Name a family of pets. Pets: List of different types of pets

In the article I will talk about the most popular types of pets, what options there are and give a list.

List of pets

The variety of pets allows you to choose a pet for every taste and color for your home, but even this does not stop exotic lovers, forcing them to look for more and more sophisticated options.

Let's look at the most popular animals kept at home.


The image of a cat is always associated with grace and love of freedom.

This is the only animal that has not submitted to human attempts at domestication.

All cats can be divided into 3 large groups by type of coat:


Long-legged cats with short hair do not take much time to care for and are divided into 3 types:

  1. European. This type includes plush and aristocratic, restless and representatives - widespread cats with a classic striped color. Europeans get along well with dogs, but do not like birds and rodents.
  2. Eastern. Refined Asian women (,) are famous for their intelligence and intelligence, require respectful treatment and quickly become attached to their owners. Always consider touchiness and vindictiveness asian cats. Remember that Siamese and small children are not compatible.
  3. American. American women are friendly, independent and playful. The rounded outline and thickness of the coat add visual volume to the harmonious proportions. Representatives of the American type get along well with children, but it is better not to leave them with children. A timid pet will not offend a child who is playing too much, but he may get hurt himself.

American Shorthair


They are miniature, attached to humans and require careful care.

They do not tolerate loneliness well.


Pinschers and Schnauzers

Flexible and smart. Need compulsory training and an experienced owner.


Active and friendly dogs bred for burrow hunting. Suitable for apartment maintenance.


- German hunting dogs, similar in character to the terrier. They have high devotion and intelligence.


(pointer, setter). Another variety hunting dogs with a calm and easy-going disposition.


They are willful and stubborn, difficult to train and are not suitable for beginners.

The largest representatives ( , ) dog family They belong to the group of pinschers and schnauzers. Despite their impressive size, the breeds are distinguished by their good disposition and love for children.

The average lifespan of dogs varies from 10 to 13 years. Long-livers include representatives of small breeds.

Rabbits for home

An excellent alternative to the usual four-legged ones.

Can be divided by coat length:

  • long-haired (angoras, foxes, rams, squirrels);
  • short-haired (butterflies, rexes, Dutchies, hermelines).

If an eared pet is selected for a child, then it is better to avoid wayward butterflies, aggressive female Hermelins and phlegmatic rexes.

Unlike their wild counterparts, domesticated rabbits live up to 12 years.

Rodents as pets

The list of the most popular rodents for home care includes:

Mice and rats

They are smart, easy to train and quickly become attached to their owner. Life expectancy is about 2 years.

Nocturnal animals that require careful and reverent treatment. They prefer to live separately and have minimal contact with strangers. They do not live >3 years.

Guinea pigs

Unlike rats, which have a bad reputation, they have an attractive appearance, as well as a peaceful and trusting disposition. If treated with care, they are given into the hands of not only adults, but also the smallest owners.


Nimble, inquisitive and graceful. They are not whimsical in content.


Large representatives of rodents characterized by increased timidity. Not suitable for children and require careful grooming.

Long-livers among the disassembled rodents include: guinea pigs and squirrels that can live about 10 years.

Reptiles for children

Cold-blooded reptiles did not do without attempts at domestication. The group of the most popular reptiles includes:


For home keeping, small snakes (no more than 1.5 m) are recommended, characterized by a lack of aggression and tiny teeth that are unable to cause serious damage. Do not purchase snakes from your own hands. A small snake can grow into a dangerous and poisonous animal.


Require careful maintenance and are subject to colds and are easily injured. Peace and quiet are important to them, so communication with small children is not safe for them.


The most unpretentious reptiles living in terrariums or aquaterrariums.

Of the reptiles presented, snakes have the longest life expectancy, capable of living up to 40 years.

The lifespan of animals kept at home is usually reduced compared to that in wild conditions. The figure for lizards depends on the size (longer-livers include larger representatives).


The most popular domesticated birds include:

  • . The parrot is a long-lived parrot, capable of living >80 years. Smart, but without training he becomes uncontrollable and aggressive. Do not get a bird if you do not have free time for training. A blow from its large beak is very dangerous.
  • . Fidgety birds with bright colors, requiring mandatory keeping in pairs.
  • Jaco. Unlike budgerigars, which are capable of imitating simple everyday sounds, African Grays easily imitate the speech of their owners. The bird loves communicating with people and enjoys learning intricate tricks.

