How to find out the age of a guinea pig. How long do guinea pigs live at home and how to extend their lifespan? Guinea pigs life years

Guinea pigs have been bred in captivity for over a thousand years. Their popularity is explained by their unpretentiousness, silence and calm nature. Pets become full-fledged members of the family, everyone becomes very attached to them. Therefore, it is very difficult to lose them. The article tells how long guinea pigs live at home, and also gives advice on how to determine their age.


Lifespan of small rodents

Among pets, guinea pigs occupy one of the popular places; they are small and very loyal animals. They become very attached to their owner and get bored in his absence. Therefore, many owners are interested in knowing how long guinea pigs live.

In nature

In the wild, the lifespan of these animals depends on living conditions and the availability of food. In addition, they are susceptible to attack by various predators. Therefore, rodents generally do not live that long. But under favorable conditions, if nothing threatens their life, they can live up to 10 years.

In captivity

Guinea pigs have been bred in captivity since ancient times. For example, in South American tribes, they were bred for tasty meat and for sacrifice. Even today in Peru and Ecuador, these rodents are considered a delicacy. In our area, guinea pigs are kept as pets. They are unpretentious and easily adapt to different conditions. They are peaceful and calm animals that are easy to train.

How long pigs will live at home depends on:

  • conditions of detention;
  • diet;
  • care;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • individual pet health.

It is almost impossible to influence heredity, but you can take into account the genetic characteristics of the animal when feeding and keeping it. Guinea pigs generally have good health and a good appetite.

Comfortable conditions for their maintenance:

  • the temperature should be between +17 and +21 degrees;
  • absence of drafts;
  • spacious and equipped cage;
  • regular cleaning.

The cage should be equipped with various bridges, passages and devices for active movement of rodents.

Each pig should have 1.5 square meters. m area. The bottom of the cage can be covered with sawdust or filler, which should be changed regularly. The cage should be cleaned as it gets dirty, but at least once a week. To sleep in the cage, you need to place a special container or potty, which can be covered with soft cloth so that the pet can sleep comfortably.

Life expectancy is greatly influenced by the quality of nutrition.

The following components should be present in the diet of rodents:

  • 20% succulent food, such as greens, fruits and vegetables;
  • 20% solid feed (corn, grain, peas, etc.);
  • 60% dry food in the form of hay.

Pets should not be overfed; they are prone to obesity. Rodents must have fresh drinking water available at all times.

At home, pigs can live from 5 to 10 years. A sedentary lifestyle in a cage shortens the life of rodents. Therefore, they should be released from the cage for walks for several hours. At the same time, you should keep an eye on them, otherwise they can cause trouble in the form of chewed wires and damaged slippers.

How many years do guinea pigs of different breeds live?

There are more than 50 species of guinea pigs, differing in size, length, texture and coat color. A rare breed is the Kui. These rodents are distinguished by their gigantic size. Their weight reaches 2-3 kg, the weight of ordinary rodents can be a maximum of 1.8 kg.

Based on their coat, they can be divided into hairless, long-haired and short-haired.

Long-haired breeds differ not only in color, but also in the length and direction of their coat. They are very beautiful and valued for their coat. This breed includes: Sheltie, Peruvian, Coronet, Merino, Texel, Alpaco.

Short-haired breeds have a wide range of colors and different hair structures. Their representatives are the following breeds: Satin, Self, Dalmatian, English and American Crested, Agouti, Rex, Teddy, Abyssinian, etc.

There are two breeds of hairless pigs: Baldwin and Skinny. The Baldwin appeared due to a funny mutation, and then the breed was developed through inbreeding. Skinnies appeared thanks to the experiments of dermatologists. The first animals were light in color with red eyes and completely bald. Then other colors were obtained by crossing with other breeds.

At first, hairless pigs did not live very long due to weak immunity. Skinnies turned out to be a stronger breed. This is a rare and expensive breed. They live from 5 to 8 years. In the room where naked pets are kept, the temperature must be maintained between +22 and +24 degrees.

How many years guinea pigs live depends on the breed and the conditions in which they are kept, ranging from 6 to 10 years. The Guinness Book of Records records a centenarian who lived for 15 years. Rosette guinea pigs live for about 6 years. They got their name from the rosettes on their body: the more rosettes, the more valuable the breed. They require special breeding conditions and are difficult to breed breeds. Satin and Dalmatian breeds live about 7.5 years.

Diseases and their impact on life span

Health is one of the main factors of longevity. If the animal is healthy, then its life expectancy will depend on proper care and comfortable living. Pigs do not need vaccinations; they can be done when moving to a new place of residence to protect the animal from possible diseases. Rodents take care of their own fur. There is no need to bathe your pet often, only when it gets dirty: once a week is enough. If you suspect the presence of fleas or lice, you should not remove them yourself; it is better to contact a veterinarian.

Various diseases can shorten the lifespan of animals. It is important to identify in time that your pet is sick and show it to a veterinarian.

Signs of a sick animal are:

  • lack of appetite;
  • lethargy;
  • the pig tries to hide, lies constantly in the corner;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath, wheezing;
  • heavy breathing;
  • the pet begins to drink more often or refuses water;
  • diarrhea, dry stools or lack thereof;
  • discharge from the eyes and nose;
  • hair loss;
  • matted belly fur;
  • convulsions;
  • ulcers on the body;
  • The pig is itching intensely.

As soon as signs of illness appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. If you do not go to the veterinary clinic for a long time, the disease can progress, then treatment will require more time and money, and may even end in death.

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How to determine the age of a guinea pig?

You need to choose a rodent especially carefully. It is important to choose not only a healthy individual. Since rodents do not live that long, you need to select a young animal. To do this, you need to find out how to determine the age of a guinea pig. Of course, the easiest way is to check the age with the seller. But you may come across an unscrupulous seller who will deceive you in order to sell an elderly animal. Therefore, it is advisable to be able to independently determine the age of a rodent.

The main criterion by which the age of a rodent can be determined is its weight. Usually young animals go on sale at the age of 3-4 weeks. By this time, their weight reaches 400-500 g. No matter how much the pig eats, at this age its weight cannot be more. Pigs reach full sexual maturity by 15 months. Their weight at this age is 1.0-1.9 kg for males and 0.7-1.0 kg for females.

In old age, rodents begin to lose weight as metabolic processes slow down and the animal eats less. Therefore, you can be deceived when choosing a young animal based on weight. There are secondary signs that you need to pay attention to. Juveniles have thick fur that is brightly colored and does not fall out or fade. Older animals may have problems with the skin and hind claws.

Video “Guinea pigs: features of maintenance and care”

This video explains how to care for and what to feed pigs at home.

Without a pet, the house becomes empty and cold. It is especially important that animals live in a family where children are growing up: only then will the younger generation learn to take care of someone and care for those who are weaker. If it is impossible to have a cat or a dog (after all, they require constant attention), then with a guinea pig it is easier: it is usually kept in a specially designated place, it does not require mandatory walking and daily outdoor games in which the owner must take part. But how can you determine the age of a guinea pig? After all, before you buy an animal, you need to make sure that the pet will live for you not for several months, but for several years? To do this, let's trace in general terms the life cycle of the animal.

A female guinea pig gives birth often, many times a year, if given the opportunity to do so. Scientists have calculated that a “lady” can bear up to a hundred piglets in a year.

Newborns weigh from 45 g, their height is approximately 9-9.5 cm. If the baby’s weight does not reach the specified mark, it becomes difficult for him to survive, even when he is specially fed with milk.

Literally on the second day after birth, piglets can eat solid food, but their main food product is mother's milk. They also eat the mother's droppings - they contain a lot of vitamins and microelements. By the 11th, sometimes 13th day, their eyes open.

If the age of the mother guinea pig does not exceed approximately 4.5-5 years, she is ready to again conceive the next portion of offspring within 15 hours after birth. But such frequent childbirth is unlikely to have a beneficial effect on her health.

Babies grow quickly - by 5 weeks they reach a height of 19 cm. At this time, their weight is 400-500 g. When asked at what age to get a guinea pig, breeders answer: after the “child” reaches 4 weeks. Now the separation of the teenager from his mother will be painless, the animal adapts well to the new conditions.

The next life stages are maturation and achievement of the reproductive period. “Girls” become mature faster, already by 5-6 weeks, “boys” - a couple of months after birth. How old do guinea pigs grow? Animals continue to actively grow and gain muscle and fat mass for up to 15 months.

Until approximately 4 years of age, the animal remains young and full of energy.

From the age of 5 years, the process of withering begins. Natural aging continues up to 8-10 years - this is the average life expectancy of a pig. Sometimes you can meet “long-livers” who are 14-15 years old. Much depends on the genes and the conditions under which the animal is kept.

At what age should you buy a guinea pig?

You shouldn't buy a very small pig. After all, this is a living being, feeling just like you and me. Without a mother, it will be difficult for the baby, he will experience stress. By 5-6 weeks, the “child” gains independence, his immunity is strengthened, so it is better to adopt a guinea pig starting from this age.

An adult animal will also get used to a new home quite well if it is still young. But buying a guinea pig that is more than 3.5 years old is probably no longer advisable. The animal is at an age when old age is approaching. It will not be easy for both him and you.

The question of what age to buy a guinea pig is not worth it if you decide to take the animal you like home from a pet store, where it is kept in poor conditions. Buy it, and even if he is already elderly and will not live so long in your house, he will spend these years warm, clean and well-fed.

How to determine the age of a guinea pig

Did your child see a cute pig in a store or shelter and ask to take her home? You already know at what age it is better to buy a guinea pig, but you are not sure that you will be able to understand whether this is a “young man” in front of you or a respectable “pensioner”? Try to estimate the age of the animal yourself, following our tips.

To determine the number of months lived, we take the following criteria:

  • activity;
  • height;
  • body weight;
  • coat condition;
  • condition of teeth and claws.

The young animal shows interest in what is happening. How can you tell how young your pig is? Watch her: does she immediately explore new food, play, and move a lot? Most likely the animal is young.

The height of an adult animal varies between 27-29 cm. However, much depends on the breed and individual characteristics - there are larger and smaller specimens.

Regarding weight, there are the following standards: an adult female weighs from 700 to 1000 g, a male - from 1000 to 1800. In addition to the age of the guinea pig, these parameters are influenced by:

  • health status;
  • compliance with the rules for keeping the animal.

An animal's fur is an indirect sign of the number of months or years it has lived. What is the quality of the fur and skin? If the skin is clean, without signs of scratching or micro-inflammation, and there is no peeling, most likely the animal has not yet crossed the 4.5-year threshold. The shiny, thick coat says the same thing. If the “hair” is thinning, dull, and small bald patches are visible here and there, the animal is already old.

However, this is a relative sign: perhaps the pig is young, but is currently ill, for example, she has fleas or scabies mites.

A young pig has strong, sharp teeth, usually snow-white. She easily grabs large pieces of solid food with them and calmly chews them.

An elderly animal chooses smaller pieces, as it is difficult for him to chew. His teeth may be darkened and slightly worn down.

Sometimes breeders advise paying attention to the claws. Please note: examine only the claws of the hind paws - the pig takes care of the front claws, so they almost always look good. On the hind legs of an old pig, the claws are ground down and may be bent. All this is evidence of age-related changes.

Caring for an elderly animal

If you were unable to correctly determine the age of the animal and they sold you a “pensioner”, do not worry: with good care you will prolong its life, and it will delight you for a long time. A young “pig” should be given more solid pieces and fed with different types of food, while an old one should be given more greens and vegetables in his diet. It’s good to feed him carrots more often. Buy special vitamins. Let him always have hay in his cage.

Examine the animal more often: with age, it can more easily catch infections, and its skin condition becomes worse. Clean the cage thoroughly. Do not disturb the animal unnecessarily: unnecessary stress will not improve its well-being. Provide him with the opportunity to move as actively as possible, allocate more space.

Buying a guinea pig is a responsible undertaking. You will now have a living creature that is entirely dependent on you, requiring attention and care. If a child asked for a pig, involve him in caring for the animal, but be sure to make sure that he does not forget to feed the baby and pour clean water for him.

With good care, a guinea pig can live more than 10 years. This sweet, kind animal will definitely make you fall in love with itself and will delight you with its very appearance every time you come home.

Guinea pigs are extremely popular among children - charming domesticated rodents the size of a dwarf rabbit or puppy. However, among adults there are also many fans of caves (Guinea pigs) - this is what breeders most often call their pets.

Wonderful companions, very unpretentious and capable of competing in attractiveness with handsome cats or pocket dogs, they can easily remember not only their name, but also many commands.

Who are guinea pigs

The origin and domestication of these rodents has a long history. It is believed that they began to be tamed back in the 5th century BC. in South America. Some tribes worshiped pigs, others used them as food: cave meat is considered a delicacy and tastes similar to rabbit meat. In Peru, guinea pig dishes are still on the menu of many restaurants.

Good-natured herbivores, with little ability to defend themselves, were easy prey. But their unusual appearance captivated the colonialists, who began to import funny animals to Europe. Soon even royalty acquired pigs, and breeders began serious work on breeding more and more new breeds.

The name rodents causes a lot of controversy among scientists, because the animals do not know how to swim, are clean and eat only plant foods. There are many versions, the most common of which is that the name comes from the abbreviation of the word “overseas”, that is, brought from overseas.

This family of rodents was called pigs, apparently, because of the sounds that the animals often make: they often grunt, although they can grumble, growl, whistle and imitate some birds. With their short neck, body proportions, and head structure, they are also very similar to ordinary piglets.

This is interesting! Among the varieties there are breeds; individual representatives, for example, the Peruvian Cui, can reach a height of 45 cm and a weight of up to 4 kg. But the most common guinea pigs weigh no more than 1 kg, and their body length is up to 35 cm.

Today, pigs are often recommended as first pets for older preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. Similar to soft toys, they do not require careful care and supervision, but they make children feel responsible for the life and health of their “little brother.”

They learn to care for living beings and find contact with them. Parents like that they don’t have to walk their pet 2-3 times a day, clean up endless piles and puddles, and wait for unpleasant surprises after returning home in the form of torn curtains and torn clothes and shoes.

How long do guinea pigs live on average?

The lifespan of a pet is a question no less important than the methods of raising it. After all, no one wants to traumatize a child by the death of his pet.

And in this regard, guinea pigs are very suitable friends - depending on the conditions of detention, they can live from 5 to 10 years. There are cases where pigs felt normal even at 12 years old, but this is rare. A pig that lived for 15 years is included in the Guinness Book of Records. Proper housing and feeding conditions help prolong the life of the family pet (and the guinea pig will certainly become one) for the maximum possible period.

Longevity depending on breed

There are up to 50 breeds of pigs, which are distinguished by the size, color and structure of their coat (there are already pigs that are completely devoid of hair). Sometimes breed affects an animal's lifespan.

How to extend the life of a guinea pig

Every pet owner wants their pet to stay close to them for as long as possible. Is it possible to increase the lifespan of a guinea pig? The more correctly the feeding ration is selected, the better and closer to natural the conditions of keeping are, the more time the cavy and its owner will be given for full communication.

Proper care of a rodent

A guinea pig needs a spacious “house” (cage, aquarium or container). The minimum dimensions are 50 by 20 cm for a young rodent. The larger the cage, the healthier and more fun your pet will be. It is advisable to cover the bottom with a special filler, but sawdust is also suitable, as it also absorbs waste well. These animals are very clean, so it will not be difficult to train them to go to the toilet in a certain place, cleaning which daily is much easier than changing all the bedding.

Important! You should not resort to water procedures if the apartment is cold; pigs catch cold very easily and die from pneumonia within 1-2 days.

The “room” reserved for the pig must have toys (mazes, a wheel in which it can run to its heart’s content), a feeder and a drinking bowl. The pig will happily run around the apartment: it’s worth taking it out of the cage more often so that it can stretch its legs, bask in the hands of its beloved owner, and play with him.

Pigs don’t really like to swim, but if necessary, you can bathe the animal in a container filled with water at a temperature of at least 32 degrees, and then dry it with a towel or hairdryer and comb it. Long-haired pigs are brushed every day, possibly several times a day, if the animal and its owner like this procedure. Wire-haired dogs are brushed 2-3 times a week, while smooth-haired dogs need to be brushed once a month. Claws are trimmed as needed, usually once every six months.

A general cleaning of the cage should be carried out weekly, washing out all the dirt from the corners, treating surfaces, toys, feeders and drinking bowls are washed daily. These simple rules help to avoid many diseases caused by bacteria that multiply in all kinds of waste. Hygiene procedures will help accustom the rodent to examinations, which will also help avoid health problems.

Proper nutrition

Cavies happily eat grain, hay, green grass and vegetables. But any new component in the diet should be given in small portions to avoid digestive problems. You should not feed your rodent dairy and fermented milk products, as this causes intestinal upset. Under no circumstances should you give rotten vegetables and fruits or sweets.

Important! To replenish calcium reserves, you need to place chalk in the cage, which the pig can use to brush its teeth.

There should always be clean water in the drinking bowl; liquid vitamins can be added to it 2-3 times a week to maintain health. It is imperative to teach the animal to eat at the same time in the morning and evening, so that after the meal it is possible to remove uneaten food. Overfeeding a rodent is dangerous - obesity becomes one of the most common factors in the development of heart disease, joint disease, and early death of the animal.

Disease Prevention

Your guinea pig must have all the necessary vaccinations and must be examined by a veterinarian once every six months. It is he who will tell you what is best to feed the cave, what vitamins and minerals are required at a given age. Diseases of the oral cavity, teeth, and eyes detected in the early stages are easily treated.

If the owner has not noticed dangerous symptoms, then he will have to spend a lot of effort to save the pet.. Difficulty breathing, convulsions, loss of orientation, unusual behavior, aggression or reluctance to move - all this should make the owners wary and be sure to show the animal to a veterinarian in order to save its life.

Guinea pigs have long been popular as pets. What living conditions do animals need for a healthy and comfortable existence, and what is their life expectancy, we will discuss in this article.

To what age do they grow?

Guinea pig cubs grow quickly and gain weight; at about the fourth week the baby can be taken home. Already at 5 weeks of age, pets can weigh 500 g, height is approximately 19 cm. The animal actively grows and gains weight up to 15 months, growing up to 25–29 cm. A rodent is considered young and full of strength until the age of four.

Did you know? The guinea pig genome contains 64 chromosomes, while humans have 18 fewer chromosomes.

How long do they live at home (in captivity)

The life expectancy of the future ward is important, especially if it is purchased for a child. No parent would want to cause psychological trauma to their child, and the death of a pet can provoke it.

Average duration

On average, subject to all conditions of maintenance and care, Guinea pigs live 6–8 years.

Longevity records

Under ideal conditions, a rodent can live 10 or 12 years. The Guinness Book of Records records a case of longevity of 15 years, but you should not rely on records. It is better to pay attention to breeds that have a long lifespan, as well as other factors.

What affects the lifespan of guinea pigs

Let's consider the factors influencing the lifespan of wards.

  • hairless skinnies and baldwins - from 5 to 8 years;
  • Abyssinian - up to 6 years;
  • smooth-haired - up to 8 years;
  • Royal Rex - up to 7 years;
  • long-haired - up to 7–8 years.
  • spacious cage;
  • absence of drafts;
  • compliance with the temperature regime (+17–22 °C);
  • toys for motor activity;
  • cleanliness in the home;
  • hygiene procedures.

Important! An important condition for a long and healthy life of a furry pet is regular examination by a veterinarian and vaccinations.

  • high-quality food for rodents;
  • availability of dry and succulent food;
  • vitamin and mineral supplements;
  • availability of clean and fresh water.

Important! Rodents need to grind their teeth from time to time; for this they are provided with a mineral stone, as well as branches of fruit bushes.

How to find out the age of guinea pigs

It is difficult to determine the age with an accuracy of up to a month; you will have to rely on the honesty of the breeder from whom the dog is purchased.
To distinguish a young individual from an old one, pay attention to the following factors:

  • activity- young animals show interest in literally everything and are constantly on the move;
  • dimensions- the average height of adult individuals is 27–29 cm, weight - 700–1000 g (female), 1000–1800 g (male);
  • coat condition- clean skin without signs of combing and shiny, soft, lump-free hair is characteristic of young animals up to four years of age (provided there are no diseases), receding hairlines and bald spots indicate old age;
  • teeth- young animals have snow-white teeth, sharp, even, they can gnaw through large and hard pieces of food, old animals are distinguished by yellow teeth, often unevenly ground;
  • claws- here they pay attention to examining the hind paws: in young animals the claws are smooth, sharpened, in older individuals the claws can be curved and blunt.

Did you know? During excavations in South America, in Peru and Ecuador, statues of guinea pigs were discovered, which confirmed the theory that the Mochiko people worshiped these animals.

How long can you leave it?

There are situations when it is impossible to take your pet with you. Questions arise: is it possible to leave him, for what period of time, will the ward be able to do without water and food. Let's figure it out.

Without water

There is a version that when eating succulent food, the animal receives enough moisture and can easily do without a container of water. In most sources describing the rules for caring for a guinea pig, as well as in the opinion of veterinarians, water should always be present. As for succulent food, it must be fresh, that is, roughly speaking, just picked and cleaned.

No food

The digestive system of guinea pigs is designed in such a way that:

  • firstly, food entering the tract is arranged in layers;
  • secondly, it is not digested immediately, but over long hours;
  • thirdly, animals lack peristalsis, that is, the natural movement of food to the exit channel.

For these reasons, the rodent must constantly chew something, so that each incoming lump of food pushes through the one already consumed. Fasting is contraindicated for these animals.

In conclusion: the life expectancy of your pet depends on your willingness to care for him, not to be lazy in cleaning his home on time, providing proper healthy nutrition, as well as active pastime.

Many pet owners are concerned about how long their pets should live and what care they require to increase their lifespan. The answer is often not so obvious and requires a detailed explanation, especially in relation to guinea pigs.

At home Guinea pigs live on average from 5 to 7 years. Thus, their lifespan is longer than other popular pet rodents such as rats, mice and hamsters, which rarely live longer than 3 years. However, there are a number of factors that influence how long a guinea pig will live. Depending on the breed, treatment and feeding, she can live more than 10 years, and the existing the record is a whopping 14 years and 10 and a half months. In the wild, guinea pigs have a shorter lifespan, only from 1 to 4 years, but, in fact, thanks to selection, they differ significantly from domesticated ones.


Although breed is less of a factor in life expectancy than the care the pig receives, some breeds tend to live longer. For example, Skinny guinea pigs live an average of 6 to 8 years, while Longhaired guinea pigs, on the other hand, live a little shorter, averaging 5 to 6 years.

Diet and feeding

The care your guinea pig receives is the most important factor in increasing its lifespan, and a major part of care is providing it with a healthy and balanced diet. For example, alfalfa-based pellets are not recommended for adult guinea pigs. But, at the same time, they are well suited for feeding growing and pregnant guinea pigs, as they contain a large amount of calcium. Granules based on timothy, various herbs, vegetables and fruits are considered more balanced.

Another important element in a guinea pig's diet is vitamin C. Since they cannot produce their own vitamin C, they need large amounts of it in their diet to stay healthy. Vitamin C is found in some types of kibble and in many vegetables such as carrots and lettuce, but it is important to remember that eating too many vegetables in your pig's diet can cause stomach upset. You can also use special vitamin tablets as an additional source of vitamin, but remember that they are not recommended to be dissolved in water.

Additional factors affecting health

Besides food, there are other factors that affect the health and lifespan of guinea pigs. If their cage is too small, they will have little room to run around. With a lack of activity, their muscles will not develop properly, and their overall fitness will be far from healthy. Regular cage cleaning also promotes good health.

In case of illness, the owner should immediately contact a veterinarian. It is also recommended that guinea pigs be weighed weekly, as weight loss is the most common and common symptom of a disease or disorder. Besides weight, other symptoms may include shortness of breath, heavy breathing, sneezing, lethargy, diarrhea, and blood in the urine. Prompt attention to these types of health problems will certainly increase your pig's possible lifespan and allow him to reach his full potential.