The participation of the nose in breathing is air warming and air currents. Vasomotor rhinitis


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See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what OPTUSHINA is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • VENT in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -y, w. 1. Air outlet hole. O. in tan. O. in the oven. 2. transfer What gives the outcome...
  • VENT in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    from the tire, from the tire, from the tire, from the tire, from the tire, from the tire, from the tire, from the tire, from the tire, from the tire, from the tire, from the tire, ...
  • VENT in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language.
  • VENT
    and. 1) a) Air outlet hole. b) A hole in the oven for the exit of heated air. 2) transfer What gives...
  • VENT in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • VENT in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • VENT in the Spelling Dictionary:
  • VENT in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    something that gives rise to something (feelings, moods) Find an outlet in conversations with a friend. O. for the soul. vent hole for air to escape...
  • VENT in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    vents, w. 1. Hole for the outlet of heated air. Vent in the oven. 2. transfer Something that gives a way out. pent up feelings...
  • VENT in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    outlet f. 1) a) Air outlet hole. b) A hole in the oven for the exit of heated air. 2) transfer What...
  • VENT in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • VENT in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    and. 1. Air outlet hole. Ott. A hole in the oven for the exit of heated air. 2. transfer What gives a way out...
  • WIT in Quotation Wiki:
    Data: 2009-07-08 Time: 11:40:37 * Essentially everyone is endowed with the rudimentary ability to make puns, only ordinary people hold back these sprouts of wit...
  • SIGMUND FREUD in Wiki Quotation Book.
  • BODY LANGUAGE in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    - a set of bodily manifestations (features of external appearance, movements, facial expressions and gestures, internal sensations of people), reflecting a person’s mental state, his motives...
  • TIBET GEOGRAPHY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • PLUMBER in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    There is always air in the water, which collects at elevated points in water pipes and prevents the proper movement of water in them. For …
  • TIBET in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • PLUMBER in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? There is always air in the water, which collects at elevated points in water pipes and prevents the proper movement of water in them. ...
  • RELEASE in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    m. The same as: an outlet...
  • SNORING in Dahl's Dictionary:
    snore, snore, sib. snoring, snoring with a crash, gurgling, from shaking the palatal veil or parts of the nose with a blow of air. Shy or wild...

In humans physiological breathing occurs only through the nose. Breathing through the mouth is not normal and occurs only as an emergency addition to. The physiology of air flow through the nose during normal inhalation and exhalation can be represented as follows. Ventilation through the nose during normal breathing is 6 l/min; with intense breathing, maximum ventilation reaches 50-70 l/m. Normally, the internal valve, or threshold, of the nose is the narrowest point of the nose. It functions as a nozzle, and the air flow at this point has the highest speed.

Part nasal cavity, located between the nasal valve and the heads of the turbinates, acts as a diffuser, i.e. it slows down the air flow, increasing its turbulence. The central part of the nasal cavity, together with the turbinates and nasal passages, is especially important for nasal breathing. The air column consists of laminar and turbulent flows. The ratio of these flows significantly affects the condition and function of the nasal mucosa.

At exhale the air flow is in the opposite direction. The turbulence of the exhaled air flow in the central part of the nasal cavity is much less, which reduces the exchange of heat and metabolic products between the air flow and the wall of the nasal cavity compared to inhalation and allows the nasal mucosa to recover during the exhalation phase. Breathing in which you inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth quickly leads to drying of the nasal mucosa.

Nasal resistance, i.e. the pressure difference between the entrance to the nasal cavity and the nasopharynx normally ranges from 8-20 mm water column. If this difference exceeds 20 mm of water column, the internal valves of the nose expand during breathing. Assisted breathing through the mouth begins when nasal resistance is more than 40 mmH2O.

Complete nose exclusion from the breathing process gradually leads to the development of changes in the deeper layers of the mucous membrane. Mechanical obstruction within the nose (for example, caused by a deviated nasal septum, hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates, stenosis associated with scarring) can cause a transition to mouth breathing with all its adverse consequences and the development of diseases of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses.

Pattern of blood flow in the walls of the nasal cavity.

