What harm does cosmic radiation cause to astronauts? Radiation and space: what you need to know? (“Radiation” secrets that outer space hides)

A comic about how scientists will explore Mars in the fight against cosmic radiation.

It examines several avenues for future research to protect astronauts from radiation, including drug therapy, genetic engineering and hibernation technology. The authors also note that radiation and aging kill the body in similar ways, and suggest that ways to combat one may also work against the other. An article with a fighting motto in the title: Viva la radioresistance! ("Long Live Radiation Resistance!") was published in the magazine Oncotarget.

“The renaissance of space exploration will likely lead to the first human missions to Mars and deep space. But to survive in conditions of increased cosmic radiation people will have to become more resilient to external factors. In this article, we propose a methodology for achieving enhanced radioresistance, stress resistance, and aging resistance. While working on the strategy, we brought together leading scientists from Russia, as well as from NASA, the European Space Agency, the Canadian Radiation Center and more than 25 other centers around the world. Radioresistance technologies will also be useful on Earth, especially if the “side effect” is healthy longevity,” comments Alexander Zhavoronkov, associate professor at MIPT.

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We will make sure that radiation does not prevent humanity from conquering space and colonizing Mars. Thanks to scientists, we will fly to the Red Planet and have a disco and barbecue there .

Space versus man

“On a cosmic scale, our planet is just a small ship, well protected from cosmic radiation. The Earth's magnetic field deflects solar and galactic charged particles, thereby significantly reducing the level of radiation on the planet's surface. During long-distance space flights and colonization of planets with very weak magnetic fields (for example, Mars), there will be no such protection, and astronauts and colonists will be constantly exposed to streams of charged particles with enormous energy. In fact, the space future of humanity depends on how we overcome this problem,” shares the head of the department of experimental radiobiology and radiation medicine of the Federal Medical Biophysical Center named after A. I. Burnazyan, professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, employee of the laboratory for the development of innovative medicines MIPT Andreyan Osipov.

Man is defenseless against the dangers of space: solar radiation, galactic cosmic rays, magnetic fields, radioactive environment Mars, Earth's radiation belt, microgravity (weightlessness).

Humanity is seriously aiming to colonize Mars - SpaceX promises to deliver humans to the Red Planet as early as 2024, but some significant problems have still not been resolved. Thus, one of the main health hazards for astronauts is cosmic radiation. Ionizing radiation damages biological molecules, particularly DNA, leading to various violations: nervous system, cardiovascular system and, mainly, to cancer. Scientists propose to join forces and, using the latest advances in biotechnology, increase human radioresistance so that he can conquer the vastness of deep space and colonize other planets.

Human defense

The body has ways to protect itself from DNA damage and repair it. Our DNA is constantly exposed to natural radiation, as well as reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are formed during normal cellular respiration. But when DNA is repaired, especially in cases of severe damage, errors can occur. The accumulation of DNA damage is considered one of the main causes of aging, so radiation and aging are similar enemies of humanity. However, cells can adapt to radiation. It has been shown that a small dose of radiation can not only do no harm, but also prepare cells to face higher doses. Now international standards radiation protection does not take this into account. Recent research suggests that there is a certain radiation threshold, below which the principle “hard in training, easy in battle” applies. The authors of the article believe that it is necessary to study the mechanisms of radio adaptability in order to take them into service.

Ways to increase radioresistance: 1) gene therapy, multiplex genetic engineering, experimental evolution; 2) biobanking, regenerative technologies, tissue and organ engineering, induced cell renewal, cell therapy; 3) radioprotectors, geroprotectors, antioxidants; 4) hibernation; 5) deuterated organic components; 6) medical selection of radioresistant people.

Head of the Laboratory of Genetics of Life Span and Aging at MIPT, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences Alexey Moskalev explains: “Our long-term studies of the effects of low doses of ionizing radiation on the life expectancy of model animals have shown that small damaging effects can stimulate the cells’ and body’s own defense systems ( DNA repair, proteins heat shock, removal of non-viable cells, innate immunity). However, in space, humans will encounter a larger and more dangerous range of radiation doses. We have accumulated a large database of geroprotectors. The knowledge gained suggests that many of them function by the mechanism of activating reserve capabilities and increasing stress resistance. It is likely that such stimulation will help future colonizers of outer space.”

Astronaut Engineering

Moreover, radioresistance differs among people: some are more resistant to radiation, others less. Medical selection of radioresistant individuals involves taking cell samples from potential candidates and comprehensively analyzing the radioadaptivity of these cells. Those who are most resistant to radiation will fly into space. In addition, it is possible to conduct genome-wide studies of people living in areas with high levels of background radiation or who are exposed to it in their profession. Genomic differences in people who are less susceptible to cancer and other radiation-related diseases can in the future be isolated and “instilled” into astronauts using modern methods genetic engineering, such as genome editing.

There are several options for which genes need to be introduced to increase radioresistance. First, antioxidant genes will help protect cells from reactive oxygen species produced by radiation. Several experimental groups have already successfully tried to reduce sensitivity to radiation using such transgenes. However, this method will not save you from direct exposure to radiation, only from indirect exposure.

You can introduce genes for proteins responsible for DNA repair. Such experiments have already been carried out - some genes really helped, and some led to increased genomic instability, so this area awaits new research.

A more promising method is the use of radioprotective transgenes. Many organisms (such as tardigrades) have high degree radioresistance, and if we find out what genes and molecular mechanisms are behind it, they can be translated into humans using gene therapy. To kill 50% of tardigrades, you need a radiation dose 1000 times greater than lethal for humans. Recently, a protein was discovered that is believed to be one of the factors for such endurance - the so-called damage suppressor Dsup. In an experiment with a human cell line, it turned out that the introduction of the Dsup gene reduces damage by 40%. This makes the gene a promising candidate for protecting humans from radiation.

