Dill water for newborns plantex. Analogues of "Plantex": review of drugs, reviews

In the article we will look at the instructions for use for Plantex for newborns, and also give the most popular analogues.

Many newborn babies suffer from problems with the digestive process, which are caused by underdeveloped gastrointestinal tract. Colic appears in many children during the first months of life. The child feels discomfort and pain, sleeps poorly and is capricious. They come to the aid of newborn children various means and drugs. One of the most effective pharmaceutical drugs is Plantex. We will consider its analogues below.


"Plantex" is produced in the form of small granules of light brown color. The drug dissolves in water until the substance turns greenish or brown.

As active component in granules they are popularly known as pharmaceutical dill. The plant is close in structure and properties to ordinary dill, which grows in every garden.

To prepare Plantex, plant umbrellas containing seeds are used. The latter are collected as they ripen. The difference between fennel and dill is the smell; the first plant has an aroma reminiscent of anise. Seeds greenish tint, which is transmitted to the granules.

The active substance in Plantex is an extract obtained from the seeds of the plant, as well as its esters. The composition is supplemented with other components, including lactose, glucose, anhydrous dextrose, acacia gum and galactose. In total listed substances make it possible to granulate the drug.

What is the effect of Plantex?

Mechanism of action

The medication has the property of normalizing the digestion process. The advantage of Plantex, which attracts many parents, is natural composition, which contains no chemical components.

The active components of the granules have a stimulating effect on the production gastric juice and increase intestinal motility. These properties allow food to be absorbed faster, as well as prevent the fermentation process in the intestines and reduce the formation of gases. Lactose in the composition allows all nutrients to be absorbed in the child’s body.

What do the instructions for use for Plantex for newborns tell us?


Indications for the use of the drug are disorders in the digestive process, accompanied by difficulties with digestion and absorption nutrients, increased formation of gases and the likelihood of developing spastic pain syndrome V infancy. The drug is prescribed to reduce the intensity of dyspeptic symptoms when a child switches from breast milk to another type of food.


"Plantex" is not prescribed for the following pathological conditions in children:

  1. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  2. Lactose deficiency due to low level development of special digestive enzyme, which provokes the breakdown of lactose.
  3. Galactosemia. It is a pathology of hereditary genesis, in which there is a disruption in the process of converting galactose into glucose at the enzyme level.
  4. Malabsorption of glucose-galactose type. This is a violation of the process of digestion and absorption of galactose and glucose carbohydrates.

Parents must be sure that the baby has no contraindications to taking the drug.


So, how to give Plantex to infants?

To take the medication, you need to prepare a solution from the granules. For this purpose, the contents of one sachet with the drug are dissolved in 100 ml. water, preferably warm, and stir until smooth. The granules should be taken between or immediately after meals. The dosage is selected depending on the indications and age of the newborn child:

  • Children immediately after birth and up to one year: 1-2 sachets in 2-3 doses.
  • From one to four years: 2-3 sachets in 2-3 doses.

For children infancy the drug is given in a bottle with a nipple.

"Plantex" is well tolerated by the child's body. In some cases, an allergic reaction to the components of the drug may occur, accompanied by rash, hives, itching and other dermatological manifestations. If the child has similar symptoms, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor.

Analogues of "Plantex"

There are a number of drugs based on simethicone, which are analogous in their effect on the child’s body.

"Espumizan" is the most popular among similar drugs. Let's look at it in more detail. Parents often ask which is better - Espumisan or Plantex for newborns.

It can be used for children from the first days of life. The drug is available in the form of capsules and drops. The latter are used to relieve signs of digestive disorders in children. Drops are produced in two versions:

  1. "Espumizan Baby" 100 mg of simethicone per 1 ml. A single dosage is 5-10 drops.
  2. "Espumizan L" 40 mg of simethicone per 1 ml. A single dosage is 25 drops.

An analogue of Plantex, Espumisan, is given to the child immediately after or during meals. The drug quickly alleviates the child’s condition. You can use it up to five times a day. There is no addiction to Espumisan, and the only contraindication is intestinal obstruction. It is also not recommended to use the drug against the background of fructose intolerance.


Another popular analogue of Plantex is Bebicalm. This is a drug plant origin, is available in the form of an oil, which includes fennel, anise and mint in the form of extracts. The drug effectively eliminates bloating, normalizes the digestive process and relieves inflammation, providing a mild sedative effect.

