Swimming in an ice hole for baptism. How does the body react to swimming in an ice hole?

Very soon, on January 19, Orthodox Christians will celebrate one of the main church holidays - Epiphany. In the minds ordinary people Even those who are far from believing in God, this celebration is associated with washing in fonts, which are usually cut in open reservoirs. But is it necessary to observe this ritual? The correspondent of the website portal addressed this question to the rector of the Khabarovsk Transfiguration Cathedral, Archpriest Georgy Sivkov.

Swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany is not a mandatory ritual.

- Tell us about the traditions of celebrating Epiphany. How did it all start?

- The tradition dates back to the first centuries of Christianity. They celebrated with prayerful communication with the Lord. Initially, the Nativity of Christ and the Epiphany of the Lord were celebrated on the same day, although the difference between these events is 30 years. Later they were separated, and the time period between us was called Christmastide. Each of these holidays was preceded and is now preceded by a one-day fast - Christmas Eve. It is needed in order to reverently prepare oneself for the meeting of these events in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In general, anyone church holiday is based on some individual examples from the life of the gentleman, mother of god or saints. All this is connected with the salvation of man. The Baptism of the Lord is remembered for us by the fact that Jesus Christ showed us an example of accepting this sacrament. He did not need to wash away his sins, since he himself was sinless, but he did this out of obedience to the law and rules of God. The Lord sanctified the water with his nature and now his followers have the opportunity to touch him.

If a person does not believe in God, but at the same time takes part in the baptismal bath, will he feel any changes in himself?

If you take water or are baptized in Jordan without faith in the Lord, then a person will not feel any spiritual cleansing. If there is faith, then together with the water he receives the grace of God. For a Christian, this can become a new starting point, because he leaves behind everything that came before. Epiphany water is connected with God's grace, but I repeat, it is accepted only when a person believes.

Tell me, is it necessary to plunge into a cold Jordan on a river or some other body of water on Epiphany?

No, it's simple folk tradition which came into our lives. IN church rules There are no regulations regarding bathing on the feast of the Epiphany. Everything needs to be approached to a certain reasonable extent. But the church meets the wishes of people, but at the same time explaining what framework is necessary for maintaining reverence for holy water.

The Church is against the consecration of any outdoor swimming pools. Such requests come regularly. We explain that there should be no entertainment or public bathing during the celebration of the sacrament. You need to treat the holiday with respect.

- Are there human actions on this holiday that the church does not encourage?

It is not allowed to approach the sacrament of Baptism while intoxicated. Swimming just for the sake of showing off to acquaintances or friends is also frowned upon. In our country, often the first thing people do after immersion is photographs in social media are being posted. This is some kind of vanity.

- How to properly approach ablution?

You need to be in the mood that you are making an impromptu sacrifice to God, performing a small feat. Good thoughts are important. It is in this mood that it is important to go into the water. It is advisable to avoid swimming in swimming trunks or swimsuits - it is advisable to wear a special long baptismal shirt. They are used for ablutions in holy springs, for example.

Before entering the water, you need to cross yourself once or three times and read a prayer. More knowledgeable people can sing the troparion for the Baptism of the Lord. But all this is a personal desire. Actually none strict rules does not exist - only traditions.

- The people have a firmly established opinion that swimming on the feast of the Epiphany cleanses from sins. Is this true?

No, that's not true. There are the sacraments of repentance and confession, to which a Christian, if desired and correcting his life, must resort. A man, in the presence of a priest, asks God for forgiveness, and he reads a prayer of permission over him. This is how they receive forgiveness of sins. Of course, we must personally turn to God. But to go into the water and immediately have all your sins removed, there is no such thing. Without repentance this is impossible.

- If a person wants to take a bath, but the ice hole on the river is not for him, then where else can this be done?

Some churches have their own closed fonts. For example, in the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral there will be free access on a holiday. Most often people come with children or those who, for health reasons, are not suitable for swimming in open cold water.

- Do the clergy themselves necessarily plunge into the open Jordan on holiday?

Well, if we talk about me, then recent years I didn’t do this for three years, but it happened before. In general, many priests do not and have not immersed themselves at all. In general, it is not customary for us to ask about this - this is a personal matter for everyone.