  • Wild animals

    Among wild birds the following are very popular:


    The popularization of feathered pets occurred after the Harry Potter films. Despite its fabulous appearance and mysterious “ears”, such a bird is not suitable for everyone.

    Do not purchase unbanded birds without documents. Lack of necessary ammunition - main feature poaching.

    Domestic tame owls White-cheeked raven

    Other types

    Options for domestic exotics depend not only on imagination, but also on the finances of the breeder:

    1. Foxes. The cost of foxes varies from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. When purchasing a furry animal, it is important to consider its danger to other pets. If the danger of a fox is similar to that of a wolf, then its willfulness is reminiscent of felines. The fluffy beauty is against familiarity and is given into the hands only in a good mood.
    2. Crocodiles. Depending on the size of the reptile, the price can reach up to 60 thousand rubles. Don't believe in the existence of little crocoldiers. The minimum size of an adult animal is at least 1.5 m. For safety, the toothy pet is kept exclusively in a terrarium.
    3. Monkeys. Prices for monkeys start from 65 thousand rubles and, depending on the species, can reach up to 500 thousand rubles. It will not be possible to keep such animals without an enclosure due to their dominant behavior. The owner of the monkey will have to constantly defend his rights as the leader of the pack.
    4. Anteaters. A clean and calm animal with a funny proboscis and a friendly disposition, it is confidently gaining popularity in the United States. The cost of a strange animal reaches 350 thousand rubles. Strong paws with tenacious claws easily open the refrigerator door.
    5. Tigers. Not all cat lovers have enough exotic Bengals and Savannahs, so as a pet they get real tigers. The price of a striped pet, reaching up to 2 million rubles (and if purchased white tiger up to 9 million rubles), available to a few. wild cat started at the age of a kitten. When feeding, it is important to avoid using raw meat, capable of provoking suppressed instincts of a predator.

    In conclusion, I note that before buying a pet, it is important to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of the species:

    • large pets will have to be kept in a spacious area;
    • decorative breeds require frequent veterinary control;
    • exotic animals require increased security measures;
    • reptiles will have to purchase special UV lamps.

    Remember that having a pet is a big responsibility.

    Do not purchase an animal without firm confidence in its proper maintenance.

    Remind your child what we call family, those animals that live with a person and benefit him, and the person takes care of them. Look at pictures of domestic animals and their babies. Let the child show and name them.

    We enrich and activate vocabulary children nouns: sheep, ram, lamb, lambs, horse, horse, foal, foals, cow, bull, calf, calves, piglet, piglets, pig, wild boar, goat, goat, kids, kid, dog, dog, puppy, puppies, cat, kitten, kittens, cat, pigsty, cowshed, stable, booth, kennel; torso, belly, head, muzzle, neck, tail, hooves, horns, paws, legs, claws, teeth; shepherd, milkmaid, pig farm, calf house, herd, herd, flock, groom; verbs: run, jump, gallop, climb, sleep, feed, catch, meow, bark, moo, neigh, grunt, chew, bleat, pinch (grass), growls, purrs, gnaws, chews, butts, laps, grooms, feeds; adjectives: useful, domestic, fluffy, devoted, affectionate, horned, playful, soft, strong, fast, kind, evil, stupid, smart, caring, feline, dog, cow, goat, horse, useful, smooth, horned, ferocious, vicious, stubborn; adverbs: fast, deft, dangerous, difficult, easy, cold, scary, ahead, behind, slow, lazy, beautiful, cold, deep, far, close, low, high, up, down, hot.

    Games and exercises

    Game "One - Many"with nouns on the topic:

    Horse - horses Lamb - lambs

    "Call me kindly"

    Cat - kitty

    Horse - ... Cow - ... etc.

    “Name the cub affectionately”

    kitten - kitten

    puppy - ... piglet - ...

    kid - ... calf - ...

    Game "Who has who?"A goat has a kid, etc.

    Exercise “Name the whole family.”

    For example: mom is a dog, dad is a dog, cub is a puppy, cubs are puppies.

    “Whose, whose, whose?”tail, nose, head, ears

    For example: a cow has a cow's tail, a cow's head, and cow's ears.

    “Who was who?”

    For example: The dog was a puppy.

    “Name the cub affectionately”

    kitten - kitten

    puppy - ... piglet - ...

    kid - ... calf - ...

