The most popular board games. Top board games

Yes, time flies, everything changes, including my top, but unfortunately, there’s still no more time (and how I wish there were at least 30 hours in a day), so thank you very much to all those who helped me reminded me that it was time to change the top. Having rolled up my sleeves, I began to bring the top into its current form, and you can see what happened.

Those games that fell from the top are actually still just as great games. I even felt sorry for cleaning them up, because I couldn’t say anything bad about them. But those games that have replaced them are more relevant at the moment. This is the main reason for rotation. A game can be cool, but if you don’t play it for a whole year (or even more), then what kind of top game is it? This is probably where the problem lies when you have a lot of games and every year there are even more of them. It turns out that you play more new games, but somehow you don’t have time for the old ones.

I will go into more detail about the changes below.



I fell in love with this game the first time because it offered players a different deckbuilding than in Dominion . I was interested in collecting chains of moons placed in the corners of the cards. But the game always ended earlier than we would like. And from the wounds it was difficult to understand who was in the lead and who was behind.

Unfortunately, sales of the game worsened with each new addition, so the publisher AEG decided to close the project, although the author of the board game still had ideas for new additions. Now the game is almost impossible to find on sale (only if at a flea market). Those. In fact, the game has thrown off its skates.

I didn’t manage to catch the last extras, because... The game disappeared from sale very quickly. I have another untried addition at home, but somehow I haven’t gotten around to it yet. The good old system worked - new games win. So, as they say, the game is good, but of course it won’t be in the top.

Dungeon Petz

It's trivial that there is no one to play with. Almost no one I play with likes the game. Lords are also rarely laid out, but I do this with a little more pleasure, so I’ll leave Lords at the top. Pets are also good. They are cute, funny, but with my least favorite auction 😦

I really hope that someday I will find people with whom I will play Pets. And maybe I’ll even buy an add-on for the game. In the meantime, let's say goodbye to the game and replace it with another.

Chaos in the Old World

And it’s also a pity to part with this game, but I don’t remember the last time I played it. The toy is so completely boyish. I remember playing it with one girl, who, poor thing, was suffering because... She didn’t understand the point system and Nurgle’s strategy didn’t work for her. Chaos in the Old World encourages love for Vakha, for various phrases, such as more blood for the blood god. I love the game for its setting, I really enjoy playing as the Chaos Gods and corrupting the land.

But I haven’t laid out the game for a long time, so I’ll give the place to younger ones. Let the old gods sleep, then we will somehow wake them up.


This is probably my favorite wargame. It's simple, about our beloved Japan, and it has cool gameplay. Perhaps the only drawback of the game is that it is not poppy in visual terms (in wargames everything is always ascetic). For example, for the “Japanese” Kanagawa they made a bunch of cool watercolor drawings, Hanamikoji also has cool art, Tokaido’s cuteness is off the charts. A Sekigahara - This is a regular wargame. Here is a map of the country, here are blocks with hieroglyphs - play.

In my company people are afraid of the word “wargame”. I tried to show something and it was an epic fail. That’s why Sekigahara also goes a bit poorly (even though it’s a light wargame). I want to play more, but I can’t. Forced to remove the game from the top.

8 Minute Empire: Legends

I don't know how anyone can be indifferent to Ryan Lockit's projects. He doesn’t produce masterpieces, of course, but very soulful games with some kind of unusual aura. You know, it's like a piece product. Like a pie baked especially for you. Lokit's games are sometimes something strange, like Cheburashka, but quite entertaining. This is one of the coolest indie developers, and I just can’t help but love him.

Somehow it didn’t work out very well for me right away with the first one Eight Minute Empire . I wrote a mediocre comment on her, which HW even decided not to repost on their social networks because they found it negative. But Legends revealed in all its glory. The moment has come to admit that the continuation of Eight Minutes is still not a fabulous masterpiece. This is a very good, enjoyable game that I still love very much. But you don’t want to play it often, and your knees no longer shake when you choose a card from a row. New games are appearing, and they are also no less interesting.

