Top largest cat breeds. The largest predatory wild cats in the world

Cats, so light and miniature, often become favorite pets. Their grace and capricious character leave no one indifferent. However, large breeds of these animals, whose weight can reach 8-10 kg or more, are becoming increasingly in demand around the world.

Large domestic cats are found in the mansions of celebrities and the homes of ordinary people, and they are bred in many catteries around the world. In addition, you can choose your favorite pet from a large number of varieties, however, there are breeds that are considered favorites.


The large domestic cats belonging to this group are considered to be among the largest currently domesticated. The height of an adult animal reaches 60 cm at the withers. The weight, reaching 15 kg, also seems impressive. In appearance they resemble a miniature leopard. The animal is distinguished by rounded ears and a solid appearance.

If you breed a breed, each subsequent generation, with an inexperienced approach, will lose a certain percentage of similarity with its wild counterpart. Simple Siamese, Egyptian, simple domestic cats, Oriental and Bengal shorthaired animals took part in the selection. This made it possible to obtain representatives with a powerful body, a slightly elongated neck and thick fur of a brown, silver or chocolate shade. The more real Serval blood in a pet, the more expensive it is, especially if it is male.

This type of pet has a truly canine disposition: they are loyal, friendly, and can be trained, as they are easy to train. Large domestic Savannah cats can learn the fetch command. These are benevolent, active and playful friends. If you want to purchase such a breed, you must take into account that the animal needs regular walks in the fresh air.


The name of the breed is translated as “rag doll”, which fully reflects their characteristic feature. These wonderful pets can truly relax the muscles of the body phenomenally. The owner of such a pet must be careful and prevent it from falling from a height, otherwise death may occur. Large domestic Ragdoll cats cannot land on their feet.

Representatives of this group are characterized by amazing kindness and phlegmatism, which is ideal for a balanced owner who has no tendency to display violent emotions. A peculiar highlight is the color of the animal - almost white, soft fur and blue, translucent eyes.

"Maine Coon"

Large domestic cats of this breed are not inferior in weight to their brothers. Adult males reach 13=15 kg, and the length of the animal can be 1 m. Females are more modest in size - 80 cm in length, 8 kg in weight.

Initially, only those individuals that were distinguished by their unique “black tabby” color were included in this group. A powerful build and a long tail, coupled with this coat color, made these cats somewhat similar to raccoons. This was the reason for the name of the breed, which is translated as “Manx raccoon”. The largest cat in the world (photo of a domestic female Maine Coon is posted below) has gained real fame.

These pets are friendly, affectionate and love to play. Their character is distinguished by cunning and a certain hooliganism - a cat can easily hide its owner’s slippers in a secluded place.

In appearance, they resemble a lynx, which is due to the presence of characteristic tufts on the ears. By the way, the largest domestic cat in the world belongs to this species and is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.


These are amazing animals with a wayward character. The weight of the male does not exceed 12 kg, the female - 7 kg. Despite being stubborn, this is a very friendly pet. From the very beginning, kittens of the Siberian breed try to take a dominant place in the family and choose their own place for feeding and rest. The owners have to arrange a corner exactly where the cat wants. It is noteworthy that representatives of the breed practically do not suffer from allergies.

As children they are very playful, but as they grow older they prefer real hunting to games. This trait makes them ideal for keeping in a private home. The pet's coat is long and fluffy and can be colored in a wide variety of shades.

Large domestic cats, photos of which are presented below, have long gained fame throughout the world. “Siberians” live in Europe and America.

"Norwegian Forest"

Pets belonging to this breed are somewhat reminiscent of the previous group, but are slightly inferior to them in weight. The animal has one characteristic feature - a two-layer coat, which has increased water-repellent properties. Therefore, representatives of the “Norwegian Forest” need additional care.

