramistin, furatsilin, chlorophyllipt, chamomile decoction).
  • Inhalation of antiseptic solutions and antibacterial drugs through a nebulizer (dioxidine, miramistin).
  • Symptomatic therapy (antipyretic drugs - paracetamol, nurofen; analgesics; antihistamines to suppress the local inflammatory reaction - loratadine, suprastin).
  • After the temperature drops, physical treatment is recommended: UHF therapy, electrophoresis.


There are no specific measures to prevent purulent tonsillitis. To prevent the development of this disease a number of rules must be followed:

  • Promptly isolate patients with tonsillitis and bacteria carriers.
  • Increase the body's resistance (maintenance healthy image life – abstaining from drinking alcohol and smoking).
  • Eliminate harmful household and industrial factors (dust, smoke, gases).
  • Sanitation of foci of chronic infection in the body (carious teeth, inflammatory gum diseases).

Thus, purulent tonsillitis is a very dangerous disease for both children and adults and quite often leads to all sorts of unpleasant consequences and complications (especially if treated untimely or incorrectly). To avoid complications, it is extremely important for the attending physician to diagnose this pathology in a timely manner and develop the correct tactics for managing the patient.

Angina(tonsillitis) - inflammatory disease, caused by an infectious process in the palatine tonsils. Pathology can occur as a result of pathogenic bacteria, viruses or fungi entering the body (not counting special sore throats caused by causes “from within”). Or the disease is provoked by conditionally pathogenic bacteria or fungi, which are always present in the body and attack when the immune system is severely weakened.

Negative dynamics of sore throat as dynamics of complications

Speaking about the complications of tonsillitis, it must be clarified that it is quite difficult to draw the line between the disease itself and the complications. Yes, and there is no point in this. The fact is that each subsequent stage in the development of the disease can be considered a complication.

The following diagram perfectly demonstrates this process:

But this scheme demonstrates only the negative dynamics of the development of tonsillitis. However, sore throat can cause a wide range of complications that are not directly related to the throat. Moreover, these complications can disrupt the health of the entire body for many years, and some of them pose an immediate danger to life. It's worth starting with the latter.

The most dangerous complications that threaten death

Almost all such threats come with the onset of intratonsillar abscess and phlegmonous tonsillitis. But there are some exceptions.

False croup(stenotic laryngotracheitis). It is typical that this can happen even during the first acute attack of purulent bacterial tonsillitis. The bottom line is that inflammation is transmitted to the larynx (laryngitis occurs). Inflammation may be caused by the movement of an infectious pathogen throughout the body, or by an allergic reaction to bacterial toxins. Severe swelling of the larynx, and even with a narrowed lumen of the throat due to enlarged tonsils, can lead to disruption of the breathing process ( various degrees asphyxia). Persons over 12 years of age are almost 100% not susceptible to this complication (an exception may be a combination of severe obesity and severe allergies), but children preschool age(especially boys) - very much so. The reason is that children vocal cords are higher, which makes them more vulnerable to infections. Also, a child’s larynx is much more easily compressed by surrounding tissues. Finally, children's body more susceptible to development allergic reaction- additional inflammation. In children, even the viral form can sometimes worsen the breathing process. With grade 3-4 stenosing laryngotracheitis, urgent hormonal therapy in combination with antihistamines is necessary to quickly relieve inflammation. There is also another variety - diphtheria croup. Sore throat with diphtheria is only one of the complex symptoms, but diphtheria films formed in the throat small child may block the larynx. Then there is also a risk of suffocation.