    Game "Who Lives Where?"

    For example: A cow lives in a barn.

    "Count" (children from 4 years old)

    1 cat, 2 cats, 3..., 4..., 5...

    1 cat, 2 ..., 3 ..., 4 ..., 5 ...

    1 kitten, 2..., 3..., 4..., 5... etc.

    Exercise “Count to seven”(children 6-8 years old)

    Playful puppy Fluffy cat

    Horned goat Loyal dog

    Game “Guess by description”- You give a description of the animal, and the child must guess who you were describing.

    The cow - "moo" - moos. The cat - "meow" - meows. Etc.

    “What animal talks like that?”(children 6-8 years old)

    barks - ..., neighs - ..., moos - ..., bleats - ..., grunts - ..., purrs - ...

    Learn to select adjectives for nouns.

    Cat (which one?) - affectionate, playful, playful, small, purebred.

    Dog - ... Pig - ...

    Cow - ... Sheep - ...

    Exercise "Who does what?"

    A cat laps, meows, scratches, purrs, caresses, hunts, licks itself.

    A dog guards, barks, bites, gnaws, guards, howls, runs.

    Horse - ...

    “Who (what) is extra and why?”

    Horse, ram, hoof, bull.

    Sheep, goat, cow, elk.

    A conversation about what we get from pets- wool, milk, meat...

    Development exercise fine motor skills(children from 3 years old)


    At the cat's daughter

    There are claws on the paws.

    Don't rush to hide them,

    Let the kids watch.

    Tighten your fingertips right hand to the top of the palm. Thumb press it to your index finger. Say "meow" loudly.

    Perform finger exercises.Learn a poem about pets with your child.

    Fun meeting (children 4 years old)

    Hello, kitten!

    Hello, little goat!

    Hello, puppy!

    And hello, duckling!

    Hello, cheerful, funny pig!

    Extend your fingers, starting with the little finger, move each finger, greeting the animals.

    In the village (children 5-8 years old)

    I'm relaxing in the village

    I name the animals for you: Claps alternately with palms and fists.

    Rabbit, horse and goat, Bend your finger for each animal name.

    Cat, cow and pig,

    And also a ram and a sheep,

    Yes, the faithful dog is my assistant.

    Poems for automation of delivered sounds

    Vaska the cat (S, L)

    Vaska was kicked out with a broom.

    Vaska - the cat doesn’t catch mice.

    Vaska to the bully

    Serve the sour cream!

    Yesterday he was not for show

    He smeared his mustache with it.

    This is what I got for it

    To the robber...

    Big ears(L)

    A donkey sang on the lawn,

    But the fly said:

    Oh, how everyone is tired of you!

    You have no hearing.

    The donkey shouted back to her:

    Shut up and listen!

    How come there is no rumor?

    Look what ears!

    V. Popov

    *** (P, Pb)

    A pig saw a pig in a puddle:

    This, of course, is not me, but a friend!

    Well, my friend is dirty!

    It's just wonderful that it's not me!

    V. Orlov

    Stupid horse (W, L, R)

    The horse bought four galoshes -

    A couple of good ones and a couple of worse ones.

    If it was a nice day,

    The horse walks in good galoshes.

    It’s worth waking up to the first powder -

    The horse comes out wearing thicker galoshes.

    If there are puddles all over the street,

    The horse walks without galoshes at all.

    Why are you, horse, sparing your galoshes?

    Isn't your health more important to you?

    V. Levin

    Pussy (S, L)

    Treat your pussy, Tanyusha -

    Unwrap and give toffee.

    To make it more fun for her

    Pour cream into a saucer!

    Tanya poured cream,

    Tanya called pussy.

    Pussy dipped her nose:

    Meow-mur, thank you,

    I'll give you a mouse!

    N. Gorodetskaya

    Cow (R, L)

    There goes, there goes the cow -

    Long horns.

    Where was the cow?

    I went to the meadows.

    A cow came up

    To your home,

    She stood and hummed:

    “Moo! Mu! Mu!”

    N. Frenkel

    Cat and mouse (SH)

    Hey little mouse,

    Talk to me a little! –

    And the mouse is running


    I can't!

    Can't you? Why?

    Think about it - and you will understand!

    N. Dabizha

    Murka (W, R, L)

    Apparently the cat is sick -

    Baby Seryozhka says. –

    It lies all day in the morning

    And he doesn't move his tail.

    No! – Shurka waves his hands. –

    Our Murka is resting,

    Because at night

    Doesn't let mice play around.

    V. Kudlachev

    An ordinary story(L, R)

    A puppy was walking down the street -

    Either Fluff or Buddy.

    Walked in the snowstorm and sunshine,

    And I walked in the rain and got wet,

    And even if it snowed,

    A puppy was walking down the street.

    I walked in the heat, in the cold and in the damp,

    V. Levin

    Gift (L, R)

    IN New Year under a bright Christmas tree

    I found my gift.

    In an old shoe box

    The golden kitten was sleeping.

    Nose with a button, tail with a brush,

    Paws in white shoes,

    And mustache, mustache!

    And stripes on the sides.

    I'll take him to bed.

    I'll sing a song quietly,

    So that he sleeps sweetly,

    I'll tell you a bedtime story!

    S. Suvorova

    Dog (S, L)

    Young angry dog

    A wasp stung my nose.

    Don’t whine, I told the dog,

    Drive away the wasp quickly.

    L. Klyushev

    Sirota (L)

    The cat stole lard from the kitchen,

    Sat on the porch with the loot

    And he decided, after thinking: - Not enough,

    I could eat something else.

    He climbed into the cellar, quieter than a mouse,

    Ate the cream and jellied meat,

    And suddenly I heard in my ear:

    Well, finally got it?!

    The cat saw the twig,

    The cat became afraid

    He shouted: - Help!

    They are insulting an orphan!!!

    V. Shurzhik

    *** (SCH)

    The puppy was so puny!

    I kept feeding him cabbage soup,

    Protected me from the bitter cold,

    The puppy squeaked with joy.

    Of course! He grew up happy!

    Now my puppy is not a puppy, but a dog


    Useful tips

    Pets not only bring a special atmosphere to the family, but also help the children who care for them, learn responsibility. If you don't want to get a cat or dog, and if you don't have much space in your apartment, then you should think about smaller pets.

    There are many cute little animals in the world that can become your pets. But before you bring such an animal home, you should carefully study their character and habits. Not all of these creatures can be hugged and held close.

    You should also choose a pet for your child based on how old your offspring is. Of course children can learn responsibility through care and communication with the animal, however, experiments can end disastrously for both the pet and your child.

    That is why we offer you a list of ten furry and not so potential candidates for the role of a pet for your child. All you have to do is read the information provided and choose the pet that suits you most.



    © Comstock/Photo Images

    Hedgehogs are the cutest little animals that actually require minimal attention from you. However, it is worth keeping in mind that if you rarely have contact with such a pet, then a hedgehog can become quite aggressive, bringing a lot of problems.

    Hedgehogs are for you if you like independent animals. They are loners by nature and usually lead a corresponding lifestyle. It is better to keep a hedgehog in a cage (like for rabbits), but do not forget - they are great at climbing, so why not close it with a lid so that the hedgehog does not escape.

    Hedgehogs mainly eat food for cats or dogs, but it is necessary to periodically add eggs, insects, vegetables and fruits, and cooked meat to the diet. Besides, Hedgehogs need to be bathed regularly, keeping them clean.

    You should also know that hedgehogs are very susceptible various diseases(at least compared to many other animals), so caution is advised. Hedgehogs make great pets for older children. If hedgehogs are given more attention, they become quite obedient and sociable.

    Guinea pigs

    © Life On White

    Guinea pigs are hardly unusual pets. These cute creatures, who are often turned on for their very friendly and sociable character, are also one of the largest rodents.

    Adult guinea pigs can reach a length of up to thirty centimeters. They are very sweet and love to interact with their owners and other guinea pigs. They live on average from five to ten years. These are the best animals to start teaching children of any age about care and responsibility.

    Guinea pigs are much less temperamental than hamsters, for example, and are much less likely to bite you. However, they require constant care. The pigs' diet should consist of special granulated feed, hay, as well as vegetables and fruits.

    Pet stores sell portable guinea pig cages that can be equipped with various accessories (houses) to give your pig a place to hide. However, the installation of a wheel is not recommended for guinea pigs, as your pet can easily injure its legs and back.


    © DeirdreRusk/Getty Images

    Hamsters are extremely popular as pets because of their cuteness. appearance, fluffy fur and relatively low maintenance costs. They usually easily allow themselves to be picked up, although some of their types small size can be quite restless, especially females.

