Where can you get holy water? Epiphany water at home: does holy water flow from the tap?

Many people know firsthand that the water collected for Epiphany is endowed with unique and healing properties. On Epiphany night, the energy that the water receives remains in it forever. It's hard to believe, but it's true.

For example, Epiphany water never spoils, and the structure of the water changes so that neither bacteria nor microbes live in it. This applies not only to the holy water that is in churches, but also to the water that flows in rivers, lakes and other natural sources, which on Epiphany night are exposed to radiation from space. But when, what and how to dial correctly Epiphany water?


During both days, January 18 and 19, you can collect Epiphany water in any church. Both times the water is blessed with ONE rite, so there is no difference in when to collect water - on Christmas Eve or on the Feast of Epiphany itself, there is no difference between Epiphany and Epiphany water.

It is interesting that the location of the source does not play any role, nor does it matter whether the church ministers performed a ritual on it. Epiphany water will have the same properties.

"...On Epiphany, water is blessed in churches, wells, rivers and lakes. If for some reason a person cannot go to the service or lives a thousand kilometers from the nearest church, he can resort to healing power plain water taken from an ordinary reservoir in Epiphany night, although such water cannot actually be considered holy. On the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, the water in churches is consecrated according to a special rite - the great Jordanian consecration and is called Epiphany. There is a Greek word - “agiasma”, which is translated as shrine. And the attitude towards her, towards great shrine must be special"

(S. Shulyak “Orthodox holidays”).

Many people wonder whether holy water flows from the tap. Opinions differ on this matter. In order not to be deceived and not torment yourself with doubts, go to open sources or to church.

Although scientists claim that even tap water in this magical night changes its structure!


You can take water from the temple after the service; you can also bring your own water for consecration, but remember that it should be ordinary clean water, not mineral or carbonated.

Prepare glass containers with lids, such as 3-liter jars or bottles. Sterilize them thoroughly. In the Temple, holy water is also collected in very clean containers. You shouldn’t be blasphemous and take vodka or beer bottles for this, especially if there are still labels on them.

Fill this container with water from a well, spring, or other clean source and close the lid. Researchers claim that on Epiphany night, tap water also has unique healing properties.

If you do not have the opportunity to get out of the house, and you decide to simply get water from the tap, then this must be done in the time period from 00.10. until 02.00. on the night of January 18th to 19th. You can store water later, but this is the best time.

It is advisable to pass it through a cleaning filter, but this is not prerequisite. Fill the water and close the jars with lids.


It is believed that Epiphany water should be stored for a year, until the holiday, and then go for new water. But you cannot throw away holy water in vain, even if there is some holy water left from last year, you can leave it + and be sure to replenish the supply with new water. In addition, holy water can be shared with loved ones and friends.

“It is believed that holy water does not spoil, so there is no need to put it in the refrigerator. Orthodox Christians keep it in the Red Corner next to the icons. In addition, a drop of shrine sanctifies the sea. You can take regular, neo sacred water and add a drop of Epiphany there, and it will all be sanctified...”
(S. Shulyak “Orthodox holidays”).

Epiphany water is best stored in glass containers.
From time to time, water is poured from a bottle or three-liter jar into a smaller bottle for use. It is believed that you should not open the water container too often or keep it open.

Use the remaining water to water the plants rather than pour them into the sink. You should not keep Epiphany water in open buckets and pans for a long time. The water in ponds and rivers also soon becomes the same.

If you nevertheless notice that the water has changed or even spoiled, do not be alarmed. The explanation for this trouble most likely lies in the fact that the container used for Epiphany water was not clean enough, or you placed the water under direct sun rays for a long time.

If all the conditions were met, but the water still became unusable, then you should take a closer look at your life and family. Water may indicate hidden diseases, emerging discord in relationships with loved ones. Epiphany water is capable of absorbing emotions, so it may well “disappear” if you are constantly in conflict with members of your household.

Epiphany water is a unique natural gift, magical power. The fact that on Epiphany night the structure of water really changes has been confirmed even by scientists. This is difficult to explain, but the fact remains. So why not take advantage of such a unique chance on Epiphany night? And it is not at all necessary to take it in reserve, in canisters. There should be a lot of faith, not water.

Reading time: 6 min.

On the night of January 18-19, Orthodox Christians all over the world celebrate one of their most revered holidays - the Baptism of the Lord, also called Holy Epiphany. Epiphany water, which is brought into the house on Epiphany Eve and Epiphany, is considered special.

