Feed preparation, feeding norms and procedures. Granulated dog food Is it possible to give a dog chicken feed?

For puppies, we recommend food containing offal (heart, kidneys), boiled fish with fat, beef, lamb minced through a meat grinder. It is advisable to add finely chopped lettuce, dandelion, parsley, and young nettle as an addition to the main food. Dogs also enjoy turkey, chicken, eggs, and cheese. For adult dogs, cut the meat into pieces.

Puppies get the necessary carbohydrates from cereals - rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, millet. Vegetable and animal fats are beneficial for all dog breeds. By increasing the caloric content of food, fats have a beneficial effect on the growth of the coat, making it thick and shiny.

Dogs eat long grass while walking; it is not food; it helps remove hair and mucus from their stomachs.

Sweets should not be given, as suppuration of the eyes, lacrimation, and liver dysfunction may occur. Salt is the most harmful product for dogs, it is recommended to reduce it to a minimum. To preserve the sense of smell, especially in working and hunting dogs, it is recommended to completely eliminate spices and herbs.

Large amounts of plant foods are useless as a source of vitamins; they only increase intestinal motility.

It is important for puppies to develop beneficial microflora in the intestines, which is successfully created by fermented milk products - kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream. Fresh milk is difficult to digest and causes intestinal upset. In the first months, calcined cottage cheese is recommended for all puppies. It's not difficult to prepare. Bring 0.5 liters of milk to a boil, add 1 to 4 tablespoons of calcium chloride (10%). Strain the curdled milk, give the thick mass to the puppies, and use the whey for porridge.

You should remember to balance the puppy’s diet in terms of calcium and phosphorus. For normal development of a puppy, the ratio of calcium and phosphorus should be 3:4, for puppies of large breeds 4:1. Commercially available ready-made mineral supplements for dogs are “Multivit”, “Biocal”, “Farmavit”, “Canvit Junior”, “Irish Kal” must be given strictly according to instructions.

Dogs of the same breed, like people, have individual metabolisms. The same diet can act differently for them - one dog can be normal, another - fat. Dog obesity is a serious problem.

As a puppy grows up, it needs more food than an adult dog of the same breed. The owner himself decides how much food to give the dog, paying attention to whether it is full or not, whether it begs for food before the allotted feeding time, and whether it is growing normally. A properly fed dog is energetic, cheerful, and has a shiny coat. A hungry dog ​​is restless, its ribs stick out - it is necessary to increase the amount of food. If the coat becomes dry or dandruff appears, you need to add unrefined sunflower oil to your food.

Dogs benefit from a diet in which they have properly formed excrement, which means that the bacterial flora of their digestive tract is adapted to it.

When keeping dogs in the city, it is convenient to use dry food that is balanced in amino acids, vitamins, carbohydrates, fats, micro- and macroelements. The food is selected according to the breed, age, and energy needs of the dog. No additional food is needed. The norm of food consumption is fed 2 times - in the morning and in the evening, puppies can be fed more often. Ready-made food is cheaper than homemade balanced food, which contains two-thirds meat, minerals, and vitamins.

It is important to feed the dog at the same time, the saturation process lasts 20-30 minutes, after which you need to remove the bowl, the rest of the food can be transferred to the next feeding. It is harmful to overfeed, this can avoid functional disorders. Functional disorders in dogs can occur if dog owners do not comply with recommendations for the use of dry food, while simultaneously feeding other food and additional vitamins.

It has been experimentally proven that the high productivity of farm animals and poultry, which is genetically determined, manifests itself only with the organization of physiologically justified and balanced feeding. In intensive livestock farming, maximum attention is paid to this area of ​​zoological science. It is important that the feed supply satisfies the animals’ needs for essential nutrients and other elements. And for this they must enter the body in the right quantity and in the right ratio. This balance can be ensured by ready-made mixed feeds, which are created taking into account the achievements of modern biochemistry and animal physiology.

What is compound feed?

Compound feed consists of purified and crushed feed mixture of plant and animal origin. To enrich it, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, enzymes and other components necessary for the normal growth and development of farm animals are added. It is a homogeneous mass, ready for use. It can be produced in briquetted, granulated and loose form.

