The best remedies for severe coughs in adults. Folk remedies for different types of cough - decoctions, tinctures, inhalations and rubbing

With the onset of cold weather, the risk of contracting colds increases significantly. Pathogenic microorganisms reaching the surface of the mucous tissues of the respiratory system cause irritation and provoke a cough reflex. Cough tablets, inexpensive but effective, are divided into three main groups: antitussives, mucolic, expectorants.

The drugs included in the above groups have different mechanisms of action. Treatment will be useful only if the drug is selected correctly.

List of inexpensive tablets for wet cough

A wet cough is an attempt by the body to get rid of infections from the bronchi, lungs and larynx. At the same time, the release of mucous secretion signals the presence of a disease of the respiratory organs. At the pharmacy you can buy inexpensive but effective cough medicines based on medicinal plants.

1. Pektusin (Vifitek, Russia). Produced in tablet form for lozenges based on oil eucalyptus leaves And levomenthol. It affects the mucous tissues of the respiratory organs by irritating the receptors, causing an expectorant effect. Relieves inflammation and has an antibacterial effect. It has virtually no contraindications other than individual sensitivity to the components in the composition.

  • Packaging price table. 10 pcs. - 38 rub.

2. Eucalyptus-M (Natur Product, Netherlands). The product contains oil eucalyptus rodata made from its leaves and levomenthol. The tablets have disinfecting properties. They dissolve slowly, which ensures a long-lasting effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, and also reduces the frequency of coughing attacks. Prescribed for the treatment of pharyngitis, inflammation of the membranes of the larynx and trachea.

  • Table 20 pieces -135 rub.

3. Chlorophyllipt (Vifitek, Russia). Herbal medicine based on eucalyptus leaves. Has anti-inflammatory, antiviral effects. Suppresses the growth of microbes and has antistaphylococcal activity. Stimulates the release of secretions and has an expectorant effect. Indicated for the treatment of bronchitis, inflammation of the nasal mucosa, laryngitis, and pneumonia.

  • Table for resorption 0.025 mg 20 pcs. - 105 rubles

Effective medicines for dry cough

A debilitating dry cough is much more difficult to bear than a wet cough. To modify it into a wet state, drugs are used to stimulate liquefaction and removal of mucous secretions.

A dry cough can be a negative symptom not only of colds. If it occurs, before choosing inexpensive but effective cough tablets, you should undergo a medical examination to clarify the diagnosis.

1. Bromhexine (Biosynthesis, RF). Active ingredient bromhexine. The drug thins sputum practically without increasing its volume. Has no pronounced antitussive effect. It is used to treat chronic lung diseases accompanied by an inflammatory process.

  • Table 8 milligrams 50 pieces - 15 rub.

2. Thermopsol (Pharmstandard, Russia). Herbal medicine based thermopsis lanceolata. Stimulates the secretion of the bronchi, helps to liquefy difficult to separate sputum by irritating the receptors of the respiratory tract tissue. Used for dry cough.

  • The price of a package of 20 pieces is 35 rubles.

3. Omnitus (Hemofarma A.D., Serbia). Active ingredient butamirate citrate depresses the cough center. Relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi. Suppresses the inflammatory process, stimulates the release of mucous secretions. Helps in the treatment of cough attacks with poorly formed secretions against the background of diseases caused by bacterial infections.

  • Table 20 mg No10 - 160 rub., 50 mg - 210 rub.

4. Ambroxol (Canonpharma, Russia). Active substance ambroxol. One of the most popular cough tablets, inexpensive but effective among the population. Reduces the viscosity of sputum, increases the speed of its removal.

  • Cost of packing 30 mg tablets 20 pcs. - 45 rub.

Ambroxol has many structural substitutes with the same substance in its composition. Here are some of them:

  • Ambrohexal (Sandoz, Switzerland). Table 30 mg 20 sh-k - 105 rub.
  • Halixol (Egis, Hungary). Tab. 30 mg 20 sh-k 118 rubles.
  • Ambrobene (Merkle GmbH, Israel). Table 30 milligrams 20 sh-k 135 rub.

Universal tablets for dry and wet cough

Mukaltin (Pharmstandard, RF). The main component is the extract marshmallow. They have practically no contraindications except for individual sensitivity to marshmallow and gastrointestinal ulcers.

Mucaltin contains natural mucus, which envelops the surface of the tissues of the respiratory tract, thus affecting them for a longer time than other drugs. Promotes the removal of sputum, relieves coughing attacks, accelerates the regeneration of inflamed tissues.

  • The price of a pack of 50 milligrams of 10 pieces is 12 rubles.

List of medications that suppress the cough reflex

Medicines in this group inhibit the cough center, directly affecting the nervous system and brain. Some of them contain narcotic components. Such drugs are used in short courses to relieve debilitating attacks. Medicines included in this group are used to treat upper respiratory tract infections, but not in all cases.

Cough attacks can be caused not only by colds, but also by other serious illnesses, such as bronchial asthma or emphysema. Inexpensive but effective cough tablets from this group are taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor after the diagnosis has been clarified.

1. Codelac broncho (Pharmstandard, Russian Federation). The multi-component product includes: ambroxol, sodium glycyrrhizinate, thermopsis extract. Liquefies viscous mucus and accelerates its formation. Stops the inflammatory process, relieves allergic reactions. Prescribed for acute and chronic bronchitis, severe lung diseases.

  • Packaging table 20 pieces - 135 rub.

2. Terpincode (Leksredstva OJSC - RF). A drug with a complex composition: codeine, sodium bicarbonate, terpine hydrate. Stops the cough reflex, increases the rate of secretion removal. Area of ​​application: emphysema, bronchial pneumonia and other severe diseases accompanied by dry cough.

  • The cost of the tablet is 10 pcs. - 405 rub.

3. Libexin (Quinoin, ZFH product, France). Active substance prenoxdiazine. It has a local anesthetic effect, which helps block the cough reflex. Used to treat bronchial pneumonia, emphysema, and respiratory tract infections.

  • Price of a pack of 100 mg 20 pcs. - 440 rub.

All drugs on the list have contraindications for use and side effects are possible. It should be remembered that a cough is not always associated with a cold and cough tablets, which are inexpensive but effective in their action, will be beneficial only ifdoctor for an accurate diagnosis.

Almost all colds are accompanied by damage to the respiratory tract and the appearance of a debilitating cough. Cough medicine for adults is selected taking into account the characteristics of the pathological process. First of all, the doctor must determine the nature of the cough (dry or productive) and only after making a diagnosis select the necessary medications taking into account the clinical picture of the disease.

Cough suppressants can have different therapeutic effects. Some drugs are effective for dry coughs, while others accelerate the clearing of the upper respiratory tract from accumulated mucus during a wet cough. Pharmacy chains offer a wide range of antitussives and making the right choice is not easy. Let's take a closer look at different groups of medications and find out how to find a good cough medicine for an adult.

Cough: what is it like?

Before buying any drug with an antitussive effect, it is necessary to determine the nature of the cough. The fact is that with a dry, unproductive cough, it is necessary to take drugs that directly affect certain centers in the brain and thereby inhibit the cough reflex.

But if the cough is wet, accompanied by sputum production, such medications cannot be used, since they stop the cough reflex and thereby provoke the accumulation of sputum in the lungs, which can lead to serious complications. For a productive cough, other drugs are needed, the action of which is aimed at thinning the mucus and its rapid removal from the upper respiratory tract.

So, cough is a reflex response of our body to irritation of the respiratory tract caused by the penetration of infectious agents during various colds, flu and other pathologies. Cough can be productive or unproductive. The most debilitating thing for a patient is a dry cough. This condition exhausts the patient, deprives him of sleep and does not allow him to breathe deeply. Constant coughing attacks do not bring relief, but only further irritate the inflamed airways. In this case, medications are needed that stop painful attacks, help soften them and transform the cough into a productive form.

When viscous, difficult to separate sputum forms, the cough becomes wet, the patient’s condition improves, but even in this case he needs help. To speed up the cleansing of the lungs and bronchi, it is necessary to take drugs with expectorant and mucolytic effects, which thin out thick mucus and facilitate its passage.

Effective cough medicines for adults

To choose an effective medicine, it is necessary to find out the nature of the cough and the reasons that cause it. Only a specialist can cope with this task; self-medication is dangerous, such an approach can lead to unpleasant consequences and aggravate the condition. The doctor will select the right group of medications and prescribe medications to treat cough in adults. However, ordinary patients also need to know about the features of antitussives, their properties and methods of use.

All cough medications are divided into the following groups:

  1. Medicines for adults for dry cough. These are strong drugs, which in turn are divided into drugs of central and peripheral action and can be single-component or combined. Centrally acting cough tablets directly affect the cough center in the brain, inhibiting it and preventing debilitating attacks of dry, unproductive cough. Peripheral medications relax smooth muscles, block the cough reflex and relieve bronchospasm. Combined remedies for dry cough simultaneously provide an expectorant, bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory effect, ensuring the transition of a dry cough into a wet form and facilitating the discharge of sputum.
  2. Mucolytic agents. Prescribed for wet cough with poorly separated, thick sputum. Mucolytics dilute bronchial secretions and accelerate their removal from the respiratory tract, making cough more productive.
  3. Tablets with expectorant action. They have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and thereby promote the discharge of liquid bronchial secretions.

How to choose the best cough medicine for adult patients? A review of the most popular and in demand antitussive drugs will help you make your choice.

Inexpensive cough medicines for adults

Many cough preparations, which have a budget price and are sold from pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription, are based on natural herbal ingredients. This group of drugs is considered the safest, since it has virtually no contraindications and does not cause unwanted side effects.

  1. "Cough tablets" - the name of this herbal medicine speaks for itself. This inexpensive and time-tested remedy consists of thermopsis extract and sodium bicarbonate. It is used for tracheitis and bronchitis, has an expectorant and mucolytic effect. Helps thin thick mucus and accelerate its removal from the respiratory tract. The drug is contraindicated for ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, hypersensitivity to its components, during pregnancy and lactation. The cost of tablets varies from 25 to 60 rubles.
  2. Mukaltin. The basis of the drug is an extract from marshmallow. It is a strong secretolytic with expectorant action. Taking tablets helps ease the discharge of viscous sputum by increasing the production of bronchial secretions and diluting them. Additionally, the drug exhibits moderate anti-inflammatory properties due to its enveloping effect and reducing irritation of the bronchial mucosa. Mucaltin is one of the safest cough remedies; it can be prescribed even during pregnancy. Restrictions on the use of the drug are hypersensitivity, diabetes mellitus and gastrointestinal diseases. The average cost of Mukaltin ranges from 24 to 65 rubles.
  3. Pectusin. Combined antitussive drug based on menthol and eucalyptus extract. Stimulates the motor function of the respiratory tract, activates the production of bronchial secretions and facilitates the process of coughing. Eucalyptus oil additionally exhibits an antimicrobial effect and reduces the severity of the inflammatory process, and menthol has a local anesthetic and antiseptic effect. There are few contraindications to the use of Pectusin - individual sensitivity, diabetes, bronchial asthma. The cost of the drug in the pharmacy chain is from 30 to 40 rubles.
  4. Pertussin. A syrup of plant origin with expectorant properties, which effectively thins mucus and promotes its elimination. This is one of the most inexpensive and accessible drugs, which combines chemical components with thyme extract. It is prescribed not only to children, but also to adults. The price of syrup in pharmacies is from 15 rubles.
  5. Doctor Mom. One of the most popular herbal cough remedies is Doctor Mom. It is produced in the form of lozenges, syrup and cough lozenges. The medicine contains an optimal set of plant extracts from aloe, nightshade, turmeric, pepper, elecampane, basil, licorice, and ginger. The combined agent exhibits a powerful mucolytic, expectorant, secretolytic and emollient effect. Thanks to a successful combination of herbal components, a dry, hacking cough quickly transforms into a wet one (with sputum production). The cost of the drug depends on the form of release and ranges from 60 to 180 rubles.

Other herbal cough medicines include Bronchicum elixir, Gedelix drops, and Eucabal syrup. The therapeutic effect of these drugs is similar to that provided by Mucaltin or medications based on thermopopsis.

Expectorant cough medicine for adults

  • . The drug is recommended for use in diseases of the respiratory tract accompanied by the formation of difficult to separate, viscous sputum. The tablets provide a bronchodilator and expectorant effect, stimulate bronchial motility and help clear the airways of accumulated secretions. The drug is used as part of the complex treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, and bronchial asthma. There are practically no contraindications to taking the medication, except for gastrointestinal pathologies and hypersensitivity reactions. The cost of the medicine is from 45 rubles.
  • ACC. The drug quickly softens dry cough, transforms it into a productive one, and has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. Available in the form of effervescent tablets with blackberry flavor. The medicine is prescribed for tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis. ACC should not be used simultaneously with paracetamol and other cough medications. This drug should not be prescribed during pregnancy, lactation, or in case of individual intolerance. The average price ranges from 130 to 200 rubles.
  • Ambroxol(Ambrobene, Ambrohexal). Ambroxol is available in the form of tablets and syrup with the aroma and taste of raspberries. Other drugs in this group are produced in the form of solution, syrup, tablets or capsules. All remedies exhibit an expectorant effect, help transform a dry cough into a wet form, help thin thick sputum and remove it from the lungs and bronchi. The cost of medications depends on the brand, release form and ranges from 60 to 250 rubles.
Medicine for cough with phlegm in adults

In addition to the inexpensive Mucaltin, Pectusin and other plant-based products, the following cough remedies have good mucolytic properties:

  1. Lazolvan. Prescribed to dilute viscous sputum in case of respiratory tract lesions. The drug is available in the form of tablets, solution, syrup and lozenges. The medication is well tolerated, causes virtually no adverse reactions, quickly makes breathing easier and helps cough up. This drug is not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation and in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The cost of Lazolvan varies from 170 to 250 rubles.
  2. Halixol- popular tablets for adults with mucolytic and expectorant effects. The active substance of the drug is ambroxol hydrochloride. Halixol is prescribed for respiratory diseases in the acute period and infectious lesions of the ENT organs. The medication facilitates the passage of thick mucus and makes the cough more productive. The drug cannot be used to treat pregnant women in the 1st trimester, as well as in case of renal failure. Halixol is produced in the form of tablets and syrup. The cost of the medicine is from 90 to 130 rubles.
  3. Gedelix(drops). The drug has established itself as a reliable mucolytic agent that relieves wet coughs and helps remove thick mucus from the respiratory tract. Additionally, it has an antiseptic, antimicrobial, calming effect on the bronchial mucosa and fights inflammation. The basis of the drug is menthol, mint and eucalyptus extract. The solution contains no ethanol or sugars, so the medicine has virtually no contraindications. The cost of the drug is from 150 rubles.
  4. Gerbion. Syrup based on primrose and thyme extract is prescribed for wet cough with thick sputum. The drug additionally exhibits an expectorant, diuretic, and restorative effect, quickly facilitates breathing, and relieves inflammation and irritation of the bronchial mucosa. The average cost of Gerbion is 200 rubles.
  5. Ambrobene. A drug with a pronounced mucolytic effect aimed at facilitating the discharge of viscous secretions. It has a prolonged effect, which manifests itself within 30 minutes after taking the medicine and lasts for 8-10 hours. The drug is produced in the form of syrup, solution, tablets and capsules. Ambrobene cost from 110 rubles.