Fighter's First Aid Kit

Medicines that increase the body's radiation defense are called "radioprotectors." To date, there is only one FDA-approved radioprotector. But the main signaling pathways in cells that are involved in the processes of senile pathologies are also involved in responses to radiation. Based on this, geroprotectors - drugs that reduce the rate of aging and extend life expectancy - can also serve as radioprotectors. According to the Geroprotectors.org and DrugAge databases, there are more than 400 potential geroprotectors. The authors believe that it will be useful to consider existing medications for the presence of gero- and radioprotective properties.

Since ionizing radiation also acts through reactive oxygen species, redox absorbers, or, more simply put, antioxidants such as glutathione, NAD and its precursor NMN, can help cope with radiation. The latter appear to play an important role in the response to DNA damage and are therefore of great interest from the point of view of protection against radiation and aging.

Hypernation in hibernation

Soon after the launch of the first space flights, the leading designer of the Soviet space program, Sergei Korolev, began developing an ambitious project for a manned flight to Mars. His idea was to put the crew into a state of hibernation during long space travel. During hibernation, all processes in the body slow down. Experiments with animals show that in this state, resistance to extreme factors increases: decreased temperature, lethal doses radiation, overloads, and so on. In the USSR, the Mars project was closed after the death of Sergei Korolev. And currently, the European Space Agency is working on the Aurora project for flights to Mars and the Moon, which considers the option of hibernating astronauts. ESA believes that hibernation will provide greater safety during long-duration automated flights. If we talk about the future colonization of space, then it is easier to transport and protect from radiation a bank of cryopreserved germ cells, rather than a population of “ready” people. But this will clearly not be in the near future, and perhaps by that time radio protection methods will be developed enough so that people are not afraid of space.

Heavy artillery

All organic compounds contain carbon-hydrogen bonds (C-H). However, it is possible to synthesize compounds that contain deuterium, a heavier analogue of hydrogen, instead of hydrogen. Due to its greater mass, bonds with deuterium are more difficult to break. However, the body is designed to work with hydrogen, so if too much hydrogen is replaced with deuterium, it can lead to bad consequences. Was shown on different organisms that the addition of deuterated water increases life expectancy and has an anticancer effect, but more than 20% of deuterated water in the diet begins to have a toxic effect. The authors of the article believe that preclinical trials should be conducted and a safety threshold should be sought.

An interesting alternative is to replace not hydrogen, but carbon with a heavier analogue. 13 C is only 8% heavier than 12 C, while deuterium is 100% heavier than hydrogen - such changes will be less critical for the body. However, this method will not protect against breaking the N-H and O-H bonds that hold DNA bases together. In addition, the production of 13 C is currently very expensive. However, if production costs can be reduced, carbon replacement could provide additional human protection from cosmic radiation.

“The problem of radiation safety of space mission participants belongs to the class of very complex problems that cannot be solved within the framework of one scientific center or even an entire country. It is for this reason that we decided to bring together specialists from leading centers in Russia and around the world in order to learn and consolidate their vision of ways to solve this problem. In particular, among the Russian authors of the article there are scientists from the FMBC named after. A.I. Burnazyan, Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MIPT and other world-famous institutions. During the work on the project, many of its participants met each other for the first time and now plan to continue the joint research they had begun,” concludes project coordinator Ivan Ozerov, radiobiologist, head of the group for the analysis of cellular signaling pathways at the Skolkovo startup Insilico.

Designer Elena Khavina, MIPT press service

Then this series of articles is for you... We will talk about natural sources of ionizing radiation, the use of radiation in medicine and other interesting things.

Sources of ionizing radiation are conventionally divided into two groups - natural and artificial. Natural sources have always existed, but artificial ones were created by human civilization in the 19th century. This is easy to explain using the example of two major scientists who are associated with the discovery of radiation. Antoine Henri Becquerel discovered ionizing radiation from uranium (a natural source), and Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered ionizing radiation when electrons were decelerated, which were accelerated in a specially created device (an X-ray tube as an artificial source). Let us analyze in percentage and digital equivalent what radiation doses ( quantitative characteristic the impact of ionizing radiation on the human body) the average citizen of Ukraine receives throughout the year from various artificial and natural sources (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Structure and weighted average values ​​of the effective radiation dose of the population of Ukraine per year

As you can see, we receive the bulk of radiation from natural sources of radiation. But are these still there? natural springs the same as they were on early stages civilization? If so, there is no need to worry, because we have long adapted to such radiation. But, unfortunately, this is not the case. Human activity leads to the fact that natural radioactive sources concentrate and increase the possibility of their influence on humans.

One of the places where the possibility of radiation influencing humans increases is outer space. The intensity of radiation exposure depends on the altitude above sea level. Thus, astronauts, pilots and passengers air transport, as well as the population living in the mountains, receive an additional dose of radiation. Let's try to find out how dangerous this is for humans, and what “radiation” secrets space hides.

Radiation in space: what is the danger for astronauts?

It all started when the American physicist and astrophysicist James Alfred Van Allen decided to attach a Geiger-Muller counter to the first satellite that was launched into orbit. The indicators of this device officially confirmed the existence of a belt of intense radiation around the globe. But where did it come from in space? It is known that radioactivity has existed in space for a very long time, even before the appearance of the Earth, thus, outer space was constantly filled and is filled with radiation. After research, scientists came to the conclusion that radiation in space arises either from the sun, during flares, or from cosmic rays that arise as a result of high-energy events in our and other galaxies.

It was found that the radiation belts begin from 800 km above the Earth's surface and extend to 24,000 km. According to the classification of the International Aeronautics Federation, a flight is considered space if its altitude exceeds 100 km. Accordingly, astronauts are the most vulnerable to receiving a large dose of cosmic radiation. The higher they rise into outer space, the closer they are to the radiation belts, therefore, the greater the risk of receiving significant amounts of radiation.
Scientific supervisor program of the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to study the effects of radiation on humans, Francis Cucinotta once noted that the most unpleasant consequence of space radiation during long-term flights of astronauts is the development of cataracts, that is, clouding of the lens of the eye. Moreover, there is a risk of cancer. But Cucinotta also noted that after the flight there were no extreme dire consequences from the astronauts. He only emphasized that much is still unknown about how cosmic radiation affects astronauts and what the real consequences of this impact are.

