How to prepare dill water. Dill water for newborns - benefits and application

After birth, the baby's gastrointestinal tract begins active process adaptation digestive system before meals - breast milk or formula. As a result of this process, after about a month, almost all babies. They are caused by excessive gas and bloating.

Symptoms occur intestinal colic most often during feeding of the newborn or immediately after it. The child draws in his legs, starts crying, and blushes. Only natural bowel movements and removal of gases bring relief to the baby. Any mother in such a situation wants to alleviate the suffering of her child. A time-tested remedy will come to the rescue - dill water .

Dill water is a proven remedy for colic for babies.

Dill water for newborns is a solution of fennel oil (0.1%). Fennel is popularly called " pharmaceutical dill“That’s why the tincture from its fruits was called dill water. Children can be given dill water to help relieve intestinal colic almost from birth.

A modern analogue of dill water is the drug Plantex. It is made from fennel seed extract and comes in powder form. It must be dissolved in breast milk or water in the proportion specified in the instructions. The drug can be used from the second week after birth.

However, if the baby, in addition to intestinal colic, also has other symptoms of indigestion, dill water will not help. If you have upset stool (,), bloating, or loss of appetite, you should consult a doctor.

What are the benefits of urop and dill water?

Preparations based on dill and fennel have a huge number of beneficial properties:

  • Cleanses the body of putrefactive formations and helps the production and cultivation of beneficial microscopic flora;
  • Reduces and relaxes smooth muscle spasms;
  • Helps facilitate blood flow to almost all corners, dilates blood vessels;
  • By expanding, it reduces pressure on the intestinal walls;
  • Is a diuretic;
  • Calms and relieves inflammation in the body;
  • Stabilizes heart function;
  • When taken continuously, it increases the passage in the bronchi, relieves resistance air flow, entering the bronchi, and does not allow them to stagnate in the respiratory tract;
  • When coughing, dilutes mucus and promotes its removal;
  • Improves bile secretion;
  • Improves appetite;
  • Enhances mother's lactation.
  • It is a wonderful remedy for constipation.
  • Has antibacterial properties.
  • Improves kidney function.
  • Calms, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and sleep.
  • ... and helps heal ulcers, all kinds of wounds and fractures.

Dill water does an excellent job of removing gases in babies by relieving spasms of the intestinal muscles. Its regular use will relieve your baby of pain and improve the digestion process.

The benefits of dill water for women who are breastfeeding have also been noted - it normalizes digestion and has a slight calming effect.

Dill water for infant colic - Dr. Komarovsky

Buy or prepare dill water at home (cooking recipe)

Purchasing ready-made dill water is quite problematic. You can buy it in pharmacies that have a prescription department, where medications are filled on the spot according to a prescription. The average price for dill water is 150 rubles per 100 ml.

But don’t despair if there is no pharmacy with a prescription department nearby. In this case, you can buy “Plantex”, which is prepared from fennel fruits or “pharmacy dill”. It is sold in dry sachets. "Plantex" can be given to a baby from the age of two weeks, just from the time when the baby begins to experience intestinal colic. Also, instead of dill water and Plantex, the following will relieve a newborn’s intestinal colic medicines, like " " and " ".

The recipe for making dill water at home is very simple:

Note to moms!

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  1. Pour a teaspoon of dry fennel seeds, previously ground in a coffee grinder or blender, into a glass (250 ml).
  2. Fill with hot water.
  3. Let it brew for 40-45 minutes.
  4. Strain.
  5. No more than one spoonful of water should be added to expressed milk/baby formula and given to the newborn. For very small infants from two weeks to a month you need to drip 15 drops onto the tongue. Store for a day.

You can prepare dill water using essential oil fennel. It is necessary to dissolve 0.05 g of oil in a liter of water. This solution can be stored for about a month in the refrigerator. It is then warmed to room temperature before administration.

How to prepare dill water if you don’t have fennel?

