Bloated before menstruation. Causes of bloating in women before menstruation

For some representatives of the fair sex, the menstrual cycle is not accompanied by pain or any health problems. However, such happiness is not given to all women. Most people have to deal with the so-called PMS: a complex of symptoms of a neurological, autonomic and vascular nature, causing a deterioration in general well-being and severe discomfort. Bloating before your next period is one of the most common signs of premenstrual syndrome. Many ladies clearly know how many days before menstruation they need to prepare for discomfort: the appearance of bloating, rumbling and cramping.


The abdominal cavity contains vital internal organs, including the intestines, spleen, liver, and pancreas. Together they represent a biochemical factory, the work of which reflects many physiological processes. The endocrine system has the strongest influence in this regard. In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, progestogen activity causes relaxation of muscle fibers and retention of incoming fluid in the body. This leads to a number of consequences:

  1. Creation of a strategic water reserve. It is necessary to maintain balance during the period of upcoming heavy discharge. Many women, after the 14th–15th day of the cycle, notice some weight gain, and 2–3 days before the start of menstruation (for some, 5–7 days): the appearance of general swelling, breast engorgement, and an increase in abdominal volume. Normally, the removal of accumulated water begins 1 day before menstruation, or on the day it begins, which is manifested by more frequent trips to the toilet.
  2. Due to the activity of progesterone, the overall muscle tone is somewhat weakened: the tissues become looser and softer. Untrained muscles feel this much more strongly. The abdominal muscles are the largest, but the least active and, with a lack of movement, as well as under the influence of hormones, sag.
  3. Violation of intestinal motility. This is a common cause of bloating before menstruation. The accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, relaxation of muscle fibers, and swelling invariably affect the functioning of the digestive system. The intestines become sluggish and work more slowly. This provokes enzymatic disorders, fermentation processes, accumulation of gases, and the formation of constipation. In some cases, failure causes diarrhea. The bloating of the abdomen is quite pronounced, often accompanied by grumbling, cramping pain, distension, nausea and other dyspeptic manifestations. Less commonly, an increase in waist circumference occurs asymptomatically.

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In all women, the mechanism of bloating and the degree of its severity differ. Provoking factors include:

  • insufficiently trained muscle corset;
  • eating habits;
  • poor blood circulation;
  • individual structural features of the uterus and appendages;
  • condition of connective tissue, kidneys, cardiovascular, endocrine systems;
  • the presence of functional digestive disorders;
  • organic lesions of the genital organs, intestinal walls, pancreas, gall bladder.

A slight increase in the volume of the abdominal cavity before the onset of menstruation is quite normal and understandable from a physiological point of view, if not accompanied by painful symptoms.

Bloating after menstruation persists for another 1–2 days, gradually disappearing. But if it does not disappear, but intensifies, there is reason to assume pathologies of the internal organs.

Pathological problems with abdominal enlargement

Normally, slight swelling of the abdominal walls does not affect everyday life in any way and does not disrupt the daily routine. However, a very bloated abdomen, loud rumbling, pain, and bowel movements may be a sign of a hidden disease.

Possible pathologies that cause severe bloating during menstruation:

  1. Gastroduodenitis or colitis: chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum often occurs in a chronic form, only occasionally making itself known. A rush of blood and accumulation of fluid before menstruation provokes a subacute condition: the stomach swells, gas formation, excess pressure on the intestinal walls causes spasms, flatulence, nausea, diarrhea or prolonged stool retention. Sharp pain in the lower abdominal cavity and near the navel is likely.
  2. Kidney diseases. Nephritis constantly contributes to excessive fluid retention, and before menstruation this process is even more pronounced. In such cases, abdominal swelling is often accompanied by swelling of the arms, legs or face, bags under the eyes, dull pain in the lower back, physical lethargy, drowsiness, and rapid heartbeat. An increase in blood pressure is likely.
  3. Inflammation and adhesions of the pelvic organs. Chronic oophoritis, salpingitis or ovarian cyst before menstruation often cause symptoms of bloating or “acute” abdomen. The condition is accompanied by quite severe pain and spasms, radiating to the anus or lower back, and rumbling may appear. Stool disturbances usually do not occur.

