Card games for drunken company. Competitions, scenarios and entertainment for birthdays

The thorny path
Props: several bottles from the table
The presenter invites three married couples. Men stand 3-4 meters from their wives. The presenter opens 3 bottles of vodka or wine and places them in the path of each man. After this, each man is blindfolded, turned around several times, placed facing his wife and asked to walk to her and hug her. When the men are already blindfolded, the presenter quickly removes the bottles and swaps their wives. Spectators are asked to remain silent :)

Thick-cheeked lip slap
Props: a bag of sucking candies (the "Theatrical" type).
2 people are nominated from the company. They begin to take turns taking candy from the bag (in the hands of the leader), putting it in their mouth (swallowing is not allowed), and after each candy calling their opponent a “fat-cheeked lip-slapper” :))) Who stuffs the most candy into their mouth and at the same time He will say the “magic phrase” and he will win. It must be said that the game takes place under the cheerful shouts and whoops of the spectators, and the sounds made by the participants in the game bring the audience into complete delight!

You got it!
Props: hat or tall container, playing cards, nuts in shell, straws for drinking water, etc.
Give your guests a few playing cards, shelled nuts (pistachios), straws for drinking water, etc. and ask them to hit the hat with these objects while standing at a certain distance from the target. Hit or miss of game participants different objects joked by the presenter. Increase the distance, repeat everything again, but this time ask the contestants' assistants to help their friends (i.e. catch the same objects with a hat).

Props: bottles (*** liter, plastic), rubber gloves.
Presenter: “So we’ve eaten. What about drinking? No, we’ll drink milk!”

In each group, one teacher and 5 “young suckers” are selected. I hand the teacher a bottle (one and a half liter, plastic), but instead of a nipple, a rubber glove is attached to its neck with an ordinary black rubber band. There is a hole in each finger of the glove. (Make a bigger hole.) At my signal, one “baby sucker” is attached to each “nipple” and begins to suck milk. Those whose bottle empties the fastest are the winners.

Twist tufts
Props: colorful hair ties
Before the game, remind female participants that men, like birds, are most attractive in mating season. Let each participant choose a man for herself during the game and create the most “ruffled” one out of him. For this purpose, ladies are given multi-colored hair bands. Their task is to create as many “tufts” as possible from men’s hair using rubber bands. The companion of the most “ruffled” one is awarded a prize.

Spiritualism session
Props: plate, coin, candle
The leading toastmaster asks a person who believes in spiritualism, calling the spirit, etc. to take part in the game.
After that, they sit down at the table opposite each other. There are 2 plates on the table near the host and the player. There is a coin in the host’s plate. The presenter speaks that if the player is very attentive and focused, he will only look into the eyes of the presenter and absolutely repeat his movements, then the coin will move to the player’s plate. The lights in the room go out, a candle is lit in the middle of the table, and there is deathly silence. The presenter makes various magical passes with his hands, from time to time running his open palm along the bottom of his plate, and then over his face. This continues for several minutes, and then the presenter says that unfortunately today the trick failed. The joke of the competition is that the bottom of the player's plate was previously smoked using a candle/match/lighter, and every time the player runs his palm over the bottom and then over his face, it becomes blacker and blacker. The most important thing is that the audience, seeing all this before the end of the game, does not laugh too loudly.

Props: not needed
Everyone sits in a circle and someone speaks any word into the ear of his neighbor, he must, as quickly as possible, say into the ear of the next person his first association with this word, the second - to the third, and so on. until the word returns to the first. This competition is considered successful if from the first word, for example glass, the last word turns out to be “gangbang” :)

Zombie tournament
Props: braid, wrapper
Two representatives from each team come out and stand next to each other hand in hand. Men and women can take part in the competition. In pairs, touching hands are tied, and with free hands (i.e., one of the participants with the left hand and the other with the right hand) must wrap the package prepared in advance, tie it with a ribbon and tie it with a bow.
The pair that finishes first gets a point.

The truth is in the wine

Such a competition can be held by dividing the guests at the table into teams. A common task, team spirit, and desire to win will quickly unite and make friends with all players. In this game you need to form a word from the letters on the bottoms of glasses with red wine.

Having drunk the sweet drink of fate at the bottom,
You will see only a small part of the secret.
When you glue all the letters correctly,
You will recognize the word! The truth is in the wine!

The task of the competition is encrypted in this quatrain. Two or three teams take part in the competition. How many letters are in the hidden words, how many players should be on the team. The game is interesting when there are seven and more people. The players of each team must drink to the bottom the offered wine poured into glasses. The number of glasses is equal to the number of letters in the word. At the bottom of the glasses there are coins, each with one letter from the hidden word written on it. Contestants must quickly drink wine, take out all the letter coins and form a word from them. To conduct the competition, you need to prepare coins in advance, thoroughly washed with soap, to which pieces of paper with letters are glued with transparent tape, and prepare cups. Coins are placed letter side down. You can write the letters directly on the bottom of the glasses, but then it is better to pour red wine. After all, players must first drink, and only then find out which letters they got. The quickest and smartest team wins.