Now we can move on to complications phlegmonous sore throat:

  1. First possible complication- arrosive melting by purulent exudate of the arteries feeding the tonsils and all nearby tissue. The consequences are critical and fleeting: heavy bleeding, which could result in death from blood loss. When this complication occurs, emergency surgical care is required.
  2. The second possible complication is the penetration of pus into the cranial cavity through the regional tonsil veins and the pterygoid venous plexus, which will provoke thrombophlebitis of the cavernous sinus. In conjunction with this, meningitis occurs due to infection (inflammation meninges). The pathology is no less dangerous than damage to the arteries. Another route for pathogen penetration into the central nervous system is through the internal jugular vein and lower rocky venous sinus. Depending on how severe the spread of pus is, surgical or exaggerated surgery is chosen. antibacterial therapy.
  3. The third possible complication is mediastinitis, i.e. inflammation of the mediastinum if the infection from the throat goes down, for example, along the prevertebral fascia. Up to the penetration of purulent exudate into the chest cavity. We must remember that this mass actively melts soft fabrics, which again turn into pus. As a result, it becomes more and more. The consequences of such a development of events can be very diverse. Sluggish chronic mediastinitis may form. Lobar pneumonia may develop. This condition is usually not as critically urgent as previous complication, but in the very near future no less dangerous.
  4. The fourth possible complication is the formation of additional abscesses, retropharyngeal, peripharyngeal. With so many large purulent foci, and even in close proximity to the central nervous system, the threat to life increases many times over. A retropharyngeal abscess, especially in children, can cause complete blockage of the larynx (by swelling and/or pus) and respiratory arrest.
  5. Finally, the fifth possible complication is general sepsis, blood poisoning. Phlegmon is a large accumulation of purulent masses. Such an infectious focus creates a serious risk of a significant amount of pathogenic bacteria entering the general bloodstream. Incipient sepsis must be urgently treated with large doses of strong antibiotics.

Complications caused by failure at the cellular and biochemical level

Complications leading to chronic inflammatory processes in the body (including those of an autoimmune nature) are caused by the action of a bacterial infection. A virus or fungus (which is very rare) is also capable of this, but for this you need some more serious virus that is not included in the list typical pathogens tonsillitis. This is the Ebola virus, severe strains of the influenza virus, the tick-borne encephalitis and, of course, HIV, which in itself is a serious chronic disease. Bacteria that cause sore throat produce many toxins that are dangerous to the human body.

Streptococci, mainly GABHS, produce the widest range of toxins:

  • Streptolysins (hemolysins). On their own, it's antigenic structures on the surface bacterial cell. But they are playing key role in the release of substances with toxic properties. Start with the toxins streptolysin S and streptolysin O. These substances lead to pathological hemolysis, i.e. destruction of red blood cells beyond physiological norm with the release of hemoglobin into the blood plasma. Plus, both toxins are capable of creating perforations in cell membranes. Streptolysin O also has high degree toxicity to myocardial and pericardial cells. Its intense effect on heart tissue can lead first to acute myocarditis/pericarditis, and subsequently to chronic heart failure. However, Art. O is very unstable and quickly deactivates under the influence of oxygen (therefore, with angina, a constant influx of large volumes is indicated fresh air). Streptolysin S, on the contrary, does not react in any way with oxygen, retaining its toxic properties. This toxin can negatively affect the synthesis and development of leukocytes of all subtypes (neutrophils, basophils, etc.). This may lead to temporary suppression of the immune system. According to Dr. Michael Pichichero (University of Rochester Medical Center, New York), streptolysins can also exhibit neurotoxic properties in children, causing OCD and Tourette's syndrome.
  • Leukocidin. More synthesized by staphylococci, but also by streptococci small degree can produce it. Affects neutrophils, monocytes and macrophages, thereby inhibiting immune defense. The degree of damage varies from mild defects to cellular structures until the cell completely disintegrates. This depends on the type of leukocidin - type 3 is the most dangerous for humans, type 2 is moderately dangerous and type 1 is harmless. It was found that if a small amount of weakened staphylococci is introduced into a healthy body, then subsequently, with a real infection, leukocidin is successfully leveled in vitro.
  • Necrotoxin. It is not always synthesized in small quantity. Upon contact with a living cell, it causes necrosis. So can play important role with the development of intratonsillar abscess.
  • Erythrogenic toxin. Occurs with scarlet fever. It is this toxin that causes the characteristic rash to appear. Does not play a special role in the development of long-term health problems.
  • Bacterial enzymes, not belonging to the class of toxins, but possessing their properties: streptohyaluronidase, fibrinolysin (streptokinase), proteinase.

