How to raise estrogen in women naturally. Symptoms of estrogen deficiency in women

Significant fluctuations in estrogen levels negatively affect the general condition and health of a woman (especially if they decrease). This pathology can occur at any age, but most often girls in age suffer from a decrease in hormone levels. puberty and women in menopause. You can increase the level of hormones in a woman’s body both with the help of medications and by regularly taking herbal remedies with estrogenic activity.

Estrogen and changes in its levels

Estrogens are a group female hormones, produced by the follicular apparatus of the ovaries (female genital organs) and the adrenal cortex. There are three types of estrogens:

  • estradiol;
  • estrone;
  • estriol.

The main function of these hormones is to ensure the sexual development of the woman’s body and the implementation of her reproductive function. The amount of estrogen varies depending on the phase menstrual cycle.

There are two main conditions that can cause low estrogen levels:

  • Puberty. At this time, the girl’s hormonal system is restructured according to female type and hormonal fluctuations may occur. Including estrogen.
  • Menopause is the second strong hormonal change in a woman’s life after puberty, but in in this case everything happens exactly the opposite. During this period it gradually fades away reproductive system, a woman loses the opportunity to become pregnant and give birth to a child. Menstruation stops (menopause).

The normal amount of the hormone in the body is healthy woman reproductive age:

  • In the follicular phase - 57-227 pg/ml.
  • In the preovulatory phase - 127-476 pg/ml.
  • In the luteinizing phase - 77-227 pg/ml.

Estrogens play a critical role in the process of conception. Together with progesterone, estrogens prepare the uterus for implantation. If pregnancy occurs, they prevent the occurrence of ovulation and threats of miscarriage.

Ways to normalize hormonal levels

Lack of estrogen levels is detected by determining the level of hormones in the blood. You can raise the level of estrogen in the body in several ways: medications, herbal medicines and food.

Treatment reduces the risk of problems conceiving and makes it easier to unpleasant symptoms menopause, and during hormonal surges at puberty helps to even out hormonal background girls.

Any treatment should be prescribed by a gynecologist after a thorough examination of the body.

You can increase estrogen levels naturally at home using phytoestrogens contained in various herbal remedies and food products. In many cases, it is at this stage that it is possible to increase the amount of estrogen without additional drug therapy. But this method treatment is not suitable for women who need to quickly increase estrogen ( severe conditions hypoestrogenism).

Drugs that increase hormone levels

Both medications and medicinal herbs. Together they provide the desired result. List of drugs that can eliminate hypoestrogenism:

  1. 1. Estradiol valeriat and 17 beta-estradiol (as an option for hormone replacement therapy).
  2. 2. Klimonorm, Estrogel, Mirena, Klimara.
  3. 3. Herbal medicine with estrogen-like substances - Remens, Klimaxan, Klimaktoplan, Estrovel, Menoril, Soifem.

One of the most effective drugs on modern pharmaceutical market are Premarin and Proginova. The first drug contains equine estrogens. In addition to its main effect - increasing estrogen levels (in menopause), the medicine effectively lowers cholesterol levels, eliminates vasomotor disorders during menopause (hot flashes, increased sweating). The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy.

The composition of the drug Proginova includes synthetic analogue human estradiol. The drug increases estrogen levels, fights osteoporosis, softens and eliminates symptoms caused by hormonal imbalance during menopause. Tablets are contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women and patients with galactose deficiency.

To increase estrogen levels in women, as complementary therapy complexes of minerals, micro- and macroelements, vitamins (A, C, E, group B) are prescribed. The medications presented exist in the form of tablets, capsules, vaginal and transdermal (patches) forms.

When taking it, you must strictly monitor your condition with a gynecologist and the level of hormones in your blood.

It is estrogen that has a significant effect on the body of the fair sex.

He is responsible for the characteristic female characteristics, which include the following by no means unimportant factors: development of the genitals and breasts, figure, distribution on the body subcutaneous fat, bone condition, sexuality.

In addition, estrogen affects overall well-being and mood.

