A piece of a tooth broke off, what should I do? A piece of a front tooth has broken off – what should I do? Methods for eliminating visual defects in the dentition

During their life, almost everyone has at least once encountered the problem of dental damage.

In most cases, we simply do not notice this - upon closer examination, you can see that there are multiple chips and scratches on the enamel.

In fact, these are all phenomena of the same order with more significant injuries - fractures and so on. We will tell you in more detail what should be done when such a problem is detected, as well as what the causes of “breakdowns” are.

Causes and types of chips

Knowing the cause of a chipped tooth is important for the dentist, who will handle the restoration. This is necessary in order to to choose the right treatment and restoration techniques.

What causes chips to appear?

  • Injuries– blows, falls, etc.
  • Long lasting and significant decrease in acidity level in the oral cavity.
  • Process demineralization of enamel, greatly weakening it.
  • Abnormal bite changes.
  • Bad habits.
  • Various diseases that weaken teeth.
  • Hormonal disorders.

Minor injuries can occur almost every day, especially if the enamel is weakened - chewing caramel, simultaneous consumption of hot and very cold food or drinks, and so on.

All this subsequently leads to the fact that pieces can break off from the teeth, noticeable without special means.

Proper nutrition is also important. This is the only way the body receives a sufficient amount of minerals and trace elements necessary for healthy, strong enamel.

Otherwise, demineralization greatly weakens the protection of teeth. and can lead to the fact that even slight and almost imperceptible trauma will cause the tooth to break.


This point is also important for future restoration.

Depending on how badly the tooth is damaged, various techniques and methods are used to restore the aesthetic and functional components.

There are three degrees of severity of damage– minimal, medium and heavy.

Depending on what kind of damage is detected, it is classified as one of the types and appropriate measures are taken. The answer to the question of what to do will be different if a small piece of a tooth breaks off or a significant part of it is injured.

  • Incomplete chips are cracks or scratches in enamel.
  • Chip affecting only the surface layer is enamel.
  • Damage resulting in dentin affected(the hard part of the tooth, in fact, its base).
  • Chips and fractures that open the internal areas, that is, the pulp.

Among these varieties, the first two (affecting only the enamel) are considered minimal injuries. Medium ones are deeper, affecting dentin, and heavy ones affect the pulp.

Chips and cracks

Minor damage that most often appear on the front teeth and arise due to the careless attitude of the person himself. Biting into inappropriate things (for example, hard caramel and nuts), constantly consuming high-carbohydrate foods - all this over time leads to a weakening of the natural protection - enamel.

Because similar damage in most cases for a long time do not cause any particular inconvenience and are not felt at all, patients do not go to the dentist. However, this is not correct as it can lead to more serious problems in the future.

Dentin chips

Immediately below the enamel is dentin. Quite often, a broken piece will expose this inner layer.

Dentin, although a hard tissue, does not have the same protection as enamel. In addition, when dentin is exposed under pressure, a painful reaction may occur, since the pulp with nerve endings is located directly underneath it.

Pulp-exposing chip

Painkillers in this case can only bring short-term relief.

The fact is that the pulp is penetrated by blood and lymphatic vessels, as well as nerve endings.

Treatment for front row injuries

As already mentioned, chips most often occur on the front teeth. They are used for biting, and the front of the face accounts for most of the herbs of a household nature.

Moreover, here Any options are possible, from the smallest cracks to complete fracture of the entire coronal part.

Treatment options depend on the complexity of the damage.

Extensions using composite materials

Used in cases of minor fractures and enamel chips, which do not affect the inner layers of the tooth.

The materials used here are the same as for filling. are composites that acquire their final solid form under the influence of directed light radiation.

The procedure is painless and goes quite quickly. The doctor applies the material in layers directly to the damaged area, having previously prepared it. The patient receives the finished result – a full-fledged tooth – immediately in one appointment.

Use of veneers and lumineers

This thin overlays, which replace the facial part of the front and several lateral teeth. They are glued to the prepared ground crown part.

Externally, they completely imitate tooth enamel.

Small - the latter are distinguished by a very small thickness. To install them, only minimal turning of the base is carried out.

Restoration with crowns

The installation of a crown is carried out in cases where the inner layers of the tooth are damaged, and the crown part is broken off quite strongly - about half the length.

Before this, the pulp is removed, the root canals are cleaned and filled.

Implant installation

Implantation – the most reliable method of restoration, which is used if the coronal part is completely destroyed and there is no possibility of installing a stump tab in the root canal.

On the posterior chewing surfaces - how doctors can help

For back teeth The same techniques are used as for the front. However, despite the impossibility of installing veneers, there are much more choices here.

There is no need for perfect aesthetics, since the molars are not visible when talking and communicating. Only future functionality matters.

Restoration with composite materials

Often, chipped parts of the chewing teeth are covered with a composite used for filling. Sharp edges can simply be sharpened with special tools so as not to injure soft tissues.

If the chip also affects the chewing part,ceramic inlays are used that perfectly restore the surface, repeating all its curves.

Crowns, bridges and implants

If the damage is serious, then it is advisable to use crowns or bridges for the chewing back teeth. And implantation, as well as for the front row, is the most reliable and durable method of restoring serious injuries.

If we talk only about the back teeth, then it is worth noting that “wisdom teeth”, that is, the eighth teeth, the last in the row, in most cases are not restored in case of severe damage.

They do not bear a serious load, so restoration of minor damage is carried out, but the installation of crowns or implants is not.

What to do at home

Of course, there's only so much you can do at home. Especially when you consider the first shock after the injury, the lack of qualified help, the pain or fear for the child.

However, everyone, knowing what exactly should be done, will be able to take measures to prevent the damaged tooth from hurting, provide first aid and pre-medical aid to avoid possible problems.

  • The first and very important rule is no need to panic, all such problems can be solved quite quickly using modern techniques.
  • What follows is mandatory rinse your mouth thoroughly either lukewarm water or a weak saline solution. This is necessary to remove food debris, dirt, blood and chipped enamel particles.
  • Such rinsing will need to be done two to three times a day until you see a doctor. In this case, brushing your teeth twice (morning and evening) is also mandatory. You just need to be careful, especially at the site of damage.
  • If possible, you should find and save a chipped piece of tooth. This applies to quite significant damage. With the help of this piece, the doctor will be able to restore the original shape of the crown much faster and more efficiently.
  • If you experience severe pain, you should, first of all, not postpone your visit to a specialist. However, it is temporarily possible relieve pain with strong painkillers.

    For example, a tampon soaked in novocaine works quite effectively. Such a tampon is simply applied to the problem area for a while.

    In addition, you can also use natural propolis or a validol tablet, applying them to the sore spot.

  • Additionally, you should disinfect possible cuts, scratches and other damage to the oral mucosa, as well as on the lips. This will prevent infection from entering the blood.
  • In case of severe damage, when the tooth is loose (perhaps the root is broken), you need to fix it in the correct position. To do this, it is enough to gently, but quite firmly squeeze your jaws. It is better to apply a cold compress on top.

Possible complications

Despite the first aid provided at home, it is necessary to seek advice from a dental clinic at the first opportunity. Indeed, in addition to the inconveniences associated solely with the aesthetic side of the issue, in some cases serious complications may arise:

  • Penetration of infections into the pulp and development of the inflammatory process.
  • Essential sensitivity enhancement in the area of ​​damage.
  • Bending and fracture of the root, which can cause periodontitis or other problems.
  • Mobility.
  • Malocclusion(correct closure of the dentition).
  • Development of cysts or granulomas.

To avoid this, It is necessary to take an x-ray and make sure there are no abnormalities. If they do exist, then if appropriate treatment is started soon, more serious complications can be avoided.

For information about the possibilities of teeth restoration with veneers after injuries, watch the video:

Restoration price

The cost of restoring a broken tooth primarily depends on the degree of damage.. In accordance with this, the doctor advises the patient one or more restorative techniques that are suitable in this case:

  • Restoration of chips and cracks using the direct method and the use of composite light-curing materials - from 2.5 to 6–7 thousand rubles.
  • Restorative inlays and onlays– from 5 to 16 thousand rubles.
  • Veneer for one tooth b – from 21 to 35 thousand.
  • Veneer produced by Cerinate, USA (lumineer) - from 38 to 45 thousand rubles.
  • Metal-ceramic crown– from 10 to 25 thousand.
  • Metal-free crown based on zirconium dioxide– from 30 thousand and above.
  • Implantation– from 28–30 to 50–60 thousand.

This is not a complete list of all possible types of restoration of a broken tooth. Here approximate estimated prices for the most popular and in demand services are given.

It should be borne in mind that clinical cases vary greatly, and in some cases you may need to pay for additional services. In addition, each dental clinic has its own pricing policy.

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How many times have you watched people embarrassedly cover their mouths with a napkin? Or maybe there was a need to restrain your smile yourself so that others would not notice that your tooth was cracked or chipped? Unfortunately, such situations are not uncommon. We will look at what to do in such a situation in this article.

Symptoms of damage to tooth integrity

In a varying degree problems with the oral cavity overtake everyone. Sometimes they are more significant, interfere with eating, cause pain, and often psychological discomfort when it comes to incisors. But sometimes cracks and chips are so small that they can only be noticed in the dentist’s chair. In such situations, it is very important not to waste time - to consult a doctor in time so that you do not have to treat more serious illnesses in the future.

If you notice increased sensitivity to hot and cold, as well as pain at the slightest touch, this is a reason to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Causes of damage

There is an opinion that broken teeth are the fate of children who often fall and athletes who are constantly exposed to injury. However, this is not true. In addition to mechanical damage, there are a number of other reasons damage.

These include:

If at least a few of these points are familiar to you first-hand, this is a reason for more thorough oral care and requires more frequent preventive visits to the dentist.

Types of chips

Healthy teeth are the key health digestive system, a dazzling smile and, as a result, self-confidence. Therefore, if you notice the most minor damage, you should immediately consult a dentist. What can we say about serious chips when the integrity of the tooth suffers. Let's talk about what types of chips there are, how serious each of them is and why it requires immediate treatment.

Species chips:

Each of these types of chips is dangerous in its own way and requires mandatory treatment to avoid more serious consequences.

Treatment of a damaged tooth

Depending on the cause of the damage, different teeth suffer. Thus, the front incisors and canines are most often broken from blows and other types of injuries. Due to bad habits and health problems, both general and local, chewing teeth are more often destroyed. Treatment approaches also differ, because a broken incisor is also an aesthetic problem that needs to be properly eliminated.

Treatment of incisors and canines

Even before starting treatment, the dentist needs to decide what to do to restore the tooth. To do this, a thorough examination is carried out and the extent of damage to the crown is determined.

So, a piece of your front tooth has broken off - what to do?

Methods treatment incisors and canines:

Molar restoration

Treatment of chewing teeth is carried out according to the same principle as the anterior ones. There is only one difference - the aesthetic side is not so important, the main thing is to return the tooth to the ability to chew food.

If a piece of a tooth breaks off, the main function which is chewable, is used:

  • Restoration using composite materials.
  • Ceramic inlays are an ideal option, as they accurately replicate the natural shape of the tooth and restore its functionality one hundred percent.
  • Crowns and bridges. These types of treatment are used for more serious damage.
  • As in the case of the front teeth, implantation is used in case of complete destruction.
  • If a piece of a wisdom tooth breaks off, most likely, your doctor will decide in favor of removing the damaged tooth - they have no functional load, therefore, there is no point in carrying out serious treatment.

Unfortunately, a situation often arises when a child’s tooth breaks off. As a rule, due to children's mobility, here we are talking about mechanical damage in most cases to the incisors. My child’s tooth has chipped, what should I do? Try to see a dentist within one to two hours. In addition to providing assistance in the event of a chip, the little patient will also have an x-ray to check for problems with the root system or jaw.

First aid

Regardless of which tooth and whose one is broken, before visiting dentist You can help the victim at home.

First aid:

  • Rinse mouth with warm clean water, maybe salted. This way you will remove all possible contaminants from the oral cavity and prevent infection from reaching the pulp and inside the body.
  • It is better not to throw away the chipped piece - it will help the dentist most accurately recreate the natural shape of the tooth.
  • If the tooth is damaged to a significant extent and severe painful sensations, they can be relieved with the help of painkillers - novocaine will be effective (you need to make a tampon with it and apply it to the sore spot), as an alternative - validol or propolis.
  • Disinfect any scratches in the mouth to prevent infection from entering the bloodstream.
  • If the root is broken and the tooth is loose, it is necessary to squeeze the jaws tightly, fixing it in the correct position.

Prevention of chips

Of course, if a chip has already occurred, do not panic - modern medicine can work wonders and recreate your smile even in the most dire situation. But if at the moment everything is fine with your oral cavity, you should follow a few tips so that this problem will avoid you in the future:

Possible complications

Very often we go to the doctor only when we can no longer bear the pain. Of course, this is wrong - delaying going to the dental clinic can lead to a number of negative consequences. consequences:

  • If a large part of the tooth breaks off, its remainder along with the root may become deformed, which will lead to a change in the bite and disruption of the main function - chewing.
  • In a tooth that is even partially destroyed, pathogenic microorganisms accumulate that can cause both serious diseases of the oral cavity and internal organs.
  • If the chip results in a sharp edge, it will constantly scratch the gums, causing stomatitis with large ulcers.
  • If a damaged tooth is not treated, sooner or later an entire part of it will collapse and the tooth will have to be removed.

As you can see, even minor cracks on the enamel surface can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, you should not ignore preventive visits to the dentist. Follow the basic rules of oral hygiene, and you are guaranteed a healthy, snow-white smile.


Often, when a piece of a tooth breaks off, people do nothing until it turns into a real problem that will already cause discomfort. In fact, you should immediately consult a doctor, because the chip may be accompanied by other disorders that require treatment.

How and why do teeth chip?

We often notice a chip if a large piece breaks off, for example, a fang or incisor. But if the injury is small, not everyone can identify it when looking in the mirror. But there are additional signs by which you can judge the problem, and among them:

  • Increased sensitivity;
  • Bleeding and swelling of the gums;
  • Soreness.

Such signs may manifest themselves differently in everyone, depending on how far the negative process has gone. So, pain appears quite rarely, for example, with severe irritation. But if a large area breaks off, then they are strong and permanent. In general, there are 3 types of such destruction:

  • Chip on enamel;
  • Crack in a tooth;
  • Dentin chips.

When a tooth just begins to chip and a small crack forms, a person does not feel any discomfort. But a chip in the enamel can sometimes cause inconvenience in the form of painful sensations when the tooth is exposed to cold and heat. But in most cases, only when the main layer of the tooth - dentin - is damaged does the damage really make itself felt. And unpleasant sensations constantly appear when chewing overly sour or hot food.

Note that an incisor or molar may even completely split, but the loss of only a small area is not excluded. In general, if the molar pulp is exposed, then it is almost impossible to restore the crown; the tooth has to be completely removed.


The question of why teeth chip off worries many, especially when it comes to children’s teeth. Not only does this bring some aesthetic discomfort; but often the surrounding tissues are also injured, and this can be much more dangerous. There are several most common reasons why a person’s tooth may break off:

  • As a result of injury;
  • Anomaly or pathology;
  • Lack of useful elements, such as calcium;
  • Hormone imbalance;
  • Reduced immunity.

In addition, according to some scientists, teeth can chip due to the fact that the acidity in the mouth is reduced. Often, the tips of the incisor also break off when trying to bite through something hard.

What to do if a tooth chips?

If such a problem occurs with a chewing or canine tooth, you should immediately consult a doctor. However, first you need to think about hygiene: rinse your mouth thoroughly with boiled water at room temperature. And then it is better to act in the following sequence:

  1. If blood is flowing, then apply a cotton swab to this place;
  2. If dental creams or ointments are available, use them to relieve inflammation;
  3. Apply something cold to the area;
  4. Take a painkiller.

But even if the chipped tooth does not bother you, you still need to go to the doctor: the dentist must make sure that the inflammatory process has not begun or another pathology is developing. The easiest way is if a piece of the tooth breaks off near the front tooth, in this case, the need to visit the dentist arises only to restore the desired aesthetic effect.

Treatment and recovery at the dentist

To correct the situation, there are many techniques in dentistry. So, a tooth with a crack can be simply restored, but at the same time both its shape and structure are restored. Methods of such restoration include the following manipulations:

  • Crowns;
  • Veneers;
  • Extension.

Note that the most popular method is to install veneers, but if the chip is too large, then prosthetics cannot be avoided. In general, in a good clinic you can solve such a problem in just one day.

Extension of a tooth fragment

In this case, the dentist restores the damaged area using a special quickly hardening material, usually under the influence of a photopolymer lamp. They resort to this method when the chip is small and there is no need for a crown yet. In this case, the restoration is divided into the following stages: the desired shade of the working material is selected; the substance is applied in layers and using a special tool it is given the desired shape; the surface is sanded to a smooth state. This entire procedure rarely takes more than three hours.

Installation of veneers

Veneers are used if cracks have appeared, but pieces have not yet broken off. In general, these are thin linings made of ceramic or composite material that are applied to a damaged tooth. In this case, not only the lost shape is corrected, but also the color. Interestingly, veneers are also very effective in eliminating the effect of malocclusion.

Special tabs

The above method is not suitable for chewing teeth; special inlays help correct the problem with them. In general, these are the same fillings that are installed differently. First, an impression of the tooth is made, and therefore a filler is made from it, which is installed on the damaged area. However, it is possible to restore a tooth in this way if the lost part is less than fifty percent.


But if the chip is large, then you cannot do without a crown. In principle, a crown will help even if the tooth is completely cracked. In general, this method is ideal for canines and incisors. An artificial part is made, which is then attached to the root or to a pin.

If you have a chipped tooth, do not delay visiting the dentist. After all, this can lead to the development of pathologies in the oral cavity, and subsequently to the loss of the entire tooth.

Even strong and healthy teeth can sometimes become injured. For example, there may be a solid fragment in the food that lands on the tooth. In this case, part of it may break off. We will figure out what to do if a piece of a tooth breaks off, why this can happen, what types of such injuries exist, possible complications, and also how to effectively correct this problem.

Teeth can be injured both in childhood and in adults. Since baby teeth are quite soft, they can be injured even more often than permanent teeth. This does not at all depend on the lifestyle that a child or an adult leads. No one is immune from such a problem. Therefore, it is important to arm yourself with information to understand what to avoid in order not to injure your teeth. Well, if an injury does occur, then it is important to take proper first aid so that there are no complications. Then you need to quickly seek qualified help from a dentist. The modern level of development of dentistry allows you to quickly and painlessly restore almost any damage. Moreover, those around you will not even notice that an experienced dentist has worked on this area of ​​the tooth.

It is important to make every effort to strengthen your teeth. If the enamel is weak, then the tooth can be damaged even when biting off the usual fairly hard food. If we talk about which teeth are most often subject to chipping, then for the front teeth this problem is more pressing than for the chewing teeth. It is the front row that is involved in the biting process. And since these teeth are quite thin, chips on their enamel occur more often. In this case, it is the front teeth that are most visible. Therefore, the fact that a piece of a front tooth has broken off is always very worrying. In this case, you not only need to restore the damaged enamel, but it is important to do it as aesthetically as possible. But for an experienced dentist this will not be difficult. He has the most modern materials, equipment and advanced techniques at his disposal. That is why, if a piece of a front tooth breaks off, what to do should be decided by a doctor with experience and high qualifications. In his hands is not only the health, but also the beauty of the patient.

Chewing teeth can also be affected. As statistics and observations by dentists themselves show, pieces of chewing teeth can break off in cases where an unexpected small pebble, bone or very hard piece is found in food. So what to do in this unexpected situation? How to properly restore the former attractiveness and health of the tooth? In any case, it is important to understand that even if a chip on a tooth does not cause pain, it nevertheless needs to be eliminated. It looks very unaesthetic, and the functionality of the tooth may be impaired. Well, you should remember that if the enamel is damaged, caries begins to develop very quickly.

There can be many reasons for dental injury. Moreover, both fairly strong and healthy teeth and teeth with weak enamel can be injured. So, the reasons why a piece of tooth may break off:

  1. Mechanical injury. Something very hard may just get on the tooth. A person may not even know how strong his teeth are, for example, when eating hard nuts. Or maybe a solid piece of food just unexpectedly gets in.
  2. Heavy load on the jaw. When biting and chewing food, it is important to ensure that the load on the jaw is gentle. There is no need to risk overloading it.
  3. If the seal was installed incorrectly. If, due to the fault of the doctor, the seal was installed incorrectly, then it may fall out even under slight stress. This will leave a fairly deep gap on the tooth. If the filling is installed technologically correctly, and high-quality filling materials are used, then the filling should withstand the same load as healthy teeth.
  4. If the service life of the filling or inlay has expired. Most dentists provide a one-year warranty on the installed filling. But it should serve you much longer. The main thing is to maintain dental hygiene and not overload your teeth with too hard food.
  5. If the enamel has become too thin. Thin enamel becomes one of the main reasons that part of the tooth breaks off. This is not surprising. After all, if the enamel is too thin, it may not withstand even small loads when chewing or biting food.
  6. If the enamel is destroyed due to caries. Caries is one of the main reasons that lead to the destruction of enamel. Moreover, even if you brush your teeth regularly, this does not completely protect you from the development of caries. Therefore, it is important to see the dentist twice a year. If a problem arises, it is better to solve it at the initial stage of development. It is important to fight caries immediately so that the tooth does not decay further.
  7. If a person eats very viscous or hard foods. Food should not be overly hard. Particular care should be taken when eating nuts and dried fruits. It is better if the food has a fairly soft consistency. But even in soft porridges there may be pebbles or unpeeled hard grains. That’s why it’s better to sort out the cereal at home. Eat carefully, chew your food slowly and thoroughly, and do not rush.

The front incisors are considered the weakest in terms of enamel. The enamel on them is quite thin. They can be harmed even if you simply eat the seeds. But you can fight these. Contact your dentist about this problem. He can remineralize your teeth and advise you on what foods you need to include in your diet to saturate your body with calcium. You can also use special medicated toothpastes. You need to eat right. Remember that food should not be very cold or too hot. And if you eat dishes that differ greatly in temperature, then such a contrast provokes the appearance of microcracks. Such microcracks are invisible at first, but they greatly thin the enamel and make it brittle. Because of them, teeth become very sensitive. Over time, such teeth become quite fragile and can break even under not very heavy load. Most often this happens to the front incisors. They are the very first to deal with cold drinks or hot food. Therefore, take care of your teeth at every meal. It's better to wait until the soup cools down a bit than to go to the dentist later. Remember that food that is too cold or hot affects not only your teeth, but also your digestive system.

What types of spalls occur?

When a piece of a tooth breaks off, not only the enamel, but also the dentin can come off. This phenomenon is called a fracture. Fractures come in different types: closed or open. This may even expose the pulp. The location where the fracture occurred may also differ. The fracture area may be closer to the root, the root itself, or near the apex. At the same time, during a fracture, the tooth may or may not be displaced. When a fracture occurs, a very small, barely noticeable piece may break off, or perhaps a fairly large one. Depending on this, the following types of tooth fracture are distinguished:

  1. Minimum.
  2. Average.
  3. Strong.

With minimal damage, a fracture occurs only directly in the enamel area. In this case, the inner layer is absolutely not affected. With average, the inner layers of the tooth are also affected. And if the damage is severe, the tooth breaks completely. This exposes the nerve or pulp. This is the most painful type of fracture. If this happens, you should immediately contact your dentist.

If the root is broken

Sometimes there are cases where a root fracture occurs. This can happen even when visiting the dentist. In ordinary life, such a fracture occurs quite rarely. Most often, it is caused by manipulations in the dentist's office. For example, a root can break during tooth extraction. The front teeth are at risk, as they have a rather thin and fragile root.

Diagnosing a root fracture is quite difficult. Even if the patient is x-rayed, the fracture may not be visible because the piece of root may not move much. Only a week after this happened, the fracture will become visible. Very often this problem does not manifest itself outwardly in any way. But occasionally gum inflammation may occur. In this case, a person may not even suspect that the cause of the inflammation was a fracture of the tooth root. It is important to be able to analyze and compare the manipulations that were performed on your teeth and the problems that arose.

Due to a root fracture, the function of the pulp is impaired. The degree of such a violation may vary. This is extremely dangerous for the tooth, as it does not receive the necessary nutrition and simply dies. This is an irreversible consequence of a root fracture, so if the doctor determines a middle fracture, then the tooth must be trepanned, that is, opened. After opening the tooth, the pulp is removed. If the fracture occurs near the apex of the root, then surgical intervention can be avoided. You can simply put a filling.

Injury to baby teeth

It's not just adults who face this problem. In childhood, pieces of baby teeth can break off. What should parents do if they notice that part of a child’s tooth has broken off or even almost the entire tooth has broken? First you need to find out how seriously the tooth is injured. Sometimes the crown of the tooth breaks almost to the root. This is the worst type of fracture. It's quite painful. With such an injury, the tooth will most likely need to be removed. Well, if a piece of a tooth breaks off, then it is enough to perform a simple restoration. In any case, you should not delay your visit to the dentist. Most often, in such cases, a procedure is performed to build up the lost part of the tooth. It is important to try to save a tooth, even a baby one. Removing a tooth can cause nearby teeth to begin to change their location. This can ruin your teeth. It is important to maintain the child's correct bite. The location of baby teeth directly affects how permanent teeth will be positioned in the future.

Should I see a dentist if there is no pain? Of course it is necessary, and quickly. For any type of tooth injury, regardless of the complexity of the injury, you need to go to the dentist’s office. He must give a professional assessment of the current situation, as well as examine the remaining teeth. They may be too fragile and will require measures to strengthen the teeth. Try to ensure that your child's diet includes more foods that contain calcium. Many kids don't like dairy products, but this doesn't mean you need to give them up completely. Try to prepare delicious dishes with dairy products for your baby, and also try to explain why it is so important to eat them.

Sometimes the trauma to a child’s tooth can be so severe that part of the crown goes into the gum. Visually, it looks as if the child has broken a tooth completely or knocked it out. In this case, a broken piece will remain in the gum. It can cause severe pain and can also cause serious inflammation. In such difficult situations, the help of a dentist is needed as soon as possible. Moreover, it is important that the dentist is experienced and qualified.

Children lead a fairly active lifestyle, and parents are not always able to keep track of everything. A child may fall, hit a hard object and receive a fairly strong blow. Such a blow can be from the side or along a vertical trajectory. Very often in such cases, a dislocated tooth occurs with displacement. In such cases, the gums become very swollen and the child is bothered by pain. It is very important that no infection gets into the wound. This is very dangerous, both for baby teeth and future permanent ones. But even in such a difficult case, there is no need to panic. It is very important that parents do not show their anxiety, as it can instantly be transmitted to the child. But he is already scared and confused from the injury he received. Contact your dentist immediately. Now the level of modern technology helps to completely restore even an almost completely knocked out tooth. This technique consists of inserting the knocked-out tooth back. To prevent a knocked out tooth from becoming infected, it must be placed in a saline solution. If you don’t have saline solution on hand, use regular warm milk for the same purpose. It is important to keep your tooth clean. Immediately take it to the dentist, who must perform the implantation procedure.

What to do at the first sign of injury

If a piece of a tooth breaks off, what should you do in the first minutes? It is important to provide competent first aid. Sometimes a piece of a tooth may not break off completely, but only partially. In such cases, there is a chance to leave it. To try to hold the broken piece in place, you need to squeeze your jaw as hard as possible. In the event of a fracture, quite severe pain is inevitable. It is important to remove it as soon as possible. For this purpose, you can use a fairly cold compress. But this is just a way to relieve the pain a little. The dentist himself should provide assistance. Remember that the sooner in such cases the patient seeks qualified medical help, he has a better chance of saving his damaged tooth. First aid from a doctor is especially important in cases where the fracture is quite severe. For example, if a tooth breaks right in the middle of the root or begins to wobble quite strongly.

Don't rush to throw away the broken piece! It is best to keep it pure and be sure to show it to a doctor. Sometimes bone tissue is required for the recovery process. Some people try to clean the fracture site as thoroughly as possible when a tooth is broken, using alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. This is not worth doing. There is also no need to try to clean the tooth as thoroughly as possible with your toothbrush. This can only further damage an already damaged tooth.

Sometimes dental injuries occur due to a jaw fracture. This injury is extremely serious and requires immediate medical attention. In this case, it is important that the jaw remains absolutely motionless. You might think that this is not so easy to do. In fact, it is enough to simply take a bandage and bandage the affected jaw, grabbing the top of the head. Sometimes in such cases there is bleeding from the nose. What to do in such a difficult case? Everything is also quite simple. It is enough to lower your head and apply a cold compress to the bridge of your nose. And of course, you need to immediately go to the doctor. In the hospital, in case of such fractures, the victim must be sent to take an x-ray. Only with its help can you objectively assess how damaged all the tissues of the jaw and face are, whether there are subluxations or dislocations. Unfortunately, such injuries often happen to children. Children cannot always objectively assess the consequences of their actions, so it is important that parents try to protect them from possible injury.

Possible complications

If a tooth breaks off, what should you do to avoid any complications? First of all, it is important to get advice from a competent dentist. He will assess the extent of the damage and recommend the best way to fix the problem. The injury to the front teeth is especially noticeable, but if there is a fracture of the chewing tooth, then no less attention to it will be required. After all, each tooth performs its own important function. Injury to any of them will negatively affect the important process of biting, chewing, and even diction. Many people are concerned about the aesthetic side of this problem, but we must not forget that a tooth injury can not only spoil the aesthetics of your teeth. Other complications are possible, for example:

  1. Infection may enter the pulp area. And this already threatens a serious inflammatory process, in which the temperature rises, general weakness and quite debilitating pain.
  2. Teeth may become more sensitive. If a piece breaks off from a tooth, this can significantly increase its sensitivity. Moreover, even a small piece of chipped enamel can negatively affect tooth sensitivity.
  3. A tooth fracture can cause its roots to become bent.
  4. Occlusion may be compromised. Occlusion is bite. It is very important that it is correct. If the bite is incorrect, then the teeth may be more likely to decay, and food will not be chewed properly. With improper occlusion, chewing teeth are especially damaged.
  5. Cysts or granulomas may appear.