It does not deteriorate for several years, maintaining its structure. This water is used for healing and the home is sprinkled with it. Epiphany water also helps in many other cases.
According to the priests, it is considered Epiphany from January 18 to 19. It just so happened historically that there are two liturgies, after which the water is blessed. One in the evening, the second in the morning. Therefore, it can be recruited over two days.
Learn more about the holiday of Epiphany, what you can and cannot do on this day.
When to collect water?
From time immemorial, water collected on the night of January 18-19, from 0 hours 10 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes or a little later, has been considered miraculous. At this time, “the sky opens” and the prayer addressed to God will be heard.
Our grandparents used it for treatment, cleansing, expelling evil spirits and bad thoughts, splashing it in a person’s face or in the corners of the house.
Want to check? It's not difficult. Just try to do everything exactly according to the rules, carefully preserved in people's memory.

After the first star
On Christmas Eve, January 18, you cannot eat anything until the first stars appear in the sky. Drink only clean water, try to spend the whole day quietly and calmly, without getting irritated, without entering into conflicts, bring cleanliness and order to the house. In the evening, after the first star, you can have dinner. Prepare glass containers with lids, such as 3-liter jars or bottles. Sterilize them thoroughly.
After 0 hours 10 minutes, fill this container with water from a well, spring or other clean source. You can just do it from the tap. It is advisable to pass it through a cleaning filter, but this is not a prerequisite. Take at least 3 liters and close the jars with lids.
It is better to store Epiphany water in a cool, dark place. And if in the future for some reason you want to pour this water, then under no circumstances pour it into the toilet or sink.
Dilute with plain water and then pour or water the plants (by the way, it has been noted that undiluted Epiphany water has different effects on plants: some bloom, others, on the contrary, die. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and act carefully).
How to use Epiphany water
For those who managed to stock up on the most active Epiphany water, and it doesn’t matter where you got it - from a water supply, from an open source, or brought it from a church - scientists remind you that you need to drink it regularly, preferably every day and on an empty stomach.
It perfectly boosts immunity and makes a person resistant to many infections. Epiphany water is a psychotherapeutic remedy for relieving increased anxiety, irritability, so after a hard, nervous day, drink half a glass of holy water - and you will feel the tension go away, peace and tranquility come. For example, if you regularly give a child this water, he will catch colds less often.
It is useful not only to drink Epiphany water, but also to wash your face with it in the morning and at night.
It would also be a good idea to give Epiphany water to the living creatures and water the plants. Epiphany water is used for washing, irrigation and drinking.
How to take a bath?
This night, pour yourself with Epiphany water three times or take a bath. Between 0:10 a.m. and 1:30 a.m., fill the bathtub cold water from the tap. Cross the water and yourself three times, read the prayer and knock with your fist right hand across the chest three times to cause the body to vibrate in harmony with the vibrations of the water.
Then, without screaming or making noise, sit in the bath and plunge your head three times, hitting your chest each time.
Silently leave the bath (if someone else in your household wants to swim in Epiphany water, fill the bath with new water).
Do not dry yourself immediately; let the water absorb into the skin. At this time, perform self-massage or vigorously tap your fingers all over your body from head to toe. Then put on warm clothes, underwear, socks, everything new and always washed and ironed. Have a drink herbal tea with honey.
Ablutions and irrigation
Bathing is not a mandatory rule, priests say. This is a blessed thing, but not necessary. After all, people are different, someone can swim in ice water in winter, but some don’t, for some it’s not useful - the state of health is such that it’s beyond their strength. The Church does not require a person to perform feats beyond his strength.
In order to get the most bioactive Epiphany effect without leaving home and without swimming in the cold in an ice hole, you need to wait until half past one in the morning and in the next half hour wash your face, take a shower or bath with tap Epiphany water, and drink a little of this unusual water from the tap.
While swimming, read a prayer or simply say the following words to yourself: “Water takes away all sorrows and sorrows, my heart and soul are pure.”
The results of research using the dowsing method show that this immediately affects the body, increases the size of a person’s biofield tens and hundreds of times, charges it energetically and has a healing effect.
And it doesn’t matter where you swam, in an ice hole or in a bathtub, the blessed power of Epiphany water is the same. And it depends not on the temperature of the water, not on its quantity and quality, but on the faith of the person.
The most favorable time For water procedures- from 0 to 2 am on January 19.
At this time, the energy charge of water, even ordinary water from any spring or well, is at its maximum.
Holy water (blessed in church) is applied to sore spots. Moreover, you don’t need to pour it generously - just anoint the sore spot with it in a cross shape. The essence of the procedure is not in the duration of exposure, but in the very contact with the miraculous water.
In the old days, women collected Epiphany snow from stacks - it was believed that washing with melted Epiphany water bestows beauty and prolongs youth. Rinse your face and chest with it. There is no need to dry yourself with a towel - let the water absorb into the skin.
How long to store water?
Epiphany water, stored in glass containers, can be used throughout the year. This is a very strong energy water, so drinking it constantly is not recommended. But to take it as a medicine, if you are unwell, add it to the bath (from one teaspoon to one glass per bath), rinse your mouth, wash your face, spray your face, eyes, whole body - it is very useful.
No need to dry yourself. To cleanse the home, baptism water is sprinkled in the corners of the rooms, and then a small part of the water is poured into a glass vessel, without closing the lid, and left in the room.