Estrogen is the main sex hormone in women.

Estrogen is mainly produced in the ovaries and a little in the adrenal glands. When do girls get it? puberty, estrogen levels also increase. This leads to enlargement of the mammary glands, growth of pubic hair and armpits, formation characteristic shape pelvis Estrogen also helps prepare the girl’s body for the future. sex life and motherhood.

Stressful situations, reception hormonal contraceptives, childbirth, irregular sex life or normal age-related changes(menopause) contribute to the decline of ovarian function and, as a consequence, a decrease in estrogen levels.

Low estrogen levels often lead to various violations vital activity of the body. It also causes menstrual irregularities, sometimes even infertility. And after menopause it leads to dry skin, decreased libido, increased fatigue and even depression.

Decreased estrogen levels are diagnosed by a doctor after a blood test and corrected naturally or using medications. Medicines should only be prescribed by a doctor. However, you can take credit for the change yourself. diet and lifestyle.

How to Increase Estrogen Levels

Step 1. Eat foods rich in phytoestrogens and natural estrogen-like compounds. They have the same effect as natural estrogens that are produced in the human body.

I Legumes

Introduce legumes into your diet - beans, lentils, peas, soy products, pumpkin seeds, flax and sesame seeds, as well as vegetable oils from them. Numerous studies have shown that these products contain a lot of phytoestrogens. In addition, the isoflavone contained in soybeans has a regulating effect on the level of female sex hormones.

II Vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits contain many phytoestrogens. These are beets, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, asparagus, apples, papaya, dates, pomegranates. Meat, fish and poultry contain estrogen-like compounds, but in small quantities.

III Foods rich in selenium

Hormonal balance is also normalized by foods containing large quantities selenium and zinc. Selenium protects DNA from various damaging agents and thus inhibits growth cancer cells. It is present in pumpkin, mustard, mushrooms, garlic, eggplant, oysters, eel, seaweed, mackerel, walnuts, sesame, etc. Oysters are especially rich in selenium.

NB!!! Eating foods that contain phytoestrogens does not cause any harm to health and is absolutely safe for the body. These products simply help normalize function endocrine system. However, it is worth noting one drawback - positive effect develops after regular and long-term use. So be patient.

Step 3. Pay attention to your body fat percentage. If you have been persistently working on the problem of losing weight for a long time, perhaps you got too carried away and missed the moment when you should have stopped, recognizing the result as magnificent. And now your body may not have enough of the existing fat layer. After all, she is the one who plays one of the important roles during the production of hormones.

Step 4. Keep regular sex life. Adult woman To stay healthy, you need to have sex regularly. It will be wonderful if this happens with a beloved man, who will let his partner know that she is beautiful, loved and desired.

Step 5: Try aromatherapy. Experts believe that essential oils Sage, cypress, fennel, anise and basil stimulate estrogen production, while rose geranium, lavender and neroli help maintain hormonal balance.

Step 6. Practice yoga and avoid stress. Supporters of yoga - ancient Indian health system They insist that with the help of certain asanas the adrenal glands are stimulated. And the adrenal glands help the body regulate the balance of hormones in the body. Perhaps I should try it. And avoid stress. When a person is stressed, the body produces hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. They suppress the production of estrogen and progesterone.

Step 7 Try hormone replacement therapy. There is another opportunity to increase estrogen levels - to use synthetic estrogens, which will take on the function of regulating and normalizing the pathologically altered functions of the glands internal secretion. They effectively slow down the aging process and preserve youth.

IN lately Hormone replacement therapy helps women survive menopause. Scientific luminaries even consider it an elixir eternal beauty and youth. However, judging by the latest data, hormonal therapy also has its disadvantages. For example, taking estrogen for long period significantly increases the risk of developing breast cancer, as well as cardiovascular diseases.

Therapy using synthetic estrogens has clear indications and contraindications. In case of non-compliance with dosages and rules of administration hormonal drugs There is a high risk of developing breast and endometrial cancer. Therefore, do not self-medicate under any circumstances. And consult a doctor.