- Is it possible to plunge into Jordan before it is officially consecrated?

- Well, after all, the main thing is worship. This is the sacrament of confession and communion, and the font is just an addition. And just come and swim... well, let them swim. But this is unlikely to apply to the feast of the Epiphany. One must still think that church is not only mass bathing and the blessing of eggs on Easter - this is all secondary. If you stop there, then you will never get closer to God.

On the day of Epiphany, many people collect water from open reservoirs and sometimes even drink it. Do you somehow warn your parishioners against such actions?

In general, we really do not recommend drinking such water. This liquid is perfect for sprinkling anything. Our open water bodies are now quite dirty. Drinking water You can get it for a donation in churches. For example, this year we will import liquid from an artesian well, bless it and bottle it.

- If I can tell you, what does the amount of donations for the water you pour in the temple consist of?

In fact, we include in the amount of donations just enough to cover the costs - there is no talk of profit. Delivery of water and the bottles in which we bottle it are not cheap. If people are interested at all, then I would like to say that we are completely self-sufficient - we do not receive any subsidies from the state.

We live only on donations. If they don’t exist, then there won’t be a church. For example, in ours alone cathedral In winter, we pay more than 200 thousand rubles a month for heat supply. Electricity also costs an impressive amount - sometimes 50 and 60 thousand rubles. In addition, people work in the temple - everyone who serves it must receive a salary.

One of the main Orthodox holidays, Epiphany, will be celebrated on Friday, January 19. Preparations will begin even earlier, on the evening of January 18 - Epiphany Eve. According to tradition, then the time for Epiphany bathing will come. Moreover, not only believers, but also simply lovers of winter swimming, as well as those who want to test their fortitude, actively plunge into the ice holes. What is the essence of this ritual, how safe it is for health and how to properly prepare for swimming - in a special guide on the portal site.

What does this holiday mean?

Epiphany is one of the oldest and most important holidays in the history of Christianity. It was installed in honor of the gospel story of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River. Therefore, on the evening before the holiday, the ceremony of blessing of water is required in all churches.

Ice holes intended for traditional dipping are also blessed. The ice hole symbolizes the river into which Jesus entered, and therefore another name for it is Jordan. An ice hole prepared specially for the holiday is easy to recognize: it usually has the shape of a cross.

What does Epiphany bathing actually look like?

It is expected that swimmers should submerge their heads in the water (but be aware that diving with their heads increases the risk of hypothermia). This must be done three times, while the believers are baptized with the words “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!” It is correct to take a dip in long undershirts specially prepared for this: it is a religious holiday and swimsuits for this are too revealing clothing.

I am a believer. Is it necessary to take a dip?

Representatives of the Orthodox Church approve of the ritual of bathing on the night before Epiphany or on the holiday itself, but emphasize that this is far from its main component. For those who would like to celebrate the holiday, but do not consider themselves ready to dive into cold water, it is not necessary to take a plunge. It will be enough to simply come to church on the eve or on the day of the holiday, stand for the service and collect blessed water in the temple.

How does this affect your health?

Regular immersion in cold water can help improve blood circulation and boost immunity. But in case we're talking about about one single attempt, not everything is so simple. Sudden immersion in cold water puts a lot of strain on the heart and increases blood pressure, increases heart rate. Therefore, before swimming, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Dipping into an ice hole is definitely contraindicated for those who have problems with cardiovascular system who suffer from cystitis, nephritis and other diseases genitourinary system, as well as simple colds.

Even if you have no contraindications and you think that you are ready for contrast swimming, you should not do this without preparation.

In a good way, you need to start preparing several months before, gradually hardening the body (for example, rubbing cold water or taking cold shower). If the moment for long-term preparation has already been missed, try taking a contrast shower at least a day or two before swimming to see how your body reacts.

Can you take a dip in any frost?

Temperatures around 2-5 degrees below zero are considered suitable for beginners. If it gets colder, you can still take a dip. But it is necessary to remember that frost of -10 degrees is considered an acceptable limit. Behind it begins one continuous risk zone.

How to understand which ice hole is correct?