    Holy water is available in any Temple and you can come and take it any day. But special days priests bless the water. On the day of January 18, the rite of Blessing of Water is read over the water and the water is called Epiphany. On the night of January 19, the Blessing of Water is performed once again and the water is called Epiphany. She has special power.

    If you are too lazy to go to the Temple at night, then you can dial it at home on the night of January 19th. It is better to do this in the period from 00 o'clock on January 19 to 03-00 - the peak of water strength. Over the subsequent time, the water gradually decreases in strength and by the evening of January 21 it returns to normal, to its normal state. But it’s still better to get water in the Temple.

    Holy water can be collected both in the church itself, and after consecration and in an ice hole or reservoir. But the first baptism water, which is consecrated before the Baptism of the Lord in the temple, is considered the most powerful and healing. It is given to seriously ill patients and children to strengthen their strength.

    You can always pour blessed water for your needs in the Church; there is always a supply there. But soon the feast of the Epiphany will come, and then you can collect holy water from a source or reservoir, where the priests read the rite of blessing of water. Then they store this water for a long time, drink it little by little, wash it, wipe the body, or add it to a poured bath. Only few people know that before drinking such water, one must read the prayer for receiving holy water.

    In Greek this holy water is called agiasma or shrine. It is better to collect it in the Church after consecration by the priest; they store the water carefully in a corner near the icons or in a secluded place.

    Holy water. She did all sorts of miracles.

    Use this water to wash your face. They drink this water and even bathe in it. It rejuvenates the body, protects against the evil one, kills bacteria and microorganisms.

    You can collect holy water on Christmas Eve by going to church and praying.

    Usually water is collected from the container in which it was consecrated by church ministers. Also from the sources where it was omitted silver cross priest and a prayer was read over him.

    Holy water can be collected in a church or at a holy spring, but the most powerful holy water is considered to be baptismal water, consecrated on the eve of baptism on January 19. I also heard that on the day of baptism all water becomes holy, although people go to church for holy water on January 19th.

    Holy water can be collected in the church at any time. This is water that the priest blessed with a cross and read a prayer over it. You can also collect holy water from the springs, but if you go there on a pilgrimage trip from the church. There are holy springs on the site of which temples are located.

    On the eve of Epiphany, on Epiphany Christmas Eve The blessing of water in churches begins. On the day of Epiphany itself, rivers and lakes - natural reservoirs - are sanctified, and an ice hole is made in them in the form of a cross. On this day people worship the holy cleansing power of water.

    There is a river not far from our church. There will be an ice hole there. On January 19, on the day of Epiphany, the priest conducts a special ceremony. In this ice hole on January 19, you can get water yourself. Or you can collect Epiphany water in the church or temple itself. Moreover, it is customary to stock up such water on January 19th.

    Holy water can be collected in the church during the rite of blessing of water on certain days during prayer services. This rite is called the small consecration. In addition, for Epiphany, holy water can be collected from consecrated springs.

    On Christmas Eve and the feast of the Epiphany, the Great Blessing of Water is performed in all Orthodox churches. At Epiphany, after the service, clergymen often bless nearby ponds, lakes, and rivers. Christians believe that Epiphany holy water brings spiritual and physical health. Every year on Epiphany Eve, believers come to churches to stock up on Epiphany water for the whole year. E is taken a little every day on an empty stomach, and her home is consecrated.