By nature, these are affectionate and friendly friends who cannot tolerate loneliness and long separation from their owner. In addition, they need regular walks in the fresh air and do well in rural areas. Large domestic cats, the breeds of which are becoming increasingly widespread, are excellent at catching mice.


The English-American breed was developed by crossing a common domestic cat, a leopard cat and an African serval cat. The weight of the largest representatives reaches 15 kg. Not every owner can afford to purchase such an animal; the cost of purebred individuals reaches 22 thousand dollars.

The Ashera cat has a very beautiful color, reminiscent of a leopard print. She has a beautiful, amazingly flexible body and large black eyes. Representatives of the breed are quick-witted, intelligent and dote on their owners. Despite their menacing appearance, pets are great with children.

Their diet consists of the simplest food, and walking can be done on a leash - the cat will proudly perform next to its owner. The largest domestic cats (photos of which are listed below), belonging to the Ashera breed, are considered rare and valuable.


This is a reed breed, which got its name from a cat that lives in the South Asian region. For a long period, such animals were considered purely wild, however, in 2003, their breeding began.

This type of pet was created by crossing jungle cats and Abyssinian cats. Purebred representatives of the genus are powerful, strong animals, with a narrow head, almond-shaped eyes and a wide chest. There is a characteristic black tip on the tail, and small tassels on the ears.

With proper care, a pet reaches a weight of 12 kg. Despite such mass, the animal has a royal posture and grace. The character is characterized by obedience, kindness and complaisance. This friend loves communication and affection very much, without this he begins to feel sad and falls into the blues, even to the point of loss of appetite. The largest domestic cats (the Chausi breed) are distributed throughout the world.

"Pixie Bob"

This is a relatively young variety, bred in America. Its representatives have a short tail, a strong torso, and their external characteristics resemble a lynx. This is the only species in the world whose cats have multi-toed paws. Body weight is relatively small - 5 kg in females, 10 kg in males. The largest domestic cat in the world (the Pixie Bob breed) lives in Norfolk in the family of a bank employee.

By nature, these are very discreet, unobtrusive and tactful pets. If they love their owner, their devotion to him will be commensurate with that of a dog. Animals are a little wary of strangers, but without aggression. They love affectionate stroking, games during which they make a loud growl and interact well with children.

Basic principles of care and maintenance

The largest cat in the world (photo, whose home life invariably attracts attention) does not require special care, regardless of what breed it belongs to. Thanks to special selection, all large pets do not require a special diet, which is due to the genes of their independent wild counterparts. Even a business person can have such a pet - the pet will not bring unnecessary trouble. Surviving in harsh climates, the ancestors of these cats passed on to them the amazing ability to be content with little.

Note to the owner

To keep your family friend healthy and full of strength, it is recommended to follow the following instructions:

  • The animal must be brushed 1-2 times weekly.
  • Increased attention to wool is paid only during molting, that is, once a year. The pet is thoroughly combed with special accessories.
  • Bathing is only necessary if the cat has soiled himself with something difficult to remove and cannot clean himself on his own.
  • To avoid damage to all property, nails are cut short.
  • It is enough to wipe healthy ears when they become dirty.
  • If breeding is not planned, spaying and castration will allow the animal to maintain excellent health for life. The owner will be able to avoid problems with the treatment of breast cancer, tumors of the reproductive system and other diseases.
  • Meals should be organized with the participation of professional feeders.

The largest domestic cat in the world belongs to the May Coon breed. The animal lives in America in the state of Nevada. Its length reached 123 cm.

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There are more than 250 breeds of cats in the world: hairless and fluffy, wayward and friendly, affectionate and freedom-loving. But there is one thing that unites them all: they are incredibly beautiful. Anyone who wants to make a meowing friend can adopt a kitten from a shelter, or buy one from an elite nursery.

We are in website We became interested in how much the rarest cat breeds cost, and, to be honest, we were surprised. We invite you to find out prices for the most exotic representatives of the cat world.