Staphylococcus aureus has its own unique toxins. For example, Sigma toxin, which has a very wide range cytotoxic properties (essentially a universal poison). Or Alpha toxin, can lead to damage to connective tissue cells, liver cells, and platelets.

Chronic inflammation, autoimmune disorders

If we talk about the systemic effect on the body, then bacterial tonsillitis, first of all, “targets” 4 targets: connective tissue of the joints, heart, liver and kidneys.

This is where common pathologies arise in chronic, severe tonsillitis, such as:

The mechanism of formation and the essence of these pathologies, when the root cause of sore throat, is still poorly understood. There is a theory that bacteria, with the intensive development of the infectious process, can penetrate into the connective tissue through the bloodstream, where the immune system cannot completely destroy them. Consequently, there arises chronic inflammation joints, rheumatoid arthritis. But it's not that simple. No wonder this autoimmune disorder. Often with it antibodies are found in the blood Epstein-Barr virus(one of the types of herpes).

Perhaps the bacteria create some unique conditions due to which the same herpes viruses from the blood, where they were successfully suppressed by the immune system, migrate to other, uncharacteristic tissues, causing chronic inflammation there. There is also a theory that bacterial antigens of streptococci can masquerade as cellular receptors of the body's own cells. An immunological failure occurs, and the immune system begins to mistakenly mistake the own cells of some tissue for foreign elements. With all the consequences.


The presented video suggests brief overview five complications of tonsillitis.


The prognosis depends entirely on the type of complication. If phlegmon in the tonsil is eliminated in a timely and competent manner, then it is quite possible full recovery without any consequences. Whenever autoimmune disease the prognosis is generally favorable, but the patient will be forced to take corrective medications for an indefinitely long time (sometimes for life).

Purulent inflammation of the tonsils is always caused by bacteria. Treatment of bacterial tonsillitis requires the mandatory use of antibiotics, otherwise a number of dangerous diseases may develop, including:

  1. heart disease,
  2. joints, lymphoid and connective tissue,
  3. respiratory tract,
  4. gastrointestinal tract,
  5. excretory system,
  6. endocrine system,
  7. as well as complications in the ears and eyes.

Purulent sore throat has consequences due to the spread of bacteria throughout the body, often streptococci or staphylococci. Moreover, complications can be dangerous not only for health, but also for life in general.

Let's take a closer look at why sore throat is dangerous.

Heart diseases

Why is purulent sore throat dangerous? Main danger ineffective treatment is a complication of the heart after a sore throat.

After suffering from a sore throat without adequate treatment, heart complications may develop in the form of:

  1. arrhythmias – diseases when the heart works with an abnormal rhythm;
  2. endocarditis - an inflammatory process that occurs during inner shells hearts;
  3. myocarditis – inflammation of the myocardium.

Complications on the heart after a sore throat are mortal danger for a person.

Diseases of joints, connective and lymphoid tissues

Often, complications of sore throat in such areas are expressed as:

  1. scleroderma is a connective tissue disease characterized by the following symptoms: skin lesions (hardening), internal organs and musculoskeletal system;
  2. rheumatism after a sore throat is a condition when streptococci affect the connective tissue, often the heart, blood vessels and joints;
  3. systemic lupus erythematosus (or Liebman-Sachs disease) is a lesion of connective tissue and blood vessels, in which the immune system works against healthy cells, damaging their structure.

Remembering complications after a sore throat on the joints, it is worth talking about arthritis - their damage and deformation. Joints after a sore throat that has not been cured become fragile and painful, increasing in size due to uncontrolled tissue proliferation.

Rheumatoid (rheumatic) arthritis especially deforms joints.

The lymphatic system after a purulent sore throat, in turn, suffers from lymphadenitis - inflammation that occurs in the lymph nodes due to the entry of pathogenic bacteria into them. Symptoms of lymphadenitis are treated by eliminating the disease that provokes the development of inflammation of the lymph nodes, which is produced with the help of antibiotics. Anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines, or antivirals. If the disease progresses severely, lymph node removal may be required.

Respiratory system

The consequences of a sore throat can also affect the bronchi and lungs. In particular, pneumonia, bronchitis or asthma may develop.

Pneumonia, or popularly pneumonia, is an inflammatory process that occurs in the lungs. Develops like independent disease and as complications of angina. Can be fatal if treatment is ignored.

Complications of purulent tonsillitis in the form of bronchitis are inflammatory processes, flowing in the lining of the bronchi. Characterized by a strong, lingering cough.

Complications from a sore throat in the form of asthma are manifested by attacks of severe suffocation. Its symptoms may be of bronchial or cardiac origin, depending on the area where the inflammatory process occurs.

The child may develop laryngitis followed by laryngospasm.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Possible complications after a sore throat gastrointestinal tract are expressed using:

  1. gastritis - an inflammatory disease of the gastric mucosa with impaired restorative function epithelial tissue and its subsequent replacement with fibrous, which leads to serious violations work of the stomach and the entire digestive system;
  2. colitis – inflammation of the lining of the colon, which develops as a result of pathogenic microorganisms;
  3. ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum - the main symptom of which is pain in the epigastric region;
  4. duodenitis - inflammation in the duodenum, namely in its mucous membrane.

Excretory system

Complications after a sore throat in children and adults often affect the kidneys. This is expressed in pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis.

Pyelonephritis is a bacterial infection of the kidney canals, characterized by pain in the lumbar region and high fever. If left untreated, it can lead to kidney failure.

Glomerulonephritis - as a complication of tonsillitis in adults and children, bacterial damage to the glomeruli (glomeruli) in the structure of the kidneys.

Complications after a sore throat on the kidneys are dangerous due to the development of renal failure - an irreversible condition leading to metabolic disorders.

Eyes and ears

What complications can affect the eyes and ears?

Complications of sore throat in the eyes are diagnosed as conjunctivitis, as well as blepharitis.

Conjunctivitis is a bacterial inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Blepharitis – provoked Staphylococcus aureus inflammation of the edges of the eyelids. It is quite long and difficult to treat due to inaccessible foci of inflammation.

Possible consequences of purulent sore throat affecting the ear are otitis media and hearing difficulties.

Otitis is an inflammatory disease of the ear, distinguished as external, middle or internal (labyrinthitis).

Peritonsillar abscess

When not enough effective procedures purulent inflammation of the tonsils can cause a complication in the form of an abscess growing near the tonsil. This abscess is called a paratonsillar abscess or paratonsillitis. Its symptoms at the initial stage of inflammation are treated with antibiotic drugs, but if the abscess grows steadily, an operation is needed to open it and clean it.


The most dangerous consequence is considered to be sepsis. Sepsis is deadly dangerous infection microorganism (streptococcus, staphylococcus) in the blood and the whole body. If treatment is still possible, it is carried out in the intensive care unit with the help of antibiotics, sorbents, glucocorticosteroids, platelet infusions, plasma, electrolytes, rheo- and polyoglucin. Oxygen therapy and correction of impaired functioning of internal organs are also prescribed.

Prevention of consequences

How to avoid complications after a sore throat?

  1. To prevent a sore throat from developing, firstly, you should always seek treatment from an otolaryngologist and not refuse antibiotic therapy. It is antibiotics that can destroy the bacterial provocateur of tonsillitis and protect a person from complications that are likely to develop after a sore throat in adults.
  2. Acute tonsillitis also causes complications if the course of antibiotics was not complete. Streptococcal infection is usually treated for 10 days, but staphylococcus can only succumb after a 2-week course. Therefore, to avoid these consequences, you need to listen to your doctor’s recommendations and not stop taking antibiotics once your condition improves.
  3. Strengthening the immune system during illness will help prevent complications. Its progress, naturally, can significantly deplete immune system, therefore, it is important to eat rationally and in a timely manner, even on a puree diet; take vitamin-mineral complexes if rational nutrition impossible; stop smoking and do not drink alcohol, which is also incompatible with antibiotics.
  4. Adequate local treatment. It is important not to overdo it local antiseptics, especially those containing antibiotic ingredients or alcohol.
  5. Not only antibiotic therapy, but also bed rest gives confidence in the successful completion of the disease. Because Sore throat and its consequences can cause a reaction on the musculoskeletal system; it is better to carry out treatment in a horizontal position.