Medicines for dry cough

Medicines for severe cough in adults are drugs of central and peripheral action that directly affect the cough center and suppress the cough reflex. Such drugs should be prescribed by a specialist and should be taken with caution, since they have quite a few contraindications. Such medications are intended to treat dry, exhausting, nonproductive cough.

The most powerful therapeutic effects are narcotic (opioid) analgesics based on codeine and morphine. These are drugs such as Codeine, Codelac, Terpincode, etc. They are prescribed only to adult patients. Peripheral-acting drugs lack many of the disadvantages of the previous group, but act no less effectively, without causing drug dependence.

The most popular remedies for dry cough are:

  • Codeine. Effectively stops the cough reflex due to a direct effect on the corresponding center in the brain. A single use of the drug allows you to get rid of painful coughing attacks for 5-6 hours. But the medication depresses the respiratory center, provokes lethargy, drowsiness, and can cause drug dependence. Therefore, its use should be short-term. The medicine is dispensed from pharmacies only with a doctor's prescription.
  • Kaffetin. A combined centrally acting agent with a strong antitussive effect. Contains codeine, caffeine, paracetamol and propyphenazole. The complex of active substances provides analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects and allows you to block the activity of the cough center. This helps get rid of attacks of debilitating, dry cough. The drug can cause reactions such as lethargy, or, on the contrary, increased excitability, nausea, and allergic reactions. The price of the medicine is from 180 rubles.
  • Glauvent. The drug is produced in the form of tablets, syrup, dragees. It helps in a short time to transform an unproductive, dry cough into a wet one and achieve sputum discharge. The drug is not addictive and does not depress the respiratory center. However, its use can provoke a decrease in blood pressure, dizziness, weakness, and cause allergic reactions. Therefore, this drug is contraindicated for arterial hypotension, heart and vascular diseases.
  • . The medication relieves bronchospasm well, has a local analgesic effect, quickly softens dry cough and reduces irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. The therapeutic effect of the drug lasts for 4 hours. Adverse reactions include dry mouth, nausea, and digestive disorders. The price of the medicine is from 320 rubles.
  • . The active ingredient of the drug is butamirate, which provides a powerful antitussive, analgesic and bronchodilator effect. Another active substance, guaifenzine, facilitates the removal of sputum, making it less viscous. Stoptussin is produced in the form of tablets and drops. The average cost of the drug is from 210 rubles.
  • Omnitus. Available in the form of tablets and syrup, it softens dry coughs, promotes the formation and removal of sputum, and has a general strengthening effect. Additionally, the active substances of the drug fight infectious agents and reduce the severity of the inflammatory process. Side effects include drowsiness, lethargy, stool disorders, nausea, and dizziness. The cost of the medicine is from 90 rubles.
  • Lorraine. The drug is produced in a variety of dosage forms: powder, tablets, capsules, suspension and solution. It exhibits a pronounced therapeutic effect, quickly transforms a dry cough into a productive one, alleviates the condition, provides an analgesic and calming effect, and relieves the cough reflex. May cause adverse reactions such as decreased blood pressure, dizziness, and increased nervous excitability. The average cost of Lorraine is 220 rubles.
  • Falimint is a safe remedy for mitigating dry cough. Available in the form of menthol-flavored tablets intended for resorption. Quickly eliminates sore throat, prevents coughing attacks, and has a softening effect on irritated bronchial mucosa. The medication has virtually no contraindications and can be used for both adults and children. Its cost is about 150 rubles.

How to treat a cough? Cough medicines

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

The most common symptom of respiratory system diseases is cough- This is a forced, sharp, repeated exhalation of air. Thanks to coughing, the upper respiratory tract self-cleanses itself of sputum, mucus, germs, and foreign bodies.

The immediate cause of this phenomenon is irritation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, bronchi, and trachea. Coughing is a reflex action, in some cases it can be caused voluntarily.

In chemical plants where people work with toxic, harmful volatile substances, workers are required to wear protective equipment against the penetration of chemicals into the respiratory tract. If you ignore safety rules and do not wear masks or respirators, then a cough reflex may also occur from mechanical and chemical irritation.

Differential differences

Even when coughing severely, people do not always seek help from a doctor, preferring to treat themselves. Sick people come to the pharmacy and ask the pharmacist to give something to stop coughing" Of course, self-selected medications can relieve a cough. But it’s better to consult a therapist.

The pharmacist usually asks what kind of cough is observed - wet or dry ?
The choice of medicine will depend on this. " Wet or dry" - this is the simplest differentiation based on the presence of sputum; in addition to this, they also distinguish:
  • Periodic (occurs with bronchitis).
  • Short continuous (pleurisy).
  • Hoarse (inflammation of the vocal cords).
  • Barking (damage to the larynx; hysterical syndrome).
  • Paroxysmal (whooping cough).


If a person coughs painfully, dryly, feeling a “scratching” in the chest and throat, then in this case it is advisable to take cough medicines, which suppress the cough reflex and normalize sputum production. It is recommended to take lozenges and lozenges with sage, medications Libexin or Bronholitin.

If a person coughs with sputum, and it is difficult to separate and has a viscous consistency, then it is necessary to use drugs that thin the sputum, such as: Fluifort, Lazolvan, Acetylcysteine, Bromhexine. These drugs have a protective and anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membrane of the throat, relieve spasm ( narrowing) bronchi.

Fluifort has proven itself well. The drug helps transform a dry cough into a wet one. Carbocysteine ​​lysine salt in the syrup, unlike acetylcysteine ​​preparations, not only helps to liquefy and separate mucus, but also prevents it from flowing into the lower respiratory tract. That is why Fluifort helps restore the structure of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, reduces the intensity of cough and makes breathing easier. The effect of the syrup begins in the first hour after administration and lasts up to 8 hours. Due to its neutral pH, the drug does not cause stomach irritation. Fluifort syrup is prescribed for rhinosinusitis, adenoiditis, otitis media, laryngotracheitis, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

For acute respiratory diseases ( acute respiratory infections), the doctor will prescribe antitussives and will not administer antibiotic therapy. And if a patient is diagnosed with bronchitis or pneumonia, then treatment with antibiotics will be carried out first, since suppressing the activity of microbes is a priority therapeutic goal. This is why it is important to get examined by a doctor. Mistaking a serious bronchial disease for a cold, the patient will try to relieve only one symptom - cough, not suspecting that he is worsening his condition with ineffective self-medication.

It is necessary to take expectorants and antitussives if dry, annoying, frequent coughing interferes with normal sleep. Drugs that suppress the cough center - Stoptussin-Fito, Glaucin, Libexin, Tusuprex, Sinekod.

Expectorants and mucus thinners are called mucolytics. These drugs help clear the lungs of mucus and remove it out. Commonly used mucolytic drugs: Mucaltin, Bromhexine, Halixol, Mucopront, Mucodin, Fluimucil.

If the cough does not go away for several weeks and is accompanied by severe chest pain; If your cough produces bloody sputum or yellow-green sputum, contact your local doctor as soon as possible.

Treatment with herbal preparations

Herbal preparations significantly weaken cough symptoms, have an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulate the formation of sputum and improve expectoration, and relieve bronchospasm. These include: Gedelix, plantain preparations ( Bronkhin, Stoptussin-Fito, Eucabal, Breast collection No. 2). Combination drugs are also widely used: Kofol, Doctor Mom, Kofrem, Suprima-Broncho. These medications eliminate coughs of any etiology, and relieve inflammatory manifestations of whooping cough, pharyngitis, and laryngitis.

Most of these drugs are used to treat both adults and children because they have no side effects and are made from natural substances.

Other herbal preparations:
1. Herbal tea No. 25 by Dr. Seleznev (facilitates expectoration, relieves inflammation of the respiratory tract).

2. Preparations from marshmallow. Marshmallow has an enveloping and softening effect on the membranes of the bronchi, relieves irritation and improves sputum separation. It is used for both dry and wet coughs. Preparations containing marshmallow: Altemix, Chest collection No. 1, Mukaltin, Dry cough syrup, Licorice.

3. Oregano has an antimicrobial and expectorant effect, is part of Breast Collection No. 1 and Bronkhina.

4. Thyme has an antimicrobial effect, is part of domestic and foreign drugs - Eucabal, Stoptussin-Fito, Pertussin.

Flu or a cold is manifested not only by coughing, but also by fever and runny nose. To treat these diseases, drugs are used that contain several active substances, each of which is aimed at a specific symptom.

These drugs include antipyretic, antitussive, and antiallergic components. However, it is worth remembering that this is symptomatic treatment and is not always justified. For example, when the temperature rises, this is a protective action of the body aimed at suppressing microbial activity. Therefore, it is not recommended to bring down a temperature of up to 38 degrees with antipyretic drugs.

Or in the case when you cough up phlegm, you should not suppress the cough reflex, because the phlegm will linger in the body and can cause stagnation.

Treatment with folk remedies

1. Gogol-mogol. Prepare as follows: grind the egg yolks with sugar until white. Drink the resulting mixture on an empty stomach.

2. Wine with pepper roots. Boil 50 grams of pepper roots in 250 ml of wine ( white). Then you need to strain the mixture and drink it hot at least three times a day.

3. Onions and goose fat. Grate the onion and mix it with fat. Rub this mixture into the chest and neck area. After rubbing, wrap your chest and neck with a warm scarf or handkerchief.

4. Onions and milk. Finely chop a large onion or two small ones, boil in 250 ml of milk. Leave for at least 4 hours, then strain. Take 20 grams every three hours ( about one tablespoon).

5. Onions and sugar. Cover the chopped large onion with sugar in the amount of two tablespoons. After 8 - 10 hours the mixture will be ready. For treatment, you need to consume not only sweet onions, but also the resulting juice.

6. Onions and honey. Chop 500 grams of onion, add 400 grams of sugar, pour 1 liter. water. Cook for 3.5 hours. After the mixture has cooled, add 50 grams of honey. You should take onions with honey after meals, a few tablespoons at a time.

7. Bananas. Grind bananas into a paste, add hot water ( two bananas – 1 cup of water). Add sugar. Heat over low heat.

8. Butter with egg yolk. Prepared this way: 20 grams of butter, 30 grams of flour, 30 grams of honey, two egg yolks. Mix thoroughly. Take before meals.

9. Cream, milk. These products coat the irritated throat and reduce the unpleasant scratchy sensation during coughing. You can drink hot tea with butter.

10. Milk and oats. Pour the oats into a small saucepan, two-thirds full. Add one third of the milk. Simmer in the oven over low heat. As the milk boils, add more. Cook until the oats are cooked through. Drink 3 tablespoons of the mixture, morning, afternoon and evening.

11. Wormwood tincture. 20 grams of dried wormwood is poured with vodka ( 500 ml). Leave for at least a day. Drink the resulting product one tablespoon several times a day. Due to the alcohol content, this product is not given to children.

12. Eucalyptus tincture. Sold in pharmacies.

13. Radish with sugar. The radish is chopped finely and covered generously with sugar. After a few hours, sweet juice is released; You need to take it every hour, a spoonful. This effective remedy cures even very severe coughs.

14. Infusion of coltsfoot. Used for pneumonia, cough, bronchitis. Pour boiling water over the coltsfoot leaves, in the ratio “a glass of water – a tablespoon of leaves.”

15. Rub with goat fat. After rubbing your chest with goat fat, you need to wrap yourself warmly. Rub it every day for a week.

16. Eucalyptus inhalations. Grind and brew eucalyptus leaves ( if they are not there, buy eucalyptus oil at the pharmacy), pour into a cup or deep plate, roll up a cone from cardboard, the wide end of which should be pressed tightly to the edges of the plate, and through the narrow end, inhale the steam for 15 - 20 minutes.


Basis for the preparation of expectorants ( herbal teas) can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  • Decoction of wild rosemary.
  • Decoction of nine strength.
  • Viburnum decoction.

For dry cough

  • Onions and milk. Finely chop 10 medium onions and one head of garlic and cook in milk, after cooking, add honey. Drink a tablespoon after an attack of dry cough.
  • Keep a tablespoon of granulated sugar on the fire until the sugar turns brown. Then pour the sugar into the milk. Keep the resulting substance in your mouth until it dissolves.
  • Before going to bed, drink milk with poppy seeds. Grind a couple of teaspoons of poppy seeds in a mortar, then pour in hot milk. After straining, drink while the milk is warm.

If a child coughs...

Folk remedies, with the exception of those containing alcohol, are excellent for children. Dosages for children should be halved.

1. Freshly squeezed carrot juice with added honey. Take a tablespoon 5 times a day.

2. "Sugar" radish. Cut black radish into small cubes, cover with sugar and bake in the oven. Then you can throw away the baked radish, drain the juice and take it 3 times a day before meals, 2 teaspoons.

3. Lemon with honey. Boil the lemon over low heat for about ten minutes until it becomes completely soft. Then squeeze the juice out of it, add 30 grams of glycerin to the juice, and a little honey for the eye. Take one teaspoon of syrup five to six times a day. When coughing attacks begin to appear noticeably less frequently, you need to reduce the number of doses. This remedy is recommended for both children and adults. Instead of lemon, apple bite is sometimes used.

4. Milk and honey. Half a glass of hot milk and a teaspoon of honey is a wonderful cough remedy.

5. Honey with anise. A teaspoon of honey, two tablespoons of anise seeds, add a pinch of salt. Pour a glass of water and turn on the gas. After boiling, let the infusion cool, then strain the mixture. Children – a tablespoon 8 times a day. For adults, double the dosage.

6. Honey with butter. Take the ingredients in a 1:1 ratio and stir into a homogeneous paste. Eat 1 teaspoon, several times a day.

7. Figs boiled in milk. 2 - 3 figs are boiled in a glass of milk, drunk warm, before bed. Effectively relieves cough. This remedy has long been used when children suffered from whooping cough and colds.

Nutrition for patients with cough

To soften the mucous membrane of the throat, it is advisable to include milk porridge, mashed potatoes with added milk, and tea with milk in your diet.

Grapes promote expectoration and healing of the lungs. Grape juice, if you add a little honey to it, is an effective antitussive remedy.
Lemon works well juice and crushed peel) in combination with honey - this remedy not only helps to cope with cough, but also improves immunity with the help of vitamin WITH.

Hot milk relieves bronchospasm. It is advisable to drink it with honey.

It is better not to eat spicy, burning foods, in order to avoid even greater irritation and “scratching” of the mucous membrane of the throat.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Flu and colds are characterized by pathological conditions of the respiratory tract, accompanied by accumulations of sputum in the lungs and bronchi. When looking for a cough medicine, one should not forget that the nature of the symptom determines the choice of remedy to eliminate the cough itself. The subsequent presence of allergic reactions to the constituent components of the drug depends on whether the cough is wet or dry.

