The structure of an Orthodox church - a description and diagram of the interior decoration of the church. A Brief History of the Christian Church

Last time we talked about what types of temples there are and about their external architectural features. Today let's talk about how the temple works inside.

Now we have crossed the threshold of the temple, and now let's figure out what the parts of the temple are called.

Immediately at the entrance, by the door, there is porch(narthex in Slavic means "door"). Usually located here candle box, where we can take candles, write notes about health and repose, order a prayer service or memorial service. In some churches, the vestibule is fenced off from the middle part of the temple.

Having passed further, we will find ourselves in Withmiddle part of the temple, it is also called "ship". This part means the earth, all earthly space. Here we stand at the service, pray in front of the icons, and confession is held here in a specially designated place.

In the middle part of the temple, in the center on lectern(table with a beveled lid) is located icon of the day, this could be an image of a saint whose memory is celebrated on this day, or an icon of a holiday. Having entered the church, parishioners usually first go to venerate this icon and light a candle near it.

Between middle part temple and its main part- altar - located iconostasis. The icons on it seem to connect our world with the heavenly world.

Iconostasis, translated from Greek, means "stand for icons". In ancient times there were no iconostases, the altar was not separated from the temple space, only sometimes a low grating was installed there to prevent the crowd. Subsequently, especially revered icons with their faces turned towards the worshipers began to be fixed on the grille. This testified that saints also participate in our prayer. Subsequently, the number of icons in the iconostasis began to multiply. In Rus', iconostases with 5 or more rows of icons appearing upward. The traditional Russian iconostasis has 4 or 5 rows.

First row– icons, called “local”, are the main icons of the iconostasis: images Savior And Mother of God , they are always located on the sides of the central entrance to the altar (royal doors). There is also an icon depicting the saint (or event) in whose honor the temple was consecrated, as well as icons of especially revered saints.

Second row iconostasis: Deesis rite, that is, saints standing before Christ in reverent prayer.

Third row: (usually) festive, these are the most important holidays of the Orthodox Church.

Fourth row: biblical prophets with scrolls in which their prophecies are written.

Fifth row: Old Testament forefathers, among whom, Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Moses and others.

The iconostasis usually ends with an icon Crucifixions or Cross of the Savior.

The traditional Russian iconostasis amazes with its power and spiritual content. He says that we are not alone in our paths of spiritual life. We have a host of helpers who pray with us and help us achieve salvation.

But a temple can have an iconostasis with fewer rows. Actually, only icons are mandatory Savior And Mother of God(from the first row), and the remaining icons are installed whenever possible.

The iconostasis is located on a certain elevation, on saltier, the center of which in front of the Royal Doors forms a semicircular protrusion called pulpit. This place marks the mountain from which the Lord Jesus Christ Himself preached. And today, from the pulpit, clergy address the people with a sermon, here they pronounce litanies and read the Gospel. On the pulpit it is taught to believers and Holy Communion.

Now we must say about the main part of the temple - about altar. Word "altar" translated from Latin as "high altar". The altar is located on the eastern side of the temple, since the Savior is in Holy Scripture called Sun of truth(Mal. IV, 2) and East(Zech. III, 8), in church hymns He is called "East of Easts"(the luminary of the feast of the Nativity of Christ).

The chronicle descriptions say that during the construction of the temple, the place of the altar was first outlined, and the longitudinal axis of the temple was drawn, oriented towards the first ray rising sun. Thus, the altar should be oriented towards the sunrise, so that people standing in front of the iconostasis would face the east. This is how temples are built today.

The main entrance to the altar in the center is called Royal Doors, because through them the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, the King of Glory, invisibly passes in the chalice with the Holy Gifts. To the left and right of the Royal Doors there are so-called deacon's gate(otherwise the northern and southern doors of the iconostasis), deacons most often pass through them.