How to increase estrogen levels - conclusions

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to protect yourself from a decrease in hormone levels. However correct image life, proper nutrition And positive emotions will help avoid hormonal disorders. Remember, all methods of increasing estrogen levels have their advantages and disadvantages. Follow your healthcare provider's recommendations. Take vitamins and exercise.

A woman’s normal well-being largely depends on the complete content of these important substances in the blood. They ensure the full development of secondary sexual characteristics and the implementation of reproductive functions. Therefore, a decrease in the level of at least one of them significantly affects the activity of the entire organism. There is a disruption of the menstrual cycle, a disturbance in the nervous balance and metabolic processes.

In order to put accurate diagnosis reasons for the development of this condition, it is necessary to consult a specialist in time. Only he can determine the trigger of the pathology and identify a lack of certain hormones or an imbalance in their ratio in the blood. After understanding the essence of the problem, special therapy is recommended.

Foods that increase female hormones

A deficiency of these substances can lead to the development of many diseases. Therefore, she needs medical correction.

For this there are different ways and with timely contact with an endocrinologist or gynecologist, it is quite possible to stabilize the level of hubbub.

The formation of secondary sexual characteristics, the ability to bear children and the health status of representatives of the fair sex largely depend on their normal content in the body.

Hormonal deficiency can cause many problems:

These factors lead to hormonal imbalance or endocrine organ failure. They begin to have an especially significant effect after the age of forty-five.

Over time, the synthesis of female sex hormones decreases significantly, which entails the development of various dysfunctions and loss of fertility. In addition, depression, irregular periods, decreased libido, general weakness, and difficulty achieving pregnancy and subsequent pregnancy occur.

Complications of decreased production of female sexual hormones may include brittle bones, tooth loss, obesity, or the development of tumors.

Therefore, to increase the level of these essential substances, you need to balance your daily diet. You should definitely include in your diet such foods as:

  • bread;
  • cereals;
  • fish;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • cauliflower;
  • fruits;
  • apples;
  • pomegranate;
  • dates, etc.

Many of them contain natural female hormones or compounds that promote their production. They reduce their deficiency and compensate for temporary deficiencies, helping the synthesis of necessary substances.

Cereals and legumes are especially active in this regard. These include peas, beans, pumpkin, soybeans, sesame and oils from such plants. They contain a large amount of female sexual hormones, and other components included in their base help their production by the body.

Fresh fruits and vegetables also contain phytoestrogens in their structure. The richest sources in them are carrots, beets, apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, dates, and pomegranates.

Hormone-like compounds contain meat and fish products, as well as poultry. However, their level here is low.

It is very important that the female body regularly receives an element such as selenium. It protects the fairer sex’s own hormones from destruction and helps stabilize metabolic processes. In addition, it is one of the means to prevent the occurrence oncological diseases.

Largest quantity Selenium is found in mustard, garlic, mushrooms, pumpkin, eggplant, seaweed, mackerel, walnuts, sesame, etc.

Including them in the diet on an ongoing basis cannot cause any harm. On the contrary, their regular use improves metabolic processes, improves the condition of the body and reliably stabilizes hormonal levels.

Herbs that increase female hormones

With a low level of these essential substances in the blood, the onset of menopause approaches, a woman’s fertility decreases and pathologies of her genital area develop.

Therefore, to make up for their lack great value has herbal medicine. The most useful plants are:

  • hop cones, which quickly promote the growth of female sex hormones, toning the body and regulating processes fat metabolism. Take one tablespoon of raw material, pour a glass of water and boil for half an hour. Then add mint decoction and drink three times a day;
  • flaxseed oil significantly helps stabilize the course of menstruation, facilitates the course of premenopause and normalizes general condition nervous system. It can be purchased at any pharmacy chain and taken orally according to the attached instructions;
  • Linden flowers are brewed as tea and drunk for three months. They reduce the intensity inflammatory processes and improve the condition of the nervous system;
  • Aralia tincture is sold in any pharmacy. Thirty drops should be taken daily for six months, twice a day before meals. It increases vitality, strengthens the body's resistance and stabilizes vascular activity;
  • Melissa renders sedative effect and eliminates hormonal imbalance. In addition, it greatly facilitates the flow of menstruation. Take one tablespoon of raw material per glass of boiling water, infuse and drink in three doses;
  • You need to take ten grams of licorice and add one and a half cups of boiling water to it. Then it is advisable to leave it for half an hour on low heat. Use the decoction for a month three times a day, one tablespoon at a time;
  • Plantain seeds promote the onset of the ovulation phase, increase the possibility of an egg being fertilized, and stabilize the onset of menstruation. Take a tablespoon of raw material, add twenty-five milliliters linseed oil and drink ten grams three times a day before meals, etc.

No less useful as part of various preparations or as herbal teas hog queen, valerian, red brush, shepherd's purse, chamomile, thyme and sage. They relieve diseases of the female genital area, increase hormone levels, facilitate menstruation and eliminate inflammation.

These plant matter have a completely harmless effect, calm the nervous system, enrich the body with necessary components, facilitate functioning internal organs, stabilize the menstrual cycle and trigger tissue regeneration processes.

Herbs are used in the form of decoctions and moods, but before using them, consultation with a doctor is necessary. Perhaps he will recommend supplementing drug treatment folk remedies to enhance overall effect. At complex therapy Dysfunctions of the female genital area quickly disappear, hair becomes stronger, skin condition improves, acne disappears, etc.

Medication method

This method of elimination hormonal imbalance is used to correct the endocrine system and consists of prescribing pharmacological agents.

Indications for their use are:

  • violations
  • the presence of diseases of the female genital area;
  • difficulty conceiving;
  • repeated miscarriage;
  • profuse acne;
  • development of depression.

These signs directly indicate a lack of hormones or their imbalance. The use of drug therapy makes it possible to completely stabilize their content in the body and activate the activity of the endocrine glands. The most commonly used drugs contain estrogen and progestin.

If included active substance includes a complex of progesterone and estrogen, this makes it possible to almost immediately normalize the level of female sex hormones in the blood.

Most effective medicines are:

  • Diana-35;
  • Mercilon;
  • Novinet;
  • Rigevidon.

Progestin-type drugs can compensate for the lack of progesterone. Especially often the doctor prescribes:

  • Continuin;
  • Microlute;
  • Femulen.

Sometimes non-hormonal substances are also used, for example, Mamoclam. It affects certain endocrine organs. This medicine greatly improves the functioning of the thyroid gland. It includes fatty acids Omega-3, iodine, chlorophyll.

Very often, the doctor prescribes special vitamin and mineral complexes. Decamevit, Kvadevit, Leciton and Undevit most actively stabilize hormonal levels. But the greatest spectrum useful properties has vitamin E (Tocopherol).

Therefore, if laboratory test showed a lack of female sex hormones in the body; it is always possible to adjust their content.

This is required for any representative of the fair sex to maintain her health, normalize the functioning of the menstrual cycle, absorb many essential substances and prevent diseases of the genital area.

To do this you should:

  • completely balance your diet;
  • try to maintain an even mood;
  • drink at least two liters of water per day;
  • eliminate alcohol consumption;
  • no smoking;
  • study physical culture;
  • get at least eight hours of sleep a day;
  • consume more fresh vegetables, fruits and berries;
  • drink less coffee;
  • accept contraception only after consulting a gynecologist;
  • undergo regular laboratory examinations.

It is very important to maintain a stable weight. The fact is that the production of female sex hormones comes from fatty tissue. Therefore, if there is too little of it, it may occur hormonal imbalance. This happens simply because the body does not have enough nutrients to stabilize the general background.

Such measures make it possible to provide tissues with the required substances for the synthesis of hormones, increase the content of vitamins, and regulate metabolic processes and promote the activation of endocrine organs.