A) Computational fluid dynamics: simulation of nasal air flow. Computational fluid dynamics is the most modern digital method for studying fluids. It can be used to study phenomena associated with the movement of air flow through the nasal cavity. This method provides important integral pressure decay data, as well as rich information about the flow process, including high resolution velocity vectors, pressure and turbulence, and detailed fluid flow information.

Computing hydrodynamics as a method includes the following 5 links:
1. Development of a geometric model using CT.
2. Creation of a computational grid.
3. Preparatory stage, or preprocessing (physical modeling).
4. Data processing (mathematical modeling, solving differential equations).
5. Quantitative analysis and graphical display of results.

In the future computational fluid dynamics can become an important tool for researching and constructing prototypes of the shape of the nasal airways before performing surgical correction of defects and damage to the nose.

b) Patency of the nasal cavity. The patency of the nasal cavity is influenced by many factors, including temperature and humidity of the surrounding air; body position, physical activity, changes in body temperature, the effect of cold on various parts of the body (for example, feet), hyperventilation, and psychological stimuli. The condition of the lungs and cardiovascular system, the function of the endocrine glands (for example, changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy, hypo- or hyperfunction of the thyroid gland) and a number of drugs for topical, oral or parenteral use can have a significant impact on the patency of the nasal cavity.

Methods for determining the patency of the nasal cavity are described in separate articles on the website (we recommend using the search form on the main page).

At normal nasal breathing, the inhaled air, passing through the nose, is warmed, moistened and purified.

Breath through the nose provides effective warming of the air and amazingly maintains a constant temperature. The nasal mucosa moisturizes the warmed air. The temperature in the nasopharynx during normal (exclusively nasal) breathing is constant and remains at 31-34°C, regardless of the ambient temperature. Heat loss in the nasal cavity increases as the ambient temperature decreases, allowing the lower respiratory tract to function at normal temperatures.

Optimal relative humidity ambient air to maintain the normal condition and function of the nasal mucosa is 50-60%. The saturation of inhaled air in the nasal cavity with water vapor reaches 80-85%, and in the lower respiratory tract the air humidity is quite constant and is maintained at 95-100%, regardless of the relative humidity of the environment.

Total quantity water, released in the form of vapors with exhaled air, can reach 30 g per 1000 liters of air, with most of this amount being released by the nasal mucosa. On the other hand, the mucous film covering the nasal mucosa makes it waterproof, which protects it from excessive loss of moisture from the air and drying out.

Cleansing nasal function includes, firstly, cleansing the inhaled air from foreign bodies, bacteria, dust, etc. and, secondly, cleansing the nose itself. Approximately 85% of particles 4.5 microns in size suspended in inhaled air are filtered out when passing through the nose, but for particles smaller than 1 micron, only 1% are removed in the nasal cavity.

Foreign body penetrating into the nasal cavity, come into contact with the moistened surface of the mucous membrane, from which they are constantly removed. This function of the nose is discussed in more detail below.

Note. In the nasal cavity, atmospheric air is warmed, moistened and purified, which is the most important precondition for normal breathing.

I - upper nasal passage, II - middle nasal passage, III - lower nasal passage.
1 - vestibule of the nose; 2 - opening of the nasolacrimal duct; 3 - line of attachment of the inferior turbinate;
4 - semilunar fissure; 5 - line of attachment of the middle turbinate; 6 - sphenoid sinus;
7 - line of attachment of the superior turbinate; 8 - frontal sinus.
a Place of drainage of the maxillary sinus,
b Place of drainage of the frontal sinus.
c Place of drainage of the anterior cells of the ethmoidal labyrinth,
d Place of drainage of the posterior cells of the ethmoidal labyrinth,
d Place of drainage of the sphenoid sinus,
e Location of the lattice funnel (indicated by dots).

Vasomotor rhinitis is swelling of the nasal mucosa, in which the inferior turbinates predominantly swell (fill with blood). Increasing to large sizes, they block the respiratory lumen and disrupt nasal breathing.

Signs of vasomotor rhinitis include the following health problems:

  • constant or intermittent difficulty breathing through the nose (often only in certain positions or situations, for example, while lying on your back);
  • nasal congestion after sleep;
  • sudden attacks of sneezing, accompanied by increased mucus secretion;
  • disturbances of smell;
  • sleep disturbances associated with difficulty breathing, snoring;
  • frequent diseases of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses or hearing aid;

Difficulty in nasal breathing with vasomotor rhinitis can be constant or occur only in certain situations, for example, in a supine position, and if a person suffering from vasomotor rhinitis lies on his side, the half of the nose that is located below breathes worse. If you turn on the other side, you feel as if something is “flowing” in your nose and blocking the other half of your nose. Sometimes it is enough to be in a small draft or stand barefoot on a cold floor - and vasomotor rhinitis will immediately make itself felt with nasal congestion. With physical activity, for example, while walking, nasal congestion significantly decreases or goes away completely. Often, patients with vasomotor rhinitis note nasal congestion after sleep and sudden attacks of sneezing, accompanied by increased mucus production.

Vasomotor rhinitis is usually accompanied by a disturbance not only of nasal breathing, but also of the sense of smell. This occurs due to the fact that the upper sections of the nasal cavity are very narrow, and even with slight swelling of the mucous membrane of the upper and middle nasal passages, the air flow does not penetrate into the areas where the olfactory receptor is located. Patients experience especially pronounced discomfort with vasomotor rhinitis due to sleep disturbance caused by nasal congestion. A common manifestation of vasomotor rhinitis is snoring. Vasomotor rhinitis can contribute to the occurrence of various ear diseases and persistent hearing loss.

The nose performs a very important function for the body - protective. The air passing through the nose is warmed, purified and moistened. With vasomotor rhinitis, the patient cannot breathe through the nose, breathes only through the mouth, and the protective function of the nose is lost. In addition, the paranasal sinuses are located around the nasal cavity, connecting to it through narrow anastomoses that provide drainage and ventilation of the sinuses. With swelling of the mucous membrane, which occurs with vasomotor rhinitis, the anastomosis overlaps, the ventilation of the sinuses and the outflow of mucus from them are disrupted. In this way, conditions are created for the occurrence of acute and chronic diseases of the paranasal sinuses: frontal sinuses, ethmoiditis, polyps, etc. Consequently, conditions are created for the occurrence of various diseases of the underlying respiratory tract (pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, etc.).

Diagnosis of vasomotor rhinitis

The diagnosis of the disease is made by an otolaryngologist based on the patient’s complaints, data from an endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity and radiographic examination of the paranasal sinuses (if necessary, magnetic resonance imaging is performed).

Possible causes of vasomotor rhinitis:

  1. dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system;
  2. hormonal disorders;
  3. cysts, polyps, fungal diseases of the paranasal sinuses;
  4. allergies, etc.

An endoscopic examination for vasomotor rhinitis reveals a typical picture for this disease, and also allows you to detect other diseases of the nose that manifest similar symptoms (deviated nasal septum, nasal polyps, etc.). X-ray examination is necessary to clarify the possible cause of vasomotor rhinitis or the consequences caused by it disease.

The most common mistake in the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

The above problems caused by vasomotor rhinitis significantly reduce the quality of life and force those suffering from this disease to resort, unfortunately without consulting a doctor, to the use of vasoconstrictor drops and sprays (naphthyzin, galazolin, otrivin, nazivin, tizin, etc.) However, we should not forget that these drugs are intended for the treatment of inflammatory (cold) diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses, in which there is usually purulent discharge, and they can be used for no more than 7 days. Vasoconstrictor drops and sprays are not intended for the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis. When using vasoconstrictor drugs for several months or years, they become addictive (“nose addict”). The time between medications is reduced, and without drops or sprays, the nose becomes blocked almost completely. Natural vasoconstrictive mechanisms stop working. The severity of symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis increases. There are drops on the bedside table, in the bathroom, at work, in the car, in a handbag...

In older people, the problem of dependence on drops becomes more serious. Vasoconstrictor drugs, when instilled into the nose, have not only a local, but also a general resorptive effect on the body - narrowing of blood vessels, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate. Therefore, these drugs are contraindicated for patients with hypertension and other diseases of the cardiovascular system (arrhythmia, heart pain). In addition, their long-term use causes irreversible negative changes in the nasal mucosa.

Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

Vasomotor rhinitis is a secondary disease. Therefore, treatment of vasomotor rhinitis must be comprehensive and necessarily include measures aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease. If the cause of the disease cannot be determined (idiopathic form of vasomotor rhinitis), then it is advisable to carry out a course of conservative treatment (physiotherapeutic treatment, taking antihistamines, intrathecal administration of glucocorticoids, etc.). However, conservative treatment of vasomotor rhinitis does not always provide reliable results.

Significantly better results in the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis can be achieved with surgical treatment methods:

  • vasotomy;
  • intrashell electrocoagulation;
  • ultrasonic disintegration;
  • exposure to surgical laser;
  • radiofrequency coagulation, etc.

However, according to some estimates, the positive result when using these treatment methods and a follow-up period of 1 year is about 75%, and with a follow-up period of 1.5 years - only 55%.

Where to treat vasomotor rhinitis?

"European Clinic of Dr. Savinkov" is one of the flagships in endoscopic nasal surgery for functional indications (FESS surgery). Rhinological surgeons and medical staff of the clinic constantly improve and maintain their professional level, offering their patients treatment at the level of the best world standards.

Are you tired of snoring? And you finally decided to buy “something for snoring.” But on the Internet there are a lot of anti-snoring tools, devices and devices. How can you avoid getting confused here? We have collected 3 devices that will help you and your other half finally get a good night's sleep in silence.

What is snoring? These are low, vibrating sounds that some people make during sleep due to the relaxation of the soft palate and uvula. It is unpleasant for others, causes sleep disturbances and increased blood pressure in the sleeper, and can signal apnea - a syndrome where breathing stops during sleep for ten seconds or more.

The respiratory passages are narrowed due to the curvature of the nasal septum, tonsillitis, runny nose, sinusitis and adenoiditis, obesity, decreased tone of the soft palate (due to the use of alcohol or sleeping pills) and anatomical features. To clarify the reasons, we recommend that you consult a doctor. The therapist will refer you to the right specialist: otolaryngologist, neurologist or surgeon.

    The most radical way is surgery. It involves eliminating the direct cause: nasal polyps, abnormal curvature and narrowing of the airways, and so on. There is also a way to act directly on the soft palate, which relaxes too much during sleep. The surgeon uses a laser to create strips of burns that cause inflammation. After healing, the tissues of the palate become rougher and harder.

    Lifestyle changes. A person suffering from snoring tries to reduce his own weight, organizes his daily routine, avoids drinking alcohol, tries to get rid of the need to take sleeping pills, or quits smoking. It is important to adopt a sleeping position that is healthy for the body: do not throw your head back when lying on your back, use an orthopedic or simply suitable pillow for your anatomical features.

    Therapeutic remedies for snoring. Elimination of symptoms is necessary if surgery is undesirable for the patient and the disease is not diagnosed. Various devices have been invented for this.

Anti-snoring remedies are divided into nasal and oral. Mouth devices usually have holes for breathing, but if you have a stuffy nose, this option may not be suitable for you.

    Stickers for the wings of the nose. A simple and cheap product, but it has some drawbacks: the stickers sometimes come off and fall off during sleep or irritate the skin.

  • There are two different modifications here - the old one: a pair of hollow and open-ended cylinders connected to each other. And a new, lightweight one: a thin dilator, similar to a ring or clip. They are installed in the nostrils to improve ventilation of the lungs through the nose. Open nasal passages prevent vibration of the soft palate.

    Among the advantages is the absence of bulky structures. This is true: when using the device, only the septum is visible, which protrudes slightly between the nostrils. The device is truly almost invisible to others and is made of soft silicone.

    Nasal dilators are bestsellers in the fight against snoring, with more than 70% of reviewers giving them five stars. The main problem is that they do not fix the lower jaw and do not prevent the mouth from opening during sleep. Although free breathing through the nose reduces the likelihood of this.

    Review from a real buyer If you don’t toss and turn while sleeping, you can buy this clip. But it didn’t suit my husband at all. No matter how much we tried to use it, the snoring did not stop.

    Mouth guard against snoring and teeth grinding in sleep

    These devices are attached to the teeth and are similar to mouthguards used in combat sports for protection.

