What does a Siberian Husky look like? These magical huskies: the most detailed description of the breed and characteristics with photos

When choosing a funny funny husky puppy, familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the breed and a description of the characteristics.

Important points in keeping a dog, because if there is a base certain knowledge you can enjoy the wonderful proximity of a faithful friend for many years.

The husky dog, faithful until the last breath to its owner, has an interesting origin, the description of which allows us to understand the characteristics of the husky breed.

The fact is that the ancestors are ancient northern dogs and wolves.

So, in addition to the fact that the representative of the breed has charming unique blue eyes, there's one more thing important property for future owners, which may not be immediately noticed.

The fact is that huskies howl and do not bark at all. Of course, the howling of a husky can cause a lot of trouble for both the owner and neighbors, especially if the husky is often left alone at home.

No one will like it if the neighbor's four-legged animals often bark, much less howl, and it is especially uncomfortable if the howling occurs at night.

The Eskimos explain the husky's howl with the legend that it allegedly howls in shame before the Almighty because it has not fulfilled its purpose on Earth.

IN real life everything is much more prosaic and if , then know that she howls alone.

She is characterized by a pack existence and now your family is her pack and uses howling to restore cohesion when there is no direct contact.

That is why the dog howls, expressing his desperate boredom and melancholy. And knowing the description of such a distinctive feature, a good owner will look for humane ways to fight.

The simplest thing can be called active walks with the husky, so that the dog gets tired and, left alone, simply falls asleep.

Please note that in hot weather the dog should not be kept in the sun long time . And keep in mind that the husky has the character of an explorer and traveler, which is why it is easy to lose an enthusiastic pet.

If there is a lot of noise in your home when you are present, you can leave the radio on when you leave. Prepare squeaky toys and bones for him so that when he wakes up, he can be distracted.

Better yet, do not return to the moment when the puppy is howling, otherwise he will think that this is the result of a “voice”.

According to the breed standard, the size of the dog is medium, it is nimble and easy to move. The body is compact, the tail is fluffy like a fox.

Males are larger than females. The male weighs up to 28 kg, height up to 60 cm, and the female weighs up to 23 kg. with a height of 56 cm.

The lower limit of the standard for a male is 53.5 cm in height and 20.5 kg. weight, for a female - height 50.5 cm, weight 15.5 kg.

The variety of colors has some classification by color, the most common colors are:

Black and white. The most popular current color. Often a stereotypical image - black and white with blue eyes.

Gray - white. When the main color is gray, and the undercoat consists of beige and silver tones.

White - silver. The most common one.

White - red. Red can be of different shades.

Pure white. In this color the standard allows black or brown pigmentation around the eyes, mouth and nose.

White. With random spots of various colors.

Pet care

In general, we can say about the Husky breed that they are long-livers. The life expectancy of a pet is quite realistic up to 14 years.

Moreover, throughout life, even after 10 years, the ability to be healthy and cheerful remains.

Such a long-term proximity to a pet, maximum duration life can be obtained as a result of the owner’s responsible and correct attitude towards care.

You need to monitor the condition of the puppy’s coat, bathe, and scratch it from an early age.

Regular grooming also helps your puppy learn to behave calmly when various procedures, inspections, which a dog show will also require.

It is more convenient and better to place the puppy on a non-slip table when performing grooming. When grooming is on the floor, it will be difficult for the puppy to distinguish it from play.

During shedding, it is necessary to comb out especially carefully with a comb and brush. The entire undercoat is not shed at once.

First the legs, then the body, and finally the tail; if grooming is not done, the dog will shed its hair for several weeks. When the dog does not shed, it is enough to brush it once a month.

Your dog may not like having his tail brushed if you pick it up.

The best position for this part of the toilet is when it is lying down. It is advisable to brush puppies more often to accustom them to grooming.

Taking care of adult dog, you will understand that grooming is needed not only for beauty. During the procedure, you can do an inspection, and not just adjust the appearance to the standard.

Periodically feeling skin, you can detect some diseases and excess weight in a timely manner.

To prepare for the exhibition, of course, you should make some efforts:

Before the exhibition, first of all, you need to wash the dog. Moreover, it is recommended to use special shampoo for the body and separate for the white areas of the coat.

Then apply conditioner and rinse the coat well. Next, when performing grooming for an exhibition, we dry it with a hairdryer and a haircut.

In America, it is customary to treat white areas of wool with crayons before an exhibition to emphasize the whiteness.

Huskies have a number of hereditary predispositions to such diseases.:

  • diseases of the cornea;
  • entropion of the eyelid;
  • retinal diseases, atrophy;
  • cataract and glaucoma;
  • tendency to skin allergies (dermatitis);
  • idiopathic nasal disease;
  • disease with disorder motor function larynx;
  • autoimmune spinal cord disease;
  • high blood pressure.

Since dogs are prone to allergies, the owner must always ensure that the pet does not have contact with various allergy triggers.

Allergies often occur due to food irritants. There may also be an allergy from a component in the air, such as dust.

If allergies occur, you should definitely contact your veterinarian.

Living conditions and society

If you plan to keep your Husky in an apartment, please note that climatic conditions in winter are more suitable for her.

That is why it is necessary that if she gets hot, there is enough to drink, a shaded place, let the husky find a place for herself in the apartment.

And to keep it outside it is best with a fence metal grille and definitely a canopy.

Because, due to its origin, as already noted, winter is a comfortable environment for a puppy. There must also be a equipped booth.

Dogs do not like loneliness and genetically there is no aggression, they are not evil.

It is quite possible in a family with children, but children, especially under the age of 12, need to be explained how to understand a dog.

Otherwise, children, not fully understanding its signs, may suffer from funny and funny pets. In short, we need to pay special attention to children when interacting with a pet.

Husky character

Siberian Huskies have a calm and friendly, yet lively character. Dogs are very active and are almost constantly on the move.

The dog is not very suitable for use as a hunting dog - the hunting instinct is strong, but the dog hunts for itself and does not bring prey. However, the use of Husky as a gun dog is not excluded. The nature of the breed is not without caution. The instinct to protect the territory is kept to a minimum; the Husky is used as a guard dog most often it is useless, since normally they have no aggression towards humans. However, sometimes Huskies can exhibit guarding qualities. It all depends on genetics, living conditions and maintenance, and socialization of the dog. The Siberian Husky breed is overly independent and is not well suited for a service role. Husky thinking is often extraordinary and the dog makes decisions independently and does not think in a stereotyped way, as is required during training. Attempts to unblock a Husky’s aggression towards a person often end in disruption of the dog’s psyche, which, given its physical capabilities, poses a serious danger to others.

Siberian Huskies easily settle into a new place and are well suited for apartment living. This breed has become very popular due to its unusual appearance. Huskies can be quite headstrong and stubborn, but if you start training them from childhood, the dog's character will change for the better.

The dog gets along well with children of any age and can easily become their best friend.

Bred as a sled dog, Siberian Huskies need regular and intense exercise, long walks and regular brain training - hiking in new places, playing with a flying disc, overcoming obstacles, obedience classes.

Please note that Siberian Huskies are prone to running away. There is a known case when a dog, locked in a rural house, jumped with its muzzle and broke out the glass, jumped out the window and went to look for its pack. Huskies quickly learn to open doors and most locks are no problem for them. They are excellent diggers and in a matter of minutes are able to dig a hole under a fence or a fairly large hole, which is part of their hunting qualities - digging out rodents. Huskies jump well and are able to climb over high fences.


The dog is clean, non-slobbering, self-cleaning coat and skin have no odor. Shedding occurs twice a year naturally, without trimming. The animal does not require special care, however, during molting, it is preferable to comb out the rather thick undercoat.

Hunting instinct

A peculiarity of the breeding of most northern aboriginal dogs is that it is customary to feed sled dogs only in winter, when snow falls, and they begin to be used in sled teams. In the spring, when the snow melts, the team of dogs disbands and until autumn they live on pasture. Hence the strongly expressed hunting instinct associated with the need for survival. The main diet of Siberian Huskies consists of field mice and small birds, but the Husky is quite capable of catching up and tearing apart a hare, roe deer and other living creatures.

In modern urban conditions, this property of Siberian Huskies brings certain problems. So, for example, if a Husky puppy grows up in a house where a cat is kept, then in most cases he does not hunt cats. Otherwise, when he sees a cat, he high degree chances are she will try to catch up with her and strangle her. At the dacha or in rural areas, the slightest loss of vigilance can result in the extermination of cats, chickens, roosters and other small living creatures.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the ancestors of modern Siberian Huskies, living in Kolyma, Chukotka and Kamchatka, were taken from northern regions Russia, where for thousands of years these dogs performed a wide variety of work: pulling sleds, hunting, herding herds of deer. The indigenous peoples of the north never divided their huskies into hunting, sledding and reindeer herding, as is customary now. These dogs were of a similar origin, with a well-organized psyche and had much in common in appearance. However, the use of these dogs was universal, thanks to their endurance and ability to perform various jobs.

Further development Siberian breeds sled dogs were already obtained in Alaska, in the USA, where they were indispensable in the household and were used in mines for gold mining. This story is described more colorfully by Lorna Demidoff in her book ““. At the same time, since 1909, Siberian sled dogs were used in sled dog racing, but due to the inexperience of the musher, high results then it was not possible to achieve. Siberian sled dogs truly gained popularity in sport in 1910. In 1925, these dogs were used in an operation to save the city of Nome from an epidemic. Then, thanks to dog sleds, the vaccine was delivered from Anchorage to the dying city of Nome. Dog sledding in 5 days in extremely unfavorable conditions weather conditions covered about 1000 km. Most of the route is 550 km. was passed by the team of Leonard Seppala, which was led by the already well-known dog Togo at that time. The city of Nome was saved and the heroic feat of the team was widely covered by the US press and Togo became a national hero. All this served as the basis for the annual Iditarod sled dog race in the USA. Lorna Davidoff, in turn, being a dog breeder and crossing her sled dogs with Togo and others outstanding dogs, developed the original Siberian Husky breed, which we know now - the classic black and white color, Blue eyes. The beauty of the breed amazed judges at dog shows, Togo became the founder of the modern gene pool of the Siberian Husky breed in the USA. The Siberian Husky breed spread throughout the world and with the beginning of perestroika it was brought to Russia...

The Siberian Husky is a medium-sized Northern Sled breed. Great for active people who will not be embarrassed by a playful and active pet. The ability of wool to self-clean, the absence of slobbering, the dog is practically odorless, qualities that have led to the fact that huskies are increasingly kept in city apartments.

in the photo a Siberian husky lies near the house

Description of the Siberian Husky breed and the FCI standard

Siberian Husky - medium size, large boned, thick coat, harmonious build, attractive shape head and ears.