Instead, you can simply use regular dill seeds:

  1. Pour boiling water (1 cup) over dill seeds (1 tsp).
  2. Let it sit for an hour.
  3. Strain.

If you have fresh dill, you can brew dill tea for kids. To do this, pour one tablespoon of chopped dill into 100 ml of boiling water and leave for about an hour. Strain, cool and use as dill water.

The water for making any product should be purified, and all utensils should be rinsed with boiling water before cooking. Babies up to a month old are given only freshly prepared dill water.

Method and amount of dill water use

How to give your baby dill water depends on the method of feeding.

Children who are on breastfeeding Dill water is given from a spoon, but artificial ones can be poured into a bottle. Although also the best way When taking the medicine, use a spoon - this makes it more convenient to dose the dill water.

Colic is a phenomenon that most newborn babies experience. Every mother asks the question: how to relieve painful sensations baby? Dill water has proven itself to be fast and effective. By eliminating spasms in the gastrointestinal tract of the baby, water relieves colic and pain.

What is included in dill water?

Despite the name, it consists this remedy from fennel, or rather from its seeds. Since ancient times, fennel has been used by healers to combat gas formation in newborn children and adults. You can prepare the infusion yourself or buy it at the pharmacy. This plant is absolutely safe for infants and has a number of beneficial properties.

“Magic” properties of dill water

  1. Improves digestion
  2. Reduces gas formation
  3. Promotes the removal of gases
  4. Reduces the number of intestinal spasms
  5. Calms
  6. Has anti-inflammatory properties
  7. Effectively increases lactation in nursing mothers

Buy or make it yourself?

You can purchase dill water only in special pharmacies where medications are prepared according to individual prescriptions. Such pharmacies are not found often, and dill water is constantly needed during periods of increased gas formation in a baby. Therefore, many parents have learned to prepare dill water themselves. Plus, it's not difficult at all.

Methods for preparing dill water

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How to prepare this medicine yourself at home? There are various ways manufacturing, you can choose any of them. The main thing is to cook using purified water and quality ingredients. Otherwise, the baby may develop an allergy.

Recipe No. 1

  • Fennel (chopped fruits) – 2-3 gr.
  • Water – 250 ml.

To prepare the infusion, purchase fennel fruits at any pharmacy, grind them into powder and pour boiling water over them. Infuse the dill water for 30 minutes, then strain.

Recipe No. 2

  • Fennel seeds – 1 tsp.
  • Water – 250 ml.

Grind the fennel seeds and pour into the pan. Add boiling water to the seed powder and leave the infusion to simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes. Add boiled water, as much as needed until the required quantity. Cool the infusion and strain.

Recipe No. 3

Fennel is called “pharmaceutical dill,” so you can prepare water using the dill itself.

  • Dill seeds – 1 tsp.
  • Water – 250 ml.

Dill seeds should be brewed with boiling water, left for 1-2 hours, and strained.

Recipe No. 4

  • Fresh dill – 1 tbsp.
  • Water – 150 ml.

Finely chop the dill and pour boiling water over it. The dill water should steep for 1 hour, after which it should be strained.

Recipe No. 5

The method by which dill water is made in pharmacies. To implement it, simply mix the ingredients.

  • Fennel essential oil – 0.05 g.,
  • Water – 1 l.

How to store?

Store the prepared dill water in a glass container in the refrigerator. Maximum term storage – 30 days. Then you need to prepare a fresh preparation. The shelf life of purchased dill water is the same.

Before giving the infusion to your baby, warm it to room temperature. To do this, pour the required amount into a bottle or spoon in advance and leave the water to heat up naturally.

At what age is it allowed to give?

Dill water is prescribed at the first manifestations of increased gas formation. Most often this happens at 2-3 weeks of a child’s life. However, it happens that this infusion is recommended from the first days of life. In any case, before giving your baby anything other than breast milk, you should consult your pediatrician. Allergies from dill water practically do not occur, but you should be careful when introducing a new product.

How much to give to a baby?

The attending physician will decide how many drops of infusion to give your baby. But it is usually recommended to start taking the infusion with 1 tsp. 1 time per day. If the allergy does not manifest itself, increase the number of doses to 3 times a day. Water should be given before meals. IN in some cases the drug is prescribed up to 6 times a day.

How to take the infusion?

Some kids are happy to drink dill water from a spoon as much as they are given. But not all babies like the spicy taste of the infusion. IN in this case add the product to the formula bottle or breast milk. If you are not using a bottle, dilute the infusion with breast milk in a spoon. Sometimes mothers try to give their babies water using a special syringe (without a needle, of course). But be very careful when using the syringe, as the newborn is at risk of choking.

Allergy to dill water

In some cases, children are allergic to dill/fennel. The allergy may appear as a rash on the face or hands. In this case, be sure to use antihistamines. Your doctor will have to decide whether to give your baby dill water in the future if an allergy appears.

How else can you help your baby with colic?

With increased gas formation, you can not only prepare dill water for your baby, but also significantly help him in other ways.

  1. Place a warm diaper on your baby's stomach. You can heat it up with an iron. Make sure that the diaper is not too hot.
  2. Wrap a wool scarf around your baby's belly. Do not tighten the scarf, its main function is warmth.
  3. Hold your baby close to you with your tummy. Carry him in this position in your arms, rocking and soothing him, as long as necessary.
  4. Place a warm diaper on the baby's stomach and lightly press the abdominal area with your palms.
  5. Give your baby a massage. To do this, you need to consult with a specialist; you can’t just knead a baby’s belly.
  6. After consulting with your doctor, you can give your baby Plantex and Baby Calm for prevention. To eliminate increased gas formation - Espumisan L, Bobotik.

The gastrointestinal tract in newborns is just developing. Colic is a normal process that the vast majority of children go through. Most often, the baby’s tummy stops tormenting him at 3 months. Be patient and calm. Give your baby even more warmth and affection, and remember that this period will pass very soon.

From the video you can learn about massage techniques for colic in infants.

The appearance of a child in a family is not only great joy for parents, but also a huge responsibility for this restless bundle of happiness. There are initially many problems with newborn children: from the parents’ inability to handle their firstborn to serious problems with the baby's health. We sincerely wish you not to know the latter, but the former comes with experience. With each new day spent with your baby, you will feel more confident, and the fear of doing something wrong will gradually go away.

The crying of a child becomes an alarming signal for parents. Since a newborn cannot express his thoughts and desires in words, he will demand something by crying. If you are sure that the baby is fed, has a clean diaper, and is neither cold nor hot, then most likely he is suffering from colic. The problem is unpleasant for adults and very painful for the baby, who may burst into tears during such attacks. Don't ignore! It is in your power to help your child.

Colic and its symptoms

Colic is severe pain in the intestines. This phenomenon is characteristic of children aged two weeks and can be observed up to six months of the child’s life.

The reasons are varied:

  1. Unformed microflora gastrointestinal tract: in a newborn baby, all the mucous membranes inside are initially sterile and are just beginning to “grow” beneficial microorganisms. Since the baby during this period of life needs large number milk/formula, the intestines may not be able to cope with such a load. Here it should be taken into account that when splitting milk protein is happening large selection gases that cause severe discomfort to the newborn if they do not escape.
  2. The child swallows air when he eats. This phenomenon is usually typical for premature babies or those injured in the process. labor activity children, since they often have problems nervous system. The baby also swallows air if feeding is interrupted by his cry. If your baby does this, be sure to hold him in a column after feeding so that the air comes out of the stomach.
  3. The diet of a nursing mother, compiled incorrectly. Since you are breastfeeding, remember to eat reasonable restrictions, because some foods can cause colic in your baby. You should not eat fried meat, legumes, a lot of fruits and vegetables (especially if they are not processed), confectionery. If you cannot deny yourself such products, transfer your baby to artificial feeding.

Signs that a newborn has colic:

  • the child’s anxiety, expressed by crying, turning into a scream;
  • pressing the legs towards the stomach;
  • refusal to eat or, conversely, a constant desire to suckle on the breast/bottle;
  • feeding is interrupted by screaming.

If you observe these signs in your child, then immediately try to help him. The most proven (and most affordable) way to get rid of colic is dill water.

What are the benefits of dill water?

Dill water has long been known folk remedy, which acts on the principle of an antispasmodic: it relieves spasms from the intestinal muscles, after which, as a rule, the baby gets rid of excess gas. This is all accompanied by loud sounds and, possibly, unpleasant smell, but after the spasm finally goes away, your baby will fall asleep soundly, because he was so tired while he was tormented by colic.

Dill water helps the intestines “overgrow” with beneficial microflora, which promotes adaptation to new microorganisms that enter inside, and also serves as a good prophylactic from colic.

Of course, we do not exclude the possibility of you purchasing ready-made dill water in the prescription department of the pharmacy. But you will sooner find fennel seeds in the bins of your own kitchen cupboards than you will be able to purchase a ready-made preparation.

An analogue of dill water is the drug “Plantex”. They have identical properties: both help normalize the gastrointestinal tract, relieve bloating and severe colic. The only difference is the price. Buying fennel fruits (“pharmacy dill”) is much cheaper than buying a special preparation.


  1. After you have bought fennel seeds at the pharmacy, take about three grams and grind them finely.
  2. Pour the resulting powder into a glass of hot boiled water and let it brew for thirty minutes.
  3. After this time, strain the liquid through a fine sieve or cheesecloth until no visible fennel particles remain in the water.

If it is not possible to purchase fennel fruits at the pharmacy now, you can use the seeds of the dill itself. To do this:

Pour a tablespoon of seeds into a liter of hot boiled water and leave for an hour and a half. After this, also strain the liquid from the seeds.

Doctors recommend using fennel due to its hypoallergenicity. Dill can cause a rash on your baby's skin, so if you do use its seeds, carefully monitor your child's reaction. If rashes or redness appear, give your newborn an antihistamine immediately.

How to give water to a child

If you have made water from fennel seeds, then you should give it to your baby one tablespoon every day. As a rule, this product tastes bitter, so when a child refuses to drink it in its pure form, it is permissible to mix it with regular drinking water, with expressed breast milk or formula milk.

When you make medicine from dill seeds, then, remembering possible allergies, give your child one to three teaspoons of water per day. This water can also be added to plain water, expressed milk and formula. Carefully monitor your baby's reaction, and if a rash appears, give antihistamine Still, prepare some water from pharmaceutical fennel.

Usually, both remedies begin to act after 15-20 minutes: the baby will noticeably calm down, and you will hear the accumulated gases beginning to escape. But, having gotten rid of colic once, do not forget to carry out preventive measures so they don't come back.

Colic, first of all, worries the child. With his constant crying, he only lets you know how much he hurts. Do not ignore his message, but immediately take measures to get rid of it unpleasant symptom. Dill water is the most common way to calm a “rebellious” tummy, so keep fennel fruits in reserve until you are sure that your baby is free from colic once and for all.

Video: dill water for baby colic

For those who are not in the know - small excerpts from an article about such water

Dill water for newborns

Among medicinal herbs, used in the fight against colic in newborns, fennel, perhaps, occupies a leading position. The cultivation and use of this fragrant herb, very similar to ordinary dill, has been practiced since ancient times. To this day, fennel seeds are actively used both in medicine and in cosmetology. You can find it in pharmacies huge amount special tea solutions based on fennel, and, what is most interesting, their purpose is very wide: improving lactation in nursing mothers, improving digestion, reducing gas formation in infants, mild sedative.

Dill water: cooking at home

At home, fennel is replaced by dill, as is clear from the name of the drink. For this one teaspoon of dill seeds is poured into a glass of boiling water, after which infuses for an hour. It is better to use specially purified water.

After one hour, the dill seeds are filtered through a sieve and the cooled dill water is given to the newborn (the dosage depends on the age of the child).

How to give dill water to a newborn: dosage

It is most convenient to give dill water to newborns in a bottle. Its taste does not disgust the baby and, in most cases, infants are happy to drink a healthy “cocktail”. If the baby is breastfed without supplementary feeding with dry formula, you can give dill water with a teaspoon. This way, the baby will not get used to the nipple or bottle.

How much dill water to give to a newborn depends on the child’s age. During the first doses, it is important to monitor the baby, as fennel can cause allergic reaction, although such cases are quite rare. The recommended dosage of dill water for infants is one teaspoon before meals. To begin with, you need to take it three times a day and, if no allergic reaction is observed, gradually increase the number of doses to 6 times a day.

Contents of the article:

The birth of a child is one of the main events in a woman’s life, but many young mothers do not know how to properly care for their baby. The most difficult period is the first 6 months, when the child needs increased attention and special care. Now mothers will have to learn to overcome a large number of different difficulties - for example, properly rocking a child, feeding, etc.

The very first and most painful problems for newborn babies are digestive problems. As a result of adaptation to new food, the child may develop quite painful colic in the stomach, due to which he begins to behave restlessly, constantly cries, and inexperienced parents simply do not know how to alleviate his condition.

Pediatricians say that colic in the tummy is a completely normal and natural process. Today, the pharmacy offers a fairly wide range of different products to solve this problem. However, not all parents want to use pharmaceuticals, but there is an alternative, effective and completely safe way- dill water, which you can easily make yourself at home.

Dill water: what is it?

The simplest seeds are used to make dill water. of this plant, which can also be eaten. For many decades, dill has been used in the preparation of a variety of medicines and preparations. This plant is used to obtain anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory and sedative decoctions.

Essential dill oil helps to quickly get rid of flatulence, as well as intestinal colic in newborns. Simple dill water, which is easy and quick to make yourself at home, can significantly alleviate a child’s condition.

Dill will also help strengthen immune system women who were weakened during childbirth, while it helps to increase the amount of breast milk.

Dill (fennel) seeds and oil of this plant can be used to prepare dill water. Today you can buy ready-made dill water, but it is best to make it yourself.

Useful properties of dill water

Fennel or dill is one of the most effective and completely safe natural remedies, which helps to quickly get rid of intestinal colic in newborns. This herb has been used as a medicine for many centuries. And today fennel seeds are used both in folk medicine and in commercial practice.

Fennel can be used to prepare a wide variety of medicinal tinctures, which not only give desired effect, but are also completely harmless. As a rule, they are used as a component of a variety of herbal teas designed to eliminate signs of flatulence and intestinal upset, have a mild calming effect and help enhance lactation during breastfeeding.

To prepare dill water at home, you need to use fennel seeds. First, they must undergo special processing, after which a medicinal infusion is obtained from them. You can also purchase dill water ready-made at almost any pharmacy.

During the first year of life, if the child does not experience hunger, he will not be bothered by unpleasant painful colic. However, when a feeling of anxiety appears, he begins to cry non-stop, and in this case fennel seeds come to the rescue, which not only alleviate the baby’s condition, but also help get rid of pain associated with increased gas formation.

A child is born at a time when his digestive system is not yet ready to absorb complex food, and if the diet changes frequently, painful colic will inevitably appear. These signs are a completely natural process that affects almost 90% of newborn children.

Approximately 1–2 months after birth, the baby begins to suffer from painful colic, with the most strong sensations appear in the late afternoon, after or during feeding. The occurrence of intestinal discomfort in a child directly depends on the mother’s nutrition, and a similar phenomenon can also result from swaddling the newborn too tightly.

The child reacts to pain with strong crying, and parents simply cannot look at the suffering of their baby and begin to look for a variety of methods and methods that will help alleviate his condition.

Pharmacy dill water

The main ingredient of this medicinal infusion is natural fennel essential oil. With its help, you can relieve spasms of the intestinal muscles, due to which accumulated gases are removed from the body.

Most effective means dill water is for newborn children, as it helps to get rid of painful sensations. It can be used from birth to six months.

Dill infusion not only promotes accelerated removal of gases, but also has a pronounced effect antibacterial effect, and also ensures the normalization of the child’s digestive system.

This product can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. Dill water is sold in 100 g containers. The ratio of water and fennel in the finished infusion is 1000:1.

The finished product can be stored for no more than 30 days in a fairly cool place. Before purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date.

Fennel essential oil is widely used in folk medicine, and it is also used in cosmetology.

Fennel is also called pharmaceutical dill, which is why the product prepared on its basis was called “Dill Water”. This infusion is used very widely today, as it has positive action on flatulence, while helping to quickly freshen breath, removes even severe headaches, has a biliary and diuretic effect, and helps improve the functioning of the respiratory system and heart.

Dill water recipe

If desired, you can easily prepare dill water yourself and the whole process will not take much time.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • fennel oil - 0.05 g;
  • distilled or filtered water - 1 liter.
  1. First you need to heat the water a little, then dissolve the fennel oil in it and mix well.
  2. The prepared solution can be stored in a glass container with a tightly closed lid in the refrigerator, but not longer than 30 days.
To prepare a soothing tincture, you need to use fennel and chamomile flowers.

How to make dill water for newborns?

To prepare dill water for newborns, you will need to take:
  • dill seeds - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water (purified) - 1 tbsp.
  1. Water is poured into any container and boiled.
  2. The fire is turned down to a minimum and dill seeds are added to the water (boiling).
  3. After a minute, the stove is turned off and the container with the broth is covered with a terry towel and left in this state for exactly one hour.
  4. To prepare dill water infusion for newborns, you can use only filtered water, which does not have any foreign impurities, since simple tap water may cause serious harm to the child's health.
  5. After the specified period of time, the infusion will reach room temperature, after which it must be filtered.
  6. Effective and completely safe medicine ready to eat.
Depending on the age and weight of the baby, the amount of dill water that can be given at one time will be determined. It would be best to consult a pediatrician.

Dill water or tea?

Today, quite a large number of different recipes for preparing dill water are known, but traditional method involves the use of fennel seeds or essential oil.

In some cases, there is an urgent need to immediately prepare dill tea or infusion, so you can use simple dill.

You will need to take several green or dry sprigs of dill and purified water (500 g). Dill sprigs are placed in a porcelain container and boiling water is poured in until they are completely covered with liquid. The container is covered with a lid and wrapped in a warm towel, then left for an hour so that the product can infuse well. After the specified time, it is necessary to remove all dill sprigs and filter the medicine. The broth must be cooled until it reaches room temperature.

Disadvantages of dill water

Like any remedy traditional medicine, dill water does not help everyone and it is not always possible to get the desired result. In some cases, in children, intestinal function quickly returns to normal, and sometimes in children, the unpleasant painful sensations only intensify.

To check whether dill water will help a newborn or not, you need to give the product to the child and watch the reaction.

If dill water does not help, it’s okay, because you can use other means that will help normalize the functioning of the child’s digestive system.

If dill water does not help, you should not try to achieve desired result by increasing the dosage of the drug. It is important to remember that the decoction has only a temporary effect, but by 5–6 months the problem of intestinal colic goes away on its own in children.

About the positive effect on intestinal health infant Almost everyone knows dill water, but it is worth considering that each child exhibits an individual reaction to fennel tincture.

Various causes provoke the appearance of pain in the intestines, therefore treatment methods should be different. In some cases, after drinking dill water, increased gas formation. Similar effect Pharmacies can also be given.

Despite the fact that dill water is considered universal remedy, it can provoke a fairly strong allergic reaction in a child. That is why before you start using it, you should definitely consult your pediatrician.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that dill water is not a magic remedy and does not always help get rid of intestinal colic in newborns.

In an infant, this reaction may be caused by the mother's nutrition. If new foods are introduced into your baby’s diet, you need to pay close attention to the reaction to them. child's body. It is useful for a child to regularly have a simple massage, not forgetting the benefits of walks. fresh air and simple water procedures. All this will have a positive effect on the child’s health and will help get rid of intestinal colic.

How to make dill water yourself, watch this video instruction: