Is it possible to give dill water to a newborn? Dill water for a newborn: recipe, dosage and storage of dill water

From the first days of a child’s life, the process of adapting the gastrointestinal tract to changing conditions begins, first of all, the transition to feeding with breast milk or artificial formula. This process is quite complex, as a result of which almost every baby has symptoms caused by it.

Symptoms of colic often appear during feeding or after it is completed, when the baby draws in his legs, cries, and his skin color takes on a reddish tint. All this goes away only after natural bowel movements, as well as the passage of gas. And here it is quite logical that every mother wants to at least somehow help the baby, easing his suffering. Since ancient times, it has been used precisely for these purposes. dill water . True, the opinions of pediatricians regarding the use of this folk remedy do not always coincide. Let's try to figure out what this medicine is, Is it possible to give dill water to a newborn and how to do it correctly .

Dill water is a solution of fennel oil - close relative dill, and it is used in the fight against colic from the first days of a baby’s life. In modern pharmacies as an analogue dill water proposed medicine Plantex, made from fennel seed extract. This drug Available in powder form, it is dissolved in breast milk or water in a certain proportion, which can be found in the instructions for the medicine.

The benefits of dill water

Dill- This is a very useful medicinal plant. Among the advantages that they can boast medicines products manufactured on its basis include:

The ability to cleanse the body of putrefactive formations, help in the formation of beneficial microflora;
Relaxing effect, reducing spasm of smooth muscles;
Facilitation of blood flow throughout the body, dilation of blood vessels, stabilization of cardiac activity;
Reducing pressure on the intestinal walls;
Diuretic, laxative properties;
Decongestant effect on respiratory tract, improved sputum removal;
Beneficial effect on the processes of bile secretion, kidney function, and nervous system;
Beneficial effect on the baby's appetite and mother's lactation.

The effectiveness of using dill water is explained by the ability of fennel to relax the intestinal muscles, reducing spasms, thereby relieving the child of painful sensations and improving digestive processes.

And the property of dill water is very useful for nursing mothers, who, in addition, with the help of this product can calm down nervous system and improve digestion.

Moreover, the positive effect of dill water, if consumed by a nursing woman, also affects the baby directly. By drinking ½ cup of the product 30 minutes before feeding, a woman increases the volume of milk produced, improves its composition, and also automatically relieves the baby from subsequent painful colic. In addition, many mothers have a negative attitude towards feeding their baby if they are breastfeeding. Therefore, the method when a woman takes dill water herself may be a solution to this problem.

Ready-made dill water is sold in the pharmacy

How to prepare dill water for a newborn

Buying ready-made dill water for a newborn is not so easy. This can only be done in the prescription department of pharmacy stores, and the cost for 100 ml is approximately 150 rubles. Instead of the product, you can purchase the above-mentioned Plantex, or similar medications such as Espumisan or Sub-simplex.

You can prepare dill water for a newborn at home using a fairly simple recipe:

Pour 1 tsp into a regular glass. fennel seeds, ground in a blender. Fill everything hot water and leave for 40-45 minutes, then strain the infusion and add 1 teaspoon to expressed breast milk or water. You can also drop 15 drops of water onto the tongue of a newborn. The infusion prepared in this way is stored for a day.

Instead of dry fennel seeds, you can use essential fennel oil, 0.05 g of which dissolves in 1 liter of water. This solution has a longer shelf life - a month. But you need to store it in the refrigerator, warming it to room temperature each time before use.

Another way to prepare dill water for newborns, if you don’t have fennel on hand, take the seeds of the usual dill, pour boiling water over them at the rate of 1 glass of water per 1 teaspoon of seeds, leave for a couple of hours and strain. And having fresh dill, you can make dill tea. In this case, 100 ml of boiling water is poured into 1 tablespoon of green dill and the tea is allowed to brew for about an hour. After which it is cooled and used according to the same rule as dill water for a newborn.

It is worth noting that in each of the described recipes it is necessary to use purified water, boil the cooking utensils and follow all basic rules of hygiene.

