Ground transport presentation for older children. Lesson "Transport: air, land, water"

Types of transport

Nadezhda Sergeevna Kopytova

Teacher of MKDOU kindergarten №4


The bus was coming bright blue, He let everyone in and out,

He decorated the city with himself,

The townspeople were charmed...


The tram rattles loudly:

Outside the window is the month of May.

I sit and write

Ode to the May tram


Scheme metro looks a little like a multi-colored “centipede”. Only, in truth, each “leg” is like a track for an electric train.


I am a trolleybus, smart transport, fast and almost silent.

I don't knock on the rails, I spin the wheels,

I manage without gasoline, I work all day for you.

What a disaster!

Lights off -

I can't go without light!


Serious little truck!

Perhaps he is more important

Than a passenger car

Loads are transported by a truck

He's not used to being lazy.

Dump truck

One day I looked into the yard

And suddenly I saw a dump truck!

Such a beautiful dump truck! Seryozha, his friend was holding him.

Here's another picture

And there's a car on it,

But not a truck - a passenger car.

Here's the trunk

here's the salon

This is a small carriage.

Here is the hood, and there is the engine,

The driver will drive it.

Fire engine

The fire truck is red.

Come on, think about it, why is this necessary? Then, so that everyone, seeing, runs

It wouldn't bother her to go to the side.


Step aside! Way to go! Way to go! An ambulance flies to the rescue.

The guard's order: “Stop! No progress! Green light only for ambulance!

Postal machine

Blue car with white stripe. She delivers mail in summer and winter. There are a lot of magazines, letters and newspapers in her. And she brings you a fiery “hello”!

Police car

A police car flashes a blue eye at us,

And her siren sound can be heard far around.


Who boldly rakes the heaps over the tousled earth? This is a small bulldozer Leveling everything with its nose!


This tractor is very strong , Not afraid of holes and bumps. Today he helped us get home without roads.


He lived at a construction site with a crane, building a large concrete house. He lived very cheerfully. He was not bored and did not grieve. Crane loved his job. In the morning he got up willingly! I washed my face, drank coffee and went to the construction site!


He's going, he's going locomotive Past the fir trees and birches, Past the morning fields, Past the red bullfinches. Past oak and pine, Past summer and spring. Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug puffs and knocks the wheels. He whistles loudly, tu-tu-tu, scattering the children. He carries passengers here and there to cities.

Electric train

I ride on rails too, and I look like a train. You just can’t lie down and fall asleep. It's a very short way! just sitting by the window, if you’re tired, take a little nap. but not for long, otherwise you’ll drive past the dacha! The train has a sister - high-speed.... electric train


Thunder can be heard from afar, There are no clouds in the sky yet. This is dispersing the fluff, Train rushes: chug - chuh - chug!


The sun is golden in the sky. Flies high big bird, Covering us with a wing the Sun in the blue sky. This bird is airplane, He took flight


Rotary-winged hooligan, a hurricane has thrown us. He raised such a storm that they flew straight up to the clouds


The sky is thick between the clouds. An airship floats by.

This is the very best. Controllable ship.


Here, under the rainbow, a rocket soared to the skies. And I will build the same rocket myself.


It's a miracle if the raft floats across the ocean, And, of course, for boats It's better to take the shortest route.


I made the word BOAT from letters. By the way, we can go for a ride: after all, the word BOAT contains RIVER. I hit the road: “Bye!”


Paro - steam-steamer!!! He swam in the sea for a whole year, He glided boldly through the waves, He skillfully stayed on the water! He saw different countries, Seas and oceans, Islands and shores, Palm trees, sun and snow.

Types of transport:

All types of transport are necessary and important for people.

Transport can also be divided according to its purpose into the following groups:




Ground (moves on the ground).




. Aquatic (moves on or under water).




Aerial (moves through the air).




Underground (moves underground).

Subway train

Special transport .

Police car 02

Fire engine 01

Ambulance 03

History of transport development

Initially, man walked on the earth independently and carried various loads.

They were different sizes and weight, so sometimes it was hard for a person. And he couldn’t move some loads at all. Then domestic animals - donkeys, horses, and in some countries - elephants came to the aid of man; they began to transport goods, and man had the opportunity to travel longer distances.



1. Strengthen children’s classification skills different types transport (air, land, water, railway); Know the profession of the person managing this type of transport (driver, pilot, machinist, etc.) Consolidate children’s knowledge about the parts of transport, the ability to find differences between them (gasoline, electricity, two wheels, four wheels, two doors, three\four\five doors, what this or that vehicle is used for, what class it belongs to (public, private, etc.)

2. Develop thinking, visual perception, attention, memory,

coherent speech; develop the ability to answer full sentence to the question posed;

Lesson summary on the topic Transport + Presentation

Summary of a lesson on the development of lexical and grammatical aspects of speech in children with special needs development

Lexical topic: “Transport”

Goal: consolidate and generalize knowledge about transport.

Clarification and expansion of the dictionary on the topic “Transport”; - development grammatical structure speech (formation of instrumental case forms of nouns, formation relative adjectives) ; - development auditory perception; - development of graphic skills.

Equipment: presentation, computer program “Games for Tigers”.

Progress of the lesson

What a miracle - a long house! There are a lot of passengers in it.

And they rushed off on a long journey, only leaving behind the smoke.

I will take you underground at any time of the year and in any bad weather. Very quickly at any hour.

What do you think we will talk about in class today? That's right, about transport.

3. Clarification and expansion of the dictionary on the topic: “Transport”.

Guys, look at the screen (slide number 2). What do you think the symbols in the small circles mean? That's right, transport can be land, underground, water and air.

What kind of transport do we call air transport? Ground? Underground? Aquatic?

Look carefully at the picture and name the air transport, ground, underground, air.

4. Development of visual perception, attention, memory.

Guys, look carefully at the picture again, try to remember what is shown on it. Now close your eyes (change slide to slide number 3).

Guess what's missing?

5. Development of auditory perception, memory, attention.

Guys, now we will go to the city and listen to what kind of transport drives along the streets of our city. Get your ears ready.

The game "City" is played from computer program“Speech development. Let's learn to speak correctly." Children guess vehicles by the sounds they make by ear.

6. Development of the grammatical structure of speech.

Guys, we walked along the city streets and saw a variety of transport. Let's remember who controls the transport (slide No. 4). Make up sentences based on the example: “The locomotive is driven by the driver,” etc.

Guys, tell me where the transport arrives (arrives)? Correct errors (slide No. 4). Children use the mouse to move pictures depicting transport over the corresponding picture of the place of arrival: the plane arrives at the airport, etc.

7. Formation of relative adjectives.

Guys, look at the screen. What vehicle do you think all these parts come from?

Exercise “From what - which” (slide No. 5).

The door is made of metal (which one?) - metal. Plastic steering wheel (what kind?) -….

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Presentation for a lesson at a preschool educational institution on the topic “Transport”

Presentation Master Competition

Time moves - and the conditions and opportunities for learning and education change in all educational institutions. Today many teachers preschool education got the opportunity to use the achievements of ICT using digital educational resources.

Children with speech disorders have insufficient knowledge of their surroundings. Attention is impaired, memory and motivation are reduced. The use of digital educational resources helps to increase the motivation of older preschoolers and better consolidate lexical material.

I would like to present a version of a modern lesson that harmoniously combines various shapes work, the essence of which boils down to one thing - the effective acquisition of knowledge by children.

Lesson on speech development for older children preschool age on the topic: "Transport".


Consolidating and generalizing children’s knowledge on the topic “Transport”.


  • strengthen children's skills to classify different types of transport (air, land, water, railway);
  • consolidate children's knowledge about parts of transport;
  • learn to compose a descriptive story about any type of transport, based on the proposed plan;
  • develop thinking, visual perception, attention, memory, coherent speech;
  • develop the ability to answer a question in a complete sentence;
  • develop cognitive interest;
  • develop the ability to listen to each other.


Computer illustrations depicting transport.

This digital educational resource can be used both with a whole group of children and in individual work, which is necessary for children with speech impairments.


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Presentation on the topic "Transport"

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A presentation on the topic "Transport" will introduce kids to various types transport existing in the world (personal, public and others...). The presentation is well suited for toddlers and younger preschoolers. The slides show the following transport:

Presentation #1: passenger car, convertible, jeep, limousine, taxi, police car, minibus, truck, bus, omnibus, trolleybus, bicycle, motorcycle, scooter, ATV, steam locomotive, train, metro, tram, funicular.

Presentation #2: airplane, seaplane, glider, helicopter, hang glider, paraglider, balloon, airship, parachute, ship, sailboat, boats, powerboat, inflatable boat, boat, yacht, scooter, catamaran, steamship, cruise ship, pleasure boat, ferry, snowmobile, horse-drawn carriage, cable car, rocket.

Presentation on the topic "Transport" is intended for studying transport using the methodology early development Glen Doman. The presentation can be viewed several times a day for no more than 5 minutes. Power Point is required to view the presentation.

After downloading the presentation file, open it using this program and press F5 - automatic viewing of cards will begin in the form of changing slides with sound. If desired, each page of the presentation can be printed on a printer.

