Computer games for preschoolers. Computer games for preschool children

1.1. Computer in kindergarten. Some doubt the need for a child to “communicate” with electronic computing technology, others are distrustful, and some consider its use to be the pedagogy of tomorrow.

The use of computers in education, including preschool, has ceased to be an unusual phenomenon. Features and Features modern computers and software are constantly being improved. The ability of a computer to reproduce information simultaneously in the form of text, graphic image, sound, speech, video, remembering and processing data at enormous speed allows specialists to create new means of activity for children that are fundamentally different from all existing games and toys.

Advanced pedagogical experience in the use of computer technology in educational work convinces that it successfully forms readiness for learning in preschoolers with speech impairments, develops all components of speech (sound pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, etc., voluntary attention, concentration, children's abilities, enriches and diversifies children's independent activities, forms of communication and cooperation between adults and children.

Activities using a computer are very interesting for preschoolers. They take great pleasure in mastering special computer programs, achieving the right decision gaming tasks.

Computer games are a completely new activity for preschoolers. Their specificity lies in the fact that the child must independently find ways to solve the task assigned to him, which allows us to consider them as special remedy development of children's creativity.

As many authors note (R.F. Abdeev, 1994; V.P. Bespalko, 2002; O.I. Kukushkina, 1994; E.I. Mashbits, 1986, 1988; I.A. Filatova, 1993, etc.), the use of computer games allow you to optimize the pedagogical process, individualize the training of children with developmental disorders and significantly increase the efficiency of any activity. The computer provides ample opportunities to use various analyzers in the process of performing and monitoring activities. The joint coordinated work of the motor, auditory and visual analyzers when performing tasks of a computer program allows you to activate. compensatory mechanisms child. Since preschoolers with speech impairments have well-developed involuntary attention, educational material presented in a bright, interesting form for the child is of particular interest. In this regard, the use of gaming computer technologies becomes especially appropriate, as it provides children with information in attractive shape, which not only speeds up the memorization of content, but also makes it meaningful and long-lasting.

Over the past time, based on the results of scientific research, many interesting and useful computer technologies and games of a developmental and educational nature have been developed for children, and methods for their use in kindergartens.

Using a computer to enrich vocabulary and perform phonetic and grammatical exercises has a serious impact on the development of all aspects of a child’s speech. Computer games help solve those speech tasks that children have not learned, or have not learned enough. In the process of completing tasks, generalizing concepts are clarified and consolidated. For example:

in the game “Baba Yaga. Go there, I don’t know where...” such concepts as: “Furniture”, “Dishes”, “Toys”, “Flowers”, “Products”, etc. are fixed,

in the game “ABC in Pictures. Equipment" - concepts such as: "Transport", "Tools", "Household Appliances", etc.

Other tasks teach children:

Use prepositions and words with spatial meaning (near, opposite, in the center, next, to the right, below, above, behind, in front,

Consolidate knowledge of the names of baby animals, use them in the nominative, genitive cases, singular and plural, differentiate by ear hard and soft, voiced and voiceless consonant sounds, find a given sound at the beginning, middle, and end of a word.

Unlike other games and activities, computer games allow you to see the product of your imagination and your game, restore the process, the dynamics of creativity, realize such potential capabilities that cannot manifest themselves in traditional conditions (for example, due to undeveloped graphic skills, influence motivational sphere in a comprehensive manner (simultaneously using sound, color, movement of objects controlled by the child, implementing the principle of self-control, which allows children to feel free, not be afraid to give incorrect answers, not experience confusion and awkwardness, actively and independently control the game, which strengthens faith in your strength.

All this causes increased interest in computer games among both children and adults, and allows them to purposefully and effectively stimulate and activate the child’s capabilities in the intellectual, motivational-emotional spheres.

Thus, the feasibility and relevance of using gaming computer technologies in the process of correcting general speech underdevelopment in older preschoolers is obvious.

For two years we have been working on the problem of overcoming general speech underdevelopment in children of senior preschool age using gaming computer technologies. The work was carried out within the system, purposefully. We have identified the main purpose of using computer gaming technologies in correctional work with children:

increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of work to correct violations speech development children preparatory group with general speech underdevelopment.

The intended tasks were conditionally divided into three groups:

I. Group of tasks of the familiarization and adaptation cycle

1. Familiarize children with the computer and the rules of behavior when working with it.

2. Introducing children to computer game programs and their characters.

3. Overcoming the psychological barrier between the child and the computer by creating a situation of success.

4. Formation of children’s initial skills in working with the use of a “mouse” manipulator in the process of conducting correctional classes.

II. A group of tasks of the correctional and developmental, educational and educational cycle.

1. Correction of sound pronunciation, prosodic components of speech, phonemic hearing, phonemic perception, lexico-grammatical components of the language.

2. Improving children’s dialogical speech: the ability to listen to the interlocutor, understand questions, the meaning of the task, be able to ask questions and answer them.

3. Formation and development of skills in educational activities: awareness of the goal, independent decision assigned tasks, achieving the set goal, evaluating performance results.

4. Development of verbal and logical thinking, visual and auditory perception, verbal and visual memory, attention.

5. Development of the motivational sphere of children.

6. Development of the emotional-volitional sphere of children: nurturing independence, perseverance, concentration; introduction to empathy, cooperation, co-creativity.

III. Group of creative cycle tasks.

1. Development of imagination.

2. Development cognitive activity.

Each lesson using computer games is comprehensive, that is, it represents an optimal combination of traditional and computer means of correctional education that meets the individual characteristics, capabilities and educational needs of a child with special needs.

Classes are held with older preschoolers once a week, the maximum time a child spends at the display is 20–25 minutes. To prevent fatigue after 5 minutes of working with a monitor screen, a break is necessary to perform special exercises. During the lesson, games and finger exercises are necessarily used to develop fine motor skills. Children really like rhythmic finger movements, and in this way they prepare the baby’s fingers for working with the mouse. Finger games have other benefits as they help teach the concepts of Down and Up. At the end of the lesson, a set of exercises is performed to relieve visual and emotional stress.