Instructions for using dill water for newborns

The principle of how to give dill water to a newborn is determined by the way it is fed. If we're talking about O breastfeeding, then the child is given dill water from a spoon, but if he is on artificial nutrition, then in addition to the spoon it is allowed to use a bottle. Take the medicine immediately before feeding. If the child does not show any particular desire to take the infusion, it means that he does not really like the taste of the medicine. In this case, it should be mixed with breast milk or formula.

Start drinking dill water follows with a very small dose - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day . It is important to carefully monitor how the baby’s body reacts to the medicine. If you do not observe any negative manifestations, the dose can be increased to 5-6 times a day. Further, as the baby develops and painful colic gradually subsides, the use of dill water can be stopped, but if problems are still observed, treatment should be continued. In most cases, the need for dill water for newborns disappears after reaching 6 months, when the child’s body fully adapts to new conditions and independently copes with all the difficulties of digestion.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that dill water is not effective for all newborns. It happens that excessive bloating of the abdomen is observed from its use, as well as allergic manifestations. Therefore, you should not completely rely on the use of this tool. For combating colic in a baby a nursing mother must first normalize her diet, but if artificial feeding, then you need to approach the preparation of the mixture quite responsibly. In addition, the baby needs to regularly massage the tummy, visit him more often fresh air and try to give him a lot of positive emotions.

Doctor Komarovsky about dill water:


A baby who has just been born is actively adapting to new conditions of existence. One of the first to react to changes gastrointestinal system. From the very first days, the baby adapts to new food (formula or breast milk). It takes about a month for the baby to adapt, during which he experiences a lot of difficulties. It is especially difficult and painful for him during the appearance intestinal colic caused by bloating and excessive gas production.

Emergency and effective help

What will help the baby in such a situation? The optimal solution is dill water for babies. This natural remedy will relieve the main symptoms of intestinal colic, when the baby turns red during feeding or after it, draws in its legs, or simply bursts into tears and screaming. With the help of this product, parents will help the newborn achieve the removal of gases and in a natural way empty your stomach. Thanks to the use of such a simple and available means the child will feel much lighter and more comfortable.

What is dill water? How is it made and used? Everything is actually extremely simple. Dill water usually means a solution of one percent fennel oil.

Fennel is often called pharmaceutical dill, hence the name of this simple drug. Conventional greens are rarely used for tincture.

The product is created on the basis of fennel fruits. Using the resulting composition, you can help the baby get rid of suffering caused by excess gas formation and the inability to empty the intestines naturally. The peculiarity of this product is that it is natural and completely safe. That is why dill water for newborns is given almost from the very first days after birth.

There is a ready drug, which acts as an analogue of dill water. It is called "Plantex", created on the basis of fennel seed extract. This product goes on sale in individual sachets containing healing powder. For oral administration, the composition is dissolved in water or breast milk. It is important to comply with all proportions indicated on the drug packaging. It can be used from the second week of a baby’s life.

Effective for kids and adults

However, according to reviews from experts and numerous mothers, dill water for babies is a more useful and effective remedy. Natural product, which contains no foreign impurities, allows you to cope not only with intestinal colic. Unique drug helps well with:

  • bloating;
  • bowel disorders;
  • loss of appetite.

It should be borne in mind that dill water is not a panacea. You should not experiment on the health of your own child. Whenever similar symptoms You should immediately consult a medical practitioner!

However, dill water is very useful for infants. It helps relax and reduce spasms in the smooth muscles. The product has a delicate diuretic effect. It expands the intestinal walls, reducing pressure on them.

Unique benefits

Among other benefits of using this product, it is worth noting the normalization of bile secretion and stabilization of the functioning of the heart. Dill water also helps:

  • normalize appetite;
  • take off inflammatory processes and calm them down somewhat;
  • cleanse the body of formations of a putrefactive nature;
  • produced by beneficial intestinal microflora;
  • eliminate constipation.