The issue of protecting astronauts from radiation in space has always been a priority. Back in the 60s of the last century, scientists shrugged and did not know how to protect astronauts from cosmic radiation, especially when it was necessary to go into outer space. In 1966, a Soviet cosmonaut finally decided to go into outer space, but in a very heavy lead suit. Subsequently, technological progress advanced solutions to the problem, and lighter and safer suits were created.

The exploration of outer space has always attracted scientists, researchers and astronauts. The secrets of new planets may be useful for further development humanity on planet Earth, but can also be dangerous. This is why Curiosity's flight to Mars had great value. But let’s not deviate from the main focus of the article and focus on the results of radiation exposure recorded by the corresponding instrument on board the rover. This device was located inside the spacecraft, so its readings indicate the real dose that an astronaut can receive already in a manned spacecraft. Scientists who processed the measurement results reported disappointing data: the equivalent radiation dose was 4 times greater than the maximum permissible dose for nuclear plant workers. In Ukraine, the radiation dose limit for those who permanently or temporarily work directly with sources of ionizing radiation is 20 mSv.

Exploring the farthest reaches of space requires missions that cannot technically be accomplished using traditional energy sources. This issue was resolved by using nuclear sources energy, namely isotope batteries and reactors. These sources are unique in their kind because they have a high energy potential, which significantly expands the capabilities of missions in outer space. For example, probe flights to the outer boundaries of the solar system have become possible. Since the duration of such flights is quite long, the panels solar panels not suitable as a power source for spacecraft.

The other side of the coin is the potential risks associated with the use of radioactive sources in space. Basically, this is a danger of unforeseen or emergency circumstances. That is why states that launch space objects with nuclear power sources on board make every effort to protect individuals, populations and the biosphere from radiological hazards. Such conditions were defined in the principles relating to the use of nuclear power sources in outer space, and were adopted in 1992 by a resolution of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly. The same principles also stipulate that any state that launches a space object with nuclear power sources on board must promptly inform interested countries if a malfunction appears at the space object and there is a danger of radioactive materials returning to Earth.

Also, the United Nations, together with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), has developed a framework for ensuring the safe use of nuclear power sources in outer space. They are intended to complement the IAEA safety standards with guidance high level, taking into account additional safety measures when using nuclear power sources on space objects during all stages of missions: launch, operation and decommissioning.

Should I be afraid of radiation when using air transport?

Cosmic rays carrying radiation reach almost all corners of our planet, but the spread of radiation is not proportional. The Earth's magnetic field deflects a significant amount of charged particles from the equatorial zone, thereby concentrating more radiation in the North and South Poles. Moreover, as already noted, cosmic irradiation depends on altitude. Those living at sea level receive approximately 0.003 mSv per year from cosmic radiation, while those living at 2 km level may receive twice as much radiation.

As is known, with a cruising speed for passenger airliners of 900 km/h, taking into account the ratio of air resistance and lift, the optimal flight altitude for an aircraft is usually approximately 9-10 km. So when an airliner rises to such a height, the level of radiation exposure can increase almost 25 times from what it was at the 2 km mark.

Passengers on transatlantic flights are exposed to the greatest amount of radiation per flight. When flying from the USA to Europe, a person may receive an additional 0.05 mSv. The fact is that the earth’s atmosphere has appropriate shielding protection from cosmic radiation, but when an airliner is raised to the above-mentioned optimal altitude, this protection partially disappears, which leads to additional radiation exposure. That is why frequent flights across the ocean increase the risk of the body receiving an increased dose of radiation. For example, 4 such flights could cost a person a dose of 0.4 mSv.

If we talk about pilots, the situation here is somewhat different. Because they frequently fly across the Atlantic, the radiation dose to airline pilots can exceed 5 mSv per year. By the standards of Ukraine, when receiving such a dose, persons are already equated to another category - people who are not directly involved in working with sources of ionizing radiation, but due to the location of workplaces in premises and on industrial sites of facilities with radiation-nuclear technologies, they may receive additional exposure. For such persons, the radiation dose limit is set at 2 mSv per year.

The International Atomic Energy Agency has taken significant interest in this issue. The IAEA has developed a number of safety standards, and the problem of exposure of aircraft crews is also reflected in one of these documents. According to the Agency's recommendations, the national regulatory authority or other appropriate and competent authority is responsible for establishing the reference dose level for aircraft crews. If this dose is exceeded, aircraft crew employers must carry out appropriate measures to assess doses and record them. Moreover, they should inform female aircraft crew members about the risks associated with exposure to cosmic radiation to the embryo or fetus and the need for early warning of pregnancy.

Can space be considered as a place for disposing of radioactive waste?

We have already seen that cosmic radiation, although it does not have catastrophic consequences for humanity, can increase the level of human exposure. While assessing the impact of cosmic rays on humans, many scientists are also studying the possibility of using outer space for the needs of mankind. In the context of this article, the idea of ​​burying radioactive waste in space looks very ambiguous and interesting.

The fact is that scientists from countries where they actively use nuclear energy, are constantly searching for places to safely contain radioactive waste, which is constantly accumulating. Outer space has also been considered by some scientists as a potential location for hazardous waste. For example, specialists from the Yuzhnoye State Design Bureau, which is located in Dnepropetrovsk, together with the International Academy of Astronautics are studying the technical components of implementing the idea of ​​burying waste in deep space.

On the one hand, sending such waste into space is very convenient, since it can be carried out at any time and in unlimited quantities, which removes the question of the future of this waste in our ecosystem. Moreover, as experts note, such flights do not require great precision. But on the other hand, this method It also has weaknesses. The main problem is ensuring safety for the Earth's biosphere at all stages of launching a launch vehicle. The probability of an accident during startup is quite high, and is estimated at almost 2-3%. A fire or explosion of a launch vehicle at launch, during flight, or its fall can cause a significant dispersion of hazardous radioactive waste. That is why, when studying this method, the main attention should be focused on the issue of safety in any emergency situations.

Olga Makarovskaya, Deputy Chairman of the State Nuclear Regulatory Authority of Ukraine; Dmitry Chumak, leading engineer of the information support sector of the Information and Technical Department of the SSTC NRS, 03/10/2014

https://site/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/diagram11.jpg 450 640 admin //site/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Logo_Uatom.pngadmin 2015-09-29 09:58:38 2017-11-06 10:52:43 Radiation and space: what you need to know? (“Radiation” secrets that outer space hides)

Original taken from sokolov9686 in So were the Americans on the moon?...

Above 24,000 km above the Earth, radiation kills all living things

As already mentioned, as soon as the Americans began their space program, their scientist James Van Allen done enough important discovery. The first American artificial satellite they launched into orbit was much smaller than the Soviet one, but Van Allen thought of attaching a Geiger counter to it. Thus, what was expressed at the end of the 19th century was officially confirmed. The outstanding scientist Nikola Tesla hypothesized that the Earth is surrounded by a belt of intense radiation.

Photograph of Earth by astronaut William Anders during the Apollo 8 mission (NASA archives)

Tesla, however, was considered a great eccentric, and even a madman by academic science, so his hypotheses about the gigantic electric charge generated by the Sun were shelved for a long time, and the term “solar wind” did not cause anything but smiles. But thanks to Van Allen, Tesla's theories were revived. At the instigation of Van Allen and a number of other researchers, it was found that radiation belts in space begin at 800 km above the Earth's surface and extend up to 24,000 km. Since the radiation level there is more or less constant, the incoming radiation should be approximately equal to the outgoing radiation. Otherwise, it would either accumulate until it “baked” the Earth, as in an oven, or it would dry up. Regarding this, Van Allen wrote:

“Radiation belts can be compared to a leaky vessel that is constantly replenished from the Sun and leaks into the atmosphere. A large portion of solar particles overflows the vessel and splashes out, especially in the polar zones, leading to auroras, magnetic storms and other similar phenomena."

Radiation from the Van Allen belts depends on the solar wind. In addition, they appear to focus or concentrate this radiation within themselves. But since they can only concentrate in themselves what came directly from the Sun, one more question remains open: how much radiation is in the rest of the cosmos?

NASA | Heliophysics | The satellite has discovered a new radiation belt!

about Van Allen rings 28.30 minute radiation kills everything

There are a bunch of museums in Europe where regolith is displayed in fairly large pieces for free viewing. If you don’t believe me, the addresses of the museums are there, it’s easy to check.

For example, here is a stone in the Toulouse Cité de l"Espace:

Original taken from toomth V Why is NASA hiding “lunar soil” from the whole world?

It is believed that the Americans brought 378 kg of lunar soil and rocks from the Moon. At least that's what NASA says. This is almost four centners. It is clear that only astronauts could deliver such an amount of soil: no space stations can do this.

The rocks have been photographed, transcribed, and are regular extras in NASA's lunar films. In many of these films, the role of an expert and commentator is played by the Apollo 17 astronaut-geologist, Dr. Harrison Schmidt, who allegedly personally collected many of these stones on the Moon

It is logical to expect that with such lunar wealth, America will shock them, demonstrate them in every possible way, and even to someone, and will give away 30-50 kilograms of bounty to its main rival. Here, they say, research, make sure of our successes... But for some reason this just doesn’t work out. They gave us little soil. But “theirs” (again, according to NASA) received 45 kg of lunar soil and stones.

True, some particularly meticulous researchers conducted calculations based on relevant publications scientific centers and could not find convincing evidence that these 45 kg reached the laboratories of even Western scientists. Moreover, according to them, it turns out that currently no more than 100 g of American lunar soil wanders from laboratory to laboratory in the world, so that a researcher usually received half a gram of rock.

That is, NASA treats the lunar soil like a stingy knight treats gold: it stores the treasured centners in its basements in securely locked chests, giving out only measly grams to researchers. The USSR did not escape this fate either.

In our country at that time, the leading scientific organization for all studies of lunar soil was the Institute of Geochemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now GEOKHI RAS). The head of the meteoritics department of this institute is Dr. M.A. Nazarov reports: “The Americans transferred to the USSR 29.4 grams (!) of lunar regolith (in other words, lunar dust) from all Apollo expeditions, and from our collection of samples “Luna-16, 20 and 24” were issued abroad 30.2 g." In fact, the Americans exchanged lunar dust with us, which can be delivered by any automatic station, although the astronauts should have brought weighty cobblestones, and the most interesting thing is to look at them.

What is NASA going to do with the rest of the lunar goodness? Oh, it's a "song".

“In the USA, a decision was made to maintain main mass delivered samples in complete integrity until new, more perfect ways their study,” write competent Soviet authors, from whose pens more than one book on lunar soil has been published.
“It is necessary to consume a minimum amount of material, leaving the majority of each individual sample untouched and uncontaminated for study by future generations of scientists,” explains NASA’s position, American specialist J. A. Wood.

Obviously, the American specialist believes that no one will fly to the Moon ever again - neither now nor in the future. And therefore we need to protect the centners of lunar soil better than our eyes. At the same time, modern scientists are humiliated: with their instruments they can examine every single atom in a substance, but they are denied trust - they are not mature enough. Or they didn’t come out with their snout. This persistent concern of NASA for future scientists is more likely to be a convenient excuse to hide the disappointing fact: in its storerooms there are neither lunar rocks nor quintals of lunar soil.

Another strange thing: after the completion of the “lunar” flights, NASA suddenly began to experience acute shortage money for their research.

Here is what one of the American researchers writes as of 1974: “A significant part of the samples will be stored as a reserve at the space flight center in Houston. Reducing funding will reduce the number of researchers and slow down the pace of research."

After spending $25 billion to deliver lunar samples, NASA suddenly discovered that there was no money left for their research...

The story of the exchange of Soviet and American soil is also interesting. Here is a message from April 14, 1972, the main official publication of the Soviet period, the Pravda newspaper:

“On April 13, representatives of NASA visited the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The transfer of lunar soil samples from those delivered to Earth by the Soviet automatic station “Luna-20” took place. At the same time, Soviet scientists were given a sample of lunar soil obtained by the crew of the American spacecraft Apollo 15. The exchange was made in accordance with an agreement between the USSR Academy of Sciences and NASA, signed in January 1971.”

Now we need to go through the deadlines.

July 1969 The Apollo 11 astronauts allegedly brought back 20 kg of lunar soil. The USSR does not give anything from this amount. At this point, the USSR does not yet have lunar soil.

September 1970 Our Luna-16 station delivers lunar soil to Earth, and from now on, Soviet scientists have something to offer in exchange. This puts NASA in a difficult position. But NASA expects that at the beginning of 1971 it will be able to automatically deliver its lunar soil to Earth, and with this in mind, an exchange agreement has already been concluded in January 1971. But the exchange itself does not take place for another 10 months. Apparently, something went wrong with automatic delivery in the USA. And the Americans are starting to drag their feet.

July 1971 In order goodwill The USSR unilaterally transfers 3 g of soil from Luna 16 to the United States, but receives nothing from the United States, although the exchange agreement was signed six months ago, and NASA supposedly already has 96 kg of lunar soil in its storerooms (from Apollo 11) , Apollo 12 and Apollo 14). Another 9 months pass.

April 1972 NASA is finally handing over a sample of lunar soil. It was allegedly delivered by the crew of the American spacecraft Apollo 15, although 8 months have already passed since the flight of Apollo 15 (July 1971). By this time, NASA supposedly already had 173 kg of lunar rocks (from Apollo 11, Apollo 12, Apollo 14 and Apollo 15) in its storerooms.

Soviet scientists receive from these riches a certain sample, the parameters of which are not reported in the Pravda newspaper. But thanks to Dr. M.A. Nazarov, we know that this sample consisted of regolith and did not exceed 29 g in mass.

It's very likely that until about July 1972, the United States had no real lunar soil at all. Apparently, somewhere in the first half of 1972, the Americans had the first grams of real lunar soil, which was delivered from the Moon in an automatic way. It was only then that NASA showed its readiness to make an exchange.

And in recent years The Americans' lunar soil (more precisely, what they pass off as lunar soil) began to disappear altogether. Summer 2002 huge amount samples of lunar substance - a safe weighing almost 3 centners - disappeared from the storerooms of the museum of the American NASA Space Center. Johnson in Houston.

Have you ever tried to steal a 300 kg safe from the space center? And don’t try: it’s too hard and dangerous work. But the thieves, on whose trail the police caught up surprisingly quickly, easily succeeded. Tiffany Fowler and Ted Roberts, who worked in the building during the period of their disappearance, were arrested by special agents of the FBI and NASA in a restaurant in Florida. Subsequently, the third accomplice, Shae Saur, was taken into custody in Houston, and then the fourth participant in the crime, Gordon Mac Water, who contributed to the transportation of stolen goods. The thieves intended to sell priceless evidence of NASA's lunar mission at a price of $1000-5000 per gram through the website of a mineralogy club in Antwerp (Holland). The value of the stolen goods, according to information from overseas, was more than $1 million.

A few years later - a new misfortune. In the United States, in the Virginia Beach area, two small sealed disk-shaped plastic boxes with samples of meteorite and lunar substances, judging by the markings on them, were stolen from a car by unknown thieves. Samples of this kind, Space reports, are transferred by NASA to special instructors “for training purposes.” Before receiving such samples, teachers undergo special training, during which they are taught how to properly handle this US national treasure. A " national treasure“, it turns out that it’s so easy to steal... Although it doesn’t look like a theft, but like a staged theft in order to get rid of evidence: no ground - no “inconvenient” questions.

Russian philosopher N.F. Fedorov (1828 - 1903) was the first to declare that people face the path to the exploration of all outer space as a strategic path for the development of mankind. He drew attention to the fact that only such a vast area is capable of attracting to itself all the spiritual energy, all the forces of humanity, which are wasted on mutual friction or spent on trifles. ... His idea of ​​​​reorienting the industrial and scientific potential of the military-industrial complex towards the research and development of space, including deep space, can radically reduce the military danger in the world. In order for this to happen in practice, it must first happen in the minds of the people who make global decisions in the first place. ...

Various difficulties arise on the path to space exploration. The main obstacle supposedly comes to the fore is the problem of radiation, here is a list of publications about this:

01/29/2004, newspaper “Trud”, “Irradiation in orbit”;
("And so sad statistics. Of our 98 cosmonauts who flew, eighteen are no longer alive, that is, every fifth. Of these, four died upon returning to Earth, Gagarin in a plane crash. Four died of cancer (Anatoly Levchenko was 47 years old, Vladimir Vasyutin - 50...).")

2. During the 254 days of the Curiosity rover’s flight to Mars, the radiation dose was more than 1 Sv, i.e. on average more than 4 mSv/day.

3. When astronauts fly around the Earth, the radiation dose ranges from 0.3 to 0.8 mSv/day ()

4. Since the discovery of radiation, its scientific study and practical mass development by industry, a huge amount has been accumulated, including the effects of radiation on the human body.
To connect an astronaut’s illness with exposure to space radiation, it is necessary to compare the incidence of astronauts who flew into space with the incidence of astronauts in the control group who had not been in space.

5. The space Internet encyclopedia www.astronaut.ru contains all the information on cosmonauts, astronauts and taikonauts who flew into space, as well as candidates selected for flights, but who did not fly into space.
Using these data, I compiled a summary table for the USSR/Russia with personal raids, dates of birth and death, causes of death, etc.
Summarized data is presented in the table:

In the database
They live
for all reasons
from cancer,
We flew into space 116 ,
of which
28 - with flying time up to 15 days,
45 - with flight time from 16 to 200 days,
43 - with flight time from 201 to 802 days
(average age - 61 years)

of which

29 (25%)
average age - 61 years
7 (6%),
of which

3 - with flying time of 1-2 days,
3 - with flying time 16-81 days
1 - with 269 days of flying time
Didn't fly into space 158 101
(average age - 63 years)

of which

57 (36%)
average age - 59 years
11 (7%)

There are no significant and obvious differences between the group of people who flew into space and the control group.
Of the 116 people in the USSR/Russia who flew into space at least once, 67 people had individual space flight time of more than 100 days (maximum 803 days), 3 of them died at 64, 68 and 69 years old. One of the deceased had cancer. The rest are alive as of November 2013, including 20 cosmonauts with maximum flight hours (from 382 to 802 days) with doses (210 - 440 mSv) with an average daily dose of 0.55 mSv. This confirms the radiation safety of long-term space flights.

6. There is also a lot of other data on the health of people who received increased doses of radiation exposure during the years of the creation of the nuclear industry in the USSR. Thus, “at PA Mayak”: “In 1950-1952. dose rates of external gamma (radiation near technological devices reached 15-180 mR/h. Annual doses of external radiation for 600 observed plant workers were 1.4-1.9 Sv/year. In some cases, the maximum annual doses of external radiation reached 7-8 Sv/year...
Of the 2,300 workers who suffered from chronic radiation sickness, after 40-50 years of observation, 1200 people remain alive with an average total dose of 2.6 Gy at an average age of 75 years. And out of 1100 deaths (average dose 3.1 Gy), in the structure of causes of death there is a noticeable increase in the proportion of malignant tumors, but also middle age was 65 years old."
“Problems of nuclear legacy and ways to solve them.” - Under general edition E.V. Evstratova, A.M. Agapova, N.P. Laverova, L.A. Bolshova, I.I. Linge. — 2012 — 356 p. - T1. (download)

7. “...extensive research involving approximately 100,000 survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 has shown that cancer is so far the only cause of increased mortality in this population group.
“However, at the same time, the development of cancer under the influence of radiation is not specific; it can also be caused by other natural or man-made factors (smoking, air, water, food pollution chemicals etc.). Radiation only increases the risk that exists without it. For example, Russian doctors believe that the contribution poor nutrition in development cancer diseases is 35%, and smoking - 31%. And the contribution of radiation, even with serious exposure, is no more than 10%."()

(source: “Liquidators. Radiological consequences of Chernobyl”, V. Ivanov, Moscow, 2010 (download)

8. "B" modern medicine radiotherapy is one of the three key methods treatment oncological diseases(the other two are chemotherapy and traditional surgery). At the same time, if we take into account the severity of side effects, radiation therapy much easier to tolerate. In especially severe cases, patients can receive a very high total dose - up to 6 grays (despite the fact that a dose of about 7-8 grays is lethal!). But even with such a huge dose, when the patient recovers, he often returns to the full life of a healthy person - even children born by former patients of radiation therapy clinics do not show any signs of congenital genetic abnormalities associated with radiation.
If you carefully consider and weigh the facts, then such a phenomenon as radiophobia - an irrational fear of radiation and everything connected with it - becomes completely illogical. Indeed: people believe that something terrible has happened when the dosimeter display shows at least two times the natural background - and at the same time they are happy to go to radon sources to improve their health, where the background can be ten times or more higher. Large doses of ionizing radiation cure patients with fatal diseases - and at the same time, a person who accidentally falls into the radiation field clearly attributes the deterioration in his health (if such a deterioration occurs at all) to the effects of radiation.” ("Radiation in Medicine", Yu.S. Koryakovsky, A.A. Akatov, Moscow, 2009)
Mortality statistics show that every third person in Europe dies from various types of cancer.
One of the main methods of treating malignant tumors is radiation therapy, which is necessary for approximately 70% of cancer patients, while in Russia only about 25% of those in need receive it. ()

Based on all the accumulated data, we can safely say: the problem of radiation during space exploration is greatly exaggerated and the road to space exploration is open for humanity.

P.S. The article was published in the professional magazine "Atomic Strategy", and before that it was evaluated by a number of specialists on the magazine's website. Here is the most informative comment received there: " What's happened cosmic radiation. This is Solar + Galactic radiation. The Solar one is many times more intense than the Galactic one, especially during solar activity. This is what determines the main dose. Its component and energy composition is protons (90%) and the rest is less significant (electr., gamma,...). The energy of the main fraction of protons is from keV to 80-90 MeV. (There is also a high-energy tail, but this is already a fraction of a percent.) The range of an 80 MeV proton is ~7 (g/cm^2) or about 2.5 cm of aluminum. Those. in the 2.5-3 cm thick wall of a spacecraft they are completely absorbed. Although protons generate neutrons in nuclear reactions on aluminum, the generation efficiency is low. Thus, the dose rate behind the ship's skin is quite high (since the flux-dose conversion coefficient for protons of the indicated energies is very large). And inside the level is quite acceptable, although higher than on Earth. A thoughtful and meticulous reader will immediately ask sarcastically - What about on the plane? After all, the dose rate there is much higher than on Earth. The answer is correct. The explanation is simple. High-energy solar and galactic protons and nuclei interact with atmospheric nuclei (reactions of multiple hadron production), causing a hadron cascade (shower). Therefore, the altitude distribution of the flux density of ionizing particles in the atmosphere has a maximum. It's the same with the electron-photon shower. Hadronic and e-g showers develop and are extinguished in the atmosphere. The thickness of the atmosphere is ~80-100 g/cm^2 (equivalent to 200 cm of concrete or 50 cm of iron.) And in the lining there is not enough substance to form a good shower. Hence the apparent paradox - the thicker the ship’s protection, the higher the dose rate inside. Therefore, thin protection is better than thick. But! 2-3 cm protection is required (reduces the dose from protons by an order of magnitude). Now for the numbers. On Mars, the Curiosity dosimeter accumulated about 1 Sv in almost a year. Cause enough high dose– the dosimeter did not have a thin protective screen, which was mentioned above. But still, is 1 Sv too much or too little? Is it fatal? A couple of my friends, liquidators, each gained about 100 R (of course in gamma, and in terms of hadrons - somewhere around 1 Sv). They feel better than you and me. Not disabled. Official approach regulatory documents. - With the permission of the territorial state sanitary inspection bodies, you can receive the planned dose of 0.2 Sv in a year. (That is, comparable to 1 Sv). And the predicted level of radiation that requires urgent intervention is 1 Gy for the whole body (this is the absorbed dose, approximately equal to 1 Sv in equivalent dose.) And for the lungs - 6 Gy. Those. for those who received a whole body dose of less than 1 Sv and no intervention is required. So, it's not so scary. But it’s better, of course, not to receive such doses. "