You can only dip in specially equipped ice holes. Firstly, in most of them, divers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations specifically check the bottom beforehand. Secondly, doctors and rescuers are always on duty at such ice holes, which guarantees you timely assistance in case something goes wrong. Finally, you don’t have to worry that, say, extreme sports enthusiasts on snowmobiles will jump onto the ice at the same time.

If you are a parishioner of the temple, then you can find out about the consecrated ice holes there. If you don’t go to church, but would just like to join in the swimming, you can check the list of equipped swimming pools from the Ministry of Emergency Situations or on the website of the local administration. Moscow fonts, for example, can be found.

In any case, under no circumstances should you dive alone.

What can you do and what can't you do?

If you are participating in swimming for sport, remember that for many it is part of a religious holiday and should be treated with respect. You should not laugh loudly, shout, or even use foul language while swimming.

Do not plunge into the ice hole if you have drunk alcohol before. If you decide to take a plunge, then show restraint and abstain from alcohol the day before. It is better not to go into the water when you are hungry. Eat a large meal, but not right before, but a few hours before.

Make sure you have suitable clothing - it should be warm, easy to take off, and, most importantly, you should put it on easily and quickly. Laces, buttons, and any complex fasteners are excluded here.

Bring a bathing shirt if you have one, a warm terry towel or robe (or better yet, both) and tea in a thermos to make it easier to warm up afterwards.

And finally, do not sit in the ice hole for a long time - this will lead to serious hypothermia.

What to do after?

For diving, it is better to choose a font equipped with a ladder and handrails, and, when leaving the water, hold on to them tightly. This will help if you feel very dizzy after taking a dip.

Even if it seems to you that you passed the main test easily, you should not waste time taking pictures or showing off in front of other bathing participants. Immediately dry your body with a terry towel and change into dry clothes. To prevent the risk of catching a cold, it is better to drink pre-prepared tea or herbal decoction after swimming.

Every year Orthodox Christians around the world celebrate one of the significant holidays- Baptism of the Lord. This holiday is the final and third in the Christmas cycle, and is also one of the twelve most important religious holidays. Today we will talk about the history of the holiday and how to prepare for the ritual of swimming in an ice hole today.

One of the great holidays is the Epiphany. This holiday is one of the few that is celebrated annually and its date does not change. In 2020, the Epiphany of the Lord will be celebrated on the 13th day after Christmas, namely January 19, Saturday.

History of Baptism

After long wanderings in the desert, according to the Gospel, the prophet John came to the Jordan River, in which the Jews traditionally performed purification rites. Here he began to baptize people in the waters of the river, telling them about baptism and repentance.

When the Messiah turned 30 years old, he also came to the Jordan River and asked the prophet to baptize him. After the ceremony, the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit descended on young Jesus in the form of a dove. Then the words of the Lord were heard, saying that Jesus was his son.

The event itself pointed out to John and all those who were at the river at that moment the Divine dignity of Jesus’ baptism. History says that it was then that the Holy Trinity was revealed to the people: God - by voice, God the Son - Jesus and the Holy Spirit - a descending dove...

When did the tradition of swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany appear?

Swimming in an ice hole for baptism is nothing more than a folk tradition, and it has absolutely nothing to do with worship or the Gospel. In Moscow, this tradition became widespread only in the 90s. Church ministers say that Orthodox Christians do not have such a duty as diving into a winter hole. This is something of an extreme, personal tenacity to prove that a person can fight nature even in such harsh conditions.

This tradition still exists today in Russia, Ukraine and other countries. In Greece, for example, on this day the Bishop sanctifies the sea, throws the cross, reading a prayer far into the sea, and Christians dive after him in order to get the cross. This is also a folk custom.

In Russia, on Epiphany, a Jordan is cut down - an ice hole in the shape of a cross, after which the water is blessed in it. For centuries, water was blessed by the church in springs, and then ordinary people took water from the font. Some wanted to testify to their strength in faith, and they decided to plunge into the ice hole. This is where this tradition originates.

How to prepare an ice hole?

