The best games for VR. Best VR games

Due to the fact that one of the primary and widespread applications of VR technologies is the entertainment industry, computer games play an important role in this matter. Thus, many users and beginners are wondering how to play PC games with glasses virtual reality VR BOX.

The solution to such an issue is carried out according to the procedure given later in this article.

About how you can connect VR BOX, your computer and Android phone written in detail. In general, this process is not quite difficult, however, it is necessary. Next, you only need to configure options and adjust parameters to suit individual needs. Of course, before purchasing and connecting all the equipment, you need to make sure that it is powerful enough and meets all the requirements. In particular, this specific instruction Suitable only for smartphone owners with operating system Android!

Otherwise, you will need to use TrinusVR, which is a computer program and mobile application. Let’s look at how to use it below.

To play using virtual reality glasses, you will need to configure the Trinus VR utility, which is installed and configured separately for a smartphone and for a PC. Depending on the phone and model of VR glasses used, the user can use two options for connecting the smartphone to the computer: via Wi-Fi or USB cable.

For greater stability and reliability of the signal, it is recommended to connect using a cable. To do this, you will need to follow a few simple steps in the application settings on your phone:

  • Go to settings
  • We are looking for the wireless networks item
  • Click on modem mode
  • Turn on the USB modem item

Next, the PC and phone are connected by cable, and a new network connection is detected and configured on the computer. After this, the corresponding program is launched on each device, and in the main window you will need to click on the triangle symbolizing the on/off icon. After launch, the program will begin broadcasting the image from the computer to the smartphone.

How to Improve Image Quality (Tridef 3D Settings)

Recommended use windowed mode for games so that there are no different technical nuances. In addition, the image resolution in size and aspect ratio should be as close to square as possible for it to be perceived correctly. In some cases, you may need to manually specify a non-standard resolution in the configuration, which will make the gameplay more comfortable.

For those who want even more three-dimensional images to enhance the experience, they can use the special 3D driver Tridef 3D. The program is distributed on a paid basis, but for testing you can also download the free version, which is available on the Internet.

In order for the program to work adequately with games running in windowed mode, you will need to download special componentTriDef 3D Ignore Requirements Full screen. When installing this add-on, it will ask for permission to add to the registry, to which you must agree. In addition, you will need to correct the lenses, which is done using TriDef or the above-mentioned application on your smartphone.

You can make a separate bookmark for each game or a profile with pre-saved and calibrated settings. This will be useful for those who have already experienced all the benefits of technology and enjoy virtual reality in a variety of projects.

It is noteworthy that many users fundamentally confuse the two various devices virtual reality: glasses and helmet. It should be noted that these are quite different devices in design and functionality, despite their common purpose. You can play computer games using a VR helmet or glasses, but the experience will be different.

As you know, the most common are several models of helmets, for example Oculus Rift and HTC Vive . Helmets are manufactured by various manufacturers and belong to certain price categories and have their own characteristics. Thus, the experience of computer games will be different to a certain extent.

How does a virtual reality helmet differ from glasses?

As a rule, helmets differ from glasses in their work in that they produce a higher quality level of graphics. Often, helmets have built-in headphones with good sound, which makes the gaming process more comfortable and atmospheric. Signal delay is either completely absent or minimized. In addition to enhanced immersion, the experience is also enhanced by two dedicated controllers. This allows you to plunge headlong into the broadcast world of virtual reality, almost completely forgetting and detaching yourself from true reality for the duration of the game.

When it comes to connectivity, helmets also offer different options. Some models do not chain the user to the computer at all and allow you to use the device in any convenient place, which is an undeniable advantage.

Nowadays, many interesting and serious gaming projects are created specifically for helmets, for example, specifically for the Oculus Rift, which makes them a kind of exclusive.

Why should you buy glasses?

In general, there are quite a lot of advantages of playing in a helmet when compared with VR glasses, however, of course, there are also a number of disadvantages:

  • High cost
  • Demanding requirements for PC characteristics
  • Inconvenience of some controllers
  • A small number of exclusives (but there are many other games)
  • Some process control models track the player’s movements, which requires a lot of free space in the room

We take into account the average person who will be judicious in their purchase, if you have the opportunity to buy a helmet then buy it, but you should also be aware of their shortcomings.

Frequently Asked Questions

I decided to try it Google Cardboard, but something didn’t impress me at all. At the same time, the accelerometer on the phone floats. Am I the only one?

  1. You are not alone in this. However, it would be a mistake to form an opinion in general about VR technologies based on just one piece of cardboard. They and Vive or Rift are completely incomparable in terms of impressions, and I have never met anyone who was not impressed by HTC VIVE.
  2. I recommend trying Homido, because, in my opinion, this is the most versatile and best mobile helmet option for a smartphone.
  3. I don’t agree with the person above, most likely he sells these Homidos himself.