Who hasn’t dreamed of flying into space, even knowing what cosmic radiation is? At least fly to Earth orbit or to the Moon, or even better - further away, to some Orion. In fact, the human body is very little adapted to such travel. Even when flying into orbit, astronauts face many dangers that threaten their health and sometimes their lives. Everyone watched the cult TV series Star Trek. One of the wonderful characters there gave a very accurate description of the phenomenon of cosmic radiation. “It's danger and disease in darkness and silence,” said Leonard McCoy, aka Bony, aka Bonesetter. It is very difficult to be more precise. Cosmic radiation during travel will make a person tired, weak, sick, and suffering from depression.

Feelings in flight

The human body is not adapted to life in airless space, since evolution did not include such abilities in its arsenal. Books have been written about this, this issue is studied in detail by medicine, centers have been created all over the world to study the problems of medicine in space, in extreme conditions, at high altitudes. Of course, it’s funny to watch an astronaut smile on the screen while they float in the air various items. In fact, his expedition is much more serious and fraught with consequences than it seems to an ordinary inhabitant from Earth, and it is not only cosmic radiation that creates trouble.

At the request of journalists, astronauts, engineers, scientists, own experience those who experienced everything that happens to a person in space spoke about the sequence of various new sensations in an artificially created environment alien to the body. Literally ten seconds after the start of the flight, an unprepared person loses consciousness because the acceleration of the spacecraft increases, separating it from the launch complex. A person does not yet feel cosmic rays as strongly as in outer space - the radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere of our planet.

Major troubles

But there are also enough overloads: a person becomes four times heavier than his own weight, he is literally pressed into a chair, it is difficult to even move his arm. Everyone has seen these special chairs, for example, in spacecraft"Union". But not everyone understood why the astronaut had such a strange pose. However, it is necessary because overloads send almost all the blood in the body down to the legs, and the brain is left without blood supply, which is why fainting occurs. But a chair invented in the Soviet Union helps to avoid at least this trouble: the position with raised legs forces the blood to supply oxygen to all parts of the brain.

Ten minutes after the start of the flight, the lack of gravity will cause a person to almost lose their sense of balance, orientation and coordination in space; a person may not even be able to track moving objects. He feels nauseous and vomits. Cosmic rays can cause the same thing - the radiation here is already much stronger, and if there is a plasma ejection into the sun, the threat to the lives of astronauts in orbit is real, even airline passengers can suffer during a flight to high altitude. Vision changes, swelling and changes occur in the retina of the eyes, and the eyeball becomes deformed. A person becomes weak and cannot complete the tasks that are assigned to him.


However, from time to time people feel high cosmic radiation on Earth, and for this they do not necessarily have to travel into outer space. Our planet is constantly bombarded by rays of cosmic origin, and scientists suggest that our atmosphere does not always provide sufficient protection. There are many theories that give these energetic particles a power that greatly limits the chances of planets having life on them. In many ways, the nature of these cosmic rays is still an insoluble mystery for our scientists.

Subatomic charged particles in space move almost at the speed of light, they have already been recorded several times on satellites, and even on These nuclei chemical elements, protons, electrons, photons and neutrinos. The presence of heavy and superheavy particles in the attack of cosmic radiation cannot be ruled out either. If they could be discovered, a number of contradictions in cosmological and astronomical observations would be resolved.


What protects us from cosmic radiation? Only our atmosphere. Cosmic rays, threatening the death of all living things, collide in it and generate streams of other particles - harmless, including muons, much heavier relatives of electrons. Potential danger still exists, since some particles reach the surface of the Earth and penetrate many tens of meters into its interior. The level of radiation that any planet receives indicates its suitability or unsuitability for life. The high radiation that cosmic rays carry with them is much higher than the radiation from own star, because the energy of protons and photons, for example, of our Sun, is lower.

And with high life impossible. On Earth this dose is controlled by force magnetic field planet and the thickness of the atmosphere, they significantly reduce the danger of cosmic radiation. For example, there could well be life on Mars, but the atmosphere there is negligible, there is no magnetic field of its own, and therefore there is no protection from cosmic rays that penetrate the entire space. The level of radiation on Mars is enormous. And the influence of cosmic radiation on the planet’s biosphere is such that all life on it dies.

What's more important?

We are lucky, we have both a thick atmosphere enveloping the Earth and our own fairly powerful magnetic field that absorbs harmful particles that reach the earth’s crust. I wonder whose protection for the planet works more actively - the atmosphere or the magnetic field? Researchers are experimenting by creating models of planets, either providing them with a magnetic field or not. And the magnetic field itself differs in strength between these models of planets. Previously, scientists were sure that it was the main protection against cosmic radiation, since they controlled its level on the surface. However, it was discovered that the amount of radiation is determined to a greater extent by the thickness of the atmosphere that covers the planet.

If the magnetic field on Earth is “turned off,” the radiation dose will only double. This is a lot, but even for us it will have a rather insignificant effect. And if you leave the magnetic field and remove the atmosphere to one tenth of its total amount, then the dose will increase deadly - by two orders of magnitude. Terrible cosmic radiation will kill everything and everyone on Earth. Our Sun is a yellow dwarf star, and it is around them that the planets are considered the main contenders for habitability. These stars are relatively dim, there are many of them, about eighty percent of the total number of stars in our Universe.

Space and evolution

Theorists have calculated that such planets orbiting yellow dwarfs, which are in zones suitable for life, have much weaker magnetic fields. This is especially true for the so-called super-Earths - large rocky planets with a mass ten times greater than our Earth. Astrobiologists were confident that weak magnetic fields significantly reduced the chances of habitability. And now new discoveries suggest that this is not as large-scale a problem as people used to think. The main thing would be the atmosphere.

