Peppermint leaf tincture use. To relieve pain and inflammation in the mouth

Formula, chemical name: no data.
Pharmacological group: organotropic agents/myotropic antispasmodics; organotropic drugs / gastrointestinal drugs / antiemetics.
Pharmachologic effect: antiemetic, sedative, antispasmodic.

Pharmacological properties

Peppermint leaf tincture is a medicinal product plant origin. Peppermint leaves contain essential oil (it contains about 50% menthol with its esters, 3-pinene, pulegone, limonene, cineole, dipentene and other terpenoids), ursulic acid, oleanoic acid, flavonoids, carotenoids, tannins, betaine, hesperedin, trace elements (strontium, manganese, copper). Peppermint leaves tincture has a mild sedative effect and a moderate antispasmodic effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Therapeutic effect, is mainly due to essential oil components, of which menthol is the most studied. After ingestion, menthol irritates the cold receptors of the mucous membrane oral cavity, which activates the formation and secretion of enkephalins, endorphins, dynorphins, peptides that play important role in the regulation of vascular permeability and tone, pain, modulation different systems mediators. These effects lead to reflex expansion of the cerebral, coronary, pulmonary vessels. Menthol stimulates respiratory center, suppresses the gag reflex. Essential oil components have an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles gastrointestinal tract And urinary tract, gently stimulate the secretion of the digestive glands. The sedative effect is provided by isovaleric acid esters. Flavonoids from peppermint leaves together with menthol provide a choleretic effect. Menthol, cineole, ursolic acid, limonene, beta-pinene, tannins provide antimicrobial and antifungal effects and are involved in recovery functional state ciliated epithelium of the upper respiratory tract.


As a symptomatic remedy for spasms smooth muscles gastrointestinal tract, nausea, vomiting.

Method of use of peppermint leaves tincture and dose

Peppermint leaves tincture is taken orally. Adults: 10-15 drops per dose until symptoms disappear, but no more than 3-4 times a day. The duration of use is 1 - 2 weeks.
When adverse reactions peppermint leaves tincture, including those not described in these instructions, you must stop using the drug and consult your doctor.
If symptoms of the disease persist or the condition worsens while using peppermint leaves tincture for three days, you must inform your doctor.
Contents of the absolute ethyl alcohol in the maximum single dose of peppermint leaves tincture is 0.25 g. The content of absolute ethyl alcohol in the maximum daily dose The preparation of peppermint leaves tincture is 0.9 g.
When using peppermint leaves tincture, caution must be exercised when engaging in potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions (including control vehicles, mechanisms). If adverse reactions develop that may have negative impact to perform these types of activities, it is necessary to refuse to perform potentially dangerous species activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions (including driving vehicles and machinery).

Contraindications for use

Hypersensitivity (including to auxiliary components of the drug), childhood, lactation period, pregnancy.

Restrictions on use

Liver diseases, alcoholism, brain diseases, central nervous system, traumatic brain injuries.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of peppermint leaves tincture is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Side effects of peppermint leaves tincture

Allergic reactions.

Interaction of peppermint leaves tincture with other substances

Peppermint leaves tincture for joint use enhances the effect of antihypertensive drugs central action and drugs that depress the central nervous system, therefore dose adjustment of these drugs is necessary.
Peppermint leaf tincture, when used together, reduces the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines.


There have been no cases of overdose when using peppermint leaves tincture.

Trade names of drugs with the active ingredient of peppermint leaves tincture

Peppermint tincture

Combined drugs:
Belladonna tincture + Valerian medicinal rhizomes with roots tincture + Peppermint leaves tincture + Wormwood bitter herb tincture: Bellavamen; Valerian tincture 20 ml, wormwood tincture 15 ml, peppermint tincture 10 ml, belladonna tincture 5 ml; Gastroguttal;
Hawthorn fruit tincture + Valerian officinalis rhizomes with roots tincture + Diphenhydramine + Peppermint leaves tincture + Motherwort herb tincture: Valemidin®.