1.3. To achieve our goals, we use the following gaming computer technologies:

"Baba Yaga. Go there, I don’t know where...”;

“Luntik. Russian language for kids";

“Three from Prostokvashino. Sharik teaches the alphabet";

“Three from Prostokvashino. Uncle Fyodor goes to school";

“Bukvarik.” Smesharik";

“Learning to think logically”;

“Speech development. Brownie Boo in the world of words";

“Reading syllables with the brownie Boo”;

“Dragon and entertaining computer science”;

Speech therapy correctional program"Games for Tigers";

“The ABC in pictures. Technique";

Electronic manual for pre-school preparation “Primer” and others.

In the process of working with children of senior preschool age with general speech underdevelopment, computer games, exercises and tasks are used aimed at developing correct sound pronunciation, lexical and grammatical categories, overcoming phonetic and phonemic speech disorders, etc.:

“Identify the sounds of nature”;

"Chain of words";

"Journey from A to Z";

“Identify the first sound in the word”;

“Name and show a picture with a given sound”;

“Name and show all the objects in the picture with the given sound”;

“Choose the correct one from two words”;

"The fourth wheel";

“Insert the missing letter”;

“Divide the words into syllables”;

“Collect the Word” and others.

The appearance of a computer in kindergarten affects all aspects pedagogical process and requires solving many organizational issues: time and duration of classes with preschoolers, their number, combining children into microgroups, etc.

The work of a teacher using computer technology is closely related to the work of all preschool specialists. It is of a research nature and requires extensive knowledge from various fields: pedagogy and psychology, ergonomics and computer technology, hygiene, correctional pedagogy and other sciences.

From the above, we can conclude that the majority of children of senior preschool age with general speech underdevelopment easily master complex electronic equipment. Both boys and girls like it. And the presence of a computer at the speech therapist’s workplace is a good basis for the comprehensive preparation of a preschool child with special needs development for school.

Speech therapy classes using computer games contribute to the full development of the child as a whole.

Targeted systemic speech therapy, based on the use of computer technology, can significantly increase the effect of the correctional and developmental process.

Computer educational games:: getting ready for school:: Mom. Ru

Ekaterina Khlomova November 20, 2011 at 00:58 Child and family psychotherapist

Computer games for preschoolers should be exciting, develop attention, speed of reactions, and train memory. Completing all game tasks should teach the child to think analytically in non-standard situations, classify and generalize concepts; develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. In addition, the game should be meaningful and simple at the same time, with a low level of aggression.

The main advantage of computer games in preparation for school is the development of perseverance and determination in the child. Children who are familiar with computers feel more confident in modern life, adapt more easily to different situations.

Rules of computer games

The number of minutes on a PC is equal to the child’s age multiplied by 1.5. For example, for a six-year-old, the game lasts 9 minutes.

The number of sessions on a PC is a maximum of 3 per day. For a six-year-old, this is half an hour a day.

After work, eye exercises and outdoor games are mandatory.

Internet resources for preschoolers: - a site for children's educational and developmental computer games that can be used in educational institutions and at home: puzzles, coloring books, puzzles, Sudoku, Japanese crosswords, solitaire and other puzzles that develop perception, attention, visual memory, logical thinking; - developmental manuals and CDs for children of preschool and primary school age; - children's portal “Let's Play” - educational computer games; ​​- children's electronic presentations and clips; ​​- computer program for children's development; - online educational games for children; - games for children;

More details on the website

Logosauria: site for children's computer games

Educational and developmental computer games and flash games for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren , which can be used in educational institutions and at home: puzzles, coloring books, puzzles, sudoku, Japanese crosswords, solitaire and others puzzles, developing perception, attention, visual memory, logical thinking- everything that contributes successful learning child at school.


17.12.2012 - A book was published by the publishing house "Phoenix" "Lessons of Logosauria: having fun and quickly preparing for school". Its content is fully consistent with our curriculum Internet schools"Lessons from the Wise Owl".

The first part, entitled “Fairy Tales for Logoshi,” is a collection of educational stories containing educational material for preparing for school. The second part, “Learning with Logosha,” serves as a workbook for consolidating the material being studied.

You can view the book and purchase it at a special price in the publisher’s online store "".

23.12.2011 - Changed curriculum Internet schools"Lessons from the Wise Owl"(aligned with program on CD). The order of studying M-Y, G-L-R, S-W, J-W has been rearranged. The educational manual now has 37 chapters (instead of 24), corresponding to the number of lessons. The volume of the workbook has been increased.

01.12.2011 - For specialists interested in the influence of computer technology on the development of children, a section has been added "Experiments".

04.02.2011 - To section "Games for Girls" added games based on stories popular game "Kingdom. The Adventures of Eliza".


Computer games and preschoolers.

Date added: 2011-04-03

This article was created based on the speech of L. A. Paramonova, who spoke about the results of the experiment at the center " Preschool childhood» im. A.V. Zaporozhets at the 10th Pedagogical Marathon in Moscow.

Korotkova T.P. reserves the right to highlight the main ideas without distorting the meaning of the author’s speech.

It is impossible to imagine the modern world without a computer. And if adults are attracted to the computer like a magnet, first of all for work, and then for entertainment, and for enjoying communication on forums and in social networks, then the child is generally interested in the “adult” toy.

According to the results of recent polls in big cities People of working age develop computer addiction: people give up everything they do and use the computer.

Our children find themselves in a very difficult situation. On the one hand, imitating adults, the child reaches out to play at the computer. On the other hand, stores sell toys that do not promote a child’s independent play.

