Occurs during yawning. Frequent yawning - why we yawn

The process of yawning plays an important role in human life. We “yawn out of boredom”, we can “miss” the bus, we call “yawners” kids who love to look around and not at their feet. What actually is yawning and is it in any way connected with the processes that are the subject of numerous memes about yawning?

What is yawning?

Yawning in medical and anatomical reference books is explained as a reflex, that is, involuntary, breathing act. Simply put, when yawning, a person takes a long, deep breath, receiving a huge portion of oxygen at a time. When inhaling, the mouth, pharynx, and glottis open wide. The exhalation is relatively short and quick. Often, when exhaling, a person makes a short vocal sound.

Yawning is not only inherent in a born person - even a fetus in the womb yawns. Many vertebrates also yawn, and some of them yawn when they see a prey or rival - the wide opening of the mouth allows you to show your teeth.

Why and why do people yawn?

Unfortunately, the reasons that provoke yawning have not yet been fully studied and have not been clearly established. Of course, scientists know a lot about yawning, but many of them have their own theories about why people yawn. Perhaps only some of these versions are true, or perhaps all of them at once.

So, why does a person yawn and why does he need it:

  1. Balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Too much carbon dioxide accumulates in the human blood. The body reacts to this by causing yawning. When a person yawns, he immediately receives a large portion of oxygen, and the balance is maintained.
  2. Yawning is like an energy drink. Yawning in the morning is necessary for the body to become more active. For this reason, a person yawns when he feels signs of fatigue. By the way, there is a connection between two reflexes: yawning and stretching. These two processes, done simultaneously, not only saturate the blood with oxygen, but also improve blood circulation. Vigor appears, attention increases.
  3. Yawning is a sedative. People yawn before an exciting event because yawning is energizing and invigorating. It has been noted that yawning affects athletes before competitions, students before exams, patients before entering a doctor's office, circus performers before complex stunts, artists before performances, etc. By yawning, people cheer themselves up, tone their body, which helps them cope with anxiety.
  4. Yawning is good for the ears and nose. Yawning opens and straightens the channels leading to the maxillary sinuses and Eustachian tubes (those tubes that go from the ear to the throat), which allows you to get rid of the so-called “congestion” in the ears. Yawning regulates air pressure in the middle ear.
  5. Yawning for relaxation and relaxation. Paradoxically, yawning can not only invigorate, but also relax. Voluntary yawning is used as a technique in some relaxation techniques. Try to lie down, relax and open your mouth wide - sooner or later the process of yawning will occur. At this moment the body will relax. Yawning prepares the body for sleep, creating a feeling of calm. This is why people yawn before going to bed.
  6. Why do people yawn when they are bored? With prolonged muscle passivity, blood stagnation occurs. Yawning and stretching at the same time helps you stay active. For this reason, people yawn when they sit, for example, at a boring lecture: you can’t move, it’s uninteresting to listen, the person begins to feel sleepy. And then the process of yawning involuntarily occurs, allowing you to sit until the end of the lecture and, most importantly, listen to it. Some scientists have found through research that yawning itself can relieve mental stress. This is probably also why we yawn when we are forced to listen or watch something that is not at all interesting to us.
  7. Yawning to nourish the brain. Some scientists argue that during a period of passivity, when we do not move and are bored, the performance of nerve cells decreases and breathing slows down. When yawning, firstly, the lack of oxygen is replenished (we breathe more slowly during periods of inactivity, so the body begins to lack oxygen), and secondly, blood flow in the vessels of the brain improves. The brain receives the necessary nutrition, and we perk up a little - both physically and mentally. The blood supply to brain cells improves because at the moment of yawning a person strongly strains the muscles of the mouth, face, and neck. A sort of mini-gymnastics occurs, as a result of which brain activity is activated.
  8. Yawning as a regulator of brain temperature. According to some scientists, yawning regulates brain temperature, which is why we yawn more often when we're hot. Having received a large portion of cool air, the body “cools the brain”, and it begins to work normally again.

So, let’s summarize the questions “Why do people yawn and why do they need it?” When a person is tired, cold or, conversely, overheated, he needs to cheer up. The body itself regulates this process, causing yawning.

At the same time, the body receives a portion of cool air, which regulates the temperature of the brain. The blood is instantly saturated with oxygen, and the blood flow to the brain vessels improves. Yawning is often accompanied by stretching - these two processes, carried out simultaneously, double the effect of yawning.

In a word, yawning is a reflex that a person needs to be in good shape. However, if the body is preparing for sleep, yawning, on the contrary, helps to relax - this function of yawning was inherited to us, apparently, from distant ancestors.

And finally, some interesting facts about yawning:

  • A yawn lasts on average 6 seconds.
  • After yawning, a person usually yawns for the second time no earlier than one to one and a half minutes later.
  • Women and men yawn with equal frequency.
  • Men are less likely to cover their mouths when yawning.
  • People who yawn too often or, conversely, too rarely, are advised to consult a doctor - a healthy person yawns constantly, but not too often.
  • As you know, yawning is contagious. Autistic children usually do not yawn in response.
  • According to the results of scientific research, those people who yawn in response to another person’s yawn are those who have a well-developed and especially active area of ​​the brain that is responsible for the need for empathy.
  • While reading this article “Why do people yawn?”, you probably yawned at least 2-3 times, or even much more.

Interruptions in heart function, the appearance of moles, redness of the eyes, frequent yawning - these and other “little things” can cause serious illnesses. Therefore, if you notice that your body is acting up a little, don’t expect everything to go away by itself. After all, in this visual way your body tells you about danger. And you, in turn, should inform your doctor about this!

It is easier and cheaper to treat any illness at an early stage. Therefore, it is so important to know the dangerous symptoms in order to take adequate measures to eliminate them in a timely manner.

Frequent yawning during the day
Do you get enough sleep and get enough sleep, but are you suddenly bothered by frequent yawning? Scientists have found that this physiological process helps reduce nervousness and mobilize the body.

It is for this reason that yawning often overcomes paratroopers before jumps, athletes before a start, musicians before a concert... Perhaps you have an exam, a public speaking or some other serious test coming up? Involuntary yawning increases the body's readiness to act in critical situations.

Other theories suggest that yawning is a complex process of regulating brain temperature. Yawning brings in blood flow and cooler air, which improves brain function. It usually accompanies fatigue, drowsiness, boredom, and a depressed, sad state. If you are in a cheerful, joyful, upbeat mood, you don’t want to yawn.

Yawning clears and cools the brain

To stop frequent yawning, as a rule, it is enough to change your position, straighten up and straighten your shoulders, take a few deep breaths and sharp exhalations, if possible, walk around or perform a few simple physical exercises.

If you yawn frequently, you should consult a doctor. When?

Uncontrollable, persistent yawning may be a symptom of certain medical conditions that require medical attention. Frequent yawning, combined with excessive weakness and drowsiness, may indicate hormonal changes, chronic fatigue syndrome or burnout syndrome.

Attacks of yawning are observed with migraine, cerebrovascular accident, vegetative-vascular dystonia, multiple sclerosis, and in a pre-fainting state. To find out the causes of excessive yawning, you should consult your doctor.

Interruptions in the functioning of the heart are periodically disturbing
Heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmia) are observed quite often and are usually harmless. In this case, a person periodically for a short time feels the loss of one or more heart contractions, disruptions in the functioning of the heart (“it sometimes beats, sometimes it doesn’t”) or a very rapid heartbeat.

Such violations do not always indicate a serious problem. Very often, people who experience arrhythmia do not suffer from severe heart disease.

Causes of abnormal heart rhythms may include lack of sleep, taking certain medications, a reaction to stress or exercise, smoking, or drinking alcohol. However, there are arrhythmias that cause dangerous symptoms, sometimes even life-threatening.

When to see a doctor if you have heart problems
If heart rhythm disturbances occur frequently or are accompanied by chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, darkening of the eyes, it is necessary to conduct a full examination to clarify the cause of the arrhythmia. Arrhythmia can be a symptom of heart failure, thyroid disease, and various poisonings.

The main method for diagnosing heart rhythm disorders is an electrocardiogram (ECG), stress ECG and 24-hour ECG monitoring.

Eyes often turn red
The smallest blood vessels on the surface of the eyeballs are extremely sensitive. Under the influence of many factors, they, usually almost imperceptible, easily expand or even burst, resulting in superficial hemorrhage. It does not require treatment and goes away on its own after some time.

Red eyes can be caused by insufficient vision correction, poor lighting, smoke, wind, tears, cigarette smoke, air conditioning, prolonged exposure to a computer monitor or TV screen, excessive alcohol consumption, or a reaction to any allergen.

Hemorrhages can be provoked by increased physical and visual stress, changes in blood pressure, visiting saunas and baths, hypovitaminosis, and food poisoning. Often, the blood vessels in the eyes become greatly dilated and even burst in those who wear contact lenses.

When to see a doctor if your eyes are red

If the blood vessels in the eyes frequently dilate and burst, this may indicate a bleeding disorder, diabetes, or high blood pressure. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination.

New moles appear
The vast majority of such pigmented skin formations are absolutely harmless. The active appearance of new moles and the growth of old ones is observed during puberty and during pregnancy. The strongest stimulators of mole growth are trauma, ultraviolet rays, tanning, tanning beds, massage, and treatment with hormonal drugs.

You should be aware that a harmless mole can develop into melanoma - the most aggressive of all malignant tumors. The risk group includes people 30-39 years old, primarily women with light skin color, red hair and blue eyes, as well as those who have suffered sunburn three or more times.

Particular caution should be exercised by those who have cases of skin cancer among their immediate family. To prevent melanoma, it is important to regularly check the “location map” of your moles, paying attention to their condition.

When to see a doctor
Do not delay your visit to a specialist if:

- the mole increases in size;
- the shape and color of the mole have changed;
- there is itching, pain or burning in the area of ​​the mole;
- a red halo appears around the mole;
- the edges of the mole have become blurred;
- the mole peels off or bleeds.
If you have your own experience of what frequent yawning means and you know the reasons why a person yawns often, please leave a review about it in the comments below.

Mostly you want to yawn in the evening, when it’s time to go to bed. Such yawning is natural and does not surprise anyone. But sometimes it suddenly starts in the middle of the working day, and is so intense that it cannot be stopped. Scientists have become interested in why people yawn often and what the physiological significance of this process is.

Why is yawning necessary?

When a person yawns, he opens his mouth wide and takes a very deep breath. Thus, hyperventilation of the lungs occurs, and the body receives the maximum amount of oxygen.

It is logical to assume that you want to yawn in a stuffy room or other situations when you feel short of air or have difficulty breathing. But observations have shown that yawning occurs not only in such cases.

Main reasons

After various studies, scientists were able to develop a classification of the main causes of yawning. It turned out that they can be not only physiological, but also psychological. And too frequent yawning is even a symptom of some serious diseases.

Therefore, if you find yourself yawning not only when you want to sleep, you should not ignore this moment.


The most common physiological causes. We have already noted the lack of oxygen. In addition, a person yawns:

  • in case of severe stress or prolonged nervous strain, this allows him to relax a little;
  • with vitamin deficiency - metabolic processes are disrupted, often a person feels chronic fatigue and yawns all the time;
  • for a shake-up - for example, after monotonous work or a long wait to get rid of fatigue;
  • when relaxing, a deep breath promotes complete relaxation of the whole body;
  • for stuffy ears - this way the air pressure on both sides of the eardrum is equalized;
  • when overheated - yawning often occurs in hot climates when the human brain overheats.

Knowing the physiological reasons that can provoke yawning, it is easier to understand in which cases you should not worry, even if it recurs, and when it is better to consult with specialists.


Scientists have proven that frequent uncontrollable yawning, not associated with external influences, can be a symptom of one of the following diseases:

People yawn more often than usual when treating cancer with a course of chemotherapy or radiation therapy, or taking potent medications. Alarming symptoms include lethargy, drowsiness, frequent headaches or dizziness, and panic attacks that accompany yawning.

Only experienced doctors can identify and treat such conditions. Therefore, if you constantly yawn for no apparent reason, be sure to get examined.

Types of yawning

In a dream

Separately, I would like to say about such a phenomenon as yawning in a dream. It is especially common in newborns and children under three years of age. Mothers begin to worry and try to find out from the pediatrician what this yawning could be a symptom of. But here the facial structure of the child, who still has very narrow nasal passages, is to blame.

When the room is too hot or the air is very dry, crusts form in the nose and less oxygen comes in when breathing. The baby compensates for this deficiency by yawning. If you ventilate the room well and carefully clean the nose, the child will continue to sleep peacefully.

Older children and adults may yawn without waking up for other reasons:

  • uncomfortable body position in which the chest is compressed;
  • severe nervous tension during the day;
  • cerebrovascular accident (precursor of stroke);
  • difficulty breathing due to snoring and respiratory diseases;
  • compression of the larynx in a lying position with large excess weight.

It turns out that yawning is a universal mechanism that performs several functions at once: protective, signaling, regulatory.


A very interesting process is the so-called “mirror yawning”. If there are several people in the room at the same time, and one of them begins to yawn sweetly, then a literally “chain reaction” occurs - this is transmitted to everyone around.

Scientists have never been able to find a satisfactory explanation for why yawning is contagious. One theory says that this is one of the types of atavism that we inherited from our ancestors.

