​Allergy sufferer's calendar. How to survive allergy season? Flowering calendar for the northern and southern parts of Russia When will the birch tree bloom in

The topic of today's article is the flowering calendar for allergy sufferers, relevant for 2019. A calendar reflecting the flowering times of various plants that can provoke allergies will help you take the necessary measures in advance in order to successfully fight the disease.

Allergy, despite its prevalence, has acquired a huge number of myths. In particular, many blame poplar fluff for seasonal allergies. In fact, down does not cause allergies, but it carries pollen from flowering grasses, for example, fescue or timothy, over long distances. And pollen may well cause an allergic reaction.

Among all types of allergies, hay fever (hay fever, seasonal allergies) is especially common. If you have hay fever, a flowering calendar will help you take steps to ease the symptoms of the disease.

Current news for 2019

Birch trees are actively dusting.

In addition, the following flowers bloom: willow, maple, elm, alder,

Seasonal allergies manifest themselves:

  • conjunctivitis (inflammation, itching, pain in the eyes), lacrimation,
  • runny nose (allergic rhinitis),
  • coughing and sneezing.

Sometimes there is a pain in the throat and (or in the ears).

A more severe manifestation of hay fever is pollen asthma. Allergy manifestations such as urticaria and Quincke's edema are possible.

Manifestations of hay fever can affect both children and adults. It is important to know what plants bloom in your region to avoid allergies if possible.

In children, a symptom such as ear congestion (up to complete temporary hearing loss) is quite common. Sometimes childhood hay fever takes on the character of severe bronchial asthma.

It will be useful to know about the probability - after all, a reaction can occur not only to pollen, but also to similar proteins in food products.

Allergenic plants: when do they bloom?

There are three main types of seasonal allergies.

  • Spring(trees blooming). Falls in April - May.
  • Summer(flowering of cereals and meadow grasses). Falls between June and August.
  • Summer-autumn(weed bloom). Falls between August and October.

You can view the flowering calendar for allergy sufferers in the table below, after selecting your region.

  • South of Russia
  • Volga region
  • Central Russia
  • Siberia
  • North-West Russia

Another interesting calendar for the central regions from the Scientific and Clinical Center for Allergology, Immunology and Dermatology:

In addition, there is from the PollenClub project. (It is not recommended to watch from smartphones, it is poorly displayed)

In spring, herbaceous plants hardly bloom.

The willow is the first to bloom in March, the willow and cherry are the first to bloom, and “catkins” appear on the birch. In May, hawthorn, cornflower, chestnut, oak, ash and rose hips begin to bloom, and among herbaceous plants - clover. Herbaceous plants such as cinquefoil, chamomile and lily of the valley bloom in May. Flowers appear on bird cherry and lilac.

In summer, most of the plants that can cause allergies bloom. The allergy sufferer's calendar at this time is distinguished by a large number of herbs.

In June, cornflower, hawthorn, datura, elecampane and carnation bloom. Chestnut, clover, viburnum, St. John's wort, celandine and thistle continue to bloom.

In July, ragweed (in the southern regions), hemp, cloves, datura, and elecampane bloom. Herbs such as motherwort, wheatgrass and thistle are blooming.

August - ragweed, carnation and cornflower bloom. This month is when foxgloves, quinoa, nettles and sunflowers begin to bloom. Chamomile and thistle are blooming.

In September, allergy sufferers continue to be bothered by ragweed, as well as weeds (sow thistle, quinoa and nettle).

Around the end of September, a period of relative calm begins for a person suffering from allergies. Until next spring.

But sometimes allergies remind you even in late autumn, after a romantic walk in a park strewn with fallen leaves. The fact is that plant pollen can also survive on fallen leaves.

We have listed the main flowering plants, in fact there are many more of them: in the table below you can see the full composition of the families of wind-pollinated plants that cause hay fever.

Table: Related wind-pollinated plants within major families

Useful video: which plants cause allergies

How is the flowering calendar useful for allergy sufferers?

Having information about the flowering of various plants in a particular area, and having carefully studied the allergy calendar, an allergy sufferer will be able to take preventive measures in a timely manner. For example, take a vacation, go for a “dangerous” period to another area where there are no allergic plants and their flowering has ended.

