At baptism one bathes or immerses oneself. How and where to collect water for Epiphany

Epiphany of the Lord 2017 occurs on the night of January 18-19. Epiphany is the sixth most important church holiday. This date is associated with the day of the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the Jordan River.

About when to swim on Epiphany, on January 18 or 19, when to collect holy water, about the traditions of the holiday - in the article “Top Ten News”.

When to swim for Epiphany 2017? Traditionally, on Epiphany, people swim in the ice hole on the night of January 18-19. By the way, this year ice holes for swimming will be organized in almost all cities. For example, in Moscow, more than 100,000 people plan to take part in Epiphany bathing.

If you don’t manage to plunge into the ice hole on the night of January 18-19, don’t worry. Swimming at Epiphany will be possible throughout January 19th.

Is it necessary to swim at Epiphany?

Swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany is not mandatory. Moreover, the church does not insist on baptismal bathing; the main thing for a believer on this day is to be present at church service, Confession and Communion of Saints Mysteries of Christ, communion of Epiphany water.

In addition, bathing at Epiphany does not cleanse a person from sins.

In order to be baptized, you must come to the temple, where the priest will perform the Sacrament of Baptism on you. Epiphany bathing is not enough to consider oneself baptized.

Epiphany: when to collect water

On Epiphany Eve (January 18), after the Great Liturgy and on January 19, the Great Hagiasma is celebrated all day, i.e. water lighting. These days you can collect Epiphany water in any church. Illumination is carried out by one clergyman, so there is no difference between Epiphany and Epiphany water.

You can take water from the temple after the service; you can also bring your own water for consecration, but remember that it must be ordinary clean water, not mineral and not carbonated.

You can also get Epiphany water from the tap. It is best to do this in the time interval from 00:10. until 01:30 on the night of January 18th to 19th. You can store water later, but this is the best time.

How to use holy water?

It is customary to use holy water with the prayer: “Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my mental and physical strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of passions and my infirmities according to Thy infinite mercy through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints. Amen".

It is advisable to drink holy water on an empty stomach, however, in case of illness or some other problems, you can drink holy water at any time.

Is it possible to add holy water to a bathtub?

You can drink holy water, you can sprinkle it on you, you can sprinkle it on your house and things, but it is not intended for bathing.

Bathing in the wood is an ancient ritual that many people in our country perform every year. Soon you will be able to join the beloved Russian tradition, and from this article you will learn when is the best time to do so.

Even though the New Year celebrations are over, the series of holidays is not over yet. According to tradition, on January 19, believers celebrate the great Orthodox holiday Epiphany. There are many traditions and rituals associated with this day, and the most popular of them is swimming in an ice hole. Every year, thousands of people take a bath in blessed water to ensure their health and cleanse their souls of sins. We invite you to find out when is the best time to perform the ritual of bathing on Epiphany.

Swimming in an ice hole January 19, 2018

The Baptism of the Lord is one of the most revered Orthodox events. Over time, this holiday acquired many traditions, and one of them was swimming in the wood. Everyone who decides to perform this ritual is simply obliged to know about its features so as not to harm their health.

Before the consecration of water, an ice hole called a Jordan is cut through the ice. It received this name in honor of the river in which the Son of God was once baptized. After this, the clergyman lowers the crucifix into the water and says a prayer. A person who decides to perform the ritual of ablution must plunge headlong into the ice hole three times, but before doing this, he must pray.

It is believed that with the help of Epiphany water you can get rid of ailments and sins. However, this ritual is not performed by all believers, because not everyone can expose their health to such a risk.

When is the best time to swim in an ice hole at Epiphany?

When to swim in an ice hole on Epiphany - on the eve of the holiday or on the day of the event itself? This question worries many people who want to swim in an ice hole. It is believed that on the evening of January 18, it is best to visit the church, pray and take holy water home.

