Congratulations on the professional holiday of the moonshiner. Funny happy birthday greetings in verse

I wish this New Year
Less sadness and worries,
More happiness and goodness,
Smiles, tenderness, warmth!

May your friends be true
And a very friendly family,
So that every day is successful,
And so that you have enough strength for everything!

Well, let's also have a New Year
Will bring more money
Health, peace and love,
So that there is no winter in your heart!

Happy New Year! Magic,
Laughter, happiness and warmth,
Peace, joy, prosperity
And everything is in order!

Let everything be gray and bad
He will take the old year with him.
From now on, only bright moments
Let them create the mood!

Happy New Year! I wish that happiness and good luck become your faithful companions! May your health be good, and may you be accompanied throughout the year by only joyful events, positive emotions and success in all your endeavors! Let your loved ones bring joy and your most cherished dreams come true!

Happy New Year,
We wish you happiness in life,
Many good wishes,
May all your dreams come true!

The most vivid impressions,
The most fabulous moments.
May this year bring you
A lot of joyful troubles!

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish
Have fun and laugh
Don't be offended by anything
Live easily and without worries
The whole coming new year.

Enjoy every moment
And give your warmth,
Always be positive
May you always be lucky in everything!

Happy New Year! Happy new happiness!
Laughter, peace and kindness!
Let all bad weather pass by,
Life will give you full gifts!

I wish you peace and goodness,
Love, warmth!
May this New Year
Will bring success and joy!

May the New Year open its doors
Into the world of magic, care, faith.
And all good things will begin!
May luck smile on you!

I wish you a New Year,
So that the year goes by without hassle,
Gave you a lot of happiness
And sheltered from all bad weather.

Let the magic happen
Celebration gives joy.
May everyone's dreams come true.
Happiness, peace, kindness!

Every New Year is like a fairy tale,
Like the birth of a dream.
New joy comes
Into our world, full of beauty.

Happy New Year
And I wish you well,
Lots of happiness and good luck,
And warmth!

All the best to you, all the best,
Good luck in everything and happy occasion.
May your worries be pleasant
Work brings good feelings.
Let the New Year not bring sorrow,
But only have a great mood!

The time has come when everyone can
Dream about new plans,
Think about something carefully
Make a wish for everything under the tree.
I am glad to congratulate you on the New Year!
And late this evening
Let Santa Claus pass you by
Gives you happiness and warmth.
A herd of deer will come running to you
...they will bring gifts.
Rivers of goodness and delight to you,
Let comfort reign in your place.

May this glorious New Year
Will give happiness and good luck,
Will bring a lot of health
And an ocean of money to boot!

May everyone's dreams come true,
Let your smile shine brightly!
I wish you peace, kindness
And wonderful gifts!

To my best friend

My best friend! Happy birthday!
And I’ll give you moonshine jam as a gift.
There is no more important treat for him!
On a day like this - you give me the mood!

I wish you a bag of money. Iron.
Iron is very useful in the household!
I wish you not to drink analgin.
I wish you to quit nicotine!

Okay, let's have a drink with you, buddy!
Let's raise a glass to your health!
May your grandmother adore you!
And she didn’t object to our meetings!

Happy Birthday, girlfriend!
I'll whisper in your ear...
You are my dear hare,
I'm nowhere without you!
Together we will move mountains
We will find you a husband!
May you be lucky in life
My husband will take me abroad.
You will live like a queen
Walk right, but not left!
Take care of your family
Save your home hearth!

Let the money fall

Let the pancakes and omelettes
will never be a burden
Let all the envious sigh
seeing you from afar.
Let the money fall like leaves
windy autumn times,
and may goodness come often,
and evil passes by.

Cheerful and healthy

Happy birthday to you and we always wish you:
Be cheerful and healthy
Be happy and lucky
Rejoice like a crazy person
Smile for two
This verse will help you.

When were you born

On the day you were born,
Cherished dreams came true
With mom and dad and grandpa,
Or maybe a neighbor's.
It doesn’t matter - an angel came into the world,
To leave a mark in this world,
Light up your face with a smile
With your presence. And remember:
Everything is temporary - what can we take,
And what can give is eternal.

Let's pull you by the ears

Bonjour! Shake! Hello! Hello!
A bright light is visible through the window,
On your birthday everyone in the area
Suddenly we remembered our friend.