The Epiphany of the Lord is a great holiday. Everything is crowded on this day Orthodox churches, people rush to bless the water. From what source can you draw water and when should this be done for it to be considered holy for Epiphany?

On January 19, Orthodox Christians used to collect water from reservoirs. Those who did not have time to do this came to churches to make supplies of holy water for the year ahead.

When to collect holy water for Epiphany?

On holiday, water becomes holy everywhere, in any source. You can already collect water on January 18, after the consecration ceremony. Back in the old days, it so happened historically that water was blessed twice on Epiphany holidays: the first time was on the eve of the holiday, in the temple. This holiday is called “Epiphany Christmas Eve,” and for the second time, water was blessed in reservoirs. Since Epiphany falls on January 19, just during this period severe frosts, then in reservoirs (rivers and lakes) it was necessary to cut ice to make an ice hole and collect water.

The water taken from the church on Christmas Eve was considered holy, and the water that was drawn from the source was also considered sanctified, but only after the ceremony of blessing the water.

Water could be collected from reservoirs not only on January 19, immediately after the ceremony, but also during the week, because according to church regulations, this holiday lasts 7 days and on any of these days you can come and collect water.

What should you pour holy water into for Epiphany?

In order to collect Epiphany water and store it throughout the year, you need to prepare a container in advance. It is advisable that it be one container so that water is stored in it from year to year. For example, a tank or a jar.

Nowadays people most often collect water in plastic containers. Such containers are not considered prohibited, but they must be used temporarily. Before pouring water into a bottle, you need to wash it thoroughly (if it is a bottle of sweet drinks) so that it is clean and free of foreign odors. Upon arriving home, it is advisable to pour the Epiphany water into a clean glass container specially prepared for storage.

How much and how to store water collected for Epiphany

Water collected from a consecrated source or brought from a temple must be stored in a specially designated place - near the iconostasis. Water is not stored in the refrigerator or poured into the sewer - this is considered unacceptable.

Water cannot be stored forever, it is not a sacred thing, it must be used wisely.

How to use holy water collected for Epiphany

  • Drink water in the morning, before the first meal and in the evening before going to bed. They drink sacred water one sip at a time, but do not sip directly from the neck of a jar or bottle, but pour a little into a glass and drink from a small spoon. IN critical days women are prohibited from drinking Epiphany water.
  • If a person is taking medication on an empty stomach, first drink a sip of water, then the medication and have breakfast.
  • If a person is seriously ill, drink water in unlimited quantities. After drinking the water, you need to read a healing prayer.
  • Water is also used as a healing agent to relieve pain - a compress soaked in water is applied to the sore spot.
  • They sprinkle holy water on their homes, always reading a prayer, as well as other objects, clothes and even pets.

What to do if holy water has spoiled?

Spoiled holy water is not flushed down the drain, but is poured into any natural spring. You cannot throw such water directly onto the ground; this is considered unacceptable.

Pour water into an untrodden place, where no person or dog can step. By the way, water is allowed to be poured into a flower pot or under a tree on the street.

Water collected on Epiphany holidays is considered healing and can be added to ordinary water, so that she conveys all the beneficial properties to her.

Christianity has many traditions that have survived to this day through the centuries. Certain rituals have become commonplace for most Christians, but few people know the history of their origin. We need to clearly understand the fact that Christianity did not appear in the form in which we are accustomed to seeing it. This religious movement has developed over two millennia, and some rituals appeared relatively recently.

This is due not only to the characteristics of Christianity itself, but also to those historical events that accompanied the process of development of religion. Today we see classic shape Christianity with that “baggage” of rituals and sacraments that have accumulated for many centuries in a row. Any self-respecting Christian should know the essence of the religious traditions that he adheres to. This is necessary, first of all, in order to understand the need for any action and its consequences. For example, many people who call themselves true Christians do not understand at all the need to receive holy water during the period of Epiphany. Below we will look at other possibilities for obtaining holy water and the importance of the Epiphany period for the entire Christian community.

Baptism of the Lord

Before answering the question of what holy water is, you should plunge into the abyss of history in order to understand the essence of the holiday celebrated by Christians every year. According to the events of the gospel history, Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan River by a man named John the Baptist. This event marks the descent of the holy spirit into the body of Jesus.