Before the dangerous period begins, you can start taking antihistamines, purchase nasal and eye drops, antiallergic sprays.

If you are a supporter of traditional medicine, then it’s time to take mumiyo (a good preventive remedy for allergies). Mumiyo solution, as a rule, begins to be drunk for prophylactic purposes about a month before the start of the flowering period.

There is time to check the operation of the air conditioner and the condition of its filters (if necessary, clean them).

If you carefully analyze the data, it will become clear: the flowering calendar for allergy sufferers differs quite significantly by region. For residents of the southern regions, the duration of the “dangerous” period is longer than for northerners. Let's take, for example, one of the strongest allergens - ragweed. In central Russia, this plant blooms for 1.5 - 2 months: from approximately the beginning of August to mid-September. At the same time, for residents of the southern regions (Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region), ragweed blooms from July to October.

Flowering time and plants in Crimea differ from Moscow or St. Petersburg. This is why it is so important that the calendar be adapted to a specific climate zone. Today, the Internet helps allergy sufferers. It is possible to view the flowering calendar online.

Important! Not all cities have pollen monitoring stations! You can find approximate information on the distribution of pollen on Yandex maps - https://yandex.ru/pogoda/maps/pollen.

Below you can see flowering calendars for some Russian cities.

What's blooming in Moscow

Forecast of the danger level for allergens in the air from PollenClub

In central Russia, dusting begins with alder and hazel.

  • Alder, hazel - late March - April.
  • Birch - from the end of April.
  • Apricot, oak, ash, elm, maple, lilac, apple tree- May.
  • Willow, poplar, linden, conifers- May - June.


  • Cereals - from the end of May - June.
  • Plantain, nettle, sorrel- from the end of June.
  • Chenopodiaceae - from the end of June.
  • Wormwood - from July.

*Data are based on E.E. Severova

What and when blooms in Krasnodar and the region. Kuban

The south of Russia is a special territory where flowering plants “torment” allergy sufferers for almost 8 months a year. Due to the warm climate, a large number of plants grow here that can cause an allergic reaction.

Almost every third resident of the Krasnodar Territory suffers from allergies.

The start of allergy season depends on weather conditions.

End of winter-spring

Flowering trees:

  • Hazel, alder - from mid-February to late March.
  • Willow, hornbeam, pine- March.
  • Poplar, maple, oak, ash, elm, birch- April - early May.
  • Willow - April - May.
  • Bird cherry, plane tree, walnut, cherry plum- end of April - May.
  • Lilac, plum, currant- May

From herbs and shrubs:

  • Foxtail, wheatgrass, rapeseed- end of April - May to early July.
  • Acacia, ryegrass, fescue, hedgehog, feather grass, lily of the valley- from mid-May.
  • - from the end of May.

Poplar fluff actively helps spread the pollen of other plants.


During this season, most of the trees have already faded and are being replaced by weeds and grasses.

  • Chestnut, linden - from the beginning of June.
  • Corn, sorghum, barley, oats, wheat, rye- June.
  • Sunflower - from the end of June.
  • Wormwood - all July.
  • Quinoa - end of July - end of August.
  • Ambrosia - early August - early October.


The end of the flowering season usually occurs in mid-October.

  • Ambrosia - flowering ends in late September - early October.
  • Rice - until the end of September.
  • Artemisia annual- mid-September - end of October.

When ragweed blooms, people feel best in high mountain areas.

Data on A.I. Ostroumov

Dust calendar for Stavropol

Saint Petersburg

*Data are based on L.G. Nikolskoy, G.T. Fedosov, N.I. Ivanova, E.F. Redhead

When allergenic plants bloom in Siberia

One of the reasons for the large number of allergy sufferers in Siberia is poor ecology. Because of this, hay fever is much worse tolerated.

  • April - May - trees (birch and others),
  • May - August - dandelions,
  • summer - cereals (fescue and ryegrass),
  • late summer - September - weeds (wormwood).

Altai region

April - May. A common allergen is birch, which is used for city landscaping.

Tomsk region

April - May. In addition to birch - maple, linden and willow.