A fairly effective cough remedy for people of all ages, from children to adults, is inhalation. If we are talking about an infant, he must be kept for several minutes in a bathroom with steam and high humidity. Older children and adults can perform inhalations over a wide pan of boiling water. In this case, you need to cover your head with a bath towel. You can add a few tablespoons of soda, fir oil or juniper oil to the water. You can perform inhalations over bay leaves or boiled potatoes.

In order to stop coughing, it makes sense for adults to drink warm milk that contains lemon juice and a small amount of honey. Black radish juice, tea from linden flowers, coltsfoot tea, infusions of elderberry or raspberry leaves are also suitable as additives to milk. If you mix onion juice with honey, you will also get a good result.

Folk remedies for coughs for adults

Folk remedies for coughs are good for their simplicity and ease of use. They eliminate the need to run to the pharmacy for pills and provide absolutely no contraindications. In every kitchen you can find many products that can help treat a cough. One of these products is honey, which can be called the most effective remedy in this matter. If the cough is not very strong, it can be relieved with one glass of water, in which dissolve a spoonful of honey. The effectiveness of honey is enhanced by adding garlic, lemon and other ingredients to the water.

A well-known folk remedy for fighting colds is garlic. You can keep a clove of garlic with you at all times during epidemics of colds, and you can also put it in your children’s pockets when sending them to school. To quickly and effectively cure a runny nose, you can regularly rub your feet with garlic.

A good treatment for cough in adults is heating. It can be done in the following ways:

  • I use a mustard compress, which has a local irritating effect and relieves inflammation of the lung tissue. It involves applying mustard plasters to the chest;
  • lubricating the chest of an adult with liquid honey, heated in a frying pan to approximately the person’s body temperature. The compress is covered with permanent paper and then stored until a feeling of warmth appears in the chest;
  • You can take an ordinary bath towel, soak it in vegetable oil and wrap it around the perimeter of your chest. Within half an hour, all symptoms of lung diseases, including cough, are eliminated;
  • A compress made from mashed potatoes is good. To prepare it, you need to place warm boiled potatoes in a plastic bag and apply it to your chest.

Folk remedies for dry cough for adults

If an adult develops a dry cough with an almost complete absence of mucus, the body experiences difficulty eliminating the infection, since it is not removed from the body by mucus. Pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms that accompany the spread of infection are not removed, as a result of which a person begins to be bothered by a dry cough. It represents precisely the method of such a conclusion.

To eliminate dry cough in an adult, traditional medicine offers the following methods:

  1. Drinking hot milk with the addition of alkaline water and honey will thus form a significant volume of mucus, resulting in a quick cessation of dry cough. Consuming heavy cream also provides good results. If there are any individual contraindications to consuming dairy products, you can drink strong tea with added butter.
  2. For an adult, a mixture of sugar and onion is recommended for the treatment of dry cough. Sugar is added to the pre-prepared onion, the mixture is mixed well and infused for one night to form juice. The medicine should be taken in the morning, first of all the juice, then you should eat the onion. Gradually, the dry cough will begin to recede.
  3. An ancient remedy for dry cough in adults is a combination of honey and radish. To prepare it, take a head of black radish, make a hole in it, into which honey is placed. It should be insisted for three hours. It should be consumed in the morning before breakfast, before lunch and in the evening before dinner. You can increase the effect of use by adding carrot juice.
  4. Honey with the addition of lemon is effective. For proper preparation, glycerin should be added to the lemon. The composition is thoroughly mixed, after which honey must be added to it. If the dry cough is not too intense, it should be consumed three times a day. If the cough is dry and very strong, you need to use the product up to seven times a day. The dosage of syrup can be reduced if the cough subsides.

Folk remedies for cough for adults, expectorant

Today there are a large number of traditional medicines that can help clear phlegm from the respiratory tract of an adult. They are characterized by minimal costs in their use and a sensitive effect.

Most often, in order to prevent coughing, infusions of various herbs, rubbing, inhalation and other methods that require the use of natural remedies are used. If the cough has become acute, it makes sense to use medical treatments in combination with traditional recipes. In this case, before direct use, you should consult a doctor to avoid side effects from the combined use of treatments.

In most cases, expectorants contain various herbs. This can be licorice root, oregano, thyme, coltsfoot and others, used in the form of decoctions. A good folk remedy that causes an expectorant effect is onion with its wide spectrum of action, including anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

Honey has proven itself to be an excellent expectorant. Its composition has a remarkable bactericidal effect, preventing bacteria from multiplying. For diseases of the organs and respiratory systems, it makes sense to use honey for internal use and inhalation.

An excellent expectorant is horseradish syrup with honey, used in equal proportions. It should be noted that people who are allergic to honey are not recommended to use this product. You should consume large quantities of foods containing vitamin C, such as lemon and viburnum.

Expectoration of sputum is facilitated by inhalation using iodine, adding soda, eucalyptus and essential oil. You can do rubbing using turpentine and alcohol. It is best to rub yourself just before going to bed, in order to cover yourself and sweat well.

Cough periodically bothers a person and people of all ages can suffer from it. The level of development of modern pharmacology makes it possible to use a wide variety of cough suppressants. Various cough medications act differently, so they should be used skillfully in order to avoid negative consequences. These may be complications in the respiratory, nervous and other systems of the human body.

Remedy for dry cough in adults

Today, there is a wide variety of pharmacological drugs that are effective in eliminating dry cough in adults. This often causes additional difficulties associated with the inability to decide on the appropriate remedy for the treatment of dry cough. If treatment is carried out without preliminary diagnosis, it should not only help, but also not cause harm to human health.

Below is a description of some dry cough remedies that are very popular.

Remedy for dry cough "Sinekod". The drug is characterized by an action aimed at the center of cough. It should be used during the acute phase of cough. Contraindicated during pregnancy.

Combined action product "Gerbion". The basis of the drug is made up of natural ingredients. In addition to its action aimed at eliminating cough, the drug has antimicrobial properties. In case of increased susceptibility to the constituent components, the drug is contraindicated for use. People suffering from diabetes should take the drug only after consulting a doctor. Side effects from using the drug, such as an allergic reaction, may occur.

"Bronholitin." The drug is characterized by its ability to influence the center of cough. It has excellent antispasmodic and antimicrobial properties. Causes dilation of the bronchi, helps relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, improves breathing. Contraindicated for persons suffering from cardiovascular disorders. When treating dry cough in adults with this remedy, various side effects may occur, such as insomnia, tremor, nausea and tachycardia.

Remedy for severe cough in adults

There are enough recommendations for treating severe cough in children, but there are practically no recommendations on how to eliminate severe cough in an adult. Well-known cough syrups may not have the proper effect, especially if an adult’s cough lasts for a fairly long period of time.

It should be taken into account that a cough does not always indicate the onset of a cold. This fact makes it necessary to visit a general practitioner in order to make sure that the cough is not a symptom of any serious illness. If you are diagnosed with tracheitis or bronchitis, you must be prepared for the fact that it will take quite a long time to treat these diseases. This involves the need to follow all recommendations given by the attending physician. Since there is a danger of the disease becoming chronic, it is necessary to take procedures and medications in a physiotherapist’s office for a certain period of time.

Cough expectorant for adults

Cough expectorants for adults have an effect on the epithelial tissue of internal organs and help improve the motor activity of bronchioles. Sputum moves from the lower respiratory tract to the upper, after which it is excreted. The use of expectorants can significantly enhance the excretory function of the bronchial glands, since in this case the sputum will be released in large quantities and will not be viscous.

Cough expectorants for adults are prescribed for wet coughs, if it is necessary to quickly remove sputum in acute forms of bronchitis, pneumonia, and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. Expectorants are made from medicinal plants. They can be presented in a variety of forms - herbal preparations, syrups, tablets, and all kinds of suspensions are very popular.

The most famous expectorants for adults are:

  • cough medicine, tablets with the Thermopsis lanceolata plant;
  • syrup containing marshmallow root, altemix. Marshmallow root is part of the drug mucaltin, when working with which the dosage should be observed, since exaggerating the norm can cause vomiting and nausea. A combination of marshmallow root with licorice, sage, anise fruits, and pine buds is effective. To prepare the solution, you need to brew one tablespoon of the herbal mixture in a glass of boiling water, leaving for half an hour. You can drink 100 ml after meals.

Homemade cough remedy for adults

A good remedy for home use in case of cough in an adult is a cocktail containing a mixture of honey and milk with soda. You should heat the milk without bringing it to boiling point, then stir in half a teaspoon of soda with two teaspoons of honey. The resulting decoction should be drunk immediately, without delay.

Cough compress for adults

The effect of a warming compress for cough has been familiar to many since childhood. This remedy is also effective for adults. At home, you can use many ways to apply cough compresses, the most famous of which is a potato compress. It is prepared as follows:

  1. Select smaller potatoes that you won’t mind throwing away and don’t want to peel.
  2. Potatoes are boiled in their jackets.
  3. After draining the water, the potatoes are placed in a plastic bag and crushed. There is no need to puree, you can only press down to give the potatoes a flat shape.
  4. A towel is placed on the patient’s chest, the resulting potato pancake in a plastic bag is placed on top, another towel is placed on top and the patient is covered with a blanket.
  5. After the potatoes have cooled, remove the compress and cover the patient with a blanket.

Cough jars

Today, there are two types of medical cough cups. Glass jars have been used to treat colds for quite some time. However, they pose a certain danger as they can chip around the edges and require an open flame for installation. There is another type of cans - vacuum, made of polymers that look like thick rubber. Their installation does not require fire, which is why the jars are practically safe. In order to install such a jar, you just need to squeeze it in your hand and apply it to the installation site.

Cough inhalations for adults

Cough inhalations for adults are divided into two types depending on the temperature of the incoming substances. They can be cold or hot. With cold inhalations, a person inhales a medicinal substance at room temperature, while the substance is not heated in any way. Hot inhalations involve inhaling heated vapors of a medicinal substance. If the temperature of the inhaled medicine is above 30 degrees, the inhalation is considered hot and the technique of its execution has significant differences from cold inhalation. In general, inhalation is an excellent way to deliver drugs to the mucous membranes of the respiratory system.

What is the most effective cough remedy for adults?



You can treat a cough yourself only with the mildest cold. In other cases, you should definitely seek help from a doctor. After all, very often we ourselves cannot even determine the nature of the cough. What can we say about the methods and methods of its treatment.
An effective cough remedy, proven over many generations.
Boil one lemon over low heat for 10 minutes. Cut it in half and squeeze out the juice thoroughly. Pour it into a glass, add 2 tbsp. spoons of glycerin. Stir thoroughly and fill the glass to the top with honey. It is not only healthy and effective, but also very tasty.
The dose of cough syrup is adjusted according to circumstances. If you have an infrequent cough, take 1 teaspoon throughout the day. Shake the mixture before use. If your cough bothers you at night, take 1 teaspoon at night and another at night. If you have a severe cough - 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach, before lunch, after dinner and at night. As the cough decreases, reduce the number of times you take the mixture.
You can also grate black radish and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Mix well with honey and drink 2 tbsp. spoons before meals and before bed in the evening.
You can also recommend other recipes.
Mix radish or carrot juice with milk or honey drink: half juice and half milk or honey drink. Dose: one tablespoon six times a day.
Boiled turnip juice with sugar or honey is very useful for coughs.




If you cough up Kafol syrup, you need to buy it in good pharmacies.


Rinse your mouth with beets! Mucus comes out with it, and the throat becomes easier.

Gulnara Gagarina

milk with honey

Natalya Alferova

To each his own, but Fluimucil helps me personally a lot. This is a powder that dissolves in water. The taste is somewhat similar to orange. A day or two and the cough goes away. Get well))

Victoria Sher

Terflu, and Kaldakt

Ekaterina Greblova

There is nothing better than folk remedies. Buy a chest tea at the pharmacy, brew it and drink it warm, as well as a massage, a bath, mustard plasters and a healthy lifestyle. Better yet, no pain at all!



Olga Camastra

As a former chronic bronchitis sufferer who was about to be diagnosed with asthma, I say: drink water, preferably filtered or from the tap this way: in the morning on an empty stomach, 2 glasses + a pinch of sea salt under the tongue. at night the glass is exactly the same. and if you like to eat a lot, remember after each overeating drink the same amount of water as you ate food, but only an hour and a half after eating and you will forget about the cough 100%

Elena Mikhailova

I buy black radish at the market, cut a small hole in it, and put a spoonful of honey in it. Let it sit and the radish will give juice. Take a spoon 3-4 times a day. Great help!

Larisa Just good

) 1 tbsp. spoon of licorice syrup per 1 glass of mineral water, drink 3-4 times a day for 5-6 days.
add a little soda to any drink

Elena Gulina (Rozhina)

grate the onion mix with honey 1/1 eat every 2-3 hours for 2 days. goes quickly, verified

Diana Sabitova

For me this is Prospan. I have been taking it for coughs for several years now. Treats effectively and carefully. That's a big plus. that you can give it to a child too.

Mikhail Pechersky

It's better to consult a specialist.
The Open Clinic has excellent doctors, I went here myself for different diseases and to see different specialists.
Save time and nerves.

Roza Ibragimova

The doctor prescribed me Prospan syrup, which is delicious and cured my cough quickly! Moreover, it is also plant-based, without chemicals. It is not scary to treat a child or an adult with it.

Folk remedies for cough, bronchitis and tracheitis

With the onset of the first cold weather, the number of people suffering from colds increases. Frequent accompaniments of ARVI are inflammations of the upper respiratory tract, causing a debilitating cough, which is very difficult to cope with. There is a whole arsenal of medications aimed at fighting colds. However, their use is not always possible. Then folk remedies for cough, bronchitis and tracheitis come to the rescue. The most popular are herbal decoctions, honey and inhalations. They help cope with the disease without harming the body.

Benefits of traditional methods of treatment

During its existence, traditional medicine has included a huge number of treatment methods. Each of them, before reaching us, has been tested for more than one generation. The effectiveness of using folk remedies for cough, bronchitis and tracheitis has been confirmed by the recognition of official medicine. Herbal infusions are prescribed as part of complex therapy in parallel with antibiotics, and are sometimes used as an independent remedy to treat the disease. This is explained by the advantages of traditional methods over medications, including:

  • Environmental safety.
  • Mild effect on the body as a whole.
  • Long-term performance testing.
  • Possibility to combine several treatment methods.
  • Minimal number of contraindications.
  • No addiction.
  • Minimal likelihood of side effects.
  • Fortification of the body and strengthening of the immune system.

The most effective folk remedies for coughs

How to get rid of a cough? There is a huge arsenal of folk remedies that help defeat the disease. An important condition for the effectiveness of their use is to determine the characteristics of the disease. The cough can be morning, night, dry, with sputum, constant or intermittent. In addition, when choosing a remedy, it is necessary to take into account the age of the patient. The approach to treating infants requires special attention. Let's look at effective folk remedies for severe cough, bronchitis and tracheitis:

For adults

How to quickly cure an adult? Folk remedies for cough, acute bronchitis and tracheitis in adults include decoctions, infusions from plant materials, applications and inhalations. Chronic bronchitis treatment with folk remedies:

  • Goose fat for oral administration. Helps cure dry, scratchy cough. The main effect of goose fat is to liquefy mucus and remove it from the lungs. To make the drug, poultry fat is used, which is melted by overcooking. To cure a prolonged cough, drink one tablespoon of fat in the morning on an empty stomach. Relief occurs on the second day. It is possible to completely get rid of a prolonged cough within 7 days of treatment with fat.

