Learn French on your own. Reader Tip: Five Proven Ways to Learn French

The French language is quite popular in the world - about 175 million inhabitants of our planet speak it fluently, and official language le français is in 29 countries.

I will not list the reasons that prompted you to learn this wonderful, beautiful language, but I will dwell in more detail on the best, in my opinion, methods for learning French quickly and effectively.

Get comfortable with French and become familiar with it

Buy a dictionary

And it will always be at your fingertips. It is best to purchase the official tome from a bookstore. Yes, it's often a little expensive, but it's worth it.

What about online translators? Be careful, according to many French people, they often translate words incorrectly, and I’m generally silent about phrases - almost no online translator is able to translate a sentence correctly. Literally - yes, correctly - no.

Use new technologies and gadgets

Today there are a whole lot of opportunities to immerse yourself in the world of a foreign language and be in contact with French almost constantly:

— Radio channels in French (including for beginners) in the iTunes store and other similar ones.

— French TV channels on cable television or the Internet.

— Applications for mobile phones. The choice is simply huge. Personally, I prefer those that help develop vocabulary - thus, by studying for just 20-25 minutes a day, you can learn up to 800 new words a week! And this is not just a lot, but an incredibly lot (trust my experience).

— Programs, films, training programs on Youtube.

— Movies with French subtitles. They can also be watched online or downloaded from the Internet. In this case, you can just watch and listen, or you can turn off the sound and read from the screen, simultaneously remembering words and expressions.

From experience I can say that films give best example modern spoken language. Yes, Hugo is a classic, but, unfortunately, the French on the street speak completely differently.

— Stickers and labels

The apartment can be covered with useful words and expressions. This will help not only not to lose sight of the vocabulary, but also to remember the articles correctly. After all, often what in Russian has masculine, in French becomes feminine.

The second strong method is to buy a French course

What's good this method? After spending money, you have an additional incentive to study!

Self-paced course

There are many offers on the market - expensive and cheap, with CDs, audio courses, films and other bells and whistles. I recommend not taking the most expensive or the best, but choosing what suits you best. After all, some of us prefer to listen, others prefer to talk, and others prefer visuals in the form of pictures or films.

Ask around about purchasing the course from those who have already successfully mastered French.

Also, when choosing a course, you should not rely on the opinions of anonymous people from the Internet - now greatest number laudatory comments, likes on social networks and posts on forums can be received by the product that has better marketing, and not at all content.

Group course

Very good way– you simultaneously listen to the teacher, communicate with students like you and practice the language under the supervision of a specialist. In addition, it has been proven that those who learn a language in a group subsequently have fewer incorrectly learned words, poor pronunciation, or errors in sentence construction that require correction.


This could be a language teacher from a school, university, a native speaker, or a specialist found via the Internet and giving lessons via Skype.

IN in this case it all depends on your preferences and financial capabilities.

The third method is constant practice and improvement of the language

Spend time reviewing the basics, learning new vocabulary, and practicing French for at least half an hour a day. This minimum alone will be enough to ensure that the knowledge and skills you previously acquired do not fall into oblivion, and the time spent is not wasted.

Memorize and learn new expressions every day – your vocabulary should not stagnate and degrade, only development, only forward!

Each day or week can be devoted to a specific topic - cuisine, names of products, politics, auto vocabulary, military vocabulary, economics - after all, learning French is so interesting and exciting! In addition, in the process you can learn a lot of new things about your native Russian language)).

Practice verb conjugations (conjugaison)

For this, of course, a special textbook with a list of verbs and a subsequent dictation would be better suited. Yes, yes, writing is better than pronouncing. This will also improve your French writing skills.

Use French in Everyday life, talk to yourself out loud

When you are alone at home, you can easily talk to yourself without the risk of being misunderstood. If your loved ones know about your passion for French, then this simplifies the task.

IN in public places or in the company of friends, it’s also a very good idea to flaunt French words and phrases - this will set you apart from the crowd, who are most capable of hackneyed exclamations from American films, and will attract even more attention to you.