    More large species, such as the Syrian hamster, are more peaceful and better suited for your children, who will probably want to babysit them. In addition, large types of hamsters are not so gentle, quite obedient and, so to speak, more well-mannered.

    On the other hand, hamsters are also completely self-sufficient loners, so they need such devices in the cage as tunnels, passages and wheel to maintain health. Plus, they don't necessarily need partners.

    However, the disadvantage is the short life period hamsters - from two and a half to three years. This means that you have to be mentally prepared to your child’s feelings about the death of a pet. By the way, hamsters are predominantly nocturnal, hibernating most of the day.

    Our smaller brothers


    © Pakhnyushchyy/Getty Images

    Perhaps a rat is not the first thing that comes to your mind when your child suddenly expresses a desire to receive a pet as a gift. In vain. Rat is in highest degree sociable and intelligent animal which requires minimal care.

    In addition, they are very playful and love to tinker with all sorts of toys, balls, strings and can even have fun with a roll toilet paper to your own delight. So rats are the perfect little pets?

    It turns out that it is so. In addition to friendliness, intelligence and sociability, they demonstrate great affection for their owners. In other words, be prepared for the fact that your children will also be inflamed with reciprocal love.

    Rats have amazing memories for such small creatures. They are very unpretentious in food, although you can also purchase the most suitable food for them in the appropriate stores. However, like hamsters, rats have a very short life cycle– from two to three years.


    © Svetlanistaya / Getty Images

    Gerbils are collective animals that natural environment form colonies. That is why it is recommended to keep them in small groups - from two to four individuals. But don't be afraid - they are very inexpensive to maintain.

    They prefer a mixed diet, very often storing quite large reserves of food (if the opportunity arises). You can pick them up and stroke them, but you should do this very carefully, since gerbils are extremely gentle creatures and can easily be harmed.

    There is very large number species of gerbils, however, at home they often contain the so-called Mongolian gerbil. These animals are very clean animals and practically do not smell. Unlike hamsters, gerbils are not nocturnal animals.

    They are quite independent creatures, so they can easily entertain themselves throughout the day. long period time. The life expectancy of gerbils is quite short - from three to four years, for which it is worth preparing mentally in advance.


    © bilbot/Getty Images

    Ferrets are extremely active, terribly inquisitive and extremely agile animals. At the same time, they are very cute to look at and have a fluffy coat that is very pleasant to the touch. They live longer than many of their smaller cousins- from eight to ten years.

    As soon as you let your ferret out of the cage, he will immediately start running around the house, exploring every nook and cranny, so they should not be left outside the cage unattended. If the ferret is outside, someone must look after him, otherwise you will be tired of looking for him later.

    They definitely need more attention than rats or hamsters, as they don't feel very comfortable if they are in a cage all day. It turns out to be a rather paradoxical situation - ferrets should not be left unattended outside the cage, but It is not advisable to keep them in a cage all day, even if you are not at home.

    Ferrets are willing to be handled. They will not bite you, unless, of course, you accidentally harm them. These animals can play with you or your children all day long. They acquire their cute special attractiveness somewhere closer to three years.


    © GlobalP/Getty Images

    Of all the furry pets offered on this list, chinchillas are the fluffiest. Their fur is thick and silky. Thanks to this, chinchillas probably It’s nicer to take everyone in your arms and stroke them.

    On the other hand, chinchillas don't really like being cuddled. It's better to give her the opportunity to run around your home. An adult chinchilla reaches a length of up to 30 centimeters or even more, and females are larger than males.

    Chinchillas practically do not emit an unpleasant odor. And even their secretions do not smell for several days. These cutest animals live from 10 to 15 years. The color of the fur of these creatures varies from the lightest tones to soot black.

    Chinchillas do not require much attention. They eat special food, which can be freely purchased at pet stores. It is better to keep male chinchillas in pairs. But the females of these animals are solitary, so they can be kept alone.

    A pet for your child

    hermit crab

    © David Clarke/Getty Images

    The hermit crab is not the most common pet on this list of recommended pets. However, they are very well-mannered and very inexpensive to maintain, so they are perfect for this role.

    This is a very peaceful, calm animal, not at all like those pets that you want to pick up and stroke. It is better to observe the hermit crab from afar, as he moves slowly in his aquarium, burying itself in the sand to hide its sophisticated muzzle there.