Norwegian forest cat

The ancestors of this cat were bred by the Vikings 2,000 years ago. Cute and fluffy, this cat can withstand severe cold and is an excellent hunter. The price of a kitten varies from $600 to $3,000.

Himalayan cat

This breed is very similar to the Persian, but differs in blue eyes and color point coloring (light body with a dark muzzle, paws, ears and tail). This breed was developed in 1950 in the USA. Himalayans are affectionate, obedient and friendly cats with a calm nature. A kitten of this breed will cost $500–$1,300.

Scottish Fold

The calling card of this breed is its cute ears, which do not stick out upward, like those of ordinary cats, but hang down. This unusual detail of their appearance is a consequence of a gene mutation. These are smart cats that get along with everyone in the family and are never averse to playing. Another distinctive feature of this breed is that they can stand on their hind legs and look at what interests them. A kitten costs from $200 to $1,500.


The Peterbald, or St. Petersburg Sphynx, was bred in Russia in 1994. These elegant cats have a slender body, a long head shape and large, set-back ears. The body may be bald or covered with down. Cats have an affectionate and sociable character and are easy to train. Such a kitten will cost $400–1,200.

Egyptian Mau

The appearance of these cats has changed little in 3,000 years - since the times of Ancient Egypt. The spotted color of this breed appears not only on the coat, but also on the skin. To become the owner of an ancient Egyptian cat, you need to spend $500–1,500.

Maine Coon

This is one of the largest cat breeds. Representatives of this breed can weigh from 5 to 15 kg, and the body length of an adult Maine Coon can reach 1.23 m. But despite their formidable appearance, they are affectionate, gentle and playful animals. The price of a giant kitten varies between $600–$1,500.


This is one of the most unusual breeds, which appeared in 1980 in the USA. In addition to curly hair, cats of this breed have another feature: they are hypoallergenic, so they are perfect for families with allergies. A kitten of this breed costs $200–2,000.

Russian blue


This breed was developed in 1994 in California. She belongs to large cats: the weight of an adult Serengeti is 8–12 kg. They have a strong build, large ears, spotted coloration and very long legs. You can buy such a cat for $600–$2,000.


This young cat breed was bred in the USA in 2006. Elves are very friendly, intelligent, mischievous, sociable, inquisitive and loyal creatures. Those wishing to purchase such a unique pet will have to pay a considerable sum - $2,000.


This large cat breed resembles a tiger in color, which is how it got its name. The creator of the breed claims that the Toyger was bred to inspire people to care about the conservation of tigers in the wild. You can get inspired to save tigers for $500–$3,000.

American Curl

This breed was developed in California in 1981. Newborn kittens are difficult to distinguish from ordinary cats, but by the 10th day of life their ears curl back like small horns. This feature touches hundreds of thousands of people around the world. You can join the curl enthusiasts for $1,000–$3,000.


This breed was developed by crossing an Asian leopard cat with a domestic cat. These cats love to swim, and despite their impressive size (4–8 kg), they often climb onto their owner’s shoulders. You can buy a mini leopard for $1,000–$4,000.


This rare breed was created by crossing an ordinary domestic cat and the South American wild cat Geoffroy. The first representatives of the breed were bred in the United States in the 1970s to study leukemia. The weight of an adult cat is on average 11 kg. You can become the owner of a pet predator for $4,000–$8,000.


The good thing is that she home. But a person is characterized by an interest in everything himself, so it is quite natural that big cats attract attention and arouse curiosity. Plus, these animals are truly impressive.

There is still a myth on the Internet that the biggest(and at the same time the most expensive) domestic cat is Asherah. But since such a cat breed does not exist, and scammers passed off large Savannah cats as Ashers, we will not consider this mythological character.