  • Milk, honey, onion and garlic. A decoction prepared with these ingredients helps with a strong wet cough and relieves wheezing. To get the medicine, take half a liter of milk, boil three pre-chopped onions and a head of garlic in it for 10 minutes. After this, let it cool slightly and pour the entire contents into a blender, where it is ground to a pulp. Then add a couple of tablespoons of honey, preferably linden honey. Drink this cough medicine at least 5 times a day after warming it up a little. Relief occurs after the first dose.
  • Bogorodskaya herb (thyme). This aromatic plant helps with chronic dry cough, including smoker's cough. A very good expectorant folk remedy. A decoction is prepared from 250 ml of water and one tablespoon of dry herbs. The herb is added to cold water, brought to a boil and simmered for 5 minutes. The broth must be filtered. Adults drink the product warm instead of tea. Children are given 1/3 glass in the morning and evening. Taking a cough decoction will thin the mucus, which helps cleanse the lungs even of tobacco products. You need to take the medicine for at least two weeks.
  • Potato. This vegetable is used to make an effective application that helps to cope with an old cough. To do this, take 2-3 potatoes, peel them and boil them. Without allowing it to cool, knead the finished potatoes and place them in a plastic bag. A cotton napkin is placed on the patient’s back, on top of which a bag of puree is placed. It is necessary to check whether the compress is too hot before applying it. Cover with a blanket on top. Keep the cough application until the potatoes have cooled.

For children

A child's cough is more difficult to cure, if only because it is more difficult to clear the airways of mucus. But there are a number of folk remedies that treat even a persistent cough in a child. Dr. Komarovsky suggests easing it by thinning the sputum. For this purpose, the doctor recommends using folk remedies to treat cough in children. Among them, the following methods stand out for their effectiveness and ease of use:

  • Eggs, milk, honey. Using these ingredients, a sweet mixture is prepared that will quickly cure a mild cough. To prepare the product, take a glass of boiled milk, add 30 g of honey and butter. Separately, beat the egg yolk and add it to the milk. It is better to take this medicine at night.

  • Onions, sugar. A sweet syrup made from these ingredients relieves severe coughs. For it you need 2 onions, a liter of water and a glass of sugar. The washed onions are dipped into boiling water with sugar dissolved in it and simmered for about an hour. Then the syrup is drained. Children are given one tablespoon of warm medicine every three to four hours.
  • Honey, cabbage. These products are used to make a cough application on the chest. The product is very effective, relief occurs the next day after the first procedure. To prepare, you will need one cabbage leaf and a couple of spoons of honey. The leaf is smeared with honey and applied to the chest. The cough application is kept on all night. In the morning, remove the cabbage leaf that has become limp. Honey is completely absorbed into the patient's skin. Before using folk remedies for cough, bronchitis and tracheitis, it is necessary to measure the temperature; if it is above 37.5 degrees, it is better to postpone the procedure.

Recipes for treating bronchitis at home

Bronchitis is a serious disease that begins as a simple cold, resulting in inflammation of the bronchi. The disease is accompanied by hard breathing, first a dry cough, then a wet, sometimes almost squelching cough. Patients develop fever and chest pain when coughing. Chronic bronchitis symptoms can only be diagnosed by a doctor. The presence of this form of the disease is indicated by thickening of the walls of the bronchi. Treating the disease is more difficult and you cannot do without folk remedies. The causes of bronchitis are common seasonal infections.

If a child gets sick, how to treat bronchitis in children? In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor. Signs of bronchitis in a child do not appear immediately. About a week may pass from the moment of illness. In such cases, the removal of sputum becomes of great importance. Otherwise, a complication in the form of bronchopneumonia is possible, which can only be treated in a hospital setting. We offer the most effective, easy ways to treat bronchitis:

  • Black radish. The juice of this root vegetable will help cope with acute bronchitis. To do this, you need a couple of vegetables that are thoroughly washed. Using a knife, cut off the cap of each root vegetable and scoop out the pulp in the form of a funnel. Only a small puncture is made in the lower part. Take a tea cup and put a radish in it. Place a teaspoon of honey into the resulting funnel. From below, through the puncture, after about 30 minutes, sweet juice begins to drip. Give it a tablespoon 5 times a day. This syrup is used for dry cough. Relief of bronchitis symptoms occurs on the third day.
  • Ginger. This miracle root has an antiseptic, expectorant, bactericidal effect, copes with severe coughs, and relieves bronchospasms. Can be used as a prophylaxis against pneumonia and bronchitis. To prepare the medicine you will need one teaspoon each of lemon juice, ginger and honey, and 0.5 cups of boiling water. The juices are mixed, honey is added. Let the mixture stand and pour boiling water over it. Cover the container with something warm and let it sit for another 10 minutes. You need to drink the medicine for bronchitis one teaspoon at a time. every 30 minutes.
  • Badger fat. A strong remedy for atrophic and obstructive bronchitis. Drink cough fat undiluted, one tablespoon in the morning. The product helps restore the bronchial epithelium. You can drink not only at the time of exacerbation of the disease, but also for prevention in the autumn-winter period. It is not recommended to give this remedy for bronchitis to children: it can provoke a severe allergic reaction.

How to treat tracheitis with folk remedies

Tracheitis is a cold that often takes a chronic form. Accompanies ARVI, sinusitis, bronchitis. More often it affects women and children. It is characterized by a sore throat, a dry “barking” cough, and a change in voice during the illness. How to treat tracheitis? Traditional medicine offers a lot of easy ways to get rid of this problem. The most effective are the following:

  • Birch tar. This ingredient is used to make a strong cough suppressant. To do this, take 1 spoon of tar and dilute it with 8 spoons of boiled water. Stir and leave for two days. Then remove the film from the surface of the liquid, pour it into another container and put it in the refrigerator. You need to drink this remedy one spoon at night. In the morning, gargle with tar water. To cure a severe cough, three procedures are enough.
  • Cocoa butter. This product helps cure tracheitis, dry, hard cough and bronchitis. The chocolate aroma of the oil allows the medicine to be used in the treatment of children. To do this, mix the oil with hot milk in proportions of 1:30 and drink. Take no more than 100 ml of the drug at a time. Allowed to be consumed 3 times a day.

Video: inhalations that soften cough

How to cure a cough? For colds accompanied by a runny nose and cough, inhalations are used. This procedure helps reduce the viscosity of sputum and mucus in the nasopharynx and removes them from the body. For it you will need an inhaler, herbal decoctions (sage, calendula, eucalyptus, chamomile), soda, iodine, Borjomi mineral water, fresh onion and garlic juice. In some cases, for severe coughs, combinations of the listed ingredients are used. For the procedure to work, follow some rules, which you will learn about in the following video:

Feedback on results after treatment

Alisa, 34 years old: I am a teacher, and like many teachers, I have weak vocal cords. On top of that, during the peak of the infection, when all the children are sick, I get infected from them and suffer from tracheitis for a long time. The only salvation for me was inhalation with mineral water. They soften the throat, relieve dryness and help quickly get rid of cough with phlegm. In addition to inhalations, I do a castor compress at night, which helps me cope with the disease without sick leave.

Oksana, 24 years old: I have a little son. He is 2 years old. He gets sick very often. A cake made from honey, mustard and flour helps us cope with a cough. I take all the ingredients in equal proportions and mix. To avoid irritation, I lubricate the skin with baby cream. I put the flatbread on the back, put a diaper on top and wrap it up. I leave it on for three to four hours and take it off. The cough goes away completely within a week.

Victor, 48 years old: I have chronic bronchitis. But I haven’t remembered it for several years now thanks to badger fat. I drink this folk remedy in the fall every year, a teaspoon before breakfast. I use a half liter jar for the course. A very tasteless medicine with a peculiar smell, but it saved me from coughing forever. When it’s completely unbearable, I add honey. This remedy is not suitable for everyone. My wife has a diseased liver and cannot drink it.

A dry cough is not a disease, but only a sign of a certain pathological process. It can be provoked by ailments such as inflammation of the bronchi, lungs, bronchial asthma, and tuberculosis. To eliminate it, it is very important to choose an effective remedy that would not only relieve this symptom, but also help improve the patient’s well-being.


For those who trust pharmaceutical drugs, you should pay attention to medications for dry cough, which are produced in the form of a suspension or tablets. Let’s take a closer look at the most popular and effective ones. What medications should I take and how should I treat them?

Herbion syrup

The main advantage of this medicine is its mild effect on the mucous membranes of the throat, bronchi and lungs. After use, the active components of the syrup have an enveloping effect on the affected organs and eliminate the inflammatory process. This treatment leads to rapid removal of sputum. The composition of Herbion assumes the presence of components of plant origin. This drug can be taken not only by adults, but also by children.

How to take Gerbion syrup for dry cough? You can find instructions here. If you are tormented by a dry cough, then to eliminate it, use syrup in the amount of 305 dessert spoons. The duration of therapy should not be less than 5 minutes. There is Gerbion syrup for wet coughs. Here you can read the instructions.

Doctor Mo m

The suspension is actively used during the treatment of respiratory tract ailments, which are characterized by a dry cough. The composition of the drug involves herbal elements, the action of which is aimed at softening the mucous membrane, removing sputum and relieving inflammation. Doctor Mom is also effective in eliminating causes of cough such as tracheitis (symptoms of tracheid cough are described here), bronchitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis. It can be used not only by adults, but also by young patients. Doctor Mom cough syrup for children is described in more detail at the link.

Use Doctor Mom in the dosage specified in the instructions, taking into account the patient’s age. For adults, a single dose will be 2 dessert spoons. Treatment with this drug must be carried out for 2-3 weeks. If necessary, the doctor may extend the treatment.

Bronchiku m

The effectiveness of this medicine is noted in the treatment of colds and infectious pathologies, which are characterized by a dry cough. As a rule, Bronchicum has a positive effect on eliminating bronchitis and whooping cough. The composition of the medicine assumes the presence of thyme oil. It is thanks to him that it is possible to have a bactericidal and expectorant effect. This syrup can be used in the treatment of any type of cough. It is very safe, as it contains only natural ingredients of plant origin.

A single dosage of the suspension for adults is 10 ml 3 times a day. The therapeutic course lasts 4-5 weeks, but it is determined by the attending physician, taking into account the patient’s age and stage of the pathology.

Find out why sinusitis is dangerous during pregnancy.

List of antibiotics for the treatment of cough in children:

Here you can find instructions on how to use Lazolvan solution for inhalation.

This drug is available in tablet form. It shows its effectiveness in the treatment of bronchitis, pharyngitis and other ailments that are characterized by a dry cough. The active component is prenoxydiazine hydrochloride. Adults take the medicine in an amount of 100-200 mg 3 times a day. Libexin should not be used in patients who are hypersensitive and during pregnancy.

WITH Toptussy n

This antitussive medication is characterized by an expectorant and bronchodilation effect. It is used during the treatment of bronchitis, influenza, whooping cough, and pneumonia. The main components are butamirate and guaifenesin. Stoptussin should be taken after meals. But to protect against side effects, you should follow the dosage exactly as indicated in the instructions. Do not use the medicine during pregnancy or if you are allergic to a certain component of the medicine.

Other effective ways

A dry cough can be treated not only with pharmaceutical drugs, but also with the use of folk recipes. To achieve maximum effect, it is best to use combination treatment.

The video talks about medications for dry cough for adults:

The main advantage of alternative medicine is its safe effect, because all medicines used consist of natural ingredients. When a dry cough is not a sign of a serious pathology, then treatment with folk remedies is the most suitable option. Decoctions, compresses and inhalations can be used here. During this therapy, the patient is able to improve his condition, restore his voice, and quickly remove phlegm.

Honey composition

To get it you need to take a dessert spoon of the bee product with a semi-liquid consistency. Combine it in equal proportions with cocoa and olive oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, and then carry out treatment in a dosage of 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day. The honey mixture should be taken after meals.

Onion decoction

Place a liter of water in a container, and then put two onions in it, with the peel removed in advance. Cook them over low heat for an hour. Then remove them from the container, and give the resulting broth time to cool. Take ½ cup 4 times a day.


Place ½ liter of milk in a saucepan, place on the stove and wait until it boils. When it has cooled, add the yolk, a tablespoon of cream and a dessert spoon of liquid honey. Mix everything thoroughly and take the medicine in the amount of a glass 5 times a day.

Healing herbs

Medicinal plants also have a positive effect in the treatment of dry cough. To prepare the product you will need 2 dessert spoons of elecampane roots and a glass of boiling water. It is better to brew herbs in a thermos. The resulting composition has a powerful expectorant effect on inflammation of the bronchi. The required dosage is 1/3 cup 3 times a day.

Honey with olive oil

To get a medicine based on these products, you need to combine them in equal proportions. Take a dessert spoon 3 times a day.

Radish juice

Remove the skin from the top of the black radish and cut out an indentation. As a result, the vegetable should take the shape of a cup. Then place natural honey into the resulting hole. This product should be in the radish for 24 hours. Consume the resulting juice with bee product in the amount of a tablespoon 3 times a day. Here you will find a recipe for making green radish with cough honey.


  • Ekaterina, 19 years old: “I had attacks of dry cough when I had pharyngitis. To treat this symptom, the doctor prescribed therapy for me, but after 2 weeks of following it, I was still unable to achieve a positive result. But what really helped me was the honey mixture. I took it for 1.5 weeks and all the symptoms of the disease began to leave me.”
  • Stanislav, 35 years old:“During a common cold, I was suffocated, and especially at night, by a strong dry cough. I didn’t go to the doctor, but Doctor Mom syrup helped me defeat him. I took it 3 times a day for 3 weeks. As a result of this therapy, I was able to reduce the intensity of my cough, I began to sleep at night, and my general health improved markedly.”
  • Natalya, 23 years old: “To treat dry cough, I used folk and traditional treatment. As the doctor explained to me, the maximum effect can be achieved with an integrated approach. To treat dry cough, I used Libexin tablets and onion decoction. I managed to overcome all the unpleasant symptoms of a cold in 3 weeks.”

Treatment of dry cough does not involve the use of any supernatural methods. For this reason, it is quite possible to eliminate it if you immediately consult a doctor and follow all his instructions. If this is not done, then there are all the conditions for the cough to develop into a chronic one. You may also find useful information about what to do if your child’s dry cough does not go away.

Tablets for dry cough for adults: a list of inexpensive and effective drugs

Coughing is a protective reaction to various irritating factors. A similar symptom can occur when dust, smoke or chemicals enter the throat. Cough often develops due to allergies. But most often the cause of the development of an unpleasant symptom is some kind of infectious disease. A dry cough irritates the throat and prevents you from sleeping peacefully at night. Initially, it is necessary to make the sputum less viscous. There are effective tablets for dry cough in adults that can quickly get rid of the problem.