April - May. Alder and birch.

June - July. Meadow grasses (bluegrass, timothy, ryegrass). Cultivated cereals (rye, oats).

Republic of Buryatia

The main allergen of the steppe is wormwood and other weeds. In spring - trees. There are almost no meadow grasses.

What and when blooms in Krasnoyarsk

On the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, 3 periods of dusting of allergenic plants have been established. Wind-pollinated plants are widespread. Their pollen is small in size and highly volatile, so it is easily carried over vast distances.

April - May

Characterized by the maximum pollen content in the air. The trees that bloom first are birch, alder and poplar.

Most often, this period begins in May, but if spring is early, in the southern regions of the region - at the end of April.

Not a very long period, but a difficult period to bear.

End of May - mid July

Lowest concentration of pollen in the air. During these months, pine and meadow cereals bloom.

Pollen from coniferous trees is heavy and is heavily carried by the wind. But those who have them growing near their homes should be careful.

Mid July - end of August

A wide variety of weeds and ornamental plants bloom. First of all - goosefoot, hemp and wormwood (found on roadsides, in courtyards, wastelands). Decorative - marigolds, asters, chrysanthemums.

Air temperature and humidity are the main factors influencing the dynamics of plant dusting in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.


Data on B.A. Chernyak, N.S. Korotkov


Data on K.A. Cancerous


*Data according to N.S. Gurina and N.G. Astafieva

Vladivostok (Primorsky Krai)

Seasonal allergies haunt residents of the region from late April to mid-September. Also influenced by the proximity to China, from whose cultivated areas the winds easily carry pollen.

  • April - May. Trees in bloom: oak, ash, birch, alder, hazel, poplar, maple, willow.
  • June - August. The flowering period of cereals and some weeds: wheatgrass, bluegrass, rye, corn, fescue, quinoa, sunflower and others.

    In June, pollen allergens are widely transported by poplar fluff.

  • August - September. Weeds are blooming: ragweed, wormwood, dandelion, quinoa and others.

What blooms in Volgograd and the region

The flowering season of herbs in the Volgograd region lasts more than 8 months. This is one of the longest periods in Russia.

The wind carries pollen tens of kilometers away.

A huge number of weeds grow in the region.

The editors of Argumenty i Fakty have prepared an entertaining infographic - a flowering calendar for allergy sufferers in Volgograd and the Volgograd region. You can find it below:

Infographics: What and when blooms in the Volgograd region. Risk zones for allergy sufferers during the flowering season in Volgograd

What blooms in Crimea

A large number of allergenic plants bloom in Crimea from May to August.

Main allergens:

  • Poplar (city streets are densely planted with it) - May - June,
  • Cypress - April - May,
  • Ambrosia (everywhere, especially in Simferopol, Dzhankoy, Saki, Kirov and Leninsky districts) - July - October.

What else could the reaction be:

  • May – dandelion, walnut, chestnut, linden, mulberry, birch
  • June – sunflower, rye, castor beans
  • July – elderberry, wormwood

Timing of plant dusting in Ukraine and the structure of hay fever

How to identify an allergen and treat allergies

Recognizing an allergen is not an easy task. For example, the flowering time of lily of the valley is only 10 - 15 days. Manifestations of allergies (sneezing, coughing, runny nose) can be disguised as a common cold; often a person is not aware of the presence of an allergy. You need to think about this if such symptoms appear with a certain frequency (the pollen allergy calendar helps to analyze the situation in more detail).

Another warning sign

Allergy sufferers feel unwell in windy, dry weather, but all symptoms disappear without a trace after rain. At the slightest suspicion of an allergy, you should consult an experienced allergist.

The most common method currently used is skin testing. Its essence lies in the subcutaneous injection of a small amount of allergen. After the allergen is introduced, you need to monitor how the body reacts to it. This is a fairly informative method for identifying the allergen, but at the height of the flowering of allergic plants, when the allergic person is taking antihistamines, it should not be used.

Allergy treatments include:

  • taking antihistamines;
  • use of nasal and eye drops;
  • for skin manifestations of allergies - ointments, creams with anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and (or) antihistamine effects.
  • ASIT.