Often, an exacerbation of an existing illness is mistaken for ordinary PMS.

Pregnancy and bloating

Conception is very often accompanied by a number of characteristic signs: breast swelling, dizziness, decreased physical strength, dull nagging pain in the lower abdominal cavity, and an increase in its volume. Bloating, like before menstruation, is also one of the symptoms of pregnancy. This suspicion is strengthened by a delay in the expected cycle for several days or a slight spotting of blood instead of the usual menstruation.

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The assumption that has arisen can be confirmed or refuted only by passing a test or taking an analysis for the hCG level. This must be done 1.5–2 weeks from the date of the delay.


In many women, bloating occurs after menstruation, closer to the middle of the cycle. Usually it coincides with the period of ovulation - the release of a mature egg from the ovary. This process can be quite painful, as it is accompanied by mechanical rupture of the follicle - the cell membrane. In this case, weakness, nagging pain occurs, and the stomach enlarges slightly. Usually the symptoms are mild and disappear completely within 24 hours, and for most, after a few hours.

Occasionally, bloating persists for more than a day and causes severe physical discomfort. In such situations, ovulation may be associated with metabolic or intestinal disorders.


The process of gas formation in the intestines is greatly influenced by diet. Even if all organs are healthy, a few days before the onset of menstruation, it is recommended to free them from excess stress, eliminating foods that provoke flatulence and swelling:

  • fresh milk;
  • sugar, confectionery;
  • black bread;
  • raw white cabbage;
  • celery;
  • peanut;
  • dishes made from peas, beans and corn;
  • hot, salty and spicy snacks;
  • smoked meats;
  • fried meat and fish;
  • beer;
  • kvass;
  • strong coffee.

It is undesirable to overeat; food should be taken 4-5 times a day in small portions. Bloating with a delay in menstruation is no exception. However, here it is necessary not only to adhere to a gentle diet, but to perform the necessary diagnostics.

Intestinal problems

If there are disturbances in the intestines, it is advisable to avoid coarse fiber, baked goods, fried, smoked and other foods that increase fermentation.

It is useful to move a lot and actively. Outside the menstrual period - play sports, during it - walk more. Rest is required only in case of severe deterioration in health.

A week before the onset of menstruation, in order to avoid the appearance of gases and swelling, it is recommended to drink an infusion of dill seed or fennel, take activated carbon or other enterosorbents twice a day.

With severe bloating, breathing exercises and self-massage of the abdominal cavity are useful to stimulate blood circulation, digestion and active movement of contents through the intestines:

  • in a sitting or standing position, take a deep breath, protruding the abdominal wall as much as possible, exhale smoothly, pulling the muscles inward, repeat 3–5 times;
  • massage the abdomen while lying on your back: with wide circular movements for 2–3 minutes. clockwise, placing both palms on your stomach.

What's in the article:

Why does my stomach swell before my period? This is a question that worries girls not only from an aesthetic point of view. An enlarged abdomen before the onset of menstruation is a common phenomenon that can lead a woman to believe that she has serious health problems.

Surely, every second representative of the fair sex is familiar with the situation when, 7-14 days before your period, you gain 1.2, and sometimes even 3 kilograms! But you shouldn’t be afraid of such an “anomaly” - often it is absolutely safe, but to make sure of this, let’s look at its most basic reasons.

Finding out the reasons

So, why does your belly get bigger shortly before your period starts? First of all, we note that every woman experiences PMS in her own way, so not everyone may experience such an “anomaly.” It all depends on several factors:

  • woman's physique;
  • abdominal muscle fitness;
  • elasticity of the uterine muscles.

