Brief information about Indonesia. Map of Iceland in Russian

Useful information for tourists about Indonesia, cities and resorts in the country. As well as information about the population, currency of Indonesia, cuisine, features of visa and customs restrictions in Indonesia.

Geography of Indonesia

The Republic of Indonesia is a state in Southeast Asia, on the islands of the Malay Archipelago and the western part of the island. New Guinea (Irian Jaya). Borders with Malaysia, Papua New Guinea. Indonesia consists of 18,108 islands, of which about 1,000 have a permanent population.

More than half of Indonesia's territory is occupied by mountains. The highest point of the country - Mount Jaya (5029 m) is located on the island of New Guinea. There are about 400 volcanoes in total, of which 80 are active. There are especially many volcanoes on the island of Java, and the highest active volcano, Kerinci (height - 3800 m), is located in Sumatra.

About a third of the country's entire territory is covered with tropical rainforests.


State structure

Indonesia is a republic. The head of state and government is the president. The legislative body is the parliament (Council of People's Representatives). Supreme body state power - the People's Consultative Congress.


Official language: Indonesian

More than 250 languages ​​and dialects are spoken in the country. Part of the population speaks Chinese, young people speak English.


Most of the population of Java, Madura and Sumatra are Muslims (87%), Christianity (Protestantism and Catholicism) is widespread - 9%, as well as Hinduism (especially in Bali) and Buddhism.


International name: IDR

There are banknotes in denominations of 100, 500, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000 and 50,000 and coins: 25 and 50 rupees.

It is recommended to exchange money at banks, where the exchange rate is the most favorable. Keep your receipts when exchanging currency because you may need them when you leave to exchange Indonesian rupiah for another currency. Traveler's checks can be exchanged at banks or exchange offices, and are also accepted in some stores. Main types credit cards accepted for payment mainly in expensive hotels, restaurants and shops.

History of Indonesia

In ancient times, this island region became one of the centers of human formation modern type, although in later times it was constantly subject to racial mixing with the Australo-Negroid tribes and the Mongoloid race of Indochina.

In the 2nd–5th centuries AD, the formation of the first states was actively underway on the islands. In the 7th century, Indonesia was already a serious mediator in international trade Far Eastern regions with the Indo-Arab world. The influx of capital and, moreover, an advantageous strategic location contributed to the creation of the powerful Sumatran Empire of Srivijaya, which achieved glory in the 8th century. Its main political opponent was the Javanese state of Mataram, which soon ceded all priority positions to Srivijaya. In the 9th century, this kingdom also began to decline. Leadership passed to another Javanese principality - Kediri, which also collapsed, but already in the 13th century. In its place, another Javanese power arose - Majapahit, which was the largest medieval pan-Indonesian state, which became the conductor of Islam on the islands from the 14th century. But the new religion failed to strengthen the political unity of the country, and in the 14th century it disintegrated.

In the 17th century, the Portuguese and Dutch colonized the Indonesian islands, resulting in the gradual enslavement of previously free lands. By the beginning of the 20th century, the entire territory of modern Indonesia had become an almost continuous zone of Dutch colonies.

The desire to liberate their homeland led to the creation in 1927 of the National Party led by Sukarno, which was renamed Partindo in 1931 and gained the greatest popularity among the people. The Second, which began in 1939 world war complicated the situation of patriotic forces. In 1942, Indonesia was captured by Japan, after the latter's defeat in 1945 - by British and then Dutch troops who sought to keep the islands under colonial rule. The successful revolutionary liberation struggle of the Indonesians forced the UN Round Table in 1949 to announce the establishment of the Republic of Indonesia. But she needed more for many years to fight against the Netherlands for the return of all territories and for the establishment of the principle of a “fair state” in society.

In ancient times, this island region became one of the centers of formation of the modern type of man, although in later times it was constantly subject to racial mixing with the Australo-Negroid tribes and the Mongoloid race of Indochina....

Popular attractions

Tourism in Indonesia

Where to stay

Over 100,000 tourists visit Indonesia every year. They are attracted here by both the magnificent nature, the mild climate, and the affordable prices for accommodation. Hotels in Indonesia are fully consistent with European quality. The gradation of hotel categories also corresponds to the generally accepted one and ranges from one to five stars.

