How to get rid of comedones on the face: various remedies and treatment methods. Closed comedones

We are glad to meet you again, our regular and new readers! New article We decided to devote it to a current skin defect – clogged pores.

If you find comedones, how to get rid of such a scourge at home? How difficult are they to prepare and use? folk remedies from blackheads and subcutaneous lumps? Let's look at this in more detail.

Formed at the site of clogged pores. The most common are open comedones, or. Getting rid of them is not difficult at all with regular deep cleaning of the pores.

Closed comedones, or fatty lumps under the skin, are much less common to see. However, their removal will require caution, since there is a high risk of introducing an infection under the skin, thereby starting the inflammatory process.

By the way, regular cleansing of pores will help prevent the formation of new comedones, so do not neglect this simple procedure.

Purifying protein masks

One of the best home remedies for cleansing pores is a mask made with egg whites. In terms of its effectiveness, it is in no way inferior to the advertised gelatin products.

Chicken protein contains a lot of substances that are beneficial for the skin. Protein dries, brightens and tightens the skin, cleanses and reduces pores, and collagen helps prolong its youth.

The simplest recipe for making a mask is to mix 1 egg white (not whipped!) and 1 tbsp. granulated sugar. The result should be a viscous homogeneous mass. If your facial skin is different increased fat content, the mask is applied to the entire face. For dry, flaky skin, the mixture is applied only to areas with open comedones.

The mask is applied in 2 stages. For the first time, apply half the mixture to your face and wait for it to dry a little. After 3-5 minutes, apply a second layer on top of the first, and then lightly pat the problem areas (T-zone, etc.) with the pads of your fingers.

The principle of action is reminiscent of a honey massage, which is also performed with patting the skin. The mask may change its original shade and darken. This indicates effective cleansing pores, since the hardening protein pulls all the sebum, dust and dirt out.

The remains of the mask are washed off with lukewarm water, and then lubricated with a non-greasy cream. The optimal course is for a month, with an interval of 2-3 days between procedures. However, the first improvements in the condition of the facial skin will be noticeable after 1-2 procedures.


For quick disposal from blackheads, acne and acne, as well as for facial skin rejuvenation, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with this effective remedy .

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To prepare an improved version of the protein mask you will need:

  • 1 protein;
  • 2 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 2 tsp aloe leaf juice.

All components are mixed and beaten for 1-2 minutes, the finished mixture is applied to cleansed facial skin. Lemon refreshes the skin and fights dark spots, and also dissolves stubborn sebum.

Aloe prevents the development of inflammation and the appearance of red dots in place of cleaned pores. Protein helps remove sebaceous plugs from pores and also narrows sebaceous ducts.

Soda, salt and oatmeal

If the facial skin is healthy, there are no purulent pimples, damage (scratches, open wounds, etc.), but there are dark spots, remove them powerfully with the help of homemade scrubs. The optimal frequency of their use is once every 7-10 days.

The simplest scrubs are prepared using soda ash, mixing it in equal parts with fine rock salt.

Both products have a crystalline structure, which helps to deeply cleanse pores of sebum and dirt.

Dry soda and salt are mixed. The face is cleansed and washed hot water or keep it over steam for several minutes. A cotton pad is moistened, dipped in the resulting powder and gently treated with comedones, massaging in a circular motion. Don't try to cover your entire face in one go. It’s better to do everything in stages: first cleanse the nose, then the forehead, then move on to the chin, etc.

You should not keep the soda scrub on your face for a long time. Once all problem areas have been massaged, the mixture is removed by thoroughly rinsing the face with cool water. If you were unable to completely wash off the scrub from your face, it will make itself felt after 10-15 minutes with a slight burning sensation.

After such cleansing, the skin needs nourishment. Therefore, after removing the scrub, you can wipe the skin with herbal lotion (without alcohol!) and apply a thin layer of moisturizer.

Is it possible to clean your skin with salt without baking soda?

Yes, for this it is mixed with regular soap. First, you need to prepare your face by holding it over the steam for several minutes. This will help open pores and soften sebum.

First of all, foam is made from soap. Then dip a cotton pad first in soap foam, and then in salt, and gently massage the area of ​​skin with comedones for 1 minute. After this, the soap-salt mixture can be left on the face for a couple of minutes so that the product penetrates deep into the pores.

Then the face is washed twice: first with hot water, then cold water. Hot water helps remove residual soap and salt, while cold water tightens the cleansed pores and closes them.

If redness or irritation appears at the site of the comedones, after washing the face, wipe the face with any alcohol-free lotion or aloe leaf juice.

What should those with thin, irritation-prone, sensitive skin do?

For them, rubbing soda crystals on the skin leads to redness of the face. To prevent irritation, use bran or pre-soaked salt instead of salt. oatmeal. Instead of ready-made flour, you can finely grind oatmeal("Hercules").