Now let's move on to a direct consideration of the reasons why the stomach swells and hurts before menstruation. The most common factors that contribute to this include:

  1. Changes in intestinal motility. Before the onset of menstruation, the body concentrates on the functioning of the pelvic organs. An abundant amount of blood begins to flow to the uterus, its appendages and the adjacent intestines, which can even lead to minor disorders of the digestive process. As a result, women complain that they are bloated, their stomach hurts and becomes enlarged, and they may even experience nausea.
  2. Hormonal changes are one of the most common reasons why the lower abdomen swells shortly before the onset of menstruation. But this often happens in women with weak muscles.
  3. Accumulation of fluid in tissues. Menstruation is a period of moderately heavy blood loss, which is also accompanied by the excretion of a certain amount of vitamins and microelements. Trying to compensate for them, 1-2 weeks before the start of menstruation, the body begins to actively store water. As a result, not only does the stomach increase, but swelling may also form in the arms, legs, and face.
  4. Ovulation. The maturation and release of the egg occurs at different times in each woman’s cycle. But sometimes the fact that the stomach hurts a little and is bloated is due to this very process. If there is still a lot of time before your period, but similar ailments have already appeared, it means that ovulation has occurred.

These are the main reasons why the stomach swells before the onset of menstruation. They do not require medical intervention, since at the end of menstruation they go away on their own.

If your stomach swells before your period, what should you do?

Having understood the reasons why the belly enlarges before the onset of menstruation, let’s try to understand how to prevent this trouble. To reduce discomfort, you must follow these recommendations:

  • 1-2 weeks before “these days” you should not overfill your intestines: due to overeating, a woman during menstruation may not only become bloated - it can also cause stomach pain and nausea;
  • shortly before menstruation, you should avoid eating fatty, spicy, salty, smoked foods (such products lead to the retention of a large amount of fluid in the tissues of the body, which causes weight gain);
  • Raw vegetables and fruits, chips and legumes should be excluded from the diet, especially if before or during menstruation a woman is very swollen and has a stomach ache;
  • You need to take vitamin complexes containing vitamin E and folic acid.

These are the measures that help prevent abdominal enlargement before the onset of menstruation. If it inflates during “these” days, you need to:

  • eliminate coffee or reduce the amount of it consumed;
  • eat small meals (when the stomach is very swollen and hurts, this prevents additional stress on the intestines);
  • do a light massage of the lower back and lower abdomen;
  • take magnesium-based medications.

These simple but effective tips will help relieve discomfort and bloating during menstruation, and will also help improve a woman’s general condition.

When should you see a doctor immediately?

Sometimes it happens that you gain significant weight before menstruation, but it does not come. However, the stomach hurts and is bloated, headaches and mood swings appear, as with PMS. What is this connected with?

If your stomach is enlarged and hurts, but your period does not come on time, this should be a reason to contact a gynecologist. Such disorders may indicate the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the uterus, or the development of myomatosis. Sometimes deterioration in health is associated with pregnancy, so you need to get checked in any case!

So, when you gain weight before your period, it's not scary - it's absolutely normal. If there are no problems with the menstrual cycle, and your health does not deteriorate sharply, then there should be no reason to panic. The main thing is to follow the simple rules described above, which will come to the rescue not only on “these” days, but also on all other days of a woman’s life!

The article was checked by a practicing family doctor, Elizaveta Anatolyevna Krizhanovskaya, 5 years of experience

Menstruation is a natural process in the life of every woman. This is further proof that the reproductive system is working and there is a possibility of conceiving a child.

At the time of menstruation, the body gets rid of the old egg and prepares for the ovulatory period.

Menstruation sometimes causes a lot of inconvenience and unpleasant symptoms may appear. One of these is bloating during menstruation.

What should a woman do and should she fight this sign of menstruation? Abdominal enlargement is a natural physiological condition before or during menstruation.

This condition can cause a girl a lot of discomfort, especially if she is watching her figure and can be upset by a protruding tummy and extra pounds.

To understand why this occurs, you need to understand the reasons and look for a suitable way to avoid it.


Bloating during menstruation is normal and will go away on its own when it ends. The appearance of such a symptom during PMS can be influenced by external and internal factors.

External reasons:

  1. Body constitution.
  2. Weak muscles in the abdomen. When a woman tends to be overweight and her abdominal muscles are poorly developed, bloating will be clearly visible visually. Nothing will prevent this.
  3. Elasticity of muscle tissue in the uterus. Before menstruation, the uterus may increase in size, which will lead to the growth of the abdomen.