The question is, if I have +2 reading vision, then how can I look in this case?

If you use VR BOX virtual reality glasses, you can adjust the device individually to suit your vision. In addition, you can adjust each lens individually.

As I understand it, these instructions are suitable for Android, but what if I want to play PC games from my iPhone 6? How can this be done anyway, otherwise I can’t find similar instructions anywhere for my model.

  1. Everything is done in a similar way, you just need to use other programs, such as: VR Streamer, Intugame VR or Kino Console.
  2. The Intugame VR program will help you. In general, iPhones have a low screen resolution, so it’s better to use at least an iPhone 7 or higher. Of course, Android will be even better.

I suggested that you can watch 3D films in the same way. However, I can’t see the file with the movie itself, so the image starts, but there is no sound. What to do?

  1. It will be easier to watch films if you follow not this instruction, but a different way. You can, for example, open network access to a folder with films on your PC, and then simply see it via Wi-Fi on your smartphone and open the necessary files. Open movies from such a folder with the desired player in the ES Explorer application for your smartphone. In general, this site has good instructions.
  2. To solve sound problems, try installing different players on your smartphone, this should probably help. In addition, you can play with the film format and separately with audio codecs.

As I understand it, this works with many PC games? You don’t need to download special projects with specific settings, such as for Oculus Rift?

Yes, you can play almost any game on your computer. The main thing is to follow the recommendations from this article, and also carefully check the characteristics and requirements of the games and the available equipment.

I'm interested in this question. Is it possible for children to use such devices, since they are individually adjustable in size for any user? Or are they not intended for very young children? And if children are allowed, then under what conditions?

Children, of course, can, why not? Only recommended age is from about 6 years. Yes, there’s no point in introducing them to this kind of thing before, maybe they’ll even be more scared. In general, using VR BOX glasses does not pose any dangers, but it is recommended to take breaks from work a little more often.

Video instructions

Using the recommendations from this article, every user who is dealing with the issue of how to play games using VR BOX, can find all the answers. In some in some cases, depending on the devices, some steps may differ, but in general, the algorithm is the same.

We live in a time when the development of games and other projects in virtual reality is in full swing.

The era of virtual reality has finally arrived (of course, VR headsets are not yet available to everyone due to high prices), and just a year after the release of the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift headsets, there are already plenty of great VR games on the market. Here is a selection of our favorite projects, which will be updated as new games are released in 2018.

Superhot VR

Developer: Superhot Team | Compatibility: Oculus Rift

Superhot VR is rich in various tricks. Throwing a brick at the enemy, knocking the gun out of his hands, catching the weapon and finishing off the enemy on the head with the handle, and then shooting three enemies in a helicopter behind you is one of the typical sketches of the game. This can take a few minutes or a couple of seconds - it all depends on how quickly you come up with the most spectacular way to get rid of your opponents. Here you can slow down time, but if in the original Superhot, due to traditional shooter mechanics, the player could avoid shootings, then in VR a slightly different scheme operates.

All enemies run directly towards you, which turns the levels into scenes from The Matrix, where agents, one after another, pursued the main character. And you just have to decide how to deal with them, using all available objects and weapons, while dodging bullets, knives, baseball bats, etc. The narrative here, like the original, often breaks the fourth wall, which only adds to the unique atmosphere of Superhot VR.

Skyrim VR

Developer: Bethesda | Compatibility: Oculus Rift, HTC Vive

Bethesda is investing heavily in VR, developing VR versions of Doom, Fallout 4 and Skyrim. All three of these games are good for VR, but Skyrim is the most enjoyable to play. Even if you have hundreds of hours spent in Skyrim, in VR the game world will again feel new and unknown.

While it's not as interactive as games made specifically for VR, it's fully playable, and swinging swords and axes, blocking with shields, and firing spells from your hands is a lot of fun. What you've already seen dozens of times - a towering fortress, moons in the night sky and a dragon circling overhead - takes on new meaning because you have to physically crane your neck to see it all. The price is certainly steep: Skyrim VR costs a whopping $60, although it comes bundled with all existing DLC, and with a few minor tweaks it will be able to work with mods.

Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality

Developer: Owlchemy Games | Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift

It would be nice if you happen to be a fan of this cartoon to have at least some idea of ​​what's going on (and why everyone is yelling at you), but even if you're not familiar with the characters, there are still plenty of fun puzzles here and creative toys. Playing as a clone of young Morty, you complete various tasks: some are simple (at first glance), such as cleaning, while others require you to move through portals to other planets.

It's a real pleasure to experiment with the fantastic gadgets in Rick's garage, including the shrink ray, a device that allows you to combine any two objects, and the Meeseeks ball, which allows you to summon assistants who copy your every move. This cartoonish game is one of the most compelling VR titles to date because it's fun and interactive.