What will help with hay fever: some useful tips

  1. Helps alleviate allergy symptoms dietary adjustments. For example, you will have to abstain from honey (of any kind). The reason is simple: honey may contain exactly the type of pollen that provokes allergies. If you are hypersensitive to tree and shrub pollen, reduce your intake of fruits, nuts and berries. If you have a reaction to herbs such as fescue or timothy, you will have to temporarily give up porridge (with the exception of buckwheat), sunflower oil, seeds, halva and bread kvass.
  2. Keep your house clean. Try to do wet cleaning as often as possible. This will create an obstacle to the spread of pollen throughout the house. You need to leave the house as little as possible; preferably after rain.
  3. Buy good antihistamines. But only those prescribed by the doctor. Many of the antihistamines are far from harmless, and diphenhydramine and suprastin significantly reduce attention.
  4. No way Do not combine antiallergic medications with alcohol. This can significantly worsen the patient's condition.
  5. Visit an allergist in the fall, during the “calm” period. This is the best time to start allergen treatment (ASIT). Remember that self-medication is unacceptable here. The type and dosage of the drug is prescribed by the doctor.

By following these simple rules, you will significantly reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

Spring is a time when a certain part of the population experiences suffering. A stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, coughing, reddened eyes, and running tears are signs of hay fever, also known as seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, or in the old sense, hay fever. In severe cases, asthma attacks occur and bronchial asthma can be triggered. The old name - hay fever - arose because the cause of this disease was previously considered to be components of hay. But at the end of the 19th century, David Blankley proved that it was caused by plant pollen.

Diagnosis of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis is carried out using skin tests for allergens. An allergic reaction occurs in a person to a foreign protein. Pollen grains contain many different proteins, some of which are needed to distinguish one's own species from another's when pollen from one flower lands on the stigma of another flower.

It is these proteins that cause allergies in a person sensitive to them when they get on the mucous membranes.

Hay fever is a seasonal disease, especially common among residents of large cities. Different people are allergic to the pollen of different plants - there is some specialization here.

The most powerful allergens among plants in the middle zone are considered to be birch and cereals. Moreover, birch blooms in the spring, at the end of April - May, and cereals - in June - July.

In August, imported ragweed pollen reaches even the Moscow region, and this inconspicuous weed is one of the most powerful allergens. Ambrosia is the scourge of the southern regions. In the Stavropol Territory, during its flowering, up to 40% of local residents get sick.

Elena Severova, leading researcher at the Faculty of Biology and head of the aeropalynological monitoring group, told Gazeta.Ru about the situation with plant dusting this year.

“This year, spring dusting was very compact in terms of timing. There was almost no birch, which is the most powerful allergen among flowering trees. Now practically nothing generates dust except pine.

Pine produces yellow pollen, it is clearly visible in all puddles, and we explain to everyone that this pollen is not dangerous for allergy sufferers. The first grains of cereals appear in the air, but the peak of cereal dusting is usually in June - it will probably be the same this year.

Cereals are one of the most powerful allergens in our region. But there are still not many of them in the city, especially if they mow the grass. Outside the city, people suffer more from grain allergies.”

The aeropalynological monitoring station at Moscow State University has been operating since 1992, from March to September. Experts are taking readings from a pollen trap installed on the roof of the Moscow State University weather station. The trap, scientifically called a “volumetric dust collector,” is designed very simply. The weather vane turns it in the wind, air is pumped through it, and suspended particles fall onto the adhesive tape of the drum, which rotates slowly. Every morning, employees change the drum and analyze the daily pollen “harvest” in the laboratory.

Pollen from different plant species looks different under a microscope. Biologists calculate the content of pollen grains of different types per cubic meter of air per day and record the data on pollen monitoring site. On this site you can see a plant pollen calendar, which also notes the level of pollen in the air that is dangerous for allergy sufferers.

As Elena Severova already said, now allergy sufferers need to prepare for the flowering of cereals in June. “But you have to keep in mind that the trap is located high up, and the pollen content at human height levels, such as sign pollen, may be slightly different,” she adds.