It should be noted that the ice hole for mass swimming is prepared by specially trained teams. The swimming area is cleared of snow, and then a cross is cut out of the ice using a chainsaw and safety ropes. Blocks of cut ice are sent either further along the river or taken out using special equipment.

People who live in the private sector and have a swimming pool cut an ice hole directly in their pool, also using a chainsaw. You will learn more about how to prepare an ice hole in the video.

From what time can you swim in the ice hole for Epiphany 2020?

Mass bathing occurs in the evening of the 18th and early in the morning of the 19th. However, before you try your hand at fighting nature, you need to attend a service in the temple, as well as take communion. After the evening service on January 18, you can already swim. The ideal time period is 00-1:30 on the night of the 18th to 19th. It is generally accepted that during this period healing properties Epiphany water the most powerful and capable of healing any ailment. Swimming in big cities take place until lunchtime on the 19th, since so many people come.

Baptism swimming in an ice hole, video

How to prepare for swimming in an ice hole?

Doctors recommend preparing for swimming in an ice hole well in advance. Swimming in ice water in deep frosts is a huge stress for the body, and in order for your body not to fail, you need to carefully prepare and harden yourself. It is better to start preparing in the summer, gradually day after day, doing douches.

2 days before Epiphany, you need to start the morning with a contrast shower. Be sure to do some exercise before your shower. It is recommended to repeat this procedure several times a day.

The day before swimming, stay under contrast shower needs to be increased. It is advisable that you stand under cold water completely for 5-7 minutes, but no more, and the water should not be colder than 15 degrees.

Swimming in an ice hole must be approached with all responsibility, and even if you are a person of deep faith, but have health problems from the list below, then refuse to dive into the Jordan.

You should not take a dip if you have the following health problems:

  • heart disease;
  • obesity;
  • hypertension;
  • epilepsy;
  • arrhythmia;
  • tendency to seizures;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • private sinusitis, sinusitis and sinusitis;
  • asthma;
  • skin diseases (eg eczema and psoriasis);
  • prostatitis;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cataract;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • neurotic diseases.

Also, Epiphany bathing will not benefit those who suffer from insomnia.

If you still decide to swim, despite all the prohibitions, then you must understand that you take responsibility for your life only on yourself. Eat a hearty meal a couple of hours before swimming. Bring dry clothes, a towel and a thermos of hot tea.

Immediately upon arrival, you cannot plunge into a sudden plunge; you must cool down gradually. Throw it off first outerwear, after a few minutes, shoes, then undress to the waist and only then start swimming.

What do girls and women wear in the ice hole, and what do men wear?

There are no special restrictions on clothing for swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany for either men or women. Most of the fair sex swim in swimsuits or nightgowns, while the stronger half wear swimming trunks.

Do they go to the ice hole barefoot or in shoes?

Unlike clothing while swimming, you should not forget about shoes. You need to approach the ice hole in non-slip and easily removable shoes, so as not to freeze your feet while you move towards the swimming area. In order to get to the ice hole, woolen socks and special rubber slippers are also suitable. When walking to the swimming area, remember that the path will most likely be slippery.

How to swim in an ice hole correctly: how many times to plunge, do you need to plunge headlong or not?

The tradition of swimming in an ice hole involves immersing your head three times. However, it is best to plunge up to your neck without getting your head wet, this will avoid constriction of the blood vessels in the brain. You should also refrain from jumping into the water, as this can lead to shock from loss of temperature from the cold.

Can Muslims swim in an ice hole on Epiphany?

Despite the fact that Baptism Orthodox holiday, the church does not regulate the behavior of representatives of other religions in any way. If you are a Muslim and want to take part in the Epiphany bath, visit the Imam and ask him this question. The Church does not prohibit representatives of the Muslim religion from swimming in ice holes.

Do Catholics swim in the ice hole at Epiphany?

As mentioned above, Orthodox Church does not prohibit representatives of other religions from bathing at Epiphany, so if you are a Catholic and want to join Orthodox tradition, then feel free to go to specially designated swimming areas.

How many days do they swim in the ice hole for Epiphany?

As mentioned above, the immersion in Jordan occurs on the night of the 18th to the 19th. In fact, they swim in the ice hole for 2 days: January 18 and 19.