At the end of the evening service, on the night of January 19, everyone can plunge into the already blessed water. The most suitable time period for this is considered to be the period from 00:00 to 01:30. According to legend, it is at this time that the water acquires strong healing properties who have repeatedly helped people get rid of diseases.

If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to perform the bathing ritual at night, then you can do it in the morning, afternoon or evening of January 19th. If, due to your health condition, you do not have the opportunity to plunge into ice water in mid-January, then just wash your face Epiphany water, collected in the ice hole.

After bathing, do not forget to say a prayer again so that the ritual will benefit not only your body, but also your soul. Our ancestors gave special meaning such great Orthodox events as the Baptism of the Lord. Despite the fact that this holiday is of a religious nature, there are many things associated with it. folk signs, which before people preferred to believe.

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Epiphany is an Orthodox holiday celebrated on January 19th. There are many beliefs and traditions associated with it. One of these traditions is ice-hole diving.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows the history of this custom, the time when exactly one can practice Epiphany bathing and how to do it correctly. In order for diving into an ice hole to be beneficial, you must know all the rules of this dive, as well as take into account everything possible contraindications related to health status.

When to swim in the ice hole for Epiphany 2018, at what time: history, rules and beliefs of the holiday

The history of the great Christian holiday, Epiphany, goes back many centuries into the past. When, in the Jordan River, the prophet John the Baptist carried out the baptism of the son of God, Jesus Christ. According to legends, it was at that moment that the tradition of diving into an ice hole was born. It is believed that the most desirable time for this ritual is January 19 from 00:10 to 01:30. Ancient legends say that this is exactly the moment when water becomes healing and helps wash away sins and improve health.

To comply with the rules of the holiday, on January 18 it is advisable to go to church for the evening liturgy and read a prayer there. When going to the service, you should take a clean container with you in order to bring home the holy Epiphany water. Starting at midnight, after the end of the liturgy, you can go swimming. Dipping into the ice hole is allowed only in places designated in advance. A Jordan is first cut into the ice - an ice hole in the shape of a cross. Before giving permission for bathing, the priest must lower the crucifix into the water and read a prayer.

When to swim in the ice hole for Epiphany 2018, at what time: is it necessary to do this?

The rector of the Church of the Martyr Tatiana at Moscow State University, Vladimir Vigilyansky, claims that Epiphany bathing is enough new tradition. And also that he had not come across any mention of her in any historical literature O Ancient Rus', nor in the notes of pre-revolutionary Russia. The rector believes that the church does not force anyone to dive into the ice hole. Each person decides for himself which legends to believe and which rituals to perform. The more important thing is not whether the believer will plunge into the ice hole on this day, it is important that everyone comes to the Epiphany Liturgy and receives communion.

When to swim in the ice hole for Epiphany 2018, at what time: precautions for Epiphany bathing

Those who are determined to take a dip in the ice hole on January 19 should know that you can’t swim in icy water on an empty stomach, but... alcoholic drinks is strictly prohibited both the day before, during and after swimming. Before plunging, you need to move around to warm up your body. Under no circumstances should you enter the water too quickly or dive headlong, so as not to cause state of shock. You only need to plunge three times; you cannot stay in the water for more than 30 seconds. After leaving the water, you must immediately dry yourself with a towel and change into warm, dry clothes. After which, it is advisable to drink tea. Also, do not forget about contraindications. Thus, people with cardiovascular diseases, impaired nervous system, with diseases of the organs of vision, breathing and genitourinary system, as well as children and pregnant women - dipping in ice holes is strictly PROHIBITED.

