Acute statuses and aphorisms about gluttony and diets. Funny sayings and cool phrases about food Jokes about gluttons

Cool quotes and aphorisms about food and gluttony

N and day 5 of the diet, dreams of a sexual nature began: a large room... I’m lying in a bathtub... filled with borscht!

WITH salad made from crab sticks... It’s good that it’s not made from sheep’s balls...

N and the culinary magazine says 12+ WHAT, WHAT IS THERE? NAKED CHICKEN?

N lack of food gives food for thought

TO what a table and what a chair.

N do you know how to lose weight? Drink a glass of water three days before meals.

WITH Listening to music while eating is an insult to both the cook and the violinist.

P looking for something that the body cannot digest, eats the one who ate it

IN Not a more standard figure from year to year...

IN It’s always like this: if I eat, it’s fun, if I don’t eat, it’s kind of boring...

WITH Now we eat genetically engineered products, and then they will eat us.

U everyone has their own recipe for happiness... I have it written on the ceiling: tomorrow I’ll quit eating... Every morning, when I wake up, I see this inscription and think: it’s good that tomorrow, and not today

IN You won’t believe it, but today’s bread can be stored for six months - in your stomach.

N While at work, there was a note on the pie in the refrigerator: “Don’t eat me.” Now there is an empty plate with a note: “The pies will not boss me around!”

AND Of all the suicide weapons, the most popular are the knife and fork.

I I don’t eat after six. I have a fasting hour from 6 to 7!

N and for every yogurt with live bacteria there is a doctor with antibiotics.

ABOUT days they eat to live. Others are starving for the same purpose.

X A spoonful is good for lunch, and a glass before lunch.

H The appetite also comes when there is no food.

B the fast meal ends in a slow funeral procession.

I I usually don’t improvise, but trust my mother to cook the food. This old, proven recipe was inherited from my dad.

L It’s better to eat a lot, but often.

N To spite your enemies, eat dinner yourself.

T As soon as I took hold of the eggs, the oil immediately disappeared.
Alexander Lukashenko

E We need to eat and drink enough so that our strength is restored and not suppressed. (Marcus Tullius Cicero)

I replaced zucchini with zucchini.

ABOUT The trouble in Russia is not the food, but the time of day.

N and your favorite food usually lacks health.

P The horns mostly come out sideways.

X good things cannot be called bad.

E If you are afraid of gaining weight, drink 100 g of cognac before meals. Cognac reduces fear.

A Ppetite - unlike hunger, it is not satisfied.

H The human body grows up to 25 years. Only neither the stomach nor the ass know about this.

M Elijah, let's agree: I say it's very tasty, but you never cook it again.

ABOUT, dissolve me at least a little coffee!...
Vladimir Vishnevsky

X There are far fewer empty stomachs than good food.

TO urica is a creature that is eaten either before its birth or after its death.

WITH The hottest topic of the day: pies.

AND You need to get up from the table with a heavy feeling of slight hunger.

D Ieta is a scientifically developed program for the fight between the brain and the stomach, which is obviously doomed to failure.

L love comes and goes, but you always want to eat

AND"cheese-", and "gum-", that's it - fatburger!

T It feels like I have an alarm clock in my head, set for 11:00 pm, with a reminder: “Don’t forget to eat at night!”

Z Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and dinner with a friend.

P omni! Opening of the refrigerator after 18.00. turns the princess into a PUMPKIN!

ABOUT bottom calorie - one cal. A thousand calories is one cal.

R The secret of olives and olives is hidden: olives have an olive color, but black olives do not.

ABOUT Bzhora digs his own grave with his teeth.

N and nothing dulls hunger like thirst.

I I want a sandwich. But no, it seemed... I WANT FIVE SANDWICHES

I I WANT TO EAT!!! Because I wanted to eat half an hour ago.

G nuts are food for others to think about your personal qualities!

IN All mushrooms are edible, but some are only eaten once in a lifetime.

Sometimes the process of preparing food is much more interesting than the process of eating it. aphorisms about food:

Marriage is a very fair social institution: the husband must eat daily, the wife must cook daily.