IN special moments During divine services, clergy enter and exit through the Royal Doors. In other cases, entry and exit to the altar occurs only through the deacon's gate. Outside of divine services and without full vestment, only a bishop (bishop and above) has the right to enter and exit through the Royal Doors.

Inside the altar behind the Royal Doors there is a special veil(in Greek catapetasma), opened in established moments worship services. It symbolizes the Stone rolled away from the Holy Sepulcher by an Angel, thereby introducing all the people standing in the temple to what is happening in the altar.

Behind the Royal Doors in the altar, on the table called throne, a mystery occurs Eucharist.

Here, to the left of the throne, stands altar- small table, on which they prepare Gifts for the sacrament of Communion.

Behind the throne in the eastern part of the altar is Mountain place(“gorniy” in Slavic means “exalted”). On the High Place there is usually armchair for the bishop.

This is how the temple is arranged inside. It should also be said that the painting and decoration of temples can be different. Usually in murals there are plots Old and New Testaments.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the temple is a shrine, and one must behave piously and humbly in the temple. It would be a good idea to buy candles and submit notes before the service begins, so as not to talk and, if possible, not walk during the service. Let us remember that we are here as in God's House.

The most unusual churches in Russia.

Church of the Icon of the Mother of God " Burning bush"in the city of Dyatkovo

This temple was called the eighth wonder of the world, because nowhere in the world there are iconostases like those in the Neopalimov church in the city of Dyatkovo, Bryansk region. The entire iconostasis of this temple is made of crystal. In 1810, it was built by the owner of the local crystal factory, Maltsov. Not only the heavy, elegantly crafted crystal iconostasis, “as if floating in the air,” but also crystal chandeliers and chandeliers, unique candlesticks made of multi-layered and multi-colored glass, human height, adorned the church until 1929. The amazing temple was destroyed, but some parts of its decoration took refuge in the Dyatkovo museum.

In 1990, the destroyed temple was rebuilt, and local glassblowers, using surviving drawings from 200 years ago, more than a year thousands of parts were made for its decoration. Restoring the iconostasis required several tons of crystal, and not just crystal, but fused with lead - such an alloy is used to make the most expensive tableware.
The inside of the Neopalimovsky temple seems both icy and rainbow: mirrors are placed under the crystal plates on the walls, which gives the effect of a rainbow glow.

Arkhyz churches

Arkhyz temples are the most ancient or one of the most ancient in Russia. They date back to the end of the 9th - beginning of the 10th century. Scientists believe that it was here, in the area of ​​​​the ancient settlement of Magas, that there was the capital of the patriarchate of ancient Alania. The Alans finally became familiar with Christianity in the first quarter of the 10th century, but its penetration here began much earlier. Written sources mention this since the second half of the 7th century.
Three medieval temples have been preserved on the territory of the settlement - Northern, Middle and Southern. During excavations by archaeologist V.A. Kuznetsov even found the only ancient baptismal church in the North Caucasus, built from flat stone slabs. The walls of the temple were covered with frescoes skillfully executed by Byzantine masters - this is evidenced by the drawings of the artist and archaeologist D.M. Strukov, made in late XIX century.
In the Middle Church, even the acoustics are thought out: it has a system of voice boxes - through and blind holes in the walls of the temple.
The southern church of this settlement is now the oldest functioning Orthodox church in Russia. In a rock grotto not far from this temple, the face of Christ was discovered, manifested on a stone.

Temple in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on the Blue Stones in Yekaterinburg

On an ordinary Yekaterinburg Khrushchev building, a bell tower and a boy on it are drawn by a child’s hand. Along the wall stretches the “Hymn of Love” written in Slavic script by the Apostle Paul. Chapter 13, Epistle to the Corinthians... You will come closer, led by words of love, and read the inscription: “Heaven on earth.” This is how easy it is for even children to begin to comprehend Christian wisdom. This temple does not have high ceilings with rotundas or domes; a narrow corridor leads inside, and bookshelves line the church walls. But here it is always full of children and there are many traditions of its own: for example, holding role playing games, drink tea with the whole parish after Sunday liturgy, sing with the choir or draw “good graffiti”. A Epiphany water here they sometimes “sell” for knowledge of the first commandment or immediate study of it. The parish publishes the newspaper “Living Stones,” and the temple website lives a life filled with creativity.