Pollen has no boundaries and travels thousands of kilometers with the wind. Therefore, the dust collector at Moscow State University naturally records not only pollen from the flowering of local plant species, but also foreign ones.

The most dangerous representative of foreign pollen in our country is ragweed pollen, which Moscow biologists regularly find trapped in traps.

But ambrosia itself, unfortunately, is moving north along the railroads.

The aeropalynological monitoring station at Moscow State University operates as the center of a national network - employees summarize data from several aeropalynological stations in Russia and present these results to the European center, which compiles a dust calendar for all of Europe. Allergy sufferers should take advantage of this information before going on a trip so as not to spoil their vacation.

— during the peak flowering of dangerous plants, go outside less, especially in dry, windless weather; protect windows with anti-pollen mesh;
- do not avoid walking in the forest, as trees filter pollen and its concentration in the forest decreases;
- limit physical activity outside the home to inhale less pollen;
- exclude alcohol, which dilates blood vessels, as a result of which the mucous membrane becomes more permeable;
- Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes;
- rinse your nose after going outside;
- It is better to take anti-allergy medications before contact with allergens, and not after.

Russian experts add to this list a recommendation for allergy sufferers to wash their hair more often to wash off pollen and to exclude certain foods from their diet. So, in the spring, during the flowering period of trees, do not consume their fruits, during the flowering period of cereals, exclude bakery products, during the flowering period of asteraceae, such as sunflower, exclude sunflower oil, mayonnaise, and seeds.

Allergy is a disease that is not easy to fight. Any allergen can cause a reaction in the body, which will lead to the development of rhinitis, dermatitis and even asthma. That is why it is important to pay attention to the flowering calendar for allergy sufferers in Moscow in 2019.

Plant allergens

Being in a metropolis has a negative effect on the body as a whole and contributes to the development of damage to the bronchial mucosa, nose, and eyes. In some cases, it even affects the skin. As a rule, pathology is formed as a result of the body’s sensitivity to pollen from flowering plants.

Many plants cause adverse reactions of the body to the external environment.

Among the plants that cause allergies are:

  • birch;
  • acacia;
  • bird cherry;
  • wheat;
  • ambrosia;
  • sagebrush;
  • poplar;
  • alder.

Pollen is carried by the wind, which is why there is not a single area in the city where an allergy sufferer could be.

Pay attention! Considering that Moscow has a poor ecological environment, the unfavorable properties of allergens are increasing.

The region is also of great importance. For example, in Crimea, most of the territory is steppe. There is a large number of herbs here compared to the Central region of Russia. But despite this, residents living there often suffer from allergies to pine and cypress. Intensifying in the Caucasus sensitivity to conifers, chestnut and even oak.

That is why, if a person knows about his body’s reaction to allergens, he should always have a calendar at hand, based on which he can take measures in advance to block the allergic reaction.

Pay attention! Allergies, regardless of how they manifest themselves, should not be ignored. It requires treatment so that it does not develop into a chronic disease in the future.

What is a flowering calendar

A calendar is a schedule that is formed based on studies of plant flowering. It contains all the relevant information about when pollen appears in the air and its concentration. It is prepared in advance for a year, and then periodically replenished and changed due to the fact that plants can bloom at different times.

Some cities have their own research stations. In this case, changes can be observed every day.

    Are you allegic?

Research is carried out using special equipment that can track plants that pose the greatest danger to a person suffering from the disease.

Benefits of using a calendar:

  • the information contained in the calendar will help prevent exacerbation of the disease;
  • you can plan the use of drugs;
  • If the reasons for the body’s reaction are unclear, you can refer to the calendar and then take a test for the reaction.

If you are planning a trip to another city, you can use the calendar of that locality to select the most favorable travel time.

Please note: in order to know the flowering time of plants, you need to choose the calendar that is directly related to the region of residence.

Flowering calendar for allergy sufferers 2019 in Moscow and the Moscow region

A change in the schedule is possible, but by focusing on it, you can protect yourself from the body’s reaction to plant flowering.

Plant name

















It is during this period that plants begin to bloom, and then emit substances that adversely affect the allergy sufferer.