  1. Country of origin: USA.
  2. Application: Sled dog.
  3. FCI classification: Group 5 Spitz and primitive types of dogs. Section 1 Northern sled dogs. No operational tests.
  4. General Appearance: A medium-sized working dog with strong, well-developed muscles and free, elegant movements. The body is moderately compact and covered with dense fur, erect ears, and a bushy tail. The characteristic gait of the husky is smooth and relaxed. Performs well in harness, carrying light loads with average speed over long distances. Body proportions and appearance reflect the basic balance of strength, speed and endurance. Males are strong, strong, not rough; bitches are feminine, but without weakness in structure.
  5. Important proportions:
  • The length of the body from the point of the shoulder joint to the ischial tuberosity is slightly greater than the height at the withers
  • The distance from the tip of the nose to the stop is equal to the distance from the stop to the occipital protuberance.
  • Behavior/Temperament: friendly, kind, efficient. Not prone to dominance or aggression towards other dogs. Discreet, smart, flexible with self-esteem.
  • Head: The skull is of medium size, in proportion to the body, slightly rounded at the top and tapering from the widest part towards the eyes.
    • Stop (transition from forehead to muzzle): well expressed.
  • Nose: Gray, red and black huskies have a black nose; in individuals of copper color - chestnut; the dogs are clean white color let's say a flesh-colored nose. A “snow nose” with pink streaks is allowed.
  • Muzzle: medium length and width, gradually tapering towards the nose, not pointed and not square at the end. The bridge of the nose is straight from the stop to the tip of the nose.
  • Lips: Well pigmented, tightly fitting.
  • Jaws/Teeth: regular scissor bite, upper row closely overlapping the lower. The teeth are strong and white.
  • Eyes: almond-shaped, moderately spaced, slightly oblique. Eyes brown or blue color; For the Siberian Husky breed, different eyes and partial coloring are acceptable. The expression in the eyes is attentive, friendly, and sometimes mischievous.
  • Ears: Medium size, triangular in shape, set close and high. Thick, well pubescent, slightly convex with outside, fully erect, with slightly rounded tips pointing vertically upward.
  • Neck: Medium length, arched, carried proudly when standing. When trotting, the neck lengthens and the head moves slightly forward.
  • Back: Straight, strong, of medium length, neither stocky nor weak due to excessive length. The top line from the withers to the croup is straight.
  • Loin: elastic, thin, narrower than the chest, slightly tucked.
  • Croup: Sloping, but not so steep as to restrict the propulsion of the hindquarters.
  • Chest: deep, strong, but not too wide; the deepest point is just behind elbow joint and at his level. The ribs start well from the spine, but are flattened on the sides to allow freedom of movement.
  • Tail: Well-furred, fox-type, set below the topline, in an alert dog carried raised above the back in the shape of an elegant sickle. In the upper position, the tail is not curled on one side or the other, and is not spread across the back. When calm, the tail is lowered. The hair on the tail is of medium length and almost the same length on all sides, which gives the appearance of a round “fox” tail.
  • Forelegs: When viewed from the front, moderately spaced, parallel, straight. The bone is strong, but not heavy. The length of the leg from the elbow to the ground is slightly greater than the distance from the elbow to the top of the withers. The dewclaws on the front legs may be removed.
    • Shoulder blades and shoulders: The shoulder blade is well angled back. The shoulder slopes slightly back from the end of the shoulder blade to the elbow and is never perpendicular to the surface of the ground. The muscles and ligaments connecting the shoulder to the chest are strong and well developed.
    • Elbows: tightly pressed to the body, not tucked in or out.
    • Wrist joint: strong but flexible.
    • Pasterns: Seen from the side, slightly sloping.
  • Hind limbs: when viewed from behind, moderately spaced, parallel. Dewclaws, if present, should be removed.
    • Thigh: powerful with well-developed muscles.
    • Knee: with good articulation angle.
    • Hock joint: well defined, low located.
  • Feet: Oval, but not long, medium in size, compact, well furred between the toes and pads. The pads are elastic and thick. The feet are turned neither in nor out when the dog is in a natural stance.
  • Movement: characteristic gait for the Siberian Husky breed - smooth, easy, effortless. The dog is fast and light on its feet; in the show ring should move on a loose leash at a moderately fast trot, demonstrating good reach from the front legs and good drive from the hind legs. When viewed from front and rear, while moving at a walking pace, the tracks do not form a single line, but as speed increases, the limbs gradually converge until the pads are placed on a line directly under the longitudinal central axis of the body. When the paw prints match, the front and hind legs are carried straight forward, without turning the elbows in or out. Each hind leg steps after the front of the same name. While the dog is moving, the top line remains motionless and level.
  • Coat: The coat is "double", of medium length, giving the impression of good feathering, but not so long as to hide the clean outer lines of the dog. The undercoat is soft, dense, and of sufficient length to support the guard hair. The guard hair is straight, lies smoothly, is in no way hard and does not stand perpendicular to the surface of the body. The absence of undercoat during the molting period is acceptable. Trimming of hair between the toes and around the paws is allowed to give a neat appearance. appearance. Trimming hair on any other part of the body is unacceptable and should be punished.
  • Color: All colors from black to pure white are acceptable. A variety of head markings are common, including many patterns not found in other breeds.
  • Size/Weight of the Siberian Husky breed:
    • Height at withers: males: 53.5 - 60 cm; females: 50.5 - 56 cm.
    • Weight: males: 20.5 - 28 kg; females: 15.5 - 23 kg.

    The weight of a husky is proportional to the height at the withers. The dimensions mentioned above represent extreme limits for height and weight and no preference should be given to one or the other. Any manifestations of excessive bonyness or weight are considered a defect.