This natural remedy promotes optimal blood flow by dilating blood vessels. If a baby has a cough, the composition “breaks up” the sputum, helping it to be eliminated effectively. This is a product with pronounced antibacterial properties. It is useful not only for the newborn, but also for his mother. The whole point is that the drug significantly enhances lactation processes.

Dill water is useful for newborns for other reasons. This natural remedy is gently soothing. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of mother and baby. The drug also normalizes kidney function. It helps remove gases because it does an excellent job of relieving spasms in the intestinal muscles. If you give your baby this liquid constantly, the digestion process will improve significantly, and pain syndromes will be effectively removed.

Cooking methods

Many parents are interested in how to do dill water for a newborn. There's really nothing complicated about it. The finished product can be purchased at pharmacies with prescription departments. If for one reason or another it is not possible to buy such a composition, you can make the product yourself. To do this you need to take fennel seeds. The product must be completely dry. It is ground to a powder in a blender or coffee grinder. Dry matter should be used in the amount of 1 large spoon.

The finished powder is poured into a 250 ml glass and filled with hot water. Dill tea for newborns is infused for about 45 minutes. Then the composition is filtered. The resulting liquid is added to baby formula, water or expressed breast milk. The maximum amount of product is 1 spoon. Newborns under 2 weeks of age should not be given more than 15 drops of this product. The finished liquid should be stored for a maximum of 24 hours.

Dill water is prepared for newborns against colic and according to another recipe. It is based on fennel essential oil. To receive useful product It is necessary to dissolve no more than 0.05 g of ether in 1 liter of water. The resulting liquid can be stored for quite a long time (up to 1 month) in a cold place. But before taking, the composition must be brought to room temperature.

Recipes with dill

If you don’t have fennel seeds or oil at home, prepare dill water for colic using dill. To do this, pour 1 cup of boiled water into 1 small spoon of the seeds of this plant. The liquid is infused for an hour, after which it must be filtered. You can brew greens with this spice. To do this, dill is crushed. In the volume of 1 large spoon, pour 100 ml of boiling water, after which it infuses for an hour. The strained, cooled liquid is given in exactly the same way as dill water.

Admission rules

Parents are no less interested in another question: how to give dill water to a newborn correctly. If the baby is breastfed, then he is given the product from a spoon. For babies on artificial nutrition, it is recommended to pour the product into a bottle. In any case, it is important to strictly dose this drug.

To achieve the expected results and benefits, you need to take dill water before feeding.

If the baby refuses this product, you need to dilute it a small amount baby formula or breast milk. At first, you should take the composition three times a day. The initial dose is 1 small spoon. In order not to make mistakes in further calculations, you should monitor the baby’s reaction. If he tolerates the treatment well, then daily dosage can be increased 6 times.

Children often experience various physiological conditions, not associated with diseases, but causing him discomfort. Not every mother will decide to give her newborn pharmaceuticals. Typically, parents prefer to use natural herbal remedies.

One of the most common causes of baby anxiety is indigestion.. Due to the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract, the baby may experience intestinal colic even from mother's milk, and artificially-bred children with this problem are even more common.

What is the medicine

No matter how many medications are on sale, many mothers prefer natural methods. One of the most popular means of combating intestinal colic in infants is dill water. You can do it yourself, or you can buy ready-made products.

What is dill water, where to buy it and how to prepare it?

The name “dill water” is often written even on pharmaceutical drugs. This circumstance misleads many. In fact, dill water has nothing to do with dill - the basis of all these preparations is the fennel plant, which has the common name “dill”.

Fennel received this name because of its external resemblance to dill. However, these two are completely different plants, having several similar action.

From a botanical point of view, both plants belong to the Umbelliferae family, which has more than 300 genera. Each of these plants belongs to its own genus. There is a genus of dill, and there is a genus of fennel. These are two completely different plants, with only slight external similarities.

Thus, dill water are called solutions or decoctions prepared from fennel fruits.

Properties of this medicine

What properties does fennel and the decoction prepared from it have? Dill water is herbal preparation natural origin, which means she has minimum quantity side effects and has a mild effect.

Thanks to chemical composition essential oil Fennel has a beneficial effect on digestion and has the following effects on the body.