By looking at the information in the calendar, a person has the opportunity to protect himself from the development of the body’s reaction. You can start using drugs that block the development of the reaction in advance.

How to deal with pollen allergies

It is necessary to combat the body’s reaction to pollen in a comprehensive manner. The main thing to start with is to limit contact with pollen. To do this you need:

  • reduce time spent on the street;
  • to prevent pollen molecules from entering the house, it is necessary to cover the windows and doors to the balcony with wet gauze;
  • the room should be regularly wet cleaned;
  • after a person comes from the street, it is necessary to take a shower to wash off any remaining pollen that gets on the skin during movement;
  • dietary nutrition - remove honey, seeds, and any product that causes a reaction from the diet.

Of course, in the summer in Moscow and the Moscow region it is quite difficult to be in a room with closed windows. In this case, you can use an air conditioner, an air ionizer, as well as special air purifiers that will rid your home of harmful pollen particles.

When going outside, you can wear a mask and use nasal filters. They will protect the body from allergens.

Antihistamines are prescribed as drugs to combat an allergic reaction.

Study the 2019 flowering calendar for allergy sufferers in Moscow and take care of your health.

Hello dear reader!

Undoubtedly, you have seen a birch tree bloom. However, I hope that some of the “tricks” of this process will be interesting. For the most curious. Well, I also invite you to look at new photos of blooming birch trees.

Among the trees of our forest, birch is one of the first to bloom. Perhaps only alder is more hasty than her. And there are certain doubts about willow. In some years, the birch can overtake it.

Birch trees bloom even before the leaves bloom, usually in April. In Central Russia this is the middle of the month. For us – somewhere closer to May Day. Accordingly, in the south flowering begins earlier - in some places as early as March. And in the north, birch blooms already in May.

How does a birch tree bloom? With the beginning of flowering, the entire appearance of the tree changes dramatically—in one or two days. At the ends of birch branches hang loose, slightly yellowish earrings from five to ten centimeters long. They usually hang in groups of two or three.

These earrings appeared on the tree (they are also sometimes called more sophisticatedly - earring-shaped thyrsuses) long before flowering. More precisely, last summer. And at first they were green, short, sticking up. Then they grew older and darkened. These earrings are covered with a resinous substance that protects the contents from water.

And for a while they hid, froze. Until spring. But it's April again. Each earring suddenly comes to life, lengthens sharply, and sags. Birch blossoms. Flowering does not end with the appearance of small leaves on the birch tree. On the contrary, this is still the very height of the process!

Large yellowish catkins hanging at the ends of birch branches (biologists say on elongated shoots) consist of only staminate male flowers. A couple of perianth scales and two stamens - that’s the whole flower. True, there are many of these flowers in the earring.

Three such modest flowers sit in the axil of the covering scale, which has grown to the stem of the earring. There are many scales in the earring, and each has a trinity of flowers.

Lightly click on the dangling earring with your finger and a light yellow cloud will fly out. This is birch pollen.

But since the tree has male staminate flowers collected in separate inflorescences, then somewhere there must be pistillate, female ones? They are on the same tree, and are also collected in earrings. Just not as noticeable. Women's birch earrings are shorter and thinner than men's. And they are dark green.

Take a closer look at this photo. There is a branch of a silver birch on it. The familiar men's earrings hanging at the ends of the branches are clearly visible. And above them on the branch some kind of “sticks” or “candles” stick up and slightly to the side. These are the desired female inflorescences with pistillate flowers.

Here they are in the photo larger.

Here you can see that the birch branch has short side shoots (they are called shortened shoots). Each of these shoots has buds. From them both leaves and female earrings appear. Under the covering scales sit five tiny, inconspicuous flowers made from only pistils. And the three-lobed scales grew to the stem of the inflorescence.

Birch pollen is carried by the wind. That is why it blooms while the leaves are small.

But fertilization of the female flowers occurred. Men's earrings fall off immediately after this. And women’s ones become thicker and looser. Now they no longer stick out on the branch, but hang down. And they become completely knobby. This is exactly what biologists call them - pineal thyrsi.

This is no longer an inflorescence, but a fruit. The fruits will ripen at the end of July - August. The winged small nuts will be carried by the wind. Birch is friends with the wind!