  • Faults: Any deviation from the above requirements is considered a fault and its severity is assessed strictly in proportion to its severity.
    • Skull: rough, massive, light head.
    • Stop: insufficiently expressed.
    • The muzzle is too rough or sharp.
    • Bite: any bite except scissor bite.
    • Eyes: excessively slanted or too close together.
    • Ears: Too large in relation to the head or widely spaced, soft ears.
    • Neck: short, thick or long neck.
    • Back: weak, sagging, humpbacked; sloping topline.
    • Chest: Excessively broad or barrel chest, flat or weak ribs.
    • Tail: Tail lying on the back or in a ring, excessive dewlap, very high or low set tail
    • Shoulders: straight, loose shoulder blades.
    • Forelegs: weak pasterns, rough bones; wide or narrow set of forelimbs; free elbows
    • Hind limbs: straight knee joints; cow stand, narrow or wide stand.
    • Feet: splayed, flat, too large and rough, too small and tender; size or clubfoot
    • Movement: short, prancing or mincing step; movements are heavy, waddling, crossing or sideways.
    • Coat: Long, harsh or shaggy coat; rough or silky; sheared wool anywhere except where indicated.
  • Disqualifying faults:
    • Aggression or cowardice.
    • Males over 60 cm at the withers, females over 56 cm.
    • Any dog ​​with physical or mental disorders should be disqualified.

    Note: Males must have two normally developed testes, fully descended into the scrotum.

    Siberian Husky color

    Any color is acceptable:

    • white
    • black and white
    • gray-white
    • silver - white
    • brown - white
    • Isabella (very light coat color close to white)
    • marble
    • sable (copper or red fur)
    • agouti (black - red - white wool)
    • Peebold (white coat with spots of any color)
    • black and tan (tricolor)
    • black

    Siberian Husky character

    Happy Siberian Husky - photo in motion

    Main distinctive features The character of the Siberian Husky is cheerfulness, balance, good nature and energy. Thanks to these qualities, it is perfect for families with children. The breed gets along well with children of various ages and becomes for them good friend and companion. If you show affection and care, he will definitely reciprocate.

    Despite the fact that the husky's character was formed in the harsh conditions of the north, they are easy to train - a husky can obey well, but there will be a degree of independence in the character.

    Gets along well with representatives of its own breed and with many other non-aggressive dogs. Her character is wary of others, but what prevents her from becoming a real security guard is the fact that she lacks aggressiveness and suspicion of strangers.

    They love maximum attention to themselves, but if you often have to go on business trips, the dog will not be particularly bored, so you can safely entrust its care to your friends.

    Siberian Husky maintenance and care

    The ideal environment for keeping a Siberian Husky is a spacious enclosure in the private sector. But, as you know, the breed can also be kept in urban apartment conditions.

    Siberian Huskies are quite clean, so their fur and skin do not emit any odor. True, during the heating season and in rooms with dry, warm air, shedding is more noticeable.

    If you want to buy a Siberian Husky, remember that it is sled dog, which was bred for fast movement in the northern expanses, so it needs physical activity and long walks without a leash.

    If you plan to keep them in an enclosure, it is important to note that they love to dig the ground and can jump high, so take special measures to prevent them from going free without permission.

    During the shedding period, carefully and regularly comb the undercoat, this will make the process faster and less noticeable.

    The most important point in caring for a husky is correct and proper care of the coat, because it conveys all the beauty of this breed.

    Siberian Husky pictured with a red tulip

    The coat of the Siberian Husky is characterized by thickness, due to which it has water-repellent properties. It is worth noting that a puppy needs more care than an adult dog, because babies require a lot of attention and affection.

    She is not cut; the alternative is grooming, which she is taught to do from puppyhood. Brush regularly, especially during shedding, to remove excess dead hair. When combing, it is important to take into account one feature - it is best to comb the tail when the dog is in supine position, so she will be more comfortable. A bristle brush is suitable for grooming, which will clean the fur from dust and dirt.

    Bathing a Siberian Husky

    Photo of a white Siberian Husky puppy with glasses around his eyes

    Bathing, important point in caring for a Siberian Husky. Ideally, you can bathe no more than once a year, but in urban conditions they bathe as they become dirty.

    Many breeders use dry cleaning of wool.

    At proper care, content and balanced diet, they are distinguished by health and longevity. It is important to know that huskies cannot tolerate heat very well, so you need to constantly ensure that the dog does not overheat and does not get sunstroke.

    Siberian Husky food

    Photo of a Siberian Husky puppy with a surprised look

    The diet of a Siberian Husky puppy differs significantly from the diet of an adult dog.

    For small puppies, it is important to chop food into small pieces that he can eat without much difficulty. And upon reaching 9 one month old, the young animals are transferred to the diet of an adult dog.