Say “sorry” instead of “sorry”, “orevuar” instead of “goodbye”, instead of “you have beautiful eyes" - "tu e tre joli" - and those around you will be fascinated by your mystery and captivated by your ability to express yourself in such a beautiful language.

Staying in a French-speaking country

Naturally, it is best to go to France, and even better - to Paris.

Why not to Canada, Switzerland or Belgium? Of course, you can go to these countries, but after mastering the local pronouncements, the native French will laugh at you. For there they will teach you to “okat” like the Gorkys or Pomors, “gekat” like the Kuban and Ukrainians, and even stretch out the vowels like the Estonians. In short, France is better.

But, in France there are also many local dialects and if you go to practice the language in Toulouse or Ajaccio, you risk acquiring local accents.

Here, briefly, are the main effective and effective ways learning French, what methods do you prefer, dear readers?

For those who are looking for ways to learn French, it is important to remember motivation, which will not allow you to give up halfway. I will help you with this.

If you conduct a survey among strangers or acquaintances: “Which city would you like to visit?”, then the majority, without hesitation, will answer: “Paris.”

Indeed, the capital of fashion, gourmet cuisine, romance, and interesting sights deserves such a huge flow of tourists as it currently has.

It is people who dream of Paris, or who are in love with everything French, who most often ask the question “?”.

The question is interesting, considering that this is not the simplest language in the world (although, to be fair, it is worth saying that it is far from being so difficult), but determined people do not pay attention to such small obstacles in their path.

It is to such determined people who strive for success and self-development that I will give some useful advice.

Motivation for those who want to learn French

Knowledge foreign languages vital for people who do not intend to spend their whole lives in a boring job for a minimum wage without leaving their hometown.

Even small children understand this, but there are several reasons to start learning the language of the descendants of the great Gauls.

For those who are looking for ways how to learn french quickly, it is important to remember about motivation, which will not allow you to give up everything halfway. I will help you with this.

Knowledge of French makes it possible to:

    Travel without an interpreter.

    The French are true patriots, so if you rely on yours, I hasten to disappoint you: they will not help you much.

    If in Paris waiters, salespeople and hotel administrators still deign to switch to English, then in the provinces do not count on such mercy.

    I’m talking now not only about the classics created by Hugo or Balzac, but also modern works written in French.

    And there are a lot of them!

    Only themselves Nobel laureates According to literature from France, there are more than a dozen.

    Have an affair with a Frenchman.

    That's who knows how to force woman's heart beat faster!

  1. Listen to songs in French, because this language was simply created to glorify love and relationships between a man and a woman.
  2. Find a high paying interesting work, both in their own country (for example, as a translator, tourism manager) and in the French-speaking countries.
  3. Enjoy cinematic masterpieces starring Juliette Binoche, Sophie Marceau, Pierre Richard, Alain Delon, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Gerard Depardieu, Jean Reno and other legends.
  4. Stay in a nice apartment overlooking the Seine or Champs Elysees and not feel like a stranger in this wonderful city.

4 ways to learn French

Of course, there are many more of these same ways to chat in French, but I will focus on the four most effective, according to those who have already gone from being a newbie to being almost a Frenchman:

    Courses or classes with a tutor.

    I specifically combined these methods into one, because in fact, training in them is carried out according to a single principle.

    The only difference is the price and time spent by the teacher personally on you.

    If you are not afraid to work in a company, then overpay for individual sessions not worth it.

    Immersion in a French-speaking environment.

    This is perhaps the most pleasant method. Who wouldn’t want to live for a month or two in France and communicate, communicate, communicate with the locals.

    Alas, this method is very expensive, unless you get a job here or get into some kind of program, for example, a student exchange.

    Special educational sites, such as Duolingo, Memrise, News in slow French and others.

    And in general, you can find a lot of useful materials on the Internet: video and audio lessons, tutorials in electronic format, tables, etc.

    Cinema and cartoons.

    Yes, it's so nice, but effective method. Start with cartoons with minimum quantity words, then move on to TV series and films.

    If your level is minimal, then films with Russian subtitles are suitable for accumulating vocabulary.

Step-by-step instructions for those who want to quickly learn French

If you are studying with a tutor, then get recommendations from him.

A good specialist will probably know how to quickly teach French even to a careless student.

These tips are more likely to help those who independently decided to master one of the the most beautiful languages in the world.

On one of the sites I found this wonderful step-by-step instruction:

  1. Start learning with popular words and phrases that are used most often: Bonjour (greeting), Au Revoir (farewell), Je m'appelle... (my name is) and others.
  2. Move on to studying grammar rules.

    They are best studied using special exercises, which are in all textbooks.

  3. Learn to conjugate verbs.
  4. Read texts: a lot and often, translating words unfamiliar to you using a French-Russian/Ukrainian dictionary.
  5. Work on your pronunciation, which is very important for French speakers.

Skills that someone who has already learned French should have

Well, and finally, I would like to knock down the arrogance of those who, having learned a few standard phrases, say at every corner: “Yes, I speak French better than any paddling pool player.”

Experts say that you do not truly know French if:

  • you understand oral speech, but you can’t read a single sentence written in French;
  • do not have even minimal skills in written French;
  • you have terrible pronunciation, so you can’t understand what you said: “a lot” or complimented a person about their beautiful buttocks;
  • you don’t use the knowledge you’ve acquired: don’t watch French films, don’t listen to their music, don’t read their books, don’t buy a plane ticket, after all, to prove to the French that you speak their language at the proper level.

where and what materials to take to learn French:

And I would also like to warn those who are looking for ways how to learn french quickly.

Don’t think that it will be “like two fingers on the asphalt.”

Without due diligence, nothing will work out for you.

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If you've ever heard a conversation in French, you'll definitely want to learn it. There is no consensus regarding the complexity of this language. After all, learning it is different for everyone. Like any other language, French can be learned in short time. The main thing is desire and perseverance.

You will need:

  • Scientific literature;
  • French dictionary;
  • Films and music in French with subtitles.

You will need:

Start with...

Decide how best you perceive and remember information.

You will have to choose from: textbooks, audio and video lessons.

Track effective techniques. The more you narrow it down, the easier it will be to get started.

Self-study means that you will write a lot. But don’t forget to speak, as communicating in the target language is the best practice.

If conversational French is important to you, pay more attention to learning vocabulary and pronunciation.

Grammar and spelling can be covered at the end of the course.

What to do daily

Pay attention to the rules

Read about how to correctly combine nouns and other parts of speech. You have to learn 3 forms of verbs, without this knowledge you will always speak with errors.

For example, in English language we say guest room, but in French it would be more correct - guest room.

Pronunciation is very important for the French. He needs a lot of attention.

Since the spelling and pronunciation are completely different from each other. For example, the vowel “oi” is not pronounced like “oh” or “oi”, but sounds like “ua”.

Read and write a lot in French

In order to remember words faster, you need to write them down several times, or better yet, a whole page. This will save them in memory faster.

For reading, use books for children, they will lay a good start.

Another option is to choose your favorite book translated into French. This will interest you and will allow you to not spend so much time with the dictionary, because you already know what it says.

Don't take difficult books. After all, if you feel like you don’t understand anything, you may lose interest in learning the language.

You can also keep your diary in the language of your choice. Try to write in sentences. After some time, you will notice your progress.

French audio recordings

If you do exercises in the morning, include a lesson with a trainer in French.

This will be interesting to you and with the help of the exercises shown, it will be easier for you to understand what is being said. At the same time, do not forget to memorize the words, and then look up their exact designation in the dictionary.

If you love music, turn on French performers, after listening, look at the lyrics of the song with translation and write down unfamiliar words. Music will also help you remember pronunciation.

When watching movies, use subtitles. This will help you learn how to spell the words spoken by the actors.

Talk as often as possible

Without speaking practice you won't get far. Try to talk as much as possible. You can simply tell your friend how this or that word will be in French.

If you talk to him on Skype, ask him to correct your pronunciation. This will give you the opportunity to understand your mistakes and correct yourself in the future.

Without practice you can't get anywhere

  • Highlight a certain amount of the time you devote to practice.
  • Try to exercise every day.
  • You can perform different tasks. One day it might be grammar exercises, and another it might be a vocabulary test.
  • Try setting up some social network in French and slowly figure it out.
  • Transferring phone usage would also be a good option.

Many people have a blue dream called - I want to learn French. Many people dream, but are afraid, because they are overcome by many questions and doubts.

In this article we will examine questions such as:
- is it easy to learn French online,
- the best way to learn French from scratch,
- how to quickly master conversational French online for beginners and many others.

Why you need to learn French

  • Someone wants to own it in order to talk while traveling in France, to be able to understand the French.
  • Someone loves its very sound - so melodic and beautiful, and wants to understand the meaning of songs and poems, quoting them for friends.
  • Someone considers it romantic and would like to be able to whisper words of love in French into their loved one’s ear.
  • Someone dreams of starting new life in a French-speaking country and for this you need to undergo an interview at the embassy.
  • Some people have French business partners, and for business communication You just need to be able to communicate fluently in French.

There can be many reasons why beginners should learn French, all of them are varied and wonderful.

But many questions immediately arise - how to learn French from scratch yourself, where to start, and what to do, how to approach it, what are the most common mistakes during learning, etc.

Below in the article we will try to answer most of these questions.

Is it difficult to learn French - available options

There can be no clear answer to the question of whether it is difficult to learn French on your own. After all, all people are different and each person has their own potential, their own motivation, each person has different willpower.

It’s easy for some to sit themselves down for daily classes, for others they need checking and constant reminders, for others it’s difficult to pull themselves together and force themselves to learn French, doing several exercises every day and learning dozens of new words and phrases.

For those who have decided to learn French, we offer several of the most common learning options.

OPTION 1: Tutorials, phrase books, textbooks and other book aids

If you have enormous willpower and motivation, then you can learn French from scratch on your own, at home. To do this, it is enough to buy various modern textbooks, teaching kits, phrase books, dictionaries, etc. in the store.

We have selected for you the most effective and good textbooks that will help YOU in this good endeavor.

TOP 3 textbooks for studying Franaçais:

1. I.N. Popova, Zh.N. Kazakova and G.M. Kovalchuk “French language. Manuel de Français."

2. Potushanskaya L.L., Kolesnikova N.I., Kotova G.M. “Beginner course of the French language.”

3. Textbook by Gaston Mauger “French Language Course”.

MINUSES: However, what most often happens is that a person sits down at the table, opens these same books, skims the first pages of the textbook and... closes it, because he understands that it is unrealistic to figure all this out on his own without the help of a knowledgeable specialist.

After a while, he approaches the books again, opens them again, reads them thoughtfully and tries to learn new sounds and words, writes down some rules and does the first exercises... But then different thoughts begin to arise -

And again the textbook is closed and put aside. A couple of days later, when the question arises again about how to learn French at home, the person decides to seek professional help.

OPTION 2: Language schools and groups

When the need for an experienced teacher, teacher, or tutor arises, many begin to look for where and what courses they teach French for beginners in the city, or look at advertisements where an experienced teacher offers his services.

Of course, learning French is easier and more understandable under the guidance of a specialist teacher who will correct pronunciation, teach the rules of reading and writing, explain grammar and check the correct understanding of new material. But studying Français in groups also has its pitfalls.


1. Average quality of training.

You must understand that in every group in language schools approximately 10-12 students.

One person needs to explain once new material, and he has already clarified and understood everything, but the other does not understand even the third time. Or one person only needs to read a rule to remember it, while another needs to schematically explain the same rule, or hear its interpretation from a teacher.
During classes, the teacher always focuses on the average student, and the scope of the teaching hour does not allow one to linger any longer on one point or another. The quality of education often suffers as a result.

2. Travel time.

Any language group requires time to get to a certain place at a certain time. After work, during rush hour, drive through traffic jams to another part of the city in order to learn French with others for an hour or two, and then again get home back through traffic jams.
In total, together with the journey there and back, one such activity takes three to four times more time than planned. Is it worth learning French in such language groups if it is so expensive?

OPTION 3:Personal teacher-specialist

The wisest and correct option, learning French means finding an individual teacher. Then you won’t have to worry about the fact that some aspects of learning will remain misunderstood or unlearned.

Personal study is always more effective than group study.

MINUSES: The time to travel to the teacher and back, taking into account traffic jams and the cost of travel, will not go away, which again increases both the cost of one lesson and the time spent on it.

OPTION 4: Try in Learn French from scratch online.

We live in an amazing time, when everything around us is developing at a rapid pace, we need to be on time everywhere, and saving time is very important to each of us.
It’s the same in training: we want to get results quickly, efficiently, inexpensively and in the shortest possible period of time. Now there is no problem in learning French online at home via the Internet.

Is it difficult to learn French online, what ways? online studying There are ways to learn French online more effectively, we will tell you below.

Learn French online - effective ways

Today, there are quite a lot of resources on the Internet offering to learn French online for beginners from scratch for free or for little money. Let's look at the most popular of them.

1. BBC French

An excellent portal for learning many foreign languages. There are plenty of exercises for learning grammar, a weekly newsletter with new lessons, a complete video course for self-studying Franaçais from scratch, dictionaries, reference books, and even access to French TV and radio. Each lesson is equipped with detailed comments and audio files so that you can learn pronunciation correctly.

Attention! The site is in English, so it is suitable for those who speak it well.

2. Le-Francais.ru

The site is a French language self-teacher, where not only all kinds of textbooks, dictionaries, tutorials, phrase books are collected, but there are also online lessons on various topics that help you learn French online. Each online lesson is equipped with theory, audio materials, exercises and many other useful things. You can choose which moment you need to disassemble, work out and consolidate. For every problem, the resource will find several useful things.

3. Rodcastfrancaisfacile.com

Great podcast site on Franaçais. You can learn French online by listening to one audio lesson every day, which is additionally provided with interlinear interpretation. Eat different levels- from scratch to perfectionists. You can choose different areas of study - conversation, grammar, reading, phonetics, and so on. They also have a full website and mobile version, which becomes very convenient on the road.

4. Bonjourdefrance.com

A free site for those who decide to learn French online. Here you will find a large number of texts, exercises for them, games, songs, dictionaries and other things that will help you quickly gain basic knowledge.

5. Frenchpod101.com

A very popular YouTube channel for online French learners. This resource is structured as a radio conversation between a French native speaker and his English-speaking friend. They are discussing various topics, followed by exercises, games and quizzes to help you learn new phrases.
There is also a website of the same name where you can find a bunch of additional information, exercises, games, online lessons and much more, however, you will have to pay a subscription.

Is it easy to learn French from scratch online using free online resources?

Let's answer this - nothing is impossible.

But independent study is always associated with certain difficulties, because there is no one to evaluate your learning. Therefore, there is always a risk that you will do something wrong.

It is best to learn French online from scratch under the guidance of a specialist. And when you have the basic base, the initial level, then you can move on to independent online learning.

We learn French online for beginners at our school.

In ours, we learn French from scratch together with personal teachers.

That is, you can learn French right at home, via the Internet, in person with your personal teacher, online tutor.

We have noticed that being at home, the student is more relaxed and better attuned to deep dive into the process. Then the learning itself occurs at ease, in a friendly conversation mode, the material is better absorbed, words and phrases are better remembered.

Agree, this method is the most comfortable and takes into account all the characteristics of both the student himself and his lifestyle.