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

Developer: Steel Crate Games | Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift

Keep Talking can easily be called the most family-friendly bomb disposal simulator. It’s family-friendly because, according to the developers, the role of the sapper is played by one person, while the rest delve into the weighty bomb disposal manual (the electronic version is included in the kit and, in theory, needs to be printed out) and shout out the procedure.

The virtual reality here is not particularly believable, but the fact that you are in a room with a complex explosive mechanism creates the necessary tension. And if you want to look at the manual yourself and leave the bomb unattended, it will explode. You can play not only with a VR headset, but also on a regular monitor. And everything is in the black (except for those that exploded).

Robo Recall

Developer: Epic Games | Compatibility: Oculus Rift

In this VR shooter from Epic Games, you are tasked with tracking down robber robots. Shoot with a shotgun or two pistols, but don't forget that everything you see can be picked up and used as a weapon or shield. You can pull bullets and projectiles out of thin air and deflect them back at your enemies, as well as tear off limbs or heads from robots and use them as weapons as well. As an action game, it's absolutely amazing and provides tons of fun.


Developer: Drool | Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift

Thumper looked great before, but after being transferred to VR it became truly mesmerizing. The gameplay here is not particularly difficult - the main thing is to get into the rhythm and not crash into corners - but at the same time it keeps you in suspense. As one reviewer put it, "It's a psychedelic race through a complex, geometric world where you'll have to fight your way through obstacles while balancing on slippery and fragile surfaces." In VR, all this looks like a living nightmare that doesn’t want to end.


Developer: Cyan Inc. | Compatibility: Oculus Rift

In this game, the Cyan company has created a world that is amazingly rich in detail, which is much more interesting to explore in VR - this way all the smallest nuances are revealed that you might have missed in the regular version. Obduction, as a continuation of the traditions laid down in Myst and Riven, is full of spatial puzzles, and their solutions are often right in front of the player's eyes. In my review I said that this game "keeps the feel of Myst without feeling dated"; multiply this by two and you will understand what the VR version is. It feels like you're in a classic Myst world, but it's so realistic that you sometimes have to lean over something to get a better look.

Obduction looks so great in VR precisely because the original gameplay from Myst seemed tailor-made for virtual reality. You jump from one point to another, then look around and collect the necessary items. The mechanics and pacing of the game didn't need any changes at all to fit into VR. You can, of course, just run around this world (if your vestibular system allows it), but Cyan has made each jump point so interesting and unusual that you want to act exactly as the developers intended.


Developer: Gunfire Games | Compatibility: Oculus Rift

Chronos is an excellent example of how a beloved genre, after being transferred to VR, sparkled with new colors, while increasing the effect of presence. In my review, I wrote the following about the game: “This is a time-tested action-RPG in the spirit of The Legend of Zelda with a combat system and puzzles that will seem familiar to all fans of the genre. But to me, Chronos was able to do something that Zelda couldn't. What any game running on a monitor or TV screen could not achieve. Even if the game completely absorbs me, I can’t say that I feel like I’m on the other side of the monitor. And Chronos in VR evokes exactly that feeling. I was literally in and really didn’t want this adventure to end.”

This is an exciting 15-hour adventure where you will explore open world with many interconnected (and mostly beautiful) locations, as well as master the combat system, where it is important to catch the tempo in each battle. Compared to RPGs like Dark Souls, the game is noticeably simpler, but with every minute in VR it draws you deeper into its universe. If I were asked to name a single Oculus Rift project that should not be missed, I would undoubtedly think of Chronos.

Elite: Dangerous

Developer: Frontier Developments | Compatibility: Oculus Rift, HTC Vive

Elite: Dangerous is the first commercial game originally developed for VR, and therefore it demonstrates the full capabilities of this technology to the maximum. Intense space battles between lumbering battleships and nimble fighters look great from the cockpit. It's like you're in space battles straight out of Star Wars. The camera allows you to turn your head to watch enemy fighters flying past. If you play with a joystick, you can lower your head and look at the pilot's body and his hands, which exactly follow your movements. And if the cabin is not too narrow, you can even stand up and walk around it.

But the game isn't just about shooting in outer space. Elite in VR looks impressive no matter what you do: even docking with ships looks incredible, not to mention the magnificent views of space itself. You'll never forget your first flight through an asteroid ring. Millions of slowly rotating asteroids will appear before your eyes, and before you know it, you will stop for a minute or two to admire the spectacle. The galaxy is beautiful on regular 2D screens, but in VR you really feel its scale. Flights at the speed of light and moments of docking with ships also look incredible - all this due to immersion in the game world. When jumping to others solar systems you will unconsciously squeeze into your chair, watching billions of stars rush by.

By the way, flights in Elite are rich in small details. The ships look massive and realistic, and each model behaves differently. They're all unique, from the Hauler (a clunky cargo ship given out early in the game) to the nimble Eagle and Cobra fighters. Of course, in VR these differences are only more striking. It is highly recommended to play with headphones, as the sound effects allow you to immerse yourself deeper into the illusion of space - especially helpful.