Pandemic Legacy

I remember well how I hesitated whether to put this game in the top or not. I then reached somewhere only halfway through the passage, but I felt like I was consumed by interest in finding out how it would all end. I've never played before Pandemic , so the original source did not put any pressure on my brain. I had to learn the game right away in combat conditions. The game has very cool components that perfectly reflect the incident light and are pleasant to photograph. But the most important thing lies in the mysterious boxes hidden at the bottom of the box. With each new gaming month, the game changes a little. In some places it became more difficult, in others it became easier. If you breeze through month after month, the game will force you to discard some useful cards from the deck, leaving you anxious about completing the next month. I always wanted to finish the mission quickly to find out what awaits us next.

I still think Pandemic: Legacy successful and innovative game. Leacock and Daviau managed to do something completely unusual for the world of board games. And the reason I am removing the game from my top list is not the game, but the players. The game does everything to make playing interesting, but not every player reaches the very end.

We started playing as four of us. Having reached the halfway point, the spring dacha seasons began, resulting in one player splitting off. After a couple of months, another player gave up on the game (tired of it). As a result, the two of us played together somehow until the fall of the game, but somehow we still didn’t get around to finishing it off with December. We cannot recruit new players, because... It's not fun to play from the middle. It's not very cool to play with two people for four people either. For a long time I promised to finish everything and write a final review with spoilers. But the desire to play decreased with each month that we spent without Pandemics . Those. The less you play, the less desire you have to finish the game.

Although at first the excitement was unreal. I really wanted to go through the month to find out what awaits us in the next month. I can't say I was excited about the story unfolding because I'm not a fan of that. I would like some kind of bloody horror or sci-fi. Then a moment came when I realized that nothing would change depending on my success or failure, because... The boxes are opened anyway. We eventually came up with this formula: first we lose in the current month, then we win and move on to the next one. In one sitting, only probably 2 months passed. Going through the same scenario over and over again is not very interesting, to be honest. Moreover, in fact we are still playing the same game.

Heritage - this is not a bad game at all, but it needs to be completed immediately, when you have the desire and opportunity. This time. And two - you need to have a constant company, otherwise you will have to finish the passage alone. If you have a strong group that does not fall off due to failures, failures and other problems, then this game can bring a lot of fun. As soon as you slow down, the game turns into a soulless stone.

For these reasons, I have no desire to get acquainted with Charterstone and the second season Legacies . In fact, Pandemic Legacy is something like Groundhog Day with minor differences. This is what is annoying.

A good game, but something didn’t go very well...

We've arrived

Arkham Horror: The Card Game

Honestly, I didn’t expect the game to be so cool. Somehow I didn’t particularly plan to take it, because I can’t admit my boundless love for the series of “ffg” games dedicated to the Lovecraft myths. I was confused that this is a cooperative and it is similar to card LotR. I definitely wouldn’t refuse a competitive duel (when one plays against the other), but somehow I don’t even know...

The impetus for the purchase was a girl Maria from Minsk, whose profile I noticed on Tesera. She has already played several times and said that the game is quite fun if you close your eyes to the randomness of the tokens. From that moment on, I was immediately hooked on the game. And even if she (the game, not Masha) ends up being worse than LotRa, that’s okay, I won’t be too upset.

Card UA has some problems with preparation and learning. It seems so small, but you won’t be able to play the first game in a hurry. Read the rules several times, puzzle over the selection of cards for the scenario, assemble two decks, and only then can you play. But the first batch immediately captured me. The game turned out to be very atmospheric. LotR doesn't feel like that at all, or I just didn't finish reading Tolkien at the time. In LotR, you feel like a simple adventurer who needs to pull troubles out of the deck and try to overcome them by collecting small round tokens. During the loss, a fading picture appeared in my head and the inscription popped up - “ Even if you were unlucky today, but if you go through the decks again, you can try to go through the scenario again". Those. The process of this game seems somehow mechanical to me.

I played card UA a little differently. Each state card was read out loud, and I internally felt their actions. You are stunned and cannot hear anything, you are in shock and cannot move. You see rats and try to control your panic. And when someone started knocking from under the floor (it was written like that in the script) and walled me up in the room (“they sawed down my doors, right?”), I was truly delighted. It's like actually reading a Lovecraft story. I like this kind of horror, especially since all the secrets are not immediately revealed to you.

Welcome to the first act. It has such and such locations and approximately such and such monsters. You complete an act and find yourself in new game areas, and the map of the new act gives you new information about what happened and what you need to do next. Therefore, the first playthrough of the game is always atmospheric and very interesting. Of course, going through the scenarios again is not so cool, because you will already know everything. All subsequent attempts are more likely to just improve the skill - but what if you take another hero? What if we increase the difficulty? Those. The game doesn't become completely useless after finishing it. But after the starter, you obviously don’t want to go through it again, but buy new stories that FFG periodically churns out. Hands are reaching out to new deluxes, new packs. And I want to prolong the pleasure, and not greedily rush to complete new scenarios.

For me, card UA is better than card LotRa. At least one point. This is definitely one of the best FFG LCDs. I still have to meet someone new Legend of the Five Rings to accurately determine the best LCD in the world. But card UA is very close to this title.

Terraforming Mars

Another game from which I didn't expect anything great. I was somehow late for the first fundraiser for the game, and only then, afraid that Conquest of Mars then it won’t be on public sale (naive!), I quickly placed a pre-order from a store that took a pack of games in bulk. Probably, with this game I stupidly fell for the hype and advertising, because before the localization came out I was not at all interested in the game. Well, Mars (pop theme), well, there are a lot of different cards (you won’t be surprised by this now), well, the plastic cubes are beautiful (so what?). U Stalls everything is fire, must have and super class.

And if it weren’t for the reader of my blog who asked my opinion about the game several times, I might not have bothered to take the box off the shelf and try to play it until winter. And when I tried it, I immediately understood how cool the unknown expanses of space are.

After the first game I wanted to play more. Then again. And one more thing. And I still want to play, because... I don’t flirt with PM to pieces - I’m afraid that I’ll get bored.

Before Mars from something similar I played in Masters of Orion . But in Masters, the interaction of cards is somehow very boring. A player cannot collect something so cool that not every other player will figure out. Masters has fairly simple abilities, often one-time use. There are simple cheap dummies, and there are cool expensive cards, for which there are often no resources. Everything is much cooler on Mars. Almost all the cards there are great, and they have their own ideal playback time. At the beginning of the game some cards are great, at the end others are great. It’s not like “here are 20 cards of the same type for oxygen, here are 30 for landscaping, here are 40 for everything else.” There are many different tricky and interesting maps in Mars. Moreover, using the draft method, the player decides what he needs and what he doesn’t.

But in addition to building chains of cards, you can go to the playing field and build cities there. And not just build, but wisely, getting not 1 VP for it, but as many as 5 (or even more).

And on top of that, I haven’t tried the solo mode yet, which, judging by the reviews, is simply great. I simply didn’t have a question about buying add-ons - I definitely took everything.

I'm sure this game will stay in my top list for a long time.


I used to very often advise beginners Carcassonne . At the same time, I myself was rather weakly familiar with this game. I played somewhere with someone a couple of times and didn’t find anything special in the game. Then I played K. at a tournament and realized that the game had huge potential and would have to be taken seriously somehow. This “somehow” came this year, when I recruited different Carcassonne , surrounded himself with them and began to study. Then K. appeared on BoardGameArena, and I could already play him not only live, but also on the Internet.

I've already played a whole bunch of games. Because I don’t count the games played, so I can’t say their exact number. But at least a hundred, for sure. I’m not a professional yet, of course, I won’t beat the world champion yet, but I’ve already mastered many tricky techniques. Previously, it seemed to me that in K. you just need to pull out a tile and connect it to another tile on which your meeple stands. I somehow never even thought about conflict in K. At BGA they showed me how you can capture other people's roads and cities. And what is happening in the fields cannot be described in words.

I found a lot of cool new tiles in the small special stages. Independent bases showed what else a K base could be.

This board game is very enjoyable to play. I don’t know why seasoned board gamers call it boring and end up selling it. I look at my stack Carcassonne , and I want to buy something else for the collection, although I understand perfectly well that all independent sets are quite specific and no better than the main “blue” base. But I still want to.

This is really a game that I always play with pleasure.

Love Letter Premium

This game was already on my top list once. I removed it from there only for the reason that I had played enough of it and didn’t want to. The game stopped bringing surprises, because... it has a small number of characters. When you play 20 rounds in one evening, the replay value of such a game rapidly begins to decline. It's cool, it's fun, but I wanted something more.

It seems that not so long ago an expanded edition of the game appeared on BGA. At least I only noticed her there in the summer. A bunch of new characters have been added to the game, which do not replace the base ones, but are played along with them. As a result, the deck of cards became noticeably thicker. I was interested in getting to know the new features of the game. I assumed in absentia that the new properties of the cards would be improved properties of the old ones, but I was wrong. The new characters have cool unique properties that made the game even more interesting. You have to think more, because... the number of twos, threes and other numbers in the game has increased. Now it’s not so easy to kill someone with a guard, because... It became more difficult to guess. It seems that the game has become a little longer and more hardcore, but in fact this is not the case, because... In the expanded edition, cards appeared that guarantee victory even if you lose. Those. In some ways, the rounds have become longer, but more victory tokens have been distributed.

I was pleased that the new cards interacted differently with the old ones. There are many new tricks and tactics. Game Love Letter began to delight again with its minimalism and grace. I still sometimes play it on BGA and wait for HV to publish a new one Secret message . For me, this publication is a real must-have. It’s clear that after a certain number of games this edition will get boring, but for now it makes me very happy. Definitely to the top!

Pixel Tactics

I immediately liked PT. Both parts published by GaGa pleased me, for which I immediately gave them high marks. True, they still did not reach the top.

The change happened when a friend came to visit me and asked me to play PT, because I heard that it was a cool card game and I seemed to praise the game. I chose PT2, which I like more than PT1. The difference between me and my friend was that I more or less knew the cards, but he saw them for the first time. Quite quickly I managed to press him to the wall. The friend had only one move to avoid defeat. He sadly looked at his cards and analyzed the situation on the field, and eventually decided to spend an action on a set of cards. He read each drawn card for a long time and very carefully. And in the end I discovered something very cool that saved him from imminent death and put my victory in question. A round later I was already hanging on the brink of death. I also typed in a map which helped me a lot. As a result, we pulled the victory to our side several times, which greatly amused me. I really liked that game; my friend said that if he knew the cards better, he would have enjoyed the game more. After that evening, I really wanted to blog about how the PTs rose even higher in my eyes. But I never wrote anything =)

I really like PT as a smart tactical game. All cards are different, and their capabilities change depending on their location on the field. You have to think a lot about how best to use cards and what actions to play. And if you combine the two parts together, you get a hell of a mixture. I won’t say that I play PT often, but I always do it with great pleasure. The main thing is that the opponent is experienced and not a beginner in board games.

True, I’m sure that PT will not stay in the top for long. At the moment I really like the game, but something cooler and more massive may easily appear that I will like much more.


I'm really ashamed of how I used to criticize this game. And it seemed like there was a reason for it. I wanted to play it so badly 5 years ago, because... for a long time Agricola was on my wishlist. And then I played twice (once I got into the minus, and the second time I scored a very small plus) and was very upset. I didn't expect the game to be such a crisis. I played with experienced players who warned me about feeding, but there was no food on the field all the time, and I didn’t know how else to get it. In general, the first experience turned out to be lousy, so Agricole I gave her a low rating and constantly scolded her afterwards.

A terribly dull agricultural theme, crisis situation, a lot of action, but few points, long gameplay - that’s what it was like for me Agricola . I didn’t understand any of the enthusiastic reviews, but I didn’t argue with the fans of the game, because... I understood that this was not a game problem, but my problem. It's just not my game.

What made me change my mind? In 2013 I played Stone Age and since then I have considered this game exemplary in terms of worker placement. I was very interested in what other iconic games there were with this mechanic. Bought on advice Tzolk'in gave me fits of puppyish delight. You can also watch this game in my top. On BGG you can look at game ratings not only by year, but also by mechanics/classifications. Worker placement has become my favorite mechanic, so I went to BGG to see what else was cool from this opera. And guess what? I was immediately first on the list Agricola . I was very surprised that Agricola is the number 1 game on the list of worker placement games. She’s... nothing.

But then HV offered me this game for review. I was in a very difficult situation. I don't buy games that I don't really like. I don’t see the point in writing “bad” reviews, I don’t see the point in getting involved with games that I don’t like. True, with Agricola I met at a time when I didn’t play Eurogames at all. Things have changed in a few years, so I decided to take a chance and give the game a chance. Although he himself understood that if the game does not trample, then it is unlikely that HV will say - yes, Sasha, of course write an angry review, just scold more harshly, do not be shy in your expressions.

I took a risk and was right. When I figured out the rules myself (and didn’t play by retelling my friends’ rules), when I reviewed all the cards, when I tried to understand the principle of the game without rushing, Agricola suddenly blossomed with all its colors.

I really like that in Agricole With each move, the number of places on which meeples can be placed increases. Those. There are more and more delicious places and you have to think about how to develop your family, how to perform more actions than you could at the beginning of the game. There is a crisis, but when you know how to effectively feed your relatives, the game becomes much easier. In this game, it is very important to see which cell you need to occupy quickly before someone else does it. Roughly speaking, you need to see the difference in benefit between 3 sticks and 1 pig. If you don't see it, you lose.

IN Agricola I don’t want to play it often, but it finally brings me pleasure =)

As you can see, the top has changed by only 6 positions. And mainly due to the fact that you play less and less old games, because... Something new is constantly appearing. I can’t find one game and say - this is number one, which I will play every week and post reports on it. But it seems to me that 6 games from my top will definitely remain there forever, because they are very cool =)

From what could have made it to the top, but for some reason did not make it:

  • Orleans . It’s too early to talk about tops, because... The base does not fully satisfy my needs. But I have high hopes for the second addition, which many board gamers praise. If it really corrects the shortcomings of the base, then Orleans can easily get to the top;
  • Alien planet . When I played before writing the review, I had a very good time with this board. It will be interesting to see what the addition does, which they have already promised to publish in Russian. If it’s even more fun to play with him, then the game will have every chance of getting into the top;
  • Isle of Skye . A wonderful game, but you need to play it more to draw clear conclusions. I really like it so far;
  • Steel Arena . This is an excellent project by a Russian author. Lately I haven’t been able to find SA players, so I feel underplayed. I'm looking forward to the addition!
  • La Granja . I've played it 2 times so far, so it's too early to draw conclusions. So far the game seems very cool, with many ways to develop (everything I like). I’m not sure if it’s top, but suddenly the third eye will open in the fifth game =)
  • Bastion . The game is interesting, but I'm still waiting for the additions that Pegasov promised. It seems to me that this game really needs to be developed. Add the long-promised undead, introduce new cards into the game. If there are no extras, Bastion will remain just a very good game;
  • Forbidden Stars . Games shop Lately he likes to say that there is no game. And I have it =) And I play it sometimes, but I want to play more. The toy is hardcore, it needs good players who don’t often come to visit me (or I visit them). Therefore, I decided not to put a game that I rarely play in the top. Let him grow a little along with my experience.

Honestly, I've played a lot of cool games this year. I don’t even know what I should write about in the annual report at the end of December, because everything I read was very good. You won’t be able to limit yourself to even a dozen positions =)

In general, it’s good that the top is changing. This means that I am not marking time and encounter something new and interesting.

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Coiledspring Games' board game Kingdomino wins prize Best Game(Best Game) at the Spiel des Jahres. Thus, Kingdomo wins the prestigious annual German board game world award.

The winners were awarded in July 2017: Now we know the best board games on the market, which were evaluated by a jury of experts.

The game Kingdomino was named by the jury of the show best game.

In Kingdomino ("royal dominoes", a game for 2-4 players) you must become the king of your region. Manage your tiles (domino tiles) as wisely as possible to create the most impressive worlds, but be careful because other kings are also hungry for lucrative lands to win with the most prestige points.

Who will win?..

Thames & Kosmos also won an award at the annual ceremony, taking home the top prize in the Kennerspiel des Jahres category for its innovative developments in the EXIT Games series.

Best board games 2017

Let's look at the list of winners.

Nomination Games of 2017

King Domino by Bruno Catala
Publisher: Pegasus Spiele.
Terrain planner, 2-4 players.

Magic Maze by Kasper Lapp
Publisher: Sit Down!, Distribution: Pegasus Spiele.
A cooperative game that can be played by 1 to 8 desperate heroes.

Racing on Eldorado from Reiner Knizia
Publisher: Ravensburger.
2 to 4 players, fast treasure hunters.

Tempel des Schreckens

Nomination Best children's games 2017

Captain Silver, by Wolfgang Dirscherl & Manfred Reindl
Publisher: Queen Games.
A fast-paced treasure hunt for 2 to 4 keen pirates aged 6+.

ICECOOL by Brian Gomez ( first place)
Publisher: Amigo.
Cold walks, 2 to 4 players, from 6 years old.

Mysterious forest, from Carlo A. Rossi
Publisher: Iello, sales: Hutter Trade.
An adventurous trip for 2 to 4 smart Boy Scouts from 6 years old.

I decided to put together a current selection of what I have high hopes for in 2017. I think that closer to the end of the year it will be interesting to return to this list and update my thoughts based on the games played or impressions in absentia.

Let's go from the least expected to the most desirable.

  1. CO₂: Second Edition
  1. Pandemic Legacy: Season 2

One of the most vivid impressions of last year was completing the first season campaign. For two months we only worked on it - we were looking forward to the next Saturday to open some box, glue the components and get a new portion of a thoughtful and interesting plot.

Now Rob Davio has an even more difficult task - not only to produce an interesting sequel in terms of storytelling, but also to introduce hitherto unseen legacy features into it. So far, the first photos are encouraging. As you can see, the playing field will undergo serious changes; there is no talk of any world map anymore.

In general, it will be interesting to see how long the second season will last. And won’t it turn out that due to the lack of a “wow” effect, everything will seem secondary and not so exciting.

  1. Charterstone

Stonemaier Games (, Between Two Cities, Euphoria) is keeping up with the times and soon plans to launch a Kickstarter for its new ambitious legacy project about building villages. There is no doubt that it will turn out beautifully, but what is meant by the word legacy in the title? If these are just additional rules and modules, as in ““, then so-so. Still, I want a full-fledged legacy with sticker boxes and global fateful decisions.

Judging by the latest information, location buildings on the common field designed to accommodate workers will be changed and added. With each batch, the choice of where to send your charges will increase. The components will be modified over 12 batches. According to the author, at the end everyone will receive their own unique Eurogame that retains replayability.

Jamie's Euros come out great, and if he properly spices everything up with development from game to game, it might turn out to be a sweetie. The main thing is not to overdo it, like with Seafall. Here the Euro-core itself should be fascinating, not overloaded, for an hour and a half.

  1. This War of Mine: The Board Game

And again, a cooperative game with a rich storyline, telling the story of the survival of ordinary people during the civil war. A dilapidated house, a minimum of amenities, a shortage of provisions and medicines, various illnesses, uninvited guests - the heroes of the computer sequel will face all these problems.

The peculiarity of, at first glance, an ordinary survival simulator lies in the so-called “scripts” - event paragraphs that are read when special cards are pulled out. In general, the toy is intriguing with its theme (not viruses or zombies) and its emphasis on atmosphere. And the fact that Michał Oracz (Neuroshima Hex) is listed as a co-author adds confidence that something good will come out.

  1. First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet

For us, this is an exciting and atmospheric team adventure that you can embark on by lounging in a comfortable chair and brewing a mug of tea. First Martians will use the same exploration, progression, and event mechanics, but in a different, currently popular Martian setting, which I really like.

Yes, this time the heroes will have to face the difficulties of survival on the red planet. In addition to the change of scenery, it is also attractive that numerous decks of cards will be replaced by a digital application. This will not only save time on preparation, but will allow you to program certain plot twists based on the specific actions, successes or failures of the players. Perhaps earlier I would have been skeptical about the introduction of a tablet, but having tried the second edition, I am now looking forward to how convenient and appropriate everything can be.

Regarding the number of scenarios, Ignatius recently said that the base box will have 6 independent stories, plus two campaigns with 5 scenarios each. Well, not bad. The only thing that worries me so far is the final design. I hope that Mars will not be sketchy, but picturesque, to match the already illuminated miniatures.

This is the list we got. There are a lot of cooperative games for survival, as well as games with a legacy component. This is exactly what my soul has been demanding lately, because I haven’t felt a shortage of good euros for a long time. In general, while I was writing, my mouth was already watering - so many interesting things await us this year!

Various virtual projects give us a lot of emotions and sensations, but there are no less interesting options for spending time with the whole company - it is with this in mind that we present you the best board games.

The Settlers of Catan. A unique game that dates back to 1995 and has currently sold 15 million copies. It has simple rules, a pleasant design and is interesting to play - you can spend several hours watching the colonizers without any problems, and have quite a lot of fun. Cultivate completely new lands, harvest crops and do everything to become the best colonizer.

It’s worth mentioning that they even started holding world championships for this board game in 2012, so there’s nothing more to add here - just head to the store and then play with friends!

Middle Ages (Carcassonne). Another phenomenon in the board game industry that is played by all ages. The game is designed for 2-5 people and takes up to 1.5 hours. During the game, you yourself lay out the playing field from cards, which makes it possible to create unique worlds every time. You have to capture as many territories as possible and score points to win.

At the moment, the game has sold 7 million copies and this figure continues to grow rapidly every day. Some players even buy several boxes to increase the number of cards.

Pandemic. But in this game you will need to take control of saving the world. One game takes about an hour on average and can accommodate up to 4 players. If you usually have to compete and take everything to heart, here the maximum emphasis is placed on team play. Unite and send the best specialists in the world to fight raging diseases.

There are wonderful and well-thought-out mechanics here without any accidents, there are moments where you will need to lively and actively communicate - overall a very wonderful game.

Dominion. Designed for 1.5 hours of play for a maximum of four people, this board game is a set of cards. Each player will have to redeem them and build their own deck to collect points and further victory. 10 types of kingdom cards in each game, 25 in a box and plus various additions - all this guarantees many hours of exciting gameplay that will present you with new surprises every time.

Save money, turn coppers into gold, collect a unique set and show that you are the best Dominion!

The best board games

7 Wonders. But this wonderful game can keep seven people busy for at least an hour. You have to go to the distant times of conquest and engage in the production of resources, the development of the army, the construction of Wonders of the World, filling the treasury and applying the laws of development. It’s like the well-known Civilization in computer games, only on paper and simpler in the good sense of the word.

The replay value of the game is simply amazing, and the competitive spirit is present like nowhere else. If you want to show off your tactical acumen and outdo everyone, then this is your chance.

Agricola. This board invites you to try on the role of a landowner. You, alone or in the company of three other people, lead your own agricultural farms to success by periodically competing. Colorful design, unusual rules, and even a simplified family version of the rules for those new to board games.

As for replayability, there are no identical games. Always and everything is new, taking into account the fact that everyone follows their own path of development and collecting points.

Puerto Rico. Over the course of 2 hours, you and 4 players are offered to experience a rather interesting confrontation on one of the Caribbean islands. The game is somewhat similar to Colonizers - you need to cultivate plantations, import products and always be able to get around your rivals in cunning ways.

A board game that offers unique combinations and is the true quintessence of Eurogames. Build unique buildings, perform unusual actions, be more cunning than others and you will definitely succeed.

Ticket to Ride. A game with a huge list of rewards, which can easily compete with Colonizers or the Middle Ages and entertain a company of 5 people. The player needs to collect various cards, stake out certain routes and then lay them between cities.

You have to make quite complex tactical decisions, but despite this, the rules of the game are simply extremely simple and can be learned in just a couple of minutes. At the moment, almost 3 million copies have already been sold.

Small World. A board game of medium difficulty for a whole company of 5 players or at least 2. Offers a plunge into the world of magic and fantasy. The simplest mechanics, 14 main races and a bunch of additions, constant competition, wars, intrigue and much more awaits you here.

It looks quite beautiful and plays excitingly, so it’s simply impossible not to fall in love with such a masterpiece! There is simply more than enough fun and unusual adventures here!

Power Grid. We have already seen something similar in Ticket to Train, only here we are talking about laying power lines. You need to buy power plants, provide them with a specific type of fuel at any cost, and then lay the lines. You can play together or gather a group of up to 6 people.

The game is suitable for gambling people who love to think carefully - it is not the simplest on this list, but in the end it brings a huge amount of pleasure from the game and fun in the process.