Internal reasons:

  1. Changes in hormonal levels. When the ovulatory period ends, the body begins to prepare for the implantation of a fertilized egg. It is possible that conception is not planned in principle, but it is so inherent in nature. At this moment, many hormones are released into the woman’s body, which affect the functioning of all internal systems. Sex hormones cause an enlarged uterus, which can affect intestinal function and increase the lipid layer.
  2. Excess fluid. PMS may be accompanied by bloating due to a large accumulation of fluid. This happens because the body stores water during menstruation. Symptoms: abdominal swelling and swelling of the limbs. This is the body’s natural reserve, which should not be feared. The water will go away along with the bleeding. But if it doesn’t exist, this is a serious problem.
  3. Ovulatory period. The presence of ovulation is very important for every woman. It occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. At this moment, the mature follicle ruptures, and the finished egg comes out to meet the sperm. At this moment, the body is simply oversaturated with a surge and excess of female hormones. At this moment, bloating and flatulence appear.
  4. Intestinal peristalsis. During PMS, there is a rush of blood to the pelvic organs, and since the intestines are closest, they get the most. At this moment, intestinal peristalsis becomes weak and the following occurs: bloating, flatulence, gas formation, disruption of the proper functioning of the intestines.
  5. Pathological diseases. In addition to natural and harmless factors, there may be more serious ones associated with any diseases.

Pathological problems with abdominal enlargement

Any woman should always closely monitor any changes and behavior of the body. For some, these may be ordinary symptoms of PMS, but if this has not been observed before, it is recommended to undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

Common problems:

  1. Inflammation of the genitourinary system.
  2. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Tumors in the pelvic organs.

You especially need to be wary if, in addition to an enlarged abdomen, other accompanying symptoms appear: nausea, vomiting, fever, frequent urination, pain in the lower part of the peritoneum, intense discharge during menstruation.

His body “talks” to every person and reports problems. You just need to listen to him. An enlarged abdomen is one such sign.

If there are no periods or pregnancy, but the symptom does not go away, then this indicates a pathological process.

The main problem is that internal factors are not visible to the normal eye. One can only make assumptions.

A specialist can determine the exact reason why bloating occurs during menstruation. A woman notices only external changes. This is an enlarged belly and extra pounds.

What if I'm pregnant?

This reason is quite real. Sometimes, the onset of pregnancy can be confused with PMS. During this period, the female body produces the hormone progesterone.

It prepares the reproductive organs for bearing a child. With the onset of pregnancy, changes occur within the woman.

The egg enters the uterus and attaches to the wall (endometrium). This process is otherwise called implantation. Progesterone affects the endometrium.

It expands, absorbs nutrients and loosens. In turn, this causes the innermost lining of the uterus to swell and the abdomen begins to enlarge.

What to do

If there is no doubt that the symptom is associated with the onset of menstruation, then there are still some tips and solutions. First of all, you need to look at your diet.

If you eat right, you can solve many problems and bloating is one of them.

During this time, the body stores fluid to replenish blood loss. It is worth limiting yourself in salt consumption.

When a person eats salty foods, sodium accumulates in the body. This element prevents the removal of fluid.

To prevent the body from lacking fluid and accumulating it, you need to constantly drink fresh water. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters.

This will help ensure constant fluid renewal, elimination of toxins and good digestion. Raw vegetables and fruits will also help replenish fluid in the body.

Don't drink coffee or black tea. These drinks contain caffeine, which causes bloating. Coffee increases acidity in the body, which means another problem may arise - gastritis or ulcers.

What should you not do during your period? Alcohol should be banned. Such drinks cause increased gas formation and nagging pain below.

Dairy products can also affect a woman’s condition during PMS.

For good digestion you need fiber. It is found in cabbage, greens, legumes, bran, berries and mushrooms. It is not recommended to introduce them into the diet abruptly.

You need to gradually increase the daily dose. The norm is 25 grams per day during menstruation.

Traditional medicine advises preparing special decoctions for this period. Infusions from:

  1. Lingonberries and cranberries.
  2. Daisies.
  3. Mint.

Good health is possible if you follow simple recommendations that have been developed throughout your life.

If a woman wants to reduce the feeling of discomfort, then she needs to create a suitable daily routine with the right diet.

Walking in the fresh air helps cope well with unpleasant symptoms. Walking in the evening will be especially effective.


Knowing your body comes with experience. At a young age, a woman is just learning to understand herself. Over time, it will become clear what is a natural expression of physiology. What to do about bloating?

If this problem causes discomfort, then you can find a solution and take some preventive measures.

Gas formation is often caused by improper bowel function, which is disrupted by the release of hormones. To avoid this, you need to monitor your diet and reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract.

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Why does my stomach swell before my period? This question is asked by almost all representatives of the fair sex, because this symptomatology occurs in any woman. Moreover, some girls experience a fairly strong increase in the lower abdomen. This happens for various reasons.

Menstrual cycle

Every woman's menstrual cycle is different. It can last 21, 24, 28, 35,40 days. The egg, ready for fertilization, matures in the middle of the cycle and is released towards the uterus. By the way, if a woman’s cycle is 28 days, then she can get pregnant on the 14th day from the first day of her period. If the cycle is 35 days, then on the 17th and 18th days, respectively. It is the middle of the cycle that becomes the period of abdominal enlargement. It is swollen, and symptoms such as pain, heaviness, and indigestion: diarrhea or constipation are often observed.

Many people on forums say that the belly becomes as big as that of pregnant women at 4 months. In addition, limbs, eyes, lips and even the nose swell. In some cases, bloating is absolutely normal, and sometimes it is a sign of serious pathologies. It is for this reason that you should never independently identify the cause of such a symptom, and even more so try to carry out independent treatment. You should visit a gynecologist to find out the true cause of bloating 2 or 3 weeks before your period.

Some representatives of the fair sex feel not only bloating, but also pain in the lower abdomen in the middle of the cycle. Moreover, such symptoms occur in every second girl. There is absolutely no need to worry about this. This means that the egg has been released and is moving towards the uterus, sometimes this process can be accompanied by pain, which goes away after 2-3 days. During this period, you can take antispasmodic drugs (No-spa) and limit your sex life.

Every normal girl takes care of her appearance and health, and almost everyone notices a rounded belly before her period. Why does bloating occur?

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First sign of pregnancy

Bloating can be a sign of two to three weeks of pregnancy. The main culprit in the distortion of a woman’s figure and enlargement of the abdomen before menstruation is progesterone. Its main function is to control and prepare the reproductive organs, as well as all body systems for possible fertilization or gestation. Unfortunately, progesterone cannot know in advance whether a woman is planning a pregnancy, so it responsibly performs its function every month. If it were possible to negotiate with progesterone, then bloating would not be observed. But this is simply impossible to do, this is how the female body works.

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The fertilized cell attaches to the uterine wall, but to properly retain it, the endometrium (uterine lining) needs to become thicker and softer. In addition, for normal development of the fetus, the uterine wall must be rich in nutrients and vitamins. Under the influence of progesterone, the mucous membrane of the female organ thickens, loosens and is filled with the necessary elements, because the epithelium of the uterus prepares every month to receive a fertilized egg and subsequently bear a baby. The mucous membrane thickens and loosens due to the attraction of large amounts of blood and fluid into the uterus. As a result, the abdomen inflates slightly and increases in size due to swelling of the uterine wall. A swollen uterus is the reason for the increase in volume of the abdomen before menstruation. As soon as the female reproductive organ realizes that there is no conception, the endometrium will begin to peel off intensively - blood will be released, that is, menstruation will begin. Already 10-12 hours after detachment, the female organ will normalize in size, and the stomach will become the same.

But if fertilization does occur, every week the woman will notice an increase in the lower abdomen, and it will be firm, which indicates the growth and development of the fetus.

Hormonal manifestations

To understand why the belly enlarges before menstruation, you should delve a little deeper into physiology. Hormones regulate the functioning of all systems and organs. In women, the production of these elements is carried out a little differently than in men, and this is connected precisely with reproductive function.

An absolutely normal physiological phenomenon for women is a slight increase in weight before menstruation (from 1 kg to 2.5 kg).

During the period when the last phase of the menstrual cycle occurs, a large amount of progesterone (female hormone) is released. On this basis, various changes in the functioning of all organs are observed, including the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system (many girls eat tirelessly during this period, freak out for no reason, cry and become dissatisfied).

The stomach swells only before menstruation; on the first day, when it starts, the weight and psychological state are restored. Therefore, if there are no abnormalities or diseases, you just need to endure a few days, and the body’s functioning will normalize. Bloating in the middle of the menstrual cycle is quite normal.

The thing is that female hormones (progesterone, estrogen, prolactin) contribute to the disruption of water-salt balance and retain fluid in the body. At the same time, the elements that are responsible for the accumulation of Na are intensively activated. This substance retains fluid in tissues. In addition, vasopressin begins to be produced. It is an antidiuretic hormone that reduces the frequency of urination. Mother Nature created similar mechanisms so that the female body stores fluid before future blood loss, and this does not become a big stress for the woman. Roughly speaking, the accumulated fluid compensates for the lost blood.

By the way, for the fair sex, bleeding caused by various pathologies or injuries is not as scary as for men, precisely for the reason that women’s bodies are accustomed to parting with a certain amount of blood every month during menstruation.

The place where all the accumulated fluid is stored are fat cells, so the belly begins to enlarge first. Swelling can appear not only in the pelvic area, but also in the legs and arms. Severe swelling, weight gain of more than 3 kg in the period before menstruation indicate a dysfunction of the renal system, a lack of vitamins, in particular B6 and Mg. Another factor that may cause large amounts of fluid retention is excessive consumption of salt-containing foods.

Poor nutrition

Before menstruation, the belly becomes enlarged if a woman does not eat properly. Two weeks before menstruation, the production of the hormone responsible for a good mood decreases. This causes irritability and nervousness. One of the best ways to combat female depression is to eat something delicious. Some are drawn to salty foods, others to sweets. At the same time, female hormones affect the smooth muscles of the body, not bypassing the intestines.

Malnutrition and relaxed muscles lead to constipation, increased gas formation, fermentation, and as a result, the stomach swells, swells, and rumbles. A balanced and proper diet, including foods rich in vitamins and minerals in the diet, will help cope with the problem of bloating before menstruation.

Diseases that cause illness

All of the above conditions are normal before menstruation. But in some cases, bloating is caused by existing diseases.

Pathologies that cause abdominal enlargement before menstruation:

  • diseases of the liver and renal system;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • malignant and benign tumors;
  • gynecological diseases.

Basically, pathological enlargement of the abdomen is observed in the presence of malignant and benign tumors in the pelvic organs. From the gynecological side, fibroids are the most common. But even a small tumor of any other organ of the genitourinary system can provoke a significant increase in the abdomen before menstruation. Therefore, gynecologists recommend that women be examined at least 3-4 times a year to exclude the development of unwanted and serous pathologies.

It is necessary to contact a gynecologist in any case if bloating is accompanied by pain, fever, nausea, dizziness and vomiting.

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Preventive measures

What should a woman do if she has bloating? It will not be possible to completely get rid of the symptoms of approaching menstruation, because this is a physiological process. Such is a woman's lot. It is only possible to reduce the symptoms slightly. The belly will shrink only during menstruation.

What should you do to prevent your stomach from bloating before menstruation:

  • 2 weeks before your period, saturate your diet as much as possible with foods that contain B vitamins (nuts, buckwheat, corn, beans, asparagus, potatoes, bran, liver, yeast, sprouted grains of wheat and barley, milk, poultry, eggs, fish, cheese, spinach, broccoli;
  • exclude products that provoke fermentation and gas formation (grapes, kvass, radishes, confectionery);
  • do not eat salty, spicy, pickled, smoked foods, spices;
  • purchase a complex of elements containing K, Mg, Ca, Zn at the pharmacy;
  • limit caffeine-containing energy drinks and chocolates;
  • consume at least 2.5 liters of water;
  • Reduce salt intake to the maximum.