Drops are diluted in boiled water at room temperature. The resulting solution is given to the child before meals, 10 drops. You can give the drug an unlimited number of times per day.

"Plantex" or "Babycalm" - which is better according to reviews?

The main advantage of Bebicalm is the ability to use it, like Plantex, from the first days of life. The composition of the drugs is also practically the same. However, some parents note that one of the drugs helps better than the other. Pediatricians recommend trying several options and then choosing the drug that helps best.

Dill water

Another time-tested remedy used by more than one generation is presented dill water. A similar remedy can also be used in newborns. Dill water effectively improves the digestive process, reduces the production of gases, relieves intestinal spasms that provoke colic, and also has an anti-inflammatory and mild sedative effect.

What is better - Plantex or dill water?

Dill water is presented in pharmacies in the form of drops, which are diluted with boiled water, as well as in the form of filter bags intended for brewing. The prepared solution is stored in the refrigerator for up to one month.

Children are given 10 drops or 1 tsp. decoction The initial dosage involves a single use of the drug per day; if there is no allergic reaction, the number of doses can be increased up to three times. If colic is too severe, dill water can be used up to six times a day.

The composition of dill water is as simple as possible, which makes the product attractive to parents. The drug can also be used for preventive purposes. However, it should be borne in mind that the lack of additives affects the taste of dill water, which may complicate the use of the drug by a child.

Many people believe that other similar drugs have a greater effect because they have an additional composition.

From about 2 weeks of age, some newborns begin to worry. The most intense intestinal colic occurs in children at artificial feeding. Colic often affects breastfed babies whose mothers do not follow a nursing diet. Whatever the cause of intestinal colic, mothers immediately begin to fight them with the help of medications. The safest and reliable way If you want to start fighting colic, consult your pediatrician. But mothers prefer to first consult with grandmothers, friends or the Internet. From these sources they learn what is most the right remedy from intestinal colic newborn is ". Having found out this, mothers try to immediately purchase it at the pharmacy or make it themselves.

What is dill water? Let's figure it out together

Dill water, which is made in a pharmacy, is a weak (0.1%) solution of essential oil fennel in distilled water. Fennel also called sweet dill And Italian dill, hence the name of the medicine “dill water.” Fennel essential oil reduces spasms in the intestines and improves intestinal motility. Dill water from the pharmacy, like all other medicines and teas containing fennel, is approved for use in children from 2 weeks of age. 1 teaspoon after meals 3-4 times a day.

Dill water prepared in a pharmacy has disadvantages

  • It is prepared only in the prescription department of the pharmacy according to a doctor’s prescription, i.e. you will have to wait for its preparation, and colic is tormenting the baby now.
  • She has short term storage (7 days).

Dill water at home

Having realized that difficulties can arise with dill water from a pharmacy, mothers set themselves the task of making it in at home. It's not difficult. You need to buy dry fennel seeds at the pharmacy. Pour 1 teaspoon of seeds into 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes (preferably in a thermos), then strain, cool, give the child 2-3 teaspoons, 3-4 times a day. Shelf life of dill water homemade 1 day. Similar infusion Dill seeds (instead of fennel seeds) can also be used to reduce gas formation in children, but its effectiveness is much less.

You can do it even easier - buy it at the pharmacy. Plantex or children's fennel tea. In terms of effectiveness, they are not inferior to dill water, and even surpass it.


Plantex contains fennel fruit extract and fennel essential oil. Plantex is available in bags of granules. The granules are completely dissolved in 100 ml of water at room temperature. A newborn is prescribed 1 sachet of Plantex per day.

Children's tea

There are many varieties of children's tea with fennel, instant and in filter bags for brewing. different manufacturers: Hipp (Austria), Fleur Alpin (Czech Republic), Babushkino Lukoshko (Russia), Humana (Germany) and others. You can read more about children's tea.

Drugs that reduce gas formation in the intestines

If the above remedies do not help get rid of intestinal colic, medications that reduce gas formation in the intestines are used. People call them “defoamers”: espumisan, sub-simplex, bobotik.

Medicines based on plant essential oils

If there is no effect from these drugs, medications based on vegetable oils are prescribed - bebicalm (contains vegetable oils fennel, anise and mint), relieves spasms and irritation from the intestinal wall, has an anti-inflammatory and laxative effect. I hope you have decided for yourself what is best for your baby: plantex, baby tea. If not, it's best to consult your pediatrician. I wish you good health!