    It is important not to forget that this is a very active dog, so the diet should be balanced and high in calories. In addition, the feeding time of a puppy, in principle, like an adult dog, should be regular, that is, at the same time. Mostly huskies eat little food, but there are also those who like to eat heavily.

    Nutrition must be balanced. Dry food can be used for this purpose, but huskies prefer natural products, do not mix dry food and food under any circumstances, this is harmful to health.

    1. If you choose dry food, keep in mind that in this case the dog needs to drink more water.
    2. When choosing in favor natural nutrition, it is important to diversify the diet: the basis of the diet should be meat (70%), preferably beef (scalded with boiling water or boiled), but chicken and rabbit are also suitable.
    • You can add entrails to food - hearts, kidneys, tongue.
    • Huskies enjoy eating boiled sea fish.
    • Vegetables (tomatoes, cabbage, zucchini, carrots, cucumbers).
    • The recommended cereals are millet, buckwheat, and rice. Don't forget about seasonal fruits.

    Make sure you have regular access to a bowl of clean water.

    Training a Siberian Husky

    Siberian Husky photo at competitions

    It is necessary to begin the process of training a Siberian Husky puppy at the age of 3 months. In general, huskies are highly trainable, since the instinct of obedience is inherent in their blood.

    You can train either independently or through a club with a dog handler. However, training in a club has its advantages - your dog will socialize with other representatives of the breed, plus vocational training necessary commands. Training uses basic principles for all dogs.

    The main rule is not to allow the puppy to do anything that will be prohibited in adulthood.

    You need to start training with the basic commands “Stand”, “Sit” and “Come”. Knowing these commands is the key to your pet's obedience.

    Huskies, although stubborn, are diligent and obedient, and at the same time they grasp all commands on the fly. Commands should always be pronounced clearly and in an insistent, stern voice, so that the dog understands that you are not trying to command, but are asking to carry out a command.

    The exceptions are the commands “No” and “Fu” - these commands are pronounced with a threatening intonation.
    The key to successful training is rewarding with a treat as soon as the command is completed.

    Another indispensable command for obedience is “Nearby”.

    Once the puppy begins to understand the command and follow it, you need to move from treats to praise. You can also use various rubber toys - balls, marbles or bones.

    Huskies love games, and this can be used in training. If you want to buy a Siberian Husky, remember that this is a headstrong and characterful dog, so it is important to be patient when training.

    Siberian Husky disease

    • corneal dystrophy
    • turn of the century
    • progressive retinal atrophy
    • cataract
    • glaucoma
    • atopic dermatitis
    • depigmentation of the nose
    • laryngeal paralysis
    • degenerative myelopathy
    • perianal gland adenoma
    • in males (testicular tumor)

    Video of Siberian Husky

    The Siberian Husky breed is medium in size and comes from Siberia. The ancestors of modern Huskies served the distant northern tribal peoples who were nomadic and therefore dependent on dogs for their existence.

    Abstract description of the Husky breed

    Molting occurs twice a year. Mostly moderate, but falls during shedding season large number hair, so you will have to brush your dog daily.

    Huskies do quite well in apartments, provided they have the opportunity to exercise. Ideal place for maintenance is a private country house.

    If the animal does not find an outlet for its violent energy, it will begin to chew the slippers. In the courtyard of a country house, huskies will dig holes under the fence and loosen the ground.

    Husky dogs practically do not bark, even when someone unfamiliar approaches their home territory. Therefore, as guards this breed do not use.

    Due to their stubborn nature, these dogs are not suitable for novice dog owners. They certainly need a leader in the person of a strict master.

    Since huskies are curious, they often get injured and get lost when leaving their home.

    These good-natured animals are ideal pets for families with children.

    When buying a husky puppy, you should find out about its diet. They generally don't need a lot of high calorie food.

    Some historical data

    The Siberian Husky breed is one of the oldest, the genomic composition of which differs little from that of a wolf.

    The first to tame and domesticate these dogs were the Chukchi.

    People in Chukotka used these animals as riding animals, guard animals and shepherd animals. For many years natural selection brought into the world a healthy, hardy dog ​​breed.

    Huskies were first introduced to the states in 1908. During the “gold rush” season, the team with huskies came third to the finish line. After this event, this breed began to be taken more seriously.