It is enough to have a computer and the Internet connected to it. At the same time, you can -

  • vary the start time of the lesson,
  • duration of training,
  • the frequency of these activities,
  • You can even adjust the program if you have specific deadlines or goals.

And all this without leaving home, at a time convenient for you.

At our school we are very careful about the quality of teaching. Our online tutors constantly undergo training and improve their level; they also constantly master the latest techniques teaching.

Another nice moment - opportunity to take a free trial demo lesson.

In this demo lesson you -

  • meet your teacher,
  • ask him all the questions you are interested in,
  • and take a demo lesson to understand what kind of technique they use this specialist how he explains the material, what exercises he gives, how he answers your questions.

And after that, you can decide whether it is convenient for you to learn French online, whether this teaching method is suitable for you or not. If you are satisfied with everything, then you can continue to pay for the lessons of this online tutor and start classes.

You can do it right now by leaving a request.

At our school we learn French from scratch, for beginners. There are courses for advanced students, separate courses for tourists, for children and for schoolchildren.

Learn French for children and schoolchildren online

IN modern schools More and more people are beginning to study French as a primary foreign language. And therefore, many parents face a number of questions -

Yes, learning French is difficult, especially for children. It is more difficult than English in grammar and pronunciation. But all these difficulties pale in comparison to its beauty. And after Franaçais, learning any other language of the Romano-Germanic group will not be difficult for your child.

Often in schools the quality of foreign language teaching leaves much to be desired. When there are 25-30 students per teacher in a class, he physically cannot control how one or another student has learned the material.

The teacher is simply unable to clearly explain the new rule to each student. Therefore, most often, you have to look for a private teacher-tutor who is available and accessible. game form will help the child master both the school compulsory curriculum and delve into the intricacies of the subject being studied.

A modern parent who keeps up with the times will offer their child to learn French remotely with an online tutor who teaches French for children online.

And it will be excellent option saving time, because not many parents have the opportunity to take their child to a specialist, and those teachers who come themselves ask for an additional fee.

Having considered all the pros and cons possible options By helping children learn Franaçais, you will come to the conclusion that learning French online at home for children turns out to be the most suitable way.

For parents this option learning also has advantages, because in this case they will be able to control the learning process -

  • see and hear how their child behaves in class,
  • what does he do during class?
  • what is the method of his teacher,
  • what is the relationship between a child and a teacher?
  • what difficulties and difficulties arise.

Thus, the parent can help his child in time and make the learning process easier for him.

Learn French for tourists online

Usually, for those who travel or are planning to travel to France, the question of knowledge of Franaçais arises.

After all, everyone knows the fact that the French do not like English. Indeed, they often pretend that they do not understand English speech and prefer to answer only in French. Many tourists try to prepare for the trip and master at least the most common phrases in French.

There are specially designed programs focused on the French language for tourists, which explain the main points of phonetics, pronunciation, grammar, and also practice basic conversational phrases essential for any traveler to France.

Note that French for travelers is a truncated and most basic course, very much intersects with the main program for those who decide to learn French from scratch.

The vocabulary will be very basic, it will only be enough to:

  • check into a hotel,
  • fill out a form with personal data,
  • ask for directions and not get lost in the city,
  • be able to order food in a restaurant
  • and call for help if necessary.

Tourists sometimes have enough of this knowledge to feel calm and relaxed while traveling in France.

You can find out right now whether it is difficult to learn French online.

They say that the more languages ​​a person knows, the more human he is. There is a certain amount of truth in this, and it is quite difficult to argue with it. We see and understand the whole world through words; it is language that shapes our consciousness, connecting images with sound. From time immemorial, polyglots were considered the most valuable employees, acquaintances and figures. This attitude towards them has continued to this day.

A little history

Recall, for example, the global desire of the Russian people to master the French language. His knowledge was considered a sign of belonging to a noble, aristocratic family and raised him higher in the eyes of the whole society. In almost every one there lived governesses and tutors who taught children this language from childhood.

The desire to join Europe in this way was extremely great, and the consequences of this are still felt today.

Romantic France

It is quite natural that, listening to the songs of Edith Piaf, smelling French croissants, buying perfume, it is simply impossible not to fall in love with this magnificent country, recognized as one of the most beautiful in the world.

In addition, a huge percentage of the cultural heritage of the whole world is associated with France. The country of revolutions and pantomime has always been a trendsetter not only of fashion, but also of literature, art in general and, of course, etiquette. It is difficult to find a nation with more refined manners than the French.

Stumbling blocks

First of all, a person who decides to master the French language (like any other) faces the question of material investments. Good certified courses are quite expensive today, not to mention private lessons, which very few can afford.

Naturally, for many this fact becomes the most big problem and a good reason to give up and put off learning the language until better times.

Another thing is our fear in all its manifestations. We may be afraid of seeming stupid or never mastering grammatical wisdom, not realizing that absolutely nothing in this life is given right away.


Fortunately, there is a way out of this situation. In order for the problem to be solved, it is enough to ask yourself a simple question: “How to learn French on your own?” A single encounter with it easily motivates one to take action, and the first rung of the ladder, at the top of which is perfect knowledge, will be overcome.

Several variants

To find out how to learn French on your own, you can refer to the relevant literature. Fortunately, in our age of civilization, such benefits simply exist great amount, and the answer to absolutely any question can be found in them.

A teacher or consultant, who is sure to be found in any linguistic school, can perfectly explain how to learn French on your own. Finally, you can ask the same question to a friend who has already walked this path. It is absolutely not necessary that he comprehend this system of signs without anyone's help. A person who has achieved results in studying will always be able to give several practical advice about what you should pay attention to.

Several suggestions

So, how to learn French on your own? First of all, make this your goal that you will work towards every day. You need to be prepared for the fact that the process will be long, but the result will be especially pleasant.

Secondly, learning French from scratch without anyone’s help is quite difficult, so it would be a good idea to seek advice from someone who has already mastered it. This does not mean, of course, tutoring. In this case we're talking about about a simple explanation of the basic principles of grammar, syntax and spelling. There you can also ask about literature that may be useful in your business.

A few myths

In the vastness social networks It has long been a common statement that the easiest way to learn French from scratch is through TV series and programs. Of course, there is some truth in it, but a person who is not even familiar with the alphabet, not to mention the vocabulary, simply will not be able to gain absolutely anything from such an activity.

Another myth is the tempting offer to learn French on your own in a week or even a month. This is impossible because... impossible at all. In fact, to know a language, a lifetime is often not enough, and mastering a new one requires long, thorough preparation and constant practice.

Multiple Strategies

If we learn French on our own, we should stick to a specific plan. First of all, you should be prepared for the fact that you will need dictionaries and all kinds of teaching aids. There is no way to do without them, since they will provide a minimal basis for understanding the very structure of the language.

Learning French from scratch on your own should begin by becoming familiar with the organization of this language. There are a huge number of books, lectures, videos and audio recordings on this topic. In general, those who seek will always find.

The next point will be mastering the order of words in a sentence, pronouns and tense forms - this will be the very basis on which we will build the whole process.

Further, when the basics, fundamentals, and a priori knowledge have been mastered, you can work on expanding your vocabulary. The easiest way to do this is in blocks, thematically, the way they taught you at school. This is very easy to do - even the lack of a special textbook is not a hindrance. You can look up new words on a particular topic in the dictionary and learn 20-30 of them a day.

So ours lexicon will grow rapidly, allowing you to form sentences and even texts over time. And then it’s a matter of little things - books in the original, TV series, films, audio recordings - all this will become accessible and raise it to a new level.

Finally, one of the most effective formulas for happiness in this regard is the so-called translation of curiosity. The method is that, when encountering this or that object, you need to immediately turn to the dictionary and find out the French equivalent of the word. The more it is repeated, the more firmly it will remain in memory.

In short, nothing complicated self-study there is no language - you just need to make it your goal, approach the process with curiosity and believe that everything will work out.