    In addition to reducing snoring, it eliminates teeth grinding. The soft material allows the device to take an anatomically acceptable shape. The mouth guard keeps the jaws in the correct position, preventing the airways from blocking and short-term respiratory arrest. There is a hole in the middle for inhalation through the mouth. The main complaints: does not fit in size, the opening is too small for mouth breathing and pain in the front teeth and gums.

    Oddly enough, customization is a double-edged sword. This is both a major plus and a minus at the same time. In order for the mouth guard to take the shape of your teeth, you need to lower it into boiling water for 10-20 seconds, put it on your teeth and use your tongue to push the air out from under the mouth guard so that it sticks tightly to your teeth. On the other hand, if you compare the price of such a mouthguard with individual devices that dentists make to order, then the torment no longer looks so terrible.

    Review from a real buyer With this mouthguard, I stopped snoring, and my family members began to get enough sleep. After preliminary preparation, the mouthguard completely adjusted to my bite. And already during the first night I stopped noticing that there was a foreign object in my mouth. The wife is happy. She said that she had never dreamed of sleeping in complete silence.

    Anti-snoring Welss WS 5070

    Anti-snoring Welss WS 5070 is considered a unique and practical device that resembles a wristwatch in design. Anti-snoring is lightweight (40 grams), which makes it completely unnoticeable during sleep. The soft strap protects against squeezing. The bracelet has a special sensor installed that sends electronic impulses in case of wheezing.

    The impulses are completely safe. They simply lead to tension in the muscles of the larynx or a change in position (turning over on its side). As a result, snoring disappears. The advantages of this device include the continuation of sleep. The person does not wake up, even during the delivery of impulses.

    Systematic changes in position can lead to the habit of sleeping on the side on which there is no snoring. That is, you can completely get rid of this problem within a few months of use.

    Welss WS 5070 is very easy to manage and operate. After 8 hours, it automatically turns off. Battery operated. The kit includes gel plates, a bracelet, instructions and a small screwdriver for replacing batteries.

    Headband - Anti-snoring

    A different principle of combating snoring involves a retaining bandage. It is attached to the lower jaw and prevents the mouth from opening during sleep, reduces the speed of air movement and vibration of soft tissues, and increases the space of the respiratory tract.

    Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine the required size. In the Q&A, users complain that the bandage is too large and does not provide the desired hold (and therefore does not solve the problem). Others, on the contrary, note that a medium-sized headband for an underweight man with an unremarkable head size turned out to be too small.

    Anti-snoring device - Beurer SL70

    Anti-snoring Beurer SL70 is an innovative German-made product that allows you to sleep peacefully. It runs on a battery, which is very convenient. It charges quickly and is as practical as possible.

    Externally, anti-snoring resembles a hearing aid or Bluetooth for receiving calls. It is installed in a similar way - in the auricle. In addition to reducing snoring, it improves well-being.

    Communication with a smartphone is supported via Bluetooth. The wheezing is registered and the device begins to send light vibrations or sound calls to the ear. This regulation affects the intensity painlessly and barely noticeable. It is worth noting that the volume of sound or the strength of vibration can be determined independently. Fixing the device is as simple as possible. It does not interfere with the owner at all and has a stylish design.

    In addition, there is the free beurer SleepQuiet app, which accurately analyzes the first signs of snoring, determines the volume and records the information in a log. By looking at the statistics, you can find out in what situations snoring begins and find the sources of the problem.

    Comparison table of anti-snoring devices


    Main Features


    Inserted into the nose

    Headband - Anti-snoring

    Placed on the head, prevents snoring.

The nose is the most important and complex organ that provides the body with complete breathing and ensures that the lungs are filled with air. We know that street air, passing through the nose, is cleaned, warmed and moistened, and we do not attach much importance to the importance of these processes, thinking that breathing through the mouth is not much different from breathing through the nose. But this is fundamentally wrong.

Only nasal breathing ensures a complete supply of oxygen to the body.

Anatomy of the nose

The nose is a paired organ and has two nasal passages separated by the nasal septum or nasal septum.

In the vestibule of the nose (near the nostril), the nasal passage has the largest diameter, and in the area of ​​the nasal valve (near the bridge of the nose) it has the smallest diameter. Due to the fact that the diameter of the nasal passage decreases, air moving along the nasal passage during inhalation experiences increasing resistance.

