White discharge in a 7 year old girl. Discharge in girls: white, yellow, brown discharge

I’ll write a little about the hygiene of girls under one year old, because... this topic is relevant to every mother and now often causes fear and panic, and not all medical staff can calm the young mother; medications are often prescribed unnecessarily for the simple physiological condition of the child.
Most often the question goes like this: “At three months old, my daughter began to have copious white discharge from her pussy. There used to be, too, but not a lot, but now there are a lot. What to do? What is this?"
White discharge in a girl at 3 months, 4 months, 7 months, 8 months and 9 months is a very common question that frightens mothers.

According to physiology, girls produce a small amount of protective lubricant - smegma, so mother can often see white discharge in the folds of the labia. There are several physiological periods in girls: from 3 to 4.5 months, from 7 to 9 months and at the beginning of adolescence before the appearance of menstruation, in which the amount of smegma, i.e. the amount of discharge may increase significantly - this is normal and does not require treatment or intervention! The discharge will remain white or white-yellow in color, without an unpleasant or pungent odor (if your daughter suddenly has itching, anxiety due to the discharge, a strong or unpleasant odor, a greenish or gray tint to the discharge, then you need to consult a doctor!) .

What to do with vaginal discharge in girls in their first year of life?

  • If there is a lot of discharge, clean it carefully. Or remove them once a day using a cotton pad (gauze pad) soaked in natural (preferably filtered) oil! When choosing an oil, pay attention to the fact that it is natural; synthetic oils such as Johnson Baby or massage oils from a pharmacy will cause harm. will clog the pores and ducts of the sebaceous glands, prevent the skin from breathing and create a film. A non-refined, cold-pressed food product of which you are confident is suitable (apricot, jojoba, almond or grape seed is best, but high-quality sunflower or olive oil is also possible). Or use high quality purified oil with a purification certificate (). Regular food grade deodorized and refined oils can cause a strong local reaction).
  • Continue regular genital hygiene (from the pubis to the anus). After stool, if necessary, wash with natural baby soap, but do not overuse soap and foam, just wash thoroughly with water. Wash off any remaining cream or powder if it gets on this area.
  • Do not use powder on the external genital area (only on the butt).

What should not be done about discharge in girls at this age?

  • Do not wash them with soap or detergent. And also remove using wet or baby wipes, because... the impregnation of the napkins contains drying and irritating substances.
  • Don't try to remove the discharge too often!
  • It is impossible not to remove selections at all. Smegma protects organs, but like any sebum, over time it absorbs secretions, sweat and becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi, so you should not let smegma turn into old lumps, appear gray or smell, because further this will cause irritation on the skin, redness, and can lead to “thrush” or bacterial flora.
  • There is no need to try to treat physiological discharge with medications, even Linex or other probiotics, if there is no suspicion of illness. If the doctor suspects that the origin of the discharge is not physiological, let them conduct tests before prescribing treatment. Because The microflora can be easily disrupted if probiotics are administered inappropriately or unnecessarily in the first year of life.
  • Do not frequently use soap or other cleaning products for your child unless necessary. Avoid using bubble bath; unfortunately, most often it is the abuse of soap and cosmetics, as well as a reaction to chemical surfactants, that leads to fusion of the labia or excessive discharge. It is better not to use synthetic cosmetics or soap - they dry and irritate and can create a film on the skin. Now there is an excellent selection of natural soaps from scratch, including children’s soaps without essential oils (not to be confused with handmade soaps made from base or gel, which contain various unknown chemical surfactants that are clearly not suitable for children).
  • Do not use potassium permanganate and herbal decoctions for washing. For physiological discharge, they are not needed, and their use can lead to dryness and irritation.

Also, the reason for an increase in physiological secretions can be:

  • Taking hormonal medications or hormonal contraceptives by the mother during breastfeeding.
  • Severe thyroid diseases in mothers during breastfeeding.
  • Abuse of soy products during breastfeeding (soy without processing and long-term natural fermentation in principle, and also very young children, children under one year old are allowed soy formula for babies, soy yogurt, tofu from 10-12 months), i.e. mother can have tofu , miso, soy sauce, soy yogurt, tempeh, but it is advisable to limit soy milk, soy asparagus, soy oil, soy protein, soy flour, soy sausage, soy meat).

The birth of a daughter is always a pleasant and joyful event. The first tooth, the first step, the first cold, the first fall - each of these events will forever remain in the hearts of passionately loving mothers and fathers. Being inexperienced, young parents are wary of any previously unknown changes that occur in their daughter’s body. For example, the presence of vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) in a girl is quite normal, provided that it is transparent or whitish and mucous, as during puberty, or bloody, which is observed in the first week after birth. Normally, discharge from the genital tract should not have an unpleasant odor or cause concern to the child.

As a rule, the appearance of yellow vaginal discharge in a girl, regardless of the child’s age, is very frightening for parents who are trying their best to protect their child from various infections and diseases. Finding out the cause of yellow discharge in a girl is possible only with a comprehensive assessment of the child’s health, collecting anamnesis and conducting certain laboratory tests.

Puberty is a possible reason for the appearance of yellow discharge in a girl.

The appearance of yellowish discharge in a girl does not always indicate a pathological process. In some cases, yellowish discharge from the genital tract is observed in teenage girls who have reached puberty. A cause for concern is discharge that has acquired a grayish or greenish color, has become thicker and has the smell of rotten fish. All these signs indicate the presence of vaginosis, which is most typical for girls aged 11-15 years. Bacterial vaginosis is a condition in which the microflora in the vagina is disrupted. In this case, the cause of the disease may be frequent acute respiratory infections, hormonal imbalance in the body, poor nutrition, poor personal hygiene, metabolic disorders (obesity, diabetes), etc.

The girl has yellow discharge. Perhaps it is vulvovaginitis.

As a rule, the appearance of traces of yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor on a girl’s panties indicates an inflammatory process. If such discharge is accompanied by redness of the vaginal mucous membranes, itching and pain when urinating, then we are talking about vulvovaginitis - an infectious and inflammatory disease.

Most often, girls under 8 years of age are affected, which is associated with the characteristics of the vaginal microflora in childhood. At a young age, before the onset of puberty, there are no lactic acid bacteria in the microflora of a girl’s vagina, the main function of which is to protect against infection. The absence of lactobacilli in combination with a weakened immune system or a history of allergies are favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Vulvovaginitis with the appearance of yellow discharge in a girl is usually caused by streptococcus, enterococcus, fungal microorganisms, staphylococcus, and E. coli.

The main reasons for the development of vulvovaginitis and the occurrence of yellow discharge in girls:

1. Infection:

  • getting dirt and infection into the vagina (unwashed hands, sitting on the floor without underwear, swimming in a dirty pond);
  • helminthic infestations, namely pinworms that crawl into the vagina (discharge is accompanied by itching in the perineum and around the anus, which intensifies at night).

2. Exposure to chemicals:

  • severe allergic reaction to soap, cream or shampoo used in daily care.

3. Mechanical damage to the vaginal mucosa:

  • inflammation in the vagina, as a result of irritation and diaper rash from swaddling;
  • a foreign body stuck in the vagina, which the child accidentally inserted into the vagina (in this case, the discharge acquires a dark yellow tint and a pronounced unpleasant odor).

The girl has yellow vaginal discharge. What to do?

The first thing to do if a girl has yellow discharge is to visit a pediatric gynecologist. Only a specialist can accurately determine the cause of the disease, conduct all the necessary studies and prescribe effective treatment.

Some sources of information posted on the Internet, if a girl has yellow discharge, strongly recommend waiting a week, in the hope that the symptoms of the disease will disappear on their own. Under no circumstances should this be done! At the first signs of illness, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Do not self-medicate under any circumstances! The use of herbal baths or other home remedies does not eliminate the cause of yellow discharge in girls, but only erases the symptoms of the disease, thereby complicating the diagnostic process.

Depending on the suspected cause of the girl’s yellow discharge, the pediatric gynecologist prescribes the appropriate research method:

  • if there is a suspicion of the presence of a foreign object in the vagina, a vaginoscopy is performed;
  • To determine the causative agent of a urogenital infection (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc.), its sensitivity to a particular antibiotic, a smear and culture of the vaginal microflora are performed.

The girl has yellow discharge. How to treat?

The treatment plan for vulvovaginitis is determined individually after assessing the results of the studies. Symptomatic therapy includes the use of powders and baths to reduce itching and redness. Elimination of pathogenic microorganisms is carried out by prescribing antibiotic therapy, as well as using special suppositories and ointments for sanitizing the vagina. To avoid recurrence of the inflammatory process, when girls have yellow discharge, drugs are prescribed to strengthen the immune system, namely, complexes of vitamins and minerals. To restore the vaginal microflora, eubiotics are used - preparations containing bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

What to do if your daughter or son has genital discharge? First of all, don't panic. The discharge does not have good causes, but they are all eliminated. The main thing is to immediately contact a specialist!

Take seriously the fact that your eight-year-old daughter has vaginal discharge. They can be yellow, bloody, white, or less often greenish.

A specialist in color and consistency can determine the cause of the discharge, but to make a diagnosis it is necessary to carry out tests, primarily a smear on the flora.

The causes of such discharge can be infectious diseases, as well as decreased immunity after acute viral diseases.

Bacteria can be introduced by improper washing.

Harmful microorganisms can enter the mucous membranes from a washcloth, someone else's towel, or dirty underwear. The point is the physiological characteristics of the children's vagina and vulva; the mucous membrane is very delicate and loose, therefore it is especially sensitive to any external irritants and susceptible to infections.

Another cause of discharge can be thrush. Inflammation can also be caused by intestinal bacteria during dysbacteriosis. Inflammatory processes and subsequent sexual discharge may be a consequence of pinworms living in the intestines.

It happens that the cause of mucous discharge is an allergy to new hygiene products, washing powder or conditioner, or new underwear. Identify the allergen, eliminate it, and to stop the discharge you need to take a course of histamines according to a doctor’s prescription.

The appearance of mucous discharge may indicate a metabolic disorder in the child’s body.

They can often signal obesity or diabetes.

The inflammatory process can begin due to injury or various foreign objects entering the vagina. Girls may not notice this or be embarrassed to talk about what happened. It is important for a mother to talk with her daughter about intimate topics, because very soon your girl will begin adolescence, and the tradition of close conversations at this time will be very important for the girl. When communicating, talk about the need to practice good hygiene to maintain health.

Previously, girls' periods began at the age of 11-15, but now children mature a little earlier, so be prepared that spotting is already your period. If after a few days they stopped and were not accompanied by additional symptoms (itching, burning, swelling of the labia), then your daughter has become a girl.

If the discharge is not regular, has an unpleasant odor and a cheesy consistency, then you should consult a doctor. To prevent such discharge, you need to teach your daughter to observe the rules of personal hygiene. To care for the genitals, you should use baby soap or special gels; do not use a hard sponge or washcloth. Choose underwear made from natural fabrics and suitable in size. Changing panties and washing should be done daily.

Last article updated: 04/12/2018

Discharge from the genital tract occurs not only in adult women, but also in children. Vaginal discharge in newborn girls may even be bloody. Teenagers during the period of formation of menstrual function are characterized by white discharge. But leucorrhoea can be one of the symptoms of inflammation of the genital tract or an unfavorable state of the body. If you ignore this symptom, it is fraught with gynecological diseases and even infertility in the future. Therefore, mothers should monitor their daughters’ discharge and promptly contact a pediatric gynecologist.


The body of a newly born girl is influenced by maternal hormones. Changes similar to those characteristic of puberty occur in the ovaries, uterus, cervix, vagina, and mammary glands. Therefore, mucous discharge appears. The composition and amount of discharge normally depends on the general physical condition of the body, especially its nervous system, psychogenic factors and the hormonal status of the woman.

3% of newborns may experience bloody or mucous-bloody leucorrhoea. This is a reaction to a sharp drop in sex hormone levels after birth. But inflammatory diseases of the vagina in little girls are rare - this is due to the protective effect of maternal estrogens.

The period of childhood takes a period of time from 2 - 3 weeks of a girl’s life to 7 - 8 years.

The reproductive system is not functioning at this time and there should be no discharge. But right now, inflammatory diseases of the vagina and vulva are most common. There are reasons for this:

1. Immaturity of the immune system.

2. Anatomical features of the child’s body:

  • the vulva is covered with delicate, vulnerable skin, which is susceptible to infections;
  • the vagina is short, folded, close to the anus and urethra;
  • the labia minora are poorly defined, the entrance to the vagina is poorly covered;
  • renewal of the surface layers of the vaginal epithelium occurs slowly, it is poor in glycogen - a source of lactic acid;
  • Vaginal pH is alkaline or neutral;
  • instead of Doderlein's rods, as in adult women, cocci predominate there.

Therefore, discharge in a 4-5 year old girl most often indicates inflammation of the vagina.

Discharge from the genital tract in a 12 year old girl

Puberty takes from 8 to 15 years.

Inflammation of the vulva and vagina is rare. The course of the infection is mild. Girls have no complaints other than bad-smelling leucorrhoea. This indicates the beginning of hormonal changes in girls’ bodies and the maturation of the immune system.

But during this period, thrush is more common. From the beginning of puberty, leucorrhoea may appear due to inflammation of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Discharge in teenage girls can be caused by vegetative-vascular dystonia. They develop due to sudden hormonal fluctuations. In addition to leucorrhoea, girls usually complain of increased fatigue, irritability, poor appetite and sleep.

The appearance of white discharge in girls indicates the beginning of puberty. Such leucorrhoea is not profuse, may have a yellow tint, and is odorless.

Brown discharge in girls

They have this color due to the admixture of blood. They talk about the imminent start of menstruation.

But here the mother should be extremely careful, because brown discharge can occur with inflammatory diseases, injuries to the genital organs, or a foreign body in the vagina.

You should pay attention to the time of appearance and duration of coffee discharge. If they precede menstrual flow or continue for several days after, this is a variant of the norm. If their appearance does not depend on the phase of the cycle, the child should be shown to a specialist.

Green discharge in girls

Yellow-green discharge in a girl indicates an inflammatory process of the vulvar and vaginal mucosa. The green color of the leucorrhoea indicates the presence in the secretions of leukocytes in large numbers, as well as microbes and their metabolic products. There is purulent inflammation in the vagina. Such discharge is typical for gonorrhea, thrush, trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis and other bacterial infections.

Discharge from the genital tract in teenage girls

From 15 to 18 years of age, the reproductive system completes its maturation. The menstrual cycle becomes regular. The egg begins to mature. Normal discharge changes during the menstrual cycle and depends on its phase:

  • light transparent scanty in the first 2 weeks after menstruation;
  • during ovulation, more abundant mucous membranes, transparent, stretchy;
  • two weeks before menstruation, they are light white or with a yellowish tint, their consistency resembles cream.

White discharge in girls

White discharge in girls may be normal if:

Brown discharge in girls

They talk about the formation of the menstrual cycle and the imminent onset of menstruation. If you already have your period, then such discharge may occur 2 days before and after menstruation. In the middle of the cycle due to sudden hormonal surges.

But if they continue for four days or more, you should consult a doctor. This may indicate hormonal imbalances, trauma, a foreign body, or an inflammatory process in the reproductive organs.

  1. Past common infectious diseases. Influenza, ARVI, tonsillitis, otitis media weaken the immune system and contribute to the development of inflammatory processes in the genital organs. In a girl, discharge may appear due to stress, malnutrition, lack of sleep, intoxication, diseases of the heart, lungs, nervous system, and intestines. Vulvovaginitis in girls is often combined with pyelonephritis, anemia, asthenia, metabolic disorders, and tuberculosis.
  2. Allergy. Against the background of atopic discharge, the discharge is abundant, liquid, mucous, and transparent.
  3. For endocrine diseases. When thrush develops, with hyperthyroidism the girl develops copious, light-colored liquid discharge.
  4. Childhood infections: scarlet fever, diphtheria. With diphtheria, the vagina may be primarily affected. The discharge is mucopurulent with films. If a 3-year-old girl has a mucous membrane of the vagina and labia covered with gray films, and when they are removed, a bleeding, erosive surface is exposed, then it is worth examining for diphtheria.
  5. For STIs: gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, herpes, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis. Girls aged 3 years old, as a rule, become infected from their mother, the infection enters their body in utero, during childbirth, if the mother of an STI patient violates the rules of personal hygiene: through unwashed hands after using the toilet, shared washcloths, towels. Sexual transmission is possible in girls who are sexually active. With gonorrhea, there is a thick, green-yellow purulent discharge; crusts form on the skin when it dries; with trichomoniasis, the leucorrhoea is whitish with a greenish tint, bad-smelling, profuse; with chlamydia, the leucorrhoea is not profuse, mucous, less often with pus; with myco-ureaplasma infection, the discharge is serous-purulent.
  6. Violation of personal hygiene rules, dirty hands, improper or lack of washing, swimming in polluted waters leads to the appearance of leucorrhoea caused by staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli, enterococcus, gardnerella. When there is a lingering, thick yellow discharge, stains resembling starch stains remain on the laundry. A girl experiences yellow-green discharge due to inflammation caused by E. coli.
  7. Helminthiasis and enterobiasis. lay eggs on the skin of the perineum, bringing intestinal bacteria into the vagina. This causes itching, burning, provokes the child to scratch the genitals with dirty hands and even masturbate, which leads to a secondary infection and the appearance of discharge in girls.
  8. Foreign body and genital trauma. Children 4 years of age and older can accidentally insert pieces of toilet paper, threads from clothes, small objects (pins, caps) into the vagina during play and forget about it. Foreign objects cause inflammation, profuse, bloody leucorrhoea with pus, smelling rotten. They are difficult to treat until the foreign body is removed.
  9. Antibiotic treatment excessive cleanliness with constant use of soap for washing, excessive consumption of sweets and insufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits can provoke thrush. At the same time, a cheesy, acidic discharge appears. The color is white or green.
  10. Early onset of sexual activity.
  11. INrare habits: alcohol, smoking.

Leucorrhoea due to inflammation of the uterus and appendages most often occurs in adolescents who are sexually active. In girls aged 6 years, adnexitis is rare and, as a rule, is combined with acute appendicitis or other surgical pathology: cholecystitis,

Vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) plays an important role in the health of a woman’s reproductive system. By the color, quantity and consistency of vaginal discharge, one can judge the presence of an inflammatory process in the pelvic organs, hormonal imbalance or the presence of an infectious agent in the body. In addition, the nature of the leucorrhoea can determine readiness for conception, but this only applies to a mature female body.

Is it normal for girls to have discharge? This question arises for every mother who first encounters her daughter’s soiled panties. In this case, the parents’ concern for their child is quite reasonable, since the girl’s discharge may be a sign of an inflammatory disease that requires immediate treatment. In what cases should you consult a doctor, and what discharge in girls is considered normal?

What should a girl's discharge be like normally?

As it turned out, girls have nothing to worry about in the presence of leucorrhoea. Starting from birth, discharge in girls is nothing more than the result of the functioning of the reproductive system and the self-cleaning of the vagina from foreign microorganisms.

Normal discharge in a girl is mucous, transparent or whitish in color, with thread-like or crumbly elements. For example, if bacteria predominate in the composition, vaginal discharge may become yellow or yellow-green, which indicates the presence of an inflammatory-infectious process.

The composition of leucorrhoea in girls includes:

  • epithelial cells lining the vagina;
  • mucus produced by glands;
  • microorganisms for which the vagina is a habitat;
  • leukocytes, etc.

Discharge in girls after birth.

Already a week after birth, quite abundant discharge is released from the girl’s vagina, which can be mucous-bloody or mucous in nature. In addition, there is a slight engorgement of the mammary glands, and when pressure is applied, a thick liquid resembling colostrum may be released from the nipples. This condition is absolutely normal and is called a hormonal (sexual) crisis. These changes are a reaction to the increased level of maternal hormones, which previously passed through the placenta, and after birth entered the girl’s body through breast milk. As a rule, by the 4th week of life, as the supply of sex hormones from the mother decreases, the girl’s discharge completely stops. Treatment as such is not required; it is enough to maintain the girl’s personal hygiene.

In the period from 1 month to 7-8 years, there comes a time of hormonal “calm”. Due to the low concentration of hormones, the amount of mucus produced by the glands is significantly reduced, as a result of which physiological secretions in girls stop. During this period, young girls are most susceptible to the appearance of inflammatory diseases, due to the absence of lactic acid bacteria in the vaginal microflora, which protect against infection and appear during puberty.

The nature of vaginal discharge in girls during puberty.

After a long pause, at about 7-8 years, when a new stage in sexual development begins - puberty, leucorrhoea in girls resumes. This is due to the fact that serious hormonal changes occur in the young lady’s body, which prepare the immature reproductive system for the onset of the first menstruation (menarche). Physiological discharge in girls usually appears a year or two before menarche, and when the menstrual cycle normalizes, it becomes cyclical. A girl’s discharge during puberty is mucous, abundant, more viscous, without an unpleasant odor.

Pathological discharge from a girl. What is the reason?

As a rule, we talk about pathological discharge in cases where the leucorrhoea in girls becomes more abundant, acquires a yellow or greenish tint, and also has an unpleasant odor. Such discharge in girls occurs in the presence of vulvovaginitis or vulvitis - inflammatory processes of the vaginal mucosa. The pathological process is a consequence of the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms inhabiting the vulva, which is facilitated by the alkaline reaction of the vagina and the scarcity of mucous secretions.

Factors contributing to the occurrence of pathological discharge in girls:

Weakened immunity. If there is an infection of bacterial or viral etiology, the child’s body’s defenses are spent on fighting pathogens, as a result of which opportunistic bacteria begin to multiply in the vagina. In addition, with weakened immunity, the inflammatory process in the vagina can be provoked by bacteria of the skin or intestines. When local immunity deteriorates, the vaginal microflora is disrupted and vaginal dysbiosis, or bacterial vaginosis, occurs.

The immune defense of the child’s body is also reduced due to stress, hypothermia, and also as a result of poor nutrition, in which the child does not receive enough necessary vitamins and microelements.

Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. Improper washing, dirty hands of a child, swimming in contaminated bodies of water can cause pathological discharge in girls.

Worm infestation. In some situations, vulvovaginitis occurs against the background of enterobiasis, which is provoked by pinworms - small worms that affect the lower part of the colon. They can crawl into the vagina, introducing intestinal flora into it, causing severe pain and itching. The presence of scratching in the perineum and external genitalia is the main sign of the presence of pinworms.

An infection that is sexually transmitted(chlamydia, trichomonas, mycoplasma, herpes virus, etc.)

Allergic diseases. In allergic children prone to exudative diathesis, vulvovaginitis and atopic vulvitis occur.

Foreign body. Any foreign object that has been introduced into the vagina can cause inflammation: toilet paper or cotton wool, threads from clothes, sand, etc. Some girls accidentally insert small objects into the vagina - small toys, balls, hairpins, etc. It is almost impossible to remove a foreign body without the help of a gynecologist.

Metabolic disorders(obesity, diabetes).

Trauma to the genital organs.

Discharge in girls depending on the cause:

  1. Bacterial vulvovaginitis: redness, itching, profuse leucorrhoea of ​​yellow or greenish-yellow color.
  2. Bacterial vaginosis: discharge of a gray or whitish color, creamy consistency. A characteristic sign of vaginosis is discharge with the smell of rotten fish.
  3. Fungal infection: itching, cheesy whitish discharge.
  4. Trichomonas infection: The discharge can be copious, foamy, sometimes mucopurulent, with an unpleasant odor.
  5. Herpetic infection: the appearance of ulcers and blisters on the genitals, scant discharge.
  6. Worm infestation: scanty discharge, severe itching.
  7. Allergic vulvovaginitis: dry mucous membrane, mucous-watery discharge in a girl.
  8. Foreign body: The child’s discharge becomes profuse, purulent, and foul-smelling.


If a girl has complaints or pathological symptoms, she should immediately contact a pediatric gynecologist. Self-medication can lead to difficulty diagnosing the disease and aggravation of its course.