Is it beneficial to swim in an ice hole at Epiphany?

Before deciding to take such a step, each person needs to understand that bathing at Epiphany is nothing more than just a tradition and has nothing to do with the Gospel, as mentioned above. If you have not been tempering yourself for a year, but have decided to tickle your nerves and get your dose of adrenaline, then it is important to understand that an unprepared body can react to such a temperature change with illness, and in some cases people have a stroke. Therefore, after weighing only all the pros and cons, go to conquer Jordan. The benefits of such an event are very doubtful; you are unlikely to be able to “wash away” your sins, but it will be enough to cause health problems.

For many, the holiday of Epiphany is just a tradition of swimming in an ice hole, but we should not forget about its true meaning. Only faith in God can heal!

Ritual immersion in water is not done for fun, but you have to choose very frivolous clothes for it - beach clothes. Because of this, it turns out that from year to year, many people find themselves in front of the ice hole in a form that does not suggest beautiful thoughts: we choose swimsuits and swimming trunks to go to the beach not in order to look modest and neat in them.

The result is a selection of comical photographs of men and women in a form inappropriate for a religious holiday. What to wear to avoid becoming a hero funny photos?

Artem Sizov/Gazeta.Ru Epiphany bathing on Revolution Square in Moscow, January 2016

For pilgrims going to Israel to perform ritual ablution in the Jordan River (now this can only be done in a place specially equipped for this in Yardenit), this problem has been solved: they either buy or rent long white shirts - only in them can they dive into this river. In Russia, shackled by Epiphany frosts, a long shirt is not best option for one reason: when leaving the water, a wet shirt instantly becomes icy and sticks to the body.

There are people who still take a dip in long T-shirts - usually these are experienced bathers who have been practicing Epiphany washing for many years in a row.

They not only know how to properly plunge into ice water, but also know how to prepare for this action. When going for Epiphany bathing, they prepare a set of things that will help them recover faster. physical condition. And they advise everyone.

The set is simple: a terry robe, two large towels (for body and hair), woolen socks. To avoid the risk of bruises and loss of sensation in your feet, it is recommended not to give up rubber slippers - it is better not to go down into the ice hole barefoot. And don’t forget about warm clothes that you’ll change into after swimming: a sweater (or better yet, two), warm trousers, a scarf, a hat and mittens.

Most men and women take a dip in the ice hole wearing beachwear. And you can choose it correctly.

The choice of real men

Men should pay attention to the style of the swimming trunks they will wear before the ice hole. There are many types of swimsuits for men, but aside from those designed for professional swimmers, divers and surfers, there are few types of swimwear designed for the general public.

Kirill Kukhmar/TASS Epiphany bathing in the Novosibirsk reservoir, January 19, 2017

The first are slips and briefs, these are swimwear made of dense material that completely open the hips (I would like to say, of course, slim). Slips and briefs differ in the degree of openness: the last side seam is quite narrow, so they look completely open. Both slips and briefs, which are quite popular in Russia, are suitable only for men with a good figure on the beach.

You shouldn’t wear them on Epiphany night, even if you want to show off your athletic physique. This is not the time to show off your gym results.

The second type of swimsuit is short shorts, which can be either loose or tight. This is generally an ideal option - both for the beach and for the ice hole: moderately open, they hide everything you need, but at the same time do not interfere with movement. But the third option is Bermuda shorts, popular in the USA, that is, long shorts, although they will help you look modest and decent as a man, after leaving the cold water they will instantly become icy, and your legs will be very, very unpleasant.

Come on girls

Women should approach the choice of a swimsuit for Epiphany with special responsibility - after all, this is not a fashion show or a photo shoot for Instagram against the backdrop of sand and palm trees. To avoid malicious comments from deeply religious people, we recommend giving preference to modest swimsuit models.

The “Plunge” (one-piece swimsuit with a deep neckline in the neckline reaching the navel) and “Monokini” (one-piece swimsuit with slits on the sides or in the abdominal area) should definitely be abandoned. Firstly, they look too sexy, and therefore inappropriate. Secondly, in the Russian winter you will look simply stupid. Still, at minus 11 (and weather forecasters promise exactly this air temperature in the capital region at baptism), the last thing you will think about is how effectively the swimsuit emphasizes your shape.

