Burning or discomfort in the middle part of the penis. Discomfort in the shower

Hello. The problem began in December 2016, some discomfort appeared inside the penis approximately below the head in the middle part. I don’t know how to describe these sensations more accurately, maybe a burning sensation, for the first couple of months these sensations were not constant, for several days they were then for several days they disappeared. At the end of January, I went to the skin department and had a blood test, a urine test and a scraping, as well as a scraping for chlamydia (1.5 years ago I was treated for them) - no answer was found. As a result, they said there were no infections, there was a slight inflammatory process, either in the scraping or in the urine, I don’t remember, and they wrote out a referral to a urologist. Photo of referral In February, I turned to a urologist. I passed the following tests: a general urine test, an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder, a photo of a urine test and an ultrasound of the urinary and kidneys, after which I was prescribed the following treatment: prostatilen 10 injections, Flavia 1 tablet/2 times a day, and Dicloberl suppositories 100 mg. I only put the candles on for 5 days, because... The liver began to press. After completing the course, I again went to the urologist T.K. There was no improvement, but these sensations became permanent. (You can feel it when you touch your penis; urination has almost no effect.) I also told the doctor that my lower back has been hurting for more than a year, and recently I noticed that I started going to the toilet more often, little by little, probably even every hour, and also after I went to the toilet. A few drops of urine pour out into the little boy and have already put on his pants. As directed by the doctor, I tested the discharge from the prostate and did an ultrasound of the prostate on 03/19/16. Photo analysis of discharge from the prostate and ultrasound of the prostate, after which he prescribed the following treatment: azithromycin 500 mg, 1 tablet for 6 days, and aflazin, 1 tablet/2 times a day for 10 days. There was no effect after the course. 04/29/16 I went back to see the doctor and said that there was no improvement at all, and in addition to the old complaints, he said that for a couple of years now the right testicle has been sometimes pulling (at the first appointments he didn’t say that it hadn’t bothered me lately and I forgot about it), he He said to do an ultrasound of the scrotum and penis. The erection does not seem to have changed, or at least a little. Photo of ultrasound of the scrotum and penis according to the ultrasound, he said that there is a slight inflammation in the penis and in the right testicle and prescribed the following treatment: - testis compositum 10 injections every other day - distreptase 1 suppository at night for 12 days - speman 1 t. 3 times a day within 30 days. Tell me what you think about the prescribed treatment, whether I am being treated in the right direction or not, since I have already spent a lot on consultations and tests with medications, and the new medications prescribed are also not cheap. Limited funds. 1.5 years ago I had hepatitis A and I still can’t get over it; I’m constantly worried about my gall and liver problems after taking medications. In April, I had an ultrasound of the liver and gall bladder, the liver was normal, but the gall liver was deformed and there was a flocculent suspension in it.

It depends greatly on what exactly you are feeling and when the unpleasant symptoms appear. Let's look at the most common situations.

Heaviness after exercise

Most often it is felt in the joints of the arms and legs and does not occur immediately, but the next day after you have worked out hard in the gym or at work. The answer here is simple: most likely, you simply don’t know how to calculate your strength.

This happens when a person with little training suddenly decides to “take charge of himself” and chooses classes with high intensity. Very often those who want to lose weight face this problem. Excess weight itself puts a lot of pressure on supporting joints: knees, hips, ankles. Impact training associated with jumping, running, and lifting weights increases the load many times over. Moreover, even small, almost imperceptible damage to the joint can later become an impetus for the development of arthrosis or arthritis. Therefore, you should first remove some kilograms with the help of a diet and not too intense exercise - swimming, walking at an average pace, training on an elliptical trainer, yoga - and only then gradually begin more intense exercise. It is extremely important that an experienced trainer show you the technique of performing the movements - joint injuries often occur due to the fact that people do not follow safety precautions.

If the severity does not go away within several days or the discomfort increases, be sure to consult a doctor.

Stiffness in movement in the morning

You get out of bed and feel that it is difficult to step on your foot or pick up a cup of coffee - your joints seem to not obey. But half an hour passes, and you “pace”, the former dexterity of movements returns. This happens every morning, but the discomfort is minor, so you are in no hurry to find out its cause. In vain! These symptoms indicate that you have begun to develop osteoarthritis.

With this disease, articular cartilage is gradually destroyed. In later stages this causes pain, but in the early stages there is no pain and stiffness may be the only sign of the disease. Unfortunately, destroyed articular cartilage does not regenerate, so the sooner its wear and tear is stopped, the better your condition will be. Don’t delay seeing a doctor and getting treatment!

Crunching noise when moving

Many people associate this symptom with arthrosis, but this is not always true. With arthrosis, crunching occurs only when the cartilage is already noticeably destroyed. Because of this, the load on the bone surfaces of the joint increases greatly. The body strives to reduce it, so osteophytes - bone spines - begin to grow along the edges of these surfaces. Due to this, the contact area increases and the pressure decreases. However, when moving, the spikes cling to one another, which is why a characteristic click occurs.

Usually by this point a person already knows that he is sick, because the appearance of a crunch is preceded by morning stiffness and then pain. But still, a new symptom is a reason to contact your doctor, because it indicates that the therapy being carried out does not give the desired effect and needs to be adjusted.

By itself, without pain, a crunch may indicate a completely different problem - weakness of the connective tissue. In this case, the ligaments do not support the joint well, and it becomes too mobile. In fact, this is not a disease, but a feature of the body. But there is still cause for concern: a moving joint wears out faster than one in which the movements are harmonious. Therefore, when a crunch appears, it is important to avoid both excessive stress and a sedentary lifestyle.

Angina pectoris is one of the forms of coronary heart disease, characterized by:

  • paroxysmal and pressing pain, the heart seems to be “squeezed in a vice”;
  • gradually increasing pain, radiating to the left arm.

Similar symptoms: angina pectoris, arrhythmia and thoracic osteochondrosis

Sometimes there may be increased sweating. People experiencing angina attacks always carry nitroglycerin with them, which they take under the tongue.

Arrhythmia is any pathology of the heart where there is an irregular rhythm. Speaking about the disease, it should be noted that the latter has the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness and weakness, which may even lead to loss of consciousness;
  • A person feels his heart beating;
  • The chest is compressed from a painful sensation;
  • There is shortness of breath, difficulty and frequent breathing.

In addition, coronary heart disease is often accompanied by severe fear, reaching the point of phobias. Usually, arrhythmia is “calmed” by taking cardiac medications.

Symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis:

  • back pain in the area between the shoulder blades and a feeling of squeezing in the chest;
  • While walking, unpleasant painful sensations are felt between the ribs;
  • Often it is not possible to take a deep breath and exhale painlessly;
  • Often the pain is mild during the day and shows itself in full glory at night;
  • Intensifies when turning and bending, as well as physical labor;
  • Touching your chin to your chest is equivalent to hellish torment.

In case of relapse, painful sensations can accompany a person for up to several weeks.

In addition, you may feel “goosebumps”, itching, peeling, or not feel some areas of the skin. Pain may also be present in the esophagus area. You can even observe a deterioration in the functioning of the digestive tract (but not necessarily).

Analyzing the data

So, we found out the symptoms. Now, as we see, the symptoms can be confused with angina pectoris and arrhythmia only because the pain has a pressing, squeezing nature. At the same time, in angina pectoris it passes to the left arm, but in thoracic osteochondrosis it does not pass anywhere.

Taking a closer look, you can understand that the differences are much more significant:

  • An important feature is that in case of thoracic osteochondrosis, after taking cardiac medications, the pain does not go away, as it is caused by completely different factors;
  • The cardiogram does not reveal any abnormalities in the heart;
  • pain in osteochondrosis of the thoracic region is not accompanied by “pain transfer” anywhere (to the leg, to the arm, etc.);
  • With angina pectoris, the pain lasts in attacks, with osteochondrosis it is long, aching;
  • Unpleasant sensations intensify when the back is involved.

Diagnosis and treatment

If you have unpleasant sensations in the sternum area, you should see a therapist, who, after clarifying the symptoms, will refer you to the right doctor. If there is a suspicion of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, then it will be either a neurologist or a vertebrologist (a doctor with a narrow specialty in everything related to the spine).

The diagnosis is made based on MRI, X-ray, cardiogram and computed tomography readings.

Therapy will be conservative. This includes:

  • In remission:
  • Exercise;
  • Massage;
  • spinal traction (when the disease is in remission);
  • After previous operations, or in the stage of relapse (exacerbation):
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Treatment with medications.


As you know, it is better not to know diseases, stuffing yourself with medicines and constantly lying in the hospital. That's why it's so important to devote time to prevention. This includes:

  • Correction of posture (usually this happens in childhood);
  • A gradual increase in the volume of physical activity, and then normalization of this measure;
  • A balanced diet rich in vitamins and microelements (B vitamins are especially important);
  • Control your weight (being overweight tends to increase your chances of developing cardiovascular disease and bone disease).

For many, braces are the only real way to get a beautiful smile and healthy teeth. Wearing this orthodontic device is long and quite unpleasant.

Let us remind you that children usually get braces no earlier than 12-14 years old, when all their baby teeth have been replaced. Many people are reluctant to agree to treatment because of the possible pain. Let's try to figure it out why painful sensations may occur and is it worth fearing??

Feelings during installation

After diagnosis and manufacturing, the braces system is installed on the patient’s dentition in one go. Installation always takes place in several stages, at each of which the doctor performs various manipulations.

Additionally, the surface of the teeth should be properly prepared before installation.

For this Be sure to carry out a full range of professional teeth cleaning, which may cause some discomfort as well as treatment of caries and other dental diseases before starting orthodontic therapy.

The process of installing braces

  • First stage – treatment with enamel cleaning compounds, washing it and drying it.
  • Next, on the outer teeth involved in installing the system, securing special rings or locks, which will serve to fix the two ends of the arc.
  • After this it begins the process of attaching each bracket to the enamel. This is done using special compounds that firmly fix the elements.
  • After gluing the braces, perform arc installation, making tooth movement possible. It is put on from the ends and then inserted into the groove of each bracket.

The installation process itself brings slight discomfort only at some stages. First of all, this is the installation of fixing rings, to put them on the doctor requires some effort.

Everything else is completely painless, but very painstaking procedures., taking a lot of time.

Installation alone can take about 2-3 hours. All this time, the patient is forced to remain in the dental chair, with his mouth open quite wide.

Despite a special device that fixes the jaws in an open position, the facial muscles naturally get tired in an unusual position. This may be expressed by a feeling of pressing tension and severe discomfort, especially in people unaccustomed to dental procedures.

What can you do

The sensations experienced during the installation of braces are unlikely to be completely eliminated. However, you can give some advice for the patient Tips: Don’t be nervous before the procedure, get a good night’s sleep and have a snack beforehand.

You can additionally take a light natural sedative in the form of drops. This is especially true for those who find it difficult to tolerate dental treatment in general.

How to install braces and at what stage painful sensations may occur, watch the video:

How does addiction work?

The most difficult time in terms of the occurrence of unpleasant reactions of the body to the brace system is, perhaps, the initial period of wearing, which is called adaptation.

The biggest “troubles” expected from these orthodontic structures may occur right now. Complaints that braces are painful to wear relate specifically to this period.

Depending on the individuality of perception and the complexity of the clinical case addiction can last from 3-4 to 10-14 days.

Quite rarely, there are also cases where the adaptation period takes longer - up to a month.

Unpleasant moments in the process of getting used to braces:

  • poor diction due to the unusual position of the lips, as they seem to be pushed out by the installed structure;
  • feeling of aching and pressing pain, sometimes quite strong, completely throughout the entire dentition (if the installation was carried out above and below, then on both);
  • difficulty chewing food, which is usually accompanied by pain (possibly severe, but not sharp);
  • chafing or irritation of mucous membranes, which the structural elements touch;
  • pain when brushing teeth and performing all necessary hygienic procedures, which become more frequent during treatment with braces.

The pain occurs because the teeth begin to move under the influence of the pressure exerted on them by the arch.

The principle of operation of braces is the ability of the body to somewhat rebuild the bone tissue of the area of ​​​​the jaw where the teeth are held in the sockets. On one side, its areas begin to dissolve, and on the other, to grow.

At this time yourself teeth and bone begin to succumb to unusual “loads”, which provoke a response from the nerve endings, which we perceive as pain.

What can you do

  • First of all, patients should Report all unpleasant sensations, phenomena and pain to your doctor. This can be done during periodic examinations, which will be scheduled, and if something is very bothering you, then urgently.
  • To protect the mucous membrane from metal and other elements of the installed structure that are too rough for delicate tissues use special wax for braces.
  • To minimize the pain and discomfort that may bother you while eating, you should go on a temporary diet. It does not involve the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits in their natural, whole form.

    Also excluded are nuts, candies and other foods that require heavy chewing due to their hardness.

  • Most of the food that will be available during this period is soft, semi-liquid or liquid. Also, it should not be hot, so you should temporarily avoid drinking freshly brewed coffee that emits steam.
  • Additionally you can take painkillers that will make the pain less acute if necessary, for example, ibuprofen.
  • You need to try (this advice especially applies to children) do not touch your teeth with your hands or tongue unless necessary or some objects, since such touches can make the sensations and pain more intense.

Do you experience any discomfort while wearing it?

After the body gets used to the new design, the pain gradually decreases. The same thing happens with other unpleasant sensations that the patient experienced. He become less intense and gradually disappear altogether.

While wearing braces most of the time, there is not only no pain, but also no problems with chewing and other inconveniences - patients simply do not notice them.

However, treatment requires periodic replacement of orthodontic arches with new ones. They can change the strength of the pressure applied, thereby again provoking the appearance of pain.

Sometimes the teeth do not hurt, but seem to itch after the activation of the next arch. This indicates that the body is getting used to it.

This phenomenon is usually goes away after 1-4 days, and then the structure ceases to be noticeable again. If the pain is still very severe, it is recommended to take a painkiller after consulting with your doctor.

How does the patient feel during system removal?

The last stage of treatment before the retention period is the procedure for removing the braces. Just as in the previous stages, the sensations experienced by the patient are purely individual and depend on many factors.

However, we can say that the vast majority will probably experience some discomfort.

In order to explain where does unpleasant and painful sensations arise during removal of braces?, the entire procedure should be described in detail.

If a self-ligating system was used for treatment, then the first stage is replaced by opening the fixation device, which is part of the design of each component.

Removing braces - details

  • Removing ligatures using tweezers– fasteners that hold the arch in tension in the groove of each bracket.
  • At the next stage, arc extraction.
  • The most difficult and time-consuming part of the procedure is removing the braces themselves glued to the enamel. The doctor does this with the help of a special tool - dental pliers, which are similar to pliers.
  • Lastly, it is produced hygienic treatment of dental surfaces, since particles of glue or composite cement with which the system was attached remain on the enamel. To do this, the enamel is sanded.
  • Additionally they also carry out hygienic cleaning, which is designed to remove plaque accumulated while wearing the systems.

It is also necessary to mention the features of removal.

The procedure time ranges from 15 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the type of structure. Additionally, you should take into account the time it will take for sanding and cleaning - this is about 20 and 40 minutes, that is, about another hour.

The nature of the sensations depending on the stages of removal

  • In the first few stages, up to the removal of the arc, the patient does not experience pain. There may only be slight discomfort from a constantly open mouth and aversion to the manipulations themselves.
  • Removing braces with forceps may be accompanied by pressure on the dentition which the patient sometimes clearly feels. However, the duration of the procedure is short, so this stage is not painful.
  • The most unpleasant procedure for most is the grinding procedure.. This is done using a tool that works on the principle of a boron.
    There will be no intense pain here either, but some heating of the enamel is possible, which in combination with the sound of the drill is very unpleasant.
  • Cleaning procedure It is also not too painful, however, both ultrasound and mechanical cleaning involve some impact on the enamel. It may cause mild pain or, rather, increased tooth sensitivity to various stimuli for one to three days after the test.

Life is not like a joy ride; there is a lot of good and bad in it. There are moments when there is no more strength to move on, everything falls out of hand, and real chaos reigns in the soul. And this is a very formidable condition, capable of causing significant damage to anyone, no matter how strong it is. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to yourself in time and know in advance what to do in order to avoid such mental discomfort.

Why does mental discomfort occur?

Many reasons contribute to the emergence of mental discomfort. But the prerequisite for it remains dissatisfaction with oneself and low self-esteem. Someone who loves and values ​​himself, respects and cares, no matter what he does, always believes that he is doing everything right, regardless of whether it is so or not, and what others think about him. He cannot harm or cause pain. He doesn't doubt himself, doesn't think he's to blame. He does what he considers necessary, from which he takes pleasure and shows maximum attention to his internal state, since he is used to taking care of himself and protecting him from unnecessary shocks and worries. He will not analyze the conversation that took place to understand what he looked like or what they might have thought about him.

But not all people have such a healthy psyche and normal self-esteem. Therefore, those who feel bad about themselves perceive any word or deed as bad. They feel like they are causing pain or suffering to others through their words, deeds, or decisions. And they try not to do anything that, in their opinion, could offend others, but this leads to the fact that they constantly adapt to their desires and demands. Only that healthy part of the psyche, which is hidden somewhere deep under a layer of psychological trauma, does not like all this. She rebels and subconsciously demands that the person stop behaving this way. And all this creates such a ball of tension that it breaks through and makes you experience real mental discomfort.

All these are unconscious processes, and they are difficult to realize, which is why so many problems arise. If a person understood what makes him feel guilty, resentful, attracted to bad guys, the desire to gain power, wealth, fame, to satisfy his ambitions, the desire to be the first in everything, the tendency to various kinds of addictions, he could deal with such harmful manifestations of your psyche. But it is structured in such a way that everything negative, which once caused suffering and forced us to act in this way for the sake of its protection, goes deep inside. And it influences all actions and thoughts, unnoticed by people, until the problem becomes so intolerable that a person will be forced to admit that something wrong is happening.

And this internal discomfort is the signal that allows you to pay attention to the urgent problem. Without him, everything would continue like this until one fine moment, often in old age, freed from his complexes and problems, a person realizes that he has lived his life completely differently than he once dreamed. True, this does not always happen either.

Therefore, one cannot ignore mental pain and experiences. She is not an enemy and does not cause harm; on the contrary, she encourages you to find time for yourself and finally figure out what people are doing wrong with their lives.

You should not think that discomfort occurs exclusively in those who have serious problems or in neurotics; in healthy people it also occurs when something in life begins to run counter to their internal needs. This state is provoked by fatigue, difficult personal relationships, accumulated irritation, for one reason or another resentment not expressed in time, serious shocks from which no one is immune, deep inner experiences, feelings of anxiety and fears. Everyone is subject to mental discomfort. It’s just that some people are able to cope with it quite quickly, while others don’t know where to start.

And it’s best to start by looking for the reasons that gave rise to it, without being afraid to be honest with yourself. Without this it is impossible to get rid of it. It’s worth taking a closer look at what you’re doing, analyzing your attitude towards work, communication with loved ones or friends, satisfaction with life and finances, attitude towards yourself, old experiences, how many problems you don’t know how to solve. You need to study everything that affects you in one way or another: health, appearance, personal life, career, self-realization, recreation, communication with parents, children, partners, husbands, colleagues, friends.

Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to look into the past to understand whether the event of today could have provoked some unpleasant feelings from a past life, when you were a slightly different person.

Gradually studying yourself and everything that has happened and is happening to you, you will find the reason that provoked the discomfort. And only then begin to free yourself from it. You can get rid of anxiety and fears, addiction and depression, as well as from any experiences, by eliminating their cause, which can be purely medical, as usual in the case of depression, or associated with a psychological state.

How to get rid of discomfort

Never try to get rid of internal tension with alcohol. Otherwise, instead of one problem, you will create another. Control yourself, show all your willpower and realize that he will not help solve the problem. Short-term relief from intoxication will not free you from it. To live and enjoy life, and not experience constant anxiety and tension, you will need either the help of a psychologist or attention to yourself. Not just to wash, eat, go to bed, make sure you are dressed nicely, etc., but to what is happening inside. Now, as an adult, you are responsible for yourself, no one else: neither your parents, nor the world, only you. And you have the power to change what happens to yourself.

Don't be afraid to admit that something is wrong with you. It’s a big mistake to think that if you completely immerse yourself in business and fill all your free time with communication, everything will pass. If dissatisfaction is caused by mental characteristics and has no real basis, then this can really help. In the same case, when there is every reason to be dissatisfied with yourself and worry, even if you don’t yet understand why, this will only aggravate the problem.

Therefore, if, having immersed yourself headlong in work and communication with friends and family with whom you enjoy communicating, the discomfort does not go away, and maybe even gets worse, then it’s time to stop and face the truth: you have problems that need to be solved first. than moving on.

There are two ways out of any situation: accept what is happening and come to terms with it, or fight so that it ceases to exist for you. If you don’t like your job and because of this there is discomfort in your soul, you should think about what you would really like to do and why you cannot do it.

Based on the answers received, most often they are related to the fact that the work brings a certain income, but the favorite activity does not, there is an opportunity to solve the problem that has arisen. If you are afraid to change something, then learn to appreciate your existing job, since it gives you a feeling of reliability and the opportunity to acquire what you want, and thanks to it you do not feel the fear that something will not work out. At the same time, you need to understand that the availability of funds at a given moment in time is more important for you than the realization of yourself in what brings pleasure.

In any situation, there are always options if you look for them. To do this, it is important to understand that when discomfort manifests itself, the time has come for change: either for the worse, if you do nothing, or for the better, if you decide to change your life, starting to live the way you always wanted. You won't be able to sit back. Communication, a lot of work, meditation and a list of goals for life will not make it disappear, it will only hide for a while, and then return at the moment when the person is weak and vulnerable.

It doesn’t matter what others say, the important thing is that you have a responsibility to take care of yourself and not experience mental anguish when you haven’t really harmed anyone. Our soul requires no less care and attention than our health, although we do not pay as much attention to it as we should. But nothing passes without a trace, which is why it is so important to deal with all the accumulated negativity in a timely manner and be able to get rid of discomfort, no matter what caused it, if you want to avoid serious problems.