Almost all the world's famous hotel chains are represented in this country. You can stay comfortably in one of the InterContinental, Holiday Inn and other hotels. Such hotels are usually located along the coast Indian Ocean and own vast territories. In addition, swimming pools, playgrounds, golf courses, tennis courts and much more are available to residents of the hotel. It is worth considering that many hotels practice charging tourists a deposit, which is returned at the time of eviction - this is a kind of guarantor for possible damage to the hotel property.

For those who prefer privacy, there is the opportunity to rent a villa located in a picturesque corner on one of the islands. This can be either a luxurious villa or quite affordable and comfortable housing.

In Indonesia you can also find a budget holiday option. Just keep in mind that such hotels are usually located near noisy streets. Guesthouses, losmen and penginapan (cheap hotels) are more suitable for those who are not afraid of spartan conditions. Please note that a traditional Indonesian bathroom (mandi) is a room with a cement floor and a hole in it to drain dirty water. Ablution is performed using a plastic ladle and a bucket of water yourself. Traditional European bathrooms and toilets can be found in all hotels on the island of Bali.

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Popular hotels

Excursions and attractions in Indonesia

Indonesia is the world's largest island nation, washed by the Pacific and Indian oceans. This beautiful exotic country will give its guests a lot of impressions and unforgettable moments. Holidays in Indonesia mean magnificent beaches and stunning natural landscapes, unique flora and fauna, an abundance of historical and cultural attractions and, of course, colorful Indonesian cuisine.

The capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, is located on the coast of the island of Java and is an important economic and cultural center of the country. A huge modern metropolis with its rich history and many interesting places will not make even the most demanding tourists bored. It is best to start a tour of Jakarta from the historical center of the city, namely from Taman Fatahillah Square and the famous Si Yago cannon (symbol of fertility) located here. The old town hall building today houses the Jakarta History Museum. Also on the square you will see the Wayangi Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts. Among the most popular attractions of the capital, it is worth highlighting the Merdeka Palace, Cathedral Jakarta, Istiklal Mosque, Gereja Zion Church, National Museum, National Gallery Arts, Maritime Museum, National Monument and Wisma 46 skyscraper. Other interesting places are Mini Indonesia Park, Rangunan Zoo, Sea World Aquarium and Dream Park in Anchol.

The world famous temple complexes of Borobudur and Prambanan are located on the island of Java. The temples of Suravan, Sambisari, and Gebang are also very popular. Also worth visiting is the Sultan's Palace, Taman Sari Water Castle, Agung Demak Mosque, National Park Ujung Kulon, Kebun Raya Botanical Garden, Dago Falls and much more.

Among the most popular tourist destinations, the Indonesian island of Bali occupies a special place. This is the “pearl” of Indonesia and one of the most beautiful parts of the world. Stunning beaches, picturesque nature, mountain lakes and healing springs, comfortable hotels and interesting attractions attract a huge number of vacationers here. Worth visiting are the Mother Temple, Tanah Lot Temple, Luhur Uluwatu Temple, Ulun Danou Temple, Pura Jagatnahta Temple, Taman Budaya Cultural Center, Bali Museum Denpasar, Le Mayer Museum Sanur and Ubud Palace. No less interesting will be the Bird Park, Bali Zoo, Elephant Caves, Garuda Wisnu Kensana Park, Waterbourne Water Park and Monkey Forest Park.

The island of Sumatra is famous for its stunning natural beauty. Among the many picturesque lakes, the most famous is Lake Toba. The reservoir is located in the caldera of an ancient volcano, the explosion of which, according to scientists, 73 thousand years ago led to a long ice age. The length of the lake is 100 km. The most popular attractions of Sumatra include the Maimun and Pagaruyung Palaces, the Church Holy Virgin Mary in Medan, Baiturrahman Raya Mosque, Gunung Luser and Kerinci Seblat National Parks.

is an exotic country located in Southeast Asia, washed by the Pacific and Indian oceans with a tropical, sometimes humid climate. This country has a climate conducive to the growth of rice, coconut palms and tropical horticultural crops.

The attractions of Indonesia are nature reserves and national parks. Tourists are also attracted by the richness of monuments of Buddhist and Hindu culture.

The most visited island by tourists is Bali. Here you can see, if not everything, then a lot. Here you can go fishing, diving, rafting, surfing, you will also be offered elephant rides, camels, quad bikes, safari, you can try paragliding and much more. Short walks to nearby islands are possible. As for shopping, you will be pleasantly surprised large number small shops for every taste. Having been here once, you cannot resist the temptation to visit again.

Indonesia on the world map

Shown below interactive map Indonesia in Russian from Google. You can move the map left and right, up and down with the mouse, and also change the scale of the map using the “+” and “-” icons, which are located at the bottom right side of the map, or using the mouse wheel. In order to find out where Indonesia is located on the world map, use the same method to reduce the scale of the map even further.

In addition to the map with the names of objects, you can look at Indonesia from a satellite if you click on the “Show” switch satellite map" in the lower left corner of the map.

Below is another map of Indonesia. To see the map in full size, click on it and it will open in a new window. You can also print it out and take it with you on the road.

You have been presented with the most basic and detailed maps of Indonesia, which you can always use to find an object of interest to you or for any other purposes. Have a nice trip!

Capital of Indonesia. Jakarta.

Indonesia area. 1919400 km2.

Population of Indonesia. 228,438 thousand people

Location of Indonesia. Indonesia is an island state in Southeast that occupies most of the Malay Archipelago. The state consists of 13,700 islands, almost half of which are inhabited. The island of Borneo borders on and, and the island of Novaya borders on. In the north, Indonesia is washed by, and the Sula Vesi Sea, in the south and west -, and. Between the islands of Java and Borneo is the Java Sea, and between the islands of Sulawesi and Timor -.

Administrative divisions of Indonesia. Consists of 25 provinces, 2 special administrative units, which have the status of a province, and a capital district.

Indonesian form of government. Parliamentary republic.

Head of State of Indonesia. President, elected for a term of 5 years.

Indonesia's highest legislative body. People's Consultative Congress, Parliament - a unicameral Council of Representatives with a term of office of 5 years.

Indonesia's highest executive body. Government.

Major cities Indonesia. Surabaya, Bandung, Semaramg, Malang, Palembang, Ujungpandang, Surakarta.

National language of Indonesia. Indonesian.

Religion of Indonesia. 87% are Muslims, 6% are Protestants, 3% are Buddhists, 1% are Hindus.

Ethnic composition of Indonesia. 45% are Javanese, 55% are Malay, Chinese, Bali, Batak, Dutch.

Currency of Indonesia. Indonesian rupiah = 100 senam.

Climate of Indonesia. with two monsoon seasons: wet (November to March) and dry (June to October). The average annual temperature is + 23-30°С, the water temperature in the seas does not fall below + 27°С.

Flora of Indonesia. tropical trees grow on the northern islands of Indonesia. You can walk a long distance through the forest and not see the same tree twice. On the southern islands, the forests are represented by mangroves and palm trees. In mountainous areas, oak and walnut trees mainly grow.

Fauna of Indonesia. Representatives of the fauna of Indonesia differ from island to island, and a number of animals live only in certain territories: for example, the orangutan - the great ape - is found only in Sumatra and Borneo, the tiger - in Sumatra and Java, the wild bull - in Java and Borneo, the monkey - the proboscis monkey is exclusively found in Borneo, and the elephant, tapir and gibbon are found only in Sumatra. On the southern, closer to the islands, the types of animals are common. All islands, without exception, are home to a large number of birds, amphibians and reptiles.

Rivers and lakes of Indonesia. form a dense network on the islands; often their interior can only be reached by rivers. The main ones are Kapuas and Kampar.

Sights of Indonesia. Archaeological Museum, several temples from the early empire, Willeme Church, Presidential Palace, National Museum, Fort Vredenbourne, Museum folk art to Ujungpandang. Java is a ruined Buddhist temple with 72 bell-shaped stupas, inside of which there are stone statues of a seated Buddha.

Useful information for tourists

Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim country, and therefore the following rules should be observed: do not wear shorts or skirts that are too short, sunbathe without a swimsuit top, speak loudly during religious ceremonies, or clap too much unless you are at a performance organized for tourists. IN government institutions and in mosques, clothing must cover the knees. You cannot point your finger at someone or touch their head, cross your legs and point them in someone’s direction, talk about politics, shout or get angry. Showing affection in public should be avoided.

There is no “official” tipping system in Indonesia, but it is still better to give them (5-10% of the cost of the service). For example, the porter is given 500-1000 rupees for each piece of luggage (about 10 cents), the driver 3000 rupees (about 40 cents), the guide 4000-5000 rupees (about 70 cents).

The region where Indonesia is located has an equatorial or subequatorial climate, which means that there are virtually no seasonal temperature fluctuations or no more than three degrees. The climate is also influenced by the terrain, but in flat areas it is most favorable, while frosts can occur in mountainous areas.

Where is Indonesia and its islands located?

Situated on a long archipelago on both sides of the equator, the Republic of Indonesia boasts not only an amazing climate, but also extraordinary natural diversity.

Despite the fact that the country's territory does not exceed 1.3% of the world's landmass, approximately 17% of the species live in this tiny territory. known to science. The archipelago is home to two types of flora and fauna: Asian and Australian. This is due to the fact that in ancient prehistoric times, some islands of the Indonesian archipelago were connected to Asia and formed the Sundaland region with it. The proximity of Australia also has an effect.

In the humid equatorial climate, very favorable conditions for the growth of plants, and this leads to the fact that up to sixty percent of the country's territory is covered with evergreen forests. The region where Indonesia is located is famous for its diversity of flora, which is represented by a wide variety of ecosystems: from mangroves on the coasts to crooked forests on the high plateaus.

Geography and geology. Thousand Islands

Indonesia ranks fourteenth among the largest countries in the world by area. According to official statistics, there are up to 17,804 islands in the archipelago, which makes the archipelago where Indonesia is located the largest in terms of area and water area on Earth. With such a large number of islands, the length of the entire archipelago from west to east is more than five thousand kilometers, and from north to south - approximately one thousand seven hundred kilometers.

However, among so many large number The islands that stand out are Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and New Guinea, which is the second largest island on Earth, second only to ice-bound Greenland. However, not all of these islands belong exclusively to Indonesia.

Indonesia shares New Guinea with the state of Papua New Guinea, and the island of Kalimantan, also known as Borneo, belongs to three states at once - Indonesia, Malaysia and the Sultanate of Brunei. However, it is worth noting that the island of Borneo belongs to the Malay Archipelago, which is famous a huge amount volcanoes. There are up to 330 of them on it.

Experts on the movement of continental plates believe that the island of New Guinea was once part of Australia, which influenced its special flora and fauna. And relative, by geological standards, youth is indicated high mountains, opposed to gently sloping sandy beaches, and high seismic activity the entire region where Indonesia is located.

Ring of Fire

The Republic of Indonesia was not lucky enough to have almost its entire territory in one of the most seismically active zones on the planet. The so-called Pacific Ring of Fire circles the entire perimeter Pacific Ocean, following the contours of South and North America, the east coast of Eurasia, the Indonesian archipelago and Australia. The extreme point of the most seismically dangerous zone reaches the coast of Antarctica.

The geological youth of the islands creates significant risks for people living on the archipelago. There are four hundred volcanoes in Indonesia, about one hundred and fifty of which are active. Moreover, the most active of them are located on the island of Java, where it happens larger number eruptions. For example, in 1991, as many as twenty-nine volcanic eruptions occurred on this island.

But the most famous volcano of the entire archipelago is Krakatoa, which earned its notoriety with a catastrophic eruption that occurred in 1883 and killed more than 35,000 people. During this terrible eruption, the island on which the volcano is located was almost completely destroyed, and the cone of a new volcano began to rise from the bottom of the ocean, which was named Anak Krakatau.

Where is the country Indonesia?

Having established the geography of the Indonesian archipelago, we can turn our attention to the political map of the region. Despite the fact that the state is located on islands, it also has land borders with other countries, such as Malaysia, Papua New Guinea and East Timor, which is located in the eastern part of the island of the same name.

Answer to the question: "Where is Indonesia? In which country?" pretty simple. It is worth saying that the Republic of Indonesia occupies the largest archipelago in the world, stretching from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific.

Current time - Indonesia, Bali:

Indonesia, largest state in Southeast Asia and the largest island state in the world. Its entire territory is spread over thousands of islands.

The nature of Indonesia is rich and varied. Tropical rainforests, amazing flora and fauna, majestic volcanoes and blue lagoons, long beaches and tropical gardens.

Traveling around Indonesia gives you the opportunity to see several historical eras. Some islands of Indonesia are inhabited by tribes that are still unknown to scientists. With all this, Jakarta - the capital of Indonesia - is a modern city.

This country will not leave you indifferent. Indonesia surprises with its national flavor: an endless number of flowers, warm smells of oriental spices, folk rituals and rituals - all this makes up the amazing atmosphere on its islands.

Indonesia has one of the best beaches on earth, and hotels meet both international quality standards and simple consumer requirements for quality service. You can also stay in a cozy cottage.

State structure

Indonesia is a unitary republic consisting of 27 provinces. The state philosophy of Indonesia - Pancasila - consists of five basic principles: belief in one God, in the unity of Indonesia, in humanity, democracy and social justice. The country's coat of arms is Garuda Pancasila, a mythical bird carrying symbols of the state ideology, Pancasila, and the motto of Indonesia: “Unity in diversity.”

The capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, is a modern metropolis with an active political and economic life.


Indonesia is not just a country, but a whole world, similar and different at the same time. More than 190 million people representing more than 300 ethnic groups live on its territory.

The inhabitants of the islands are very friendly and treat tourists well.


The country's population speaks 500 languages ​​and dialects. However, there is one national language, Indonesian, which is understood throughout the country, from North Sumatra to Irian Jaya. Most Indonesians come from Malayan ethnic groups with the addition of Melanesians and Negroid races. Traveling around Indonesia, you can feel like you are in several historical eras at once. Prehistoric rites and rituals have been preserved here; on some islands live tribes whose languages ​​have not yet been studied by scientists.


Indonesia is called the maritime crossroads of Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam. Almost 90% of the population is Muslim. The remaining 10% is distributed between Christians and Buddhists. Despite the fact that Islam is the most widespread religion, Islam has not become state religion in Indonesia. The national philosophy of Pancasila presupposes one God and guarantees freedom to practice any religion.

Geographical location

The Republic of Indonesia is located on the largest archipelago in the world and consists of 17,508 islands, more than 5,120 kilometers on either side of the equator. Indonesia's land borders separate it from Malaysia and Papua New Guinea, but the country's borders are mainly maritime. Water separates Indonesia from Singapore and Malaysia in the northwest. From the Philippines in the north and from Australia in the southeast.


The climate in Indonesia is equatorial (the equator crosses the islands of Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi and the Maluku Islands) and subtropical monsoon. But these climatic characteristics are moderated by the influence of the sea.

Indonesia has almost as many climate types as there are islands. On the same island, there may be a rainy season on one slope, and a dry season on another at the same time. The situation may change if the wind changes direction. The ideal time to visit Indonesia is our northern summer, but, for example, the Molluk Islands have the worst weather (storms and storms) at this time of year.

In addition, the amount of precipitation depends on forests. How larger area forests, as in Sumatra and Borneo, the more often it rains. 4 m of precipitation per year is the record for Pontianak and Padang.

In lowland areas, the temperature most of the year stays between 26-27 C, in mountainous areas it is somewhat cooler. In the southern and eastern regions it is hotter and the climate has quite distinct seasons - rainy (September-May) and relatively dry (May-October). Sunny weather persists almost all year, as most of the precipitation falls in mountainous areas, mainly early in the morning or at night. Total precipitation is more than 3000 mm. per year.

Time difference

There are several time zones in Indonesia: in Sumatra and Java, time is 4 hours ahead of Moscow in winter (3 in summer), Bali and Sulawesi are 5 hours ahead of Moscow (4 in summer).


Indonesian rupiah, 9.5 RUP = 1 USD, exchange rate may vary.


To enter Indonesia for citizens of the Russian Federation for a period of up to 30 days, a visa is issued at the airport upon arrival.


The import of drugs, weapons, pornographic products, printed publications in Chinese and Chinese medicines is prohibited. The import of alcohol and cigarettes is limited (no more than 2 liters of alcohol and 200 cigarettes). The export of antiques, rare plants and animals is prohibited.

Main attractions

Indonesia has many attractions. Each of the islands that make up it is interesting in its own way.

The main attraction of the town Bangli- the very highly revered temple of Pura Keneh. Large and imposing, it rises in terraces along a sheer slope above the road.

Gianyar is famous for the production of elegant endek fabrics, which are sold directly from factories in the western part of the city. The Cap Cili and Cap Togog factories are almost entirely focused on serving tourists, where you can observe the entire fabric manufacturing process from start to finish and purchase the fabric itself or finished products.

Denpasar- the passionate southern heart of Bali. From here all roads to the mysterious and romantic world of the island begin. The name of the city means "next to the market", and the main market is called "Pasar Budung". They say that it is the largest and noisiest on the island.

Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia, a city home to almost 9 million Indonesians. Jakarta plays a leading role in the country. Jakarta is located on the northwestern coast of Java, at the mouth of the Chi-liwung River, where in the 16th century there was a thriving port, the center of the spice trade of Jayakert.

Yogyakarta (Yogya) on the southern slope of Mount Merapi, where many cultural monuments have been preserved, because there were two Central Javanese Mataram empires here (one in ancient times, the other in modern times).

Klungkung- a restless trading city, with many interesting attractions. The most significant of these are the ruins of the royal palace, known as Taman Gili ("Island Garden"), with ancient ceiling paintings in the Kerta Gosa courtroom. These frescoes are the only surviving examples of classical painting in Bali.

Main treasury Pezheng, the state archaeological museum Museum Purbakala consists of four small pavilions housing an eclectic selection of objects found at Pezhenga.

Singaraja, the second largest city in Bali after Denpasar. The city's most famous landmark is Gedong Kirtya, the world's only library of lontar manuscripts. These are ancient texts written on specially treated leaves of the lontar palm tree.


Bali- the most brilliant decoration among the amazing treasures of the Indonesian archipelago. This small island - part of a latitudinal volcanic mountain arc - is wetted by tropical rainfall and literally bathed in bright sunlight. Bali is a green masterpiece of nature. The Balinese have done a lot to benefit from the benefits of nature. Bali has gained fame as an earthly paradise. In the southern part of the island there are three Bali resorts, an international airport and main city- Denpasar.

Bintan is a short speedboat ride from Singapore. Bintan Island is a wonderful world filled with lush tropical vegetation with strange plants and amazing flowers, unprecedented exotic animals and birds.

Irian Jaya- this is the name of the western part of the island of New Guinea. The territory, formerly called Netherlands New Guinea, was annexed by Indonesia in 1963 after a short but brutal military campaign by President Sukarno. Today, Irian Jaya is considered the most isolated region from the rest of the world. Mangrove swamps make large sections of the coast impassable, and dense jungle and high mountains (some snow-capped peaks reach a height of 5000 m) completely isolate parts of this territory from each other. There are almost no roads and extremely undeveloped air and sea communications.

Kalimantan- this is no longer the forgotten place it once was. Daily flights connect its main cities with the Indonesian capital. Thanks to its huge reserves of oil, gas, timber, and diamonds (the word Kalimantan means “diamond river” in Malay), Kalimantan supplies large quantities of natural raw materials to other countries and largely meets Indonesian needs for raw materials. Geologically, Kalimantan is one of the most ancient islands of the Malay Archipelago. There are no volcanoes on it, and it represents a fold of the earth's crust - a heavily weathered mountain range.

On Komodo The rarest and most mysterious animals have survived and are living - the descendants of prehistoric predatory lizards that became extinct on earth 160 million years ago. These are the largest amphibious giant lizards - monitor lizards. Wild boars, deer, wild horses and even buffaloes become its prey. But they are not at all disdainful of carrion. Possessing a highly developed sense of smell, they find it very quickly and gather here again. large groups. The dragon has a difficult relationship with humans.

Krakatoa located in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra. The nearest international airport is in the Indonesian capital Jakarta, and the volcano can be admired from the air or from the sea. Krakatoa stands where two meet tectonic plates: The plate that forms the floor of the Indian Ocean is being pushed under the Asian plate. Along the entire length (3218 km) of the border between the two plates there are volcanoes, of which the most famous is Krakatoa. We know that the eruption of this volcano caused the death of the local population in 416 AD. Century after century, Krakatoa continued to grumble, and by 1680 the main cone was joined by two new ones on the island of Rakata, with an area of ​​\u200b\u200b44 square meters. km.

Lombok is a small island, one of Indonesia's best resort islands, often described as the "Bali of yesterday", lying to the east of its more famous neighbor and separated from it only by a narrow strait. This is where the transition from western to eastern Indonesia begins in its flora and fauna, the changes becoming more noticeable the further you go East. Northern part The island is hilly and covered with greenery of tall trees and bushes. Administrative center of Mataram province. Lombok's three main towns - Ampenan, Mataram and Chakranegara - are located close to each other, within a six-kilometer strip stretching from the western coast of the island to the east.

Sumatra- the “backbone” of the country - has important economic, strategic and political significance. In terms of population (over 30 million people), the island ranks second in Indonesia, in terms of export volume (oil, natural gas, rubber, tin, palm oil, etc.) - first, and in terms of attractiveness for tourists - third (after Bali and Java). The south of Sumatra is the richest in natural resources and at the same time the least developed. In the forests of Lampung province, which provides the state with 40% of revenues from the sale of oil and rubber abroad, man-eating tigers still roam - literally next to major highways. A major developing city in southern Sumatra, Palembang is located on the Musi River.

Java- a paradise for rugged individualists who enjoy searching for ancient temples or taking in breathtaking views from a ledge at the very mouth of a volcano. For five centuries from 930 onwards, the Brangas River valley was the heart of power and civilization on the island, and the principalities of that era left a rich heritage in architecture, literature, music and theatre. The island's volcanic eastern promontory is home to many secluded nature reserves, and the mountains are of unparalleled beauty. The northern coast, once home to Java's busiest and richest trading ports, is now one of the centers of crafts and many attractions.

Kitchen and its features

Indonesians consider rice to be the food of the gods. Rice (nasi) is steamed, without salt or oil, and served separately. Nasi is the basis for other dishes, of which the most famous is fried rice, seasoned with vegetables, small pieces of meat, fish, and shrimp.

Noodles, originally a Chinese dish, have found a strong foothold in Indonesia. Sauces and seasonings give it peculiar taste. Here, just like in China, they believe that noodles are a symbol of a long and happy life.

Various spices are popular. Black and white pepper, tamarind, cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, hot red or green capsicum, peanuts, ginger, soy, garlic are essential components of hot seasonings.

Among the meat dishes, the most popular are Indonesian kebabs (sate) made from lamb, beef or chicken. Indonesian men love ox testis satay because they believe it supports male potency. You can taste sate not only in a restaurant, but also right on the street. They are prepared in specially equipped roasters on a bicycle or motorcycle. In the evenings on the streets of Indonesian cities you can hear the calling cry “sate!”, and you just have to shout back and numerous sellers of this delicious dish will rush to you.

Frog legs fried in dough are also prepared. Very often in the evenings, near the city ditches, you can see boys with flashlights in their hands - they are catching frogs. But the most delicious frogs, of course, are those grown specifically for the kitchen. They are sold alive, tied in several pieces, at local markets.

A special place is occupied by swallow's nests cooked in chicken broth. It is not only a delicacy, but also a medicine - for blood purification, asthma treatment, regeneration muscle tissue. Every year, hundreds of collectors flock to the caves of the island of Kalimantan, where swallows build nests from their saliva. Risking their lives, they climb long, rickety bamboo ladders with flashlights in their teeth. Some fall from dizzying heights and crash to death. But the temptation is too great - swallow's nests are incredibly expensive, collecting them gives a decent income.

In Bali, the favorite dish is lavar. These are finely chopped vegetables seasoned with fresh chicken or pig blood. Lavar made from turtle meat and blood is considered a delicacy and at the same time a dish that prolongs life. Often crushed turtle shell is mixed into the meat. To keep the blood fresh, lemon juice is added to it.

Spicy food is usually washed down cold water with ice. Soft drinks are also consumed: coconut milk with rice and palm sugar “bajitoor”, crushed ice with sugar syrup and beans, a drink made from sugar cane juice “air tebu”, ginger tea. Coconut milk is served directly in the coconut, with the top cut off. They drink through a straw, and use a long spoon to scrape out the tasty white pulp from inside.

Most Indonesians are Muslim and therefore do not drink alcohol. Indonesia produces very good "Isabella" and rice wine "Bram", similar to port, the local wine is Hatten, it is produced on the island of Bali. The local palm vodka is called "arak", served alone or with honey (as a liqueur) and is well absorbed by the body. For the sake of exoticism, you should definitely try “tuak” - beer made from the juice of palm flowers.

For dessert, fried banana “pisang goreng”, cookies made from rice flour, fruit and sugar “dolol”, and banana bread are prepared. A special place is occupied by the traditional Javanese cake made of white and yellow rice in the shape of a truncated cone, symbolizing the well-being of the family. However, the best dessert, of course, is the numerous fresh fruits, ranging from bananas to exotic durian.

The food is served on a banana leaf. They eat with their right hand without cutlery. True, now they often use a spoon and fork, but never a knife! Before and after meals right hand wash in a special vessel with water with a slice of lemon.

Video playlist about Indonesia: