Detailed map of Seoul. Map of Seoul in Russian online

Language of Cuba, How official language countries - Spanish. The writing of the Spanish language is based on the Latin alphabet.

Spanish uses the Latin alphabet, with an additional letter "ñ" (eñe). In addition, Spanish orthography uses next letters with an acute accent: Áá Éé Íí Óó Úú, as well as ü with a diaeresis to indicate the readability of this letter after the letters g and q.

In Spanish dialects you can find letters with grave accent: Àà Èè Ìì Òò Ùù and Çç - se-cedilla.

When reading, basically everything is read as it is written. The Spanish language is characterized by clear pronunciation of all vowels, while consonants can be swallowed or assimilated.

Basic rules for reading:

  • ch - reads like a soft Russian "ch";
  • h - never read;
  • z - reads like "c";
  • с - before a, o, u is read as "k", and before e, i - as "c";
  • g - before i is read as Russian “x”, before other vowels - as “g”;
  • s - reads like Russian “c”, but with the tongue slightly moved towards the alveoli;
  • j - reads like Russian “kh”, but more intense;
  • x - read depending on the word: like Russian “s” or “x”;
  • the combination gu - before e, i is read as “g”, “u” is not pronounced, except when writing gü;
  • the combination qu - before e, i is read as “k”, “u” is not pronounced, except for the combination qü.
  • b and v - “fricative b”: at the beginning of a word and after nasal and labial consonants, these letters indicate the stop sound “b”, which in pronunciation corresponds to the Russian “b”. In other cases, these letters indicate a semi-closed sound between “b” and “v”.
In Spanish words, the stress falls on the last syllable if the word ends with a consonant other than n or s. If a word ends with a vowel or the consonants n or s, then the stress falls on the penultimate syllable. If the font does not have diacritics, stress is conveyed by an apostrophe - a", e", i", o", u".

Almost all Cubans speak Spanish exceptionally clean. The dialect encountered is similar to other Spanish-speaking Caribbean islands, although the rhythmic speech and use of expressive gestures are distinctly Cuban. French occurred for a short time with the appearance of slave-holding European refugees after the 1791 revolution in Haiti, but they have since died out.

The languages ​​of the country's indigenous population have become extinct. The island's pre-Columbian population was approximately 112,000, consisting primarily of Arawaks (Taino and sub-Taino) in the central and eastern region, as well as Guanahacabibes who fled the Arawaks and moved west to Pinar del Rio. The indigenous lands were quickly occupied by the Spanish conquistadors, and the indigenous people were enslaved and exploited by the Europeans in mining and agriculture. Indigenous peoples resisting the new masters were killed. The rest of the population died out from poor nutrition, overwork, suicide and cruelty. Cuba's indigenous population virtually disappeared during fifty years of conquest.

In the resort areas of Cuba, English, German and Italian are widely used.

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Description of the country

If you want to experience paradise while you're alive, there's no better place than Cuba. Beautiful beaches with white sand, transparent sea ​​water, coral reefs and shallows for fishing, rich exotic flora and fauna - this is not paradise. Temperamental like the rhythms of the cha-cha-cha, bright like the plumage of a hummingbird, elegant like an orchid flower, Cuba has always attracted thousands of tourists. But Cuba is not only about its magnificent nature, it is, first of all, about friendly and hospitable Cubans and a deep history. Many cities still preserve the traces and spirit of the Spanish conquerors, the memory of the raids of the corsairs. The world famous resort of Varadero is located 140 km from Havana on the Atlantic coast. The surroundings of Varadero are very picturesque, and the many kilometers of white sandy beaches and azure ocean waters attract thousands of tourists.

Cuba! A magical island separating the Atlantic from the Caribbean Sea, the bottom of which is literally covered with treasures... A neighbor of Haiti, Jamaica and Mexico, it attracts not only with its tropical exoticism, but also with the special flavor of island life, the warmth, openness and hospitality of the local residents. Every day here is a carnival. There is no heat here, the caressing breeze from the ocean pleasantly cools. There are not even any animals dangerous to humans here. Here the crocodiles are only in the form of a roast. And countless fish, birds, and shellfish become not only a gourmet delicacy, but also the subject of an exciting hunt. The resulting loot can always be “washed” - with the best fiery drink made from cane in the world - rum... Kilometers of the finest white sand and azure blue ocean waters seem specially created for a world-class resort. The rest was done by people: in tourism here large share Spanish capital and therefore the service meets the highest requirements. It all starts at the airport: from there you will be taken to your chosen hotel in luxurious vintage cars.


Area - 110992 sq. km.
The highest point is Turkino Peak 1974 m.
The longest river is Cauto 370 km.

Cuba is located in the West Indies, at the junction of North, Central and South America. In terms of configuration, the territory of Cuba, stretching from west to east for 1250 km, is often compared to a lizard, whose body faces the Atlantic, and whose tail is located at the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico. In the south, Cuba is washed by the waters of the Caribbean Sea. The distance from Cuba to the United States at the narrowest point of the Strait of Florida is 180 km, to the island of Haiti through the Windward Strait is 77 km, to the island of Jamaica through the Strait of Colon is 140 km, to Mexico through the Yucatan Strait is 210 km.

The length of the island is 1200 km, the width at its widest point is 210 km. The Cuban archipelago covers an area of ​​110,992 sq. km and has more than 300 natural beaches covered with snow-white sand and surrounded by crystal clear waters. The most famous beach in Cuba is Varadero. The landscapes of Cuba are very diverse. There are valleys, mountains, and hills. The country's main mountain ranges are the Cordillera de Guaniguanico in the west, the Escambray in the center and the Sierra Maestra in the east. The highest mountain in the country, Peak Turquino (1974 m above sea level), is also located in the Sierra Maestra mountains. The rest of the island is fertile plain. There are many caves to admire on the island. Most of the rivers in Cuba are small but have very fast flows. Rivers flow down from the mountains, forming beautiful waterfalls. Particularly interesting are the Agabama and Salto del Carbuni waterfalls. The longest river in Cuba is the Cauto (approximately 370 km), flowing in the eastern part of the island. There are many reservoirs and lakes in Cuba. Amateur ornithologists come here, since Cuba is a migration site for resettled birds.


It is 8 hours behind Moscow.


The climate of Cuba is tropical trade wind. Warm currents observed in the waters washing the country and constant northeastern winds make the climate mild. The coldest month is January, when the daytime air temperature reaches +25..+27 degrees, and at night the temperature is about 16..18 degrees Celsius. The hottest month is August. During it, in the daytime the air warms up to +30..+32 degrees, and at night it is quite warm - +20..+22 degrees. Relative air humidity is high (70-75%) throughout the year, so the heat in summer is especially difficult to bear.

The average annual precipitation in Cuba varies from 860 mm in the southeast of the island to 1700 mm in its western part. From May to November the rainy season occurs in Cuba. At this time, especially between August and November, strong tropical hurricanes form in the Caribbean region, which then move towards Florida. The rainiest months are June and October, with 180 to 200 mm of rainfall per month. On the coast the water temperature is winter time is about +24 degrees, in summer it warms up to +28 degrees.


The official language is Spanish. However, hotel staff will answer you in English, German, Italian.


The majority of believers are Catholics (47%), Protestants (4%) and adherents of the so-called “Santeria” - a syncretic cult based on African pagan beliefs, mixed with the cult of some Christian saints. The church is separated from the state, freedom of religion is constitutionally guaranteed.


Population - about 11.4 million people. The majority of the population (about 2/3) are descendants of immigrants from Spain, the rest are blacks, mulattoes, mestizos; there is also a fairly large Chinese colony on the island. The indigenous population of Cuba was completely destroyed during the years of development of the island by the Spaniards. The Spanish colonists needed a lot of labor to work on the plantations and began importing slaves from central Africa. Over 350 years, the Spanish imported more than 1 million African slaves. For the same reason, between 1853 and 1874, more than 125,000 Chinese were brought to Cuba from Asia. To this day, “China Town” has been preserved in Havana. In addition, Indian slaves were imported, but small quantities, from Yucatan, Central and South America. There was an intense flow of emigrants from Spain, Germany, France and Britain.