Parents prefer to buy transforming games and toys for their children. But, unfortunately, these toys do not contribute to the child’s play as such. Such toys develop speed and reaction speed (quickly grab, quickly put down, quickly shoot). And this threatens the child with another misfortune - children do not fully develop speech and sometimes the child’s speech consists of only verbs.

Many parents thoughtlessly allow their child to long time play on the computer and do not delve into the content of the game.

Leading specialists Center "Preschool Childhood" named after. A. V. Zaporozhets conducted an experiment-observation of preschoolers for several years and definitely did the following conclusions:

1. A computer for a preschooler can only be used as a teaching tool. 2. A computer for a preschooler can be used as a educational teaching tool. 3. As soon as a child uses a computer for development, it is necessary to constantly monitor the child’s health, namely, vision, physical health and emotional health.

How long can a computer be used for a child’s development?

According to experts, it is optimal to use a computer 2 times a week for 15-20 minutes.

At what age can you use computer educational games?

The answer is clear. The child's age is no earlier than 5 years. Because the sign function of the brain matures precisely at this age, and only at this age does the child begin to distinguish between a “sign” and a real object.

What conditions must be created for a child to play on the computer?

Parents need to remember three fundamental things:

1. A good computer game should have a connection with the child’s objective activity. What does it mean? The child needs to be shifted, laid out, i.e. act with objects or characters in the game.

2. A good computer game should have a connection with the child’s construction and perception. 3. Computer educational games should reflect the interaction of the child’s intellectual and emotional health. The role of emotions is so great that it is difficult to imagine.

Emotions control, correct and initiate intellectual activity.

Speaking about educational computer games, it is necessary to consider two different concepts “complexity” and “difficulty”.

What is "complexity"? This concept is objective, because any problem has many solutions. What is "difficulty"? This concept is subjective, because difficulty in solving a problem arises for some subject.

The task may be difficult, but if the child masters in different ways decisions, it will be easy for him.

What should Developmental Programs for preschoolers be like?

1. Experts in this field propose to create Computer Gaming Complexes.

Computer gaming complexes already exist and will be developed in kindergartens.

What is a “Computer Gaming Complex”?

Such complexes are created on the basis of kindergartens and involve assistance to older preschoolers in learning and development. Several computers are united by a single program and connected to an adult’s computer. An adult can adjust it, taking into account individual characteristics child or specific learning objectives.

What should computer gaming systems be like?

Computers stand in a circle, children work in pairs, sitting on a common bench.

2. What are the features and specifics of teaching preschoolers?

Firstly, b The majority of children are afraid of making mistakes when completing tasks. Preschoolers feel squeezed and not free. Secondly, after numerous observations, specialists from the Center “Preschool Childhood” named after.

A.V. Zaporozhets also revealed such a pattern. 13% of children show cruelty towards the heroes and characters of educational games, and this cruelty controls their actions.

Is it necessary to develop cruelty in children?

Therefore, it is so important that during educational computer games with a preschooler there is an adult who would tell, explain and communicate with the child.

A high-quality educational computer game should have neutral fixatives to which the child could react less emotionally. For example, if you completed the task correctly - the sun smiles, or the chamomile opens its petals.

At one time, psychologist B.F. Lomov warned that “There is no need to drag EVERYTHING onto the screen: “What can be done by other means, and not just using a computer, should be done without the help of a computer.” Using a computer, you can develop spatial concepts in a preschooler, which real world the child comprehends with difficulty.

3. Development of spatial representation in a preschooler.

With the help of computer games this is done easily and simply, and in addition to this, the child’s thinking develops remarkably. For example, in the game the child is asked to build a house, but on the way to the stand the car overturned and the bricks were broken.

The task is to collect bricks and build a house. And the child, by applying parts of a rectangular brick in different ways, learns to assemble a whole from the parts in space.

In such a game, the characteristics of the child’s age are taken into account, and therefore there is a certain plot, various actions and results. The child is interested and enjoys the process of playing.

Such games lay the prerequisites for successful mastery of trigonometry and geometry in the future, where ideas about space are especially important for future designers and artists.

4. The pace of the child’s perception.

The pace of the game should match the pace of older preschool children. This also applies to musical accompaniment, both to the sound and to the movements of the characters.

5. Subjects of gaming computer programs.

The theme of gaming computer games should be appropriate for the child’s age and should be understandable to him in content. For example, games such as “Space”, Forest Dwellers”, “Sea Dwellers”, Pets”, or “Drawing”.

What is important when choosing computer games?

Positive emotions are very important for a preschooler. And if something doesn’t work out in the child’s game, something happens "the phenomenon of unfinished action". The child does not receive satisfaction from the game and therefore his emotions remain at a low level.

To prevent this from happening, parents should be with the child to help him.

Children like the so-called "director's games" Their essence is as follows. The child acts with the image of a man or the image of a fairy-tale character and, voicing and performing some actions with these characters, creates a fairy tale, a cartoon, creates a book or comes up with interesting stories.

The website of the Institute of New Technologies presents educational computer games that meet medical, psychological and pedagogical requirements.

What must be present in computer games for preschoolers.

1. Games that involve the prospect of someone communicating with someone else. Psychologists say that computer games take place when they are interesting to an adult and when the adult plays with the child.

2. The game must contain plot elements, i.e. there are figures of heroes and space markers. And very It is important that in the virtual world the child actually communicates, talking and acting, with an adult.

Genuine didactics is where children learn from children or on an imitative basis from adults. Therefore, in children's institutions, children are placed in groups of two. Children are wary and afraid of making mistakes.

But in the game, competing or moving ahead with a more successful one, they involuntarily develop.

You can always choose the best for your child. So make the right choice!

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Material from the site

Children's educational games online, children's site "Let's Play"

In games, new knowledge is learned much easier! That's why children's educational games is a great way to make your child’s learning process fun and more effective.