Old blackheads can be removed using a universal scrub, which will require:

  • soda ash on the tip of a knife;
  • 1 tbsp. ground oatmeal;
  • kefir of any fat content (by eye).

Soda and flakes are mixed and then diluted with kefir to form a viscous mass. The resulting scrub is applied only to areas of skin with comedones and allowed to absorb. After 10 minutes, the dried mixture rolls off easily when rubbed with your fingers. The remains of the scrub are washed off with water and the cream is applied.

Soda crystals penetrate deep into the pores and remove sebaceous plugs. Kefir helps dissolve hard sebum.

Here is another way to gently and efficiently clean clogged pores. To prepare it, combine:

  • 2 tsp shaving foam;
  • 1 tsp 3% hydrogen peroxide solution;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • fine table salt on the tip of a knife.

Apply the finished mixture with your fingertips to areas of the skin with dark spots, lightly massaging in a circular motion, and after a couple of minutes, rinse with lukewarm water. This scrub effectively dissolves sebum that has hardened in the pores, mixed with dirt and dust.

IN winter time Skin pores also need high-quality cleansing. However, due to dry air, the face needs intensive nourishment. Preference should be given to oil-based scrubs. Here is the recipe for one of them:

  • 1 tsp oatmeal;
  • 0.5 tsp fine table salt;
  • 1 tsp coffee grounds(it is best to take finely ground grains);
  • 1 tsp ground white beans;
  • 0.5 tbsp. 20% sour cream.

All dry ingredients are mixed, then sour cream is added to them and treated with the resulting scrub. problem areas on the face. Then wash your face with lukewarm water and apply a thin layer of nourishing cream.

Lotion after cleaning pores

Loving mechanical cleansing has a drying effect on the skin of the face. To prevent dehydration and flaking, the skin is treated with special softening and moisturizing agents. Here is a recipe for homemade nourishing lotion, for which you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. purified glycerin;
  • 4 tbsp. clean water;
  • 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice.

All components are thoroughly mixed. Ready product Apply to a cotton pad and gently wipe the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips.

Glycerin moisturizes the skin well, eliminates dryness and flaking, prevents hyperemia from abrasive particles, lemon juice brightens dark spots, and with prolonged use of the lotion, dissolves sebum in the pores.

Herbal Home Remedies

Widely used in the fight against comedones medicinal plants. Here's how to make a mask to get rid of dark spots:

  • 1 tbsp. dry flax seeds;
  • 0.5 tbsp. dry chamomile inflorescences.

The ingredients are ground into powder (in a coffee grinder or mortar), and then brewed by pouring boiling water over it. The result should be a viscous mixture, which is allowed to brew for about half an hour (so that the flax swells).

The cooled mask is applied in a thick layer to problem areas of the skin, after 20 minutes, washed off with warm water. After this, the face is rinsed with cold water or wiped with an ice cube to tighten the cleansed pores.

Activated carbon

You can make excellent scrubs at home from regular activated carbon tablets to eliminate open comedones. Charcoal is a natural absorbent that absorbs excess sebum and dirt particles, and also reduces the number of harmful microorganisms in the pores of the skin.

The simplest scrub recipe is to dilute 10 finely ground charcoal tablets with clean water until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The finished scrub is applied to cleansed, damp skin, lightly massaged, and after 10 minutes, rinsed off with running water. For those with dry, irritation-prone skin, you can use cream or milk for dilution instead of water.

If you dilute charcoal powder with aloe juice, you will get a scrub with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. By mixing charcoal and clay in equal proportions, you get a scrub mask that brightens, cleanses and dries the skin.

For cleaning and polishing leather activated carbon mixed with sea ​​salt, and then diluted with kefir or yogurt. If the skin is extremely dry, add 0.5 tsp to the mixture. olive or almond oil.

We tried to provide recipes for deep cleaning of pores with a variety of ingredients. Which one to give preference to is up to you, dear subscribers. See you again on the blog pages!

For the treatment of pimples, acne, acne, blackheads and other skin diseases caused by adolescence and illness gastrointestinal tract, hereditary factors, stress conditions and other reasons, many of our readers successfully use Elena Malsheva's method . After reviewing and carefully studying this method, we decided to offer it to you.

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Due to clogged pores, blackheads often appear on the face, scientifically called comedones. To get rid of comedones on the face, it is necessary to find out the causes of their occurrence and provide proper care behind the skin of the face. Comedones are open and closed depending on the depth of their location. How to get rid of comedones at home.

Treatment of comedones on the face at home

There is a set of drugs, products and procedures that make it possible to treat comedones on the face at home.

In the morning and evening, you need to cleanse your face with a special foam using a sponge or sponge. The face should be moisturized, apply foam to it and beat it until small bubbles appear. Then the remaining product is washed off with a sponge. This procedure removes particles of fat, dirt and dead cells well.

It is useful to carry out weekly exercises, which contain fruit acids. But you should not carry out these procedures at the same time, since there is a high probability of the development of skin irritation.