Church of the Sign Holy Mother of God in Dubrovitsy

A mysterious church with a mysterious history, the only temple in Russia crowned not by a dome, but by a golden crown. The construction of the Znamenskaya Church dates back to the time when the Dubrovitsy estate was owned by the tutor of Peter I, Prince Boris Alekseevich Golitsyn. By the way, Peter I himself and his son Tsarevich Alexei were present at the consecration of this temple. This church does not look like a Russian one; it was built in a rococo style, rare for our lands, and very richly decorated with round sculptures made of white stone and stucco. They say it looks especially impressive in winter, when the landscape around is distinctly Russian.
In 1812, the temple was occupied by Napoleonic troops, without, however, causing any damage to it. But in the 20th century this temple was closed too
In 1929, the temple was closed for worship; in September 1931, the bell tower and the Church of Adrian and Natalia located in it were blown up.
The history of the inscriptions inside the temple is interesting. They were originally made on Latin, later, at the request of Metropolitan Philaret (Drozdov), they were replaced by Church Slavonic ones. And in 2004, during restoration, the temple “speaked” in Latin again.

Temple-carriage in Nizhny Novgorod

An Orthodox church almost opposite in its idea arose in Nizhny Novgorod in 2005. The temple surprises without trying to surprise, because it is located in... a railway carriage. This is a temporary structure: parishioners are waiting for the construction of a stone church. It all started with a gift: the railway workers gave the Nizhny Novgorod diocese a carriage. And the diocese decided to equip it as a church: they fixed the carriage, made steps with a porch, installed a dome, a cross, and consecrated it on December 19, 2005, on the day of remembrance of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. People call the unusual temple both the “blue train” after the children’s song of the same name, and “Soul train” in the English manner. The symbolism of a train, a carriage, and therefore a path, has been inherent since ancient times christian church. From early times, temples were built in the image of ships - in this sense, the Nizhny Novgorod temple continues the Byzantine traditions! It is worth noting that this is not the only, but the most famous carriage temple in Russia.

Kostomarovsky Spassky Convent

The oldest cave monastery in Russia with “divas” - chalk pillars, inside of which monastic cloisters are built. The bell tower of the Spassky Church was built between two such divas and literally floats in the air. Inside, in the thickness of the chalk mountain, the temple is so large that it can accommodate two thousand people. It is here that the “cave of repentance”, famous throughout Russia, is located - a corridor stretching underground for 220 meters and gradually narrowing. It is known that before the revolution, the most ossified sinners were sent here for “correction of the mind.” The very movement through the cave sets the mood for confession: the penitent makes a long journey in the dark, holding a lit candle, the vault of the cave becomes lower and lower, and the person bends in bow. Pilgrims say they feel as if someone's hand is gradually bowing their head, humbling human pride. Even today, those visiting the “cave of repentance” are not accompanied to the end: the person is left to walk part of the path alone.

Trinity Church "Kulich and Easter" in St. Petersburg

This nickname for the church was not invented by witty St. Petersburg residents - the customer of the construction himself, Prosecutor General A.A. Vyazemsky asked the architect to build the temple in the shape of traditional Easter dishes. Both buildings are crowned with “apples” with a cross. Due to the fact that there is no drum on the dome of the “Kulich”, it becomes dark in the altar part of the church. The play of light and the blue “heavenly” dome change the feeling of volume, so the inside of the temple seems much more spacious than the outside.
At the bottom of the “Easter” bell tower there is a baptistery, which has only two small windows at the top of the walls. But right above the person being baptized are bells, the sound of which spreads through arches cut into the wall. The thickness of the walls increases downwards as the wall slopes. On outside bell towers, above the bells, dials are drawn, each of which “shows” different times. By the way, A.V. was baptized in this church. Kolchak, future admiral.

Why do believers build temples? Why are they like this? large number scattered throughout Orthodox Land? The answer is simple: everyone’s goal is the salvation of the soul, and achieving it is impossible without visiting church. She is a hospital where the soul is healed from sinful falls, as well as its deification. The structure of the temple and its decoration allow the believer to plunge into the divine atmosphere and become closer to the Lord. Only a priest who is present in the temple can perform the rites of baptism, wedding, and absolution. Without services and prayers, a person cannot become a child of God.

Orthodox Church

An Orthodox church is a place where they serve God, where there is an opportunity to unite with him through sacraments such as baptism and communion. Believers gather here to pray together, the power of which everyone knows.

The first Christians had an illegal status, so they did not have their own churches. For prayers, believers gathered in the houses of community leaders, synagogues, and sometimes in the catacombs of Syracuse, Rome, and Ephesus. This lasted for three centuries until Constantine the Great came to power. In 323 he became the full-fledged emperor of the Roman Empire. Christianity he did state religion. Since then, the active construction of temples, and later monasteries, began. It was his mother, Queen Helen of Constantinople, who initiated the erection in Jerusalem.

Since then, the structure of the temple, its interior decoration, and architecture have undergone significant changes. In Rus', it was customary to build cross-domed churches; this type is still relevant today. An important detail of any temple are the domes, which are crowned with a cross. Already from afar you can see the house of God from them. If the domes are decorated with gilding, then they glow under the rays of the sun, symbolizing the fire burning in the hearts of believers.

Internal structure

The internal structure of the temple necessarily symbolizes closeness to God, is endowed with certain symbolism, decoration, and serves to satisfy the goals of Christian worship. As the Church teaches, we are all ours material world is nothing more than a reflection spiritual world, invisible to the eye. The temple is an image of the presence of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, respectively, the image of the King of Heaven. Device Orthodox church, its architecture, symbolism enable believers to perceive the temple as the beginning of the Kingdom of Heaven, its image (invisible, distant, divine).

Like any building, a temple must carry the functions for which it is intended, satisfy needs and have the following premises:

  • For clergy who conduct services.
  • For all believers present in the church.
  • For repentants and those preparing to be baptized.

Since ancient times, the temple has been divided into three main parts:

  • Iconostasis.
  • Altar.
  • Throne.
  • Sacristy.
  • Mountain place.
  • Pulpit.
  • Solea.
  • Sexton.
  • Choirs.
  • The porch.
  • Candle boxes.
  • Belfry.
  • Porch.


Looking at the structure of the temple, special attention it is necessary to devote the most important part of the church, intended only for the clergy, as well as for those persons who serve them during services. The altar contains images of Paradise, the heavenly dwelling of the Lord. Denotes a mysterious side in the Universe, part of the sky. Otherwise, the altar is called “sky on Zele”. Everyone knows that after the Fall the Lord closed the Gates to the Kingdom of Heaven for ordinary lay people, entry here is only possible. Having a special sacred meaning, the altar always inspires reverence in believers. If a believer, helping in the service, putting things in order or lighting candles, comes here, he must bow to the ground. Laymen are prohibited from entering the altar for the simple reason that this place must always be clean, holy, this is where the Holy Meal is located. Crowds and disorder, which mere mortals can tolerate due to their sinful nature, are not allowed in this place. This is the place where the priest concentrates his prayers.


Christians experience a sense of reverence when entering an Orthodox church. Its structure and interior decoration, icons with the faces of Saints extol the souls of believers, create an atmosphere of peace, awe before our Lord.

Already in the ancient catacomb churches, the altar began to be fenced off from the rest. At that time, the solea already existed; the altar barriers were made in the form of lowered bars. Much later, an iconostasis arose, which has royal and side gates. It serves as a dividing line that separates the middle temple and the altar. The iconostasis is arranged as follows.