When swimming in the ice hole at Epiphany 2018

For Epiphany, as for any Christian holiday, you need to seriously prepare. One day is given for this - January 18. It is called Epiphany Christmas Eve. Believers must fast throughout this day. And in the evening everyone goes to church service to pray and light a candle.
Only after the end of the liturgy do the church ministers begin to cut ice holes in the reservoirs. Usually they are all cut in the shape of a cross. Sometimes the ice cross that remains after cutting the hole is placed nearby. To make it more convenient for people to take a dip, more steps are often cut out. Sometimes a wooden staircase is installed.
When the fonts are ready, the clergy begin the ritual of blessing the water. First, a prayer is said over the ice hole, then the water is sanctified with the help of silver cross. By ancient tradition after that they are released into the sky white dove. It symbolizes that the Holy Spirit appeared in this form to Jesus Christ when he received Baptism.
People who decided to dive into consecrated water for the first time probably still don’t know exactly when they will swim in the ice hole on Epiphany 2018.
Anyone can plunge into the ice hole immediately after the consecration of the water, that is, on January 18, as well as throughout the entire day on January 19. Some people sometimes perform this ritual a few days after Baptism, but only if there was a good reason that did not allow them to swim on time. For example, if a person was very ill and could not reach the font.

Believers usually watch how it passes, and therefore immediately dive into the water. In the old days, on January 18, at night, the majority of people plunged into the ice hole. However, now queues form at the swimming pools on January 19, mostly in the morning and evening. Epiphany is not an official holiday, so many people work.

Is it necessary to swim in an ice hole?

It is worth remembering that the church does not force anyone to perform the ritual of swimming in an ice hole. To plunge or not, each person must decide for himself. After all, the main thing on the feast of Epiphany is to cleanse yourself spiritually. And for this you need to work on yourself, drive away bad thoughts, pray, forgive all offenses, not do anything bad and not wish harm on anyone on this day.
Believers claim that holy water from the ice hole helps to cure many diseases, and that, for example, if a person has a runny nose or cough, then after immersion in the water these symptoms of a cold will immediately go away.

However, doctors have a different opinion. Experts do not advise people with any illnesses to swim and strictly prohibit contact with ice water people suffering from chronic diseases.
Doctors warn that people who, immediately after taking a plunge, do not change into dry clothes, put on warm socks and shoes, and do not wrap themselves in a warm blanket, can get sick.
People who feel they are not ready to swim in an ice hole this year could, for example, fill a bathtub and add some blessed water, then take three dips. You can also simply wash your face with holy water. Moreover, you can do this ritual every morning, and not just on Epiphany.
Those people who are going to perform a sacred ceremony should think, first of all, about their safety. If there are a lot of people near the ice hole, you shouldn’t go out on the ice, you need to wait patiently, you shouldn’t push your neighbors, much less quarrel with someone in line. If something happens, you need to report it to the police, rescuers or ambulance doctors who are on duty at places where mass swimming occurs.

With the Baptism of Rus' (in 988), it gradually spread among our ancestors. The blessing of water can only be performed by a priest - by reading the appropriate prayers and immersing the cross in water three times. On reservoirs, for this purpose, an ice hole is made in advance - “Jordan” - usually in the shape of a cross. Usually bodies of water - ponds, rivers, lakes - are consecrated on the feast of Epiphany itself, after the liturgy. Epiphany water is a shrine that is used for healing and to strengthen the mental and physical strength of us and our loved ones.

From some churches and on Epiphany Eve after the service, solemn processions are made to the ice holes in the reservoirs, they are blessed. Orthodox Christians scoop up holy water from this ice hole, wash themselves with it, and the bravest “dive” into the ice hole. Russian traditions Ice-hole swimming dates back to the times of the ancient Scythians, who dipped their babies into ice-cold water, acclimating them to the harsh nature.

When swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany

On January 19, 2016, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Epiphany. The holiday also has the name Epiphany and is celebrated annually on January 19th. Epiphany is one of the most ancient and revered holidays among Christians.

Brief history of the holiday Epiphany

The baptism of Christ was performed by John the Baptist at his request. During his baptism on the Jordan River, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove. At the same time, a Voice from Heaven declared: “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” According to Christian teachings, it was on this day that God appeared in three persons: God the Father - in voice, the Son of God - in the flesh, and the Holy Spirit - in the form of a dove. That is why the feast of Epiphany is often called Epiphany. The holiday of Epiphany is very important. It is believed that it was baptism that revealed to the world...