In this case, the diameter of the nasal passage is not constant. Depending on external factors such as air temperature, humidity, respiratory rate, as well as the condition of the nasal mucosa, its lumen may increase or decrease. If the mucous membrane swells, the lumen of the nasal passage decreases and air resistance increases, or, conversely, due to an increase in venous outflow, the mucous membrane decreases, accordingly the lumen increases and the resistance decreases.

Under normal conditions, both nasal passages work in pairs. Initially, due to lower resistance, air passes more actively through one nasal passage, the second, due to higher resistance, plays an auxiliary role at this time. After a while they change roles. Thus, the total amount of air inhaled remains unchanged, but the amount of air passing through each half of the nose changes cyclically. This is called the nasal cycle. For different people it ranges from 1 to 6 hours.

Due to this, in a calm state, more active ventilation of the nasal sinuses and blood supply to the mucous membrane are alternately ensured.

The presence and magnitude of nasal resistance is also very important for lung function. Any working closed volume, in this case the lungs, must be connected to the atmosphere through a valve. Only in this case will he be able to do the work of moving air in and out of the lungs. The role of this valve is played by nasal resistance. The amount of resistance affects the speed of the process of pressure equalization between atmospheric and pressure inside the lungs. This determines how the process of oxygen absorption into the blood occurs in the lungs.

There are also paranasal or sinuses in the nose. There are four of them in each half of the nose. These are the maxillary sinus, frontal, sphenoid and ethmoidal labyrinth. All sinuses communicate with the nasal passage through natural anastomoses. The volume of the nasal passage together with the paranasal sinuses is from 15 to 20 cubic centimeters.

The entire inner surface of the nose and paranasal sinuses is covered with mucous membrane.

The mucous membrane plays a vital role in clearing the passing air of dust, viruses, bacteria and fungal spores. Cilia are located on the surface of the mucous membrane. They constantly perform an oscillatory movement. These fluctuations (mucociliary clearance) move the mucus covering the mucous membrane. As the mucus moves, dust, bacteria, viruses, and fungal spores from the passing air settle on it. Mucus is excreted into the nasopharynx and enters the stomach. Thus, the protective function of nasal breathing is realized.

Respiratory cycle

The respiratory cycle goes like this. Expanding, the chest creates negative pressure in the lungs, outside air is sucked into the nose, part of the air passes through the paranasal sinuses, where it mixes with the air in them, after which the air flow combines and the heated and humidified air enters the lungs. During exhalation, the chest contracts, increased pressure is created, air from the lungs rushes out, and part of the outgoing air also enters the sinuses. Moreover, the exiting air is cleaner, more humid, warmer with a higher content of carbon dioxide than that which was inhaled. Such air exchange allows you to reduce moisture loss during breathing and speed up the preparation of inhaled air.

Nasal breathing disorder

If nasal breathing is impaired, we begin to breathe through the mouth. In this case, the air enters the lungs unprepared, and the resistance to air flow decreases. There is an imbalance in the air exchange process. The amount of oxygen absorbed into the blood decreases to 30%. The oxygen supply to organs is immediately disrupted. This explains decreased performance, headache, mild fatigue, and a feeling of lack of sleep after sleep.

Therefore, it is necessary to take all measures for treatment, recovery and, as a result, a return to natural nasal breathing.

Causes of nasal breathing disorders. Methods for treating nasal breathing disorders.

According to the methods of treatment, they can be divided into two groups: those that are treated only surgically and those that are treated therapeutically.

The first group includes:

Deviation of the nasal septum, congenital or as a result of trauma,

Growing polyps on the nasal mucosa.

In this case, the nasal cycle is completely disrupted; one half of the nose works under heavy load, and the second gradually atrophies. You need to go to an ENT doctor and have surgery. This cannot be delayed, especially in children, since insufficient oxygen supply to the brain can lead to developmental delays.

The second group includes:

Nasal breathing disorders due to the onset of the disease, runny nose, nasal congestion, swelling of the mucous membrane, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis and a number of others.

To restore nasal function, it is necessary not to delay and begin the treatment process in a timely manner. A large arsenal of preventive measures and traditional medicine at the initial stage of ENT diseases will help you maintain nasal breathing and stay healthy.

Watch your breathing and stay healthy!