It was also on this day that God literally “announced” that Jesus Christ was his true Son. Thus, the importance of this day is due to the participation of the Son of God himself in the baptismal rite. In other words, Epiphany is big historical event, and not the prejudice of modern times. The date of the holiday may vary in each country, depending on the rite: Catholic or Orthodox. But what is holy water? What does this phenomenon have to do with Baptism?

The essence of the concept of holy water

Historical baptism gave rise to many phenomena, such as holy water. This phenomenon is directly related to Christian history about the descent of the Holy Spirit into the body of Christ during the process of Baptism. According to Biblical history, water is the “beginning of the world,” so you need to be baptized in it. This is a kind of symbol of the purity and virgin nature of man. Holy water at Epiphany appears due to the divine significance of this day. If you believe biblical sources, then it is on this day, on the day of Epiphany, that God’s grace descends on the waters.

From this it follows that holy water in Epiphany is an opportunity direct contact with God, no matter how small. The phenomenon of holy water has been studied for many years. This is of interest not only to believers, but also to scientists, for whom holy water is an opportunity to open new scientific frontiers.

The power of holy water

In history one can find many examples of how water blessed during Baptism saved people’s lives or significantly improved their health. According to one legend, in the 17th century a monk lived in one of the monasteries in France. He was an orphan and one day he joined the ranks of the monks. He did not remember any information about the family. One day the monk decided to leave the monastery in order to finally find out who his parents were. One fine day of his wanderings, he found a spring in the forest. Having drunk cold water, he remembered all the details of his childhood. According to this legend, on that day there was Epiphany. Thus, although legendary, it is nonetheless historical fact, which demonstrates the healing properties of holy water. It should be noted that the process of obtaining it has a certain regulated procedure, which will be discussed below.

Cleansing from all sins

Although theologians say that on the day of Epiphany holy water even flows from a tap, many theologians deny such claims. Holy water can be obtained during the blessing of water. This event is secretly divided into two types: great and small.

Small water blessings occur regularly throughout the year. Great things happen only during the feast of the Epiphany. A similar ceremony is carried out with the aim of recreating biblical story. It is believed that on this day you need to immerse yourself in a source filled with holy water: a river, sea, pond. This act allows you to cleanse yourself of all sins and receive the Lord's mercy. But from all this one question arises: “When do they collect holy water?” After all, during Epiphany, not all people swim in ice holes.

Features of Epiphany as a holiday

The most colorful and visual baptism takes place in the Orthodox Church. On this day main task people - to defend the service in the church. You don’t have to go swimming in the cold water, but everyone should attend the service. During this traditional ritual, you can bless the water, which, in principle, is done every year. Any water blessed during the Epiphany service will have healing properties for many years to come. Scientists have proven that holy water has an excellent structure and does not tend to deteriorate over the years. Therefore, during baptism you can receive universal remedy from all illnesses, the main thing is to defend the service in order to bring the biblical story to life.

Useful properties of holy water

Holy water is used in many Christian sacraments, for example, during Baptism and Communion. But church leaders advise using holy water in the process of normal life activities. They motivate this by the fact that holy water can promote healing. For example, the church advises drinking three tablespoons of holy water every day. This process will keep your health in good shape. There are others traditional ways and places where holy water is to be used. You should always keep at least one vessel at home. Holy water in the house will prevent demons and other manifestations of Satan from entering it.

Criticism of the paranormal properties of blessed water

Many scientists deny the presence of any “extraterrestrial” characteristics of the water consecrated during Baptism. There is several evidence for this. Firstly, holy water in the church is purified using silver utensils or symbols (silver crosses). The molecules of this metal in water prevent microorganisms from developing. Secondly, Epiphany water is blessed in winter, when bacteria practically do not spread in it. Therefore, water collected in winter, regardless of whether it is consecrated or not, will be stored for a very long time, and in terms of purity it will in many ways surpass water from a tap or store.

As for the healing properties of water, religion does not play a role here at all. There are known cases when people healed diseases with the help of water, and at the same time it was not consecrated.

Scientists everywhere are studying the healing phenomenon of water, but we can say with confidence that the Epiphany holiday does not affect this in any way. Holy water, which contains silver molecules and practically no bacteria, is beneficial for the body, just like regular filtered water.


So, the article tells when to collect holy water, as well as about it healing properties and criticism of such speculations. Scientists and theologians constantly argue about whether blessed water is truly holy or not. But be that as it may, water is useful substance, in which many more secrets and properties are hidden, strangers, so it needs to be continued to be studied.