Elite: Dangerous can be called a pioneer in the field of creating games with the effect of complete immersion in virtual reality. After its release, many games were released that were developed specifically for VR headsets, but they have not yet been able to surpass it. This is a rare example of a game that is interesting to play in VR, and not just run for an hour and compare the sensations with the regular version. But be careful: there are a lot of sharp turns waiting for you here, and when you return to reality, you may be a little dizzy, especially if you have spent more than one or two hours in the game.

Hover Junkers

Developer: Stress Level Zero | Compatibility: HTC Vive

Of all the VR games, Hover Junkers has the most interesting control system. The game looks like a shooter with a cover system - you have to hide behind the walls of your vehicle consisting mainly of wooden beams and pieces of metal. With one hand you need to steer a vehicle assembled from all sorts of rubbish, and with the other you need to shoot enemies, while spending most of the time in cover.

Aiming here is quite difficult, but over time you get used to it; It is also worth noting the extremely detailed recharging process, which occurs almost like in real life. For example, when reloading a pistol, pressing the controller's trackpad opens the drum, bullets are inserted into it using circular movements of the trackpad, and a characteristic wrist movement closes the drum. This is a simple technique, but when you have almost finished off your opponent or are hanging on the brink of death, it is easy to panic and slam the drum harder than you should.

The main problem with Hover Junkers is that it is a multiplayer game, and the list of players online is either empty or reduced to two or three. This doesn't make the game bad, so let's hope the number of players increases - after all, quite a few people have already purchased a Vive headset this year.


Developer: Crows Crows Crows, Squanchtendo | Compatibility: HTC Vive

If you like the long, almost entirely improvised dialogue from the animated series Rick and Morty, then you'll definitely love this new creation from Justin Roiland (the show's creator) and Crows Crows Crows. The game Accounting can be praised for a long time for its original sense of humor, but it made it onto this list thanks to one of its characters - we are talking about a two-headed xylophone skeleton. This beautiful and at the same time frightening creature lingers in the memory for a long time, and it looks as if it came straight from someone's hallucination.

Job Simulator

Developer: Owlchemy Labs | Compatibility

When purchasing an HTC Vive headset, this game comes included and is, as the name suggests, an office walking simulator. Everything is simple here - the player is given the opportunity to wander around the room, wave his arms and interact with the environment. And interactions with objects (there are a lot of them) in the office or kitchen are often accompanied by witty comments.

Yes, the game gets boring quickly, and it’s unlikely that you’ll want to play it again, but it can be shown whenever someone asks why everyone loves VR so much. Job Simulator will at least make even the skeptics smile.

The Lab

Developer: Valve | Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift (with Touch system)

Valve's free VR app is another great way to get started with VR technology. It's full of different mini-games that unlock some of the potential of VR. There's also an adorable robot dog.

Fantastic Contraption

Developer: Northway Games | Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift (with Touch system)

Fantastic Contraption offers seemingly simple tasks like “move that pink bubble into the pink box,” which look much more fun in virtual reality than before. Here is a puzzle for building various human-sized mechanisms. Using handles, spinning cylinders, and your own creativity, you'll create designs that will shuffle around the level, and trivial tasks like the one mentioned above become noticeably more difficult over time.

What's impressive about Fantastic Contraption is, first of all, its intuitive controls. Creating structures here is essentially connecting the dots, and modifying objects works exactly as expected. Do you need the part to become longer? Stretch it. Do you want the wheel to spin in the other direction? Just spin it in the opposite direction. Don't need the connector anymore? Throw it behind your back and it will disappear. Even at the most difficult levels, the main challenge lies in creating the right plan, not in executing it.

Developers from Northway Games are also promoting a rather interesting concept - during testing of the game they used cameras and a green screen and recorded video of the actions of players in VR. In the end, it looked as if the player was really in game world. It's an interesting idea on top of an equally interesting game.

Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator

Developer: SCS Software | Compatibility: Oculus Rift, HTC Vive

Virtual reality can take you to amazing fantasy worlds, but this technology also demonstrates its capabilities in a game that invites you to get behind the wheel of a truck and drive along German highways. Euro Truck Simulator 2 is great in its own right, and with the release of new headsets, SCS Software has added Rift and HTC Vive support to the game. Detailed instructions How to configure the game for these devices can be found on the Steam forums.

The gameplay, as the name hints, consists of simulating the profession of a truck driver: while driving a truck, you have to transport various cargoes across European cities, while observing traffic rules. The gameplay is surprisingly addictive, despite its mundane nature, and the game itself is made very well. And the VR mode here is simply wonderful. Detailed cabs that match those of real trucks create a tangible immersive experience. Here you can look around, watching the passing clouds, or lean out the window at moments when you need to drive through a narrow tunnel.

The weather change is also implemented here. Raindrops running down the glass as you pick up speed is one of the many little things that make up local realism. It's like you're actually driving a truck through bad weather. And if you play in VR and at the same time connect a controller in the form of a steering wheel, then the illusion becomes even more convincing - connecting the steering wheel, of course, is not necessary, but it is highly recommended.

Euro Truck Simulator 2 recreates an amazing portion of Europe, including the UK and Scandinavia, along with their countless highways. And those roads that looked great in the regular version look even more natural in VR. The most beautiful of the countries presented can be called Norway with its picturesque valleys, lakes and forests, which you never tire of admiring during every trip. Oddly enough, the fact that the game is based on mundane actions makes it more realistic than, for example, Elite - there is no need to use your imagination. You may not be attracted to the idea of ​​playing a truck driver simulator, much less in VR, but believe me, this game is worth giving a chance.

The Gallery Episode 1: Call of Starseed

Developer: Cloudhead Games | Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift

It was clear from the start that a first-person shooter adventure in the vein of Myst would be perfect for VR. And so it happened: two for VR today are Obduction and The Gallery. In the first episode of The Gallery, you will find yourself on a gloomy island at night, trying to understand what is happening on it, while at the same time becoming immersed in the local atmosphere. Walking around the island and exploring every corner of it, as well as studying the objects found... well, it all looks very plausible.

In VR projects like this, the main thing is the ability to create a realistic atmosphere, and thanks to attention to certain details, The Gallery succeeds in this. Such details include lightning strikes, the ability to hold sheets of paper to your face to read text, various nuances in decorations, such as medieval candlesticks with candles that can be removed and extinguished. This is exactly what kept me engaged for the first hour in The Gallery, and by this time an intriguing story in a sci-fi style had already begun to spin. This is the first game I've seen with an episodic system in VR, and I'm more than confident that I'll finish it.

Space Pirate Trainer

Developer: I-Illusions | Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift (with Touch)

Space Pirate Trainer is a VR analogue of the famous game Space Invaders. The gameplay here is straightforward and unpretentious - you are given weapons and waves of fast drones are sent down on you. It's one of those VR games that offers a shooting range spectacle (thankfully, the Vive's joysticks provide precision and shooting comfort), but Space Pirate Trainer feels head and shoulders above its competitors.

Even in Early Access mode, Space Pirate Trainer has no complaints. Each weapon has multiple firing modes for different fighting styles - there's even a solid laser beam and cartridges that kill enemies with one hit. Drones make distinctive noises before firing, so you can counterattack or dodge, Matrix style. Time slows down as enemy beams come your way, making it a real pleasure to dodge them while still shooting at the drones. By the way, these rays can also be reflected with a shield, which is obtained by pressing the corresponding button.

It's extremely difficult to stop playing Space Pirate Trainer. If this was a slot machine that accepted coins, I would definitely lose all my pocket money in a day.

Eve: Valkyrie

Developer: CCP | Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, OSVR

Here is a short review of Eve: Valkyrie, which touches on the main pros and cons of space battles from CCP. The game is full of spectacular moments - when you aim at an enemy ship and fire missiles, when you evade fighters, and then, after a steep dive, catch them in the crosshairs - the excitement in such moments is indescribable. It is enough to spend only a few minutes in the game to feel it.

But, unfortunately, the emotions from these scenes are quickly interrupted by a leisurely system of gaining experience necessary to unlock new ships and parts for them, a very short passage mode and an inconvenient interface, where all the important information is scattered across numerous sections in the menu.

The battles themselves are well executed, but the game lacks the depth and strategic elements of another space simulator, Elite: Dangerous. As one reviewer wrote, if Valkyrie were a slot machine, it “would fit perfectly somewhere between the immortal Time Crisis 2 and Star Wars Battlepod. The action here is done on high level and is able to convince anyone in 20 minutes that VR has a great future. But after the first half hour you will find more than one reason to quit the game. And your stomach won’t appreciate the long somersaults at the helm of a spaceship.”

Alien: Isolation

Developer: The Creative Assembly | Compatibility: Oculus Rift, HTC Vive

If you have ever watched the movie “Alien” and imagined yourself on the ship “Nostromo” in the place of the heroes who are pursued by perhaps the most famous creation of the artist Hans Giger, then you are very lucky. The game does not officially support Oculus Rift, but there is a way out - you just need to know how to activate VR. To do this, go to the game folder, open the ENGINE_SETTINGS.XML file and in the ‘stereo mode’ line change the value from ‘off’ to ‘on’. And to run the game on the Vive headset, you will need VorpX drivers. As you can see, getting started is not at all difficult. It is much more difficult to complete the game itself, since the eerie atmosphere literally chills to the bone. If you thought she looked scary on the monitor screen, then imagine your feelings in VR, where sometimes just a few centimeters separate you from the deadly xenomorph.