Is it necessary to swim in an ice hole at Epiphany?

Is it necessary to swim at Epiphany? And if there is no frost, will bathing be Epiphany?

In any church holiday it is necessary to distinguish between its meaning and the traditions that have developed around it. The main thing in the feast of the Epiphany is the Epiphany, the Baptism of Christ by John the Baptist, the voice of God the Father from heaven “This is my beloved Son” and the Holy Spirit descending on Christ. The main thing for a Christian on this day is presence at church services, confession and Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, and communion of baptismal water.

The established traditions of swimming in cold ice holes are not directly related to the Feast of the Epiphany itself, are not mandatory and, most importantly, do not cleanse a person of sins, which, unfortunately, is discussed a lot in the media.

Such traditions should not be treated as magical rites- The holiday of Epiphany is celebrated by Orthodox Christians in hot Africa, America, and Australia. After all...

While swimming in the icy Epiphany font, a person experiences approximately the same stress as during a parachute jump. To prevent such a test from resulting in a subsequent decrease in immunity, it is necessary to prepare for the dive in advance, gain positive attitude and overcome your fear of ice water. If everything is done correctly and you take care of warm clothes, a soft towel and hot tea in advance, Baptism will become one of the most joyful and unforgettable days in your life.

What you should know

Only healthy and seasoned people can swim in the ice hole. People with obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular system, arterial hypertension, respiratory diseases, chronic skin diseases and inflammation genitourinary system. Swimming in ice water will not benefit people suffering from insomnia, as well as people with mental disorders. Such categories of citizens can perform the ritual at home by simply taking a contrast shower.

Orthodox people celebrate Epiphany, or Epiphany, on January 19, and the day before, on the 18th, they celebrate Epiphany Eve. There is a popular tradition among believers - to swim on this day. How to plunge into an ice hole at Epiphany without harming your health? We will try to sort this out.

Baptism is an important event in the Orthodox religion

On this day, believers celebrate two events in the history of religion - baptism God's Son John the Baptist in the waters of the river, which was called the Jordan, and the appearance of the Trinity of God, that is, the Epiphany. They say that from the moment of Baptism, Jesus Christ began to come out to people.

Epiphany completes the cycle of Christmas holidays and requires special preparation. How is it observed before Christmas? strict fast, and on the eve of Epiphany it is necessary to adhere to the same strict Epiphany Eve.

Swimming in Jordan - healing the soul and body

For the holiday, they make an ice hole in the shape of a cross and call it “Jordan”...

One of the traditions at Epiphany is swimming in an ice hole. It is believed that water on Epiphany Eve, January 18, acquires healing properties. As a rule, on Epiphany Christmas Eve special illumination of the ice hole is carried out. For Epiphany, the pond is made in the shape of a cross and it is called “Jordan”, after the name of the river in which Jesus Christ was baptized.

Epiphany water is a shrine for Orthodox believers. They drink it to heal illnesses and strengthen physical and mental strength. Not everyone can decide to swim in an ice hole on Epiphany - not everyone can withstand the frost and icy water. If you decide to swim in an ice hole on Epiphany on January 18-19, then we suggest that you first familiarize yourself with the recommendations and rules for performing this ritual.

Rules for swimming in an ice hole for Epiphany

Swimming in an ice hole is a three-time immersion in water with your head. In progress…

January 19th is one of the most significant Christian holidays, and many cannot imagine it without personal participation - that is, immersion in icy Epiphany water in special ice holes. In Russia, on Epiphany, it is customary to bless water, including in natural reservoirs, for which a cross-shaped hole - a Jordan - is cut in the ice. Previously, those who took part in the ice-hole plunged first of all Christmas fortune telling and dressing up - to wash away sins. It was also believed that evil spirits, who freely walked the earth all Christmastide, were leaving for the Jordan. Water blessed at Epiphany is considered healing. The clergy wear white robes for this holiday.