Following all the rules will make it possible to avoid the destruction of necessary substances. Preventive measures will not allow creating unnecessary stress on various systems.

Therefore, at the first signs of hormonal deficiency, you should urgently contact a gynecologist or endocrinologist. If there is a disruption in the menstrual cycle, uterine bleeding or excessive hair growth, required medical care. For the purpose differential diagnosis worth going through ultrasound examination and submit it to different days cycle a complete set of tests for the level of female hormones in the body.

The hormone is needed for the healthy functioning of the female body. If it is not enough, problems with conception arise, but the problem can be solved if appropriate measures are taken.

Define low level is not difficult. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • delayed puberty;
  • absence of menstruation;
  • insomnia;
  • bladder infections;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • mood swings;

A woman may complain of weakness and headaches. She becomes forgetful, absent-minded, she experiences frequent mood swings and tearfulness.

How to raise and fill the deficit?

You can increase the level of this hormone in the body not only with the help of medications. Folk remedies, vitamins, and diet are effective. Natural Methods do not cause harm to health and lead to rapid recovery.

Foods that eliminate deficiency

  • legumes;
  • carrot;
  • cucumbers;
  • beet;
  • pomegranate;
  • asparagus;
  • apples;
  • mackerel;

Interesting! Practice shows that with frequent consumption of these products the level becomes significantly higher. The main thing is to eat this food regularly.

Herbs and folk remedies to increase production

  • nettle;
  • mint;
  • meadow clover;
  • young raspberry leaves;
  • hop cones;
  • aloe;
  • Melissa;
  • rose hip;

To normalize, it is recommended to use a decoction of raspberry leaves. To prepare it you need pour 5-6 young leaves with 500 ml of boiling water. The mixture must be infused for at least an hour. Ready product Take instead of tea twice a day.

Young nettle infusion is also effective. For this mix two tablespoons of dry herb and 250 ml of boiling water. The mixture is poured into a thermos and left for a day. After this, filter it, consume one tablespoon 3 times a day.

Excellent medicine is aloe juice. Necessary Place a few leaves in the refrigerator for two days. Then the leaves are taken out and the juice is squeezed out of them.. It is taken one tablespoon three times a day.

Be sure to consult your doctor and never self-medicate!

Vitamins for restoring the body

First of all Vitamin C is released. It stimulates the production of estrogen in the adrenal glands. Helps strengthen the immune system and increase protective properties.

No less important vitamins E, K. They help production and maintain the health of the reproductive system. They are found in vegetable oil, peas.

Important! Vitamins can enter the body both in the form of special complexes, preparations, and with food. Using certain products, a person will quickly fill the body with everything necessary.

Drugs that increase estrogen

One of the most effective methods treatment is taking medications. They include certain substances, elements that help the reproductive system work correctly.

First of all, you should pay attention to Tocopherol. It is a synthetic vitamin E substitute. He raises sexual activity, endurance, makes a woman energetic and full of strength.

Thanks to the normalization of hormone production, health improves, which is manifested not only internally, but also externally: nails become stronger, the skin becomes elastic, acne disappears.

No less famous is the drug Premarin. It contains equine estrogens. natural origin . They're in shortest time normalize the health of the reproductive system, estrogen levels increase.

If you do not follow the instructions, you may take the medication incorrectly. may arise hives, dizziness. They go away on their own and do not require treatment.

Hemafemin is highly recommended by doctors. It contains a pantohematogen from the blood of female deer. It effectively increases hormone production. It also includes vitamins C and E, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the ovaries. The product does not cause side effects, significantly improves a person’s well-being.

Attention! Duration of medication use and dosage prescribed individually by doctors. It is prohibited to take these medications without consulting a specialist.

Diet and its features

Doctors advise you to follow a diet. It involves giving up alcohol, fatty foods, smoked foods, canned food and processed foods. The diet should include a lot of fruits and vegetables. In particular, you should pay attention to apples, cucumbers, and beets. Meat, milk, pumpkin seeds are allowed.