Why does a dry cough occur?

In most cases, a dry cough is observed with acute respiratory infections or flu. This symptom may indicate irritation of the mucous membrane by a foreign object. Severe attacks of dry cough may indicate the development of bronchial asthma or pneumonia. A characteristic symptom is a whistling sound when inhaling. This condition requires emergency care. Treatment in a hospital will be required. Effective tablets for dry cough will be part of complex therapy.

In rare cases, a dry cough may occur when treating high blood pressure. Drugs such as Maleate, Liznopril, Enalapril can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane. In this case, special medications are not needed to treat cough. You just have to stop taking the medicine for high blood pressure or reduce its dosage.

An allergic reaction to spring flowers or animal dander can cause bronchospasm. In this case, a dry cough appears sharply and does not stop until the patient takes an antihistamine. Frequent allergic cough is a serious problem. If you do not eliminate it, bronchial asthma may develop.

Which medicine to choose for dry cough?

In pharmacies you can find many drugs that can help you overcome dry cough. Treatment, pills and mixtures should only be prescribed by a doctor. To eliminate an unpleasant symptom, you must first identify the cause. The specialist conducts a series of tests that allow you to make the correct diagnosis. After all, treating an allergic cough with simple expectorants will not give any results.

If a patient has a dry, painful cough that makes it difficult to sleep normally and perform daily duties, combination medications are most often prescribed. These are medications that help thin mucus and also relieve throat irritation. It is worth remembering that mucolytic tablets for dry cough for adults and children are never taken together with antitussive drugs. Below is a list of tablets that are most often prescribed to adults.


A popular mucolytic agent with an expectorant effect. The drug is prescribed for the development of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, which are accompanied by the formation of viscous sputum. Bromhexine tablets help dilute the secretions in the bronchi, so that a dry cough develops into a productive one. The drug can be part of the complex therapy of chronic pneumonia and bronchial asthma. The tablets have virtually no contraindications. In rare cases, hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug occurs.

Bromhexine tablets should not be taken simultaneously with codeine-containing drugs. Such treatment will not give any result. Only under the supervision of a specialist should the drug be used by patients who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Adults take one tablet three times a day. As soon as a dry cough develops into a productive one, you should stop taking Bromhexine.


Popular tablets for dry cough for adults, the main active ingredient of which is ambroxol hydrochloride. The auxiliary components are lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, sodium carboxymethyl starch and microcrystalline cellulose. The drug "Halixol" has excellent mucolytic and expectorant effects. It is prescribed for the treatment of acute conditions of chronic respiratory diseases. If it is necessary to liquefy mucus during infectious diseases of the ENT organs, Halixol tablets are also used.

The drug is not prescribed to children before they reach the age of five. During pregnancy, tablets can only be taken from the second trimester under the supervision of a doctor. People with kidney failure are not prescribed the drug "Halixol".


Popular mucolytic tablets for dry cough for adults. Like the previous product, Lazolvan is made on the basis of ambroxol. Additionally, lactose monohydrate, corn starch, colloidal silicon dioxide, and magnesium stearate are used. Lazolvan tablets are excellent for treating dry coughs in acute respiratory infections and influenza, as well as for thinning sputum in pneumonia and bronchial asthma. The drug is not prescribed in the first half of pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding. Lazolvan tablets are contraindicated for minor patients.

It is worth remembering that Lazolvan tablets are a mucolytic drug. Therefore, it should not be taken together with antitussives. This will only lead to difficulty in removing mucus from the bronchi.

If a dry cough occurs, adults take one tablet of Lazolvan three times a day. As soon as the cough becomes productive, stop taking the drug.


Very good tablets for dry cough. The medication belongs to the group of mucolytic drugs. The medicine, like the previous ones, is based on ambroxol hydrochloride. The auxiliary elements are calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium carboxymethyl starch, magnesium stearate, and colloidal silicon dioxide. If you have a dry cough, Ambrohexal cough tablets can give a positive effect already in the first days of use. The drug is prescribed for bronchial asthma, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis.

The drug "Ambrohexal" in tablets is not prescribed to children under 6 years of age, as well as to women in the first half of pregnancy. The drug is also contraindicated during breastfeeding. Only under the supervision of a doctor should people with peptic ulcers take the pills. In rare cases, hypersensitivity to the main components of the drug may occur.


A popular antitussive drug, made in the form of tablets. The main component is butamirate citrate. Additionally, hypromellose, anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose monohydrate, and magnesium stearate are used. Dry cough tablets "Omnitus" are prescribed to stop severe attacks caused by infectious diseases such as influenza, whooping cough, and acute respiratory infections. The drug can also be prescribed to suppress reflex cough after surgery.

One of the least expensive are these tablets for dry cough. The price of the drug in pharmacies does not exceed 200 rubles. But you should not purchase the drug without the advice of a specialist. Sensitivity to certain elements of the drug often occurs. Omnitus tablets are also contraindicated during lactation. In the second half of pregnancy, the medication should be used only if the potential benefit to the mother outweighs the potential harm to the baby.

If an adult has a dry cough, Libexin tablets can help. The main substance of the medicine is. Talc, glycerin, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate, and corn starch are used as auxiliary components. Libexin tablets for dry cough can be taken for various inflammatory processes of the respiratory tract. The drug is often prescribed before a bronchoscopic examination.

Libexin tablets are contraindicated in patients with diseases that cause increased secretion of bronchial secretions. The product is not contraindicated for children and pregnant women. Treatment must take place under the supervision of a doctor. In rare cases, hypersensitivity to the main components of the drug develops.

Not everyone knows what pills to take if a dry cough develops. Many people strive to achieve several effects at the same time. For such purposes, combination medications were created. A prominent representative is the Stoptussin tablets, which have both an expectorant and antitussive effect. The main active ingredient is butamirate dihydrogen citrate. Additionally, colloidal silicon dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose, glyceryl tribehenate, and magnesium stearate are used. Stoptussin tablets are prescribed for the treatment of dry irritating cough, which develops as a result of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.

Stoptussin is not prescribed to patients under 12 years of age, as well as to women in the first trimester of pregnancy. During breastfeeding, tablets can be used only after consultation with a pediatrician.


Good and inexpensive tablets for dry cough for adults. The drug contains paracetamol, chlorphenamine, and phenylephrine. The medication has a combined effect. Take it when the first symptoms of a cold appear in adults. Lorraine tablets effectively thin mucus, help lower body temperature, and generally improve the patient’s condition.

The medication is not prescribed to children under 6 years of age, as well as to pregnant and lactating women. People with a tendency to allergic reactions and gastrointestinal problems should take the tablets with caution.

Is it possible to do without medications?

For a dry cough, only a doctor can tell you which tablets are best. But what if you can’t ask for help? There are traditional methods that will temporarily relieve unpleasant symptoms. Warm drinks are excellent for thinning phlegm. It is worth heating the milk and adding a teaspoon of honey to it. This drink is not only an expectorant, but will also relieve throat irritation. In addition, milk with honey is very tasty.

Regular inhalations with medicinal herbs give good results. You need to bring two liters of water to a boil and add a little chamomile infusion. You will have to breathe over a container of hot water, covered with a towel.

How to choose a cough medicine?

What cough tablets?

Effective medications for the treatment of cough in adults, adolescents and children is a hot topic today and this is due to common cases of self-medication and a huge selection of drugs in the form of syrups, tablets, mixtures, drops, suspensions, sprays, inhalers, infusions and tinctures. At the same time, patients often seek advice from pharmacists and pharmacists who cannot assess the nature of the cough, determine the diagnosis and severity of the disease, the possibility of a complicated course of the nosological form, which can only be determined by a qualified specialist - a therapist, pediatrician or family doctor. If necessary, additional instrumental examination methods are prescribed.

Proper treatment of cough does not consist in suppressing the cough reflex, which is the body’s protective reaction to irritation of the respiratory tract due to the development of an inflammatory process in them and with the production of sputum (wet cough) or with a minimal presence of mucus (dry unproductive cough), as well as any irritating factor entering the respiratory tract:

  • small particles of dust;
  • foreign objects;
  • various infectious agents - pathogenic microorganisms, viruses, fungi;
  • allergens.

In some cases, cough, especially in childhood, can occur due to diseases that are not associated with pathological processes directly in the respiratory system, but have a central (neurogenic) nature - with neuroses, hyperactivity syndrome, psychopathy. Cough is also an additional symptom for diseases of other organs or systems: allergic diseases, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and digestive organs.

Therefore, in each specific case, diagnosis and careful selection of strictly defined and most effective cough tablets are necessary for complex therapy of the underlying disease with the elimination or relief of a certain type of cough.

Pathogenesis of cough

The mucous membranes of the trachea, bronchi and alveoli normally constantly produce mucus.

But in inflammatory processes that occur during seasonal infections, colds, cough is one of the symptoms of acutely occurring pathological processes, which are accompanied by fever, lethargy, weakness, runny nose and general malaise, due to the development of the inflammatory process in the epithelial cells of the larynx and trachea , pharynx, bronchi or alveoli. In this case, hyperemia develops with persistent edema and the production of mucous exudate, aimed at evacuating viruses and pathogenic microorganisms from the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Another cause of cough is bronchospasm.

Inflammation of the alveoli, pleura or lung tissue during pneumonia and pleurisy is accompanied by a frequent dry and irritating cough, but the diagnosis of these diseases is carried out only in a medical institution.

Cough, depending on the amount of sputum in the respiratory tract, is divided into wet and dry.

Moreover, the treatment of each type of cough has its own characteristics and determines the choice of cough medicine.

Tablets for dry cough, in most cases, suppress the cough reflex (by blocking the cough center or tracheobronchial tree receptors), so they

It is unacceptable to use for the treatment of wet cough, as a result of which the evacuation of sputum will be impaired and the lumens of the bronchi will be completely clogged with constantly produced secretions.

Also, do not use tablets for wet coughs, which dilute sputum and promote both its formation and easier expectoration when a dry cough occurs, which is associated with irritation of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract by a catarrhal inflammatory process or irritation by chemical or physical agents. If they are not effective, they can stimulate the production of secretions when the cells are not ready for this, so swelling and inflammation of the bronchi and trachea worsens.

It is important to remember that cough is only a symptom of the disease and the main point of therapy is identifying and eliminating the cause of the pathological process.

Causes of cough in children and adults

Today, the main causes of cough are:

1. Diseases of the respiratory system

  1. Colds and infectious diseases of the bronchopulmonary system of viral and bacterial etiology (considered the largest and main group of pathologies that are accompanied by cough):
    • diseases of the upper respiratory tract (nasopharyngitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, laryngotracheitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis);
    • pathological processes in the lower respiratory tract (tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchiolitis, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia and pneumonia, pleurisy, alveolitis, lung abscess);
  2. Specific infectious-inflammatory processes (tuberculosis and mycosis of the lungs, chlamydial pneumonia); 3) Diseases of infectious-allergic and allergic origin (bronchial asthma, angioedema of the larynx);
  3. Congenital pathology of the bronchi and lungs (bronchial hypoplasia, congenital bronchiectasis);
  4. Children's infectious diseases (whooping cough, measles, scarlet fever);
  5. Benign and malignant neoplasms of the respiratory tract (pulmonary sarcoma, bronchogenic cancer, pleural tumors);
  6. Irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract by aggressive chemicals (poisoning with gasoline vapors, acetone, carbon monoxide);
  7. Foreign bodies in the respiratory tract;
  8. Interstitial lung diseases.

2. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels

  • heart defects (congenital and acquired);
  • angina pectoris;
  • heart failure;
  • inflammatory heart diseases (myocarditis, pericarditis).

3. Diseases of the digestive tract

  • gastroesophageal reflux;

4. Diseases of the nervous system

  • neurogenic dysfunction of the pharyngeal muscles;
  • neuroses;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • organic pathology of the brain (post-stroke complications, brain tumors).

5. Other reasons

  • smoker's cough;
  • cough, as a side reaction when taking certain medications (renin-angiotensin inhibitors).

Effective elimination of the cause of cough is the basis of cough therapy aimed at the etiological factor.

Classification of drugs that eliminate and alleviate cough

The modern classification of medications that affect cough is extensive, but today medications that have a positive effect on the occurrence of the cough reflex, its productivity and intensity in pharmacology and medicine are divided into three main groups:

  1. medications that directly have an inhibitory effect on the cough center of the central nervous system (in the brain) and on the nerve endings of cough receptors with complete or partial suppression of cough;
  2. medications that affect smooth muscles and bronchial mucosa;
  3. drugs that affect the state of bronchial secretions.

Dry cough tablets

A dry cough occurs as a complex reflex defense reaction of the body, which occurs with constant irritation of the respiratory tract by any infectious or other foreign agents with the simultaneous presence of catarrhal inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract with minimal sputum production, mainly with the development of viral or bacterial infections.

A dry cough is irritating and unproductive and most often occurs with catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract - the larynx, nasopharynx and/or the initial part of the trachea, as well as with their combined lesions - laryngopharyngitis, laryngotracheitis and pharyngotracheitis. Also, a frequent dry and irritating cough can occur in children with childhood infectious diseases - measles, paratussis, mumps, whooping cough and scarlet fever.

A dry cough can be a symptom of pleurisy, bronchoadenitis, the presence of a foreign body in the bronchi, as well as a symptom of diseases of other systems: a psychogenic cough with neuroses or an irritating cough with endocrinopathies and diseases of the digestive system (gastroesophageal reflux).

For this type of cough, in some cases, antitussive drugs are prescribed to suppress the cough reflex. It is important to remember that this type of medication is used only as prescribed by the attending physician at any age, but in young children (up to one year), in premature and weakened babies, in the presence of perinatal pathology of the central nervous system, these medications can inhibit not only the cough reflex, but also respiratory center. Therefore, in pediatric practice, these drugs are prescribed only under the constant supervision of a specialist in the case of severe dry cough, which significantly disrupts the child’s well-being and sleep, causing regurgitation and vomiting - for whooping cough, parawhooping cough and in the complex therapy of obstructive bronchitis and bronchopneumonia.

These medications are divided into:

  • centrally acting drugs;
  • peripheral action;
  • combination drugs.

Centrally acting antitussives

A group of drugs that affect the cough center of central action are used to eliminate coughing attacks and are used to treat diseases with the absence of sputum. It mainly includes medications for the treatment of dry cough:

1. With a narcotic effect (Morphine chloride, Codeine, Demorphan, Hydrocodone, Codipront, and Ethylmorphine hydrochloride).

2. Without narcotic effect (Tusuprex, Glauvent, Sedotussin, Sinekod, Paxeladin, Butamirat).

Narcotic antitussive drugs

These drugs are sold in pharmacies only upon presentation of a prescription.