Cuba received a huge number of emigrants from neighboring islands: 250 thousand arrived from the Antilles - Haiti and Jamaica. 850 thousand immigrants arrived from Spain, but not all of them remained to live in Cuba. At the beginning of the 20th century, many Americans settled in Cuba and created their own colonies on the island. Pinos. Very strong waves There were emigrations to Cuba during and after the First and Second World Wars. First of all, Jews moved here. The Cuban nation has thus absorbed the characteristics of the peoples of the whole world. Today the population of Cuba is 11 million people. According to official sources, the composition of the Cuban population is as follows: 65% are white, 12% are black, 22% are mulatto.


Network voltage: 220V

Emergency numbers

National Police: 82-0116
Fire brigade: 81-1115
Ambulance: 24-2811


For telephone conversations within the city limits, payphones are used that operate on both coins and cards (much less frequently). To make a call from a coin-operated machine, you need coins of 5 and 20 centavos. It is difficult to call other cities or provinces. International phone calls are carried out exclusively from Telecorreos telephone exchanges, which are located in almost all large hotels. To make a call, you need a special card worth 10 or 25 USD (sold by the hotel administrator). Connection statistics and its cost are displayed on the phone display. One minute international telephone conversation costs about 6.5 USD. Cellular connection and Internet telephony are poorly developed.

To call Cuba you need to dial 8 - 10 - 53 -<код города> - <номер абонента>. Codes of some cities and provinces: Varadero - 5, Villa Clara - 42, Havana - 7, Granma - 23, Guantanamo - 21, Camagüey - 32, Las Tunas - 31, Matanzas - 52, Holguin - 24, Pinar del Rio - 82, Playa Larga - 59, Sancti Spiritus - 41, Santiago de Cuba - 226, Ciego de Avila - 33, Cienfuegos - 432, Topes de Collantes - 2, Trinidad - 419, Juventud Island - 61.

Currency exchange

In Cuba, foreign tourists (one might say) only use dollars. Nobody pays attention to the dilapidation of banknotes. Special attention Please note that upon delivery you may be given a so-called convertible peso. This type of peso is equal to the dollar 1:1. This is a new Cuban banknote that has nothing in common with the “wooden” Cuban pesos. To avoid getting into trouble, the convertible peso must have “convertible” written on it. As a rule, they are given in small bills: 1.5, 10. The exchange rate of the old Cuban peso to the American dollar is approximately 1:25. Convertible Cuban small change also circulates on par with American cents. Often you will be hit back by both. Credit cards are also in use: VISA, EUROCARD, etc. In view of political situation AMERICAN EXPRESS cards are prohibited. You can exchange currency in Cuba in banks and many hotels. When exchanging dollars, a commission fee of 10% of the amount exchanged is charged.


Citizens of the Russian Federation do not require a visa to visit Cuba for the purpose of tourism for a period of no more than 30 days. When entering the country, you need a foreign passport, the validity of which must be at least 6 months after the end date of the trip, a return ticket, hotel reservation confirmation, and an immigration card in 2 copies. When leaving the country, an airport tax is charged, usually equal to 15-20 Cuban pesos. 1$=0.93 СUC.

Customs regulations

In accordance with the customs legislation of Cuba, duty-free import of 200 pieces is allowed into the country. cigarettes or 250 grams of tobacco, 1 liter of alcoholic beverages, 250 ml of eau de toilette or 50 ml of perfume. The import of narcotic and psychotropic substances, weapons and ammunition, pornographic products, and auto parts is prohibited. The export of animals and birds, sea shells, valuable wood, and items of historical and cultural value is prohibited. To export cigars, you must have a receipt from the store and the original packaging. Import and export foreign currency not limited. Amounts over 5 thousand dollars are subject to mandatory declaration. Export of national currency is allowed up to 100 pesos. When leaving the country, an airport tax is charged.