In the first months of life, the child’s body adapts to a new way of eating. The digestive system may react with disorders, constipation, and bloating. Many babies are bothered by colic, sleep disturbances, nervous excitability. To alleviate the child’s condition, parents select a remedy against increased gas formation. One of them is bobotik suspension. Many people are interested in the advantages of the drug in comparison with analogues.

General characteristics

Bobotik is sold in drops, the active ingredient is simethicone. The drug prevents the accumulation of excess gases in the intestines, helps reduce them and eliminate them from the body.

Simethicone does not inhibit the microflora involved in digestion, is not digested by gastric juice, and is excreted unchanged from the body. The substance is not absorbed into the blood and is used in the production of drugs for newborns.

The medicine is prescribed to children over 4 weeks of age to reduce bloating and. Before use, you should shake the bottle, as sediment may form (this is due to the composition of the drug and is not a sign of poor quality). Single dose– 8 drops, they are counted using a dropper dispenser in the bottle.

The baby is given water from a spoon or from a syringe without a needle up to 4 times a day, after feeding. It has a pleasant taste, most children drink it with pleasure. It is possible to mix the drug with breast milk, artificial mixture or pure water.

The effect of the medicine begins 15 minutes after administration. The drug is stored for two years from the date of manufacture, at a temperature not exceeding 25°.

Bobotik or Espumisan?

To the group similar drugs with simethicone as an active ingredient, in addition to Bobotik, it is included. The difference is the ability to use it for children from birth. The drug is available in liquid and capsule form, but for babies they use only drops, available in two forms:

  • Espumisan Baby with a dosage of 100 mg of simethicone per 1 ml of product. A single dose for a baby is from 5 to 10 drops;
  • Espumisan L with a dosage of 40 mg, the amount of product per dose is 25 drops (1 ml).

Give to the baby after or during meals. The product has quick action, relief occurs within 10-20 minutes. Use up to 5 times a day, does not cause addiction to the body. Contraindications include intestinal obstruction. It should not be used if you are intolerant to fructose due to the sorbitol content.

Which is better: Espumisan or Bobotik? The composition of both products does not contain carbohydrates; they can be used for lactose intolerance and diabetes. The first drug is cheaper and has lower consumption. When choosing Espumisan or Bobotik, you need to take into account that the latter can be given to babies older than 28 days. For newborns, it is better to purchase analogues intended for babies from the first day of life.

Sub simplex

An analogue of Bobotik is Sub Simplex with a pleasant fruity taste. It is given to the baby 6 times a day; in case of severe bloating and colic, the dosage frequency can be increased to 9. For children on IV, add 15 drops to a bottle with the mixture. The baby is given water from a spoon before feeding. Relief occurs within 15 minutes, can be taken for about a month, then you need to take a break.

Babycalm instead of Bobotik?

The drug belongs to dietary supplements of plant origin. The oil contains:

  • , helps relieve spasms during colic, has a carminative, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Anise – normalizes digestion, eliminates bloating;
  • , relieves inflammation, soothes nervous system baby.

Boiled water at room temperature is added to the bottle with the product up to the special mark. The resulting emulsion is given to the baby before feeding, 10 drops, the number of doses per day is not limited.

The advantage of Babycalm is its use for children from birth. The difference between the drugs is in the active ingredient, with severe bloating The pediatrician may recommend the parallel use of both drugs. In many cases, it is enough to use one product: Bebicalm or Bobotik.

Tea Plantex

The drug is available in granules, which are diluted in 100 ml of lukewarm boiled water. The prepared solution is given to the baby after meals. Herbal tea should not be taken by children under two weeks of age, more than 2 times a day. It is not recommended to store the prepared solution; children under one month old need to make a fresh one for each dose.

The product is made on plant based. IN in rare cases An allergic reaction is possible if you are intolerant to fennel. The drug can be combined with other medications and used as prophylaxis. It improves appetite, stimulates intestinal motility, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and helps with constipation.

And they differ in composition: herbal tea, unlike drops with simethicone, cannot be used by children with impaired glucose absorption or lactase deficiency. But its larger volume for a single dose is not convenient: the baby does not always agree to drink required quantity, especially after eating.

Is it possible to give Plantex together with Bobotik? They have different active substances; it is safe to take the drugs at the same time in consultation with your doctor.

Dill water and Bobotik

The product is made from fennel seeds, is natural and is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance. can be used from birth, it normalizes digestion, reduces gas formation, intestinal spasms during colic, and has a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect.