Alas, for some of us, the flowering of birch is not a joyful sign of spring, but an annual, scheduled, big nuisance.

Hay fever– an allergic reaction to plant pollen. Light birch pollen carried by the wind in huge quantities can cause an attack of this disease.

There is little good (or rather, none at all!). My nose is running and my eyes are watering. Headache, fever. These are the most common signs of hay fever. The coincidence of the flowering dates of some plants, for example, birch, will allow you to suspect an allergy to pollen. However, only doctors can determine this for sure..

There are medications that can alleviate the suffering of the patient. However, the most radical way is to go somewhere during this time. If you are allergic to birch pollen, then go to the south, where it has already bloomed. Or to the north, where it is not yet blooming.

Allergic diseases are extremely common in the modern world, and the number of newly diagnosed rhinitis, dermatitis or asthma is only growing every year. The situation is especially deplorable in megacities, which are notorious for their unfavorable environmental conditions. Many city dwellers are faced with hay fever, the clinical picture of which combines damage to the mucous membrane of the nose, eyes, pharynx, trachea, bronchi, and sometimes also includes various changes in the skin. This is a seasonal pathology that develops as a result of sensitivity to pollen. Patients may find the flowering calendar for allergy sufferers helpful, containing up-to-date information on dust-producing trees, shrubs and herbs. Proper use will help prevent deterioration of the condition and apply the necessary set of preventive measures in a timely manner.

Which plants are more likely to cause allergies?

There are several hundred species that can cause adverse reactions. However, the most active provocateurs are:

  1. Among the trees is a birch.
  2. From the list of cereals grown for food consumption - wheat.
  3. The list of herbs includes ambrosia.

Somewhat less frequently, but still often observed sensitivity to wormwood, timothy, fescue, rye, oats, ash, poplar, alder. Pollen can be transported over considerable distances with the wind, which is why, with a large number of plants, it fills every area of ​​the city - even those where there are few “green areas”.

Not only flowering shrubs are dangerous, but also inconspicuous herbs growing on roadsides and outside the boundaries of parks and alleys. Researchers have found that in conditions of deteriorating environmental conditions, allergens (antigens) increase their unfavorable properties; In addition, the period of dusting is extended, which maintains a stable concentration of provoking substances in the environment.

Region also matters. Crimea is distinguished by the predominance of steppe zones and, accordingly, a variety of grasses. A reaction to cypress and pine is also likely. People visiting the Caucasus and permanently residing there may suffer due to sensitivity to coniferous trees, chestnuts, and oaks. There is a high probability of developing allergies to the flowering of birch, willow, cereals and other plants in Moscow.

What is a flowering calendar

This is a graph generated based on the results of assessing the concentration of pollen in the air. It contains up-to-date information on the activity of the release of provoking substances, and is preliminarily compiled for the year. If the city has its own research station, the data is updated regularly - for example, every day (the unit of time depends on the technical equipment and other factors).

The process of studying dust activity is called “aeropallinological monitoring” and is carried out using special equipment that monitors plants that are dangerous to sensitive people. The allergy sufferer's calendar is useful because:

If the patient is planning a trip (to another city, region or even country), monitoring flowering for allergy sufferers will help in choosing specific dates - after all, in a foreign region, dusting sometimes begins earlier or later than usual, and instead of solving important problems, a person may be faced with the need for tireless fight the disease. In addition, at the point of arrival there are likely to be trees or grasses with which the patient does not have contact in his native area. Therefore, a map of pollen activity for hay fever should always be with you and carefully studied.

Choose a flowering schedule for allergy sufferers in accordance with the region of permanent residence; when assessing the level of risk of developing a reaction, compare it with your own list of provoking plants.

Laboratory tests and skin tests performed under the guidance of a qualified physician can help determine which shrubs or grasses are causing symptoms. Having determined the spectrum of threatening substances, you can compare the results with the graph and decide how dangerous certain trees, varieties of flowers, and types of grass are.