Medicinal herbs are used in traditional and homeopathic medicine. Nowadays herbal medicine and aromatherapy are very popular. Also, herbs are a means of prevention, health maintenance and excellent rehabilitation therapy. Medicinal plants exists great amount, but most often we don’t know what they are for and how to use them.


Tea with mint and lemon is a favorite drink of many Russians. Mint grows in vegetable gardens, orchards, and sometimes even just as a weed. It can be bought in a regular store and in every pharmacy. But what do we know about her? There are a huge number of plants of the mint genus (more than forty species). They all contain menthol, although they differ greatly in chemical composition essential oils, and, accordingly, by smell and beneficial properties.

Let's consider one of the most popular types of mint - peppermint. This is a cultivated plant that now grows everywhere in Russia.

Widely used in cooking, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetology. The most convenient and in a useful way its application is peppery. Instructions for use will directly depend on the type of tincture.

Medicinal properties of peppermint

  • If you have flatulence. Before running to the doctor, go through difficult and unpleasant examinations, it is worth trying to take courses of a medicine such as peppermint tincture. How to use? Drink a couple of tablespoons of regular broth (without alcohol) during or after meals.
  • If small wounds or pimples appear on the skin. A regular peppermint tincture will come to the rescue - instructions for use are not needed here. Apply the product to a cotton pad and lubricate the damaged area two to three times a day.
  • If you are concerned about cholecystitis, bile stagnation, digestive problems, gastritis. Mint is great for removing unpleasant symptoms and improve the functioning of internal organs.
  • If you have a headache, you can try drinking mint tea.
  • With nausea, including toxicosis of pregnant women, the smell of essential oil helps well. But it is worth remembering that many things can be taken, but not peppermint tincture. The instructions for use clearly indicate contraindications, including pregnancy. Ladies in interesting position can only be used essential oils in an aroma lamp or mint drops.
  • If your stomach hurts, it will help reduce pain, relieve cramps and cramps.
  • It will help with angina pectoris. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of dry mint and let it brew for 10-15 minutes.

Infusion recipe

Usually in medicinal purposes use mint water (tea) or a medicine such as peppermint tincture. Instructions for use, photos of the preparation process - more on that later.

Mint is always harvested in dry weather, and approximately half of the flowers on the plant should already be in bloom. In our country, mint is harvested in only two summer months - June and July. Next, the branches with leaves and flowers are dried in special electric dryers or in the shade, hanging them in small bunches. Then all leaves and flowers are removed from the dried stems, ground into powder and stored in glass or metal jars in a dark, cool and always dry place. You can also store mint directly on the branches in bags made of natural cotton fabric or on paper.

Then, over the course of a year, a peppermint tincture is prepared, instructions for use of which should be in every home. It is customary to make alcohol tincture using purified medical alcohol or good vodka. The alcohol concentration will be different in each case. Can be filled dried mint pure alcohol and add only a few drops a day to tea or, conversely, dilute the alcohol with water and drink with spoons, for example, before bed. It will be alcoholic tincture peppermint, instructions for use in in this case must be issued by the attending physician. After preparing the infusion, it is stored in a warm, dark place, the liquid is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

Very popular means home medicine are mint teas. In moderation, such a drink cannot cause harm, and its rich taste and aroma will definitely have a positive effect on your overall well-being. Peppermint is also often added to ready-made herbal teas from many ailments.

Where can I buy it?

Of course, it’s not so difficult to grow it yourself, make raw materials and make such a medicine with your own hands. But in all pharmacies the prices are very affordable price You can purchase crushed dried leaves, ready-made infusions for any occasion, and even packaged bags of mint tea.

Peppermint tincture. Instructions for external use

Peppermint for ARVI

For colds, sore throat, cough and runny nose, a doctor general practice can advise using the infusion in different ways:

Contraindications for use

You should not use alcohol infusions if:

  • You are in an interesting position.
  • Breastfeed.
  • You have low blood pressure - hypotension.
  • You have varicose veins.
  • You have been unable to conceive a child for more than one year.