Japanese policeman

Demonstrate mastery Japanese chopsticks participants in this delicious competition need to eat. Instead of traditional Japanese dishes, serve them raw beans. It’s much more difficult to pick up with chopsticks than sushi!

Japanese cuisine is one of the most beloved in the world. And Japanese restaurants appear in cities as quickly as mushrooms after rain. Traditionally, Japanese restaurants serve wooden chopsticks instead of forks and spoons. Can you handle such cutlery? To conduct this competition, you need to prepare chopsticks, plates, wide cups and raw beans in advance. Contestants must demonstrate their skill with Japanese chopsticks by transferring beans from one plate to another. For fallen beans, the presenter awards penalty points to the offenders. The winner of the Japanese cooking show is the player who moves the beans the fastest and earns money in the process minimum quantity penalty points. If there are many participants, then the best of them advance to the next round, since they will have a more difficult task. In the second round, they will transfer beans from deep glasses to plates. And this is not at all easy! The absolute champion of the competition is awarded a set of sushi chopsticks or a glass of sake.

Houses of cards

From the outside, it seems that building an elegant house of cards is not particularly difficult. You can make sure that this is not the case card competition. The participants' task is to quickly build houses of cards pointing upward.

Among table entertainments, a special place is occupied by card games, magic tricks and competitions. One of them is a competition for the most elegant house of cards. Participants will need diligence, patience, accuracy and luck. The competition will require several decks of playing cards, which the host gives to the players. The contestants are given only 10 minutes to build a card castle. The higher the house of cards, the closer the participant is to victory. This competition is good for both individual and team competitions. To win, teams need coherence and the absence of stupid fuss, from which fragile houses fly apart in an instant. If this happens and the time has not yet expired, the players begin their work again. It is easier to build blocks of cards in width than in height. Therefore, when evaluating the results, those card structures that are higher than those of their opponents have a greater chance of winning.

The entertainment part of the program is the most fun and enjoyable part of any holiday. The choice of competitions and entertainment depends on the occasion and composition of the company. If there are guests ready for fun and any surprises, then in such a company any game will be celebrated and any idea will be met with enthusiasm. and different ages, then the choice of games must be approached more carefully.

We offer a collection fun competitions for a party- include them in your program and have fun.

Competition for the party "Super-mega-macho"

Of course, none of the men's holidays are complete without finding out who is the best here, so it is best for the presenter to take the initiative into his own hands and invite the already slightly warmed-up machos to find out who will get the title of the coolest of the cool.

We call about five men and offer them several tasks that will be related to “going to the gym.” Moreover, it is better to change the set of tasks as many times as the number of times superheroes are called to battle.

Here is the first set of test tasks: first, send the men to the gym to get a women's belt. That is, each of them with his own hand(!) must remove the belt from any lady present and bring it in his teeth to the feet of the presenter (about the teeth, of course, a joke). The second item that needs to be delivered from the hall will be a woman's earring. And thirdly, the players will have to deliver... a woman as a trophy.

Each time, the one who returns with the loot first is awarded ten points, so the winner is determined by the sum of the points scored.

If the toastmaster proposes to hold this competition a second time, then, of course, there will be no end to those interested. Therefore, we recommend a second set of tasks with approximately the following content: first, let them bring any sock. Yes, questions will arise here, but what questions might tough macho men have? The presenter needs a sock, which means the players must provide him with this particular item of clothing, even if it has to be removed from another guy.

Then you can demand that the bottle, glass and plate with snacks be removed from the hall. But for the third time, the presenter may ask to bring a pretty girl - this will be a reward for the game participants for suffering in the two previous rounds.

"Men's Games" at the festival.

This option is suitable for playing in an unfamiliar company of guests. To cheer people up and try to speed up the dating process, call several men from among the audience. Two or three will be enough. We take them to another room and dress them as women. Now they are ready to perform various tasks. For example, fidgeting on a chair, determine how many objects are lying on it, hidden by a thick scarf. Giver smallest number correct answers leaves the game.

Second task: who can eat all the candy that fits in a small box the fastest? Certainly no sober woman would do this. However, the loser still, despite all his courage, is removed from the game.

But we don’t just let go of the winner. Still, you need to torture him a little first. For example, forcing you to put on high-heeled shoes and dance a couple of bars from the lambada.

But after this - a reward: give the sufferer a bottle of good wine.

Fun competition "Find a wife"

Here it is also best to use married couples, where the main test - the “search” for the wife - will fall on the husband. To make it more interesting, the presenter needs to call at least five married couples. We seat the women in the center of the hall on chairs placed in a circle, with their backs facing each other. It would seem that when explained, the competition looks quite simple: husbands are blindfolded, and then they need to go to the center of the hall, find their half in a circle of women and kiss her. Of course, women, while they are being literally identified by hand, should not make a single sound.

When the eyes are already blindfolded, the presenter’s assistants must quickly put any obstacles in the path of the walking spouses. It is best if these are large inflatable toys, lifebuoys, and so on, that is, something that cannot be hit.

To make the competition more intense, the players can be given two minutes to do everything. The winner is the man who reaches the women in these two minutes, quickly determines where his own wife is and kisses her.

The winner can be given a toy compass as a sign that it, like this device, is very difficult to confuse.