Calendar for Moscow and the northern part of Russia

The flowering schedule for allergy sufferers living in the capital is as follows:

Source of dust Season
In March In April In May In June In July In August

Highlighted in red are periods of high dust activity, when trees and flowers begin to emit (ooze) substances that are unfavorable for sensitive people. The table does not show all possible provocateurs, but only the most common of them. They are dangerous mainly in spring and summer; with the onset of cold weather, the well-being of patients improves, since antigenic particles practically disappear from the air.

Flowering calendar for allergy sufferers, suitable for residents of the northern part of Russia:

Pollen source April May June July August September
Cereals (including herbs)

It differs significantly from the capital’s schedule, since plants begin to bloom later, even the period of the onset of cold weather is covered. In addition, there are new types of provocateurs, which is important to pay attention to if you need to travel or plan permanent residence.

Calendar for the southern part of Russia

It is known that in areas with a relatively warm climate, many more plants bloom than in cold regions. They are not hampered by frost and snow, and the wind becomes an ally in the mission of spreading pollen particles - it carries them over long distances and maintains a stable concentration in the air. In addition, the dusting process begins in early spring and ends in autumn - in general, it lasts more than six months.

A patient suffering from hay fever and living in the south should study a separate flowering calendar for allergy sufferers:

Trees, grasses, grains March April May June July August September
Mulberry, chestnut
Reed, rye

The flowering map for allergy sufferers is compiled with an emphasis on the most dangerous plants; in addition to them, in warm regions there are a lot of herbs, the dust of which can cause symptoms. It is worth understanding that in urban areas some species predominate, while in open space in a field or meadow others predominate. The presence of industrial zones is also important, since during active economic activity green spaces are destroyed and they are replaced by weeds that have adapted to unfavorable environmental conditions, the abundance of asphalt and harmful emissions. They often become sources of pollen, to which sensitive people have a reaction.

Seasonal prevention measures

Having considered the flowering calendar for allergy sufferers in Moscow and other regions, you also need to familiarize yourself with the rules for preventing exacerbations of hay fever. They are the same for all regions of the country and include methods combined into several groups.

Elimination measures

This is a set of actions aimed at limiting contact with pollen as much as possible. The most effective way is to go to an area where flowering has not yet begun or has already stopped. If this is not possible, practice:

In order not to suffer from the heat, you can use air conditioners and special air purifiers - both in the house and in the car. A car often becomes a reservoir of provoking particles - especially if the owner prefers to open the windows. You also need to pay attention to drying clothes - it cannot be done in the air; it is better to place washed items on a closed balcony, otherwise pollen will settle on the damp fabric.

If you need to go outside during dusty periods, you should wear sunglasses or regular glasses, wear a mask, or use nasal filters that protect the nasal mucosa from allergens.

Medicines and ASIT

To prevent severe symptoms of hay fever, it is necessary to use medications or undergo a course of allergen-specific immunotherapy. The doctor decides which option is appropriate in a particular situation. The most commonly used pharmacological agents are:

  • antihistamines (Cetrin, Edem);
  • topical glucocorticosteroids (Nasonex).

They allow you to get rid of already manifested signs of the disease and prevent its transition to a more severe form - for example, from rhinitis to asthma. It is important to understand that they do not eliminate the risk of developing a reaction to pollen, but serve to prevent complications and are used in a course - a single dose will not give an effect. You should always carry an antihistamine recommended by your doctor with you so that you can take it without delay if your condition suddenly worsens.

In the last few years, the barrier agent Nazaval, which contains cellulose, has also gained popularity. With its help, you can create a protective layer impenetrable to pollen on the surface of the nasal mucosa and thereby prevent the development of a reaction.

ASIT, that is, allergen-specific immunotherapy, is a special method that is used for treatment and prevention at the same time. It involves the sequential introduction of small doses of provoking substances into the body to reduce sensitivity to them (formation of tolerance). If the result is successful, it allows you to forget about hay fever for a long time, but it has many contraindications and is carried out only after examining the patient.

In conclusion, it should be said that the flowering table for allergy sufferers is valuable both for the patient and for the attending physician - it helps in planning therapy, preventive measures, and diagnostic tests. Use it every time on the eve of the dusting season, and you will be able to promptly respond to pathological changes associated with the reaction of individual sensitivity to plants.