Holidays and non-working days

National holidays:
January 1 - New Year and Liberation Day
May 1 - Labor Day
July 26 - Day of the start of the National Uprising
October 10 - Anniversary of the start of the Cuban War of Independence
December 25 - Christmas

Carnivals, festivals, holidays:
Carnivals in Havana, Varadero, Santiago de Cuba - February
Havana International Jazz Festival - February
Havana Cuban Cigar Festival - February
Electroacoustic Music Festival in Varadero - April
Fair in Holguin - May
International Guitar Festival in Havana - May
Feast of Saint John in Trinidad - June
Chariot Carnival in Havana - June-August
Celebration of Spanish-American Culture in Holguin - October
Havana Latin American Film Festival - December


Municipal transport in the country is quite dilapidated, there are few buses and they often break down, so tourists use public transport not recommended. The main city transport is the bus (“va-va”). There are 2 types of buses - “sedentary”, where the number of passengers is clearly limited by the number of seats, and regular cars, which are often packed to capacity. There is no timetable at all, and the routes are often not marked either. The fare is 1-2 CUP.

To get around, it is recommended to use so-called “tourist taxis,” which are fairly modern cars with a radiotelephone and air conditioning. Payment is made only in dollars (approximately 2 USD for 1.5-2 km). A tourist taxi can be ordered from any hotel or by phone, and the movement of the car is constantly monitored by operators, which ensures safety. Regular taxis, where payment is made in pesos, use quite old cars and there are not many of them. Many private owners make money as a driver, especially in Varadero and other resort areas. Their prices are slightly lower than those of state-owned companies, but there is no guarantee.

Shuttles run around the Varadero resort, the drivers of which can be trusted, as well as tourist buses with a ticket costing 4 CUC or EUR for the whole day. By purchasing a ticket once, you can ride this bus all day, getting off at any stop and getting on at any stop an unlimited number of times.


In restaurants, it is customary to leave a tip of 10% of the amount indicated on the bill.


As souvenirs and gifts, it is undoubtedly better to purchase products and jewelry made of coral in combination with silver. Also good are the "guayabera" (tropical shirt), folk percussion musical instruments, artistic fabrics, embroidery and lace, as well as items made from tortoiseshell, especially bracelets and hairpins (beware of counterfeits!). You should definitely purchase Cuban rum and real Cuban cigars, among which the most highly valued brands are “Bolivar”, “Cohiba”, “Montecristo”, “Partagas”, “Punch”, “Ramon Allones”, “Sancho Panza”, “H. Upmann” ", "Romeo and Juliet" and "Trinidad". Shops are open from 9.00 to 18.00 (some until 20.00) on weekdays, on Saturdays - from 9.00 to 15.00 (some until 18.00). Supermarkets and shops in resort areas are usually open from 10.00 to 20.00. Most small stores have separate operating hours. Almost all shops close for a “siesta” around noon.

National cuisine

The basis of the Cuban diet is rice and black beans, pork and chicken. Cubans don't really like vegetables, but they love fruits. huge variety and they are always fresh. Mangoes and bananas are very tasty. Baked bananas in Cuban cuisine come from African slaves. Fufu is bananas mixed with other ingredients. Chatinos is a light appetizer for an aperitif, also prepared on the basis of platanos. Cuban cuisine arose from the combined influence of Spanish and African traditions. National dish- "el ajiaco" - a stew soup with root vegetables and various vegetables, usually prepared with pork. The taste depends on the type of root vegetables and spices used. Other typical dishes include skewered pork, fried banana chips (tachinos, chatinos or tostones), black beans, congri oriental (rice with red beans), moros and cristianos (rice with black beans), chopped steak Havanese style, tamales, bacanes or ayacas (made from tender corn). If you order fruit juices, demand that they be freshly prepared. If your funds are limited, the eateries will offer you a set lunch at a fixed price; you choose the dishes yourself. Ice cream is very popular. There are many small restaurants right in the home of Cubans where you can eat for about $4. Speaking about cuisine, we cannot ignore Cuban coffee, which Cubans drink in huge quantities throughout the day. Cuban coffee is very strong and sweet. There are many cafes in cities where you can taste various infusions, decoctions and other drinks. Cubans put it in all their drinks. large number Sahara. Most popular alcoholic drink is rum. The most famous brand of rum is Havana Club. There are three varieties: Carta Oro (gold), Carta Blanca (white) and Anejo (old), which differ in aging. Cubans' favorite rum is Anejo (about $8 per bottle).


Havana- administrative, political, cultural, scientific, as well as the main tourist center of the country, a cosmopolitan province. Havana is visited annually by more than half of all foreign tourists coming to the country. Its main charm is the city itself, with its varied architecture, wide avenues and famous boulevards, and especially its historical center, declared a Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 1982. The starting point for the excursion can be El Templete- a small chapel in neoclassical style, built in 1828 on the site where the city is believed to have been founded; Armory Square(Plaza de Armas), Cathedral Square(Plaza de la Catedral) and Old Square(Plaza Vieja), around which are grouped the magnificent ancient buildings and structures that at one time were part of the walled city. Memorial to Jose Marti was opened in 1996, it houses various relics, original objects, documents and engravings related to the life and work of the apostle of the Cuban revolution. At the top of the obelisk - a concrete, marble-clad tower 138.5 m above sea level - is the capital's highest observation deck. More than 47 thousand exhibits are stored in funds Palace of Fine Arts, which, after careful work of expansion, reorganization and restoration, is now considered one of the most significant among such institutions in the world. National Botanical Garden occupies an area of ​​600 hectares. It is divided into 18 zones, and about a fifth of it is dedicated to native plants. One of the main attractions is Japanese garden, donated by the government of this country in 1989 and created by the master of garden art Yoshikuni Arake.

Provinces Santiago de Cuba has two features that make it unique: its hospitable, cheerful and carefree people and its rich cultural and historical heritage. The main city of the province, founded in 1514, is distinguished by its great originality, and its the most important feature is a magnificent bay surrounded high mountains, over which he reigns Fortress of San Pedro de la Roca del Morro, in 1997 declared by UNESCO as a Heritage of Humanity. A similar status was recently given to a system of agro-industrial structures and the remains of more than a hundred coffee plantations in the area of ​​the Gran Piedra Mountains, which were created by the French who fled Haiti. Cespedes Square is the busiest place in the city. The square is surrounded by buildings of great architectural and historical value: it is House-Museum of Diego Velazquez, City Cathedral, former ayuntamiento- the city council, which now houses the provincial government, and the Casa Granda Hotel. The only stepped street in Cuba, Padre Pico street, represents a natural observation deck. Here lies the boundary between the upper and bottom parts cities. The street descends to the Tivoli district, where the famous Santiago Carnival is held. The Castle of San Pedro de la Roca del Morro is a military structure in the Roman style, with two blind ditches and two symmetrical three-tiered bastions where cannons were installed. Its construction began in the 16th century and was completed two centuries later. Currently located here Piracy Museum.

Trinidad de Cuba- a city-museum of colonial architecture, declared by UNESCO a heritage of humanity and a cultural monument of world significance. The city was founded in 1514 by Diego Velazquez. The main cities of the province are Sancti Spiritus and Santisima Trinidad de Cuba, two of the first seven cities founded by the Spanish conquistadors on the island. Times have changed, but Trinidad itself is still the same as it was 2 centuries ago with its Baroque churches, red tile roofs, pavements and wrought iron grilles. It is especially recommended to pay attention to Romantic Museum, Museum of Architecture, Archaeological Museum, Museum of the Fight against Bandits, Museum natural sciences"Alexander Humboldt" and the Archaeological Museum "Guamuaya".

Matanzas - the main city of the province - is called the Cuban Athens, since it is the land of poets, or the Cuban Venice - due to the fact that the city is crossed by two rivers - Yumuri and San Juan, across which five bridges are thrown for the convenience of pedestrians and transport - and guests will It is interesting to get acquainted with the rich cultural heritage of this tranquil city, which grew up on the shores of a huge bay. In the southern part of the province is Zapata Peninsula- a real paradise for lovers of eco-tourism, but in addition, they will undoubtedly be delighted by the fabulously beautiful Yumuri Valley and the banks of the Canimar River, which can be admired from Bacunayagua Bridge A gem of Cuban engineering, this bridge, at 110 m high, is the tallest in the country. Vigia Square is the founding site of the city, from where it began its growth. The square is surrounded by architecturally interesting buildings - Sauto Theater, Junco Palace Museum, fire department building and others. Freedom Square(Plaza de la Libertad) is the city's second Armory Square, which overlooks the White Concert Hall, named after the famous black violinist Jose White, the Triolet Pharmaceutical Museum and the Government House. On the western shore of Matanzas Bay rises Castle of San Severino. Due to its size, it is considered one of the most important Spanish fortresses in America. In the vicinity of the city of Matanzas are the Bellamar caves. About 30 halls have been studied, where large cave paintings, fossils and traces of the habitation of people who lived here 1,600 years ago were discovered.


Varadero- the main zone of the Cuban archipelago, attracting those who prefer a holiday by the sea, enjoys well-deserved international fame. This resort on the Hicacos Peninsula has more than 20 km of beaches covered with fine white sand and washed by a sea that shimmers in a variety of shades of blue; a fifth of its territory is part of ecological reserves. In addition, the peninsula has many caves, picturesque escarpments and lagoons; A series of pristine and easily accessible islands stretches along the coast. Varadero's special features are complemented by its cultural, historical and natural attractions, closely linked to the neighboring cities of Matanzas and Cardenas and the Ciénaga de Zapata Biosphere Reserve, as well as a number of modern, comfortable hotels and an extensive service infrastructure.

Province located in the northeast of the country Holguin famous for being the region where the discovery of Cuba took place. Admiral Christopher Columbus first set foot on the island at a place called Cayo Bariai, where it now exists memorial complex. This was October 27, 1492. The main city of the province of the same name is also called the City of Squares; there is a strong Spanish influence here, its straight streets indicate that it was built according to a strict plan. The city has an active cultural life, especially in May, when the May Fair takes place, and in October, when the Ibero-American Culture Festival is celebrated. There are 41 beaches along more than 40 kilometers of coastline, among which foreign tourists give particular preference to the beaches of Guardalavaca, Playa Esmeralda and Playa Pesquero with their exceptionally beautiful seabed. This province also contains Banes, considered the archaeological capital of Cuba, since more traces of aboriginal habitation have been discovered here than anywhere else in the archipelago. Among the 22 bays found in the province of Holguin is one of the largest in the world and in Cuba - Nipe Bay. But the province also has forests and hills with steep slopes and massive peaks.

Cayo Largo- a small group of islands located in the heart of the Caribbean Sea, 177 km from Havana and 170 km from Varadero. It serves as a refuge for hundreds of tropical birds: flamingos, hummingbirds, gray herons and many others. There are direct air connections to both Havana and Varadero. You can also book a special excursion here from other tourist spots in Cuba. You can get around the island on foot, by bicycle or by car. The waters of the Caribbean Sea are warmer than the Atlantic Ocean off the northern coast of Cuba, resulting in richer sea ​​life off the coast of the island. The tourist infrastructure has everything necessary for you to be satisfied with your stay paradise island. Here you can visit a turtle farm and just a beach where sea ​​turtles lay eggs.

Cayo Coco- the fourth largest island of Cuba, the main tourist island of the Jardines del Rey (Royal Gardens) archipelago. It is connected to the main island by a 17-kilometer causeway road running along the Bay of Dogs. Before the advent of tourism infrastructure, Cayo Coco was known mainly for the excellent pineapples that grow here. To the north stretch magnificent beaches not even with white sand, but snow-white. Besides the beaches coral origin Considered perhaps the best in the entire Caribbean, there are amazing conditions for diving, fishing and water sports. The small island is a permanent refuge for flamingos, white ibises, pelicans, herons, cormorants and vultures. Near the island of Cayo Coco, a little to the west is Cayo Guillermo island. This island is also connected to the “mainland” through a causeway.

Island Cayo Santa Maria is located in the Atlantic Ocean, near the islands of Cayo Coco and Cayo Guillermo and is located opposite the northern coast of the province of Villa Clara. The island is connected to the mainland by a 48.6 km long dam. The distance to Santa Clara International Airport is about 110 km and 386 km to Havana. The location of Santa Maria is unique. You can combine relaxing time on the beach with active culture and entertainment program. There are small islands near the island of Cayo Santa Maria Las Brujas and Ensenchos. All three islands have beautiful beaches with soft white sand and very clean water. Their attractive surroundings provide excellent fishing, diving, water sports and boat trips along the canals that separate the islets. There is an airport on the island of Las Brujas where local airlines fly from Havana. On the island of Cayo Santa Maria there is a hotel of the Spanish group SOL MELIA: SOL CAYO SANTA MARIA 4*, ALL INCLUSIVE.

Coast Playa Esmeralda is located in the east of the island of Cuba, in the province of Holguin. The highest mountain peak in Cuba is located here and it is here that the most diverse nature is found: more than a hundred beaches, many caves, rivers, mountains, waterfalls and natural springs. It was on this coast that the historical meeting of Columbus's sailors with the Taino Indians took place. The province of Holguin produces the best Cuban beer, the best fishing, the best diving, the most... beautiful places. The beaches of Playa Esmeralda offer almost all types of water sports. Among them are windsurfing, sailing, pedal boating, and snorkeling. Diving is especially popular - there are about 20 dive sites in the Playa Esmeralda area.

Seoul is the capital and largest city Republic of Korea. A map of Seoul in Russian shows that the city is located in the northwest of the country, 20 km from the coast of the Yellow Sea in the central part of the Korean Peninsula. Officially, it is called the city of special subordination of Seoul and is an independent administrative unit within South Korea. A map of Seoul in Russian shows that the city has a high population density - more than 10,000,000 residents are concentrated within its boundaries.

The Seoul metropolitan area is considered the fifth most populous in the world. This makes the city one of the industrial and financial centers planets.

Seoul on the map of Korea: geography, nature and climate.

Seoul on the map of Korea has a length of 37 km from east to west and 30 km from north to south. Its total area is 605 km2. The city is surrounded on almost all sides by the neighboring Gyeonggi Province. Only in the west does Seoul border on the metropolitan city of Incheon, which actually represents the capital's port.

A street map of Seoul shows that it has an irregular layout with a linear connection to landscape elements. Despite the fact that most of the city is located in a lowland area where the average altitude above sea level does not exceed 50 meters, Seoul is surrounded by the Weasan mountain range. In addition, within the city there are isolated hills and elevations up to several hundred meters. Highest point Seoul is considered the Bukhansan Range. Its height is 836 meters.

The main feature shaping the appearance of the city is the Han River, flowing from east to west and dividing it in two. Its average width within the city is about 1 km. Located on the river largest island Seoul Yeuido, being business center cities. Its area exceeds 3 km 2 . Also within the city boundaries you can find about ten tributaries of the Han River of varying sizes. Despite the abundant water basin, there are no large lakes in Seoul. The city has several large parks and forests, concentrated in the foothill northern and southern regions. Their total area exceeds 30 km 2 . The main types of vegetation are representatives of coniferous-deciduous forests of the temperate zone: fir, oak, spruce and chestnut trees.

Distance to major cities of the continent:

  • Tokyo - 1150 km to the east;
  • Beijing - 950 km to the west;
  • Pyongyang - 200 km to the northwest;
  • Bangkok - 3700 km to the southwest.

Seoul Climate

The metropolitan region is located in a temperate monsoon climate zone. The summer months in Seoul are humid and hot. The average summer temperature rarely drops below 25°C. At the same time, more than 700 mm of precipitation will fall in three months - about 55% of the average annual level. Winters are quite cold, but with little snow. The average January temperature hovers around -2°C.