Competition "Measurements of a Beloved".

This does not involve identifying winners, since the main thing in it, really, is participation. The leader for this game will need five pairs, consisting of a man and a woman.

We prepare ten chairs on stage in advance, which we arrange in twos to create improvised benches. We put women on these benches. We line up the men in one line and force them to draw lots: the names of the women participants are written on pieces of paper. To whomever of the lying queens falls, he must approach that one.

First, we suggest that seniors measure the height of their seniors in the palms of their hands. All this should happen to the accompaniment of loud remarks from the presenter and cheerful music. The results are recorded by the presenter's assistants.

Second task: measuring the height of girls while kissing. How each of the men understands the task is up to him, the main thing is that he gives the result on record.

Third - weight measurements. Here you will have to take the ladies in your arms and hold them for exactly as long as each of the men has the strength.

It is best to give small gifts to all participants in the “measurements”, because each and everyone contributed to the common cause. For example. these could be paper height meters for children.

"A modest blue handkerchief."

The ladies are seated on chairs, and the men have their right hands tied behind their backs, then they are given blue and preferably silk handkerchiefs. What do men need to do? Well, of course, tie this symbol of femininity on the lily necks of your partners. A good move on the part of the presenter would be to have the famous song about the little blue handkerchief performed by Klavdia Shulzhenko playing in the background of the game.

Assign certain time It’s not worth it for this competition - it’s too difficult a task, so everything will end when it ends. But the winner needs to be determined: it will be the man who can handle the scarf the fastest.

Naturally, the result of this is counted even when the scarf sits on the neck at random. The main thing is that it is tied like a knot.

In this case, we consider the best prize for the winner to be a bottle of good booze, and for the rest of the men - a beer for their efforts.

Funny pairs competition"Oink-oink."

This game involves the formation of pairs - family and non-family are suitable. For one run, five to six pairs are enough. The leader invites them to dance, however, during the dance the partners must follow the instructions that he gives them. For example, the leader can command: “Dance hand to hand (players join hands, like in tango) Now let’s dance - hip to hip!” and the like. But the toastmaster is obliged to immediately warn that one small but cute pig is buried in his dance orders.

The fact is that as soon as the presenter says “oink-oink”, the lady should stop with her feet shoulder-width apart, and her partner should sit down and look into the hole formed with the help of female legs triangle, and grunt loudly.

This is a knockout game, so the leader must keep a fast pace while giving instructions to the dancers. We also recommend saying the cherished “oink-oink” as unexpectedly as possible (you can first name three or four “decent” commands, and then ask them to grunt, then ask them to dance belly to belly, and grunt again). Those who hesitate or show little desire to take the necessary pose are mercilessly expelled from the game. Thus, the winners will gradually be determined.

A technique in the same spirit can be used at a wedding, during the ransom. Only here a kind of “window from the hands” should be made, for example, by a witness and a bridesmaid. At the same time, the groom is lifted into his arms, given a horizontal position and brought to this “window”. His task is to crow (at a wedding these sounds are more appropriate than grunting) how many decades together he and his future wife will live.

Competition "Who is the tastiest in the world."

Equipment for this competition: two large bowls or bowls, two cutting boards, a pair of knives and tablespoons. As you can see from the kits, the game will involve two players. We call them from among the guests. Assignment: from the products available on the table, they must prepare their own, almost signature, salad with at least ten ingredients. Players are allowed to walk around the hall and collect from the tables everything they need for the masterpiece. However, they only have two minutes at their disposal.

Ten points goes to the one who fits within the allotted time. Another five points are awarded to those who actually mixed at least ten products. To do this, the participant must present evidence, that is, dirty dishes with remnants of the products included in the miracle salad.

Another five points can be awarded for the appetizing appearance of the dish.

The next stage of the competition is feeding the volunteer. Immediately warn those who want to try this product that, firstly, it may be something completely crazy in taste. And secondly, the one who captured all this beauty will be blindfolded, and he will feed the volunteer in this “blind” form. However, there will still be people who are keen on culinary experiments. For this miracle cook, they receive ten points only if they feed their victim without dirtying him to an ugly state.

The winner will be determined by the amount of points he scores.

"Siamese twins".

This entertainment is intended for dexterous and quick-witted players, so the host should have such people in mind from among the guests and in right time invite them to participate in the game.

The essence of the Siamese Twins entertainment is that a couple of participants are literally tied with belts, as if connecting the left and right leg participants. The same is done with their hands - the right hand of one is tied to the left hand of the other, so that it looks exactly like what happens with Siamese twins.

When these preparatory activities end, then we give the game participants different tasks that they must complete using only their free hands and feet.

For example, they will need to pour tea in a cup, sew on a button, sort out beans, and so on.

It’s worth thinking through the whole range of tasks in advance and timing the time it takes for the couple to cope with the problems. then the results of several pairs are compared and the winner is announced.

It happens that you pass out during a violent drinking session, and the next morning you wake up with the inscription on your forehead “Kolyanych is a fool” and a Hitler mustache drawn under your nose. The most offensive thing is that you drank alone yesterday... After similar cases we have to admit that libation in itself is a valuable activity in itself. And yet, since ancient times, humanity has tried to turn this generally simple process into something more. So, apparently, alcohol competitions appeared.

The first written mention of drunken games can be found already in Plato’s “Symposium”. The ancient Greek feaster had to fill the cup with wine, drain it, slam the bottom and pass the vessel to his neighbor. Since then the registry drinking games has grown greatly, and the rules have become more complex. However, not to such an extent that a drunk person would not understand them.

Well, let's go?


A game of attention or intelligence
Game of luck
Endurance game
or dexterity

Just fooling around

Autumn speed



Strong drinks
Everything that has degrees
01 Sea battle

paper and two pens.

Divide into two teams and prepare a standard field for sea ​​battle. Using fantasy (a fairly well-known free program that can be downloaded from any brain), set the rules for yourself. Agree on the number of ships; decide what the miss is (in grams or sips), how much the members of the team whose ship was sunk should drink, and so on. The game strategy itself does not differ from the classic non-alcoholic version.

02 This is a breakthrough!

What you'll need besides snacks: napkin, coin, cigarette.

Cover the glass with a napkin and place a coin on it. Light a cigarette. Now the players take turns piercing the paper with the smoldering tip of the cigarette. The one whose coin finally breaks through the napkin and sinks to the bottom must drink a glass. So be it, he doesn’t have to swallow the coin.

03 Drug Lord

What you'll need besides snacks: deck of cards

Leave as many cards from the deck as there are players at the table; you won’t need the rest. Dignity and suit do not matter, but you need to assign two main cards in advance. One (let's say an ace) will be a Drug Lord, the other (let's say a King) will become a Policeman.

Hand out the cards. The one who got the king is obliged to frankly admit this out loud. Now he is a Policeman, and he has to figure out the Drug Lord with an ace. The rest should remain silent for now. The drug lord, meanwhile, must quietly wink at one of the players, and he, in turn, must react by shouting: “I’m in!” Now it's the Policeman's turn. He must name the alleged Drug Lord. If he guesses correctly, the drug lord and the one to whom the underworld businessman winked (if there was such an agreement) drink the penalty. If the Policeman's accusation is wrong, he gets a penalty. Meanwhile, the Drug Lord winks at his new accomplice...

04 Cocktail “Tear of the Platypus”

What you'll need besides snacks: coin

The first player pours as much as he wants into the glass and whatever he wants from any bottle on the table. The resulting mixture (even if it is only ten grams of vodka) is called the “Tear of the Platypus” cocktail. The player then flips the coin and, as it spins in the air, predicts whether it will land on heads or tails. If the guess is correct, the player passes the glass to the next participant. He also adds something to the glass according to his perverted taste and tosses a coin. The unfortunate person who couldn't guess which way the coin would fall drinks a cocktail. Then everything starts again.

05 Skillful hands

What you'll need besides snacks: at least two more drinking buddies.

Sitting at the table, the players take each other's arms and place their palms on the table. As a result, everyone faces left hand neighbor on the right, right hand neighbor on the left and Olivier (where would we be without him!). Now you can start playing. Someone shouts “Left!” (or “Right!”) and slams the table with his left palm. This is a signal to launch a “wave” of claps clockwise (or counterclockwise). Accordingly, the next clap, continuing the wave, should be made by the person sitting one to the left of the first, hitting the table with his right palm. Then the player sitting on the left next to the first must hit with his left, etc. Penalties are awarded for any errors that occur. He hit out of turn, missed the clap, smashed the TV with a stool...

06 Trained to drink

What you'll need besides snacks: paper and pen.

Ideally, this game should start with the very first sip of beer that you and your friends order at the bar. But, on the other hand, in order not to spoil the pleasure of savoring the foamy drink, prudent people prefer to start the competition no earlier than the last couple of glasses before leaving. So, that's what a friendly match is all about. You need to drink beer in fewer sips. The loser gets to pay for the drinks and hold a grudge against the stupid game.

07 Fingering

What you'll need besides snacks: saucer

A saucer (or, say, an empty glass) is placed in the center of the table, on which everyone present places a finger. On the count of three, everyone either removes or leaves their finger on the saucer. A penalty is awarded to that part of the drinking buddies (and sometimes it’s just one person, Igorek) that remains in the minority.

08 Torque

What you'll need besides snacks: coin

Here's another simple game that will help you pass the time while waiting for the intoxication to arrive. The first player spins a coin on the table and calls the name of one of those sitting next to him. The person named must, without stopping the coin, flick it with his finger to give it additional rotational energy and call the name of the next player. If the coin stops or flies off the table, the culprit will receive a penalty. For more excitement, you can install additional rules. For example, if a coin that has stopped spinning comes up heads, then you are required to take two penalties.

09 Water all around

What you'll need besides snacks:set of identical dishes.

Hitchcock would have loved this play, full of suspense. Players fill all glasses with water, except one, into which vodka is poured, and mix them thoroughly. Then everyone takes a glass (without raising it to their nose, so as not to smell the contents), and everyone drinks on command. If desired, you can increase the nervousness of the game by periodically increasing the number of glasses with vodka (or, conversely, completely eliminating them).

10 Hard Nut

What you'll need besides snacks: salted peanuts.

Even if none of your friends likes salted nuts, still order them with beer. On command, simultaneously drop a nut into your glasses. If you don't get peanuts made from soy, the peanuts will immediately sink. But don’t rush to mourn them. Very soon, gas bubbles will stick around the peanuts and raise them to the surface. The loser whose nut pops up last must pay for the rest.

11 I have never...

What you'll need besides snacks: Nothing .

Another game for a motley crew. This fun will help guests who are seeing each other for the first time to get to know each other better and not feel constrained, otherwise, you know, the whole swing party will be in vain. Anyone can start the game. He says keywords: “I’ve never...” and then adds something like “...haven’t seen the movie Heat.” After this confession, everyone who has seen this film (in our editorial office, by the way, there are still no such people) immediately drinks. Then the next guest takes the floor and says: “I have never… refused to drink.” After which, even inveterate teetotalers have to drink a penalty drink amid hooting.

12 Russian beer roulette

What you'll need besides snacks:a lot of canned beer and a willingness to be nasty.

Before each round of drinking, one of the beer cans is shaken thoroughly (best done by your fellow epileptic) to turn it into a bomb. After shaking, the charged jar is mixed with the rest. Well, who do you think will get it?

13 Shooting Range

What you'll need besides snacks: coin

On the table, stacks are placed in a circle according to the number of participants in the game and one stack in the center. Each pile is assigned to a specific player. A coin is placed on the edge of the table. The goal of the game is to flip a coin and get it into one of the piles. Details: If the coin thrower hits his pile, everyone drinks a penalty; if he misses, only he drinks; if it ends up in someone else's pile, the owner of the pile drinks; If it ends up in the central pile, everyone drinks. Well, except for Igorka. He has an ulcer.

14 Words for the evening

Spend your holiday in an unusual way, not like everyone else’s, be it a birthday, New Year, or any other holiday! To do this, organize entertainment competitions. First, buy a dozen inexpensive things, for example: souvenirs, keychains, jewelry, in a word, everything that can serve as a prize for winning a competition. When the guests are already tipsy, have an awesome party with fun competitions and don’t forget to film it!

A newspaper is taken, placed on the floor, several young couples are invited and they are told to dance on it while the song plays. They must never stand up for the newspaper; if they do, they are out. After a short dance, the music stops and the newspaper is folded in half. This continues until there is only one couple left, tired on a rolled-up newspaper and at the same time dancing.

Guess! Who?
The player's task is to guess, blindfolded, by touch, who is standing in front of him. To make this as difficult as possible, you can change clothes.

Several participants are called, the presenter shows them the positions:
1 - the right hand holds the left earlobe, and the left hand holds the tip of the nose;
2 - right hand - tip of the nose, left hand - right earlobe.
At the leader's command "clap!" everyone must change position to another. The tempo of the "claps" is gradually increasing. The winner is the one who performs the movements correctly the longest. Laughter among spectators and participants is guaranteed

Players are given cards with certain letters. The participants’ task is to attach (and hold) all the cards to those parts of the body whose names begin with the indicated letters. The winner is the one who can place the most without dropping it.

Two teams are formed: one is men, the other is women. At the signal, the players of each team begin to take off their clothes (whatever they want) and lay them out in a line. Each team has its own line. The team that makes the longest line of clothing wins.

Participants are divided into two teams and line up behind each other.
Each team is given a stack of paper, and two baskets are placed at a distance of 20 m.
At the leader’s command, the first team members take a sheet of paper, crumple it into a “snow” ball, throw it into the basket and run to the end of their line. The turn to throw the snowball passes to the next participant. The winner is the team that throws the fastest and most “snowballs” into the basket.

The players are divided into teams, but it is possible without this. Players are given two cardboard cards (or plain paper). The task is to move along these cardboard “bumps”, moving from one to another, to get across the “swamp” as quickly as possible.

Quatrains are selected in advance and the first two lines are read. The participants’ task is to continue the quatrain by composing the second two lines. Then the originals are read and compared. It is not uncommon that as a result of this competition, a poet is unexpectedly found in the team.

You will need: tennis balls.
Several pairs are called, each pair is given a tennis ball. Girls should roll this ball through their partner's pants (for example, put it in the left pant leg, roll it up and pull it out through the right pant leg). Boys should then do the same through the girls' blouse.
The first couple to complete the task wins.

Participants stand in a line, bottles are placed 10 meters from them.
Participants use a homemade lasso to catch bottles.
Whoever catches the most and faster wins.

An old children's game, but adults also play it fun :) Take 10 pieces of paper, on each of which you write where the next one is. Then almost all the notes are hidden in different places, and one is given to the players. Their task is to find and collect all the notes. This game is good to play at a birthday party, when the last one says where the gift itself is hidden.

A purely table game. Depending on what is poured, it can be called “general vodka”, “general whiskey”, general “amaretto” and so on. Competitors must pronounce the text without error, accompanying it certain actions. “The General of Moonshine drinks moonshine once.” Take one sip, wipe the imaginary or actual mustache with your finger once (hussar gesture!), tap the glass on the table once, stamp your foot once. “The General drinks moonshine, drinks - say twice! - moonshine for the second time.” Take two sips, wipe your mustache with your finger twice, tap your glass on the table twice, stamp your foot twice.
“The general of moonshine drinks, drinks, drinks moonshine for the third time.” Take three sips, wipe your mustache with your finger three times, tap your glass on the table three times, stamp your foot three times! Ugh! All!
Whoever makes a mistake gives way to the next one. Few people manage to fulfill all the conditions the first time. Let's also take into account that the one who was closest to success was the most intoxicated. And that means it will be more difficult for him to concentrate next time.

Future singers are given cards with the names of political leaders written on them. different years(Gorbachev, Lenin, Stalin, Brezhnev, Yeltsin, Zhirinovsky, etc.). The players' task is to perform the song in the image indicated on the card. The lyrics of the songs that are offered for performance should be familiar, and even better, printed on the cards on the back.

Competitors receive boxing gloves. They are given a task - to burst as quickly as possible a certain amount balloons within the time allotted by the presenter.

There are two or four participants in the game. The entire auditorium will help them. Players are given one card each - an ace of any suit. The remaining cards are dealt in the hall. The task of the “aces” is to collect all the cards of their suit from “six” to “king” as quickly as possible. Card holders - spectators - can run to the “ace” only after the previous card is already next to it.

Brown bear
Two players compete. Necessary props: Coca-Cola, vodka, 2 glasses. Cola is poured into the players' glasses. This is a brown bear. He needs to be turned white. This is done as follows. The player takes a sip, and the liquid in the glass is topped up with vodka to the previous level. The player takes a sip again - the level returns to the original level again by pouring in vodka. This is repeated until the liquid in the glass becomes white. If the players are still able to continue the game, then it goes in reverse order. He takes a sip of vodka and tops up with cola until the glass turns completely brown. The winner... The “Lucky” one is told that he only won by next morning after a difficult awakening. Warning: Do not play this game if you are not confident in own strength and you don’t know your norm. Be aware of the possibility of alcohol poisoning.

Competitions, scripts and entertainment for birthdays

King of the glass
Two people participate. On two chairs there is a bowl of water and one spoon each. A few steps away there are two more chairs, and on them an empty glass. Whoever fills the empty glass first wins.

Teddy bear
The players stand in a line, shoulder to shoulder, away from fragile and sharp objects so as not to injure yourself and ruin the situation. The leader stands at the beginning of the line. Everyone repeats his movements and words. The leader extends his hand forward and says “I see a bear!”, waits until the last participant repeats this, then squats down with his hand outstretched and asks “where?”, again waits until the ritual is completed, and then, shouting “there!”, pushes his neighbor with such force that the entire line fell down. The game ends with a friendly fight. It is recommended to place the weakest players at the end of the line.

Spoon with orange
The game involves two people. Everyone holds a spoon with an orange or potato in their teeth. Hands behind your back. The task is to drop your opponent's orange with your spoon and not let him drop yours. For the bravest owners, use an egg instead of an orange.

There are two sundresses and two scarves on the chair. Whoever puts on a sundress and ties a scarf faster is the winner.

Step on the ball
Two people are given one inflatable ball, which they tie to their left leg. With your right foot you need to crush your opponent’s ball.

Baba Yaga
Relay game. A simple bucket is used as a stupa, and a mop is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. With one hand he holds the bucket by the handle, and in the other hand he holds a mop. In this position, you need to walk the entire distance and pass the mortar and broom to the next one.

Before sitting down at the table, each invitee cuts out from paper what he would like to give or wish to the hero of the occasion. For example, a car, a key new apartment, baby, banknote, new dress. All “gifts” are attached with threads to a rope or fishing line, which is stretched approximately at chest level.
The birthday boy is blindfolded and given scissors. Under the approving cries of those present, he must approach the rope and cut off the “souvenir”. What was in the hands of the birthday boy will definitely appear before the end of the year.
To involve the guests, you can invite the hero of the occasion to guess whose wish it is. If he succeeds, the guest performs some kind of trick: sings a song, tells a joke.

The guests are sitting at the table. At the command of the host, one of the guests puts a button on his index finger and, turning to his neighbor, invites him to move the button onto his index finger. You are not allowed to use other fingers. And so on in a circle. The one who drops is eliminated from the game, and so the last players have to stretch across the entire table. The last two participants win and receive a prize.

Fairy tale characters
When a person gets a job, he usually writes an autobiography. Imagine what she might look like and write autobiographies on behalf of some famous people. Among these celebrities: Baba Yaga, Carlson, Old Man Hottabych, Baron Munchausen, Koschey the Immortal.

Two teams participate: an even number. The team lines up in a column: man - woman - man - woman - man, etc. Each player is given a match. Task: at the command of the leader, the players take a match with their lips, and the first participants in the team have a ring hung on their back. After the signal, you need to transfer this ring from one participant to another, back and forth without using your hands, from match to match.

Two guys sit at a table opposite each other. An egg is placed in front of them. The guys are asked to blow the egg onto the opponent's side with their eyes closed. The eyes are blindfolded, and instead of the egg, a plate of flour is quietly placed. On command, the participants begin to blow hard, with good fans this is the effect! Everyone is happy, and often the participants are too. Why boys and not girls? As a rule, girls look too good at holidays

Open bottle
Several couples (male-female) participate simultaneously or in turns, depending on the number of open bottles. The man is given a bottle, the lady is given a container (glass, glass, etc.). The players hold these objects between their legs, and the man tries to pour the lady a drink, and she helps him. Everything happens hands-free. One “but”: it is better not to use red wine for this game, as sometimes the contents of the bottle end up on the clothes of the players.

Unnecessary clothes
The game requires two or more volunteers (but no fewer spectators) and one presenter. The latter makes the players sit cross-legged on the floor and throws a blanket or blanket over everyone’s shoulders, demanding that they wrap themselves up so that nothing is visible except their heads. Then each player is given the condition to remove the most unnecessary thing in this position and put it on the floor. As a rule, they start with the clock, and only then... Rarely do they quickly think of throwing off the blanket. A prize can be given to the most resourceful person.

To play you will need a large box or bag (opaque) in which to put various items clothes: size 56 panties, caps, size 10 bras, glasses with nose, etc. funny things.
The presenter invites those present to update their wardrobe by taking something out of the box, with the condition that they do not take it off for the next half hour.
At the host’s signal, the guests pass the box to the music. As soon as the music stops, the player holding the box opens it and, without looking, takes out the first thing he comes across and puts it on himself. The view is amazing!

To play you need a large basin of water. Several apples are thrown into the basin, and then the player kneels in front of the basin, holding his hands behind his back, and tries to catch the apple with his teeth and remove it from the water.

Chicken paw
You must write the given word - “like a chicken with its paw.” Participants have markers attached to their feet; Whoever wrote it faster and more clearly wins the game.

This team game. Participants are divided into pairs.
Each couple chooses a pre-prepared package containing a set of clothes (the number and complexity of items must be the same). All participants in the game are blindfolded. On command, one of the pair must put clothes on the other from the package he received by touch in one minute. The winner is the couple that “dresses” faster and more correctly than others. It's fun when there are two men in a couple and they get a bag of purely women's clothing!

In secret from the culprit (or culprit) of the holiday, make a silhouette of a human figure from cardboard full height. Glue a photo of the birthday boy or girl in place of the face. Put on this mannequin all possible items of clothing: from panties to a hat. They can be either real or made of paper. Just pin the paper ones to the mannequin. Then the host asks the guests questions about the hero of the day: when he was born, favorite dish, etc. If the guest makes a mistake, he must remove any item of clothing from the mannequin. The most intimate parts can be covered with fig leaves made of green paper. And, if you are sure that the birthday person will not be offended, you can write humorous wishes on these pieces of paper.

Body parts
They write pieces of paper with the names of body parts and fold them so that they cannot be read and put them in some kind of bag. Then the first two people each take a piece of paper. And they press together with those parts of the body that are indicated on the papers. Then the second person pulls out a second piece of paper, where it is written which place the third person should touch. Next, the third one pulls out his piece of paper (or rather, two, but one at a time). And in this way along the chain until all participants in the game are finished, then everything begins in the second circle, without disengaging. The first one grabs the last one, the second one grabs the first one, and until the papers run out or until there is enough flexibility. The funniest thing is for the presenter who sees this gobbledygook

Two glasses
You will need: two glasses and a straw for each participant.
Two glasses are placed on a hard surface in front of each player - empty and filled with some liquid (water, vodka, wine, etc.). Each person is given a straw (or a straw for cocktails). The task of the competitors is to faster with help Use this tube to pour the contents from one glass to another, preferably without losing a drop of precious liquid. The one who does it earlier and better wins.

You will need: transparent glasses or glasses, drinking straws.
Everyone is invited to attend. Each person is given a glass with liquid poured into it and a straw. It is announced that all glasses except one contain water. Vodka is poured into the only one. Players must drink all the liquid through a straw so that no one can guess what is in their glass. Spectators are invited to guess which of those present got a glass of vodka. The secret of the game is that vodka is poured into all glasses.

At the signal from the leader, all women in the hall are dragged by men (two or three competitors) to their territory.
The one who has more women in his “harem” wins.

Participants are asked to create a story from the titles of newspaper articles cut out and attached to cards. The participant who writes the most interesting story wins.

You will need: several pairs of boxing gloves, wrapped candies (according to the number of participants).
Men are called out who want to fight for glory Beautiful lady. Everyone puts on boxing gloves. Then everyone is given a piece of candy. At the presenter’s signal, the contestants must, whoever is fastest, unwrap the candy and feed it to their lady.

2-3 people play. The presenter reads the text: I’ll tell you a story in one and a half dozen phrases. As soon as I say the number 3, take the prize immediately. “Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we saw small fish, not just one, but seven.” When you want to memorize poems, don’t cram them until late at night. Take it and repeat it once at night - twice, or better yet 10 times." "A seasoned guy dreams of becoming Olympic champion. Look, don’t be tricky at the start, but wait for the command: one, two, march! “Once I had to wait for a train at the station for 3 hours...” (if they don’t have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it). “Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it.”