  1. Increases production gastric juice, increases gastrointestinal motility. All together contributes better promotion and digestion of food.
  2. It has a mild antispasmodic effect, that is, it relaxes the smooth muscles of the intestines and promotes the natural removal of gases from the body.
  3. It has a mild laxative effect and is able to improve bowel movements.
  4. Has a slight calming effect.

Due to its properties and safety, dill water is often used to treat infants with intestinal colic and problems with stool.

DIY Recipe

Pharmacies sell many preparations based on essential oils and fennel fruits. Most often they are powders for dilution with water. All of these drugs are easy to use and have similar effects, but often have high cost, and may also contain undesirable additives and sweeteners. For example, lactose in some types of tea can increase colic and gas formation and is contraindicated for children with lactase deficiency.

In some prescription departments you can buy a prepared dill water solution. However, it is quite difficult to find pharmacies where this medicine is prepared. It is much easier to purchase the necessary ingredients for preparing dill water and make it at home. Fennel fruits can be found commercially.

The recipe for dill water is extremely simple.

If the fennel fruits are pre-ground to a powder, the infusion time can be reduced to 20 minutes.

The following recipe involves preparing the medicine in a water bath, resulting in a richer decoction. The proportions remain the same.

  1. For 200-250 ml of water, 1 teaspoon of fennel fruit.
  2. The mixture is placed in a water bath and simmered for 15-20 minutes.
  3. The resulting broth is also filtered, cooled and stored in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours.

Using dill

Compared to fennel, dill seeds do not have similar action. To prepare a decoction or infusion that promotes digestion, dill uses not the seeds, but the green parts of the plant. The infusion is prepared in a similar way. One teaspoon of chopped herbs is poured into 200-250 ml of boiling water and left for 15-20 minutes. The cooled and filtered infusion is stored in the refrigerator for 1 day.

It is not recommended to buy dill in the store, as there is a high probability of purchasing a product with a high content of nitrates. Greens have a less pronounced, but similar effect on the gastrointestinal tract, so a carminative and laxative can also be prepared from this plant.

How many times and in what quantity can a child be given this medicine? Before giving your baby dill water, you should consult with your pediatrician about the advisability of treatment and how much and for how long you can give your baby this remedy.

Most often, infants are given water in the amount of 1 teaspoon 3 to 5 times a day. You should not give dill water more than 5 times a day. Water can be given after meals or between meals.

The decoction and infusion have a specific taste - slightly spicy with a bitter aftertaste. Few children will like this medicine. What to do in this case? In dill water or tea industrial production Milk sugar lactose is added as a sweetener. Water prepared at home can be diluted with breast milk or given along with formula.

It is worth considering that, just like industrial teas, water prepared at home can be given to a child no earlier than 2 weeks of age. As a rule, digestive problems begin at this age.

Despite all the safety, the medicine should be given with caution for the first time, since, like any other natural remedy, it can cause an allergic reaction.


Dill water is a fairly popular remedy in the fight against infantile intestinal colic due to its naturalness and safety. However, there are different reviews regarding the effectiveness of this product.

Some parents note quick effect after using both industrial and self-prepared medicine, while others complain that addiction to this remedy quickly develops. At the beginning of use it has a good therapeutic effect. But when symptoms return some time after treatment, reuse the medication no longer has the desired effect.

Dill water is widely used in the treatment of digestive disorders in children. infancy because of its safety and naturalness. This medicine can be purchased either ready-made in the prescription department or prepared independently. Similar medicinal teas for dissolving with water or brewing are also commercially available. It is advisable to find out from your doctor in what quantity and for how long such drugs can be used.

All these products are prepared based on fennel fruits and have a similar effect. The effectiveness of such drugs has not been proven: it helps some, but not others. But if you want to provide all possible help to your baby, you can give such a remedy without fear. Even if it does not have the desired effect, it certainly will not cause harm.

The benefits of dill

In general, dill, beloved by many, can bring invaluable benefits to the body. His beneficial properties are not limited to carminative properties.