With caution, drugs in this group are prescribed for acute abdominal pain of unknown origin, convulsions (history), arrhythmia, alcoholism, attacks of bronchial asthma, suicidal tendencies, neuroses and emotional lability. And also for intracranial hypertension and brain injuries, prostatic hyperplasia, renal and/or liver failure, hypothyroidism, severe inflammatory bowel disease, and strictures of the urethra. It is extremely rare that drugs in this group are prescribed to weakened patients, at any stage of pregnancy and lactation, as well as to elderly patients and children due to the large number of adverse reactions, the possibility of overdose and poisoning.

It should be noted that the use of other antitussive and expectorant drugs simultaneously with narcotic antitussive drugs is prohibited.

The most common drugs in this group are Codeine and codeine-containing drugs and Ethylmorphine.

Codeine is an opium alkaloid and is formed synthetically by methylation of morphine. Its therapeutic effect is based on suppressing overstimulation of the cough center of the brain.

Codeine is part of combination medications that are used as symptomatic remedies for the treatment of obsessive, painful and debilitating cough:

1) in combination with expectorant drugs and terpinhydrate

  • Terpincode;
  • Codterpin;
  • Kodarin;

2) with sodium bicarbonate, thermopsis herb and licorice root

  • Codesan;
  • Codelac;

3) in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, naproxen, metamizole, paracetamol and analgin and) with the inclusion of phenobarbital in some drugs with its calming effect

  • Sedalgin;
  • Pentalgin;
  • Solpadeine;
  • Nurofen Plus.

Ethylmorphine is a centrally acting antitussive that helps stimulate opioid receptors in brain neurons and reduce the excitability of the cough center and has an analgesic and sedative effect. It comes in tablet form.

The indication for use of Ethylmorphine is a non-productive, painful cough, which is accompanied by pain in pulmonary tuberculosis, pleurisy, and neoplasms of the bronchopulmonary system.

Contraindications to the use of this medication are respiratory depression due to various infectious and inflammatory processes of the lungs (bronchopneumonia, bronchiectasis, emphysema and other COPD), especially in old age, as well as increased sensitivity to the drug. The most common adverse reactions are persistent headaches, insomnia, persistent constipation (especially in the elderly and senile, in debilitated patients) and the development of drug dependence.

Non-narcotic antitussive drugs

Today, the pharmacy chain has a very large selection of non-narcotic antitussive drugs that can be considered true cough tablets. Typical representatives of this group are Libexin, Paxeladin, Glaucin, Sedotussin, Tusuprex, Sinekod and other drugs.

The mechanism of action of these drugs:

  • inhibitory effect on the nerve endings of cough receptors with complete or partial suppression of cough and indirect inhibition of the cough center;
  • interruption or weakening of signals going to the brain (medulla oblongata) from the affected mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi.

Some of the listed substances are included in combination products, mainly Glaucine, which is an antitussive component of many medications that also contain other emollients, expectorants or anti-inflammatory components (Stoptussin, Broncholitin).

Today, non-narcotic drugs are used widely by patients and, in some cases, by doctors, but, unfortunately, quite often unreasonably and incorrectly, because the indication for their use is considered to be the need to suppress a frequent, irritating cough. In pediatrics, such cases are rare - mainly with whooping cough or in cases of intense productive cough with intense sputum production with the formation of copious and liquid bronchial secretions (bronchorrhea), when there is a real threat of aspiration of bronchial contents.

In older patients (children over 12 years of age, adolescents, adult patients), these drugs are prescribed in cases of cough combined with moderate bronchospasm. Moreover, they are used both independently and as an addition to bronchodilators that suppress catarrhal or allergic inflammation.

The most frequently prescribed drugs in this group are Butamirate, Libexin, Bitiodine, Paxeladin.

This antitussive drug effectively inhibits the excitability of the cough center, while providing moderate anti-inflammatory, expectorant effects and a weak bronchodilator effect, reducing irritation of the trachea and bronchi and potentiating the antitussive effect without a depressing effect on the respiratory center.

Butamirate tablets are used for symptomatic treatment of inflammatory diseases of the bronchopulmonary system in adults and children over 12 years of age, which are accompanied by frequent non-productive and severe irritating cough of an obsessive nature. Butamirate is the main component of the medicines Sinecod, Codelac-Neo, Omnitus.

An antitussive drug, the therapeutic effect of which is due to its active effect on the receptors of the mucous membrane of the bronchopulmonary system and, to a lesser extent, on the cough center of the central nervous system. Its active ingredient is Tipepidine, which is close in strength to codeine, but does not cause drug dependence even with long-term use.


This drug is an antitussive that has no chemical affinity for opioids and their derivatives, nor for antihistamines. Its active component is oxeladine citrate, which acts selectively at the level of cough nerve centers. Paxeladine is available in extended-release capsules and syrup. Like all non-narcotic antitussive drugs, it is prescribed for the symptomatic treatment of frequent dry cough in most cases of a spastic or reflex nature. It is not used to treat productive cough - this makes it difficult to clear sputum and worsens inflammatory processes, creating conditions for the development of complications (bronchopneumonia, pleurisy). Paxeladin is also not used simultaneously with expectorants and mucolytic drugs - in this case, the production of viscous sputum is activated, which provokes the development of bronchospasm, peristalsis of small and medium-sized bronchi, and obliteration of the bronchial lumen occurs, which aggravates the cough.
The use of capsules is not recommended for children under 15 years of age.

Indications and features of the use of non-narcotic antitussive drugs

A group of non-narcotic antitussive drugs of central action is indicated mainly for coughs that are associated with severe irritation of the mucous membranes of the supraglottic (upper) parts of the respiratory tract resulting from infectious and/or catarrhal inflammation. Moreover, the positive result is usually enhanced when they are used together with peripheral antitussive drugs with an enveloping effect. An example of such a combined effect is Bronholitin. But the effectiveness of its use is justified only in the absence of pronounced inflammatory changes in the mucosa in the lower parts of the bronchopulmonary system, due to the fact that the ephedrine included in it “dries out” the bronchial mucosa, increasing the viscosity of bronchial secretions, increasing the unproductiveness of cough in bronchitis and pneumonia. Ephedrine also has an stimulating effect on the central nervous system, so the use of this medicine in children is unjustified and dangerous - it can disturb the child’s sleep, contributing to increased shortness of breath and unproductive cough.

It is important to remember that the use of this group of drugs as self-medication can do more harm than good, cause complications in the form of bronchial obstruction, increased viscosity of bronchial secretions and contribute to the progression of inflammatory processes, edema and descent of the pathological process into the lower sections.

Group of peripherally acting drugs

The peripheral action group includes pharmacological drugs for dry cough that act on nerve receptors and endings that are located in the tracheobronchial tree - Libexin, Levopront and Gelitsidin.

Libexin is considered an effective antitussive drug, which additionally has local anesthetic, bronchodilator and antispasmodic effects and has a moderate expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect with a minimal decrease in the activity of the respiratory center. The main form of Libexin is round, flat, almost white tablets with a dividing strip into four equal parts on one side and an engraving “LIBEXIN” on the other, containing 100 mg of the active ingredient - prenoxdiazine hydrochloride.

This drug is today considered the drug of choice for the treatment of laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis and, less commonly, bronchitis, which are accompanied by a dry, unproductive cough. Also as one of the components in the complex therapy of pleurisy and pneumonia, which are accompanied by pain and obstructive syndromes, and in congenital diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, cystic fibrosis and other chronic lung diseases: tuberculosis, pneumoconiosis, emphysema in children and adults as a symptomatic remedy for obsessive irritating cough .

This drug is prescribed with caution for ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in the presence of a history of gastric bleeding, liver or kidney failure, glomerulonephritis, cystitis, an allergic form of bronchial asthma with a tendency to persistent bronchial obstruction.

Libexin is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, pregnancy (especially in the first trimester), lactation and in early childhood.


This drug is prescribed for frequent dry cough in children and adults. It is available in the form of syrup and drops for oral administration.

Absolute contraindications to its use are:

  • pregnancy at any stage;
  • lactation period;
  • liver failure;
  • decreased mucociliary function of the bronchi;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Levopront can cause side effects such as increased fatigue, diarrhea, drowsiness, dizziness, tachycardia, heartburn, nausea, vomiting and allergic reactions. With long-term use of this drug, mental disorders, development of stupor and coma are possible, especially with overdoses in childhood and old age.

Group of antitussive drugs of combined action

These drugs simultaneously have a cough reflex-reducing effect and an expectorant, moderate anti-inflammatory and mild bronchodilator effect due to the several components they contain - Stoptussin, Butamirate, Libexin-Muco, Tussin Plus, Broncholitin, Prothiazin, Hexapneumin.

All drugs in this group are widely used to treat dry and unproductive cough, but it is important to remember that

They are contraindicated in the presence of a productive wet cough or other conditions that are accompanied by copious sputum discharge, as well as in the likelihood of developing pulmonary hemorrhages.

Therefore, the choice of an antitussive drug should be made by a doctor based on anamnesis, clinical examination of the patient and, if necessary, additional methods (laboratory or instrumental).

Indications and features of the use of antitussive drugs

The group of “true” antitussive drugs of central and peripheral action is indicated mainly for cough, which is associated with severe irritation of the mucous membranes of the supraglottic (upper) respiratory tract, resulting from infectious and/or catarrhal inflammation. Moreover, the positive result is usually enhanced when they are used together with drugs that additionally have anti-inflammatory and enveloping effects. An example of such a combined effect is Bronholitin. But the effectiveness of its use is justified only in the absence of pronounced inflammatory changes in the mucosa in the lower parts of the bronchopulmonary system, due to the fact that the ephedrine included in it “dries out” the bronchial mucosa, increasing the viscosity of bronchial secretions, increasing the unproductiveness of cough in bronchitis and pneumonia. Ephedrine also has an stimulating effect on the central nervous system, so the use of this medicine in children is unjustified and dangerous - it can disturb the child’s sleep, contributing to increased shortness of breath and unproductive cough.

It is important to remember that the use of this group of drugs as self-medication can do more harm than good, cause complications in the form of broncho-obstruction, increased viscosity of bronchial secretions and contribute to the progression of inflammatory processes, edema and descent of the pathological process into the lower parts of the bronchopulmonary system.

Local cough medications

This group of antitussive drugs includes drugs that inhibit the cough reflex as a result of anesthesia of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, due to which the irritating effect of various agents, both infectious and non-infectious (chemical and physical factors), is sharply reduced. These drugs also reduce the viscosity of sputum and relax the bronchi.

Local anesthetics include Libexin, Tusuprex tablets and Falimint dissolving tablets.


Tusuprex tablets are often used for the symptomatic treatment of cough in children over one year old, adolescents and adult patients, but in pediatric practice they are used only as prescribed by a doctor (due to the complexity of dosing in young children). Also, this drug should not be used against the background of the development of bronchospasm (with obstructive bronchitis and bronchial asthma), in the presence of confirmed bronchiectasis and for any disease that is accompanied by difficult sputum discharge.

Falimint lozenges are indicated in the presence of a non-productive irritating cough, which is caused by severe catarrhal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (pharynx, larynx and upper trachea). This drug contains a local anesthetic component and therefore reduces the intensity of dry cough.

Falimint does not apply:

  • in children under 4 years of age;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • with fructose intolerance.

Drugs affecting the state of bronchial secretions

A separate group of drugs is distinguished that have a mucolytic and/or expectorant effect. These tablets and syrups, which are used for wet productive coughs, are divided into the following subtypes of drugs:

1. Expectorants:

a) having a predominantly reflex action:

  • Terpinhydrate, Thermopsis, Sodium benzoate, Licorin;
  • roots of Licorice, Elecampane, Istoda and Althea;
  • essential oils.

b) stimulating the gastropulmonary and/or gag reflex:

  • Guaifenazine, Ipecac, Sodium Citrate, Ammonium Chloride.

c) resorptive effect with increased bronchial secretion:

  • Sodium iodide, Sodium bicarbonate, Ammonium chloride, Potassium iodide.

2. Mucolytic agents:

a) direct action, which quickly destroy the polymer bonds of bronchial mucus:

  • Mukaltin;
  • Mucomist;
  • Mukobene;
  • Exomyuk;
  • Acetylcysteine, Fluimucil, Carbocysteine ​​group (Mukopront, Bronkatar, Mukodin, Fluvik, Mistabron, Mukosol;
  • preparations with infusions of plantain leaves, coltsfoot, licorice;
  • enzymatic preparations that reduce the viscosity of sputum - Chymotrypsin, DNAase, Trypsin, Ribonuclease, Streptokinase, DNAase, Pulmozyme;

b) Indirect action (mucoregulators):

  • Ambroxol (Ambrobene, Ambrosan, Ambrohexal, Halixol, Medovent, Lazolvan, Ambrolanlazolvan);
  • Bromhexine (Fulpen, Flegamine, Broxin, Bisolvon);
  • Carboxymethylcysteine, Sobrerod, Sodium ethanesulfate, Letostein, Sodium bicarbonate;
  • those that change the productivity of the bronchial glands are anticholinergic and antihistamine drugs.

3. Anti-inflammatory drugs with bronchodilator and/or expectorant effect:

  • Suprima-broncho, Sinupret, Pulmotin, Glyciram, Ascoril, Gelomirtol, Gedelix, Eucabal and Prospan.

Features of the use of expectorant drugs

The mechanism of action of expectorant drugs is based on increased secretion of sputum by the bronchial glands, dilution of the secretion by a reflex and, as a result, easier discharge of mucous or mucopurulent sputum from the lower parts of the bronchopulmonary system to its higher parts. These drugs actively irritate the receptors of the mucous membranes of the stomach and, by stimulating the vomiting center, which is localized in the medulla oblongata, and therefore significantly increase the secretion of sputum by the bronchi.

Expectorants are prescribed for diseases that are accompanied by a decrease in the production of sputum or, conversely, an abundance of thick, viscous, difficult to separate mucus, which accumulates in the bronchi (with bronchitis and bronchial asthma), the larynx (with laryngitis), in the trachea (with tracheitis), in the alveoli and small bronchioles (with bronchopneumonia and cystic fibrosis).

The use of expectorants for the treatment of respiratory diseases cannot be combined with antitussive drugs of central and peripheral action, which suppress the cough center or inhibit the cough reflex. In this case, a large amount of sputum accumulates in the lower respiratory tract, which often leads to their obliteration and the development of severe infectious and inflammatory diseases (obstructive bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, pleurisy).

There are two groups of expectorant drugs, differing in the mechanism of their therapeutic action:

  • means of reflex action;
  • drugs with direct effect.
  • herbal preparations;
  • synthetic drugs.

Basically, almost all expectorants with a reflex mechanism of action are represented by medicinal plants and their extracts, which enhance and accelerate the removal of mucus from the organs of the bronchopulmonary system. This group of medicines is extensive and in most cases they are represented by herbal medicines.

Medicinal plants have expectorant properties:

  • licorice;
  • thermopsis;
  • anise;
  • marshmallow;
  • plantain;
  • elecampane;
  • wild rosemary;
  • oregano;
  • thyme;
  • coltsfoot;
  • ipecacuanha;
  • thyme;
  • violet;
  • pine buds, etc.