There are foods that reduce estrogen production. They must be abandoned:

  • pear;
  • melon;
  • cabbage;
  • pineapple;
  • green beans;

How long should you stick to this diet?— this indicator is determined individually. It all depends on the initial level of estrogen. For some, one week is enough to increase production, while others must follow it for at least a month.

Peculiarity! It is recommended to steam food during the cooking process. You should avoid fried foods: due to this method of heat treatment, many vitamins are destroyed and disappear. Vegetables and fruits are best consumed in fresh so that the body receives as many vitamins as possible.

How to take?

There is no clear answer to this question. The process of taking vitamins, medicines and folk remedies depends on various features body. One thing is for sure: to achieve results, these remedies are taken regularly - every day.

The dosage is prescribed by the doctor after studying the patient’s tests. Usually this is one tablet 2-3 times a day. If we're talking about About folk remedies, decoctions are consumed in a tablespoon or half a glass per day, depending on the recipe.

Interesting! Take the medication very carefully, following the instructions. Medicines and herbal teas Best consumed between meals for better absorption. You are allowed to drink them with water.

How does stimulation occur?

Stimulation is carried out by saturating the body useful substances and vitamins. Certain elements enter the adrenal glands and ovaries. They heal them, force them to work more actively and correctly, normalize their functioning, which leads to increased estrogen production.

Peculiarity! Filled with useful substances, the organs of the female reproductive system begin to work correctly, without disturbances, which gradually increases production. You should not wait for results after 2-3 days of treatment; improvements may take several weeks. The treatment process must be supervised by a doctor.

Estrogen is an important hormone for the female body. If it is not enough, the woman’s health seriously deteriorates, she cannot conceive and bear a child. Timely measures help restore health to the reproductive system and normalize the production of this hormone.

Estrogens are the main hormones in female body. These substances are responsible for feminine beauty, reproductive function, the health status of the fairer sex.

Lack of estrogen leads to serious metabolic disorders, worsens appearance of a woman, makes her infertile. How to increase estrogen levels? First, it’s worth understanding what the hormone estrogen is responsible for.


To begin with, it is worth saying that estrogens are a group of biologically active substances. These include the following metabolites:

  • estradiol;
  • estrone;
  • estriol.

These protein molecules are produced in the ovaries of women of reproductive age. IN small quantity synthesis also occurs in another endocrine gland - the adrenal glands. However, the contribution of this organ to the production of substances is very small.

Estrogens pass a whole series biochemical changes before becoming an active metabolite.

The substances are directly synthesized from androgens - male sex hormones, and those, in turn, from cholesterol.

As a result of the production of glands biological substances the normal level of hormones in the blood is formed. In an adult, healthy woman, the level is 15–190 pg/ml. The range in which the norm lies depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle, previous births and other physiological processes. If serious deviations from the norm are detected in the blood, the doctor begins to look for the cause of the pathology.


What is estrogen responsible for in women? It is not possible to answer this question in monosyllables, since estrogens perform big role in the body. The functions of substances in this group include:

  1. Reproductive. Large number The effects that estrogens have on the genitals allow a woman to become pregnant and safely give birth to a child. Under the influence of estrogen, cells are produced inner shell uterus, the egg matures, blood is delivered to reproductive organs, the mammary glands function correctly.
  2. Differentiation of secondary sexual characteristics - it is under the influence of these biological substances that a woman acquires her special appearance. Hormones are responsible for the formation of breasts, the silhouettes of a woman’s body, and the development of the genital organs.
  3. Effect on metabolism. Estrogens have an active effect on many organ systems. In particular, they regulate the level blood pressure, cholesterol and calcium metabolism, liver and bone function, nervous system condition.

From the above, it becomes clear that estrogen deficiency in the body leads to serious disruptions in its functioning. Why does a lack of the hormone occur, and how to increase estrogen levels? It's worth looking into it in more detail.

Lack of estrogen

Estrogen deficiency is formed in the female body as a result of the action pathological processes, and in the absence of diseases in the postmenopausal period.