  • Dill helps cleanse the body of putrefactive formations and can assist in the production and cultivation of beneficial microflora.
  • Helps reduce and relax smooth muscle spasms.
  • Facilitates the flow of blood to any corner of the body, expanding the blood vessels.
  • Helps reduce pressure on the intestinal walls.
  • An effective diuretic.
  • Helps eliminate inflammatory processes.
  • It is a means of stabilizing cardiac activity.
  • Constant use helps to increase the passage in the bronchi and relieve resistance air flow, which enter the bronchi, and prevents them from stagnating in the respiratory tract.
  • It helps those suffering from cough to remove phlegm by diluting it.
  • It is a choleretic agent.
  • Promotes healing in the form of ulcers, as well as fractures and wounds.

It is believed, and quite rightly, that the benefits of dill are invaluable for the entire body, although its main advantage is considered to be its carminative property. However, dill water mixed with carrot juice is very beneficial for vision. For those who suffer from asthma or severe cough, it is recommended to chew dry dill seeds to eliminate spasms. Nursing mothers are advised to drink dill water to ensure that milk flows well.

In order to relieve the intestines from painful colic, both young and old can use dill water from both pharmaceutical and homemade. However, for babies it is still the best option will be a product purchased at a pharmacy. Because weak digestive tract The baby is not yet ready to resist additional microorganisms that can penetrate the child’s intestines along with home-made water, when the pharmacy guarantees the preparation of the drug under sterile conditions.

According to statistics, the majority of newborn children in the very first months of life are subject to suffering associated with severe gas formation. Similar process causes pain in infants, and for parents of babies it results in sleepless nights. Today, pharmacies offer quite a lot of drugs that can eliminate infant colic, but the most reliable and safe means, which has been tested over the years, is dill water.

It is quite effective for newborns folk remedy capable of providing great benefit for a small organism, including improving the digestive process. You can either buy dill water for a newborn ready-made or make it yourself.

Release form and composition of dill water

Despite its name, dill water has nothing to do with dill. To make the product, essential oils of the sweet fennel plant are used, which can be extracted from its mature seeds.

Dill water is a solution consisting of water and essential oil in a ratio of 1:1000. Dill water is sold in glass bottles with a volume of one hundred milliliters. Since the product does not contain preservatives, it has a short shelf life. The drug can be stored in a refrigerator for no more than a month.

Mechanism of action

A plant of the umbrella family, fennel, like dill, can have a carminative effect on the body. However, in fennel it is more pronounced and therefore it is often included in herbal teas for adults to get rid of flatulence. It is also applicable for infants, but in the form of dill water. The product can help the baby neutralize intestinal colic and eliminate spasms, which has a beneficial effect on the transportation of gases and feces.

Dill water indications for use

Being a symptomatic remedy, dill water significantly alleviates the baby’s condition during gas formation. Since such a nuisance is nothing more than an integral part of the baby’s body’s adaptation to a new environment, therefore this process does not require treatment, but only help to make it easier to bear.

Therefore, dill water is indicated for use mainly for infants in order to help improve intestinal function and remove gases from it.


The product has no contraindications. The only cautionary condition for its use is a strong recommendation to parents of infants not to deviate from the dosage regimen.

Dill water instructions for use

Provided that dill water pharmaceutical manufacturing The following dosage regimen is recommended:

After feeding is completed, drink 1 teaspoon of the product three times a day.

You can add dill water to a bottle of formula or expressed milk.

If the product is prepared independently, then the child should drink 1 tablespoon of the product three times a day. It is also possible to add dill water to the bottle for ease of use.

Side effects

Side effects that dill water can have are very rare, but they do occur. Possibly the occurrence allergic rash, and in case of non-compliance with the dosage, especially if it is exceeded, the infant’s intestines may react with such a phenomenon as diarrhea.

Special instructions

This dosage regimen for the use of homemade dill water from the seeds of the dill garden plant is completely unsuitable and should not be used. IN in this case consultation with a pediatrician is necessary.