Along the edges of the site, 6-8 triangles are drawn - “rocket launch sites”. Inside each of them they draw circles - “rockets”, but always several circles less than the ones playing. All participants stand in a circle in the center of the site. At the command of the leader, they walk in a circle, holding hands, saying the words: “Fast rockets for walking around the planets are waiting for us. We’ll fly to whichever one we want! But there’s one secret in the game: there’s no room for latecomers!” After that, everyone runs to the “rocket launch site” and takes their places in the “rocket”. Those who do not have time to take a place are eliminated from the game.

To play you need 6 people, 3 guys and 3 girls. Each player receives his own number. The first player rolls a dice with numbers from 1 to 6. The number that appears shows what he will do if the number is 1 - kiss, 2 - suck, 3 - chew, 4 - plant, 5 - bite, 6 - lick. The same player rolls the die a second time. The number drawn shows which part of the body he will do this with: 1 - lips, 2 - nose, 3 - right ear, 4 - cheek, 5 - right ear, 6 - left ear. The player rolls the dice a third time. The number drawn shows which person he is doing this with - the number corresponds to the player's number. When the first player has done everything, the second player takes the die, etc.

The presenter invites everyone playing in turn to name five objects of the same color (blue, yellow, red, etc.) - So he will sort out different colors. Anyone who cannot remember five objects of the named color in one minute leaves the game. It is not allowed to repeat items already named. The presenter randomly selects an object, for example a table. Now the players must take turns saying how it can be used. You can't repeat yourself! Since the standard options (“you can sit at it,” “do your homework,” “have lunch,” etc.) quickly run out, the participants have to be creative. The one who could not answer leaves the game. The one remaining wins. The application of an object does not have to be good or correct from the point of view of common sense, the main thing is that it is theoretically possible. The game can be complicated; in this case, the leader sets not one, but two objects, and the participants must come up with options for how they can be used together.

There are two slits for hands on a piece of whatman paper. Participants take each sheet of paper, insert their hands into the slots, and draw a self-portrait with a brush without looking. Whoever has the most successful “masterpiece” takes the prize.

The point is that everyone becomes a train and begins to move forward to the music. The presenter turns the music on and off. The presenter abruptly turns off the music, everyone must stop. The one who “sticks” his nose into the back of the person in front (for the first one, breaks away from everyone else) is eliminated. The music also suddenly turns on - whoever breaks the chain flies out. For convenience, there can be two presenters: the one who plays the music, and the one who is the actual “locomotive”. The more people, the better. It cannot be done without landfills. The main thing is to choose the right music and not make even intervals on/off

Mountain of shoes
Guests are divided into two teams. Each one has a captain selected. Teams sit opposite each other, take off one shoe or shoe at a time and throw it in the center on one pile; You can put extra shoes. The captains don't see this. The captain's task is to quickly put on his team's shoes.
The first team to wear shoes wins.

To play you need a bar, i.e. some kind of long stick under which the players will walk. The point is this: two people hold the bar, quite low, and the players must walk under it on their feet without falling. Gradually the bar drops lower and lower. It's especially good to play after drinking. They say that if a girl in a skirt starts walking under the bar, you can see her... I won’t tell you, play and see for yourself :)))

A line of wallpaper is placed on the floor. 3-4 girls in skirts are selected. A 1-2 meter long mat is placed on the floor. Women are asked to walk with their legs wide apart, without stepping on it. After the first attempt, they are asked to repeat, but blindfolded. Having completed this not a tricky task A blindfolded woman discovers that a man is lying on the path. The man stands up and declares the winner to be the one who blushed the most.

Almost childish, but very fun when adults play too. Two participants. Two chairs with their backs facing each other in the middle of the room. There are 10 things scattered throughout the room (slippers, toys, etc.). The task is to pick up as many things as possible and put them on YOURS! chair. It's a lot of fun to watch from the outside! Yes and play too

We take several bottles and pens or pencils with pieces of thread tied to them. The second end is tied to those who want to play for the belt. The task is to get into the bottle by squatting with a pencil. Whoever is first wins.

Participants in the game are given plasticine or clay. The presenter shows or names a letter, and the players must, as quickly as possible, create an object whose name begins with this letter.

Obstacle table run
To play, you will need cocktail straws and tennis balls (if you don’t have them, you can crumple up napkins) according to the number of participants in the race. Preparation: courses are prepared on the table according to the number of participants, i.e. glasses, bottles, etc. are placed in a row at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other. Players with a straw in their mouth and a ball are ready to start. At the leader’s signal, the participants must, blowing through a tube onto the ball, lead it along the entire distance, bending around oncoming objects. The first player to reach the finish line wins.

Lady's legs
In the room, ladies sit on chairs, 4-5 people. the man is shown that his wife (friend, acquaintance) is sitting among them, and he is taken to another room, where he is tightly blindfolded. At this moment, all the women change seats, and a couple of men sit next to them. Everyone bares one leg (just above the knees) and lets in a man with a bandage. He is on his haunches, touching everyone’s bare leg with his hands, one by one, to recognize his other half. Men wear stockings on their legs for camouflage.