In the center are the royal doors - specially decorated doors with two leaves, located opposite the throne. Why are they called that? It is believed that Jesus Christ himself comes through them to give the sacrament to people. To the left and right of the north and south gates are installed, which serve for the entrance and exit of clergy at the statutory moments of worship. Each of the icons located on the iconostasis has its own special place and meaning and tells about an event from Scripture.

Icons and frescoes

Considering the structure and decoration of an Orthodox church, it should be noted that icons and frescoes are a very important accessory. They depict the Savior, the Mother of God, angels, saints from biblical stories. Icons in colors convey to us what is described in words in the Holy Scriptures. Thanks to them, a prayerful mood is created in the temple. When praying, you need to remember that prayer is raised not to the picture, but to the image depicted on it. On the icons, the images are depicted in the form in which they condescended to people, as the chosen ones saw them. Thus, the Trinity is depicted as the righteous Abraham saw it. Jesus is depicted in the human form in which he lived among us. The Holy Spirit is usually depicted in the form of a dove, as it appeared during the baptism of Christ in the Jordan River, or in the form of fire, which the apostles saw on the day of Pentecost.

A newly painted icon must be consecrated in the temple and sprinkled with holy water. Then she becomes sacred and has the ability to act with the Grace of the Holy Spirit.

A halo around the head means that the face depicted on the icon has the grace of God and is holy.

Middle part of the temple

The internal structure of an Orthodox church necessarily contains a middle part, sometimes called a nave. In this part of the temple there is a pulpit, solea, iconostasis and choir.

It is this part that is actually called the temple. Since ancient times, this part has been called the refectory, because the Eucharist is eaten here. The middle temple symbolizes earthly existence, the sensual human world, but justified, burned and already sanctified. If the altar symbolizes the Upper Heaven, then the middle temple is a particle of the renewed human world. These two parts must interact; under the guidance of Heaven, the disturbed order will be restored on Earth.


The vestibule, which is part of the design of a Christian church, is its vestibule. At the origins of faith, those who repented or those who were preparing for Holy Baptism stopped there. In the narthex there is most often a church box for selling prosphora, candles, icons, crosses, and for registering weddings and baptisms. Those who have received penance from their confessor, and all people who for some reason consider themselves in at the moment unworthy to enter the temple.

External device

The architecture of Orthodox churches is always recognizable, and although its types are different, the external structure of the temple has its own main parts.

Abse - a projection for the altar, attached to the temple, usually has a semicircular shape.

Drum - upper part which ends with a cross.

Light drum - a drum with cut openings.

The head is a dome crowning the temple with a drum and a cross.

Zakomara - Russian architecture. Semicircular completion of part of the wall.

The onion is the head of the onion-shaped church.

A porch is a porch raised above ground level (closed or open type).

A pilaster is a flat decorative projection on the surface of a wall.

Portal - entrance.

The refectory is an extension to the west of the building and serves as a place for preaching and meetings.

A tent has several sides and covers towers, a temple or a bell tower. Common in 17th century architecture.

Pediment - completes the facade of the building.

The apple is a domed ball on which a cross is mounted.

Tier - decreasing in height of the volume of the entire building.

Types of temples

Orthodox churches have different shape, they can be:

  • In the shape of a cross (symbol of the crucifixion).
  • In the shape of a circle (the personification of eternity).
  • In the shape of a quadrangle (Earth sign).
  • In the shape of an octagon (the guiding star of Bethlehem).

Each church is dedicated to some holy, important Christian event. The day of their memory becomes the patronal temple holiday. If there are several chapels with an altar, then each is called separately. A chapel is a small structure that resembles a temple, but does not have an altar.

At the time, the structure of the Christian church of Byzantium had a cross-dome type. It united all the traditions of eastern temple architecture. Rus' adopted from Byzantium not only Orthodoxy, but also examples of architecture. While preserving traditions, Russian churches have a lot of originality and originality.

Construction of a Buddhist temple

Many believers are interested in how Buddha temples are arranged. Let's give brief information. Everything is also installed according to strict rules. All Buddhists revere the “Three Treasures” and it is in the temple that they seek refuge - with the Buddha, his teachings and the community. Right place- where all the “Three Treasures” are collected, they must be reliably protected from any influence, from outsiders. The temple is a closed area, protected from all sides. Powerful gates are the main requirement in the construction of a temple. Buddhists do not distinguish between a monastery and a temple - for them it is the same concept.

Every Buddhist temple has an image of Buddha, whether embroidered, painted or sculpture. This image should be placed in the “golden hall”, facing east. The main figure is enormous; all the others depict scenes from the life of the saint. The temple also has other images - these are all creatures revered by Buddhists. The altar in the temple is decorated with figures of famous monks; they are located just below the Buddha.

Visit to a Buddhist temple

Those who want to visit a Buddhist temple must adhere to certain requirements. Legs and shoulders must be covered with opaque clothing. Like other religions, Buddhism believes that lack of proper dress is disrespect for faith.

Buddhists consider the feet to be the dirtiest part of the body because they come into contact with the ground. Therefore, when entering the temple, you must take off your shoes. It is believed that this will make your feet cleaner.

It is imperative to know the rule by which believers sit. The feet should under no circumstances point towards the Buddha or any saint, so Buddhists prefer to remain neutral - sit in the lotus position. You can simply bend your legs under yourself.

According to religious canons, an Orthodox church is the House of God.

In it, invisible to everyone, the Lord is present, surrounded by angels and saints.

In the Old Testament, people were given clear instructions from God about what a place of worship should be like. Orthodox churches built according to the New Testament meet the requirements Old Testament.

According to the canons of the Old Testament, the architecture of the temple was divided into three parts: the holy of holies, the sanctuary and the courtyard. In an Orthodox church built according to the New Testament, the entire space is accordingly also divided into three zones: the altar, the middle part (ship) and the vestibule. Both in the Old Testament the “holy of holies” and in the New Testament the altar signify the Kingdom of Heaven. Only a clergyman is allowed to enter this place, because according to the Teaching, the Kingdom of Heaven was closed to people after the Fall. According to the laws of the Old Testament, a priest was allowed into this territory once a year with sacrificial cleansing blood. The High Priest is considered a prototype of Jesus Christ on earth, and this action made people understand that the hour would come when Christ, having gone through pain and incredible suffering on the Cross, would open the Kingdom of Heaven for man.

The curtain torn in two, hiding the Holy of Holies, signifies that Jesus Christ, having accepted martyrdom, opened the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven for all who accepted and believe in God.

The middle part of an Orthodox church, or ship, corresponds to the Old Testament concept of a sanctuary. There is only one difference. If, according to the laws of the Old Testament, only a priest could enter this territory, in an Orthodox church all respectable Christians can stand in this place. This is due to the fact that now the Kingdom of God is not closed to anyone. People who have committed a crime are not allowed to visit the ship. grave sin or apostasy.

The location of the courtyard in the Old Testament church corresponds to the place called the porch or refectory in the Orthodox church. Unlike the Altar, the narthex is located in a room attached to the western side of the temple. This place was allowed to be visited by catechumens who were preparing to receive baptism. Sinners were also sent here for correction. IN modern world, in this regard, the porch has lost its former meaning.

The construction of an Orthodox church is carried out in compliance with strict rules. The altar of the temple always faces the east, where the sun rises from. This signifies to all believers that Jesus Christ is the “East” from where the Divine Light rises and shines.

Mentioning the name of Jesus Christ in prayers, they say: “Sun of Truth”, “from the heights of the East”, “East from above”, “East is His name”.

Church architecture

Altar- (Latin altaria - high altar). sacred place in the temple of offering prayer and making a bloodless sacrifice. Located in the eastern part Orthodox Church, separated from the rest of the room by an altar barrier, an iconostasis. It has a three-part division: in the center there is a throne, on the left, from the north - the altar, where wine and bread for communion are prepared, on the right, from the south - the deaconnik, where books, clothes and sacred vessels are kept.

Apse- a semicircular or polygonal ledge in the temple where the altar is located.

Arcature belt- a series of decorative wall decorations in the form of small arches.

Drum- the upper part of the temple, which has a cylindrical or multifaceted shape, on which a dome is erected.

Baroque- a style of architectural structures, popular at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries. Was different complex shapes, picturesqueness and decorative splendor.

Barrel- one of the forms of covering in the form of two rounded slopes, whose apex converges under the ridge of the roof.

Octagon- a structure shaped like a regular octagon.

Chapter- a dome crowning the temple building.

Zakomara- semicircular completions of the upper outer walls of the church made in the form of a vault.

Iconostasis- a barrier made of icons arranged in several tiers, which separates the altar from the main part of the temple.

- interior space buildings.

- a projection on the wall located horizontally to the base of the building and designed to support the roof.

Kokoshnik- an element of decorative roof decoration, reminiscent of a traditional women's headdress.

Column- an architectural element made in the form of a round pillar. Typical for buildings made in the style of classicism.

Composition- combining parts of the building into a single logical whole.

Horse- joint, at the border of the roof slopes.

Buttress- a vertical protrusion in a load-bearing wall, designed to give greater stability to the structure.

Cube- a concept that defines the internal volume of the temple.

ploughshare- the name of a type of tile made of wood. It was used to cover domes, barrels and other tops of the temple.

Spatula- a vertical ledge, flat in shape, located in the wall of a building.

Bulb- a church dome, shaped like the head of an onion.

Platband- a decorative element used to frame a window opening.

Nave (ship)
- the inner part of the temple, located between the arcades.

Porch- a place made in the form of an open or closed ring in front of the entrance to the temple.

Sail- elements of the dome structure in the shape of a spherical triangle, providing a transition from the square under the dome space to the circumference of the drum.

Pilaster- a vertical protrusion on the surface of a wall, flat in shape, performing structural or decorative functions. Basement - part of the building corresponding to the lower floors.

Curb- an element of the decorative design of a building in the form of bricks placed on an edge at an angle to the surface of the building facade, reminiscent of a saw shape.

Portal- entrance to the building with elements of architectural content.

Portico- a gallery made using columns or pillars. Usually precedes the entrance to the building.

Throne- an element of a church altar, made in the form of a high table.

Side chapel- an extension to the main church building, which has its own altar in the altar and is dedicated to one of the saints or church holidays.

Narthex- part of the room with the functions of a hallway in front of the church portal.

Reconstruction- work related to the repair, reconstruction or restoration of a building.

Restoration- work aimed at restoring the original appearance of a building or object.

Rotunda- a round building with a dome-shaped roof.

- one of the elements of decorative treatment of the wall surface. Special way applying plaster to imitate large stone masonry

Vault- architectural design of a building's floor in the form of a convex curved surface.

Refectory- extension on the west side of the church. It was a place for sermons and public meetings. They were sent here as punishment for sins, to atone for them.

Facade- a term used in architecture to designate one of the sides of a building.

Chetverik- a building in the form of a rectangle with four corners.

Tent- a structure in the form of a pyramidal polyhedron, which served as a covering for churches and bell towers.

Fly- a decorative element made in the form of a rectangular cavity in the wall.

Apple- an element on the dome, made in the form of a ball under the base of the cross.

Tier- dividing the volume of a building in a horizontal plane, decreasing in height.

Temple of God in its own way appearance different from other buildings. Very often the temple of God has the shape of a cross at its base, for by the Cross the Savior delivered us from the power of the devil. Often it is arranged in the form of a ship, symbolizing that the Church, like a ship, like Noah’s Ark, leads us across the sea of ​​life to a quiet harbor in the Kingdom of Heaven. Sometimes at the base there is a circle - a sign of eternity or an octagonal star, symbolizing that the Church, like guiding star, shines in this world.