The desire to sit disappears
Another feeling arises...
Shouldn't we send a messenger?
For a “kilogram” of wine?

Let's celebrate your birth
Let's pull the ears with half force
And we wish you good health
Didn't go far!

You were young

Old lady, hello, dear!
Yesterday you were young
But today, I know for sure,
It’s too embarrassing to ask about the years.
In vain we tried for the cake
Light 23 candles
We wish your dreams to come true!..
...Just don’t shout too much
Because there is no cake left :)

From a woman's perspective

Car, cottage in the Maldives
I'm ready to wish you.
But also on Russian Niva
It doesn’t suck to go to the dacha!

Dine in the best restaurants,
I am always happy to wish you!
But also at market bazaars
Baked pie is a delight!

Do not grow old in soul and heart

Your gunpowder has not yet become damp,
You have reserves of it in you! And what kind!
You, the birthday boy, are young at heart,
Even though the passport says - these are crazy years!

Be happy, friend, even stronger than now!
In soul, and in heart, do not grow old!
Don't forget your family, brat
And remember about all your friends!

Stick to the lines

Well, the new guy has become more mature, sort of?
Well, congratulations! We wish you
Be persistent and not destroy your soul
In a cruel and stupid struggle with life!

Anyway, keep to the lines
Which we stubbornly push through life!
Now we’ll all raise our glasses for you,
And you go forward, always walking on horseback!

Are you still alive?

My decrepit old lady,
Are you still alive?...very strange!
After all, every year I wish,
May you and I get drunk zealously!

I always wish
You need to find a young prince.
After all (number)! It's time!
It's time to start dreaming about them!

From far away in Siberia,
From remote taiga places
They sent you a package.
There's even an inventory here.

Even though life is bad,
And there is no glimpse
But the drugs are made from horseradish
They will save everyone, obviously.
Smear this horseradish
Famous places
And it will be provided
Your life is up to a hundred years old!

Collection of herbs taiga herbolife
According to ancient recipes
This collection has been prepared.
He's just like a love spell,
Focus on it.

Like Madonna, be beautiful.
Like Cinderella she is hardworking.
Be as slim as the Valley.
Like Malvina, be smart.
And then they will love you
33 heroes!

Garlic and onion
You are always friends with them.
Cherish this friendship.
And they will save you
From all diseases and illnesses!

Living water (brine)
Since the feast lasts at night,
And in the morning my head hurts,
A glass of another kind of water
It won't hurt you at all.

Elixir of youth (moonshine)
And this drink is wonderful
Take it every day.
And five to six teaspoons
Add to tea or coffee.

He is more useful than tablets or pills,
It helps against a hundred diseases:
From the blues, cholera, from typhoid and plague,
For fever, scabies, scrofula
And all other dry stuff.

From insomnia, the evil eye and other infections.
Accepted at any time of the day,
But not on an empty stomach.
Eats onions, garlic, lard,
Horseradish or potatoes in their uniforms!

Beetroot and cabbage
Vegetables contain all the vitamins.
This one is ahead.
It will smooth out all the wrinkles
And it will make you blush.

Gifts, cards and congratulations
They evoke wonderful sensations.
So that we can extend the holiday,
The glasses need to be filled.

We present the hero of the day with a GIFT - A large box wrapped in beautiful gift paper and with a beautiful bow.

Presenter: (Name of the hero of the day), try it, guess, and then open it. That's 10 gifts in one! This is a mystery gift, but here’s a hint for you.
1. -This is a symbol of the beginning and end of the day!
2. -This is a health indicator!
3. -This is the main achievement of human civilization!
4. -This is an astronaut's dream!
5. -This best friend book lover!
6. -This is the answer to the question: “Where does the salary go?”
7. -This is something that everyone, if they don’t bow down, then bend their knees to!
8. -This is the saddle of the most gluttonous horse in the world!
9. -This is a porn photocopier!
10. And the last thing - This is the last chord in today's anniversary! NOW OPEN!
The hero of the day unfolds it and there are seats with a toilet lid.

Gift Number: Flight to hot air balloon!
Dear Jubilee(sha), We want to give you a gift - Gift certificate: Balloon flight, here and now. You will see the beauty of your anniversary from above. It will be unforgettable, a storm of emotions and delight.

I solemnly present the Jubilee with a certificate and invite him to take a ride. Solemn fanfare sounds and 2-3 strong guys roll out a decorated office chair to which more than 10 balloons. We put the hero of the day in a chair and ride 3-4 laps to the music. Then we raise the hero of the day at least 3 times (I did it for his 50th birthday, so they raised him all 50 times).

One, two, three, let's go! Let this year be a successful start in the race for your dreams, let victory certainly await you at the finish line. I wish you to be the coolest racer, I wish you successful races without accidents and system failures, I wish you confident climbs to the winner’s podium and to the heights of happiness. Happy birthday.

Your life is a continuous race,
There are no obstacles for you on the road.
Let them follow you
Luck and success follow everywhere.

Let every moment be filled
Kindness, love, care and warmth.
Happy birthday!
Let everything be super good!

You're flying along the highway
Overtaking the wind,
Happy birthday, racer,
I congratulate you.

Speed ​​and drive
Your life is full
Adrenaline Cup
You drink yours to the bottom.

Ahead of you
Let new tracks await,
I wish that they
Were safe.

I wish the car
I obeyed the steering wheel
And the finishing tape
To wait for you.

I wish that you only rush forward,
And he easily achieved his goals!
Let every turn be successful,
May only success await you all around!

I wish you health, patience and strength,
And also good gas in the tank,
So that every moment brings joy,
May your car always be in good condition!

Adrenaline in the blood rages and boils,
Car on full speed flies
May every race bring you success,
It takes you to the top in your career.

May you feel support and attention,
Let loved ones, friends surround you with care,
Great happiness, inspiration, prosperity,
And I wish all the best for you.

Happy birthday to you,
Racer, congratulations,
Speed ​​and drive
I wish you in life.

Strong brakes
Safe routes,
So that at all races
You showed your class.

I wish you to the finish line
You came first
Like a woman you love,
To believe in luck.

Happy birthday,
The racer is nice and brave,
Speed ​​has become your credo
This is your important argument.

I only want to be the first
Win in love and sports,
May only happiness await you
There, at a new turn.

Congratulations, racer,
Take it from me
Let them fly at speed
Days of your life.

Your life passes
On the highway,
I wish you happiness
On your birthday.

I wish you to reach the finish line
You came first
And fate with speed
Engaged to be.

Rush forward and never lag behind -
This is your main life motto!
On your birthday I want to wish you
May a most pleasant surprise await you!

May there be a lot of health and good luck
Always on your heels!
Quickly turn on sixth gear,
To fly towards your goals and dreams!

May your life be full of luck,
Bright emotions, strength, adrenaline!
I wish you on this birthday,
May the car only take you forward!

I wish that you always rush towards your goal,
May all your dreams come true,
I wish you to smile more often,
Let there be a lot of happiness and love!

Poems for alcoholic drinks as a gift

Each drunkenness has its own special smell:
The liqueur smells like secret fantasies of freedom.
Champagne smells of coquetry and flirtation.
Broken face - with diluted alcohol.
Cognac smells of debauchery and passion.
Explosive positive - absinthe on an empty stomach.
The wine tastes like an expensive restaurant.
The vermouth smells like drunken giggling.
Cocktails smell like debauchery and courage.
The drunkard reeks of intoxicating leaven.
Loss of ability to move - vodka.
The desire to walk through the women is a shot of whiskey.
Gin smells like the desire to get drunk beautifully.
Beer is distinguished by the desire to pour.
A heavy hangover in the morning - Armagnac...
And only sobriety does not smell at all!
The rain falls in thin streams,
It's like someone is urinating on your head.
Even beer is not very happy.
I want something unbearably.
Looking at random feet,
Hit me up against a dark tree,
The beer spilled out, I'm sad,
There is now a huge bump on my head.
By comparing the simplest factors:
It’s raining, “I want to”, the girls are meeting,
Dodged a drunken tractor
And I thought: “Spring is beginning.”
When I'm dying,
But I will still die,
Friends, look under the bed
And hand over the wine glass.
I would like it on the Christmas tree
Instead of holiday animals,
Exactly forty showed off
Half-liter bubbles.
If it were not the Lord's will,
We wouldn't recognize alcohol
This means that drunkenness is not a vice,
And a lesson for the highest goodness!
Tested the truth
A non-drinker will live longer.
I tried not to drink for a week
It seemed to me that he lived for a year.
Don't drink wine - your mind will wither,
And the mind may become clouded
If we don't drink, we'll die, and if we drink, we'll die,
Drink like this to get hungover again.
Don't be ashamed of your bad habits.
Smoking, wine, passions,
Of course, they shorten life, -
But they can prolong moments of happiness.
Alcohol! Illuminated my sick soul...
No! I won’t upset the mood with a snack...
Serpent! The green serpent is tormenting my heart again
Oh, beer and vodka, how can I stir you up?
My heavy cross is an eternal hangover.
Every day in the morning I am ready to take a hundred grams...
No! A drunkard outcast with a tint on his forehead,
I'll never be sober on earth
and after drinking I can’t find peace
I will take the glass again with a trembling hand!
He who drinks a lot does not make noise,
He who doesn't make noise sleeps a lot,
He who sleeps a lot is pure in soul,
Hence the conclusion: DRINK, DEAR.
Sun, air and water
They will never help.
Only alcohol and masturbation
Strengthen the body!
Citizens, drink beer -
It's delicious and looks beautiful.
Citizens, drink vodka -
She literally changes her gait.
But don't just drink wine -
It's sour and smells like shit.

Poems for a gift BRANDY

Don't think that friend
I've already lost my mind,
After all, this is not beer,
And true brandy!

Relieve their worries
Meet guests with him,
But only a little
Don't overuse it.

Poems for a gift VERMOUTH

They can amuse the soul,
Treat your guests with taste.
And you can - simply, and - in a cocktail:
Or dilute it with vodka alone,
Or mix the juice right there,
Throw a circle of lemon
And drink deliciously, slowly,
Or you can knock it over in one gulp.
Eh, I’ll give you so many options.
I'll give it to you if you ask!
He pleases the tastes of the ladies
And the taste is masculine, although it is simpler.
And the resume is always the same,
As a conclusion from the enumerations:
Yes, vermouth is a wonderful wine,
The best gift, without a doubt!

Poems for a gift WINE

Caring, and not alone,
It really annoys you.
But it solves all problems
A bottle of good wine.
A sip or two will heal you in no time.
And all the neurosis will disappear.
It will immediately become easier for you to watch
To our vanity of vanities.
I'm sorry, but everything that's possible
We have already given you
And today all the counters
We literally dug through it!
And we simply decided: it will be
Your life is full of meaning,
If we give you
A container of good wine!

Poems for a gift WHISKEY

The English coast is not close to us
For a number of different reasons,
But two distant countries of men
Connects whiskey.
And we can't help but love
The people who created this drink
Although we prefer to drink
At once, they did it after seven attempts.
What will you do: theirAlbion
He doesn’t know Russian prowess.
Weak. But it reminds
Their whiskey is our moonshine.
And that means there is something dear
In an overseas potion.
Therefore We honor him
And whiskey soda water
We never dilute
So that the taste does not spoil the water!

Poems for a gift VODKA

The drink of true men
I want to give you
And I know many reasons
To drink it now!
First of all, today is your holiday,
Then the bottle will decorate the table!
the drops have dried the vessel,
You will become cheerful and healthy,
And they will immediately come to the house
Luck, happiness and love.

What is vodka? Vodka is power!
With vodka, seconds will fly beautifully!
You can drink with friends from night to morning,
You can drink yourself to the point of drunkenness!

You can undress if you suddenly want to,
After drinking, we are not afraid of infantry!
After drinking, the sea is knee-deep,
What else do we need in this perishable world?

Vodka makes everyone more cheerful and cheerful,
If I need it, I’ll eat a pear as a snack!
Only after the first, or better yet the second,
The main thing is to get your head together in the morning!

Poems for a gift GIN

If I were Aladdin
And suddenly, in a thin trickle
A genie appeared before me:
- What do you order, sir?
Go get some tonic! -
I would answer the question
This one is rhetorical.
He would bring tonic
In a metal can.
Here I would tell him,
Knitting his eyebrows together: -
Why didn’t you take some gin?
To drink with tonic?
He would run away again -
Shallow in consciousness
Can only execute
Exact tasks...
I'm saying all this
To the point:
I am not him and I give it to you
Both components!

Poems for a giftCOCKTAIL

We give you a cocktail -
Useful new product
You will be slim
Probably like a reed.

Now he's only yours
Cocktail for slimness
And you can at least go to the beach,
Even to the mountains in Courchevel.