Gynecologists advise doing exercises before menstruation. They will help reduce your belly fat. Gymnastics are done only before menstruation; on the first day when they begin, exercises should be stopped.

In a sitting position, strain for 2-3 seconds and relax your stomach. Do the exercise 3-4 times a day, 12 times.

In a lying position, pull your hips towards your stomach, clasping them with your arms. Do 2 times a day for 2 weeks 15 times.

In the same position, knees bent, hands on stomach. As you exhale, do not press too hard with your palms on the lower abdomen, while holding your breath for 3-4 seconds. As you inhale, stroke your stomach clockwise.

To prevent gas formation and bloating, it is appropriate to drink decoctions of medicinal herbs, for example, decoction of fennel, angelica root, chamomile, cardamom, ginger, nettle, horsetail, and lovage. Some of the herbs listed are diuretics and will help remove excess fluid.

Some resources provide information that bloating before menstruation can be prevented by taking medications. This can be done, but only after consultation with a gynecologist.

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You can take dietary supplements that contain all the microelements and vitamins necessary for the normal development and functioning of the body. Gynecologists often recommend taking diuretics and medications that normalize the functioning of the hormonal system.

An experienced gynecologist will help determine why bloating occurs before menstruation and the causes of this condition, who, after a detailed examination of the female body, will explain what provokes a change in the female figure.

As the end of the menstrual cycle approaches, followed by the onset of menstruation, a woman experiences certain symptoms. Each representative of the fair sex has her own set of signs of approaching menstruation. Bloating before your period is a very common symptom.

This phenomenon should not scare girls. Due to changes in hormonal levels, the appearance of bloating and flatulence in most cases is a normal physiological reaction. But there are other reasons for an increase in waist size before menstruation.

Causes of bloating before menstruation

Changes in abdominal volume are due to several factors:

  • Body constitution;
  • Development of the muscle corset in the abdominal area;
  • Elasticity of the uterine muscles.

These factors relate to external causes of bloating. Thus, in women who are prone to obesity and underdeveloped abdominal muscles, the likelihood of bloating is higher. If the elasticity of the muscular layer of the uterus is low, it may increase in size before menstruation, which will also entail an increase in the size of the abdomen.

Internal factors for changing the shape of the abdomen before menstruation include:

  • Hormonal changes. After the ovulation phase, the female body begins to prepare for the implantation of a fertilized egg, even if conception has not occurred. On this basis, a hormonal release occurs, which entails changes in the functioning of many body systems. Including, due to the action of sex hormones, the uterus enlarges, which affects the intestines. There was also an effect on the increase in the number of fat cells in this phase of the menstrual cycle. All this is reflected in the shape of the abdomen and the appearance of bloating.
  • Swelling. Nature provides that a woman’s body prepares in advance for the process of menstruation. During menstrual bleeding, blood and micronutrients are lost. For this reason, on the eve of menstruation, the body reserves fluid to compensate for lost blood. The accumulation of fluid in tissues can occur in different parts of the body; the face, limbs, and abdomen may swell.

Another obstacle to the normal removal of water from the body is the synthesis of the antidiuretic hormone - vasopressin. It reduces the frequency of urination. At the end of menstruation, the water-salt balance of the fluid is restored.

Weight gain before menstruation is within the normal range of up to 3 kg. If the increase is more kilograms, then this may be a signal of a malfunction in the functioning of the excretory system.

  • Ovulatory phase. Ovulation is a process accompanied by the most powerful hormonal surge during the menstrual cycle. Many women experience a bloated stomach after it, and may experience flatulence and a feeling of fullness.
  • Contraction of the intestinal walls (peristalsis). In premenstrual syndrome, there is a rush of blood to the pelvic organs. Since the intestines are in close proximity to them, they have to undergo certain changes. Intestinal peristalsis becomes more sluggish and can provoke: digestive disorders, bloating, and a woman may become bloated.
  • Pathologies. Bloating before menstruation can also occur due to pathological processes.

These could be:

  • Malignant and benign neoplasms in the pelvic organs;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

You need to listen carefully to yourself so as not to confuse the physiological norm with pathologies. The diseases are characterized by accompanying symptoms: increased intensity of discharge during menstruation, the urge to urinate frequently, dizziness,.