Scientists are comprehensively studying the effect of increasing radiation on existing living organisms - animals, as well as on a variety of plants. Radiation-related research involves exposing them to radiation in varying degrees, from small to extreme, and then determine whether they will survive and how differently they will feel if they survive. Microorganisms affected by gradually increasing radiation may show us how evolution occurred on Earth. It was cosmic rays and their high radiation that once forced the future man to get off the palm tree and study space. And humanity will never return to the trees again.

Cosmic radiation 2017

At the beginning of September 2017, our entire planet was greatly alarmed. The sun suddenly ejected tons of solar material after the merger of two large groups dark spots. And this emission was accompanied by X-class flares, which forced the planet’s magnetic field to literally wear out. A large magnetic storm followed, causing illness in many people, as well as extremely rare, almost unprecedented natural phenomena on Earth. For example, near Moscow and Novosibirsk, powerful images of the northern lights were recorded that had never been seen in these latitudes. However, the beauty of such phenomena did not obscure the consequences of a deadly solar flare that permeated the planet with cosmic radiation, which turned out to be truly dangerous.

Its power was close to the maximum, X-9.3, where the letter is the class (extremely large flash), and the number is the flash strength (out of ten possible). Along with this release, there was a threat of failure of space communication systems and all equipment on board. The astronauts were forced to wait out this flow of terrible cosmic radiation carried by cosmic rays in a special shelter. The quality of communications during these two days deteriorated significantly in both Europe and America, precisely where the flow of charged particles from space was directed. About a day before the particles reached the Earth's surface, a warning was issued about cosmic radiation, which sounded on every continent and in every country.

Power of the Sun

The energy emitted by our star into the surrounding space is truly enormous. Within a few minutes, many billions of megatons, if calculated in TNT equivalent, fly into space. Humanity will be able to generate so much energy at current rates only in a million years. Just a fifth of the total energy emitted by the Sun per second. And this is our small and not too hot dwarf! If you just imagine how much destructive energy other sources of cosmic radiation produce, next to which our Sun will seem like an almost invisible grain of sand, your head will spin. What a blessing that we have a good magnetic field and an excellent atmosphere that prevent us from dying!

People are exposed to such danger every day, since radioactive radiation in space never runs out. It is from there that most of the radiation comes to us - from black holes and from clusters of stars. It is capable of killing with a large dose of radiation, and with a small dose it can turn us into mutants. However, we must also remember that evolution on Earth occurred thanks to such flows; radiation changed the structure of DNA to the state that we see today. If we go through this “medicine”, that is, if the radiation emitted by stars exceeds permissible levels, the processes will be irreversible. After all, if creatures mutate, they will not return to their original state; there is no reverse effect here. Therefore, we will never again see those living organisms that were present in the newborn life on Earth. Any organism tries to adapt to changes occurring in the environment. Either he dies or he adapts. But there is no turning back.

ISS and solar flare

When the Sun sent us its greeting with a stream of charged particles, the ISS was just passing between the Earth and the star. The high-energy protons released during the explosion created a completely undesirable background radiation within the station. These particles penetrate through absolutely any spacecraft. Nevertheless, space technology this radiation was spared as the impact was powerful but too short to incapacitate her. However, the crew hid all this time in a special shelter, because the human body is much more vulnerable modern technology. There was not just one flare, they came in a whole series, and it all began on September 4, 2017, in order to shake the cosmos with an extreme emission on September 6. Over the past twelve years, a stronger flow has not yet been observed on Earth. The cloud of plasma that was ejected by the Sun overtook the Earth much earlier than planned, which means that the speed and power of the flow exceeded the expected one and a half times. Accordingly, the impact on the Earth was much stronger than expected. The cloud was twelve hours ahead of all the calculations of our scientists, and accordingly more disturbed the planet’s magnetic field.

The power of the magnetic storm turned out to be four out of five possible, that is, ten times more than expected. In Canada, auroras were also observed even in mid-latitudes, as in Russia. A planetary magnetic storm occurred on Earth. You can imagine what was going on there in space! Radiation is the most significant danger of all existing there. Protection from it is needed immediately, as soon as the spacecraft leaves the upper layers of the atmosphere and leaves magnetic fields far below. Streams of uncharged and charged particles - radiation - constantly permeate space. The same conditions await us on any planet in the solar system: there is no magnetic field or atmosphere on our planets.

Types of radiation

In space it is considered the most dangerous ionizing radiation. These are gamma radiation and X-rays from the Sun, these are particles flying after chromospheric solar flares, these are extragalactic, galactic and solar cosmic rays, solar wind, protons and electrons of radiation belts, alpha particles and neutrons. There is also non-ionizing radiation - this is ultraviolet and infrared radiation from the Sun, this electromagnetic radiation And visible light. There is no great danger in them. We are protected by the atmosphere, and the astronaut is protected by a space suit and the skin of the ship.

Ionizing radiation causes irreparable harm. This is a harmful effect on all life processes that occur in human body. When a high-energy particle or photon passes through a substance in its path, it forms a pair of charged particles called an ion as a result of interaction with this substance. This affects even nonliving matter, and living matter reacts most violently, since the organization of highly specialized cells requires renewal, and this process occurs dynamically as long as the organism is alive. And the higher the level evolutionary development body, the more irreversible the radiation damage becomes.

Radiation protection

Scientists are looking for such tools in a variety of areas modern science, including in pharmacology. So far no drug effective results does not work, and people exposed to radiation continue to die. Experiments are carried out on animals both on earth and in space. The only thing that became clear was that any drug should be taken by a person before the start of irradiation, and not after.

And if we take into account that all such drugs are toxic, then we can assume that the fight against the effects of radiation has not yet led to a single victory. Even if pharmacological agents taken on time, they provide protection only against gamma radiation and x-rays, but do not protect against ionizing radiation from protons, alpha particles and fast neutrons.