These two factors in the development of deficiency are fundamentally different mechanisms and methods of correction.

Pathological causes

There are conditions that are not related to a woman’s age that lead to pathological hormone production. Pathological estrogen deficiency occurs due to the following reasons:

  1. Congenital underdevelopment of the ovaries.
  2. Disorders of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus - tumors of the nervous system, traumatic brain injury, hemorrhage, strokes.
  3. Poor nutrition of women serious violations diets.
  4. Cachexia, weight loss, sudden loss of body weight.
  5. Excessive physical and mental stress, stress.

Symptoms of these pathological conditions occur faster and are more pronounced than with a lack of estrogen during menopause. Therefore, such reasons should be corrected when first detected.


Estrogens in the blood of women decrease even in the absence of pathology. This is most typical during menopause.

During menopause, a woman experiences a natural decrease in estrogen levels.

This condition is a protective natural mechanism that ensures the birth of healthy offspring in the population of women of young, reproductive age.

To avoid unpleasant consequences deficiency, some women gynecologists prescribe replacement hormone therapy contraceptive drugs.


The problems a woman faces with low estrogen levels affect many systems of the body. Symptoms are associated with a restructuring of metabolism in organs and tissues due to a deficiency of biological substances. It is possible to eliminate the manifestations if you find the cause in time and start treatment.

Symptoms caused by estrogen deficiency:

  1. Premature aging.
  2. Increased fragility of hair and nails, dry skin and mucous membranes.
  3. Body hair growth male type, increasing the length of body hair.
  4. Symptoms from the genital organs – dry mucous membranes, vaginal dysbiosis, decreased libido.
  5. Menstrual irregularities.
  6. Pain during menstruation.
  7. Infertility.
  8. Damage to the nervous system - headaches, increased weakness and irritability, decreased memory and intellectual abilities.
  9. Symptoms of calcium deficiency - osteoporosis, high risk fractures.
  10. Sweating, insomnia.

Numerous manifestations of hormone deficiency lead a woman to the question: “How to increase estrogen in the body?” Only an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist can give a complete answer to the question.


Eliminating the cause pathological condition not always possible. To find the source of the hormone deficiency, doctors conduct a series of diagnostic procedures, which do not always indicate a problem.

For therapy purposes, changes in the patient’s lifestyle, including her diet, are used. In addition, hormonal drugs are widely used.

Sometimes you have to resort to surgical intervention to remove a tumor that prevents the gland from functioning properly.

Effects of folk remedies are widely used by most women, but have questionable effectiveness.


It is quite difficult to identify foods that directly increase hormone levels. However, by changing your diet, you can increase the production of the hormone in the endocrine glands.

Foods that are helpful in eliminating deficiency:

  1. Vegetables, raw and steamed. Estrogen precursors are found in large quantities in cabbage.
  2. Products containing fiber. These include fruits and vegetables, beans, and plant seeds. By normalizing the digestive process, these products contribute to the proper absorption of substances.
  3. Flax seeds contain lignins; these metabolites are converted in the body into enterodiol, which has a beneficial effect on the exchange of hormones in the glands.
  4. Soybeans and other legume products. In addition to protein molecules, they contain vitamins and microelements that normalize metabolism.

Eating foods that increase the level of female hormones is often not enough. Need to fill up my diet vitamin components, eliminate alcohol consumption, lead healthy image life.

Drug treatment

If they are used to increase estrogen in women, the use of the medicine should be monitored by a gynecologist. He will select the dosage, as well as the drug itself, suitable for woman according to indications and her age.

The remedies are also used in the event of menopause when pathological symptoms lack of hormone. In this case, the prescription regimen is called hormone replacement therapy.

Folk remedies

The norm of hormones in the body according to adherents traditional medicine can also be achieved using folk remedies. However professional doctors treat this method with caution. For estrogens to reach required values, are used:

  • Plantain seeds in the form of a decoction.
  • Raspberry leaves in a steam bath.
  • Prutnyak fruits in boiling water.

Before use, you should consult your doctor to determine