Plant extracts of these herbs are included in various breast mixtures, tablets, powders and syrups for the treatment of wet productive cough in children and adults.

Cough tablets with thermopsis

In most cases (and this is actually true) this drug is considered the best drug for treating wet cough.

Cough tablets with thermopsis and sodium bicarbonate were very popular in the past and are effective today. Their balanced composition - thermopsis herb, which enhances the secretion of sputum, while simultaneously reducing its viscosity, and sodium bicarbonate - softening and gently breaking bonds in sputum molecules - effectively liquefy sputum, facilitating its speedy evacuation from the upper and lower parts of the respiratory tract.

These tablets do not contain artificial additives or synthetic components, and they are not inferior in effectiveness compared to expensive medications.

But there are absolute contraindications for prescribing this drug:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • erosive and ulcerative pathological processes of the stomach and other parts of the digestive system;
  • pregnancy.

Thermopsis today is considered an excellent medicine for the treatment of wet cough in children. But it is important to remember that it is not used for infants for the treatment of bronchitis or bronchopneumonia with a large amount of sputum, while the child cannot cough up effectively, and thermopsis additionally activates increased secretion of mucus by the bronchial glands, which quickly leads to the development of respiratory failure. Also, thermopsis grass has an emetic effect and babies experience frequent regurgitation and vomiting, which leads to dysfunction of the digestive system, development of lethargy, reduced weight gain and general weakening of the baby’s body.

Also, if the dose of Thermopsis is exceeded, its emetic effect manifests itself, which can cause nausea at the beginning of treatment at any age (especially in children).


Another effective herbal preparation for the treatment of wet cough is Mucaltin cough tablets, which are based on marshmallow extract. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect, which is caused by reflex stimulation of the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract and increased peristalsis of the bronchi and bronchioles with activation of the secretion of the bronchial glands.

Mucaltin tablets also contain sodium bicarbonate.

Currently, this drug is recognized as one of the most effective expectorant drugs that are used to treat productive wet cough in children and adults.

Doctor Mom is a complex herbal preparation that is used in the treatment of diseases accompanied by wet productive cough or cough with viscous sputum. It contains active plant substances that have expectorant, emollient, secretomotor, anti-inflammatory, moderate bronchodilator and mucolytic effects.

The lozenges and syrup are based on dry extracts from the leaves, roots, seeds, bark, and flowers of medicinal plants: aloe, elecampane, basil, ginger, licorice, turmeric, cubeba pepper, terminalia belerica and Indian nightshade.

An additional positive characteristic of this medicine is its good tolerability, even with long-term use.

This medicine should be taken with caution by pregnant women and during lactation and only with the prescription of the attending physician and with constant monitoring.

Also, Doctor Mom is not prescribed simultaneously with medications that suppress the cough reflex. A good effect is achieved by using this herbal expectorant in combination with mucolytic drugs (Ambroxol, Lazolvan and Bromhexine).

At the beginning of treatment or with prolonged or uncontrolled use of the drug, nausea to vomiting or frequent regurgitation in young children may occur, which is due to the presence of licorice extract in the drug, which has a weak emetic effect.

Expectorants of artificial origin

The mechanism of action of direct-acting expectorant antitussive drugs is based on increased excretion of bronchial secretions as a result of the effect on sputum and stimulation of bronchial peristalsis. This group of drugs is represented by artificial drugs - iodized potassium and sodium salts, sodium benzoate, sodium hydrochloride, terpinhydrate, ammonium chloride, potassium bromide and essential oils - eucalyptus fir, anise. They are quite effective and are mainly used for inhalation.

In the pharmacy chain you can purchase combination drugs for the treatment of wet cough, which contain both herbal substances and artificial components - Ammonia-anise drops and Pertussin, which contains thyme extract and potassium bromide.

Mucolytic drugs

The action of mucolytic drugs is aimed at thinning the thick and viscous secretion of the bronchial glands without increasing the secretion of sputum to facilitate their evacuation from the lower and upper respiratory tract.

Mucolytic tablets are today considered one of the main components in the treatment of wet cough. They also restore the mucous membranes of the bronchi and the elasticity of the lungs.

This group of drugs includes Ambroxol, ACC, Bromhexine, Carbocytein. When combining various herbal expectorants with mucolytics, the effectiveness of both increases dramatically. Mucolytics also potentiate the effect of antibacterial drugs, increasing their effectiveness, therefore they are widely used in the complex treatment of pneumonia, bronchiolitis, obstructive bronchitis and pleurisy.

Ambroxol and Bromhexine activate the formation of pulmonary surfactant, which ensures the normal functioning of the alveoli of the lungs, preventing them from collapsing and sticking together, therefore they are widely used in pediatric practice for the treatment of bronchopulmonary pathology in young children, premature babies and babies with intrauterine malnutrition.

Their negative side is the ability to cause bronchospasm, which is considered a contraindication to the use of these drugs during periods of exacerbation of bronchial asthma.

Main groups of mucolytic drugs

In medicine and pharmacology, mucolytics are divided into several groups:

1) drugs that are developed on the basis of proteolytic enzymes - chymotrypsin, trypsin and mesna. But this group of drugs is used only in extreme cases, always in a hospital setting and under the supervision of the attending physician;
2) drugs based on acetylcysteine ​​- ACC, Mukobene, Fluimucil, Exomyuk, Mucomist and others.

The mechanism of action of these drugs is based on the dilution of thick and viscous sputum as a result of the rupture of large mucus molecules into small ones; therefore, the process of coughing and evacuation of sputum from the respiratory tract is facilitated. Acetylcysteine ​​preparations also have a protective effect on inflamed cells of the bronchopulmonary system.
Drugs in this group cannot be taken simultaneously with antitussive drugs, which leads to stagnation of sputum in the bronchi and alveoli, suppression of coughing and the development of complications (bronchopneumonia, respiratory failure, and with the accumulation of aggressive microflora - lung abscesses and purulent pleurisy).
3) medicines based on carbocysteine ​​(mucoregulators) - Bronkatar, Carbocisteine, Drill, Mucodin, Fluvik, Mucopront.

They normalize not only the qualitative composition of sputum (thinning it and facilitating coughing), but also increase the activity of cells that produce bronchial secretions and the work of the cilia of the epithelium of the bronchi and bronchioles. They also have an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulate local immunity due to an increase in the production of protective immune complexes (group A immunoglobulins).
The most modern drug in this group is Fluifort; its distinctive feature is its longer action.
4) mucolytics with expectorant effect - derivatives of Ambroxol and Bromhexine

The mechanism of action of these drugs is based on stimulating the secretion of liquid sputum by the alveoli and liquefying already accumulated mucus, stimulating the formation of immunoglobulin and lysozyme in bronchial secretions and having an expectorant effect.
But the pronounced effect of these drugs does not occur immediately, but only on the fourth to sixth day from the start of treatment.
Bromhexine preparations include Flecoxin, Bronchosan, Flegamine, Bromoxin, Fulpen, Solvin.
Drugs of this group also cannot be used simultaneously with antitussive drugs due to the possible accumulation of excess sputum as a result of cough suppression and the lack of evacuation of accumulated secretions from the bronchi and alveoli. Additionally, when prescribing this group of drugs, the use of vibration (drainage) massage and postural drainage (the patient's adoption of certain body positions that improve the outflow of sputum) is indicated.
Ambroxol preparations are active metabolites of Bromhexine with an improved chemical structure, therefore these drugs have a complex effect on the condition of the respiratory tract - mucolytic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant. Since 2012, Ambroxol has been included in the list of essential and vital medicines. But Ambroxol preparations should also not be taken simultaneously with antitussive drugs.

The main drugs are Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Ambrohexal, Halixol, Bronhovern, Deflegmin, Ambrolan.

Good cough tablets

There is no definition of “good cough tablets” from either a medical or pharmaceutical point of view. Cough is only a symptom, the complete elimination of which or even its reduction may do more harm than good. With the development of bronchopulmonary pathology in both children and adult patients, treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of the pathological process - relieving bronchospasm, eliminating inflammation, removing a foreign body from the trachea and bronchi, or treating other systems and organs - neuroses, psychopathy (with a neurotic cough).

Therefore, the choice of drug for the treatment of cough is individual and is made after examining the patient, carefully collecting anamnesis and establishing a diagnosis.

Cough tablets for children

The correct choice of medications for the treatment of cough in children is determined by the main factors - the cause of the cough, the mechanism of action of antitussive drugs, the characteristics of the cough reflex in the child, and the full range of all these factors can only be assessed by a specialist who will prescribe the correct treatment for the child in each specific case.

Suppression of the cough reflex in a child, the simultaneous use of several antitussive drugs from different groups, increasing the dosage, frequency and duration of taking the drug can lead to many negative consequences, the development and progression of complications dangerous to health and even life.

Cough tablets during pregnancy

Pregnancy in most cases is an absolute contraindication to taking many antitussive medications, especially narcotic antitussives, many complex medications, due to their pronounced negative effect on the embryo with the subsequent development of fetopathies and other disorders of the correct formation of organs and systems of the unborn child.

Relatively contraindicated drugs for the treatment of cough are:

  • insufficiently studied drugs, the use of which may pose a risk of dangerous effects on the baby’s body;
  • medications with a possible risk of developing side effects in the expectant mother.

Also, at any stage of pregnancy, some medicinal plants and medicines that contain them are contraindicated - juniper, nettle, oregano, coltsfoot, St. John's wort and others. The negative effect of medicinal herbs on the fetus is sometimes many times more active than synthetic drugs - they have a fetopathological and teratogenic effect on the embryo, change the hormonal background of the pregnant woman, can stimulate myometrial contractions and cause miscarriages, especially in the early stages.

Therefore, even at the planning stage, and even more so in the early stages of pregnancy, it is necessary to take any medications and/or homeopathic drugs and herbs with caution.

Cough medicine for children: list of effective ones. What to give children for dry cough

The most common symptom of respiratory diseases is a cough. It is especially alarming when it occurs in young children. Its causes are varied, and, based on this, the methods of dealing with it are different. How to choose a cough medicine for children? To answer this question, you need to understand the mechanism of occurrence of such a symptom.

The main reasons leading to cough in children

The cough reflex is a natural process in the body. It may indicate the presence of a disease, or it may only serve to clear the respiratory tract of accumulated secretions. A single unobtrusive cough, not accompanied by an increase in body temperature or any changes in the child’s behavior, should not cause much concern to parents. If a cough brings anxiety to the baby, then it is necessary to find out its cause in order to choose the most effective cough medicine for children.

There are two leading factors that cause a cough: the penetration of an infectious agent into the child’s body (and the development of a corresponding cold) or the presence of an allergic reaction. A child's body, especially a newborn, is imperfect and very sensitive to various viruses and bacteria that cause respiratory diseases.

These harmful agents, entering the respiratory system with the flow of inhaled air, enter the mucous membrane, penetrate into its cells and begin to actively multiply, while irritation and increased mucus formation appear at the site of their introduction, to which the body reacts by coughing. In a similar way, a reaction is formed when allergens enter the respiratory tract, be it particles of dust, animal hair or plant pollen. A cough is a protective reaction of the body to irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs or an inflammatory process in them and frees them from various mechanical particles, microorganisms and accumulated mucus. Based on their character, productivity and sound, the following types of cough are distinguished.

Types of cough

A distinction is made between dry cough (in other words, non-productive), which occurs at the initial stage of the disease and is not accompanied by the discharge of sputum, and wet (or productive), which occurs as sputum accumulates and promotes its discharge.

Dry cough is considered the most intrusive. It may occur in paroxysms or resemble barking. This symptom tires the child, prevents him from sleeping and can cause vomiting. Attacks of barking cough most often occur with the development of tracheitis or laryngitis and are associated with changes in the vocal cords. To soothe the throat, you can use anti-inflammatory sprays or lozenges and alkaline drinks for children with dry cough. The medicine will relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and reduce the inflammatory process.

Sometimes you can encounter such a rare type of dry cough as whooping cough. It has become rare because now almost all children receive vaccinations against whooping cough, which reliably protects them from this disease. The cough with whooping cough is dry, paroxysmal, bringing the baby’s body to exhaustion. For this disease, sedatives are prescribed and walks in the fresh air are recommended.

A rather uncommon disease is respiratory chlamydia of newborns, in which the development of a loud, hacking, dry cough is observed - a “staccato” cough. When the underlying disease is cured, it quickly disappears.

There are also types of cough that are not associated with colds:

  • cough of an allergic nature - manifests itself in paroxysms, most often occurs at night, before the attack occurs the child is alert, does not feel unwell, suddenly begins to cough frequently;
  • spastic - differs from a regular dry cough in that a whistling sound appears at the end; he is very intrusive and is not treated with antitussives;
  • bitonal - occurs, in particular, when any foreign body enters the bronchi; with it, the low tone of the cough turns into a high one;
  • cough that occurs with bronchial asthma - appears with deep breaths and is accompanied by pain;
  • cough associated with eating, sometimes occurring with pathology of the esophagus or stomach;
  • cough of psychogenic origin that occurs during stressful situations; it appears exclusively during the day, but regularly, and has a metallic echo.

Cough medicine for children must be selected taking into account the fact that all respiratory diseases are mainly manifested first by a dry cough, which after some period of time turns into a wet one. But still, by the nature of the cough, it is possible to distinguish from which part of the respiratory system the inflammation began.

Features of cough in some respiratory diseases

Laryngitis, or inflammation of the larynx, manifests itself in a child with a dry cough, hoarseness, rapidity and difficulty breathing. There is a feeling of soreness in the throat and severe pain when swallowing. After some time, the cough becomes whistling due to changes in the lumen of the airways. Later, the swelling of the vocal cords subsides, and the cough becomes wet due to the discharge of sputum.

With tracheitis (inflammation of the trachea), the main symptom is a dry barking cough that begins suddenly, mainly during the period of night rest, and can last for several hours. Breathing may become wheezing or wheezing. To alleviate the condition of a sick child, the doctor will suggest a cough suppressant, for example the drug "Sinekod".

If the inflammatory process descends through the respiratory tract, inflammation will develop in the bronchi (bronchitis) or in the lungs - pneumonia. These two diseases are distinguished from each other using x-ray examination. The initial stage of bronchitis is no different from other respiratory diseases - pain occurs in the larynx, the nose is stuffy, the child is sleepy and lethargic. The cough also changes from dry at the beginning of the disease to wet. If there is swelling in the mucous membrane of the bronchus itself and a narrowing of its lumen, they speak of obstructive bronchitis, which is a fairly common occurrence with allergies. If bronchitis is not treated sufficiently, it can develop into a chronic form, which can lead to depletion of the bronchial tube walls and the occurrence of bronchial asthma.

To treat cough in children, many drugs are produced that contain different active ingredients and differ in their mechanism of action. If you fight cough in children on your own, you need to understand them very well so as not to cause harm or aggravate the course of the disease.

Cough medicines for children: classification

All cough medicines are divided into two large groups - drugs of central and peripheral action.