Despite the fact that classic one-piece swimsuits look modest, you still shouldn’t wear them for Epiphany bathing.

It will be more difficult to change out of such a model, and leaving the ice hole will be colder. Still, wet fabric on the body causes particular discomfort.

Yuri Smityuk/TASS Epiphany bathing on the shores of the Amur Bay in Vladivostok, January 18, 2017

The best solution would be two-piece swimsuits without sexy details. This is especially true for panties: classic thongs, rope thongs and thongs are best left for other occasions. For Epiphany bathing, slips and shorts are suitable.

It is worth choosing a top depending on the characteristics of your figure. So, women who have magnificent bust, you should not wear a classic bodice of two triangles with thin straps. A halter top (a model that is tied at the back and visually lifts the chest) will also look vulgar. It's better to take a closer look at the bandeau. Those who naturally have small breasts are a little more fortunate: they can afford any top.

Orthodox people celebrate Epiphany, or Epiphany, on January 19, and the day before, on the 18th, they celebrate.

The tradition of blessing of water among our ancestors dates back to those ancient times, when in 988 Prince of Kyiv Vladimir baptized Rus'.

There is a popular tradition among believers - to swim on this day. In Rus', it was believed that swimming in ice water heals a person’s body and soul and cleanses them of all sins committed in the past year.

Of course, it will not be possible to cleanse yourself of sins with the help of an ice hole alone. But the tradition is long-standing and many Orthodox believers observe it.

The blessing of water can only be performed by a priest - by reading the appropriate prayers and immersing the cross in water three times.

On reservoirs, for this purpose, an ice hole is made in advance - “Jordan” - usually in the shape of a cross. Usually bodies of water - ponds, rivers, lakes - are consecrated on the feast of Epiphany itself, after the liturgy.

Epiphany water is a real shrine, which is used for healing and to strengthen the mental and physical strength of us and our loved ones.

From some temples and to Epiphany Christmas Eve After the service, solemn processions are made to the ice holes in the reservoirs to consecrate them.

Orthodox Christians scoop up holy water from this ice hole, wash themselves with it, and the bravest “dive” into the ice hole.

The Russian tradition of ice-hole swimming dates back to the times of the ancient Scythians, who dipped their babies into icy water, acclimating them to the harsh nature.

When swimming in an ice hole at Epiphany

On January 18, Orthodox believers celebrate Epiphany Eve, the eve of Epiphany, or Epiphany. The “great consecration of water” takes place in all churches.

According to church canons, on Epiphany Eve a believer must come to church, stand for the service, light a candle, and draw blessed water.

But no one demands to plunge into ice water, especially if a person is not ready for this. You can simply wash your face with it.

In large cities of Russia, on the eve of the Epiphany, rivers are specially cut down and ice holes are equipped for mass bathing of believers. What the population of these cities is informed about in the media.

There are no strict rules on how to swim (plunge) in an ice hole at Epiphany. Bathing involves immersing your head in water three times. At the same time, the believer is baptized and says “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!”

In Rus', since ancient times, it has been believed that bathing at Epiphany promotes healing from various ailments.

Water is living matter. It has the ability to change its structure under the influence of a source of information. Therefore, with whatever thoughts you approach it, that’s what you will receive.

To take a dip in cold water, special training not required. Human body adapted to experience frequent exposure to cold. All you need is the attitude.

What happens to the human body when it comes into contact with cold water? For example, when swimming in an ice hole in winter?

1. By plunging headlong into ice water, the water instantly awakens the central nerve part the brain, and the brain heals the body.

2.Short-term exposure to low and ultra-low temperatures is perceived by the body as positive stress: it relieves inflammation, pain, swelling, spasm.

3. Our body is enveloped in air, the thermal conductivity of which is 28 times less than the thermal conductivity of water. This is the trick of cold water hardening. And during a short run in the snow (for example, to an ice hole and back), only 10% of the body surface is cooled.

4. Cold water releases the deep forces of the body; the body temperature after contact with it reaches 40º, at which viruses, microbes and diseased cells die.