Main components:

  • grain crops, carbohydrate-containing products (wheat, barley, oats, millet, triticale, corn) - up to 85%;
  • cake meal (flax, soybean, sunflower) - up to 15–25%;
  • legumes with a high protein content (soybeans, beans, peas, chickpeas, lupine) - up to 45%;
  • oilseeds (rapeseed, sunflower, cotton, camelina, rapeseed) - up to 15%;
  • hay, straw, other roughage with a high fiber content;
  • grain and food industry waste;
  • amino acids;
  • mineral mixtures;
  • vitamin supplements;
  • antibiotics and biostimulants.

All components are selected taking into account the chemical composition. They complement each other and contribute to better absorption of nutrients necessary for animals. Therefore, they are suitable for organizing rationed feeding and can be used in intensive livestock farming. High-quality animal feed is the basis of profitable livestock farming.


Animal feed can be used as a main feed or as a supplement fed in limited quantities. Recipes are developed for each animal species separately. They take into account their age and biological condition.

With proper use of the compositions, you can significantly reduce the consumption of grain feed and increase the productivity of the herd. The effectiveness is confirmed by the results of domestic and foreign research, as well as the experience of leading agricultural enterprises of domestic and foreign livestock breeding.

The scope is wide. Animal feed is actively used in fattening pigs, raising calves, rabbits, and cattle. They help increase the milk yield of dairy cows, increase the productivity of small cattle and poultry.

Main types and types

Depending on the purpose, compound feed is produced in three main types.

  • Complete feed- completely covers all the needs of animals and poultry for nutrients, biologically active and mineral substances. Used daily as the only food. This diet is used in feeding fish, chickens, geese, ducks, rabbits, pigs, horses and young animals of other species. Products are marked with PC indices.
  • Compound feed concentrate - is not an independent food, but only an addition to the main diet. Such animal feed cannot be used as the only feed. It is characterized by a high content of vitamins, microelements, and biologically active substances. A concentrate is produced for animals of all production groups. It supplements the feed with essential substances that are lacking in the local feed supply. The compositions are marked with the letter K.
  • Balancing feed additives - protein-vitamin-mineral compositions (BVD, BMVD, master concentrates). They are homogeneous mixtures of high-protein feed components and useful microadditives intended for specific animals. In the production of additives, waste from the oil extraction industry, grass meal, yeast, biologically active substances, and animal feed are often used. They are not used in feeding on their own. As a rule, BMVD is introduced into grain fodder in an amount of 20–25% of the total mass.

Premixes are included in a separate group. They are a mixture of biologically active substances with filler. Premixes are used to enrich animal feed or improve the composition of BVMD. In addition to vitamins, amino acids and minerals, the premix may contain substances with stimulating properties. They have a positive effect on the digestibility of feed and increase the resistance of animals to diseases, since they may contain drugs.

Main properties and characteristics

Homogeneous granulated feed is digested better than conventional feed mixtures. Its use has a positive effect on the profitability of agricultural production and provides a high economic effect. As for the composition, the recipe is developed separately for all groups and types of production animals.

The properties of feed are influenced by the following indicators:

  • humidity and hygroscopicity;
  • granulometric composition (fraction size can range from 0.5 mm to 4 cm in diameter);
  • flowability (the value of the angle of repose and the coefficient of internal friction are taken into account);
  • fragility and water resistance of granules;
  • density, viscosity and self-sorting;
  • volumetric mass.

The physical and chemical characteristics of animal feed depend on the properties of the components that make up it and the ratio of the components. The flowability of the feed is affected by the size of the granules and the value of the equilibrium moisture content. The chemical properties are influenced by the percentage of fiber, fat, protein and other substances.

The standard for mixed feed specifies its purpose and quality requirements. Each batch of products leaves the warehouse with a certificate. The consumer receives a document indicating the company that manufactured the product, the recipe number, the purpose of the feed, the composition of the mixture and the date of manufacture.

Contents and compositions of main types of feed

Animal feed is always selected individually. Age, food group and type of animal are taken into account. The diet for laying hens will be different from the diet for young broilers. There are also significant differences between compositions for fattening pigs and feeding breeding stock. When fattening cattle, preference is given to the concentrate type of feeding (the share of concentrates is 60–75%).
It is important to pay attention to the nutritional value of the diet and the percentage of protein. Feeds with low protein content are of lower quality, as they cannot satisfy the body's need for this important element.