You should not self-medicate, especially when it comes to an infant. In this case, the doctor will recommend a suitable dose of the drug or make a different prescription.

The remedy for relieving flatulence can be used by patients of any age category.

Adults are recommended to take a tablespoon of dill water up to six times a day strictly after meals. The product quickly affects the intestines and, as practice shows, brings relief within a quarter of an hour.

Dill water at home

Due to the fact that dill water is prepared only in a pharmacy and is not mass produced, it can be quite difficult to find. In order for the pharmacy to prepare the drug for you, it must be equipped with a prescription department. Based on such difficulties, you can prepare dill water yourself at home.

Before you start preparing the product, you should understand the differences between fennel and dill. The fact is that the very name of the product sometimes confuses patients, since fennel is often called pharmaceutical dill. Thus, to prepare the product, you need to purchase a herbal mixture called “fennel fruit” at the pharmacy. Our familiar cousin, fennel, is positioned on pharmacy shelves as “fragrant dill fruit.” This is probably all that should be taken into account in order to get effective remedy against gas formation.

How to prepare dill water

It is better to take a heaped teaspoon of purchased fennel seeds and pour it into a glass of boiling water. Boil covered for a minute. Then remove the broth from the heat and leave to steep for thirty or forty minutes. Then carefully strain the liquid and pour the prepared homemade dill water into a boiled container.

At home, it is advisable to prepare a fresh portion of the product every day.

Dill water price

The price for a dill water preparation on average does not exceed two hundred rubles; some fluctuations in cost are possible, which may depend on the location of the pharmacy and the individual application for the preparation of the product.

Dill water reviews

Opinions about the drug, despite its popularity, are quite contradictory. Many note its effectiveness and ability to emergency care. There are also patients who have not noticed any useful action and were able to note all its advantages in the form convenient form packaging and a pleasant smell and taste, as well as a natural composition, in addition to helping to get rid of colic and gas formation. Here are perhaps some of latest reviews who speak out about its use.

Zhenya: About ten days after birth, our baby began to suffer from intestinal colic. Tried it different means, but sleepless nights continued. Friends, throwing up their hands, even advised showing the child to healers. Since it was our first child, we simply didn’t know what to do. It turned out that everything was as simple as shelling pears, all you had to do was contact your pediatrician. She immediately prescribed this wonderful water for us and the pharmacy prepared it especially for us. True, at first we were not particularly happy about it, since its effect appeared after five feedings, but nevertheless, the suffering of both the baby and ours stopped. It’s good that the drug has a pleasant taste and smell, so there’s no problem giving it to your baby. I would like to recommend that all young mothers take dill water so as not to torment the baby and sleep peacefully at night.

Margarita: Two weeks after birth, our baby began to scream, especially at night, and it was noticeable that he was tormented by pain in his tummy. The husband ran in the middle of the night to the pharmacy, where he was advised to take dill water. The drug is wonderful in both taste and smell, natural composition and convenient packaging with a dispenser, but here therapeutic effect We never found any of its advantages. Perhaps the fact is that we were trying to help our child concentrate ready-made remedy, which needs to be diluted with water and probably its dose turned out to be too weak. However, the drug turned out to be powerless and the cause could be anything, but it did not help us. Therefore, I recommend not to listen to the advice of pharmacists at the pharmacy, but to go straight to the doctor. That's what we did. We remember that time not joyfully. Since we were hoping for help from the drug, we spent several more sleepless days and nights.

Raila: Our deepest bow to the drug dill water and my son and I’s gratitude. As is usual with newborn babies, my son began to suffer from intestinal colic three weeks after birth. A trip to the pharmacy led to a replenishment home first aid kit a bunch of expensive drugs and zero effect from them. On the advice of my mother, who came to visit us, we purchased an inexpensive remedy, dill water, which we accepted with slight doubt. The effect, which was amazing, was noticeable almost immediately, and how could I not have thought to ask my mother before, who, smiling, said that she treated me with the same water. This affordable and time-tested remedy turned out to be our salvation. I recommend it to everyone.

There are often cases when dill water for newborns is the only remedy approved for use in the treatment of abdominal colic. This is a natural medicine made from the seeds or greens of fennel, also known as fennel. You can buy it or make it yourself - the recipe for the drug is simple and consists of ingredients available to everyone.

The pharmaceutical version of the drug is a weak yellowish liquid with a faint anise smell and a strong spicy taste. It comes in children's form. herbal tea, concentrate for preparing a solution or a ready-to-use product. They all have the same medicinal properties, but differ slightly in the method of preparation and dosage when used.

The main component of the product for infants is not the usual salad dill, but its close relative - fennel. The seeds of this plant are used to brew water. The concentration of the substance in the finished solution should not exceed 0.05-0.1%. Various manufacturers can add additional components to it to enhance healing properties. Most often these are essential oils or extracts of fennel, anise, chamomile and others. medicinal plants. They enhance the effect of the substance and have an additional antispasmodic effect to quickly relieve discomfort in the baby.

Operating principle

Fennel water has a strong carminative effect thanks to the essential oils of this plant. Regular dill has similar properties, but they are much less pronounced. Once in the intestines, oils prevent the accumulation of gas bubbles in it and accelerate their removal through the rectum, and also reduce gas formation and have a slight antiseptic effect.

Fennel oil also has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, normalizing the functioning of its muscles. This contributes to easier and faster movement and subsequent removal of feces and gases from gastrointestinal tract, which prevents their excessive accumulation. Thus, dill water reduces the pressure on the walls of the intestines and prevents them from expanding, which causes the disappearance of pain and discomfort in the baby.

As a result, the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract improves, food begins to be better absorbed, the quality of metabolism and the amount received by the child’s body useful substances growing. This has a beneficial effect on the entire body: heart function stabilizes, condition improves respiratory system and kidneys, regenerative abilities are enhanced, due to which scratches and wounds begin to heal faster. Thus, consuming dill infusion is very beneficial in the long run.

Indications and effects on the body

The main indication for the use of fennel mixture is intestinal colic in infants. This condition occurs in almost every baby. early stages life due to adaptation digestive system To breast milk or nutritional formula. It is caused by excessive accumulation of gases, which cause long-term pressure on the intestinal walls and expand them, causing pain.

Symptoms of colic are pronounced discomfort in an infant, occurring during or immediately after feeding and ending after natural bowel movements or release of gas. Most often, a decoction of pharmaceutical dill is the only remedy that can be used in children one month old or younger to combat this condition. It has the following effects on the body:

  • helps remove gases and feces from the body;
  • relaxes smooth muscles, having an antispasmodic effect on it;
  • provides a bactericidal effect without affecting the state of the natural microflora of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • relieves pain by reducing the load on the intestinal walls;
  • helps relieve inflammation;
  • stimulates kidney function and has a diuretic effect;
  • helps improve appetite in newborns;
  • improves production digestive enzymes, which helps the body absorb food and prevents future disorders in the intestines;
  • strengthens the immune system due to high content vitamins and other useful substances;
  • calms the child and has a beneficial effect on his sleep.

According to the instructions for using dill water for newborns, this drug is symptomatic, that is, it is unable to completely cure intestinal colic. However, it eliminates a significant part of the unpleasant and pain in the child, allowing him to eat frequently and nutritiously. This condition most often does not require more thorough treatment and goes away on its own as the baby grows and his digestive system develops. This usually happens around 6 months of age.

“Sometimes adults with digestive disorders take an infusion of fennel seeds. It is especially useful for nursing mothers, as it improves lactation.”

Directions for use

The method for taking dill infusion is the same regardless of how it was prepared. Before giving it to your baby, you need to do a test for an allergic reaction. To do this, the baby is given half a teaspoon of the decoction to drink and carefully monitored throughout the day, noticing any changes in well-being and behavior. If there are none, this means that the drug can be prescribed in normal doses.

You can give your baby water from a spoon, or you can also give him a bottle or a syringe, slowly pouring the liquid into his mouth drop by drop. If he refuses to take the medicine, then it needs to be made more familiar - for this, dill tincture can be diluted in milk or nutritional formula, which is usually given to the child. Instructions for preparation and use different forms solution looks like this:

“If the child responds normally to the medicine, has no contraindications to it and does not show symptoms of allergies or other disorders, you can take dill water for as many days, weeks or months as you like until the colic disappears. However, it is worth remembering that this remedy does not help with other digestive disorders and stool problems - for these, you need to consult a doctor for other medications.”

Side effects and contraindications

Dill decoction or solution can act very gently on the baby’s body, so there are practically no side effects when consuming it. Reason undesirable consequences The only thing that can happen is an individual intolerance to fennel or dill in a child, an allergy to them, or a difficult adaptation of the body to a new product. These conditions manifest themselves in the form of scabies, skin lesions, rashes, shortness of breath and other typical symptoms allergic reaction. If they occur, you should stop using the drug immediately and then consult a doctor.

The list of contraindications for taking the drug is also small. It includes the following pathologies:

  • individual intolerance to dill or fennel;
  • any diseases and conditions in which a decrease in blood pressure is observed;
  • congenital heart defects.

An overdose of dill tincture can only occur if it is used in very large quantities and very rarely occurs due to non-compliance with the dosage. Its main symptom is sharp decline blood pressure. Treatment is symptomatic.

Price and analogues

The price in pharmacies for ready-made dill water for newborns is about 95-150 rubles. The cost of concentrates and tea varies from 300 to 600 rubles and depends on the manufacturer, supplier, quantity of the drug in the package and region. Purchasing a ready-made solution can be difficult - it is prepared on site separately for each customer, and not all pharmacies have this function.

The product is available without a prescription. However, before using it, it is still advisable to consult a pediatrician, especially if the child has health problems. It is necessary to describe the symptoms to the doctor so that he can understand whether they are the result of colic or another disease.

You cannot store prepared dill water for more than one day. Ampoules with concentrate and tea bags should be kept in the refrigerator and used no later than a month after opening. The shelf life of the first is 2 years, and the second is 12 months. It is worth paying attention to ensure that the baby cannot get to the medicine and use it without the mother’s knowledge.

List of analogs to dill broth not very big. These are extremely safe and natural medicines based on herbs and other plants that help with colic and are suitable for use in infancy. These include the drugs Espumisan Baby, Sub-simplex, Bobotik and Plantex. However, their composition is not identical to dill water, therefore the list of side effects and contraindications, method of application and dosage may differ significantly.

Cooking at home

You can make dill water for newborns yourself if you don’t have it in a pharmacy nearby or saving money is very important. To do this, you should buy fennel seeds and do the following with them:

You can also make dill water for a newborn using the seeds of regular salad dill. This is even easier to do than making fennel decoction. Step by step instructions looks like this:

  1. Place 1 teaspoon of dill seeds in a cup.
  2. Bring the water to boiling water and pour in the seeds.
  3. Leave covered for one hour.
  4. Strain and cool the finished mixture.

“A solution with fennel seeds gives much better therapeutic results, but regular dill is easier to get. Both decoctions need to be prepared anew every day. Liquids that the baby has not had time to consume cannot be used.”

In order to make dill water for newborns, you can also replace a teaspoon of fennel seeds with 2-3 grams of crushed dried fruits. Sometimes a pharmacy is also used, in which 0.05 g of the essential oil of this plant is simply diluted in one liter of water, but this will be more expensive.

If necessary, you can also brew dill water for a newborn from fresh dill. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Very finely chop 100 g of fresh herbs.
  2. Pour 1 tablespoon of chopped dill into 150 ml clean water, previously brought to a boil.
  3. Leave for one hour.
  4. Strain the broth so that the child does not accidentally choke on the remaining dill.

All decoctions prepared according to home recipes should be taken in the same way as regular ones: a teaspoon at a time, if necessary, diluted with milk or the child’s usual dose. nutritional mixture. If you prepare them correctly, the effect of homemade tinctures will not be much inferior to that of pharmaceutical ones.