Maine Coon

One of largest domestic cats Maine Coon is rightly considered. Some specimens of cats of this breed reach a weight of 15 kilograms. The Maine Coon is very beautiful, noble-looking, with very thick hair and tufts on the ears, and looks a bit like a lynx. Detailed article about the breed with photos in the article


This cat is large, mostly tall. Representatives of the Savannah breed can weigh 15 kilograms. Savannah is the result of crossing a wild serval and a domestic cat, so she boldly lays claim to the title largest domestic cat. One of the representatives of this breed was included in the Guinness Book of Records as. Read more about the breed in the article ""


She is also a houseie and a shawie - this cat is also called a domestic reed cat, since it was obtained by crossing a wild reed cat and. These animals can reach a weight of 18 kilograms, and their appearance is very impressive and wild. These cats have a wild grace and make a lasting impression. Detailed article about the breed with photos and videos in the article


One more big domestic cat- pixie bob, or domestic lynx. He's Hemingway's cat. The origin is mysterious and overgrown with speculation and rumors. It is possible that these cats actually evolved naturally as a result of interbreeding. But breeders have had a hand in improving this breed - that’s a fact. Cats can weigh up to 10 kilograms. Given the short tail and tufted ears, these cats do look a bit like a lynx. In addition, one of the characteristics of this breed is polydactyl (multi-toed) snowshoe paws. Detailed article with photos and videos in the article

British Shorthair

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Cats are one of the most popular pets. There are a huge number of breeds, each of which has its own characteristics and fans. In addition to ordinary medium-sized domestic cats, there are real giants. Unlike small animals, large ones are distinguished by their good nature, friendliness, sociability and great love for people.

The largest cat breeds: descriptions and prices

The Siberian cat is a large and developed animal whose weight can reach up to 15 kg. The fur of Siberian cats is quite long and thick, the tail is fluffy, and the color can be very diverse. Such animals will be ideal pets for people who suffer from allergies. Siberians have a very capricious character; they will not lie in their owner’s arms for hours, nor will they purr for a long time. They are good hunters, so the absence of mice and rats is guaranteed. The average price of a kitten ranges from 1,000 to 15,000 rubles. depending on the pedigree and litter.

The Norwegian Forest Cat is similar to the Siberian Cat. It appears very large due to its double water-repellent coat. Coat color can be very diverse. Males reach a weight of up to 12 kg, and cats - up to 5 kg. This breed is very sociable, playful and sociable. Despite its large size, the forest cat is very elegant and graceful. The average price of a kitten ranges from 5,000 to 40,000 rubles.

  • The Ragdoll is a unique breed that was developed quite recently. Translated, the cat’s name sounds like “rag doll.” The main distinguishing feature of ragdolls is reduced muscle tone. This breed was created by crossing a Siamese cat with a Burmese cat. There are 2 varieties of the breed: colorpoint (similar to Siamese cats) and bicolor (have white areas on the paws and face). Animals of each variety are lilac, chocolate or blue in color. Redgall cats are especially phlegmatic and extremely good-natured. Please note that they are not able to fall on their paws from a height due to muscle relaxation. A kitten of this breed will cost you from 5,000 to 45,000 rubles.

  • Usher's big cat is a hybrid cat named after the goddess Asherah. According to biotech company LifestylePets, this is the largest breed of domestic cat. The breed is believed to have been developed in 2007 using genes from the African Serval, Asian Bengal and the common domestic cat. A DNA test showed that Ashera is a classic representative of the Savannah breed, which was bred in the USA in the early 1980s. Initially, the kitten's price ranged from $22,000 to $27,000.

  • Savannah is the largest, one of the most beautiful and expensive cat breeds in the world. It reaches a height of 50–70 cm, and the weight of an adult can exceed 15 kg. They are striking in their dissimilarity to cats; the habits of the savannah are more reminiscent of dogs. These animals are highly trainable, love to walk on a leash and love to swim. The Savannah is a very sociable, playful, energetic breed that does not like to be alone. The color of the pets resembles the color of a leopard. The price for such a handsome man varies from 4,000 to 20,000 dollars.