Grass meal is added to animal feed. It is a source of fiber, which ensures the normalization of digestive processes, and at the same time a vitamin supplement. However, its content in the recipe should not exceed accepted standards. For each biological species of farm animals they will be different.

Compound feed for pigs

In the production of feed for pigs, ready-made recipes approved in a certain order are used, or individually calculated compositions created according to customer requirements. Their recipes are calculated by specialists using special computer programs. General technical requirements for complete feeds are specified in GOST R 50257–92.

Complete feed for pigs is produced for the following groups of pigs raised in livestock complexes and farms:

  • breeding boars;
  • single, pregnant and suckling uteruses;
  • piglets, from birth to 4 months of age;
  • replacement young stock;
  • fattening pigs.

As an example, let’s look at the composition of complete feed for certain groups of farm animals.

Recipe for complete feed for breeding boars:

Recipe for complete feed for fattening pigs to fatty condition:

Compound feed for poultry

In the production of compound feed for each age and economic group of poultry

In addition to grains, they use components that make it possible to create nutritional mixtures that take into account the biology of each species. At the same time, it is important to normalize the metabolic energy of feed. The approved tabular forms provide only averaged data, which in each individual case must be adjusted taking into account the relationship to age and direction of productivity.

In addition to energy value, the balance of amino acids and vitamins is important for laying hens. Much attention is paid to the mineral composition. Feed must contain the required amount of calcium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus. A severe lack of these elements can lead to egg pecking and a decrease in the productivity of the poultry house.

For feeding broilers, as a rule, diets labeled PK 5 and PK 6 are used. They have a balanced composition and are suitable for daily use. However, at different periods of broiler growth, it is necessary to adjust the ratio of some components. This can be seen from the table.

Approximate composition of complete feed for broilers:

It is important to take into account the characteristics and nutrient requirements of various types, breeds and crosses of poultry. To increase the digestibility of feed, bioadditives and feed enzymes are introduced into its composition. Good results are obtained by adding butyric acid, which protects the intestinal mucosa from irritation. Acidifiers help reduce the contamination of feed with pathogenic bacteria and reduce the risk of unwanted fungi getting into it. This solves the problem of maximizing feed digestibility. A professionally developed feed formula increases feed conversion and improves poultry health. At the same time, material costs per unit of finished product are reduced.

Compound feed for large and small ruminants (cattle and small cattle)

To organize feeding of cattle and small cattle, both complete feed and concentrates are used. Waxy corn silage with the addition of concentrated animal feed is suitable for intensive fattening. The need for protein in livestock varies in different periods. For fattening, recipes containing 22–24% crude protein are needed. Until the middle of fattening, its amount needs to be increased. The ratio of calcium to phosphorus should be 2:1. The source of sodium is table salt.

Growth stimulants and other bioactive additives aimed at increasing the weight of the animal are not used in feeding dairy cows. The composition is selected depending on the feeding scheme. A cow's diet can consist of three parts: basic or roughage, balancing and concentrated feed. Basic food is provided in unlimited quantities and is available around the clock. Balancing equalizes the lack of proteins and other nutrients. Productive food is given in small portions, calculating the animal’s daily need for it. The composition of the feed used during the stall period differs. Let's look at an example.

Approximate composition of concentrated feed for highly productive cows during the stall period (produced in the form of granules)

Features and advantages of combined feeds

The use of complete feed in the form of granules, grits or briquettes significantly increases the productivity of dairy cows, young cattle, pigs, poultry, rabbits and other animal species. They reduce the cost of organizing feeding and preparing nutritious feed mixtures. Their effectiveness has been confirmed experimentally. However, it appears only when the production of mixed feed is carried out taking into account all the requirements prescribed in GOSTs.

The main advantages of using mixed feed over feeding certain types of grain fodder:

  • milk yield of dairy cows increases by 10–20%;
  • the consumption of nutrients for the formation of milk in dairy herds is reduced by 7–15%;
  • the productivity of all types of farm animals increases by 10–12%;
  • when the feed is enriched with microelements, vitamins and bioadditives, productivity increases by 20–30%;
  • fattening pigs increase weight gain by an average of 30%;
  • animals get sick less, the risk of livestock mortality is reduced.


Combined feeds are formulated according to scientifically proven recipes. They are produced in feed mills or workshops of large agricultural enterprises. The production facilities of many companies are located in Moscow.

In order to unify animal feed produced by various companies in different climatic zones of the country, a state standard was approved. The document promotes compliance with standards and improved quality control of products. Its availability from the manufacturer is a guarantee of quality, because only if all stages of the production process are followed can a high-quality product be obtained.

Another important requirement, which has become increasingly relevant lately, is the production of compound feed that is safe in all respects. They should not harm the health of the animals themselves, and not worsen the health of people consuming animal products. To do this, it is important to avoid mistakes in the technological process.

The production of mixed feed includes a whole chain of sequential operations:

  • grinding ingredients until smooth;
  • dosing of components according to the recipe;
  • mixing in a special mixer;
  • pressing, packaging, labeling of products.

The quality of feed for animals of all types depends on the equipment used in production. It is important not only to maintain the proportions of ingredients, but also to maintain strict control at all stages of production. In international practice, feed production is a complete technological process. Modern domestic enterprises also practice this approach. Computerized equipment allows us to obtain a high-quality product that fully satisfies the need of agricultural enterprises for high-quality feed.

Modern animal feed is a high-tech product that summarizes the latest data from various studies of domestic and foreign scientists and research institutions. It is sold through a network of specialized stores or sales departments of manufacturers.

Compound feed for birds

Feed preparation, feeding norms and procedures

Products for preparing feed should only be fresh

Such food is a source of pathogenic microbes that enter the animal’s body along with spoiled food and can provoke the development of a number of serious diseases or poisoning.

A pet's need for a particular food should be assessed based on its physiological and age state, individual characteristics and physical stress that it experiences.

It is noteworthy that dogs of small and dwarf breeds, characterized by active behavior, spend almost 2 times more energy than their larger and phlegmatic counterparts. Moreover, dogs belonging to working or hunting breeds do not always expend the same amount of energy. Some of them move more, others less, and accordingly, the amount of food they need is not the same.

The amount of food a pet requires also depends on the conditions under which it is kept. For example, dogs kept in the yard during the cold season require more food than their relatives living in a warm room. Unlike indoor animals, yard animals spend a significant part of their energy maintaining heat balance in the body.

Dogs quickly get used to eating at a certain time, so you should not change the feeding schedule without good reason - this can cause serious stress for your pet. It is recommended to feed adult animals 2 times a day. The number of feedings can be increased only for pregnant bitches. It should be kept in mind that in winter a dog eats a little more than in summer.

It is best for owners of old pets to distribute the entire daily food intake into equal portions and feed their pets 3 times a day. With age, a dog's metabolism, like a person's, slows down, and therefore it is recommended to give it food after returning from a walk or after physical activity, when energy is consumed more intensely. In addition, a gentle diet will also serve as a prevention of diseases such as volvulus, which is often observed in aging large breed dogs.

The temperature of food for your pet should be at room temperature (18–20 °C); you cannot feed it hot or cold food. When a dog is eating, under no circumstances should it be distracted by calling it by name, petting it, or cleaning it.

You need to train your dog to start eating on the command “Eat!”

You cannot train your pet to beg for handouts while the owner is eating, or allow other people to feed him. A dog should not take food from strangers. It should also be remembered that the animal should not be fed leftover food that is unsuitable for humans.

Even if the food contains all the minerals, vitamins and nutrients your dog needs, he still needs to be given vegetables and raw cartilage bones from time to time. Eating such bones once a week relieves your pet of the tartar that forms when feeding dry food. If your dog shows typical signs of protein poisoning, you should switch the animal to a vegetable diet for 2-3 weeks.

Under no circumstances should you encourage your pet when it asks for handouts.

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Feed, its procurement and preparation To feed poultry on a homestead farm, it is best to use ready-made complete factory feed, balanced in terms of a complex of nutrients. Feed mills produce feed for everyone

Compound food for dogs- this is an analogue of imported expensive feed without the use of flavor enhancers and other chemicals. The feed contains grains, fat and meat and bone meal. Ideal for yard dogs.

One of the important key factors influencing the health of a pet is high-quality and properly selected nutrition. Favorite dog food was developed by the Russian manufacturer ZAO Assortiment AGRO and belongs to the premium category. The production process uses high-tech Japanese equipment, which allows for careful processing of products and the end result is high-quality nutrition.

Composition of food Favorite

The basis of Favorit dog food is meat flour - the main source of proteins. Carbohydrate components are represented by corn and wheat germ, as well as soybeans. The recipe includes yeast and milk powder as a natural source of vitamin B, and vegetable oil and chicken fat are used to saturate the body with healthy fatty acids.

Composition of food Favorite

The food contains fructooligosaccharides, which are a source of prebiotics and normalize intestinal microflora. A balance of Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids significantly reduces the risk of heart, kidney and joint diseases. Vitamins E and C in the nutritional formula slow down the processes of early aging and have an antiallergic effect. Favorit food contains the necessary vitamin and mineral complex for the healthy development of the dog.

Features of Favorit food

Favorite dog food is developed according to international standards. The production process uses special technology borrowed from the American company Wenger. Thanks to it, all toxic substances are removed from the final product, which allows your pet to eat only healthy ingredients.

When developing food, specialists take into account all the needs of the animal and include additional natural ingredients in each individual line. For dogs that need a lot of energy, the food is created from foods with high energy value. Food for highly active dogs contains a large amount of protein, and for low-active, elderly and overweight dogs, the diet is made from low-calorie ingredients.

If you have any questions, call and we will be happy to advise you!

Delivery for retail customers:

  • We offer feed delivery throughout Yekaterinburg and its suburbs within a 50 km radius for private clients.
  • The cost of delivery in Yekaterinburg is 300 rubles, regardless of the number of bags. You can even order one bag!!!.
  • Delivery cost in Berezovsky, Pervouralsk, Polevsky, Verkhnyaya Pyshma - 200 rubles.
  • In the suburbs within a radius of 30 km -40 km from Yekaterinburg - 300 rubles, at least three bags.
  • Delivery is carried out at any time, including on weekends and holidays by agreement with the client.

Delivery for wholesale customers:

Delivery for wholesale customers is carried out throughout Russia. We take care of all organizational issues. The cost of transportation costs may be included in the price of the goods. Free delivery is possible in the Sverdlovsk region, please call for details.

Payment terms:

Cash payment - Payment for goods is made at the time of delivery.

To order Compound food for dogs call us by phone or leave a request on our website.

On a special adjustable stand, he should not keep his head in an inclined position while eating. The water bowl should always be filled with fresh water. Do not leave food out after eating; it must be removed before the next feeding.

Up to three months, dogs are fed 5-6 times a day. The basis of the diet will be various cereals and bread. You can feed it with steamed feed and give it slightly warm. From 5-6 weeks, start giving ground beef; at the first feeding, 1 teaspoon will be enough. By the end of the sixth week, its portion should be one and a half tablespoons. During the week, the puppy should receive up to three liters of milk, 1 kilogram of cottage cheese and 2 eggs. Egg shells can be crushed in a mortar and added to food - puppies begin intensive bone growth and calcium is vital for them.

After one and a half months, start giving, having first cut off the claws. The foot itself can also be cut into 2-3 parts. 2-3 paws a day will be enough. Chicken heads with severed beaks, slightly beaten off with an ax, can also be given in the same quantity.

After two months, the amount of meat the puppy receives should be increased. There is no need to chop off chicken paws and heads and no longer need to cut off claws and beaks. Tubular poultry bones and pork and lamb rib bones should not be given - sharp edges can damage the dog's intestines. Add raw beef, pork and lamb cartilage bones and ligaments to your diet. It is better to give them at the end of feeding, so that the puppy gnaws on them slowly. Don't forget to add boiled vegetables to your food. By 9 months, the volume of raw meat in the diet should be about 0.5 kilograms. Teach your puppy to eat vegetables, herbs and fruits from childhood.