You can download the presentation on the topic "Transport" and the Power Point program at the bottom of the page in the attachments.

You can also watch the presentation online.

Presentation No. 1

Presentation No. 2

Download the presentation on the topic "Transport" from the link below

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  • Transport.rar(1791 Downloads)
  • PowerPoint_126.rar(1049 Downloads)

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Presentations for children for free - с - Chitariki website.

The presentation is a sequence of alternating electronic pages with diverse topics. The slide show may contain text, photographs, drawings, a video clip, and all this may be accompanied by sound - piece of music or the narrator's text.

If necessary, the child can move to any of the slides without scrolling forward or backward through all the slides. Showing presentations is an effective method of conveying educational material to the child.

The presentation can be shown on any computer PowerPoint program included in the Microsoft Office package. With the help of this comfortable way to attract the child’s attention, you will successfully realize your goals - teach your child to acquire new knowledge and form a system of thought formation.

A chain of thematic images, in algorithmic order, will put information in an associative form in the baby’s memory.

By training the memory, actively saturating the child’s brain with vocabulary, feeding developmental material into game form, You will help the baby develop, and, by playing, learn the world around us.

By imitating and imitating sounds, training memory, comparing pictures and sounds, classifying the world around us, the child develops a holistic idea of ​​the surrounding reality. Developing vocabulary in a playful way - you will help the baby develop harmoniously.

Presentations unobtrusively teach kids:

  • ability to distinguish shape and color, birds and fish, animals and plants
  • understand cars and planes, tools and technology
  • they speak clearly about anatomy, about a person and his activities, about the objects and phenomena that surround us;
  • introduce you to the masterpieces of famous artists and sculptors, wonders of nature
  • clearly show the sights of the world, musical instruments, sports, natural phenomena, and much more.

The idea of ​​creating presentations with signed and voiced pictures that can be shown to your child on the monitor screen every day arose onbased on the popular Glen Doman technique on creating cards with “bits” of knowledge.

How to watch presentations?

For babies (from 3 months to one year) – 1 - 3 presentations at a time different topics, it all depends on the baby’s reaction. You need to end the viewing before the baby starts to get distracted and lose interest. This way, the baby will look forward to the next time.

If the child spins around, turns away and does not show any interest at all, it is worth trying to show the video later or show another presentation.

Children from 1 to 2 years old can be shown for 10=15 minutes at a time. It is better to show 2 times a day for 10 minutes than 1 time for half an hour.

Material from the site

Count the helicopters. One helicopter, two helicopters, three...

Slide no. 29

Do the math jet planes. One plane, two planes, three...

Slide no. 30

Draw a plane. What kind of bird: Doesn’t sing songs, doesn’t build nests, carries people and cargo.

Slide no. 31Slide description:

Draw a plane. It doesn't flap its wings, but flies. Not a bird, but outruns birds.

Here is a steel bird, Aspiring to the skies, And its pilot is leading it. What kind of bird?

Slide no. 32Slide description:

Draw a helicopter. It is a grasshopper that is crackling, not a bird that is flying, and not a horse that is carrying. I raised my eyes to the sky - There was a big dragonfly, Inanimate, made of metal, It kept flying and flying, It rumbled and soared, And it spun its propeller.

Slide no. 33Slide description:

Draw a balloon. There is a ball with warm air, And under it is a basket, There is earth under your feet - Like in the picture.

Slide no. 34Slide description:

Draw a rocket. A miracle bird, a scarlet tail, flew into a flock of stars. There is no tail or wings, but it flies to the planets.

Slide no. 35Slide description:

Although he has the appearance of a sausage, he is a close relative to the balloon. In addition, it is, for good reason, many times larger in size than any whale. Draw an airship.

Slide no. 36Slide description:

What air transport do you know? Why is transport called air transport? Why is air transport needed? Who flies the plane?

Where do planes land? Who controls the rocket?

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172The flash drive contains materials from 4 discs RUB 11,980.

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teacher of FG preschool educational institution No. 2027

With. Alakurtti.

Children are designed in such a way that they learn the world best through games. Play is a source of pleasure and a completely natural pastime for a child. Computer in in this case– a wonderful opportunity to combine business with pleasure.

After all, there are a lot of special games aimed at developing intelligence, memory, and motor skills.

When playing on a computer, a child interacts, albeit with an artificial one, but still interacts with some kind of world. At the same time, he learns not only to quickly press the keys, but also to build figurative and conceptual models in his head, without which it is impossible to achieve success in modern computer games, requiring the disclosure of patterns in the transition from one game situation (scene) to another.

Such games have undoubted developmental potential, especially for the development of intelligence. And this is where their positive influence on the development of children.

Didactic game “Funny Transport” intended for both individual work with children, and for working with the entire group of children of middle and senior preschool age. It can be used in class and in your free time.

Main goal of the game– introduction to transport. Tasks: to develop children’s ability to visually correlate color images of transport with silhouettes, develop thinking, perception, attention, coordination of movements, and the ability to work with a computer mouse.

Using one example, the teacher shows and explains the rules of the game (one of the transports is moved, using a computer mouse, to the corresponding silhouette). If the silhouette is not visible due to the color image of the transport, then the task was completed correctly. If the silhouette is not “hidden” behind the color image of the transport and “peeks out”, then the silhouette is chosen incorrectly. Then he invites one child to independently select any transport and, using a computer mouse, move it to the corresponding silhouette. As the game progresses, children name the transport they have chosen, and for the complexity of the task, the teacher can specify what type of transport the chosen transport belongs to (air, land, water).

Presentation on the topic "transport"

2nd junior group

Program content:

· Expanding knowledge about familiar transport that can be seen in the city.

· Development of discrimination skills vehicles in the pictures, name them.

· Learn to identify essential features, structure and purpose of parts, differentiate and group types of transport.

To implement educational activities in the family on the topic we recommend to parents:

· walks around the city during which parents set an example for their children to follow the rules traffic, talk about the rules of behavior in transport, on the street,

· reading fiction in order to reinforce the rules of the road with children by A. Barto “Toys” (“Truck”, “Plane” “Boat”, S. Marshak “Boat”, S. Mikhalkov “A car was walking down the street”)

· teach the child to cross the road correctly (parents must pronounce their actions), talk about the dangers that may arise on the road



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Slide captions:

transport Presentation on the topic “Transport” Performed by teacher of GBDOU No. 133 Pashkova A.V.

Fire truck Fire trucks are rushing, brave men in them are going quickly to the fire, defeating fire and heat.

Police A police car flashes a blue eye at us, And the sound of its siren is heard far around.

Ambulance If someone is sick, the doctor must be in time. The ambulance will take him home, the doctor will help and heal him.

Tram The tram cannot be derailed. It has a precise path laid out.

Trolleybus It's easy for us to rush far on a trolleybus, There's only one problem: It needs power all the time.

Bus The bus is like a steamship, it carries a hundred passengers.

A passenger car, a passenger car, as everyone knows, will take you to any place. If a person is in a hurry, a taxi will get him there in no time.

Goal: To give children an idea of ​​the types of transport. Mark characteristic distinctive features transport. To consolidate children's knowledge about the road and the rules of behavior on it. Develop attention, memory, thinking. Develop children's speech, activate vocabulary: nouns: pedestrian, crossing; adjectives: pedestrian; verbs: goes. Teach children through playful images the rules of behavior in public transport. Objectives: Teach children to denote the word transport, various cars and name the main parts of transport. Develop the ability to take on a role and perform role actions in play activity. To form in children an idea of ​​the rules of behavior on the roadway. Material: Toy cars, paintings depicting transport and animals. Game situation “Bus for animals.”

Cognitive - speech Social - personal Artistic - aesthetic Physical development Communication WalkKnowledgeReading art. liter. Socialization Labor SafetyHud. creative MusicPhysical education.Health D.I. “Right - wrong”, “Who can name more”, “Assemble the car”. S.r.i. "Bus". Observation of cargo and passenger transport, similarities and differences. Outdoor game “Steam zik”, “Tramway”. "Passenger transport"; "Freight transport"; “Specialized transport”; “How transport helps us. Design: “Gate for a car.” V.I. Miryasov "Passenger car". B. Zakhoder “Chauffeur”. V.I. Miryasova “Bus”, “Trolleybus”. Memorizing a poem. Communication situation: “What do I know about transport”; "Fire truck". Imitation game: “I am a driver”; S.r.i. “We’re going to grandma’s.” Foster interest in the life and work of adults, tell children about professions they understand (driver), expand and enrich them about work activities. Imitation game “I am a machine.” Communication situation “How I was traveling on the bus.” D.i. "Children on a walk." Drawing “Remove the wheels of the car”, “Rail for a steam locomotive” Application “Traincars”. Modeling “Traffic light”. M. Rauchwerger “Sparrow and car”. E. Tilichevo y, N. Found "Airplane". Learn to start walking when given a signal. Cultivate endurance and improve the ability to move in a certain direction. Hardening according to the scheme. Contents of works on the topic of transport