Poems for a gift COGNAC

Cognac makes your hand stronger
And the gaze shines cheerfully.
Cognac is bitter without upsetting
Gives freedom and warmth.
Shaking the crystal glass a little,
The great Churchill said this:
“I will forgive everything completely to the Frenchman
For inventing cognac."
Under a weighty phrase, like under a load,
I bowed down and became sad -
I have nothing to forgive
Otherwise I would have forgiven him to the Frenchman,
But this drink is old
Inspired by a good line
For the fact that I am a gift to you
Brought a bottle of cognac

Cognac is a noble drink!
And we give it to you
So that on the national holiday
You decorated their celebration!
Sprinkle it on the bottom of the glass
Warm him with the warmth of your hand
And so that the blood plays in my veins,
Drink to happiness and good luck!


I like to try different drinks
Especially cognac with a chocolate bar.
I will give you cognac with great aging,
And this will not be an excess at all.
There will be a lot of stars on it,
Cognac, of course, will not be so simple.
Take a quick sip of cognac,
And read my congratulations with surprise.

I give you long-aged cognac,
Hurry up and open the package.
Just look at the number of stars here,
And believe me, this is all serious, of course.
Pour it quickly into your beautiful glass,
I tasted it myself, of course.
I hope you like him,
Invite guests to your house soon.
Try cognac with them,
And you will appreciate my congratulations.

I like strong drinks
Drink with friends and be faithful.
But just a little bit
To shake up the mood.
I bought you a gift
The time has come for the test.
The bottle is all elegant,
And the filling is excellent.
And there is a lot of endurance,
This is a great honor.
Do you understand what I am giving you?
And I’ll drink it with you myself.

I went to the store to look for stars,
Not for those that you found in heaven.
I'll buy three stars today,
Try them and tell me
It is fragrant, tasty, strong,
Should we take him after him?
Pour cognac into a glass,
And receive my warm congratulations.

Poems for a gift LIQUOR

It was invented by monks.
A very successful attempt.
Know that from now on you are the owner
Godly drink.
Sipping it modestly,
You will comprehend the secrets of the universe
And you will grow a lot spiritually, -
The abodes of legend say.
You are more powerful with every glass
You will thirst for truth, burning.
And if suddenly he’s drawn into the bush,
That means you are on the threshold of heaven.
And if those closest to the threshold
They will jump passionately at the aroma,
You will open the way to heaven for them,
I opened the bottle.

Poems for a gift TINCTURE Herbal tincture -
Healthy drink.
It contains
Excess of vitamins.

And if you fall asleep
Always with great difficulty
A teaspoon of it
Drink before bed.

Poems for a gift ROM

There is a version that pirates
Boarding a ship in the middle of the sea
And the passengers grabbed their luggage,
They weren't looking for silver and gold
And not bundles with all sorts of goodness,
And what they lacked at sea,
What did the pirate soul yearn for, -
In short, booze. More precisely - rum-
Is this version accurate? Don't know.
Go figure the pirate interest.
But if so, then I understand them:
The work is not easy, there is constant stress.
Always one or two steps to the grave,
Now it's a storm, now it's calm - it's a complete mess
And rum is a drink that gives strength
And very relaxing on the nerves...
What are pirates to us? You and I are from home
We don’t go robbing the seas.
Here's to relaxing with a bottle of rum
Sometimes it’s useful for us on land too!

Poems for a gift TEQUILA

We give tequila to a real cowboy,
Who is courageous and not afraid of battle.
Take a sip of it and mount your horse,
And enjoy your free young life.

Tequila will definitely help you
To spur my wife, and my mother-in-law too.
After all, alcohol comes from cactus, of course,
At first it stings a lot, but then it feels good.

Poems for a gift CHAMPAGNE

I felt in the back of my head
(How can I say it more precisely?)
What a champagne bottle
Can't stop us.
The ship of communication will not send
An extra degree to the bottom,
After all, champagne, in my opinion
For many, this is not wine.
And not booze, especially
And divine nectar.
And consider it differently
Like vines a wonderful gift,
Symbol of the solar miracle,
No way would I...
De crystal glassware
Substitute your glass
You conquered this palm tree
Because you didn't forget your friends,
They lived themselves and gave to others.
We want to wish you in the finale,
May good luck not forget you,
So that they give you palm trees more than once -
A year later and a hundred years later.