We present to your attention a children's website online games“Let’s play.” Here you will find games for general development children, games for attention and memory, logic and thinking, various coloring books, puzzles, rebuses, riddles, puzzles, as well as many other interesting tasks.

It is such a joy to watch your beloved child grow day after day. And undoubtedly, all parents want him to be smart and capable. Everything is in your hands.

Only you, dear parents, can help your child develop his abilities and introduce him to the wonderful world around us.

So do it with the help of the children's website “Let's Play”! All games presented are created by our friendly team in collaboration with professional illustrators and child psychologists. Educational games will undoubtedly appeal to you and your child.

We have tried to create a pleasant, cheerful atmosphere, thanks to which your child will happily play and learn.

You can be sure - our children's site absolutely safe for your child. There is no obscene content or aggressive advertising, and you can safely leave your baby alone with the computer.

Remember that our children's educational games online will help enrich your child’s speech, broaden his horizons and prepare him well for school! Learning can be easy and fun!

P.S. Our children's website is still very small, and by regularly adding new games and sections, we will try to grow and develop together with your baby. Check us out more often!

Educational games, educational computer games, children's portal

Your child is still so small, and he needs to be taught a lot. How can this be done if the child cannot concentrate and sit still?

The children's portal “Let's Play” will come to your aid. Our educational computer games will interest and hold the child's attention. By completing game tasks, your child will gradually learn something that will be useful for further education in kindergarten and school.

With us you will learn to distinguish colors, count, combine objects by characteristics, compare objects by size, and much more. And ours entertaining games They will always help you relax after mental or physical stress.

Remember that educational games develop the child’s thinking, teach him to independently express his thoughts and feelings. The sooner you start working with your child, the more confident he will feel in the future.

On our children's portal educational games presented varying degrees complexity. And if something doesn’t work out for your child, support him and help him, but under no circumstances scold him. We hope that by completing tasks together, you will get to know your child better, help him develop his abilities, and simply have a good time communicating together.

And most importantly, make sure that the child does not get too tired, regulate the time he spends at the computer. Remember that preschool children can spend no more than 30 minutes a day in front of a computer screen.

Now go ahead and play! After all, a child loves this more than anything in the world! And don’t forget to praise your child for even minor achievements!


Educational computer

games for preschoolers

On modern market computer games, you can purchase many programs for children. Some of them are also used in preschool educational institutions, where a Computer Gaming Complex (CGC) is being created.

  1. Select educational computer games for activities with children, taking into account psychological characteristics children aged 5 - 7 years, which are aimed at developing basic mental processes: perception, memory, attention, speech, logical thinking.
  2. During classes at home or in a preschool educational institution, use modern computer games for children that have an interface that is easy for children to understand (rules for interaction between the player and the computer). This will allow the child to feel more confident and put him in a situation of success.
  3. Make sure the difficulty level of the task is appropriate age capabilities child, his personality. This will teach him to evaluate own strength, will allow everyone to receive positive results according to your individual program.

Each lesson of the Computer Gaming Complex includes several types of activities that replace each other: conversation or game; working on a computer with individual gaming tasks; outdoor game or sports exercises; didactic games and construction. During the classes, sanitary and epidemiological standards are strictly observed and eye exercises are carried out.

We offer you computer games that are recommended by M. A. Bykovskaya, a teacher of the CEC at preschool educational institution No. 289 in Moscow.

1st block. Games for beginners

If your child is 4 - 5 years old and is just starting to get acquainted with the computer, you should choose games for him with fairly simple tasks.

First of all, master with your child the technique of working with the mouse and keyboard, and also understand the basics of the game interface - how to move to the next task, control the difficulty level, and turn off the program. On initial stage It is better not to use so-called arcade games, which are still difficult for a preschooler.

Adventure stories and logical tasks contained in such games increase nervous tension; failure can reduce a child’s self-esteem. Arcade games should be introduced when the child acquires the necessary skills with a keyboard and mouse.

  1. “I want to know everything.” Developer "COMPEDIA"; publisher "Russobit-M". A game from the Muppet Childhood series, which includes several games:

“By water, land and air”, “Flora and fauna”, “Shape and color”.

  1. "Little Seeker" Developer: Scholastic; publisher "New Disc". The game includes several games with picture riddles and puzzles.

2nd block. Games for children 5 years old

If children have mastered the basics of computer control, choose games to develop attention, memory, thinking, creative games, as well as some story-based games accompanied by various tasks.

  1. "Antoshka." Adventures of a dream hunter. Developer "COMPEDIA"; publisher "Russo-bit-M". The game has a storyline in the form of a book, in which on each page you can find a game or click on interactive objects
  2. “Planet of Numbers for Kids.” Interesting mathematical tasks for comparison, counting, attention and memory.
  3. "Alik." Back to school soon. Developer "SILCOM"; publisher "Russobit-M". Great game for preschoolers. Concepts are reinforced in a fun way: size, color, shape, number, number; logical thinking develops. The game has a lot of funny surprises - “animations”.

3rd block. Games for children 6 years old

If a preschooler is comfortable with a computer, introduce more complex games for him, sometimes requiring counting skills, recognition of sounds and letters, good coordination of movements and more developed fine motor skills.

  1. "Antoshka." An extraordinary safari. In an entertaining game, children get acquainted with various animals and their habitats.
  2. "Antoshka." Miracles of science. Developer "COMPEDIA"; publisher "Russobit-M". An entertaining game in an accessible form introduces the basics of science: you can examine objects under a microscope and learn how to conduct scientific experiments at home.
  3. "Alik". Summer holidays. Developer "SILCOM"; kaleidoscope of games. Coloring, tag, tetris, mosaic, musical improvisation. Funny pictures. The games are not connected by a plot.
  4. “Lelik and Bolek in kindergarten.” A set of games without a plot. Games to develop memory, attention, and the ability to follow instructions


Educational games for children: play for free online!