    The most famous feat performed by this dog occurred in 1925, when the husky dog ​​Balto, in harness with other brothers, along a difficult path of 1085 kilometers, delivered the long-awaited vaccine to the city in order to save the local people of Alaska.

    However, over time, the Siberian Husky lost primacy in the races to other breeds. Today the entire breed is divided into working, racing and show class representatives.

    Description of husky

    You can recognize the breed by its thick coat, erect triangular-shaped ears and the color characteristic only of huskies.

    The height of the cables reaches 60 cm, and the weight is from 20 to 27 kg. Females grow up to 50 cm at the withers and weigh from 16 to 23 kg.

    The coat has two layers and is quite thick. The tail is fluffy; when excited, it is raised above the dog's back.

    As for the color, it can be anything. However, the most common colors are combinations of black and snow-white, gray and white and pure snow-white.

    The breed's ears are erect and have the shape of a triangle, slightly rounded at the tip.

    Husky eyes are almond-shaped, with shades ranging from brown to sky bluish. Quite often, animals appear with heterochromia, when the eyes have different colors.

    Breed Traits

    The main value of dogs of this breed is intelligence and unprecedented endurance. It is important to practice them for life various kinds work to feel like the happiest creatures.

    Without mental stimulation, the Husky dog ​​becomes bored and destructive.

    These are naturally predatory animals, so they deftly and skillfully track down and pursue small fellows.

    For huskies, it is important to maintain a clear hierarchy, showing who is the leader in the pack, because this dog always tries to assert superiority. These are very family animals with a cheerful, playful disposition.

    If a small husky is taught to live with other animals in the house, then in the future there will be no problems with family pets living together.

    Thanks to its mobility, the representative of the breed will be an excellent companion for active, cheerful people.

    The husky's peculiarity is expressed in the ability to open doors, jump over and undermine fences and in search of adventure, as a result of which they can get lost and wander.

    Judging by the numerous photos of huskies with people, the fashion for this breed is growing every day.

    However, before purchasing a husky pet, you should thoroughly study the character and maintenance of these animals.

    Dog care and health

    Pictures of huskies show that the animals have thick hair that requires high-quality care. The coat needs to be groomed and brushed weekly. And during the molting period - every day. These dogs are clean and odorless.

    With proper care, Huskies can live between 12-15 years. It's pretty healthy dog. All existing diseases are genetic.

    Husky photo

    When you see a tall, well-built animal, whose appearance is similar to a wolf, and whose eyes have an unusual blue color, you begin to experience very complex feelings. One type of husky breed evokes feelings of fear, delight and numbness. The only desire arises - to simply observe the habits of the animal.

    Breed characteristics

    When purchasing a puppy, it is still difficult to determine how well it will meet the standards of its breed. But there are still some signs of the breed that are worth paying attention to. The bones must be strong and the bite must be correct. Coat color can have many variations. 15 different shades are considered standard. Eyes may have different color. Dark glasses on a light muzzle mask - prerequisite. If the puppy is hunchbacked, its paws are loose, and its fur sticks out in clumps, then you have a defective representative of the breed.

    Parameters of purebred Huskies (brief description):

    1. The female weighs from 16 to 23 kg, the male from 21 to 28 kg.
    2. Height (at the withers) of a female is from 50 to 56 cm, a male is from 54 to 60 cm.
    3. Coat color: black, brown, white, Various options white with black, gray and brown.
    4. The eyes are surrounded by a black or white mask.
    5. The coat is very thick and of medium length. The undercoat is soft to the touch.

    Description of character

    Dogs of this breed can obey a person with very strong character. Dogs themselves are leaders by nature, so you need to be able to manage them. Despite some difficulties in training arising from the stubborn nature of dogs, they have high level intelligence.


    Plus or minus, the dogs are very friendly. They love to help their owners. This is why they are considered a sledding and working breed. They helped people work and survive in extreme conditions North. Having Siberian roots, they are distinguished by excellent health and endurance. Despite the fact that the dog is very beautiful, it requires minimal care. She can become a good nanny for children and gets along well with them. Not aggressive towards other dogs and animals. But if she encounters small game on her way, her song will be sung. The dog does not have a bad odor.