It is sold in two forms:

  • Drops - add cold boiled water to the bottle, the resulting solution is stored in the refrigerator for up to 30 days;
  • Filter bags for brewing.

Babies are given 10 drops of solution or 1 teaspoon of decoction, starting 1 time a day before feeding; in the absence of allergies, the frequency is 3 times daily. At the heart of the product essential oils, it is better to dilute it with milk or formula. If necessary, it is permissible to increase the number of doses up to 6 times a day. The effect occurs within half an hour after administration.

What is the difference between dill water and Bobotik? The product is of plant origin, has a simpler composition, and is suitable for children from birth. Good effect It is given as a preventive measure, but has a specific taste: some children are reluctant to drink the medicine. IN in case of emergency For children older than 4 weeks, Bobotik is more suitable, its effect comes faster.

Table for comparison of drugs

The presented drugs are divided into two categories: of plant origin and with simethicone as active remedy. They may differ in the number of contained active substances. Parents' opinions indicate that the effect of medications is individual. Intolerance to the components is possible; all drugs have positive and negative reviews.

Name Active substances At what age can you take it? Single dose Volume Price Taste
Bobotik simethicone 66.66 mg/ml from 28 days after birth 8 drops 30 ml 266 rub. nice
Espumisan Baby simethicone 100 mg/ml from birth 5-10 drops 30 ml 420 rub. sweetish
Espumisan L simethicone 40 mg/ml from birth 25 drops 30 ml 364 rub. sweetish
Sub simplex simethicone 69.19 mg/ml from birth 15 drops 30 ml 296 rub. sweetish
BabyCalm extract of anise, fennel, dill from birth 10 drops diluted emulsion 15 ml 326 rub. specific sweetish
Plantex fennel from 14 days after birth 100 ml (1 dissolved sachet) sachets of granules, 5 g, 10 pcs. 340 rub. nice
Dill water drops fennel extract from birth 10 drops of solution (the drug is diluted with water) 15 ml 203 rub. specific
Dill water tea fennel fruit from birth 1 tsp. tea 20 packet filter 128 rub. specific

When choosing a drug you need to focus on age restrictions. It is necessary to monitor the child’s reaction, since most products contain excipients. If a rash or irritation appears, stop taking it and contact your pediatrician: he will help you choose a suitable drug with a similar effect.

Colic and other intestinal problems in newborns are common. Almost all babies experience digestive difficulties in the first 3 months of life. In most children, colic is painful and worsens the child’s mood and well-being. Usually, after 6 months, colic in children goes away without a trace, but in the first six months, parents should help babies get rid of discomfort in the intestines.

How to relieve your baby from painful sensations in the tummy.

Colic is more common in boys than in girls; most frequent time The day for colic is evening. Medical science believes that the occurrence of these symptoms is associated with insufficient development nervous regulation intestines in newborns. Possible reasons could also be:

  • excessive swallowing of air during feeding;
  • overfeeding;
  • overheat.

The last two circumstances can be easily eliminated: frequent walks in the fresh air and regulation of diet significantly reduce the risk of infant intestinal problems.

Strict meal schedule and fresh air will help avoid digestive problems.

If the problem still cannot be solved, and the baby is still bothered by colic, bloating, and gas, then the drug Plantex (Plantex Sandoz) will help. Some doctors recommend this drug for.

Medicine plantex: general information

In the first weeks of life, after your baby has switched to a new way of eating, his digestive system A major restructuring is taking place. Insufficient milk supply can cause excessive gas and abdominal pain in babies. Breast milk substitutes can also cause allergic reactions in the baby. He becomes restless and often screams, causing his parents to understandably worry about his health.

Plantex can be bought at any pharmacy.

Plantex tea for newborns will help relieve your baby from stomach troubles - special remedy to get rid of gastrointestinal problems.

What does plantex consist of?

This drug contains only natural ingredients. This:

  • fennel fruit extract;
  • essential oil from the fruits of the same plant;
  • lactose (a carbohydrate found in dairy products);
  • dextrose (aka glucose);

How does this work

Plantex has an antispasmodic and carminative effect. Fennel extract and essential compounds improve digestion, have a beneficial effect on the secretion of gastric juice, and activate intestinal motility.

Basic active ingredient the drug is an extract of fennel (an umbrella plant from the same family as dill, which is a well-known folk remedy from gas formation in infants). The extract improves the passage of gases in infants and reduces painful sensations in the intestines. This is achieved by stimulating normal operation intestines. And if the intestines work well, then the baby will not experience any colic.

Absorption of breast milk or its substitutes with Plantex occurs faster and more efficiently. The active compounds of the drug prevent gases from accumulating in the intestines. The lactose contained in plantex promotes painless and complete absorption of its components.

The main ingredient of Plantex is fennel fruit.

Instructions for use medicine Plantex (Plantex or Plantex sandoz)

Release form

Small light brown granules interspersed with darker or lighter shades. They have a fennel scent. Designed for internal use.

The package contains bags of granules (weight - 5 g). There are 10 packets in total.

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Some babies develop bald patches, which cause serious concern for parents. Why the baby's head goes bald is described in detail.

Pharmacological properties

The herbal medicine stimulates the digestion of food and reduces the formation of gases. It has an antispasmodic effect and improves digestion processes.

Digestion is a plus!


Children under 12 months can brew 1-2 sachets per day; from one to 4 years - 2-3 sachets.

The medicine should be taken after meals or between feedings.

The drug must be given to the child after meals.

How to dilute the drug

To prepare tea, pour the contents of 1 bag into a cup (or baby bottle for drinking), add warm boiled water(100 ml) and stir until the granules dissolve. Cool to desired temperature before use.


Used for the prevention and treatment of digestive disorders and as an aid in the transition from breastfeeding to formula feeding. Can be used from the age of 2 weeks.

Side effects

Possible allergy to the drug.

With obvious allergic reaction You should stop consuming Plantex.


  • glucose absorption disorders;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • galactosemia (genetic metabolic disorder);
  • sensitivity to the components of the drug;

Special instructions

Give children only freshly prepared solution. No sweeteners should be added.

No sugar! Plantex is a cure!

Price (for Russia)

The drug costs from 300 to 350 rubles.

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I give the product 5 points because it was the only one that saved us during a difficult period. The colic lasted for about three months - from 3-4 weeks of the baby’s life to 3.5 months, and all this time I always had dill water in our medicine cabinet and on hand. In addition, we also used Bobotik, but it had no effect. I understand that everything is different for everyone. But in my review I will defend Plantex, but I will still remove 1 star only for the high cost of the product.

The pediatrician initially called Plantex dill water, then I heard from my grandmother that dill water helps with colic. When I started reading the ingredients, I didn’t see any dill. And only then did I read that fennel is pharmaceutical dill , which is the main active substance in solution. You can have dill water cook at home, for this you need to stock up clean water, coffee grinder and fennel seeds, take 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds, grind in a coffee grinder, pour boiling water for an hour, leave in a glass for 30 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth. But I had neither the time nor the energy to do this. It was easier to buy Plantex and dissolve the sachet, which is very quick and convenient.

Plantex is quick to prepare- just pour the contents of the sachet into a bottle, add warm water and shake. Plantex is a dry granular powder of light sand color and has a pleasant, subtle anise aroma.

Natural herbal composition. Contains only water, fennel fruits, sucrose and lactose. Fennel has a calming effect, improves digestion, relieves gas in newborns, and increases lactation for nursing mothers. So if the baby doesn’t like Plantex, breastfeeding mothers can safely finish their tea. I myself have been familiar with fennel for a long time, I drank a lot of teas that improve lactation, but there was little effect. I also liked the dill water, it’s sweet and pleasant to the taste. Plantex is contraindicated for those with lactose intolerance, as it contains lactose. Dill water has virtually no contraindications and does not contain chemicals or other additives.

This is what the solution looks like in the bottle - the water takes on a brownish color. 1 powder per 100 ml. bottle.

The child stopped crying instantly: I gave a freshly prepared warm solution in a bottle, the baby sucked the bottle and immediately calmed down.

The reason for the effectiveness of Plantek in our country was most likely explained by the following:

Firstly, the sucking reflex had a calming effect,

secondly, the water is warm and it relaxes the baby,

thirdly, fennel and other herbs had a calming effect and normalized the baby’s digestion,

fourthly, the solution has a pleasant sweetish taste, which the baby liked.

In general, the baby was happy and fell asleep immediately, which means I was happy too. During all this time, there were only a few times when Plantex did not help or the daily limit was exhausted (2 sachets), and I was afraid to give too much. Unfortunately, I don’t understand at all why Plantex has such a quantity negative reviews, the product is completely natural and, in my opinion, safer than all other drugs for colic. The main thing is that the baby does not refuse to drink it.

My reviews about other remedies for colic in newborns.