Initial appointment with a cardiologist (examination, consultation). Cardiologist: what does this doctor treat?

is a doctor who deals with prevention, diagnosis and treatment cardiovascular diseases. Cardiologists provide consultations at SM-Clinic highest category, Candidates of Medical Sciences. If you need the best cardiologist in Moscow, contact SM-Clinic.

What diseases does a cardiologist treat?

Cardiovascular diseases in medicine mean diseases of the heart vessels, arteries and veins, many of which lead to circulatory failure and serious complications, heart attacks and strokes. Treatment at SM-Clinic the following diseases cordially- vascular system:

What symptoms should you consult a cardiologist for?

Cardiovascular disease is a leading cause of disability and premature death. Therefore, experts recommend paying more attention to your health and Make an appointment with a cardiologist at SM-Clinic if you notice any of the following symptoms:
  • pain in the heart or behind the sternum;
  • violations heart rate(feelings of “fading” or interruptions in heart function, palpitations, irregular pulse);
  • dyspnea;
  • general physical weakness, periodic weakness in an arm or leg;
  • severe dizziness or headaches;
  • temporary speech or vision disturbances;
  • high blood pressure;

Cardiologist services at SM-Clinic

Highly effective modern diagnostic and treatment methods are available at SM-Clinic. Timely contact with a cardiologist medical center will allow you to identify problems cardiovascular system and get specialized assistance at a high quality level.

1. Consultation with a cardiologist.

A qualified consultation with a cardiologist at SM-Clinic will help reduce the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system. Make an appointment with a specialist any day of the week, including weekends and holidays.

2. Diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases.

The SM-Clinic performs laboratory and instrumental diagnostics of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The use of the latest generation cardiological equipment allows us to examine in detail the condition of the heart and blood vessels and identify diseases in the early stages.

Laboratory diagnostics

To the complex laboratory methods examination of patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system includes a set of specific blood tests:

  • clinical and biochemical tests;
  • blood test for acute markers of myocardial infarction;
  • genetic studies, etc.
Blood test results provide full information about the condition of the heart, blood vessels and internal organs, exclude acute injuries heart and concomitant pathologies, assess the likelihood of developing coronary disease heart, heart failure, risks of cardiovascular complications, select effective medicines.

Instrumental diagnostics

SM-Clinic uses widest spectrum instrumental methods diagnostics aimed at studying anatomical and functional characteristics heart and vascular system:

  • Applanation tonometry.
  • 24-hour blood pressure monitoring (ABPM)
  • Load tests ( and )

For more information about diagnostic methods, see the corresponding page >>>

3. Treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

SM-Clinic uses the most modern techniques treatment of cardiovascular diseases, assistance to cardiac patients is carried out both on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting.

Drug treatment

The treatment regimen is drawn up strictly individually, taking into account the stage of the disease, blood pressure level, presence various factors risk, as well as associated diseases. Thanks a lot practical experience cardiologists "SM-Clinic", the use of complex drug therapy allows you to achieve maximum effect in the treatment of most heart and vascular diseases.


For the first time in Russia, SM Clinic has introduced clinical practice unique personalized selection method medicines (statins, etc.), based on latest achievements pharmacogenetics, which are actively used in Europe and are recommended for practical application experts from the European Science Foundation (ESF).

Having studied the results of a special genetic analysis of the patient’s blood, cardiologists at SM-Clinic can scientific basis choose a medicine that will be most effective and safe for of this patient. Genetic tests allow us to predict in advance the body's reaction to medicinal substances, which gives doctors the opportunity not only to choose the right drug, but also to accurately select optimal dosage, avoiding possible side effects.

Extracorporeal hemocorrection

For the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, the SM-Clinic widely uses extracorporeal hemocorrection methods. , laser and ultraviolet irradiation blood (ILBI and UFOK) effective in the treatment of coronary heart disease (CHD), hypertension, cerebral blood flow disorders, atherosclerosis, chronic diseases vessels of the extremities, etc. Methods are based on filtration and irradiation of the patient’s blood components, which gives a noticeable healing effect. The absence of serious side effects makes extracorporeal hemocorrection a very attractive treatment method for patients.

Surgical treatment cardiovascular diseases - cardiac surgery

The department at SM-Clinic successfully operates cardiovascular surgery, where our doctors perform operations on the heart and blood vessels.

Treatment of diseases of the heart, peripheral arteries and veins is carried out using modern methods endovascular surgery. One of the main directions is to conduct interventional operations aimed at restoring vascular patency. The main operations to restore impaired blood circulation are vascular stenting.


Free consultation surgeon about surgery

Experienced cardiologist. More than 25 years of medical experience, during which he provided assistance to thousands of patients with various cardiac pathologies. A special place among them was occupied by patients with endocarditis. A detailed study of various aspects of their course and prevention of the development of multiple organ failure are presented in the doctor’s thesis.
Candidate of Medical Sciences.
Doctor of the highest qualification category.
Education: correspondence postgraduate study at the Nizhny Novgorod State medical academy(2006); internship, specialty – emergency doctor medical care(1987); Chuvash State University them. I.N. Ulyanov, specialty - general medicine (1986).
Certificate of honor from the Chuvash Republic for success achieved in work and many years of conscientious work (2002).
1st place in the competition Best Therapist of the Year (2005).
Annual participant in Russian and international forums on cardiology and other related medical disciplines.
Author 13 scientific works, dedicated to pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
Medical experience– 24 years old.


What immediately caught my eye was the friendly, welcoming attitude. She listened carefully to my numerous complaints without interrupting, examined me carefully, and what seemed important to me was that she treated me not only as a cardiologist, but also examined other organs. I

I believe that this speaks of a phenomenon that is now rare among doctors - a systematic view of the disease. I consider this a great advantage of Tatyana Kirillovna as a doctor. What amazed me even more was that the next day she called herself and asked about my well-being. This cannot in any way be explained by financial interest; this is a purely human quality of empathy, which is completely absent from most modern doctors. Speaking of treatment. The next day after the appointments, I felt an improvement in my condition and perhaps she prescribed the right treatment. It is obvious that Tatyana Kirillovna is a good diagnostician. And now there are almost none of them left in our country. In general, Pavlova T.K. Good man, an intelligent doctor and a good diagnostician. About the very center. I can't say much. There are nice smiling girls at the reception. There seems to be no queues. I would like to remind the management of the clinic that charity is fashionable now. Still, prices in the center are high. And, perhaps, it would be possible to think about and carry out socially oriented actions without detriment financial activities center.

LLC "Center for Heart Surgery" 454047 Chelyabinsk Tsvetochny tupik, 2A



Primary correction of tetralogy of Fallot in combination with agenesis of the left lung and crossed ectopia of the lower lobe of the right lung.

Replenishment of the website section “Our publications and patents” with articles from our center employees “ Primary correction tetralogy of Fallot in combination with agenesis of the left lung and crossed ectopia of the lower lobe right lung"(Primary repair of tetralogy of Fallot combined with unilateral left lung agenesis with crossed-ectopic right lower lobe).

The material “Operation “labyrinth” for atrial fibrillation” has been added to the section “Heart operations” on the main page of the site.

The material “Complex forms of valve-preserving correction of valvular heart defects” has been added to the “Heart Surgeries” section of the site’s main page.

Consultations, diagnostics, outpatient treatment

  • Outpatient, polyclinic and laboratory services (list and cost)

What should you take with you to your cardiologist appointment?

Pay attention!

Assessment of health status and disease progression in dynamics (dynamic assessment) is of enduring importance in the process of making a diagnosis, determining the prognosis of the disease and determining the effectiveness of treatment. Dynamic assessment is a methodological tool that is underestimated by both specialists and patients. Doctors are often forced not to use it due to the difficulty of obtaining information from the patient. In practice, we constantly encounter cases where a patient suffering long time cardiac disease, neglects the results of clinical and paraclinical examinations carried out in the past, does not save the results of previous examinations. Such patients believe that once again they will bring some kind of device to him and give a comprehensive conclusion. Unfortunately, this is not the case at all. Research becomes incomparably deeper and more meaningful if it is carried out with a dynamic assessment.

Based on the above, we ask you when visiting a cardiologist if possible bring with you:

— results of past consultations

— extracts from hospitals of previous years

— previously taken electrocardiograms and protocols for their description

— cardiac ultrasound protocols

x-rays chest

— visual data (computer disks) CT and MRI

— results of coronary angiography and other studies coronary arteries

— results of previously performed analyzes

- others medical documents

- ID card for concluding a contract

If you have not found the documents previously received during your examination, then their absence, of course, is not an obstacle to the consultation. However, please make an effort to preserve newly received protocols, conclusions, etc. and take them with you to your next consultation, whenever and wherever it happens. This will definitely be beneficial in the future. The above does not apply to subjects coming to see a cardiologist for the first time.

In addition, if your consultation is paid for by an insurance company based on a VHI policy (voluntary health insurance), you must bring with you:

— VHI insurance policy

During the consultation NO NEED bring the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (MHIF) policy, pension documents and all kinds of directions from public health authorities.

Approximately 40–60% of all people in the world die from heart and vascular diseases. Against this background, it is simply impossible to dispute the importance of cardiology as a field practical medicine.

Who is a cardiologist?

Many have heard that “cardio” means heart in Greek. People understood the importance of this organ for humans back in ancient times. Nowadays, the area of ​​knowledge of a cardiologist is wider - it is not only the heart, but also blood vessels.

Cardiovascular diseases are a huge problem for humanity. Problems of this kind can be the consequences of diabetes, obesity, or be congenital. And if before the heart Usually it began to “become naughty” in people of retirement and/or old age, but now many diagnoses have become “younger”. And now people sometimes die from heart attacks very young.

Modern cardiology allows you to cure or at least alleviate a lot of diseases of the cardiovascular system. And yet the rate of sudden or immediate death from cardiac arrest remains high. The reason is people’s lack of attention to their health.

In what cases do you consult a cardiologist?

The obvious answer is when the heart hurts. However, cardiovascular diseases do not always cause pain. A person can:

  • experience difficulty climbing stairs or covering even relatively short distances;
  • sweating excessively and for no reason;
  • feel dizzy sudden nausea, lose balance;
  • feel your heart enlarged, beating too hard.

The initial stage of many heart and vascular diseases is asymptomatic. This is why therapists recommend it annually, even if there are no complaints.

Other risk groups are people with increased blood pressure(hypertension), diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid diseases. And if real chest pain begins, even if it is not severe, you should contact a cardiologist as soon as possible.

How to prepare for your appointment

The most important thing is to collect specific complaints. It is best to remember exactly when any warning signs, in what situation (for example, during physical or emotional stress). It is also important to tell when and how relief came: did you have to lie down or did it all go away on its own?

Perhaps there are any additional medical documents? For example, you became ill on a business trip, and the local ambulance specialists did a cardiogram? The results of such and similar surveys can be very useful.

It is also advisable to know whether any of your closest relatives have or have had cardiovascular diseases. Very strong here hereditary factors.

How does an appointment, consultation, examination with a doctor go?

The cardiologist gets his first opinion about the patient’s condition from simple tests: measuring pulse, blood pressure, and listening. In this way, the doctor finds out what to pay attention to. Then they are appointed various examinations: cardiograms, ultrasound, radiography of the heart, blood tests.

Such studies usually make it possible to determine the diagnosis. Sometimes the doctor prescribes additional referrals, for example, for vascular catheterization. This method is invasive, that is, penetrating.

  • using a simple tonometer, monitor your blood pressure (measure every day and record the readings of the device);
  • don’t let yourself sit in one place, be sure to move, and fresh air;
  • combine fish, meat, cereals, vegetables and fruits, whole grain bread in your diet, limit simple fats and sweets;
  • do not smoke, eliminate alcohol as much as possible or completely;
  • From time to time, get your blood tested and check your sugar and cholesterol levels.

A cardiologist is a doctor who diagnoses, treats and prevents inflammatory, metabolic and degenerative-dystrophic pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. The cardiologist also deals with the rehabilitation of patients who have suffered cardiovascular diseases or have undergone surgery on the heart and blood vessels.

You should contact a cardiologist if you experience discomfort, chest pain, frequent increase blood pressure, as well as when other symptoms of cardiovascular pathologies occur.

What diseases does a cardiologist treat?

Cardiovascular diseases, which are treated by a cardiologist, can be classified into diseases of the circulatory system, including coronary, heart, artery, vein and heart attacks.

Most common problems problems that a cardiologist encounters are:

  1. Congenital or acquired heart disease - damage to valves, septa, and myocardial vessels.
  2. Coronary artery disease (CHD) – pathology coronary vessels, due to which the heart does not receive the nutrition it needs.
  3. Heart failure is the inability of the myocardium to provide the necessary quality of blood flow in the organs and tissues of the body.
  4. Angina pectoris is one of the forms of coronary artery disease.
  5. Inflammatory diseases of one or another part of the myocardium - carditis.
  6. Disturbances in the rhythm of the heart muscle (arrhythmia) - pathological slowing of the pulse (bradycardia), pathological increase heart rate (tachycardia).
  7. Violation of the abdominal structure, thoracic aorta– aneurysm.
  8. Inflammation of the walls and blockage of blood vessels, most often veins lower limbs– thrombosis, thrombophlebitis.
  9. Rheumatic carditis is damage to the muscles and valves of the heart due to a rheumatic attack caused by infection with streptococcal microorganisms.
  10. Varicose veins, most often in the lower body and legs.
  11. Vascular atherosclerosis – formation inside blood vessels cholesterol plaques and gradual narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels with impaired circulation.
  12. Heart attacks and pre-infarction conditions.
  13. Violation cerebral circulation- stroke.
  14. Cardiomyopathy is a pathological weakening of the heart muscle.
  15. High blood pressure – arterial hypertension (hypertension).
  16. Reduced blood pressure – hypotension.

This is far from full list diseases and conditions that fall within the professional interests of a cardiologist, but these are the most common and dangerous.

Important! Any pathology of the cardiovascular system can significantly worsen the patient’s quality of life, negatively affect the condition of the entire body, and even cause death.

A cardiologist deals not only with identifying and treating CVDs, but also with their prevention. It identifies, evaluates and eliminates risk factors for pathologies of the cardiovascular system. He also gives recommendations regarding correction of the patient’s lifestyle.

You need to make an appointment with a cardiologist if the following symptoms occur:

  • Pain, discomfort in the middle of the chest, jaw, head, arms (left shoulder).
  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, lack of air, suffocation.
  • Syncope – dizziness, fainting, presyncope.
  • Constant weakness, lack of strength, confusion, unconsciousness, chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Numbness of any part of the body, including limbs and face.
  • Speech or vision problems.
  • Edema of the lower extremities.
  • Difficulty gait, problems with reaction and coordination of movements.
  • Increased pressure.
  • Any rheumatoid manifestations.
  • Heart rhythm disturbance.
  • Increased sweating, paleness, blue discoloration of the skin.
  • Fast weight gain.
  • Inability to do even mild physical activity, for example, difficulties while climbing one flight of stairs.
  • Elevated levels of glucose or lipids in the blood.

In this video, a cardiologist explains how to distinguish normal chest pain from that caused by heart problems:

Also, people who are at risk for diseases of the cardiovascular system should undergo regular examination by a cardiologist:

  • People over 40 years of age.
  • People who have systemic diseases, for example, diabetes.
  • People who have hereditary predisposition to the CVD.
  • People who smoke and/or regularly use alcoholic drinks, eat unhealthy, fatty and highly salted foods.
  • People with significant excess body weight, obesity.
  • People who lead sedentary image life, physically inactive.
  • People whose professional activity associated with constant stress, conflict or tense situations.
  • It is also mandatory for a woman to visit a cardiologist when planning to conceive or in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Preparation for an initial consultation with a cardiologist includes the following points:

  • You need to remember and preferably write down everything related to the symptoms - when they first appeared, in which unpleasant sensations It is expressed how often it occurs, and what factors contribute to the appearance of disturbing signs.
  • It is necessary to prepare a list of all medications that the patient is taking (which pills help and why, who prescribed them, how effective they are).
  • If the patient has any medical documents (medical record or extract from it, test results), take it with you to the appointment with the cardiologist.
  • On the eve of your appointment with a cardiologist, you should avoid procedures that may affect the diagnostic results. That is, do not visit the sauna, steam bath, do not take hot bath, do not drink alcohol or drugs that stimulate heart activity (unless prescribed by a doctor). And also reduce physical activity as much as possible, refuse sports and sex.
  • If possible, the day before the consultation you should measure your blood pressure - morning and evening.
  • Carry out hygiene procedures and wear loose, comfortable clothing, opaque underwear - the cardiologist will most likely ask the patient to remove outerwear during the inspection.

An appointment with a cardiologist begins with taking an anamnesis. The patient must answer all the doctor’s questions as thoroughly and truthfully as possible and tell about his complaints and feelings. There are topics that the patient may not want to discuss, for example, facts about his smoking or excessive consumption alcohol. However, you cannot hide anything from the doctor, because this may affect the quality and effectiveness of treatment.

After talking with the patient, the doctor will conduct a physical examination:

  • Assess the condition and color of the mucous membranes and skin.
  • Examine the lymph nodes and thyroid gland.
  • Feels the abdominal area chest, will assess whether there are visually noticeable deformations in the heart area.
  • The doctor will measure your pulse and blood pressure and listen to your heart rhythm.
  • Measures the patient's height and weight to determine body mass index.

For further clarification clinical picture diseases, studies may be prescribed:

  • Blood and urine tests - general and biochemical.
  • Blood test for sugar and cholesterol levels.
  • Coagulogram.
  • Echocardiography.
  • Electrocardiogram.
  • Electrocardiogram with exercise (bicycle ergometer, treadmill test).
  • X-ray of the heart.
  • Ultrasound or Doppler ultrasound of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Vascular catheterization.
  • Daily blood pressure monitoring and/or ECG.

After the patient has completed all prescribed diagnostic procedures, the doctor studies the research results and gives a preliminary or final conclusion about the nature and nature of the pathology, as well as the degree functional disorders SSS.

After this, treatment is prescribed. Typically, the diagnosis occurs at a secondary consultation, but this can also be done on the day of the first visit to the doctor.

Treatment methods used by cardiologists

Therapy for cardiovascular diseases is focused on conservative, that is, non-surgical methods. Among them are the prescription of drug therapy, normalization of lifestyle, a gradual increase in physical activity, the introduction of a diet and sanatorium-resort treatment, and rehabilitation of patients.

Most often cardiologists prescribe complex therapy pharmacological drugs different groups:

  1. Nitrate-based products improve the condition and function of coronary vessels and reduce myocardial ischemia. This is Nitroglycerin, Nitromint.
  2. Antiplatelet agents – prevent blood clots. These are drugs based on aspirin and ticlopedin.
  3. Anticoagulants - prevent blood clotting - Heparin, Warfarin.
  4. Beta blockers - reduce heart rate - Atenolol, Succinate, Propranolol.
  5. Blockers calcium channels– help reduce blood pressure – Verapamil, Amlodipine.
  6. Diuretics - reduce blood pressure and swelling - Furosemide, Veroshpiron.

In most cases, they are also prescribed ACE inhibitors, angiotensin 2 receptor blockers, lipid-lowering, antiarrhythmic drugs, cardiac glycosides.

Important! Self-assign medications is strictly prohibited, as the condition may worsen and complications may arise.

A cardiologist is a doctor who deals with congenital or acquired cardiovascular pathologies. Considering that CVDs rank first in mortality and disability (48% of total mortality), and also that initial stages Such diseases are practically asymptomatic; periodic consultation with a cardiologist is required for absolutely all people. Cardiologists use both conservative and surgical methods treatment. Special attention These specialists focus on preventing the occurrence or recurrence of CVD.