Isolation is a survival horror game based on Ridley Scott's 1979 sci-fi film, and it perfectly recreates the film's atmosphere with palpable tension. You find yourself face to face with that same Alien on a huge ship. He wanders somewhere nearby and is looking for you, and his behavior is impossible to predict.

You need to find keys, open doors, collect information from computers as quietly as possible in order to ultimately leave the ship. And the almost impenetrable darkness on space station“Sevastopol” in the Rift VR headset seems even more depressing than before. The claustrophobia and fear that the Alien will catch you are sometimes so strong that you want to quit the game and take a breath, but after each level passed, relief and pride in yourself comes - after all, in the end, you were able to outwit the Alien.

For fans, this game is also an opportunity to admire familiar locations. One of the missions takes place aboard the ship where the crew of the Nostromo first encountered alien life. Looking at the legendary 'pilot' you can feel as if you are on a film set. Even if you're afraid of being in the same room with an Alien, Isolation is worth trying out in VR, if only for the famous fantasy scenery that looks real in 3D. It's no surprise that the horror genre is so popular among VR game developers. This technology perfectly conveys the feeling of claustrophobia that successful games in this genre are usually built on.

Of course, not every gamer can handle such an experience: even fans of horror games will look at their preferences in a new way by trying out Alien: Isolation on Oculus Rift. Developers at The Creative Assembly hid the VR mode in the game, but they should have tweaked it a little and actively promoted it as an additional feature.

Virtual Reality Game is the miracle of the gaming industry that everyone has been waiting for. The appearance of this was predicted by prophets, science fiction writers, and anyone, because such a cool interaction interface allows you not only to immerse yourself in the passage, but to escape from reality altogether. The film The Matrix, the anime Sword Art Online and other works have widely covered this topic, often going too far. But in fact, full-scale development of games for virtual helmet, and even serious developers are thinking about translating their most amazing franchises like Fallout, Mass Effect or the new No Man Skies on this platform.

You simply connect the system to your computer and, using specialized programs, set up the work of the downloaded actions so that you can put this miracle of technology on your head and enjoy immersion in wonderful dream, where you have a lot of ammo, crowds of mutants are roaming around, or you are participating in a cooperative passage of a colorful arcade. Bowling simulators, shooting games and other simple applications have already appeared on the market, and more impressive projects will soon be created.

In general, virtual reality glasses will in theory be an integral part of the new hybrid of games - open world, RPG and action. Here you can chat with non-player characters, and at the same time, an Internet connection is also implemented, because wandering alone is of course fun, but multiplayer is generally new level entertainment. So, when purchasing these glasses, you should not only remember the need to buy a powerful PC with a cool video card, but also understand that the coolest world created by programmers awaits you. After all, VR will soon become the basis of any playthrough, because cutting yourself off from boring everyday life and diving into an action adventure with a first-person view is real happiness.

Are your relatives annoying you? Do your parents constantly talk about the need to make decisions? Is your wife whining about little things? Are your kids scratching the walls with their nails and making it difficult to concentrate? Stop putting up with it - put the VR glasses on your head and just fly away from all the nonsense that is trying to penetrate your mind.

Maybe even interesting virtual games, which already allow you to kill opponents by tasting their blood. And all thanks to the wise implementation of the developers, who make full use of the color rendering capabilities of virtual reality glasses.

In addition, when using this equipment, you will feel independent from the world around you, as if you were able to move into another dimension where you are welcome. This is where pleasure and pleasure come from, because every second spent in a virtual reality game will be the most precious one in your life.

You can already download video games by torrent, which combine conventional gameplay technologies and also guarantee support for VR glasses. Real-time sleep is another way to describe this gameplay, and you'll be blown away by the joy of putting the device on your head and immersing yourself in the action. While at home, you can connect with friends via the Internet and together begin a journey through dungeons, wild deserts of a post-apocalyptic future, or modern metropolises, where dozens of interesting tasks. There you can really become a powerful magician who uses top-secret spells, a soldier who has a cool minigun on his back, or just a traveler who has skills for different occasions.

The abundance of virtual reality headsets for smartphones, as well as the graphic capabilities of mobile platforms, make smartphones main ice hole for virtual immersion. The creators of the software seem to cut through the ice of a flat picture so that the user can dive in and discover a deep world of immersive entertainment.

But sometimes you come across software of such quality that, having emerged, the user does not want to dive a second time. So that you receive best experience and appreciated the new media format, the portal about mobile games virtual reality has prepared a selection of the best VR games from the Google Play store in different genres. Holographics has checked and approves.

17. Best arcade

This title is given to the game from the Archiact studio - Deep Space Battle VR. Here you can plunge into the atmosphere of space battles, controlling a small but nimble fighter ship. We destroy enemies, travel around the Universe and discover new types of warships!

16. Best Arkanoid

Here the leader was Proton Pulse Google Cardboard, where we outer space We will use the ball to break the multi-colored blocks. It has beautiful design and addictive gameplay, and besides, there are practically no competitors. The niche for VR arkanoid games is empty - this is a disadvantage for developers who are missing their chance.

13. Best game for kids

The leader in this area is a studio called 1st Playable Productions. Of the several games she has released, we choose Squeed! VR, a great adventure in which your child will rescue cute magical creatures.

12. Best educational game

From the limited list of games in this genre, we can highlight Cleanopolis VR. She invites you to a small virtual town, where life needs to be saved from food pollution human activity. The gamer can expect quizzes, puzzles and other interesting mini-games; in addition, the game promotes concern for the environment.

11. Best adventure

Stellar Dive Experience VR is a clear winner that will take you to Mars and the Moon you'll visit underwater world and futuristic orbital station, and in subsequent updates the developers promise to add new worlds. In a word, beauty!

10. Best runner

There are a lot of games in this category, but among them Tunnel Twister VR shines like a bright diamond. In addition to the addictive gameplay and cute design, the game features a selection of excellent electronic music.

7. Best sports game

Although golf in Russia has gained much less popularity than in the United States, this does not mean that it is not interesting. Proof of this is Golf VR. Here you will find many locations, a change weather conditions and responsive game controls.

6. Best strategy

The undisputed leader is Divinity Defense VR - “tower defense”, in which we will defend our home castle from numerous monsters. We build military structures and incinerate enemies with fireballs. And if you happen to have a VicoVR sensor lying around, you can literally crush enemies with your hands.

5. Best shooting gallery

This is already the third game from 3DiVi studio that has made it into our selection. This time it's The Lost Future: VR Shooter, in which we will fire a machine gun at bloodthirsty zombies. And if they get very close, turn them into mince using special traps.

4. Best horror

The most atmospheric virtual horror game currently existing is House of Terror VR. It will make your heart race and your skin crawl. Solve puzzles, look for clues and try not to get caught by the nightmares waiting for you in the depths of the old house.

Los Angeles. It's the turbulent 40s, and you are a detective investigating complicated cases, interrogating criminals and constantly getting into dangerous troubles as part of your duty.

Although one could find fault with the graphics in general, the facial animation in the game is done perfectly, and this is very important for the gameplay, because as a law enforcement officer you must not only listen to witnesses and suspects, but also learn to read faces.


DOOM VFR is not just a port, but a full-fledged game designed specifically for VR glasses. Yes, the setting remains the same, and this is good news. But the levels were thoroughly redone to make it easier to navigate and move around, and new locations were added.

The plot has also changed, now it is built around the theme of transferring consciousness from one body to another. But, as usual, you can ignore it altogether. And needless to say, how much cooler you feel when you shoot monsters with a cannon rather than with a mouse.

18. Fallout 4 VR

Fans of the Fallout universe have long dreamed of a game for virtual reality glasses. And in 2017, we waited for the dream to come true, and a really high-quality one at that. During the porting, the universe was reworked, but those who have already dealt with Fallout 4 will meet familiar NPCs and monsters.

A significant drawback of the game is the controls: despite the flexible settings, it can take a lot of time to adapt and learn to control your actions.

17. Batman: Arkham VR

Who among us has not dreamed of trying on the image of the protagonist of Gotham, an eccentric rich man, owner of unique technologies and the coolest car in the world, a favorite of women and simply handsome Bruce Wayne? All you need to feel like Batman for an hour or two is to download Batman: Arkham VR and get an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive VR helmet.

The game turned out to be really decent, the graphics and sound are excellent, and the plot is based on the original comics. The only annoying thing is that the arsenal of weapons and all kinds of military equipment is very limited.

16. Obduction

The developers of this game created such a rich and beautiful world that VR fell on it like a native one. In essence, Obduction is the same Myst, only with sophisticated graphics and in virtual reality.

For those familiar with Myst, the gameplay of Obduction will seem simple and straightforward: the player jumps around in space, looks around, collects the necessary items, and solves various problems. And all this happens in a realistic and meticulously thought out world.

15. Arktika.1

The fact that the developers of Arktika.1 were inspired by their other brainchild - the Metro series - is noticeable to the naked eye. However, now you have to defend a remote outpost as a mercenary human civilization in cold Russian latitudes.

The gameplay of Arktika.1 is a continuous action, dynamic shootings here have to be interrupted only in order to solve the next puzzle that does not allow you to go further. Luckily, they aren't too difficult, so you'll be back in the fight in no time.

14. Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul

If you liked the Paranormal Activity film series, then the game based on it is worth checking out. This is not to say that you can be scared to death here, but the atmosphere in Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul is truly creepy and frightening.

You will find yourself in an ordinary-looking house, fraught with indescribable horror. During your wanderings with a flashlight, you will find various things, photographs and records of former owners that will help reveal the history of this place, and try to resist otherworldly forces.

13. Job Simulator

Job Simulator is a simple and fun office work simulator. But don’t think that after one shift at your desk you are being asked to start a second. Here you can do a lot of interesting things, for example, juggle tomatoes (and you don’t have to clean up after yourself), eat from the trash bin, throw a stapler at your boss and much more.

Job Simulator cannot be called a serious game, and it can get boring quickly. But using her example, it is very easy to explain to the ignorant why everyone loves virtual reality so much.

12. Star Trek: The Bridge Crew

Star Trek is one of the most successful media franchises with a half-century history. Now you too can fully experience what it’s like to be a Starfleet officer aboard the famous Enterprise. You have to assemble a team, coordinate its actions, sometimes making difficult decisions.

And it all starts with exploring a distant corner of space to see if there is a suitable place for the dying Vulcan civilization to live. But the Klingons are also interested in him, so it won’t be without trouble.

11. The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim VR

Our list of the best VR games would be incomplete without Skyrim. And it got here not at all because of the huge number of re-releases and not because it didn’t play, probably only those who don’t play RPGs in general.

Transferring such a large and colorful world to virtual reality is not an easy task, but it was still accomplished, and very well. Although the world and interface have been redesigned, the plot remains the same. In addition, the developers tried to solve the problem of motion sickness, which is also a big plus.

10. Assetto Corsa

9. Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope

It was only a matter of time before Serious Sam appeared in virtual reality, because such a bone-chilling movie is perfectly suited for VR. Everything is beautiful here - a set of weapons for shooting, explosion and dismemberment, limbs flying in different directions, bloody scraps almost right in the face.

Of course, the inability to move freely prevents you from fully enjoying the process of destroying everything that moves. But these are the features of the VR format that you will have to come to terms with for now.

8. Arizona Sunshine

Do you already have a plan of action in case of a zombie apocalypse? If not, then Arizona Sunshine is a good project to prepare and test for viability. You'll find yourself in the hot Arizona sun, where zombies feel right at home and you're considered a good meal.

Surviving alone is not so easy, so try the cooperative mode, in which 4 players can fight against the evil spirits at once. Assemble a team, define roles, coordinate actions, and perhaps you will be able to avoid a slow and painful death.

7. Resident Evil 7: Biohazard

If you want to get really scared, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard is just what you need. The game has enough sharp “boos” that make your heart jump, and various creepy things, and simply disgusting moments like searching for the desired item in the slop with your own virtual hands.

The atmosphere of fear is perfectly maintained not only visuals, but also the soundtrack. Despite the fact that the world around us does not look very good in some places, desired effect achieved by realistic depiction of its inhabitants. For now, the game in VR mode is only available on PS4.

6.Raw Data

Raw Data is a VR first-person shooter in which the player will have to mercilessly deal with entire crowds of robotics. The game looks very good, the controls are simple and intuitive, and the presence of a cooperative mode adds to the fun.

Already in the first month of sales, Raw Data earned a million dollars - according to rough estimates, every fifth owner of the HTC Vive VR helmet bought it. On at the moment The game has already been ported to Oculus Rift.


SUPERHOT VR is a stylish and dynamic shooter, the essence of which can be roughly described as “virtual reality in virtual reality.” It all starts with the fact that in the game you put on a VR helmet again and are immersed in a world with dazzling white rooms and angular opponents.

The skill of quick response in this game will be very useful, as well as the ability to make instant decisions. For example, sometimes, while you are shooting at one enemy with one hand, you will have to launch improvised objects at another. In this case, it is better to release more space in the room, as the game makes you actively move.

4. Sairento VR


Thumper is a psychedelic rhythm action game that's breakneckly fast and vibrant. You have to become a space bug that rushes through space, overcoming obstacles. The gameplay is quite simple - just don't crash into anything and keep the rhythm.

The game looked bright and original even before the transfer to VR mode, and even more so after. On the one hand, the spectacle before the player is truly mesmerizing, but on the other hand, it is frightening.

2. Vanishing Realms

If you feel at home in the worlds of fantasy RPGs, then Vanishing Realms is exactly the project with which you should start getting acquainted with games in VR mode. If in shooters, which seem to be simply created for virtual reality, teleportation is annoying, then for RPGs it is very useful.

Fighting in the game is a pleasure. Firstly, you will have to adapt to different types weapons, and this is a new experience for those who previously only pressed buttons on the keyboard. Secondly, despite the fact that you didn’t actually have a sword in your hands, after finishing the session, you can feel like after a gym session.

1. Beat Saber

There have been a lot of good rhythm action games in recent years, but the developers from Hyperbolic Magnetism were still able to give us something really cool. Plus, who wouldn't want to swing lightsabers at least virtually?