Systematic winter swimming helps to improve the health of the body, but diving into an ice hole once a year is extremely stressful for the body.

Rules for swimming in an ice hole for Epiphany

You should plunge (swim) in specially equipped ice holes near the shore, preferably near rescue stations, under the supervision of lifeguards.

Such ice holes are specially equipped on rivers in big cities on the eve of the Epiphany Day for mass bathing of citizens. The population is informed about the location of such places through the media.

Before swimming in the ice hole, you need to warm up your body by warming up and jogging. It is necessary to approach the ice hole in comfortable, non-slip and easily removable shoes to prevent loss of sensitivity in the feet.

It is better to use boots or woolen socks to reach the ice hole. It is possible to use special rubber slippers, which also protect your feet from sharp stones and salt, and also prevent you from slipping on ice. When going to the ice hole, remember that the path may be slippery. Walk slowly and carefully.

Make sure that the ladder for going into the water is stable. At the very least, to be on the safe side, it is necessary to lower the edge of a strong, thick rope with knots into the water so that swimmers can use it to get out of the water. The opposite end of the rope must be securely fastened to the shore.

It is best to plunge up to your neck, without getting your head wet, in order to avoid a reflex narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain.

Never dive into the hole head first. Jumping into water and immersing yourself in water are not recommended, as this increases the loss of temperature and can lead to shock from the cold.

When entering the water for the first time, try to quickly reach the desired depth, but do not swim. Remember that cold water may cause completely normal, harmless rapid breathing. Once your body has adjusted to the cold.

Do not stay in the ice hole for more than 1 minute to avoid general hypothermia of the body. When sinking to the bottom in a small hole, the danger also lies in the following. Not everyone knows how to descend vertically.

Many descend at an angle, moving towards the edge of the ice. At a depth of 4 m, the displacement from the starting point can reach 1 - 1.5 m. When ascending with your eyes closed in a small ice hole, you can “miss” and hit the ice fish’s head.

If you have a child with you, fly after him as he dives into the hole. A frightened child can easily forget that he can swim.

Getting out of the hole is not so easy. When exiting, do not directly hold onto the handrails, use a dry towel, a handful of snow from the edge of the ice hole, you can scoop up handfuls more water and leaning on the handrails, quickly and energetically rise.

Get out in vertical position difficult and dangerous. If you fall off, you can go under the ice. Insurance and mutual assistance are required.

After bathing (dipping), dry yourself and your child with a terry towel and put on dry clothes;

To strengthen the immune system and the possibility of hypothermia, you need to drink hot tea, preferably from berries, fruits and vegetables from a pre-prepared thermos.

Contraindications to swimming in an ice hole

Winter swimming is contraindicated for people with the following acute and chronic (in the acute stage) diseases:

  • inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, paranasal cavities, otitis;
  • cardiovascular system (congenital and acquired heart valve defects, ischemic disease hearts with angina attacks; previous myocardial infarction, coronary-cardiosclerosis, hypertension Stages II and III)
  • central nervous system(epilepsy, consequences of severe skull injuries;
  • cerebral vascular sclerosis in an advanced stage, syringomyelia; encephalitis, arachnoiditis)
  • peripheral nervous system (neuritis, polyneuritis)
  • endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis);
  • organs of vision (glaucoma, conjunctivitis);
  • respiratory organs (pulmonary tuberculosis - active and in the stage of complications, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, eczema);
  • genitourinary system (nephritis, cystitis, inflammation of the appendages, inflammation of the prostate gland);
  • gastrointestinal tract ( peptic ulcer stomach, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, hepatitis)
  • skin and venereal diseases.

What is needed for swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany:

  • towel and terry robe, a set of dry clothes;
  • swimming trunks or swimsuit, optional underwear;
  • slippers, so as not to injure your feet, just so that they do not slip when walking on ice, woolen socks are better, you can swim in them, boots;
  • rubber cap;
  • willpower and desire!

Whether to swim in an ice hole at Epiphany or not, every believer must decide this question for himself.

But it is important to believe in what you are doing and to be close to God not only with your actions, but also with your thoughts.

Only with such a combination can holy water bring a person the miracles that he expects.