Good night wishes. Good night poems

The yellow moon shines in the dark sky,
She sends you pleasant dreams in bed.
I miss you a lot, I love you, I want to hug you,
But, good night! - I can only wish!
I mentally kiss your pretty nose,
And I bite my heel like a cute dog.
Maybe you'll soon fall into bed with me,
For now, these are all just sweet dreams.

The night over the city opened a starry umbrella.
And, wrapped in a velvet blanket,
The day goes far beyond the horizon.
The light faded, and the Moon fell into the pond.
To avoid unnecessary words,
I rhyme simple lines like this:
The night will be full of pleasant dreams,
Just close your eyes. Good night!

Look out the window, you see, it's dark there,
All dogs and cats have been dreaming for a long time.
You and I are tired, we will also sleep,
So that you have the strength to play tomorrow.
May you dream of what you love,
The night can make all your dreams come true.
Rest, my angel, close your eyes,
And when you wake up, greet a new day!

A ginger cat purrs by the fireplace,
A shadow carefully descends across the glass.
The night scattered stars like peas across the sky,
Son sat down at the empty table, waiting.
Walking silently through the night corridors,
Ole Lukoje wanders with an armful of umbrellas.
And the clock on the wall sighs monotonously:
Good night to you! Sleep baby, sweet dreams!

With a bag of sweets and a teddy bear,
Someone's dream is skipping along.
With a good, kind, smart book,
And a soft blanket under your arm.
They rush to sleep and get bumps
Hugs, kisses without shortness of breath.
To give to my favorite mouse for bedtime
Sound sleep until the morning without respite.

I wish you good night, bye-bye!
Come on, close your eyes quickly!
Don't look at me from under the sheet.
After all, I see that you are not sleeping, don’t lie to me.
And if you can't fall asleep quickly,
We'll have to count the elephants, my dear.
Well, that’s all, I see you’re already sniffling.
Good night! Sweet dreams to you, baby!

Wonderful, sweet dreams
I wish you, it's time to sleep.
The singing of spring birds subsides -
We won't hear them until the morning.
Lie down too, my dear,
Hiding your palms under your cheek.
I dream of being with you, you know
I'm far away, but I'm all yours!

You, my friend, don’t shed tears,
According to your unfulfilled dreams.
Better pour yourself some cognac,
In the coming sleep, maybe half a gram.
And let's go to bed quickly,
Forget quickly the worries of the day,
To dance all night in a dream
Only with the prince. And forget the horse!

Night outside the window. The morning is far away.
A gentle, subtle Lady is waiting for you.
Her name is easy for me to guess.
You just call her Pajamas.
Dreams are in great demand - and there is not enough for everyone.
Come on, don't snore too sluggishly.
Sleep, sweet dreams, may you dream of success!
Your heels are sticking out - cover them with a blanket!

Of course, I need to wish you good night.
Sleep quickly! And don’t count the flock of lambs!
Don't snore and don't sniffle! Have pity on your neighbors!
They probably already dream about a herd of bears.
Don't think about me! I can't sleep anyway.
Otherwise I’ll be terribly angry with you!
I will come to you in a dream - I will pull off the blanket,
So that you feel cold there without me.

Good night, may you have dreams,
In which you will have a blast with all your strength,
In which your joy knows no bounds,
And so that life bursts forth with a spring, so that it burns with fire.
Don’t deny your soul and feelings anything,
Surrender to the sweetness of dreams and plunge into their riot,
Dance, shout and sing at the top of your lungs, not knowing the notes of confusion,
And, even at night, don’t rush to deny the fun!

Well, I can’t sleep, I’m trying to close my eyes.
And it’s all just because I get lost in my thoughts.
I'm wondering how to wish you good night now.
And now my whole mind is focused on this rhyme.
Do you think I'm not serious? Well, there is a little, I smile,
I’m trying to tear a little piece from your dream.
Well, okay, sweet dreams, because you need to wake up soon.
Get some sleep so that in the morning you will have the strength to run around with all your errands again.

Wisdom says: “Brevity is the sister of talent.” Sometimes it is better to say briefly, but put meaning into the words, than to waste water. And it’s true - it happens that one cool sentence or even a few words will evoke much more emotions, impressions and incredible sensations than a whole ridiculous poem...

On the website we have collected the best, gentle, touching short wishes for good night. You can send a beautiful voice wish or select and copy one of the text wishes below:

Go to sleep, good night
I will guard your sleep.
And I really want to ask
Kiss me in a dream.
* * *

* * *
What a night, what a sky!
I wish you a good night's sleep!
I love you and miss you,
In my dream I want to hug you!
* * *
Good night, little angel!
I love you, kiss you, I’m waiting for the call!
* * *
I wish you peaceful dreams.
Let my love dream!
Even in my dreams I live with you!
You are my happiness, my angel!
* * *
The stars lit up like pearls,
Everyone has gone home...
I wish you a sweet night
I'm burning with love for you.

Beautiful good night wishes

I have trouble sleeping alone
I want to fall asleep with you,
And while you're not here,
I'm waiting for a text message in response.
* * *
My heart wishes you good night.
And my lips kiss you before bed.
Good night darling...
* * *
Everyone closes their eyes because they want to sleep
and I close my eyes because I want to see you in my dreams!
Good night!
* * *
Good night my dear,
I want to be next to you.
Both in a dream and in reality -
I love you so much!
* * *
Let when you go to bed,
An angel will sit on the bed
And will bring you on the wings of the night
From me - good night!
* * *
Sorry if I'm disturbing your sleep,
I just miss you so much
And I hasten to say quickly,
I really want to hug you!
* * *
My kitten, I wish you good night,
I miss you very, very much...
* * *
I sit half the night and still wait,
That you will write me just one line - just three words:
"I love you!"
* * *
May dreams bring rest and peace.
Good night, my dear angel.
* * *
SMS will fly
To the house where my kitten sleeps,
It won't disturb your peace.
Sleep, my angel, I am with you.

Best good night wishes

Let the night cover you with a gentle blanket,
And the clear moon will give you a sweet dream.
May all the love and tenderness on the planet
Tonight they will be just for you!
Good night!
* * *
You will see a wonderful dream.
He will be full of happiness.
You will be lovely in your dreams,
Well, I'm in love with you.
* * *
I wish you a tender night,
I protect you.
Can you sleep quietly?
Take a look into the kingdom of the sleeping.
* * *
I'll make a dream for you,
The best on earth.
You lie down and go to sleep,
Close your eyes.
* * *
Good night! Let fatigue
It will melt like spring snow.
Let there be joy in your heart in the morning,
And a new day brings success!
* * *
Tonight, in my crib,
When you're already asleep,
I'll take a quick peek into your dream,
To kiss you!!!

The sun fell asleep outside the window,
And the birds don't sing loudly,
The cat is curled up and dozing,
There is oblivion and comfort all around.

A slender month has risen to heaven,
And the stars shine on the ceiling.
Good night, sleep well,
And you're sniffling into your collar...

Night crept up on us quietly, like a cat,
Covered the streets with the noise and light of the houses.
I want to stay with you a little longer
And wish you wonderful dreams,
After all, we feel so good when we are close.
There is no point in tolerating separation all day long.
Where there are feelings, there is no need for unnecessary words...
I love you so much, good night.

I wish you easy dreams,
And let this wish come true,
Time slows down,
The night remembers all my promises.

There is no word of untruth in them,
Just words of love
Go to sleep peacefully -
She will protect you from everything.

The night will cover your sleep like a blanket
And I want to tell you all the words: you
My life, my barrier, and this
The meeting was heaven sent.
There will be a day, but now it’s cool,
The quiet moon is breathing through my window,
I don’t need anything else except you!
Good night, my love is my reward,
My action is a breath of fresh air

Blanket of Mysterious Night
It fell on the big city,
It’s like cozy autumn again,
Everything was covered with rustling leaves.

A fairy is coming to visit us,
To show good dreams,
And she won't let the villain in,
And make you fly in your dreams.

The fairy will teach you a simple miracle,
Happiness is like tearing off a petal,
And she will find a small key,
Good luck will open the lock for them.

Sleep until a ray of light penetrates the window,
While sleep is blown by the cool night breeze,
Sleep, my angel, under the shadow of fervent prayers,
That declarations of love are kept between the lines.

The sun disappeared without goodbye
And night came to replace the visit.
It's time to sleep, my charm.
The moon has already risen into its domain.

I invite you on a date to the world of dreams.
Let's go to a magical land
Where there are no enemies and everyday shackles,
I call my love alone into this dream.

The neighbor's children have been sleeping for a long time
And the stars in the sky burn brightly...
But I won't be able to sleep for sure,
Without wishing you “Good night!”

I will guard your sleep like an angel,
Shield yourself from terrible nightmares.
I will only allow you pleasant dreams,
Preferably those where you and I are together!

The world slumbers, covering with peace
Every living thing in the world.
I just can't fall asleep
I would like to sit next to you,

Sing as if to a baby
A lullaby about quiet sleep,
So that colorful dreams come to our house.
And I will quietly say to the moon,

To dim the light a little
And it wouldn't bother you to sleep.
The night has covered the whole Earth with slumber,
So it's time for us to go to bed.

Sleep, I'll cover you with a blanket,
And I will warm you with all my warmth...
Rest, because the night is very short.
The day will come and it will be bright for us.

Sweet dreams, I kiss you tenderly,
I hug you, even if it’s far away.
Know that I live on hope alone -
We'll meet the morning together, that's easy.

The day gone by slipped from my lips
Your “bye” is for all people.
Only my heart left a pounding
Your “hello, I love you more”...

The temptations of the day rushed past.
Everything is as always, we mean each other.
Under the crackle of your favorite fireplace
We plan leisure hours.

Your breath is the power over my life.
Now it has a lullaby feel.
As I fall asleep, I see my beloved gaze
And I take my caramel to sleep.

Good night, sweet dreams.
The path to the valley of dreams is this,
What is so tempting
So beautiful and so deceiving
That there's no way out
To us from his sweet paws...

Heavenly stars
Glow in the dark
And one wonderful shines
Only for you!
The eyes are closing,
Night outside the window!
May you dream
The sweetest dream

Night and silence will come,
When you fall asleep peacefully,
My soul will come to you,
And kiss you tenderly!!!

The naughty and naughty moon
She comes into her own again
You will receive my SMS for the night again...
I want to wish you good night :))

Short and beautiful good night poems

The night has come, you're in your crib
I kiss you sweetly
And I wish you good night,
My beloved Angel!!!

I wish you sweet dreams
Like sugar in a cup of tea.
May it give you Joy,
pleasure this night -
A time of fairy tales and unfulfilled hopes.

I see how tenderly you smile in your sleep,
And the moonlight got tangled in your eyelashes...
I love looking at it in silence so much,
When time's boundaries are erased...

The door closed
I want to sleep
I'm already flying in the world of dreams,
Remember me in short
And now good night!

I wish you good night!
And for the hundredth time I repeat
Sweet dreams and good night!
I miss you very much
And you are silent again in response,
It's like you don't have any money...

A crazy day has curled up into a ball,
Alluring with sweet wine,
Melting a thousand delights
And the pleasures of a secret warehouse.
You too will find this valuable treasure,
Just close your eyes quickly.

Beautiful good night poems for a man

Secret mystery of nature,
I can't understand her.
With you in my thoughts at sunrise,
And when I go to bed, I want to hug you!

Night is the purple queen,
What spread over the Earth,
Where sometimes we can’t sleep,
A shawl of stars, whose light is whiter
White snow on a winter day,
And the twinkling stars fly
Silvery, light shower
To us when the soul does not sleep.
Good night wishes
The light brought distant stars.
A dream - it has a charm:
It contains the whole world of magical dreams.
I love you, kiss you! Bye bye!

I'll come, you just have to wait...
And I will draw the dawn at sunset...
Unnecessary rains will go away,
I think we've had enough of living in sadness.

Good night, sweet dreams,
What is pleasant to us without words,
What sadness carries into the distance,
Everything you won’t be sorry to part with...

Good night my angel,
I love you with all my soul,
I kiss you, tenderly, hug you tightly,
And know that I miss you!

Good night poems beautiful sms

Good night my piece of happiness,
So desirable, like the sun in bad weather,
Lie down, relax and sleep,
Perhaps you will see me there.

May the night bring you peace
And rest from worries,
You'll dream about you and me,
Love is a cycle.

Good night. Sleep sweetly
And think about me.
About our fairytale love
May you have dreams!

Gently guarding your sleep,
The night is coming towards you,
The stars mutter tenderly:
“Sleep, kitten, good night!”

I can't sleep now
I want to look into your eyes,
I want to touch your lips
And wake up with you in the morning.

Beautiful poems wishing good night to your beloved woman

I miss you so much
I want to hug you!
Kitten, remember me,
When you go to bed!

Know that I love you!
Go to bed early
And wait for me in your dreams.

I wish you good night,
May the night give you a sweet dream,
And let me caress you in your dreams,
I can't control myself!!