Didn't find your favorite game? Use search:

Do you want your child to not only spend his time with interest, but also be able to benefit from his fun activities? Educational games for children are best choice for the most caring and attentive parents!

Fascinating and simple educational games for children will not only give the baby a great mood, but will also provide the baby with the most necessary knowledge and skills. And most importantly, they will not allow the most important time in your child’s life to pass aimlessly!

It's time!

As we get older, we gradually get used to the idea that any fun is an idle pastime that distracts us from truly important matters. That’s why it seems to us that the time of early childhood is carefree and joyful, when the baby is allowed to play to his heart’s content: how much we would like to do nothing all day long!

However, for a child, any games are not just carefree fun, but also a real learning process. This is how the baby gets to know the world, learns to understand the patterns of events and trains the most important skills that will definitely be useful in the future. Therefore, you need to approach the choice of games for your child with all responsibility, almost more than in the future you will help him with the choice of institute and future profession.

The foundation of his future intelligence will depend on whether a child plays good educational games or spends all his time watching cartoons. And it depends only on you, the parents, what the little one’s brain will be filled with: incoherent pictures or the first logical conclusions. But which game should you choose to get real benefit from it?

Of course, it is best for a child to play with his parents. You can build towers from cubes, simultaneously explaining how to make the walls of a toy castle more durable with the help of proper masonry, or play educational games for children, coming to the rescue in case of serious difficulties.

But this is only possible in an ideal world, where dinner cooks itself, the floors never get dirty, and your hair always looks like you just left the hairdresser. In reality, a young mother physically cannot be near her baby 24 hours a day, even if she really, really wants to!

Then computer educational games come to the rescue, which will captivate the child for a long time, and at the same time bring a lot of benefits to his mind. While the child is having fun and gaining intelligence, the mother can have time to redo all the housework, and will also have time for herself - you see, an excellent help in the difficult task of raising the younger generation!

Computers for children!

There is an opinion that computers cause only harm to children. And who would argue that folding origami or gluing together ship models is much more beneficial for the eyes and fine motor skills than clicking the mouse on the monitor! But children seem to be drawn to everything new and digital.

How can you spend time at the computer yourself, but not let your baby near it? This is practically impossible, and, in fact, unnecessary.

Possible harm to the computer children's health greatly exaggerated: if the time that the baby spends in front of the monitor does not exceed the standards established by doctors, then nothing bad will happen. But learning to handle complex digital technology from an early age is very important in the modern world!

We choose only the best!

In Soviet times, this was somehow simpler. There was only one book with puzzles in the bookstore, and that was the one that had to be taken. Not only because there wasn’t much choice, but also because the content of the book was simply ideal: a list of games suitable for the development and education of children was formed with the participation of the best teachers of the Union!

Now the choice of various “smart toys” has become much larger, but the percentage of low-quality goods has also increased noticeably. How to distinguish good game from bad, how to choose the best entertainment for your child?

Firstly, be sure to pay attention to the color scheme. Of course, educational games for children should be bright, otherwise they simply will not be attractive to the baby and will be a burden to him. But there shouldn’t be too much color: excessively bright variegation not only tires the eyes, but, as doctors say, can negatively affect the child’s psyche.

Secondly, learning will be much more effective if in the game you play the role of a mentor or friend classroom It will be one of your child’s favorite cartoon characters. Even doing a difficult task is much more fun if you see a positive example in front of you in the form of your pet! “Look how well Piglet knows the numbers!” “All the Winx girls go to school and study with you!” - if you want to be like your idol, you have to work hard!

Thirdly, of course, games should not contain errors - grammatical or factual. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for game creators to be negligent in their responsibilities and poorly check the content of their games, making both typos and outright errors.

It will not be easy for you to explain to your child why now is the time to switch to new level you have to give the wrong answer! Therefore, it is better to independently go through all the games that you are going to offer your child in advance in order to filter out those that were done carelessly.

However, if you don’t have time to surf the entire web and look for good toys, we have great news for you! We have already done this work for you and selected only the highest quality educational games for our site.

You can safely download any of them: you can be sure that your child will definitely like it! In addition, a great advantage of our site is that all educational games are available online and completely free of charge! This means that you can play them as much as you want and anywhere, even on the road or at a party.

Children's computer educational games - myth or reality? In our time, tablets and computers have replaced ordinary toys. You can play a variety of computer games on them, depending on the age category of the child and his hobbies.

Educational games are:

  • educational;
  • on the development of color perception;
  • to train memory and attention;
  • logical;
  • to study geometric bodies and shapes;
  • puzzles;
  • mathematical;
  • puzzles and riddles

What do children's computer educational games contain?

Educational computer games help broaden a child’s horizons, teach them to compare objects and establish relationships between their properties.

The child must be able to characterize an object, name its characteristics and differences from others. In the process of playing, a child learns to observe and explore the world, to be able to identify an object by characteristics and assign it to one or another group and classification.

– Color games are a study of the main 7 colors of the rainbow and their shades. In some applications, it is possible to study different shades so that the child learns the concepts of “lighter” and “darker”.

Also, when preparing for school, you will need such a skill as grouping drawn objects in pictures according to color scheme. The computer toy can vocalize colors and highlight objects of that color on the screen. Games that develop color perception include all kinds of coloring books and drawing games.

Unfortunately, your device does not support Flash. You won't be able to color the picture online.

– Memory games help develop and train visual and auditory perception. These are basically games to find the differences between two similar objects. Also game labyrinths that help you learn to remember. Bright .

Logic games designed to compare objects by size and location in space. Also help expand vocabulary child thanks to the study of antonym words. The baby learns to reason logically, identify patterns, process and analyze the information received.

Such games include all kinds of mosaics, games of association and extra objects, pairing, connecting drawings by dots.
– The study of shapes will be useful in the future in mathematics lessons and for orientation in space. The child must be able to characterize an object in the house or other place, that is, describe its shape, size, and compare it with other things. Understand the concepts of more/less.

Typically, such games offer pictures of objects to choose from. different sizes. The child must answer the questions and click the correct picture with the answer.

– Puzzles for children consist of a small number of elements, but large in size. Usually, bright colorful pictures are selected for breaking into parts that may interest the child. Such games develop logical thinking.

– Mathematical games allow the child to master the first count. They are designed to teach numbers, digits and the simplest arithmetic operations with them. This good preparation to school.
– Riddles train thinking and intelligence, develop the child’s intelligence, expand their horizons and vocabulary, and teach them to write words correctly.

Parents and the process of playful learning

Children should play computer games under adult supervision. The baby cannot read yet, and it will not always be clear to him what to press during or at the end of the game. The child may also need adult help to complete the task. Parents must show how to play correctly and which buttons to press.

If the child does not succeed, the elders will be able to tell him the correct actions in the game. In this case, a tablet is more convenient to use. With it you can sit on the sofa in a comfortable position. It will be more fun for your baby to poke his fingers at bright screen and enjoy the feeling of reality of the game.

Learning through play is more fun for kids. After all, in early age Children do not know how to concentrate on a task for a long time. Educational games will help your child gain his first knowledge of the world around him and combine learning useful information with a fun pastime.

Rapid development information technology leads to a lowering of the age limit for young computer users. Nowadays, the vast majority of preschoolers already have basic skills in communicating with computer technology. This communication begins with computer games, which attract children, and they are increasingly drawn to the monitor screen rather than to their own real toys.

The only question that remains is: how to relate to this trend?

It is well known that preschool age is the period when the child’s personality actually takes shape. The leading activity becomes role-playing play, which determines the formation of basic new formations and contributes, along with other activities, to the formation of the basic characteristics of the child’s personality. Some disintegration occurs before joint activities with an adult. The child develops a need to “be like an adult,” which he realizes in play. The circle of peers as play partners becomes significant. Moreover, play, being the leading type of activity, determines the transition to a new age stage of the child’s development. According to L.S. Vygotsky, “Game is a source of development and creates a zone of proximal development.” From the game various creative types activities - construction, drawing, perception of fairy tales. New forms of communication emerge and develop – non-situational-cognitive and non-situational-personal.

Thus, in play, the child develops, learns to put himself in the position of another person, to trace and understand the situation from the inside, which is especially important in interpersonal relationships. The child learns to build relationships with peers - to cooperate, negotiate, listen to him, in some ways to sacrifice his ambitions for the sake of a common cause, and in some ways to insist on his own. All this is formed and honed in the game.

The game, according to S.L. Novoselova, is a form of practical reflection of a child about the surrounding reality, who, as it were, plays with his knowledge and ideas about the world around him. Her works emphasize that the child discovers the ability to endow an object that was neutral until a certain time with a playful meaning in the semantic field of the game, that is, a pebble can become a coin for a child playing “shop.” This ability is the basis for using a computer as a gaming device. Thus, provided that the child independently builds a game plot, objects that are neutral until a certain time in a computer game will acquire game significance.

Despite the fact that a large number of classifications of computer games can be found in the literature, there is currently no single classification. The most interesting is the classification proposed by R.E. Radeeva and E.O. Smirnova, based on the generally accepted division of games according to the content and actions of the player. It is very extensive in scope, and therefore will be presented in abbreviations in this article. The authors propose the following division.

    Puzzles and traditional games brought to the computer. The group of these games is divided into static and dynamic. The first ones are mostly traditional ones, adapted for computers, as well as specially created new computer games. Dynamic games and puzzles are aimed at developing logical thinking and intelligence. They also develop reaction speed and the ability to quickly assess the changing situation of the game.

    Arcade(platformers). Their task is to control the movement of the game hero and guide him through a sequence of labyrinths, obstacles, etc. The player’s position can be described as a position “out of the situation.” The character of the hero is not personified, his features are not highlighted and do not matter to the game. The hero can be replaced without changing the meaning of the game. Role behavior is impossible due to the lack of a semantic plan in it.

    Strategies. They are characterized primarily by a clear position of the player above the game reality - this is, as a rule, a simulation of control and command processes. The role in strategies is introduced at the beginning of the game as a designation of the position occupied by the player. It changes with the development of the object, but only the title (position) and powers, i.e., the capabilities of the player, change. Such a game does not reflect the system of human relations, although the action is generalized, abbreviated and reflects the logic of real human activity. It is important to note that preschool children are more likely to play games with strategy elements.

    Simulators. Their main difference is that the player is inside the situation. Here, in addition to reaction speed and sensorimotor coordination, figurative memory and orientation in three-dimensional space, as well as specific skills corresponding to the simulated reality, become significant.

    Story Games. They are games with a continuously developing plot. They can be defined as an interactive movie or cartoon, where the action unfolding on the screen requires the direct intervention of the player. The action is separated from the player and transferred by him to the hero.

Based on this classification, all games can be divided into role-playing And non-role.

The first group includes simulators in which the player’s position is designated as “within the situation.” This position determines the almost complete identification of the player with the character in the game. Narrative games also belong to role-playing games, but, unlike simulation games, the player, as it were, observes his character from the outside and controls his actions. This type of game involves less identification with the game character. Strategy games are a type of role-playing games in which the role is not specifically designated, but is imagined by the player controlling the activities of computer characters. The second includes puzzles, traditional games transferred to the computer, and arcades. A characteristic feature of this group of games is that the player either does not take on the role of a computer character (as happens in arcades), or there is no game character as such (in puzzles and traditional games transferred to the computer).

Thus, the above classification seems to be the most successful, since it describes the types of computer games in sufficient detail; each type of computer game presented can be characterized in terms of its role; listed species computer games are designed for children of preschool age and older. However, it is important to note that this classification does not include all types of computer games. In this regard, it seems important to supplement it.

Firstly, it must include educational games. They present the content of various subject areas in a visual form, thanks to which the child masters the material much more successfully. Moreover, the clarity of the material varies depending on the child's developmental level. Specially designed educational computer games that correspond to the child’s age and level of development ensure the gradual formation of his spatial concepts. However, for a beneficial developmental impact, the following conditions must be taken into account.

    Organization of joint activities of both adults and children, and children among themselves. This learning process becomes more productive as children better understand how to complete tasks. The most successful is pairwise association of children.

    The introduction of competitive moments has a negative impact on learning, as many children become overly worried and end up in a stressful situation.

    To fix children's attention on the results obtained, it is advisable to use methods that are neutral in their influence - a cheerful and sad melody, a laughing and sad face, etc.

Secondly, the proposed classification does not indicate educational games, which form children’s voluntary memorization, attention and hand-eye coordination. There is a development of higher mental functions - perception, memory, thinking and speech.

Educational and educational games can belong to the class of role-playing and non-role-playing games.

Thus, a computer game, like a role-playing game, is a symbolic-modeling activity. The action taking place in it is unrealistic, the meanings of individual actions are unclear without understanding the rules and conventions of the game. However, it is important to note that a specific feature of all of the listed types of computer games is the game within a predetermined framework. That is, the child is given a specific game task, which he must solve, acting in accordance with the strategy inherent in the game, using the given game material. In addition, the process of solving game problems is continuous. A child who has just solved one game problem is immediately offered the next one, and so on. That is, the function of goal setting and setting game tasks in this case is completely regulated by a computer game; the element of independent activity and creativity of the child within the framework of the game seems to disappear. And the child in real life turns out to be either unable to independently set game tasks, set goals for himself, or experiences significant difficulties with this. In addition, it turns out that it is possible to solve game problems only in a certain way, specified by the game developers. The child does not draw up a plan for his actions, but only achieves his goal by trial and error. Thus, computer games, with the exception of some developmental and educational ones, do not imply the independent possibility of choosing methods of action, which is a necessary condition for the full development of the child.

Nevertheless, the use of computer games for the development of preschoolers certainly has a number of advantages. For example, presenting information on a computer screen in a playful way is attractive to a child, since such games evoke vivid emotions in him. Computer games become exciting through the integration of audio and video recordings, thereby spurring involuntary attention due to the ability to demonstrate phenomena and objects in dynamics. In addition, if a child solves a game problem correctly, the characters in fairy tales and cartoons encourage him, increasing his self-confidence, which is especially important for children with low self-esteem.

In addition to the above, by playing computer games, a child learns to plan and predict the outcome of his actions. A.V. Zaporozhets in his works argued that thinking constitutes the intellectual basis for the development of activity. The process of mastering generalized methods of action, i.e. finding a common method for solving several similar game problems, leads to an increase in the level of activity. According to his concept of amplification (enrichment), the higher intellectual level, on which the activity is carried out, the more fully all aspects of the personality are enriched in it.

Computer games, like some fantasy games, on the one hand, allow you to simulate situations that are inaccessible to a preschooler in everyday life. But, on the other hand, these games can acquire a pathological connotation, as a result of which the child seems to acquire another, but virtual life, where he has the opportunity to fight aliens, have several lives, etc., which he will never encounter in reality. By experiencing this or that situation during the day that occurred in a computer game, the child thereby pushes real life events into the background.

However, computer games are not able to replace traditional children's games, since they do not satisfy one of the main needs of a preschool child - the need for interpersonal communication with peers. Of course, there are online games that allow you to interact with peers, moving a person into virtual reality. But this is not the realization of a need, but some kind of its replacement, because, firstly, in computer games emotional component communication with a peer is somewhat blurred and dulled - the expression of emotions in the game may not reflect the real mood of the player. This means that players will not receive adequate feedback from each other. Secondly, in communication through a computer game there is a complete absence of a non-verbal component (facial expressions, gestures, pantomime, etc.), which significantly complements the verbal component of interpersonal communication. Thirdly, online games (as opposed to amateur games, the main content of which is joint activity) are based on parallel interaction between the players. In other words, an online game is comparable to a “side-by-side game,” when the players are in a common gaming space, but everyone is left to their own devices. Thus, in computer games the richness and variety of communicative actions, extreme emotional intensity, non-standard and unregulated communicative acts are lost.

Nevertheless, there is a tendency for computer games to displace real games from the life of a preschooler. Children spend more and more free time on the computer. According to the International Game Association, a number of reasons contribute to this.

    Adults do not understand the importance of play for a child. Play is contrasted with useful work as something optional.

    Computer game safety. Parents are afraid to let their children play outside without supervision. It is much easier to control a child within the walls of the home.

    Pressure from educational institutions and priority of training sessions. For most parents, early learning seems to be a more important and useful childhood activity than playing.

Meanwhile, it is play that arises on the child’s initiative that is the leading activity in preschool age. In the process, her children experiment freely using their knowledge of the world around them. They independently choose the theme of the game, select game material, pose and solve game problems in accordance with their own plans. This is what develops the child’s personality. Play is always spontaneity, unpredictability, active testing of oneself and the subject of the game. It does not have to be programmed, follow mandatory rules, or follow a strict plan. Acting out plots planned in a computer game and directly organizing game situations is not a game in the full sense of the word and does not have the necessary developmental effect.

One way or another, you shouldn’t completely exclude computer games from a child’s life. But it is necessary to remember that according to the hygienic requirements for organizing the work of children and adolescents with a computer, children 3–7 years old can spend no more than 10–15 minutes a day at the computer.

If you decide to open the world of computer games to your child, you should start from middle preschool age. However, there are situations when a child, due to certain circumstances, the busyness of his parents, or his active interest in computer games, begins to interact with the computer at an earlier age, then it is worth selecting games taking into account his age, the content of the game and the individual psychological characteristics of the child himself.