The temple building is usually topped with a dome representing the sky. The dome is crowned by a head on which a cross is placed - to the glory of the Head of the Church of Jesus Christ. Often, not one, but several chapters are placed on the temple: two chapters mean the two natures (Divine and human) in Jesus Christ, three chapters - the three Persons of the Holy Trinity, five chapters - Jesus Christ and the four evangelists, seven chapters - the seven sacraments and the seven Ecumenical Councils, nine chapters - nine ranks of angels, thirteen chapters - Jesus Christ and the twelve apostles, sometimes they build and more chapters

Above the entrance to the temple, and sometimes next to the temple, a bell tower or belfry is built, that is, a tower on which bells hang, used to call believers to prayer and to announce the most important parts of the service performed in the temple.

According to its internal structure, an Orthodox church is divided into three parts: the altar, the middle church and the vestibule. The altar symbolizes the Kingdom of Heaven. All the believers stand in the middle part. In the first centuries of Christianity, the catechumens stood in the narthex, who were just preparing for the sacrament of Baptism. Nowadays, people who have sinned grievously are sometimes sent to stand in the vestibule for correction. Also in the narthex you can buy candles, submit notes for remembrance, order a prayer service and memorial service, etc. In front of the entrance to the narthex there is an elevated area called the porch.

Christian churches are built with the altar facing east - in the direction where the sun rises: the Lord Jesus Christ, from Whom the invisible Divine light shone for us, we call the “Sun of Truth”, who came “from the heights of the East”.

Each temple is dedicated to God, bearing a name in memory of one or another sacred event or saint of God. If there are several altars in it, then each of them is consecrated in memory of a special holiday or saint. Then all the altars, except the main one, are called chapels.

The most important part temple - altar. The word “altar” itself means “exalted altar.” He usually settles on a hill. Here the clergy perform services and the main shrine is located - the throne on which the Lord Himself is mysteriously present and the sacrament of Communion of the Body and Blood of the Lord is performed. The throne is a specially consecrated table, dressed in two clothes: the lower one is made of white linen and the upper one is made of expensive colored fabric. There are sacred objects on the throne; only clergy can touch it.

The place behind the throne at the very eastern wall of the altar is called the mountain (elevated) place; it is usually made elevated.

To the left of the throne, in the northern part of the altar, there is another small table, also decorated on all sides with clothes. This is the altar on which gifts are prepared for the sacrament of Communion.

The altar is separated from the middle church by a special partition, which is lined with icons and is called an iconostasis. It has three gates. The middle ones, the largest, are called the royal doors, because through them the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, the King of Glory, invisibly passes in the chalice with the Holy Gifts. No one is allowed to pass through these doors except clergy. The side doors - north and south - are also called deacon doors: most often deacons pass through them.

To the right of the royal doors is an icon of the Savior, to the left - the Mother of God, then - images of especially revered saints, and to the right of the Savior is usually a temple icon: it depicts a holiday or a saint in whose honor the temple was consecrated.

Icons are also placed along the walls of the temple in frames - icon cases, and lie on lecterns - special tables with an inclined lid.

The elevation in front of the iconostasis is called the solea, the middle of which - a semicircular protrusion in front of the royal doors - is called the pulpit. Here the deacon pronounces litanies and reads the Gospel, and the priest preaches from here. On the pulpit, Holy Communion is also given to believers.

Along the edges of the solea, near the walls, choirs are arranged for readers and choirs. Near the choirs, banners or icons on silk cloth are placed, hung on gilded poles and looking like banners. Like church banners they are carried by believers at religious processions. IN cathedrals, and also for the bishop’s service, a bishop’s pulpit is placed in the middle of the church, on which the bishops vest and stand at the beginning of the liturgy, during prayers and during some other church services.