Home complex medical procedures may be supplemented with or . If you scrub or peel at the same time, it is recommended to apply masks once a week. In the absence additional procedures, masks should be applied 3 times a week.

At night, your facial skin should take a break from makeup. To remove it, you should use cosmetic milk or tonics that do not contain alcohol.

For dry skin, you should choose a moisturizer that does not clog the pores of the skin.

Cosmetologists praise masks for treatment closed comedones, for the preparation of which vegetables are used. Cucumbers, carrots, and zucchini are suitable for this purpose. Vegetables should be grated on a fine grater. You need to add to this mass olive oil or lemon juice. The mask is applied to a cleansed face, left for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water.

Nutrition for the treatment of comedones

To treat comedones on the face at home, you need to balance your diet. To do this, you need to minimize the consumption of baked goods, fried foods, smoked products, sweets, spices and fatty meat, since such food activates skin secretions, which is not compatible with the treatment of comedones. The diet should include a lot of cereals, vegetables, and fruits.

In the hot season, you should avoid using foundation in daytime makeup; it is better to replace it with loose powder.

Preparations for the treatment of comedones

We must not forget about the use of drugs that gradually destroy closed comedones. Must be included in the treatment of comedones at home daily intake of Skinoren and Differin. "Skinoren" contains azelaic acid, slowing down the growth of epidermal cells and promoting their necrosis. Differin is characterized by similar properties, but, in addition, it promotes desquamation of the upper epidermal layer.

With regular use of these remedies for comedones, after 3 months the skin will become thinner, the pores will open, and white plugs will easily come out of them.

Masks for treating comedones at home

To prepare a mask for the treatment of comedones at home, you need to take baby soap And baking soda. The soap is washed out and the resulting foam is applied to the face. Soda is placed on top of the foam. There may be a tingling sensation in the first few minutes, but then it goes away. The mask should be washed off with warm water and the next time the procedure can be repeated no earlier than after 7-10 days.

To prepare another version of the mask for the treatment of comedones at home, you need to take kefir, oatmeal and soda. The flakes are crushed, combined with kefir and a pinch of soda. A thick paste is applied to the affected areas of the facial skin and left on it for 15 minutes. After this, you should wash your face with cool water.

Squeezing out comedones at home

Before squeezing out comedones, you need to steam your face yourself. For this, steam baths are used: very much is poured into a certain container (pan, basin). hot water, to which are added herbal infusions and decoctions, for example, of linden or chamomile. The cleansed face should be tilted over the steam that comes from the water. To achieve a greater effect, you can cover yourself with a towel on top. Steaming your face takes no more than 10-12 minutes. After the pores have expanded, you can start squeezing out comedones at home. It is important that your fingers and nails are thoroughly washed and disinfected with vodka or alcohol. Nails should be cut short and fingers should be wrapped in clean napkins. After steaming your face, comedones come out when light pressure is applied to the skin; you should not try to squeeze the blackheads with great pressure.

A contraindication to steaming the face is the presence of dilated blood vessels on it. In other cases, steam baths should be used no more than once a week.

After completing the procedure for squeezing out comedones at home, the affected areas of the skin should be wiped with a cleansing lotion or hydrogen peroxide. Then it is necessary to narrow the enlarged pores, because after squeezing out comedones, the sebaceous glands strive to fill the resulting empty channel with sebum as quickly as possible to prevent direct penetration of bacteria through it into the deep layers of the skin. In this regard, after the skin has been wiped with lotion, you need to use tightening masks or other means that narrow the pores. This could be rubbing with ice cubes, applying a clay mask or egg white with lemon juice.

The final stage of squeezing out comedones is to moisturize the skin, which can be provided with a moisturizer. It may be suitable for this purpose liquid glycerin with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice.

Patch for getting rid of comedones on the face

The use of a cosmetic patch to get rid of comedones on the face should be done after steaming the face. The procedure should be carried out no more than once a week.

In the narrow mouth of the follicle, under the influence of external as well as internal reasons, the duct is blocked. The sebaceous secretion, combined with the breakdown products of the epithelium and toxins, leads to the formation of comedones on the face. This type of acne occurs in most teenagers, as well as a quarter of the world's population over 25 years of age. Complex treatment, compliance with preventive measures will allow you to forget about this aesthetic drawback.

What are comedones

Open comedones

Blackheads are a consequence of the accumulation in the follicle, in addition to subcutaneous sebum, still keratinized epidermal cells, dirt, and the remains of decorative cosmetics. A rod-plug is formed that closes the duct, and on the surface it looks like black dot due to an oxidation reaction when interacting with oxygen. This type of acne is considered less dangerous and traumatic and rarely causes discomfort or pain. They can be located on the forehead, chin, cheeks, wings of the nose, and back.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention It’s worth paying attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos famous brands There are substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of curls, hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty thing gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause oncological diseases. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.


This is a typical manifestation of acne, due to pathological condition covers. The regulation of synthesis processes is disrupted sebaceous glands, reducing the amount of linoleic acid, an important element of cell membranes.

Reasons for appearance:

  1. The width of pores, skin type, and the amount of secretion produced are signs of the genotype, transmitted by heredity; the presence of problematic, unhealthy skin in parents becomes one of the main reasons for the appearance of acne of various classifications.
  2. Malfunctions of the endocrine system, as well as natural stages hormonal development in adolescence, puberty, pregnancy, pituitary gland abnormalities lead to changes in the skin.
  3. Psycho-emotional stress, instability nervous system affects the activation of the synthesis of the produced sebaceous secretion, therefore the appearance of white comedones has a cyclical nature, observed after experienced shocks.
  4. A poor diet, a predominance of animal fats, sweet foods, a deficiency of fish, fruits, vegetables and cereals, leads to a lack of important minerals and vitamins necessary for healthy skin.
  5. Chronic diseases internal organs, sexual problems, diabetes, dysfunction endocrine gland, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbiosis of intestinal microflora.
  6. Side effects of taking medications, bad habits– smoking, drinking alcohol, indulging in carbonated drinks, as well as fast foods, processed foods, saturated with preservatives, and animal fats.
  7. Unfavorable environmental conditions, industrial zone, high content in air, water, salts of heavy metals, other chemical elements, leads to a decrease in immune parameters, creating favorable conditions for infection by bacteria and the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.
  8. Infatuation with sunbathing, both natural and artificial, has a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin, leads to the appearance of comedones on the face, and the amount of exfoliated epithelium increases, which causes blockage of the follicle.
  9. The absence or improper care of facial skin can change the blooming healthy dermis, making its structure lumpy, inflamed; mass market products can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the face, instead of having a cleansing effect, dehydrate and make it vulnerable to adverse external conditions, for each type you need to select a series that satisfies the basic needs of the epidermis - cleansing, toning, moisturizing.
  10. Decorative comedogenic cosmetics lead to disruption of the skin renewal process, the use of correctors, concealers, foundation, powder leads to the creation of a dense coating that does not allow oxygen to pass through, the greenhouse effect does not allow sebaceous secretions, toxins are brought to the surface, they remain in the mouth, creating traffic jams.

Salon treatments

There are effective methods treatment of comedones. They allow you to eliminate external signs - clogged ducts, inflammation, improve the structure and color of the integument. After various cosmetic procedures, it is important to take care of your skin and adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

Decides main question how to get rid of comedones. Hardware method helps remove the upper layers of the epidermis, while at the same time polishing the surface, as well as the marks left after acne. The main active element - aluminum oxide helps to normalize intracellular processes and activate the flow of oxygen. You will need to complete a course of eight/ten sessions, they do not cause pain, and the skin is quickly restored. Contraindications include individual intolerance to aluminum and rosacea.

Mechanical removal

Most effective way get rid of deep acne. Manual method allows you to get rid of fatty rods, black and whiteheads. Before the extrusion process special tools– with spoons, loops, the cosmetologist cleanses the integument with a special gel, followed by steaming to gain maximum access to the ducts. After removing the comedones, wipe the face with lotion and apply a mask to help narrow the pores. The painful procedure is carried out no more than once a month; fragile vessels are a contraindication.

Ultrasonic cleaning

It is a type of hardware peeling, the effect is carried out using high-frequency wave oscillations. The procedure helps not only get rid of closed pimples, but also blackheads, wrinkles, and minor defects in the epidermis. Medicinal ointments and creams are used in combination, the effectiveness of which increases several times after such a painless method of cleansing. Thanks to the physicochemical effect, the protective properties of the integument are increased and the secretion of the sebaceous glands is normalized. It is used no more than once a month, has no side effects or contraindications.

Peeling with fruit acids

Cleaning is carried out using a complex consisting of glycolic, malic, lactic, tartaric, mandelic, and citric acid. The concentration of the composition is selected individually; after a course of procedures, the tone noticeably brightens, pores narrow, and dead particles are removed along with toxins and oxidants.

Home Recipes

You can prepare effective remedies for comedones yourself from available ingredients. Taking care of skin health is quite simple, thanks to the gifts of nature. Medical procedures will help clean the ducts, narrow the pores, stop the spread of inflammation.


To improve oxygen breathing and accelerate renewal processes, you can use universal remedy, suitable for all types. With regular use, you can forget about the hated blackheads and pimples. The result will please you with a healthy color and smooth, even structure.


  • 10 gr. oatmeal;
  • 5 gr. plantain;
  • 10 gr. honey;
  • 3 drops of cypress ether.

Grind the flakes in a coffee grinder until fairly large particles remain. Separately grind dry plantain leaves. Combine oatmeal with coffee, herbs, add liquid honey, healing aroma oil. Apply the thick mixture after steaming, rub in in a circular motion for a few minutes. Leave for five/six minutes, then clean as usual. Carry out the procedure in the evening, two/three times a month.


To dissolve comedones, improve blood circulation, normalize renewal processes, it is worth preparing a natural cosmetic product. Removes oily shine, restores a beautiful matte color, helps to cope with painful sensations for whiteheads.


  • 10 gr. sage;
  • 100 ml Borjomi;
  • 5 ml grape seed oil.

Pour boiling water (50 ml) over sage and calendula and leave with the lid closed for about two hours. After straining, combine the finished concentrate with non-carbonated mineral water. Add kernel oil and pour into a cosmetic bottle. Rub your face along the massage lines twice a day.

Effectively eliminates blackheads on the nose, chin and forehead. Deep cleansing and removal of traffic jams occurs. Suitable for all skin types, has no contraindications.


  • 30 ml chamomile decoction;
  • 2 drops of tangerine essential oil.

Prepare a concentrated decoction, after boiling, keep on the stove for another ten minutes, remove from the stove, strain the finished liquid. Pour gelatin granules, stir until completely dissolved, add citrus ether. Distribute the resulting product while still hot in the T-area, be sure to pre-steam it with a compress. The more layers you get, the better; after time, remove the hardened film along with the greasy plugs. Repeat the cosmetic procedure two/four times a month.

Mask for whiteheads

Helps cope with various types rashes natural mask with antibacterial effect. Soothes itching and irritation, removes toxins, removes dead cells. After the procedure, the skin looks fresh and renewed, enlarged pores become less noticeable.


Grind the peas in a coffee grinder into powder, add clay powder. Dilute the dry mass with mineral or thermal water, add salicylic acid. Clean and steam the skin, then spread the healing agent in a thick layer. Enjoy the effect for about fifteen minutes, rinse off as usual. Repeat the mask two/five times a month in the early morning or before bed.

Ointment for acne and comedones

With your own hands you can create a healing remedy that helps cure closed forms of acne. It is also recommended to be used for preventive purposes to care for oily, problematic types of epidermis. The ointment relieves inflammation, redness, and resolves ulcers.


  • 15 gr. zinc ointment;
  • 25 drops of boric alcohol.

In a separate bowl, combine the ingredients, mix thoroughly, and transfer to a prepared, clean, dry jar. Use once/twice a week, depending on the condition of the dermis. After cleansing, apply a thin layer along the massage lines, do not use on the lips or eyelid area.

Interesting video: How to get rid of comedones - blackheads (creams that don’t help)


It is impossible to get rid of comedones at home without following the mandatory recommendations. Fight for pure healthy skin is to apply simple rules and advice.

Prevention measures:

  • carry out cleansing twice a day using special gels, are effective for removing surface contaminants, they contain active elements, remove sebaceous secretions, toxins and exfoliated epithelium, without disturbing the hydrolipid balance, the presence antiseptic substances helps neutralize pathogenic microflora;
  • be sure to use a tonic or lotion, such products help tighten pores, affect blood circulation and transport of nutrients at the cellular level, improve oxygen breathing, the antibacterial effect reduces the risk of infection and spread of infection, these should be alcohol-free cosmetics With plant extracts, essential oils and increased content vitamins;
  • for recovery protective properties, covers need to be moisturized, can be used medicated creams and emulsions that have a double effect, replenishing the water-lipid balance, preventing blockage of the follicles;
  • Twice a week it is recommended to use soft scrubs and peels with an exfoliating effect; it is better to carry out the procedure before going to bed so that the skin can recover during the rest period;
  • Perhaps the dermatologist will prescribe antibacterial drugs, as well as a course of multivitamins, which is used in parallel hypoallergenic diet with the exception of fatty, spicy, fried, smoked and sweet dishes;
  • get rid of bad habits, spend more time in the fresh air, staying outside the city or on the sea coast is especially useful;
  • treatment of chronic diseases, as well as proper sleep, adherence to an active regimen and rest have a good effect not only on the psycho-emotional background, but also on the condition of the skin;
  • at home, improve appearance cover, is possible thanks to a balanced diet, the diet should include cereals, lean meats, seafood, fish, dairy products, vegetables, berries, fruits, vegetable oils;
  • water is a natural sorbent, you need to drink at least 2 liters daily, then in a natural way toxins and oxidants will be removed, the membrane structure of cells will improve;
  • folk remedies are effective, they help treat acne at home, improve the color and structure of the epidermis. You can prepare mash masks with your own hands that get rid of rashes, have healing effect various essential and vegetable oils, herbal infusions, cosmetic clay, mud, pharmaceuticals– bodyaga, salicylic acid, white/black coal, zinc ointment.

"Author of the article: Veronika Belova": Graduated with honors from the LOKON Academy of Beauty Industry. Mother of a beautiful child. I like to experiment, I try all the time various means, masks (including cooking with my own hands), techniques that can make us beautiful and healthy. I'm in

As a result of excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, large number substances responsible for protecting skin. As a result, the pores become clogged, which leads to the formation of pimples and comedones. How to choose a remedy for closed comedones, and how to get rid of such a problem on your face?

What are comedones?

Comedones are a type of acne. In general, they are divided into two types - open and closed. Closed comedones are also popularly called blackheads, and open ones are called blackheads. If open comedones cause less discomfort and can be easily removed mechanically, with the help of squeezing, then closed comedones immediately catch the eye and can cause itching and even pain. Moreover, if they are not treated correctly, these types of pimples can become inflamed, forming a white bump called a white pimple (with pus).

These types of inflammations can be painful, and if they are not removed correctly, the infection can spread to a larger area of ​​skin.

Interesting fact:

Closed comedones are clots of sebum that also contain dead epidermal cells and microbes.

Causes of comedones

The first and main reason for the appearance of such a nuisance as clogged pores is hormonal imbalance. After all, it is the hormonal background of a person, regardless of age and gender, that is responsible for the process of sebum production. When it is violated, the condition of the skin also worsens.

With excessive sebum production, many people experience excessive oily skin, as well as clogged pores.

With increased sebum production, it cannot completely leave the skin; dead skin cells, which most often remain on the epidermis, are also an obstacle to its release. That is why the procedure is mandatory for owners oily skin, prone to the formation of inflammation and comedones.

In addition, clogged pores can result from:

  • malnutrition - overuse fatty, fried and sweet foods;
  • chronic and acute forms various diseases(most often the gastrointestinal tract);
  • frequent stress and nervous strain;
  • lack of sleep and improper daily routine - the condition of the entire body is immediately reflected on the skin, so the daily routine should take place in daily life.

Despite all the above reasons, clogged pores still depend directly on the skin type itself. However, as practice shows, this kind of defects often appear in people with normal and even dry skin. Of course, we cannot leave aside poor hygiene, which can also cause more serious dermatological pathologies.

Video “Care products to combat comedones”

An indicative video in which you can see an overview of one of the most common cosmetic brands that also produces cosmetics to combat comedones.

How to remove closed comedones?

Regardless of the quantity of these formations that appear on the skin, it takes time and patience. It is best to start therapy at the first clogged pores that appear; in this case, you will be able to quickly get rid of the problem, preventing its further development.

Regardless of the fact that closed comedones are located under the epidermis (the surface of the dermis), infection can easily penetrate them, which will lead to the formation of inflammation. Externally this type imperfections may have a white and beige, flesh-colored tint. In this regard, on some parts of the face and body they may not even be noticeable, but by running your hand, you can notice small bumps.

Daily use of decorative cosmetics, which clog pores, can also trigger the appearance of such imperfections. Therefore, the first step to eliminate them is a temporary refusal of such cosmetics:

  • foundation;
  • makeup base (meaning silicone makeup base);
  • BB and CC creams;
  • dense powder, especially if its composition is far from organic;
  • blush.

However, giving up daily makeup is impossible for many women. But by following this recommendation, you will be able to quickly get rid of such troubles on your face. Usually 2-4 weeks are enough for this, after which you can gradually start using powder, but not foundation. It is also highly recommended not to use this kind of decorative cosmetics in summer time years, as the sebaceous glands work with even greater activity. However, this is not enough for perfect skin.

The main task is to choose the right skin care and products that will fight clogged pores.

What tools should you use?

Closed comedones are a fairly common phenomenon, but many girls, starting self-medication, only further aggravate the situation. Therefore for more effective result However, it is better to seek help from a specialist. It is he who can help in selecting the most suitable cosmetics and facial products.

The main thing in daily care is cleansing using special means. If there are formations, it is recommended to use a sponge or sponge for washing.

This will allow you to carefully cleanse the epidermis of dead cells without injuring it.

In addition to regular gels or foams for washing, it is necessary to carry out a facial procedure such as peeling. To do this, you can use products such as scrub, peeling or gommage, choosing both the brand and type of cosmetic products to your taste.

With this procedure, you can quickly deal with blackheads and white bumps, while when choosing skincare cosmetics, be sure to pay attention to its composition. First of all, to combat comedones, it must contain fruit acids. By the way, this applies not only to cleansers, but also tonics and creams.

It is worth noting that when using cosmetic products with acids, you must be careful when in contact with the sun. Therefore, before going out into mandatory must be used with SPF protection of at least 15.

The mask is an effective remedy for clogged pores

Masks are an indispensable tool for all those with imperfect skin. In this case, the mask can either be purchased at a specialized store or pharmacy, or you can make it yourself. Some dermatologists also recommend using masks with fruit acids or more gentle products, for example, based on clay.

Yes, this is great way even out complexion, eliminate redness and draw out surface impurities. In addition to white clay, you can use:

  • yellow;
  • blue - suitable for;
  • green - for fatty type;
  • black - copes with open comedones.

On average, you can apply a mask from 1 to 3 times a week, depending on the level of pollution and the type of epidermis. After only 3-4 months of constant use, sebaceous plugs dissolve and pores become clean.

DIY natural mask

At home, you can also use a simpler, but time-tested remedy for closed comedones - a natural mask. You can use any vegetables for this, but cucumbers, carrots and zucchini are the best to lighten your skin tone and make it look fresher and more rested.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice is added to finely chopped vegetables, after which the resulting mass is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. The mask is easily washed off with plain warm water; after the procedure, the face is gently blotted with a soft or disposable towel. You can also add various base and essential oils to the product.

Pharmacy remedies for closed comedones

Of course, if the situation is already advanced and there are closed comedones all over the face, and sometimes even in certain parts of the body, then you cannot do without special pharmaceutical drugs. This kind of problem often appears, which brings particular discomfort to girls.

The most common drugs are Skinoren and Differin. Sometimes Zinerit is also used, however, as practice shows, this remedy has a greater effect on teenage rashes, red pimples and blackheads, but it is much more difficult for it to deal with clogged pores.

Such products are used daily for an average of 3 months. The main principle of their action is to cleanse the skin, as in a peeling procedure, and also to free the pores from excess dirt and dead cells. These drugs gradually peel off the layers of the epidermis, making the skin clean.

However, it is worth noting that the results from the drugs appear after no less than 1–2 months of constant use. The use of such serious pharmaceuticals recommended only after consultation with a doctor.

Often rashes and closed pores are a signal from our body that may indicate serious internal problems. Therefore, always listen carefully to your body and guide healthy image life, because bad habits, bad dream and constant stress is also reflected in our appearance.

Video “What are comedones, what types are they?”

An informational video that will help you understand what comedones are, what they are like, what are the differences and how to deal with them.

It happens that acne bothers you not only in your youth, but also in mature age. Often these are not even inflamed acne, but closed comedones, the treatment of which can be quite difficult. There are many reasons for this problem to occur. This includes improper skin care, hormonal imbalance, and the effects of certain medicines, allergic reactions to cosmetics and simply mechanical effects on the skin.

Treatment of comedones largely depends on what caused them. For example, if they are caused by hormonal imbalance, then you need to contact an endocrinologist. Perhaps, after the treatment he prescribed, new acne will not appear, and old ones can be removed mechanically.

Hidden comedones are often called “comedos”. Indeed, they resemble white grains that are located under the skin (sometimes even grains are invisible, and the presence of comedones is indicated by the roughness of the skin). Sometimes entire cysts form under the skin, which can connect with each other and, in severe cases, become inflamed. Then scars form in this place. This is why it is more difficult to treat closed comedones than open ones.

IN the latter case you need to remove the dark “core” - it is not squeezed out in the usual sense, but cosmetologists use special equipment for this. This cannot be done with closed comedones. Their contents do not come to the surface; on the contrary, they can become inflamed and increase in size, forming a white seal on the skin - a “head”. Let's look at how to get rid of closed comedones if traditional methods don't work.

First you need to adjust your cleansing program. Perhaps closed comedones were caused by an incorrectly selected cleanser. In such cases, cosmetologists recommend using cosmetics that contain benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid. This will prevent the formation of new comedones.

Proper cleansing will free the skin from dirt and dead cells - they are the ones that partially block the excretory function of the sebaceous glands: the pores become clogged, the secretion hardens and fills it, forming closed comedones. But all these cleansers are good mainly for prevention. They will not be able to remove the already formed “grass”. To do this, use a lotion to dissolve closed comedones or other similar means.

All these methods cannot be used independently. Many people use what they saw in advertising or what they heard about from friends. But if a friend or sister got rid of comedones using mechanical cleansing or some kind of ointment, this does not mean that this method will help in another specific case. Even those products that can be used at home must be prescribed by a doctor. If you self-medicate, you can get an unpleasant result in the form of unaesthetic acne scars. and they are more difficult to deal with than closed comedones.

Treatment begins with visiting several specialists at once. In addition to a dermatologist who will tell you how to deal with external manifestations this problem, it is worth visiting an endocrinologist and gastroenterologist. After all, closed comedones can be a consequence hormonal disorders or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, treatment should be aimed at eliminating these diseases.

Fighting closed comedones using integrated methods. This is a correction of the underlying disease, a change in lifestyle (after all, it also happens that this cosmetic defect is caused by chronic stress), proper cleansing, various cosmetic procedures aimed at normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands. But in severe cases, antibiotics or hormone therapy. Any such remedy has serious side effects, so only a doctor can weigh the pros and cons of the use of antibiotics and hormones in each specific case. Whenever secondary infection The doctor will prescribe an antibacterial agent.

What antibiotics and medications are used

Any antibiotic is a drug that has a detrimental effect on natural immunity and has big list contraindications. Treatment of comedones usually involves the use of tetracycline (including in the form of an ointment). This is a relatively mild antibiotic, without serious contraindications. But there are severe cases when such a remedy will be ineffective.

In this case, drugs based on doxycycline are used, which is also part of the group of tetracycline drugs, but has a stronger effect. For example, this is Unidox Soluta. With all its advantages, this remedy has serious contraindications. It is not taken in severe forms of liver and kidney diseases, in the presence of allergic reactions, and during pregnancy. Sometimes hormonal contraceptives are used. But such drugs are prescribed only to patients over 14 years of age.

To the question of how to treat closed comedones if antibiotics cannot be used, the answer is to use some ointments that are used to dissolve closed comedones, or rather, they cleanse clogged pores from the mixture that has clogged them. Most often, such products are made based on benzene peroxide, salicylic acid and sulfur. An example is Zinerit, an ointment based on zinc and erythromycin. Unfortunately, it cannot be used to combat closed comedones for a long time, since the microorganisms whose activity contributes to the formation of acne begin to get used to it. active components drugs, become resistant to them and their effectiveness gradually decreases.

Treatment can also be carried out using retinoic ointment, the main component of which is retinol, that is, vitamin A. This drug normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands and eliminates acne. Among the side effects, it is worth highlighting individual intolerance.

Closed comedones are also treated with ichthyol and zinc ointments. The first remedy has a strong healing effect. Therefore, there will be no scars left from comedones. Zinc ointment Used only when there are few acne.

Cosmetic procedures to eliminate acne

When choosing methods for removing already formed acne, you need to know that in many cases cosmetic or pharmaceutical preparations are effective, although there are situations when more radical methods are required.

Closed comedones can be removed mechanically.

This is called microdermabrasion. WITH technical point vision is the simplest method that allows you to remove dead skin cells, impurities and sebaceous plugs that form comedones. This cleaning (sometimes called grinding) is carried out using a special device that operates on the principle of vacuum suction. Sometimes one procedure is enough, sometimes a whole course is carried out. Microdermabrasion cannot be called painful procedure, but the sensations are not the most pleasant, so people with thin sensitive skin have to do local anesthesia.

Another method of combating comedones is electrocoagulation. This procedure involves cauterization of closed comedones. electric shock using special equipment. After this, a thin film forms on the site of the acne, which after a while easily peels off. If the acne was large and deeply located, then light, almost invisible scars, most often small, may remain on the skin after electrocoagulation.

Laser peeling is an effective remedy in the fight against closed comedones. As a rule, one procedure is enough to get results. The problem area is treated using special equipment. It can be configured so that the laser will only remove the acne itself, and the surrounding tissue will not be affected. Thanks to this, there will be no scars left on the surface of the skin. By the way, this procedure is completely painless.

Diet and lifestyle during treatment

There is a widespread theory that you can prevent the appearance of comedones if you completely give up fatty and sweet foods. This is actually a misconception. Daily diet has virtually no effect on the formation of acne. Of course, if you adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, the condition of your facial skin will noticeably improve, but mainly only due to moisturizing and evening out your complexion.

However, studies have shown that there are products that should be actively consumed during the treatment of comedones. For example, if antibiotic therapy is carried out, then you should eat more vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products. This will help avoid dysbiosis, which often accompanies such treatment. It is recommended to eat more walnuts, eggs, buckwheat and oatmeal. Green tea is very useful for removing toxins from the body. Consumption of fatty and fried foods It’s really worth reducing, because with any treatment there is no need for extra stress on the liver.

In order to get rid of acne faster, you need to spend more time in the fresh air. Important and physical activity. It helps improve blood circulation, and this is the key to any remedy working faster.

When cleansing your face during this period, it is very important to choose the right product. It is best to choose foam, since it has a delicate texture and the risk of injuring the skin will be minimized. It should be applied with a sponge or sponge only to moistened skin. Cosmetologists advise not just applying the foam, but lightly whisking it with light movements until small bubbles appear. This results in a facial massage that helps improve blood flow and cleanse the skin.

After this, the foam is washed off with warm, not hot water. Under no circumstances should makeup be left on the face overnight. You can wash it off with anything suitable means, the main thing is that it does not contain alcohol. Many people believe that alcohol dries out the skin and dissolves comedones. But that's not true. Alcohol will indeed dry out the skin, but this will only increase the production of sebaceous glands, which will worsen the problem.


Treatment of closed comedones is a long process. You need to be prepared from the very beginning that it will take at least 1-2 months. Especially if not hardware cosmetology is used, but exclusively pharmaceuticals. You can change the medications prescribed by your doctor only if you have an allergic reaction to them. And then, first you need to inform your doctor about this reaction.

If the patient simply thinks that the medicine is ineffective, then it should be remembered that the effectiveness of the drug can be assessed only after 1 month of use. For the same reason, it is not recommended to use 2 drugs at once - then it will be difficult to determine which of them you are allergic to or which is more effective.