Damage to a tooth can have an extremely negative impact on its root. Even if the tooth was quite strong and healthy, there are often cases when, after a fracture, the root grows at a certain, previously uncharacteristic angle. Due to such curvature of the root, deformation of one or even several teeth can occur. In more complex cases, deformation of the entire dentition occurs. If you had to remove a tooth, it is very important not to leave an empty space, as it can cause a shift in the dentition. Your doctor should suggest you get an implant. This will keep your bite correct. By the way, a correct bite is not only beauty, but also health. With the correct bite, biting and chewing food occurs as efficiently as possible. Even a slight malocclusion can lead to food pieces being too large or, for example, food being difficult to chew. This can lead to gastrointestinal diseases.

Recovery methods

What to do if a piece of a tooth breaks off? What can be done to preserve it? These and other important issues should be addressed directly by the dentist. His arsenal includes modern technologies, high-quality materials and his own irreplaceable experience.

So, you've turned to a good dentist. He must decide which recovery method to choose. To do this, a detailed examination of the oral cavity is carried out and the degree of tooth trauma is assessed. If the pulp has been exposed, the doctor will remove the bundle of nerves and seal the canals. If a front tooth has been damaged, the function of the entire jaw will be slightly affected. It is worse if the chewing tooth is broken. But the injury to the front teeth is most easily noticeable, which is why an aesthetic problem arises. There are several ways to restore the former attractiveness of your front teeth:

  1. Prosthetics can be performed by installing a dental crown. Today, various materials are used for its manufacture. Most often it is ceramics or metal ceramics. Each material has both its advantages and disadvantages. You can ask your dentist about them.
  2. Veneers. This restoration method is relatively new. Veneers are very thin shells that are placed on the front of the tooth. To do this, the tooth is slightly filed down and some other manipulations are performed that protect the enamel from caries and allow the veneer to stay on the tooth for a long time. The thickness of the veneers is microscopic – up to 1 mm. However, they are quite expensive. But the result will exceed the most optimistic expectations. Veneers will serve you for a long time, provided that during their installation all elements of technology were strictly observed. If you are afraid that their color will differ from the natural shade of your teeth, we hasten to reassure you. The color range of veneers allows you to choose absolutely any shade based on the natural color of your enamel. Another plus is that they will not change their shade for many years.
  3. Tabs. This is a fragment of a tooth that replaces only the part that has collapsed. If a conventional filling cannot eliminate the defect, an inlay is used. This is a good way to save a tooth. Thus, it can be restored to its former form and functionality. Another advantage of inlays is that they prevent further tooth decay. If the tooth has been severely damaged, the insert is sometimes reinforced with a titanium liner. You can also use inlays when installing crowns. It will also help support the bridge. Inlays have become one of the most affordable, fastest and most reliable methods of dental restoration. It is securely fixed on the tooth with a special cement composition. Then it is polished. Inlays for installing a crown are used in cases where the tooth root is well preserved, but the natural crown itself is severely damaged. Advantages of tabs:
  • the functionality and appearance of the tooth are preserved;
  • the tab is more durable and strong than a filling;
  • the tab will not shrink and polymerize;
  • they are not stained by any coloring food components;
  • with their help you can remove even large chips;
  • This is an excellent preparation of teeth for the installation of a bridge or crown;
  • they protect tooth enamel from abrasion;
  • The inlays are fully compatible with various prostheses and increase their effectiveness.

The doctor must decide which recovery method to use. Much will depend on the extent of the damage, as well as the location of the tooth. If there is a severe fracture of a chewing or front tooth, it is better to get a crown. But it is important to know that the adjacent teeth will have to be ground down. Veneers are often used for injuries to the front teeth. These thin onlays are almost indistinguishable from the patient’s own teeth. But sometimes the front teeth break in such a way that they can no longer be restored. In this case, you will need to clean the canal and install an implant tab.

If a front tooth chipped off and you saved this piece, then an experienced dentist will be able to completely restore the tooth. This is done using pins that are installed inside the channels. Externally, the tooth will look quite aesthetically pleasing. This operation will preserve the functions of the tooth and will not disrupt the bite.

So, we looked at the algorithm of actions in the event that a piece of a tooth breaks off, found out what types of fractures there are, as well as restoration methods. But it is best to be careful and prevent such injuries.