You should also not give alcohol infusions to children under three years of age.

Excessive consumption of mint in men can cause libido and erection problems.

Peppermint tincture is dangerous for drivers, instructions for use, reviews - all this reminds of the alcohol content. So this medicine is definitely not suitable for those who like to drive a personal car in the morning.

Mint in cooking

Of course, such a fragrant plant could not help but find its use in Food Industry. And in addition to numerous mint chewing gums, candies, lemonades and alcoholic drinks with its addition, we can see recipes with mint for ordinary housewives.

Dried crushed mint goes very well with vegetables (especially tomatoes, zucchini, cabbage, carrots) and legumes. All over the world it is added to various sauces, homemade lemonades, compotes, fruit drinks, syrups and jelly. And of course, mint and flour can be considered the most delicious combination. Peppermint can give almost any baked goods (be it buns, pies, cakes or cookies) a special, sophisticated flavor.

Most importantly, we must not forget that you need to add very little mint (no more than five milligrams per serving). The usual rule for all spices also applies here: add the spice to the dish 5-10 minutes before it is fully cooked.

Mint is an aromatic plant of the Yamnotaceae family, well known to almost every person since childhood. This herb is very loved, and for its beneficial features has long been widely used in official and folk medicine, cooking, cosmetology and food industry.

It grows in all temperate climate zones and is found in wildlife, but is also often planted in summer cottages and garden plots. It is also grown on farms for the needs of the pharmaceutical and food industries.

Chemical composition

The basis of the plant is essential oils: menthol (of which up to 65%), limonene, cineole and other terpenoids.

All parts of the plant contain vitamins C and group B, as well as microelements, organic and fatty acid, tannins, bitters, flavonoids and other chemical and biologically active compounds.

Properties of mint tincture

The healing properties of mint are easily explained by its unique biochemical composition. Thus, galenic substances give drugs from this plant sedative and antispasmodic properties.

They also have choleretic and reflex coronary dilating effects, and are also able to eliminate pain.

Due to their irritating effect on skin receptors, they are able to stimulate blood circulation in blood vessels, and especially in capillaries, activate peristalsis and secretion of gastrointestinal glands, increase appetite and reduce smooth muscle tone.

Metol also has antiseptic and antimicrobial effect, destroying pathogenic bacteria and pathogenic microflora. The substances contained in the plant are not tolerated by some types of helminths, so it is included in anthelmintic preparations.

Official medicine uses mint preparations as an aid in the treatment of inflammatory and colds oral cavity and upper respiratory tract. They are also effective in relieving migraines, treating neuralgia, relieving spasms during vomiting, nausea, flatulence, and stimulating choleretic functions in hepatitis, cholecystitis and cholelithiasis.

The vasodilating properties of menthol are also used in medicine; it is used for angina pectoris and problems with blood vessels. It has been noticed that they improve blood circulation in the brain and normalize cardiac activity and rhythm.

The pharmaceutical industry produces many drugs based on peppermint, from “Pectusin” and balm “ Golden Star"to "Corvalol" and "Valocordin".

Use in folk healing

Traditional medicine has long and willingly used mint in the treatment of various ailments. Mint infusions are recommended to be taken for sleep disorders, hysteria and nervous excitement. For toothache, rinse the mouth with a diluted aqueous infusion, and for a headache, apply compresses to the temples or rub the drug into the skin - due to the cooling effect, painful syndromes disappear for a long time.

A weak infusion of mint - the so-called mint tea is recommended to drink when overeating, especially fatty and heavy foods. It is recommended to take it for toxicosis of pregnancy, and a stronger infusion - for excessive menstruation, to lower blood pressure.

Compresses or baths with mint infusion are effective for joint pain and arthritis, itching and skin problems. It is noteworthy that peppermint is included in gastric charges, and for both high and low acidity.

IN home cosmetology water infusion mints are used when rinsing hair to improve growth and strengthen roots, wipe the skin or make mint ice to improve complexion and rejuvenate the skin.

Popular recipes

With increased acidity

Prepare the following mixture: 30 g of St. John's wort, 15 g of mint and yarrow, 2 g of three-leaf watch - mix and chop everything. 2 tbsp. l. Brew the herbal mixture with 2 cups (400-450 ml) of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 2 hours. Drink the entire infusion during the day, 2 tbsp. l.

For low stomach acidity

The collection will be slightly different: 20 g of mint, 15 g of yarrow, marsh grass and knotweed, 10 g of chamomile, valerian root, caraway seeds and dill, and 5 g of hop cones. Grind everything and 4 tbsp. pour the mix into a thermos with a liter of boiling water. Let it sit overnight. For the first morning dose, drink a glass of infusion on an empty stomach, then take it every 2 hours.

For heavy menstrual bleeding

2 tbsp. l. pour mint? l boiling water, leave for 2 hours and take in equal portions throughout the day.

For toxicosis, colic and digestive problems

1 tbsp. l. pour boiling water (200-250 ml), leave in a thermos for 30-40 minutes. Take 2 tbsp every 2 hours. l.

For arthritis and joint pain

For fatigue and nervous tension

1 tbsp. l. pour 200 ml of boiling water, keep in a steam bath or in a thermos for 20 minutes. Take according to? glasses morning and evening.

For stress and hysteria

1 tsp. pour a cup of boiling water, leave for 25-30 minutes. after which take 1/3 cup 3 times with honey. in a day.

Treatment of diarrhea

1 tbsp. l. Pour heapingly into a thermos, pour 0.25 liters of boiling water and leave for 40-60 minutes. Take equally in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed. It also helps with unpleasant belching, drinking in small sips.

For colds, ARVI, bronchitis and cough

Inhale mint tincture in a nebulizer or simply boil it in a saucepan, cover your head with a towel and carefully breathe in the steam.

For cramps and headaches

Alcohol tincture of mint is taken three times a day, 25 drops.

For problems with the gallbladder

Take 15 drops. alcohol infusion, diluted with water, 3 r. per day in 15 minutes. before meals.

For biliary dyskinesia

Take the infusion according to the same scheme, but double the amount of the drug.

For bad breath

You should rinse your mouth with a weak water infusion of mint for 3-4 r. in a day. Can be used alcohol tincture in a proportion of 15 drops. per glass of water.

For hypertension

2 tbsp. l. mint and chamomile blossom mixed with 1 tbsp. l. valerian. Steam the mixture? l boiling water and leave in a thermos for an hour. Take 1/3 cup. in the morning after meals for a month.

In the treatment of diabetes mellitus

Mix 1 tsp. dandelion root and 3 tsp. mint leaves, pour a glass of boiling water and steam in a water bath for 5-7 minutes. Leave for 30-40 minutes, strain and take stack 2-4 r. per day.

How to make peppermint tincture

Mint tincture is a common drug that can be freely purchased at any pharmacy, however, many people like to prepare such drugs on their own.

Alcohol tincture

IN glass jar or put 100 g of chopped mint in the bottle and fill it? liter of vodka or alcohol, cover with a tight lid and leave in a dark place for half a month. The container should be shaken daily.

When the infusion is ready, strain it through 2-3 layers of gauze, pour into a bottle with a stopper and store in a cool, dark place, using it as directed.

Instead of alcohol or vodka, you can use moonshine with a strength of at least 60 degrees, however, you need to be sure of its quality and safety.

Water infusion

Very often in recipes it is recommended to use water infusions, which also preserve all the beneficial properties of the plant. A classic water infusion is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l. Brew dry mint with a cup (200-250 ml) of boiling water and steam in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then the infusion must be filtered, squeezed through cheesecloth and used according to the recipe.

Preparation of mint

In order for the plant you have prepared for the winter to bring maximum benefit, you should follow a few simple rules shared by experienced herbalists.

  • Firstly, raw materials should be collected away from highways and railways, industrial enterprises and livestock grazing areas.
  • Secondly, the grass should be collected in dry weather and after the dew has evaporated, which means earlier in the morning and late evening unfavorable for collection.
  • Mint should be harvested after the inflorescences form; at this time the plant is most fragrant and rich in nutrients.
  • Carefully select plants for harvesting, and resolutely discard damaged and diseased plants.
  • When harvesting, cut the plant and under no circumstances uproot it - take care of nature for your children and grandchildren, so that they too can receive its healing gifts.

When the raw materials are collected, spread them in a thin layer in the shade or make bunches and hang them in places where direct sunlight does not reach.

The complete drying process will take 7-10 days, when the raw materials are ready, the leaves will begin to crumble easily between your fingers.
You need to store mint in jars with lids or linen bags, always in a dry place. When properly stored, it retains its healing properties for 2 years.


Mint, which is generally considered harmless, nevertheless has contraindications. Preparations of this plant are not recommended for use by children under three years of age. Even if you want to give them mint tea, make it a weak concentration.

It should be remembered that the plant increases drowsiness; do not use the drugs if you are driving or working with complex instruments. Frequent use of mint tincture is not recommended for low blood pressure. blood pressure and for men, because it reduces libido.

Well, everyone else needs to remember that before using any drugs, you need to consult a doctor.

Peppermint is called Méntha piperíta in Latin, after the nymph Mintha, who was turned into an herb with a pleasant aroma by her jealous wife Hades. Since those legendary times, mint has been used as a raw material for the preparation of food seasonings and medicines: tinctures, infusions, decoctions, extracts. The ancient Romans and Greeks considered mint to be the herb of Aphrodite and a powerful love spell.

Chemical composition of mint

Mint has a rich “inner world” and a unique chemical composition; its benefits are well known, so it is not surprising that it has found application in both cooking and medicine. The leaves, flowers and stems of the plant contain:

  • Essential oil;
  • Tannins;
  • Resinous substances;
  • Carotene;
  • Hesperidin;
  • Ascorbic, chlorogenic, caffeic, ursulic, oleanolic acids;
  • Betaine;
  • Rutin;
  • Arginine;
  • Saponins;
  • Glucose;
  • Ramnoza;
  • Phytosterol.

Peppermint essential oil contains a secondary alcohol, methanol. The leaf oil contains many esters with valerian and acetic acids, limonene, alpha and beta pinene, dipentene, cineole, phellandrene, citral, carvone, geraniol, dihydrocarvone.

Mint in folk medicine

Mint has gained a strong place in scientific and folk medicine thanks to its rich chemical composition, which determines its healing properties. What can be said about the benefits of this amazing plant?

Mint, decoctions and tinctures of mint are used to improve memory, cleanse the face and hair growth.

Mint tincture normalizes heartbeat, relieves vascular spasms and stress, and dilates blood vessels. Mint is useful for improving digestion, blood circulation and sleep. No wonder mint is included in medications for the heart - Corvalol and Validol. It is also included in herbal preparations.

The stems, leaves and flowers of mint have a calming, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, antipyretic, and analgesic effect. All these properties together bring great benefits to a person.

Seasonings with mint and mint infusions improve digestion, so the plant is used both for food and for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

Medicines from mint

Mint tinctures and decoctions are easy to make at home. Recipes for mint preparations are quite common and easy to follow.

Recipe 1.

Mint tincture with alcohol or vodka. Take 100 grams fresh leaves mint, put in a glass jar and fill with 500 ml of alcohol or vodka. Place the jar in a cool, dark place for 2 weeks. Then strain and pour into a convenient container.

Application: 25-30 drops 3 times a day before meals.

Mint tincture helps with migraines, neuralgia, and can be taken to improve conditions after illness. The benefits of the tincture will increase if you take it with honey.

Recipe 2.

Mint tincture with alcohol or vodka. Take a bunch of mint with leaves and stems, cut it, put it in a jar and fill it with 1 liter of vodka or alcohol. Place the jar in the refrigerator for 1 week. Separately, make syrup from 1 cup of sugar and 0.5 liters of water.

When the mint tincture is ready, strain it and mix with the syrup. Shake the bottle until the mixture is homogeneous.

Application: 50 ml 2-3 times a day before meals, last dose before bed.

Mint tincture with sugar is an excellent tonic that should be taken when the nervous system is exhausted, to improve sleep, improve memory and the general condition of the body.

Contraindication: alcoholism.

Recipe 3.

Mint tincture with hops and wormwood for baths. Take 100 grams of hop cones, leaves and stems of mint and wormwood, brew with three liters of boiling water and let it brew for several hours. Then strain the infusion and use for baths.

An infusion of mint with herbs is used for radiculitis, arthritis, rheumatism, insomnia, and excessive nervous excitement. The benefits of the infusion will be enhanced if you drink mint tea at night. Often nervous tension and insomnia worsen memory, so the tincture will simultaneously improve memory and general state.

Recipe 4.

Infusion of mint with chamomile. Take 100 grams of mint leaves and stems, 50 grams of chamomile flowers and brew the mixture with three liters of boiling water. When the decoction is infused, it can be used to wipe the face and rinse hair. You will feel an improvement in the condition of your hair and facial skin after a month of using the infusion.

Recipe 5.

Mint infusion to improve memory. Take 3 tablespoons each of mint, raspberry and lingonberry leaves, 1 tablespoon of oregano and 4 tbsp. bergenia. Fill the composition with 500 ml hot water and boil for 5-10 minutes. After 2 hours, the infusion will need to be strained.

Application: 2 times a day, 50-100 ml twice a day. The course of treatment is 1 month, 2 courses per year are required.

Contraindications: pregnancy, individual intolerance, tendency to constipation, chronic gastritis With increased acidity, peptic ulcer.

Recipe 6.

Mint and sage to improve memory. In the evening, 1 tbsp. Place a spoonful of dry sage and mint leaves in a thermos and pour 2 cups of boiling water. The next morning, filter the infusion and take 50 ml, 3-4 times a day before meals. The course of treatment lasts a month.

Contraindications: low blood pressure.

Mint in cosmetology

The soothing, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect of mint is also used in cosmetology. To cleanse the facial skin of pimples, blackheads and irritations, mint decoctions and infusions are used. Mint compresses help improve complexion and smooth out fine wrinkles on the neck and face.

To strengthen and grow hair, it is good to use decoctions of mint and chamomile. Rinse your hair with this decoction after washing and rub the product into the hair roots.

A decoction of mint and onion peel strengthens hair and accelerates its growth.

The use of mint infusions and decoctions internally has a healing effect on the body, resulting in healthier facial skin. It’s no secret that the general condition of the body is always reflected on a person’s face.

A healthy body also promotes hair growth. Hair is another indicator of health. If a person has accumulated a great many wastes and toxins, if he has chronic diseases- this will immediately affect your hair. They begin to fall out, become brittle, split, and their growth slows down.

Therefore, mint infusions are useful both externally and for internal use, and it’s great that we have mint - one of nature’s few remedies that can be used in combination.

Mint contraindications

Unfortunately, the benefits of mint are not for everyone. The use of mint is not advisable for women suffering from infertility, although in this case it all depends on the causes of the disease.

Mint is contraindicated for people suffering from hypotension. Mint really calms men - it reduces their sex drive.

It is not advisable to give mint infusions and decoctions to children under 3 years of age; at this age, it is better for children to take baths with mint at night.

Video addition:

Peppermint tincture is a herbal medicine. The article will discuss how to take peppermint tincture correctly according to the drug instructions.

What is the composition and release form of the Peppermint medicine (tincture)?

The pharmaceutical industry produces the drug in the form of a transparent tincture, it is greenish in color and has a pronounced aroma. It is supplied to the pharmaceutical market in dark orange glass bottles, which are closed with a screw cap and placed in a cardboard box.

The active substance is peppermint oil in a dosage of 1.25 grams. The auxiliary component of the tincture is ethanol 90%. On the box with the herbal medicine you can see the expiration date, after which it is recommended to refrain from further use of the product. Sold without a prescription.

What is the effect of Peppermint solution (tincture)?

Peppermint is a tincture of plant origin, it has a sedative, antiemetic effect, in addition, it has a moderate antispasmodic and analgesic, choleretic, as well as locally irritating effect, that is, it irritates the nerve endings of the mucous membranes.

Since ancient times it has been known about healing properties peppermint, works were written about it by such famous ancient scientists: Hippocrates, as well as. Mint has been grown and used thousands of years ago. For example, in the last century it was found during excavations in Egyptian tombs. This plant was cultivated in many European countries, as well as in China and Japan.

Mint got its name thanks to the heroine of ancient Greek myths, Minta, this nymph personified the human mind. Under her protection were streams, as well as springs with the purest and most transparent spring water. Where she lived, the air was fabulously clean and amazed with its magnificent freshness.

It is not surprising that Hades fell in love with the nymph. His wife was obsessed with jealousy and bewitched Minta, she turned her into a fragrant plant. In Greece, mint was considered a fairly powerful love potion; it was often called the “herb of Aphrodite.”

In the Middle Ages, many believed that mint could improve the functioning of the mind; students of that time wore this herb in the form of woven wreaths. Modern medicine confirms this effect of this healing plant.

In cooking, mint leaves are used quite widely. In many cuisines of the East, as well as Europe, a special mint sauce is prepared for lamb, which somewhat drowns out characteristic aroma and the taste of meat. This plant is also added to confectionery, in particular, mint gingerbread cookies and candies, beloved since childhood. In addition, mint is added to liqueurs and cocktails, such as the popular mojito drink.

A tincture made from peppermint can... This herbal remedy directly affects the activation of blood supply to the scalp, helps get rid of dandruff, as well as itchy skin.

Thanks to regular use of this tincture, the hair will become thicker, begin to shine, and the hairstyle will be voluminous. Moreover, this herbal remedy can be used in the first stages of baldness, which for some time.

In order to positive effect for hair has been achieved, it is recommended to rub the tincture directly into the hair roots in the amount of one or two teaspoons, similar procedure carry out approximately thirty minutes before washing your hair.

What are the indications for use of Peppermint (tincture)?

Peppermint preparation (tincture) instructions for use allows use as symptomatic therapy in the following situations:

If the patient has nausea;

Use it for vomiting;

With spasm of smooth muscles, in particular with renal, intestinal and biliary colic.

In addition, the herbal medicine can be added to small quantity in medicines to improve them taste qualities.

What are the contraindications for use of the Peppermint medicine (tincture)?

Peppermint herbal remedy (tincture) instructions for use do not allow use for hypersensitivity to the tincture, and it should not be used by small children and pregnant women.

What is the use and dosage of Peppermint (tincture)?

Peppermint tincture is taken orally; it is not used in its pure form, but diluted with water in a small amount. For one dose, 10-15 drops of the herbal remedy are usually indicated.

Treatment is carried out until the symptoms disappear; the tincture can be taken no more than four times a day during the day. Before you start therapeutic activities, the patient should seek support from the doctor by consulting with him.

What are the side effects of Peppermint (tincture)?

Sometimes taking the herbal medicine Peppermint tincture can cause the development of side effects in the form of allergic reactions. In this case, the patient may develop redness skin, their swelling will join.

With pronounced allergic reactions After taking the tincture, the patient should stop using it afterwards; in addition, it would be a good idea to consult with a specialist.

Overdose from Peppermint (tincture)

In case of an overdose of the tincture, vomiting should be provoked; for this purpose, the patient is asked to drink a certain amount of water in order to. If it worsens, you should consult a doctor who will symptomatic treatment.

special instructions

If after using the tincture the patient’s symptoms persist, then it is necessary to consult a doctor. Do not exceed the dosage of the herbal medicine recommended by your doctor.

How to replace Peppermint (tincture), what analogues should I use?

Peppermint leaf powder, .


It is recommended to use the herbal medicine Peppermint tincture as prescribed by a specialist.

Be healthy!


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