In early preschool age, preference should be given to games aimed at developing perception. Games in this genre are widespread, so there is no need to recommend specific ones. You can offer games in which you need to assemble a complete picture from several elements, focusing on a sample, or find two identical objects, arrange figures of different colors and sizes in their places. This develops not only the perception of color, size and shape of objects, but also the child’s thinking.

For children of middle and senior preschool age (from 4 to 6–7 years old), a variety of games are recommended, in which you can use the cursor to draw any figure or even a picture. You can ask your child to come up with a name for the picture drawn, populate it with certain characters, and together come up with a story about them. Special games (dramatizations) are especially good for this, in which drawn characters can come to life and reproduce invented actions, like in a cartoon. It is necessary to immediately make a reservation: these are by no means the games in which you need to create a game character (choose an appearance, clothes, etc.) and act according to the game scenario, so that you can then add in-game items or abilities to your character. This is a kind of “replacement of the Self” with a “cooler” image that operates within the framework of the tasks proposed by the program. This type of game is under no circumstances recommended for preschoolers, because they must set game tasks on their own.

In this regard, the indisputable advantage of dramatization games over traditional gaming computer programs the fact is that they do not suppress or deform the child’s sphere of goal formation: here the child sets all the game tasks for himself, and does not choose them from those proposed, and especially does not obey the cascade of tasks that the program sets for the player, turning the player into an obedient executor of plans its developers. The child sets gaming tasks for himself in the same way as he does in traditional story-based amateur games, and therefore such computer games do not distort the specifics of preschool play and do not destroy its truly developmental essence.

In the process of dramatization games, the development of role-playing dialogues and conversations also occurs, which is especially important for children of middle preschool age. Adults should encourage any role-playing statements from children, and if they cannot come up with a plot on their own, they need to help them by joining in a role-playing conversation.

For children of this age, developmental and educational games aimed at cognitive development child. An example is a series of games to develop memory, logic, reading and counting skills, as well as the study foreign languages"Baba Yaga". Their dignity is manifested in the following:

    firstly, their hero is a popular character in children's fairy tales;

    secondly, the games in this series are based on the method of advanced learning;

These games are voiced by famous actors and feature poems from popular children's authors. This series is made in the form of a narrative game with elements of strategy, arcade and puzzles. It combines both role-playing and non-role-playing forms of play. It is possible that at first it will be difficult for a preschool child to cope with them, so it is necessary to play with him: what the child cannot yet do on his own, he can do together with an adult. In addition, joint activities have a positive impact not only on the child’s cognitive development, but also on the child-parent relationship.

Thus, it is not the computer that should control the child’s activities by offering him tasks, but, on the contrary, it is important for the child to use the computer as a means to solve his own developmental problems. This is why educational and educational games, dramatization games, drawing games, puzzles, etc. are good. In the first case, the computer acts exclusively as a simulator, and in the second it allows the child’s activities to develop, enriching him with different ways of acting, enriching his experience. The computer is an enriching element of the developing subject environment. It is a means that promotes the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers, the creation of a favorable emotional background, the socialization of the individual, thanks to the development of regulatory abilities (i.e., obedience to rules) and the possibility of communicative interaction in the game. Computer games in modern conditions are a unique form of mastering the surrounding reality. However, it is important to note that they should only complement, and not replace, amateur games.

“Development of an electronic multimedia teaching aid

(electronic information manual to accompany the event

for parents or teachers)

"Computer games for preschoolers"

Explanatory note

Introducing preschool children to a computer in a preschool educational institution begins with games carefully selected taking into account age and orientation. One of essential functions such games are educational. The games are designed in such a way that the child can perceive and assimilate not only individual concepts or specific situations, but also obtain generalized ideas about all similar objects and situations. This is how he develops important operations thinking - generalization and classification.
This paper reflects the characteristics of computer games for preschool children and their classification. The presentation contains various positive and negative consequences of playing computer games, and also discusses methodological recommendations for parents on the use of computer games.


Currently, crucial in any field human activity has the acquisition of information, its selection, processing and application. Mastering new information technologies in education is one of the newest and most pressing problems. Solving this problem is the key to the successful realization of the personality of a modern preschooler.
Computer games in domestic preschool pedagogy are one of the ways to solve this problem. Computer games develop children's attention, the ability to concentrate, foster determination and a desire to win, they are educational and intensely competitive.

Mastering a computer has a beneficial effect on the formation of a child’s personality and gives him a higher social status. Children have a new direction of communication: they actively discuss new computer games, their achievements and failures when performing difficult tasks. The children's vocabulary is significantly enriched, preschoolers easily and with pleasure master new terminology. All this contributes to the development of children’s speech and significantly increases the level of volition and awareness of actions.

Target: effective use of computer games by parents for the development and education of children.

To familiarize parents with the types of computer games for preschoolers, to help them navigate their diversity;
- develop the ability to distinguish computer games by their purpose;

Inform parents about the positive and negative effects of computer games on the child’s psyche;

To help parents use computer games as an effective means of developing and educating children.

Description of working with slides:

(Algorithm for working with slides)


Parents need to be able to divide computer games according to their purpose and purpose of creation into entertaining games and games created for educational purposes.


About the influence of computer games on the child’s psyche


Computer games are divided into educational games, educational, simulation games, 3 D Action "Shooters"


Educational games promote the development of mental abilities


Educational games - These are educational game programs in which one or more didactic problems are proposed to be solved in a game form.


This type of games traumatizes the child’s psyche and has negative impact on the development of thinking and moral education.


The plot of the simulation game involves reproducing real-life actions in a game situation.


Computer games should be educational, educational, with a low level of aggression


Control by an adult is necessary for the game to have a truly educational or educational effect.

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