Medicinal substances acting through the central nervous system include Sinecod, Tusuprex, Libexin and others. They have a suppressive effect on the cough center in the cerebral cortex, very quickly inhibit the cough reflex and can be prescribed to children for dry cough. Only a doctor selects the medicine for them, since it does not reduce the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract and with increased mucus formation, it can stagnate. Therefore, they should be used only on the recommendation of a pediatrician and only for dry paroxysmal cough (for example, whooping cough).

Drugs that have peripheral action are, in turn, divided according to their mechanism of action into several types. These include:

  • Enveloping cough suppressants that envelop irritated areas of the mucous membrane in the upper parts of the respiratory system and reduce inflammatory processes in it. They are prescribed when initial signs of irritation appear. They are good for children for dry cough; the medicine is prescribed taking into account their age.
  • Cough expectorants that help clear the bronchi from accumulated exudate. They are also divided into subgroups. The main active ingredient in the first of them can be plant extracts (licorice, coltsfoot, marshmallow, plantain, thyme and thermopsis) or iodides (potassium iodide and sodium iodide preparations). Under the influence of these agents, the production of mucus in the cells of the bronchial mucosa increases, which dilutes the sputum, that is, it can be removed from the bronchi faster. These medications are not suitable for infants and children with neurotic disorders or a tendency to vomit. When prescribing drugs from the second group - mucolytics - the contents of the bronchi are liquefied without increasing its volume.
  • They also produce a combination medicine that suppresses cough. For older children, it is excellent, as it not only affects the cough center, but also softens irritation of the respiratory tract.

All medications must be selected taking into account the stage of the disease, the symptoms that appear and the age of the child. It is advisable not to self-medicate, but to consult a pediatrician. It is especially important to ask for medical help in time if your baby is sick.

Features of the cough reflex and an effective cough medicine for children under one year old

Infants quite often, especially after sleep or feeding, may experience a physiological cough (in the form of rare coughing), not associated with any disease. Since the baby spends most of his time on his back, mucus from the nasal passages can fall into the throat, causing a cough reflex. It can also be caused by the entry of milk or formula into the respiratory system during feeding or saliva during increased salivation. Also, a similar reaction can be caused by some external factor: dry air, dust or tobacco smoke. Such a cough should not cause much concern; you just need to eliminate the cause of its occurrence. If the symptom is intrusive, and the child’s temperature rises or behavior changes, you should definitely consult a pediatrician.

The peculiarity of the course of colds is that with a dry cough, the so-called “false croup” can occur - swelling of the larynx and vocal cords, which leads to a decrease in their clearance, and the child begins to choke. This is a very dangerous condition that requires immediate assistance from specialists. Minutes count here.

A wet cough is also dangerous, which in an infant very quickly descends into the lungs, and a common runny nose can soon develop into pneumonia, so infants with suspected bronchitis are immediately admitted to the hospital. If the situation is not so serious, then when choosing a cough medicine for an infant, you need to take into account that not all dosage forms are suitable for them.

It is good to have a special compressor or ultrasonic inhaler at home, which will deliver the medicine directly to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. You can use Lazolvan or Ambrobene inhalation solutions (they are also prescribed for coughs and orally). They are convenient because they are dosed drop by drop. They can be dissolved in tea, juice or milk. A good cough medicine for children under one year of age is Lazolvan cough syrup and its analogues, which contain the active ingredient ambroxol. The product has virtually no side effects.

Preparations for the treatment of cough in children over one year of age

An effective cough medicine for children under 2 years of age is the mucolytic expectorant drug "Ambrobene" or its analogues: the drugs "Ambroxol", "Lazolvan", "Ambrohexal", "Flavamed", "Bronchorus". They are used to treat both acute and chronic bronchitis or pneumonia, when chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or bronchial asthma with difficult sputum develops, as well as for bronchiectasis.

A medicine for a wet cough for a child, very convenient and quite safe for children of different ages, is the drug "Bromhexine 8 Berlin-Chemie" (or its analogues: the drugs "Bronchostop", "Flegamine"), which have a mucolytic (secretolytic) and expectorant effect and a slight antitussive effect. For one-year-old children, it can be used in the form of drops, solution or syrup. The disadvantages of this drug include the fact that the therapeutic effect appears only 2-5 days after its first use.

In children over 6 months of age, herbal medicines, such as Gedelix and Linkas cough syrups, can be used to liquefy and accelerate secretion removal. When using them, it is necessary to take into account the possible manifestation of an allergic reaction. Preparations based on herbal raw materials are recommended for use in children over two years of age.

Cough syrups based on plant extracts

To relieve a child's wet cough, you can choose medications made from natural raw materials. In addition to common mucolytic preparations, such as Marshmallow Syrup or Licorice Root Syrup, many multi-component products are produced, including herbal extracts in various combinations. It is necessary to carefully study their composition before use if the child has an allergy to plants.

Cough syrup "Gedelix" based on ivy extract is a cough medicine for children, effective for babies aged several months. It is used as an expectorant for infections in the upper respiratory tract and for bronchitis, accompanied by the formation of difficult to separate sputum. After its use, the removal of mucus is accelerated as a result of its dilution and softening of its coughing. When using this syrup to treat an infant, the required dose must be diluted with boiled water and observed to see if an allergic reaction occurs.

To reduce the intensity and increase the productivity of cough, you can purchase Linkas syrup, which also has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. In its composition you can see extracts of adhatoda leaves, licorice root, pepper, fragrant violet, medicinal hyssop, marshmallow and others. If the child does not have allergies, this drug can be recommended as an excellent cough medicine for children under 2 years of age.

Bronchicum syrup has a good expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, reducing the viscosity of secretions and accelerating its evacuation. The action of this medicine is based on the properties of primrose root and thyme. Extracts of these herbs coat the irritated mucous membrane, which eases the feeling of sore throat and softens cough.

For better removal of sputum during a wet cough, use the remedy "Gerbion plantain syrup". This drug also has an immunomodulatory effect, protecting epithelial cells of the respiratory organs from damage and increasing the body's resistance to infections.

Synthetic drugs for the treatment of wet cough

Children over two years of age with diseases with difficult-to-remove secretions will be helped by Ascoril syrup, which is a combined remedy whose action - bronchodilator, expectorant and mucolytic - is based on the properties of bromhexine, guaifenesin and salbutamol. It is prescribed for such ailments as bronchial asthma, pneumonia, obstructive bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, emphysema, pulmonary tuberculosis, whooping cough and others.

A good medicine for a child's cough is the drug "Acc", which helps in liquefying sputum (including purulent) and coughing it up. It is prescribed for respiratory diseases accompanied by the formation of thick mucus, such as acute and chronic bronchitis, including obstructive, bronchiectasis, tracheitis, cystic fibrosis, pneumonia and the like, as well as for some ENT diseases (laryngitis, acute or chronic sinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear) and paracetamol poisoning (as an antidote). Children can use it from 2 years of age in a minimum dosage.

Treatment of dry cough with drugs that suppress its occurrence

A dry cough in a child can be very worrying. Medicines for its treatment can be divided into two groups. The first includes drugs that suppress cough centrally.

This group of drugs is not recommended for use without a doctor’s prescription, especially if we are talking about a small child. Their use is justified only in cases of prolonged dry hacking cough that causes pain, vomiting or interferes with sleep. In such a situation, it is possible to use a cough suppressant medicine. For this purpose, the drugs Sinekod, Tusuprex, Glaucin or Libexin are prescribed for children, which inhibit the functioning of the cough center in the brain. For infants (only as prescribed by a doctor), you can purchase Sinekod in the form of drops. The most important thing is that when purchasing such drugs, you need to clearly remember that they are used only for dry coughs and are not combined with drugs that increase mucus discharge.

Combined-action drugs, such as Tussin Plus, Bronholitin and Stoptussin syrups, also have a similar effect. They, along with suppressing the cough reflex, envelop the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, soften the cough, help eliminate inflammation and stimulate the immune system. They are prescribed for dry and irritating coughs of various natures, as well as in the pre- and postoperative periods to relieve cough.

Medicines for the treatment of dry cough

To alleviate the condition of a dry cough in a two-year-old child in the absence of allergies, you can use the drug "Gerbion primrose syrup". It is also used as an expectorant for inflammation of the respiratory tract with the formation of viscous secretions (bronchitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis).

An effective cough medicine for children 3 years old is the combined drug "Doctor Mom: cough syrup", which contains aloe, holy basil, elecampane, ginger, turmeric, licorice and other plants. It has a pronounced bronchodilator, mucolytic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended for dry coughs or coughs with difficult to clear sputum in children over the age of three (pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis). A contraindication for its use is individual intolerance to some of its components.

There are many drugs for treating cough, and in order to choose a cough medicine for children, you need to proceed from each specific case, taking into account all contraindications and dosages. It is advisable to consult your pediatrician first. To effectively combat colds of various natures, in addition to cough remedies, it is necessary to use drugs that help increase immunity. The child is given peace and special treatment. It is necessary to give the baby plenty of fluids and maintain air humidity in the room. If the child does not have a fever, you can use dry heat and rubbing with medicinal ointments. That is, treatment must be comprehensive.

Reading time: 10 min.

Every person faces such a problem as cough at least once a year. The problem is that not everyone’s cough can go away quickly and without consequences. And some people spend weeks and months trying to get rid of it. Big Rating magazine offers best cough remedies TOP 10.

Doctor Mom

"Doctor Mom" ​​has long established itself as one of the most effective remedies in the fight against cough. Due to the content of the drug: elecampane root, licorice extract, turmeric, ginger, aloe, menthol, basil and other plant elements, it has a complex effect on the bronchi, helps remove phlegm and removes the main cause of cough - inflammation. "Doctor Mom" ​​is produced in the form of syrup, lozenges and phyto-ointment. The drug is contraindicated for use in: children under 18 years of age, pregnant women and nursing mothers. And the sugar content in the drug suggests restrictions on its use by patients with diabetes.


The main component of the drug is acetylcysteine. "Acestad" effectively helps reduce the viscosity of sputum and promotes its removal. The drug starts detoxification processes in the body and has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. "Acestad" is suitable as a drug for the treatment of cough, and is also an excellent prophylactic agent, significantly reducing the risk of the disease and preventing exacerbations. "Acestad" helps in particularly advanced cases with the presence of purulent sputum. For effective treatment, taking the drug must be accompanied by drinking plenty of fluids. There were no side effects observed in patients taking Acestad. The drug is strictly contraindicated only in two cases: individual intolerance to the components or the presence of blood in the patient’s sputum. Children aged 2 years and older can take Acestad. Pregnant and lactating women should consult a doctor before taking the drug.


An effective expectorant that reduces the viscosity of sputum, increases its volume and promotes excretion. A noticeable effect from treatment with Bromhexine can be felt after only 2-4 days from the start of taking the drug. The drug copes well with acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the trachea, bronchi and lungs. The only drawback of the drug is a large number of different contraindications: pregnancy in the first trimester, lactation, individual sensitivity to components, lactose and fructose intolerance, acute gastric or duodenal ulcer, renal failure. Bromhexine can be used in the treatment of children only from 6 years of age.


The pharmacological properties and mechanism of action of the drug bring it as close as possible to Bromhexine. "Ambroxol" thins sputum, stimulates the formation of surfactant, normalizes altered bronchopulmonary secretion, improves the rheological parameters of sputum, reduces its viscosity and facilitates its removal from the bronchi. Thanks to these properties, Ambroxol copes well with those respiratory diseases that are associated with difficult sputum discharge. The effect of the medicine lasts up to 12 hours, and it begins to act within 30 minutes after administration. Contraindications to taking Ambroxol are: pregnancy in the first trimester, hypersensitivity to the components and age under 6 years.


A well-known and effective drug for cough control. "Ambrobene" is a mucolytic agent with an expectorant effect. By stimulating the cells of the bronchial mucosa, the drug increases the content of mucous secretions, reduces the viscosity of sputum and activates the process of its removal from the respiratory tract. Once inside a person, Ambrobene begins to act after half an hour and retains the effect for 6-12 hours. The duration of treatment without additional instructions from the attending physician should not exceed 5 days. Like any cough medicine, Ambrobene has contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the composition, pregnancy in the first trimester, lactation period, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, kidney disease, tendency to increased sputum production.


Another effective cough medicine with a mucolytic effect. The active ingredient in Flavamed, ambroxol, helps reduce the viscosity of sputum and activates the release of mucus from the respiratory tract. It begins to act 30 minutes after taking the drug orally and lasts from 6 to 12 hours. "Flavamed" treats pneumonia, bronchi, and bronchial asthma. Unfortunately, the drug has a number of contraindications. "Flavamed" is prohibited for: women in the first trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding, people with hypersensitivity to individual components of the composition and fructose intolerance. It does not hurt to be careful when taking the drug for people with gastric ulcers and renal failure. For the treatment of children under two years of age, Flavamed is prescribed by a doctor in extreme cases. In rare exceptions, attacks of nausea may occur while taking the drug.


An effective mucolytic agent for the treatment of respiratory tract diseases associated with the formation of thick and viscous sputum: bronchitis, pneumonia, broncholetic diseases, bronchial asthma. "Mukaltin" gently suppresses cough, reduces the number of attacks and their intensity. The drug has a softening, anti-inflammatory and enveloping effect. Normalizes bronchial secretion, stimulates the thinning of sputum and promotes its removal. "Mukaltin" contains marshmallow extract and is available in tablet form. The drug should be taken every 4 hours before meals, two tablets. The course of treatment can last from 7 days to 1-2 months, depending on the form of the disease. Children can take Mukaltin from the age of 1 year. The only contraindication to the drug may be the patient's hypersensitivity.


The active ingredient of the drug is acetylcysteine, which has an expectorant effect. "ACC" thins sputum, making it less viscous, and improves its discharge. The drug is used for: acute and chronic bronchitis, tracheitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, bronchial asthma and other equally complex diseases of the respiratory tract. It is recommended to take the drug after meals. The first improvements in patients are observed just a few days after the start of treatment. "ACC" is contraindicated for people with hypersensitivity to acetylcysteine ​​and excipients of the drug, with fructose intolerance, peptic ulcers, pulmonary hemorrhage and hemoptysis. Women during pregnancy and lactation can take the drug only with the approval of the attending physician.


One of the best cough remedies. The drug has a complex effect and has an antitussive, mucolytic and expectorant effect. The medicine contains stoptussin butamirate, which has the ability to relieve cough. And the second component of the drug - guaifenesin - helps to liquefy mucus and remove it. "Stoptusin" is used for dry debilitating cough during an infectious-inflammatory disease of the respiratory system, bronchial asthma and pneumoconiosis. Contraindicated for women in the first trimester of pregnancy, during breastfeeding, as well as for people with hypersensitivity to the components of the composition. Since the drug has many side effects, it should be used only for very severe coughs.


The active ingredient of the drug is ambroxol hydrochloride, which increases mucus secretion in the respiratory tract. "Lazolvan" is used to treat the following acute and chronic respiratory diseases, for example, pneumonia, acute and chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma. The drug is well tolerated and is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance to the components of the composition. Despite the presence of cheaper analogues, Lazolvan remains the most popular cough remedy.