It is believed that Epiphany water brings spiritual and physical health; About 600,000 people take part in Epiphany bathing in Russia on January 18 and 19 during the day.

The “great consecration of water” takes place in all churches. According to church canons, on Epiphany Eve a believer must come to church, serve in the service, light a candle, dial...

The Orthodox Church celebrates Epiphany or Epiphany on January 19 (new style). This is the most ancient holiday among Christians, and its establishment goes back to the times of the disciples and apostles of Christ. It also has ancient names: “Epiphany” - phenomenon, “Theophany” - Epiphany, “Holy Lights”, “Feast of Lights” or simply “Lights”, since it was the Lord Himself who came into the world on this day to show him the Light Unapproachable.

Holiday Epiphany

The word “baptize” or “baptize” from Greek is translated as “immersing in water.” It is almost impossible to understand the importance and the very meaning of what Epiphany bathing is without having an idea of ​​​​the symbolic meaning of water in the Old Testament.

Water is the beginning of life. It was she who fertilized all living beings that came from her. Where there is no water, there is a lifeless desert. And water can destroy, as during the Great Flood, when God flooded the sinful lives of people and thereby destroyed the evil that...

Epiphany 2017, when to swim from January 18 to 19? Orthodox believers celebrate Epiphany itself every year on the same date - January 19. Bathing in the consecrated ice holes begins after the church service, Epiphany Christmas Eve. That is, already on the night of January 18-19 you can plunge into the ice hole.

Read more about when to swim in the ice hole on Epiphany

January 18 is Epiphany Christmas Eve. The time before Epiphany or Epiphany, as this holiday is more popularly called. After the service that night, a great purification of water takes place in all churches. Every believer, according to church laws, on Christmas Eve of this holiday must hold a service, light a candle and draw blessed water.
None church rules they do not force people to plunge into an ice hole at Epiphany.

Especially if a person is not ready for this. But, in most Russian cities, people actively join the tradition when they swim at Epiphany on January 18 or 19. You can swim in…

If you decide to swim in an ice hole on Epiphany, you need to find specially equipped swimming holes not far from the shore. You also need to be sure that you are under the supervision of rescuers.

The ladder for descending into the water must be stable.

Warm up

Before you plunge into the icy water, you should warm up. To do this you need to perform a complex physical exercise. It is advisable to run, swing your arms and legs.

This will reduce the stress on the body that comes from swimming in an ice hole. Read more about this HERE.

Gradually cool down

The body needs to get used to the temperature change. Therefore, you should undress gradually: take off your hat, after a few minutes - your scarf, jacket, clothes, then your shoes.

Dip correctly

You need to plunge up to your neck without getting your head wet. This way you can avoid reflex vasoconstriction...

The great holiday of Christians - Epiphany, in memory of Jesus Christ's acceptance of the sacrament of baptism on the Jordan River, is celebrated on January 19 and which ends the Christmas holidays. People believe that at Epiphany, when water is blessed in churches and monasteries, it becomes incorruptible and may not deteriorate for many years, even if it is in a closed container. And this happens every year, and only on the day of Epiphany. It has already become a widespread tradition among Kiev residents to plunge into the icy Dnieper waters during the celebration of the Epiphany during a special ceremony by the clergy. On this day, ministers of Kyiv churches illuminate the Dnieper River and reservoirs, and also bless people for swimming in Jordans - specially carved in the ice and blessed ice holes.

IN lately Epiphany bathing is becoming more and more popular. If someone decides to participate in the sacrament Epiphany bathing, for this you should prepare in advance and take into account...

What date is Epiphany in 2017? This very important day for believers is celebrated in our country on January 19 every year. This is a holiday in memory of the event in which Jesus Christ sanctified water with his baptism, and also showed that He is both man and God. Distinctive feature On this winter day there is a blessing of water, in all churches, as well as in some open reservoirs, a great blessing of water is performed. In addition to the fact that everyone on the day of Epiphany strives to bring a vessel with Holy water from the church, another tradition of this holiday is swimming in an ice hole, and there is also special signs for Epiphany.