In the school canteen they cook from the same potatoes, onions, cabbage, but the smell is different. If you subtract the smell of school food from homemade food, what remains is the smell of mom.

Darling, I devoured the cutlets, only this one remained... what’s his name... c*ks)

It would be better if I wanted to study as much as I want to eat!

I decided to fill the emptiness in my soul! Eat-e-e-e-eat...)))

Little Red Riding Hood, take these pies - She doesn’t want to anymore. Some beast told her that there was other food.

To go to the beach often in the summer, you need to forget the way to the refrigerator.

If dumplings are at home, then they are HOMEMADE!!! and it doesn’t matter that before that they lived in a store))

Have you ever been embarrassed by the phrase: “I’ve already done it!” Go eat...

How could I know that sugar is in coffee cans that say “pepper”!!!:)))

Eating a bun at night feels like you're selling your soul to the devil.

If you want a sandwich, look at your belly...

If you can’t see it at all, then add more jam! :)))


Eating without difficulty - Gastritis no offense!!!)))

I open the refrigerator, and there the jellied meat on the plate is shaking.

I tell him: “Don’t be so afraid, I’m getting mayonnaise!”

What is the difference between oranges and tangerines?

Oranges are peeled in the kitchen, and tangerines are peeled where they are eaten.

No matter how much you feed him, he still looks at the refrigerator...)))

As long as there are dumplings, bread and eggs on sale, bachelors will not give up...

To hell with bread and circuses! Let's cash!

It feels like the pasta in the pan is making conspiracies like: “We guys need to stick together!”

The worst thing in the last days before the New Year is that there is a ton of food in the refrigerator, but you can’t eat it))))))

I'll tell you what... Before you blow out the candles, you should chew Olivier.

Those who say that you can’t eat at night, let them try to explain: what is the light in the refrigerator for... ;))

Lying and not blushing is nonsense... EATING and not getting fat! What talent!!!

Cool phrases and aphorisms about food

Hello people! - funny quotes and aphorisms about food and gluttony

Cool quotes and aphorisms about food and gluttony 1 2 3 4

N and 5 diets, dreams of a sexual nature began: a large room... I’m lying in a bathtub... filled with borscht!

WITH salad made from crab sticks... It’s good that it’s not made from sheep’s balls...

N and the culinary magazine says 12+ WHAT, WHAT IS THERE? NAKED CHICKEN?

N lack of food gives food for thought

TO what a table and what a chair.

N do you know how to lose weight? Drink a glass of water three days before meals.

WITH Listening to music while eating is an insult to both the cook and the violinist.

P looking for something that the body cannot digest, eats the one who ate it

IN Not a more standard figure from year to year...

IN It’s like this all the time: if I eat, it’s fun, if I don’t eat, it’s somehow boring...

WITH Now we eat genetically engineered products, and then they will eat us.

U everyone has their own recipe for happiness... I have it written on the ceiling: tomorrow I’ll quit eating... Every morning, when I wake up, I see this inscription and think: it’s good that tomorrow, and not today

IN You won’t believe it, but today’s bread can be stored for six months - in your stomach.

N While at work, there was a note on the pie in the refrigerator: “Don’t eat me.” Now there is an empty plate with a note: “The pies will not boss me around!”

AND Of all the suicide weapons, the most popular are the knife and fork.

I I don’t eat after six. I have a fasting hour from 6 to 7!

N and yogurt with live bacteria can be found at the doctor’s office with antibiotics.

ABOUT days they eat to live. Others are starving for the same purpose.

X A spoonful is good for lunch, and a glass before lunch.

H The appetite also comes when there is no food.

B the fast meal ends in a slow funeral procession.

I I usually don’t improvise, but trust my mother to cook the food. This old, proven recipe was inherited from my dad.

L It’s better to eat a lot, but often.

N To spite your enemies, eat dinner yourself.

T As soon as I took hold of the eggs, the oil immediately disappeared.

Alexander Lukashenko

E We need to eat and drink enough so that our strength is restored and not suppressed. (Marcus Tullius Cicero)

I replaced zucchini with zucchini.

ABOUT The problem is not the food, but the time of day.

N and your favorite food usually lacks health.

P The horns mostly come out sideways.

X good things cannot be called bad.

E If you are afraid of gaining weight, drink 100 g of cognac before meals. Cognac reduces fear.

A Ppetite - unlike hunger, it is not satisfied.

H The human body grows up to 25 years. Only neither the stomach nor the ass know about this.

M Elijah, let's agree: I say it's delicious, but you never cook it again.

ABOUT, dissolve me at least a little coffee!...

Vladimir Vishnevsky

X There are far fewer empty stomachs than good food.

TO urica is a creature that is eaten either before its birth or after its death.

WITH The hottest topic of the day: pies.

AND You need to get up from the table with a heavy feeling of slight hunger.

D Ieta is a scientifically developed program for the fight between the brain and the stomach, which is obviously doomed to failure.

L love comes and goes, but you always want to eat

AND“cheese-” and “gum-”, that’s it – fatburger!

T It feels like I have an alarm clock in my head, set for 11:00 pm, with a reminder: “Don’t forget to eat at night!”

Z Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and dinner with a friend.

P omni! Opening of the refrigerator after 18.00. turns the princess into a PUMPKIN!

ABOUT bottom calorie - one cal. A thousand calories is one cal.

R The secret of olives and olives is hidden: olives have an olive color, but black olives do not.

ABOUT Bzhora digs his own grave with his teeth.

N and nothing dulls hunger like thirst.

I I want a sandwich. But no, it seemed... I WANT FIVE SANDWICHES

I I WANT TO EAT!!! Because I wanted to eat half an hour ago.

G nuts are food for others to think about your personal qualities!

IN All mushrooms are edible, but some are only eaten once in a lifetime.

Jokes about McDonald's

Funny poems about diet and weight loss

Funny about Men

Statuses - I don't smoke

Cool SMS from birth

"Brother" phrases from the film in a telephone prank", "Hide")">Video: Movie "Brother" phrases from the film in a telephone prank

Movie "Brother" phrases from the movie in a telephone prank

Ale. Are you okay?

We need to go to Moscow. Moscow has all the power

Base behind the Pribaltiyskaya Hotel on Vasilyevskaya

It's hard to hear. Call me back


A person lives not by what he eats, but by what he digests. This applies equally to both the mind and the body.

Since patience is my greatest virtue and perfection is my goal, I was well equipped to handle culinary tasks.

More often, appetite comes during the absence of food.

Some people replace chewing with food swallowing - this is unacceptable! You need to eat food in a cultured manner, because... The health of the organism of an existing anthropoid, without chewing food, complicates intestinal excretory activity, helping disease bacteria to multiply contagiously.

For a hungry person, a spoonful of food is worth more than a dozen golden spoons.

If you have bread that you earned with your own hands, you can ask God to butter it.

When you get up from the table hungry, you are full; if you get up after having eaten, you have overeaten; If you get up after overeating, you are poisoned.

The more immense the appetite, the more difficult it is for the taste to keep up with it.

I ate it myself, help my friend.

What a table and chair.

Be moderate in food - that's the first commandment, the second commandment - drink less wine.

Vodka – liquid money and non-liquid money.

Cold appetizers and soup are eaten only by landowners who were undercut by the Bolsheviks.

All mushrooms are edible, but some are only eaten once in a lifetime.

Nothing dulls hunger like thirst.

Helpful tip: if you grate fresh horseradish with stuffed fish, your taste for life increases.

Houses and hay are eaten.

Diet - nurturing a strong will with a weak stomach.

If excessive and exclusive passion for food is animality, then arrogant inattention to food is imprudence, and the truth here, as everywhere, lies in the middle: do not get carried away, but pay due attention.

We drink to each other's health and spoil our own health.

The pot doesn't cook - you won't be full.

Those who come late get bones.

Appetite comes when there is no food.

It is better to eat disposable food from reusable containers than reusable food from disposable containers.

Drinking a lot and not being drunk is also typical for a mule.

Before the Battle of Thermopylae: have a hearty breakfast, Spartans, - today we will have dinner in the next world.

Apples of discord are always fresh.

What thirst is, only a parched throat knows, and what hunger is, only a growling stomach knows.

Speak kindly while sitting over a merry cup, and avoid in your soul all sorts of quarrels and insults.

Chips is the ability to sell one potato for the price of a kilogram.

A well-fed cat will not even think of rushing at a mouse, but a hungry mouse will even think of rushing at a cat.

A person will not enjoy food and drink unless he suffers from hunger and thirst.

When you tighten your belt, your stomach becomes closer to your heart.

Like bodily food, spiritual food should also be simple and nutritious.

If you want to extend your life, shorten your meals.

My wife started seeing a nutritionist and lost $300 in two months.

Spiritual food is a strict diet.

There are no good diets.

Acute statuses and aphorisms about gluttony and diets

H A person is above satiety, but only when he is full.

P seeking for us not only a means to life, but also a means to death.

R Got an appetite? Don't slow down, eat everything!

WITH first food, then medicine.

E If chewed is not tasty, then swallowed whole, it is also difficult to digest.

T get fat because of delicious food. That's why all healthy food tastes bad.

ABOUT bzhors fight with food, not sparing their belly

R A good day is when you eat a lot of meat.

A x, if only you could anoint your belly with “Fairy” and the fat would disappear!

N Astya fell and broke her chin, but it’s not scary, because she has a second one!

M My problem is that I can’t eat on an empty stomach.

WITH I asked my wife what for dinner, she said: a Caucasian dish - zhrichodali...

P At the toilet, all cooks are equal.

B Thanks to the Internet, my soup began to turn out with an appetizing crispy crust.

E If you eat in three throats, remember that you have one ass.

ABOUT soba in large sizes.

E Sew pineapples, Chew Ryabchikov Only my Rolton Don’t touch, bourgeois!

AND Women eat while talking, men talk while eating.

M Ilochka, if you want to lose weight, eat naked and in front of a mirror.
Faina Ranevskaya

H ips is the ability to sell one potato for the price of a kilogram.

AND You can make jam from dreams. You just need to add berries and sugar.

TO You won’t be full in your head.

M You may not even notice how the dining table takes the place of an altar in your mind.

E There is a proverb: when I eat I am deaf and dumb. Is this how you have to eat to make your ears clog?

G They say that fingers appeared before forks, and hands before knives.

M Oh, the stomach asks for food, The appetite dances in it, The hungry wind whistles in it, And the intestines rustle.

Z imny tomato: waste and nitrates.

N You shouldn't eat when you're not asked to!

D Eating food does not lead to obesity

ABOUT A poor break can be both in work and in food.

TO the box is square, the pizza is round, the pieces are triangular... I'm completely confused about this geometry.

R The size of your appetite usually determines the size of your ass and vice versa.

N EVER! do you hear!? NEVER grate carrots with long nails painted orange!

K Alori... these are such little dirty tricks that come at night... and sew your clothes.

X Young people live longer, of course, but worse.

I loved you 20 kilograms ago.

E If you're fat, don't eat. If you are weak-willed and fat, then eat and cry.

M Eating too much is harmful, and eating too little is boring.

WITH The best way to get rid of extra pounds is to leave them on your plate.

WITH Bacon-flavored crackers are so disgusting!
Although it's better than cracker-flavored bacon...

D For an empty plate, the size of the spoon does not matter.

ABOUT days they go on a diet to maintain a slim figure, others to keep a slim husband.

IN The time after 22.00 in our family is called “Come on, let’s check what we haven’t eaten during the day!”

L I like to have fun especially eat

R diet: morning - tea/coffee, afternoon - apple/orange/tea, 23:00 BUNS DUMPLING SAUSAGE MEATS FISH LIVER EAT EAT EAT


A depressed ferret and his friends escaped from the Chita circus

In Chita, a ferret and a monkey ran away from a circus tent, followed by
An Australian ring-necked parrot has flown away, Interfax reports.

As the artistic director of the regional circus told the agency
Zhanna Lazerson, the most likely reason for the escape of animals is considered
depression caused by bad weather. “We assume that the animals escaped
due to depression, since it doesn’t stop raining in Chita,” noted
Interfax interlocutor.

According to Lazerson, circus employees have so far only managed to find
monkey. She was found in a cage with a dog, with whom the monkey was sleeping in
hug. They are looking for the other two fugitives.

The artistic director of the regional circus reported that the female began to miss the parrot,
in a pair with which he performed. According to Lazerson, a trained ferret
could go to visit one of the residents of Chita. At the same time she
noted that the main distinguishing features of an escaped ferret
are laziness and gluttony.

Representatives of the tent hope that soon the ferret and the parrot will all
they will return to the circus.

According to experts, animals are not susceptible to attacks of causeless
sadness, and their depressive state always has a reason. Yes, bad
weather can truly be considered one of the most common
reasons for depression in both wild and domestic animals
animals. It is recommended to remove animals from this state using
music and games.

Latgale cat.
I have always loved dogs, but not cats.
He was not cruel, he was indifferent.
The cat of the former retired teacher from whom I rented a room did not add any love.
Judge for yourself - there was nothing to love him for.
A fat, lazy glutton whose mistress, who doted on him, used her small pension to buy lake fish from the fishermen.
While he, purring, devoured a hefty fresh fish, the mice celebrated freedom of movement and gnawed at the pensioner’s provisions. And mine.
Gluttony and complete oblivion of the duties of a mouser, everything was lazy for him.
He dozed all day long next to his owner.
What he wasn't lazy about was lust.
Here he transformed into a dashing Don Juan and energetically fought all the cats in the area, including his descendants, not at all ashamed of incest!
Oh, yes - once they took me on a hunt as a beater, he brought me fairly divided elk meat with wild boar, fresh meat - the blood was already dripping from the bag.
Then the cat went crazy - disheveled, with a wild scream and bulging eyes, he began to rush at me and the bag, intending to fight off the game.
What saved me from a cat hitting me with its head?
Bribes, I made my way to the house, throwing him a good piece of elk meat and at the very door in the senile elk liver.
He slammed the door behind him and the beast rushed at it to kick it down.
It didn’t work, he walked around and meowed loudly defiantly, saying, come out with the meat and give up, the house is surrounded and your situation is hopeless...
He barely calmed down in the evening, when it was time for him to go on lustful patrol.
By winter, the situation had improved, the cat found a use for me and came to terms with my living in his house.
The granny went to bed early, the door was locked and the lascivious cat would have sat outside - if not for the tenant returning from work late...
Or not from work... not only cats love to go for walks, let's face it.
He sensed my approach by hearing - he ran up to the door, waited until I unlocked it and slipped into the house, the hallway, the kitchen and - onto the stove, to take a nap.
And then one day, very tired and out of spirit, I returned home.
It's frosty.
The snow creaks loudly underfoot - the cat at the door has already perked up, now he’s warm and sleepy... that’s not the case.
I slipped through the door, leaving the cat outside.
You offended an animal through self-indulgence, a young fool...
I would have let him in later; the cat did not intend to wait, however.
I go into my room - the hostess has overheated it, I can’t breathe, I know from experience that you need to ventilate it, otherwise you’ll wake up with a headache.
If you wake up...
Our families were dying, they rushed to close the damper and saved the heat.
I opened the door wide open and the window to ventilate, sat down to read on my specialty - I had a seriously ill patient, incomprehensible.
As soon as I delved deeper into science, there was a wild roar and noise, curtains and curtains fell on me, a snowdrift from the windowsill hit me in the face, a lamp knocked down on my knees - chaos!
Well, you guessed it - the cat made a breakthrough and rushed into the fort through the embrasure.
While I was removing the tulle from my head and threatening the cat with unimaginable punishments, the creature rushed out of the room, under the side and protection of its mistress, inaccessible for punishment.
A pure victory for the cat over the stupid tenant, even I admitted it reluctantly...
Who wants to admit stupidity?
But to avoid having to do this, do not offend an animal, even an unloved one.
More valuable to yourself.