The mirror response is supposedly programmed in us genetically. In this way, the leader synchronized the group's actions and then issued the appropriate commands.

Is it possible to control

Evening yawning doesn't bother anyone. But if her attack takes her by surprise in the middle of the working day, it is inconvenient and indecent. Doctors decided to find out how to control yawning and whether there are effective means of combating this undesirable phenomenon?

Most people try to suppress a yawn by clenching their jaws tightly. But usually this does not help, since it does not allow you to get the additional portion of oxygen that the body now needs.

To quickly stop yawning, it is better to try the following:

If yawning is caused by lack of sleep, then a cup of coffee will be a temporary remedy. But you shouldn’t drink too much of it, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep after a long day, and the next morning everything will happen again.


Even if yawning is associated with chronic diseases, there are quite simple ways to prevent uncontrollable attacks:

And in conclusion, another interesting fact that was noted by British psychologists studying yawning. The more emotional and sociable a person is, the more often he mirrors a yawn.

Those who yawn frequently are kinder and more sociable by nature, they are quicker to show empathy and come to the aid of others. So take this into account when choosing new friends.

By yawning, a person replenishes the balance of oxygen in the cells. This reflex is unconscious, it manifests itself at the request of the body. By studying it, some patterns can be identified.

When we yawn:

  • In the morning, after waking up.
  • At work or study, during active brain activity.
  • During times of stress and tension.
  • After a long period of immobility: at work, during lectures, students yawn one after another.
  • On the plane.
  • Before bed.

There are several possible answers to the question of why a person yawns often. Scientists have not fully studied this process, but were able to identify some features.

It was possible to establish that by yawning, we receive a dose of oxygen in the brain tissue. This activates the brain.

Oxygen promotes the normal functioning of gray matter, facilitates the processes of memorization and analysis.

Important! This explains yawning during studying and important negotiations. A person yawns not because he is bored.

This is a common misconception. Boredom and yawning have nothing to do with each other. The need for oxygen is explained by active brain activity, which confirms the interest of the interlocutor.

It happens that a person yawns from lack of sleep. This is how the body copes with the desire to fall asleep here and now.

The flow of oxygen invigorates and helps to continue active activities. He expresses not the desire to fall asleep, but the desire to stay awake, which destroys generally accepted stereotypes.

The yawning reflex helps solve another problem of the body. When the ambient pressure changes, the pressure inside the body changes.

Sudden changes can cause some failures. So, we feel stuffy ears when flying.

Yawning relieves the symptom of stuffy ears, freeing you from it. This explains why people yawn during air travel.

Why do some people yawn during prayer?

Saying a prayer is an interesting process from a physiological point of view. It is known that a person reading a prayer falls into a special state, which is characterized by inner peace.

Faith presupposes complete dependence on higher powers - on God. Believers are convinced that everything is the will of the Lord.

This removes responsibility from the person. The belief that God forgives everything is reassuring.

These aspects make believers stronger morally. Faith strengthens the spirit. These processes occur on a subconscious level.

People are cleansed spiritually, which brings their psychological and physical condition back to normal.

Prayer truly heals because a person is freed from oppressive feelings:

  • The feeling of guilt goes away - God forgives sinners.
  • The feeling of mental pain is dulled - everything is the will of the Almighty, there is no reason to grieve.
  • Anger and irritation go away - this is a sin, prayer calms you down, allowing you to collect your thoughts.
  • Anxiety and fears disappear - everything is God’s will, he is merciful, he will help and protect.

Psychologically, being a believer means being more resilient and mentally healthy.

The subconscious does not allow long, deep experiences, since inside a person there are beliefs aimed at getting rid of difficult experiences. Faith works wonders with that. Who believes.

Having understood the processes that occur with a person when reading a prayer, one can draw conclusions about the reasons that make one constantly yawn.

Yawning during prayer can be explained in several ways:

Reasons Explanation Notes
Experiences A person feels shame for his sins, fear of punishment These emotions cause the need for oxygen to awaken brain activity to resolve problems.
Morning and evening hours Believers pray at any time, but more often they read prayers in the morning and evening, when a person still wants to sleep At this time, the human body wakes up or prepares for sleep, which causes the yawning reflex
Reading prayers causes oxygen starvation Improper breathing during constant reading causes lack of oxygen Yawning occurs reflexively, in order to replenish oxygen
The smell of incense and stuffy room Yawning in a church is a sign of insufficient oxygen there due to the large number of believers and the aroma of incense In this case, yawning is justified by the lack of oxygen in the environment

There is a version that yawning while reading a prayer is caused by evil forces designed to prevent the believer from turning to God.

This is a delusion of dark superstitious people who do not realize that faith and superstition are incompatible things.

There is no mystical background to yawning; it is an evolutionary reflex aimed at maintaining the optimal state of the body for a specific activity.

How to deal with yawning and what to do if you constantly want to yawn

The constant desire to yawn can be caused by a number of diseases that prevent the supply of oxygen to the tissues.

If you yawn constantly, at any time of the day, and this continues for several days or weeks, you should consult a doctor.

The examination will help identify the disease at an early stage and eliminate it without any problems.

More often than not, yawning is caused by a combination of factors. During times of intense nervous tension, adrenaline is released into the body.

It is removed from it through active movements and sports. Wanting to get rid of adrenaline, the body starts processes that reduce the level of oxygen in the tissues.

When there is a strong experience, the blood flow is disrupted - the person turns pale and begins to breathe quickly. All this is due to a lack of oxygen inside.

It is quite natural that in a stressful situation the yawning process is activated.

There are several ways to replenish oxygen in your cells to rid yourself of the urge to yawn:

  • Regular sleep of at least 7 hours.
  • Frequent walks in the fresh air.
  • Sports activities.
  • Proper nutrition.


In various rituals, yawning is considered a certain symbol. Healers who heal with the power of prayer and spells associate the desire to yawn with certain properties.

If, while reading a prayer over a person, the healer has a desire to yawn, this means that the person’s energy has been subjected to strong external influence.

Knowledgeable people say that the desire to yawn during conspiracies is a sign of envy. This means that the person being treated with prayer is envied by many.

Believing it or not is a personal matter for everyone. There is much evidence that treatment with prayers copes with various ailments faster than medication.

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Yawning is a natural physiological process inherent in absolutely every person and many animals. Moreover, this process cannot be controlled; the body itself decides when it needs to capture a large portion of oxygen received during yawning. On average, a person can yawn several times a day. But when it happens too often, many people become worried. Why does a person yawn often and is it worth sounding the alarm about this? Let's look into these issues.

What is yawning

Yawning is an uncontrolled reflex act of breathing in which the mouth and pharynx open wide with a deep, long inhalation and short exhalation. During one yawn, the body receives several times more oxygen than during normal quiet breathing.

Why does our body need this?

There is no absolutely exact answer to this question, because, firstly, the process has not been fully studied by scientists, and secondly, all that has been found out is that we yawn for various reasons. Mainly like this:

  • To maintain the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body when it is not normal.
  • To “invigorate” the brain (receiving a large portion of oxygen, the brain is toned).
  • To calm the nervous system (during excitement, oxygen is burned faster and additional air supply provides support to the nervous system).

These are just the most basic reasons why a person often yawns in certain situations.

Natural causes of yawning

If yawning occurs for any of the following reasons, then there is no pathology in this.

  • Feeling sleepy.
  • Fatigue, weariness.
  • Stuffiness in the room.
  • Heat (indoors or outdoors).
  • Low atmospheric pressure, weather changes (especially when it’s cloudy).
  • Abrupt change of time zones.
  • Nervousness, stress.
  • Mirroring (scientists call mirror yawning the phenomenon when a person begins to do this while looking at other yawners, and it doesn’t matter whether they are people, animals, or even just pictures).

Pathological causes

Sometimes yawning can indicate some disease or disorder within our body. Causes of excessive yawning can be:

  • Cardiovascular system disorders.
  • Brain tumors of various types.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Venous insufficiency.
  • Pre-stroke or pre-infarction condition.
  • Severe liver diseases.
  • Neuroses.
  • Some thyroid diseases.
  • Multiple sclerosis.

Why does a person often yawn with such ailments? All these diseases, one way or another, are associated with blood vessels, veins, and arteries. When the blood thickens, the veins narrow or become clogged with blood clots, the arteries lose their tone, the speed of blood circulation decreases - the organs, especially the brain, begin to lack oxygen. After all, the main carrier of this valuable element for life is our blood. Feeling a lack of oxygen, the body rushes to replenish it with intense yawning.
How not to confuse a natural process with a disease?

To know when to sound the alarm and when to ignore a yawn, you need to analyze the situation. If you yawn in a stuffy room, going out into the air will stop the symptom. The same is true with sleep or stress - after a good rest and relaxation, yawning will not bother you for a long time.
Be alert when frequent, intense yawning persists for days or even weeks on end, no matter what environment you're in. In this case, it is better to visit a doctor so as not to miss the possible onset of any diseases.