After a cheerful week and a half since Christmas, with fortune telling and dressing up as mummers, people would like to wash away these sins, and some dare to dive into the ice hole, despite the frosty days. In addition, Epiphany water has healing power, and swimming in the consecrated ice hole promises good health for the whole year. Water tends to remember information, so after absorbing...

To answer the question about when to swim in the ice hole at Epiphany 2017, just look at church calendar to see exactly what day this big holiday falls on. Orthodox calendar indicates that Epiphany in 2017, like other years before, is celebrated on January 19.

Although, the question of swimming in an ice hole among believers arises due to the fact that holiday services take place in churches on the 18th and the blessing of water, including in the ice hole, is carried out precisely at night from January 18 to 19. Well, since the consecration has taken place, and the day of the Epiphany holiday itself has arrived, then you can, among other things, plunge into the ice hole during the night from the 18th to the 19th.

Jordan - an ice hole for Baptism

In addition to the fact that it is important to determine when to swim in the ice hole for Epiphany 2017, it is important to remember other important traditions and features of the holiday. In particular, on the day of Epiphany (the second name of the holiday of Epiphany in honor of the fact that when...

For many unchurched people, Baptism is only the blessing of water and swimming in an ice hole. This is partly true, because everyone comes to swim in the ice hole on this day every year. more people: believers and undecideds, baptized and atheists, hardened and afraid of the cold, healthy and sick. Having plunged into the icy January water, everyone emerges from the ice hole happy, inspired, and warmed up. Because, they say, at Epiphany the water in the ice hole is “warm.”

What date to swim in 2017

This Christian Orthodox holiday belongs to the permanent twelve holidays and is celebrated every year on the same day - January 19. And in 2017, to the question, baptism 2017 on what date to swim, the answer remains the same - January 19.

In fact, swimming begins in the evening of January 18th. Immediately after the evening service, the priest goes with the parish to religious procession to the reservoir to bless the water. On the night of January 18-19, there was water in all rivers, lakes, seas...

The holiday of Epiphany is celebrated every year on January 6 for Catholics and January 19 for Orthodox believers, according to the official modern calendar. This holiday is associated with the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River.

The holiday begins on the evening of January 18, when all Orthodox Christians celebrate Epiphany Eve.
The Feast of Epiphany closes the twelve Christmas Day. On this day, the Church celebrates the entry of Jesus Christ onto the path of serving people and the beginning of his preaching.

Christmas and Epiphany, connected by Christmastide, constitute a single celebration - the Feast of Epiphany. It is in the unity of these holidays that all three faces of the Holy Trinity appear to us.

On the day of Epiphany, everywhere in churches, on rivers, lakes, a water blessing is performed, a ritual of consecrating water in an ice hole made in the form of an Orthodox cross.

Blessing of water for Epiphany

The Lord created water as an element of life, but human sin made it a source of death. When human sin increased by...

We've come to the end new year holidays. Tomorrow is Epiphany. And although the weather outside my window is not Epiphany weather at all - there are puddles on the asphalt from the night rain, which means that

the temperature outside is above zero - for me Epiphany remains one of the most mysterious and enigmatic holidays. On this day, the Universe lifts the curtain and we can find out our future, solve seemingly insoluble problems, and get answers to questions that concern us.

If anyone doesn’t know, Epiphany as a holiday was established in honor of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River. The ritual of baptism itself implies repentance, deliverance from sins. And although Jesus had nothing to repent of, he, showing humility, accepted Baptism from John and thereby sanctified the watery nature. Since then, on the day of Epiphany, all the world’s waters, the waters of the entire Earth - from a small stream to the oceans - become holy on this day. This also applies to tap water. You don't have to go to church to get holy water...