The absence of both pregnancy and menstruation, subject to bloating, indicates the presence of a pathological process.

The internal causes of bloating during PMS are characterized by difficulty in determining them. That is, physiological processes occur inside the body, they cannot be seen or perceived by touch. And the external manifestation of these processes is one thing - an increase in the size of the abdomen.

Bloating or pregnancy

The line between the symptoms of various processes in a woman’s reproductive system is very thin. It is often quite problematic to distinguish a norm from a violation, especially without a special examination. Early signs of pregnancy may also coincide with the usual warning signs of your period.

When pregnancy occurs, it prepares the reproductive organs for bearing a fetus. The fertilized egg is implanted into the inner wall of the uterus - the endometrium. Under the influence of the hormone, the endometrium thickens, loosens and fills with nutrients. As a result, swelling of the uterine mucosa and distension in the abdominal area occurs.

If you have a positive pregnancy test and feel a bloated belly, you need to tell your gynecologist about this symptom. If it seems that the stomach continues to swell and feels quite dense to the touch, then such a sign in the first months of pregnancy may indicate that the uterus is in increased tone, and this may lead to the threat of miscarriage.

To figure out whether pregnancy is the cause of bloating or a sign of imminent menstruation, you need a little time to observe your body. Every day the pregnancy will make itself felt more and more clearly. Changes in the abdomen will not stop, menstruation will not come and will increase.

By following certain rules, you can overcome the monthly discomfort of bloating. What to do to prevent your stomach from bloating:

Limit your intake of salty and sweet foods. After ovulation, the production of the happiness hormone decreases. The result is irritability, nervousness and a desire to please yourself with something tasty. During the premenstrual period, a woman may crave salty or sweet foods. But in this case, it is not advisable to indulge the whims of your body, as this is fraught with subsequent discomfort.

Stay hydrated. The optimal drink to quench your thirst and benefit your body is water. You can drink water in large quantities. This will help eliminate toxins, hydrate the body and improve digestive function.

It is better to give up coffee, tea, and alcoholic drinks for a while. Caffeine is especially dangerous for girls who have stomach problems. In this case, bloating is guaranteed. Alcohol promotes gas formation and the lower abdomen may become bloated. It is advisable to give up these drinks a week before your expected period if you want to avoid discomfort in the abdominal area.

The exceptions are green teas, which contain less caffeine than black ones, mint tea, and decoctions of medicinal herbs. Peppermint relieves cramping abdominal pain, fights water retention and bloating. Decoctions of fennel, chamomile, horsetail, ginger, and nettle have a diuretic effect.

  • Don't lead a sedentary lifestyle. Long walks and physical exercise have a very beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract: they help remove gases from the body and improve intestinal motility.
  • Eat foods rich in fiber. Eating a diet high in fiber helps combat constipation and bloating. But don't overdo it. It is enough to consume the daily amount of fiber (at least 25 g), excessive consumption can lead to the opposite effect - unfortunate bloating
  • Reduce your intake of dairy products. Despite all their usefulness, dairy products increase gas formation. To prevent your stomach from becoming bloated before your period, you need to reduce their consumption.
  • Don't overeat. Small portions of food on the eve of menstruation are a salvation from heaviness and a feeling of fullness in the stomach. Frequent, but smaller portions in this case will have a positive effect on the digestion process: the regulation of blood glucose levels improves, metabolism accelerates
  • Use medications. For problems of the digestive system such as bloating, flatulence, constipation, diuretics and all kinds of vitamin complexes are most often prescribed. You can start taking vitamins and elements without waiting for a problem to arise - 1-2 weeks before your period. You can take any medication only after prior consultation with your doctor.
  • Take baths. A systematic procedure for taking a bath on the eve of menstruation, with the addition of essential oils of tea tree, eucalyptus, juniper, black pepper. This will help prevent gas formation.

If the question of why your belly gets bigger before your period continues to bother you for longer than the acceptable time, then don’t waste time and go for a consultation. Only a gynecologist can determine the true cause of this phenomenon and give the necessary recommendation.