  • The Chausie is a very rare large cat breed, common only among professional breeders. Adult cats reach 15 kg. They are distinguished by their spectacular appearance: thick and dense wool of a black or silver shade, a small and rounded muzzle, and tassels on the ears. The Chausie's ancestors were swamp lynxes, which explains the breed's muscular body, massive and strong paws, and wild and capricious character. Chausies are very active and cheerful: they love to run, jump, overcome obstacles and walk. The price of a kitten varies from 7,000 to 35,000 dollars

  • The Balinese or Baltic cat is cat with big ears, which appeared in the 1940s. The closest relatives of the breed are the Siamese cat. The character of the breed is truly unique, because they become attached to their owner not like a cat. The animal is very devoted, loves communication, affection and tenderness. They have an excellent appetite and love to meow. However, cats of this breed do not tolerate being offended even by children. If you have a small child, never allow him to torment the cat, otherwise scratches and aggression will result. The price of a kitten varies from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Cats are the most famous of domestic animals. Unlike dogs, they do not require special personal care, because you do not need to walk them regularly. Lately, large pets have been in fashion, the prices for which are quite high. If you decide to make such a purchase, contact a professional nursery to get a real purebred cat.

Typically, a cat weighs between 4-6 kg, is short in stature and small in size. There are, of course, individual specimens, but even they are not as impressive in their size as big cats. What are the largest cat breeds? Let's figure it out.

The biggest cats: top 5 largest

Animals of this breed have a large, well-developed body. Females reach 6-7 kg, females grow up to 12 kg. The fur of Siberian cats is thick and long, the tail is fluffy, and the color can be very diverse.

These cats are great for people who are allergic to animal fur. The character of these fluffies is quite capricious. They are not the type to purr while lying in their owner's arms for hours. They are excellent hunters, so the absence of rats or mice in the house is guaranteed. The price of Siberians ranges from 150 to 3000 UAH (600-12000 rubles).

Read also:

2. Norwegian Forest Cat

Similar to Siberian cats. It seems large and even cumbersome due to its “double” water-repellent coat. The coat color is very diverse.

Males weigh up to ten kilograms, and cats are relatively small - about four to five. These are very sociable, playful and sociable cats. Despite their large size, animals of this breed are very elegant and graceful. The price for kittens, on average, is from 200 to 9,000 UAH (800-36,000 rubles).

It will be interesting:

3. Maine Coon

These domestic big cats evoke admiration and affection. They are particularly large in size. The weight of cats can be more than 12-13 kg, cats weigh between 5-8 kg. The body length of adults, as a rule, reaches one meter or more.

Due to the presence of pronounced tufts at the tips of their ears, cats resemble a lynx. Despite their impressive size, Maine Coon cats are very neat, graceful, especially affectionate and friendly. The price for such kittens is from 2,500 UAH to 10,000 UAH (10,000-40,000 rubles).

The translation of the name of this cat breed sounds quite interesting “”. And the breed received this name for a reason, because Ragdoll cats are especially phlegmatic, and their phenomenal ability to relax their muscles as much as possible is almost legendary.

But, be very careful and especially watch your pet, because these cats are unable to fall on their paws from a height and this is due to muscle relaxation.

Characteristic features of the breed are blue eyes and very soft fur, most often light or white in color. These are the kindest, kindest, absolutely non-conflict and very friendly cats. A kitten of such a large breed will cost from 800 to 7,500 UAH (3,200-30,000 rubles).

5. Savannah

This is the largest cat breed in the world. Savannah at the withers reaches 50-60 cm, and the weight of an adult animal can reach 15 kg or more.

These are large domestic cats that amaze with their dissimilarity to cats, yes, yes, you read everything correctly, and I wrote everything correctly. The thing is that in some of their habits these cats resemble dogs - they are easy to train, will gladly go for walks on a leash, and also love all kinds of water treatments.