    Behavioral features include the inexhaustible energy of dogs. They should be owned by a person who can provide her with a very active lifestyle, squeezing every ounce of strength out of her every day. They can run away from their owner and disappear somewhere for some time. If the dog is not walked and the energy accumulated in it is not allowed to come out, it will begin to damage the property and personal belongings of the household. So that the dog doesn't buy bad habits, he must be taught discipline and obedience from childhood. Due to its good nature, the breed does not have fighting or guarding qualities.

    All about the breed

    The natural breeding of the breed was carried out by the Chukchi. The breed has been improved over several millennia. Hardy and hard-working dogs were extremely necessary for the small nations of the north.

    But, unfortunately, in our country at one time they were unable to appreciate the excellent qualities of huskies, and the dogs began to be considered unpromising.

    Take note! Huskies owe the preservation of the breed and popularity to the Americans, who gave this breed its name. The word "husky", which sounds like "Eski" in the American way, is translated as "Eskimo".

    They gained the greatest popularity during the “gold rush” in Alaska, when a friendly, hardy and efficient dog provided great assistance to gold miners. They managed to enter the lives of Americans so firmly that they began to perceive these dogs as national treasure. From historical roots In Huskies, only the name remains - Siberian.


    Even a child can take care of the appearance of a husky, it is so simple and uncomplicated.

    Puppies need to be brushed twice a week so that the fluffy fur does not have time to curl into tangles. A six-month-old puppy, like an adult dog, needs only one brushing per week. The bad side of keeping these dogs is they shed, which happens twice a year and lasts about three weeks. Especially if they live in an apartment. In this case, you need to take care of the animal’s fur very carefully.

    Accept water procedures, it is recommended no more than twice a year. But even with such rare bathing, dogs don’t unpleasant odors. However, they should not be allowed to get dirty or wallow in dirt. If the wool does get dirty, the dirt should be wiped off with a damp cloth.

    Attention! To preserve the beautiful undercoat, you need to use special rakes. Unlike ordinary scratchers, they do not tear guard hairs.

    What to feed

    Although, the husky can be fed natural food, and special feeds (without mixing), preference is given natural nutrition. At the same time, the menu should be varied and the diet balanced.

    Useful for the dog low-fat varieties meat: beef, chicken. Vegetables will be beneficial sea ​​fish and offal; steamed porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat) should be consumed daily. If food is prepared at home, it needs heat treatment.


    Different types of dogs were bred for a specific purpose: to improve the breed standard, to give the species a specific appearance, to identify and consolidate unusual qualities.

    Huskies also acquired modifications, and therefore they were divided into classes.

    Mini Husky

    Variety lap dogs, which do not grow above the species norm. Suitable for people who cannot afford housing big dogs. Miniature copy husok. In terms of charm, they can surpass their relatives. Good-natured, loving, energetic.

    A wonderful companion. Has two subtypes:

    1. Mini Husky (Klee Kai). Height 33–39 cm. Weight up to 7 kg.
    2. Toy Husky. Height up to 33 cm, weight up to 4.5 kg.
    3. The lifespan of mini-huskies is from 14 to 16 years.


    This purebred species, bred many centuries ago, has not undergone significant changes. Needs regular and significant exercise. In their absence, the dog may become uncontrollable. His purpose is to be an obedient helper.


    The most expensive mestizo. Belongs to the category of sporting dogs. Thanks to its speed and endurance, it has excellent driving qualities. Used as vehicle in impassable conditions of northern latitudes.

    The following people took part in the creation of the breed: Alaskan Malamute, Border Collie, German shepherd. They have differences in the length of their fur. Due to the fact that it is short, molting occurs quickly and unnoticed. They live from 12-15 years. It is better to maintain this species with a lot of free space and under strict control. They exhibit the characteristic traits of Huskies—loyalty and deep affection.

    No matter how surprising it may sound, it was bred as a guard dog, to protect the owner and his property, as well as for hunting. Due to its powerful appearance, it is often confused with the Sakhalin species. But you can determine the breed by great variety color Crossing the species with shepherd dogs gave the breed hunting, herding and fighting abilities. There is information that the species is on the verge of extinction.

    The Husky breed has been true friend And an indispensable assistant. She saved and rescued people from the most hopeless situations. And if it was not possible to save, she obediently shared the fate of her beloved owner. More loyal, smart and beautiful friend impossible to find.